#dear lord yo
ejoym · 18 days
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Whoops, I slipped and made a fancomic featuring DU Drow! DU Drow belongs to @meanbossart!
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amethystina · 5 months
I'm waiting so excitedly for your updates, old and new, I can't begin to tell you! You are the fandom treasure! And as I'm waiting and biting my nails I wanted to ask something, what do you think about the final scenes of episode 8 where Gaon has dinner with his professor and tells him he chooses Yohan's side. How come Yohan knew where to find them and the precise moment to come in and pick Gaon up, was he following them or did he and Gaon had a deal?
And what's with leaving his car to stand next to Gain and look at professor? I love this scene so much but I don't know if I understand its message right. Was it posturing, laying a claim on Gaon or what? I tend to feel that Yohan was possessive of Gaon when it came to professor and his police friend and I think I feel some of it in this scene but I'm not sure, I just don't have a clear grasp on it. Would love to know your thoughts!
Aww, thank you so much, sweetheart! This is definitely the first time I've been called not just a fandom treasure, but the fandom treasure. Thank you 💜
Ah yes, the "Ga On runs off with his new sugar daddy" scene. Or, as I sometimes like to call it, the "You just don't understand, dad professor — I love him" scene.
I'm joking, obviously.
(... or am I?)
I would say that Ga On and Yo Han made an agreement beforehand, yes. They probably talked about Ga On's choice to switch sides and while Yo Han would no doubt have loved for Ga On to continue on as a double agent (feeding Professor Min intentionally faulty information) Ga On is way too honest for that. So he probably insisted that, no, he'll call Professor Min, meet up with him, and just flat out tell him that Ga On's spying mission is over. He's now going to elope work with Yo Han instead.
And I find it hilarious to think that, most likely, Yo Han was just sitting in his car, perhaps scrolling through his phone, waiting for his newly acquired sugar baby to finish telling his semi-father figure that he's going dark side. Because Ga On gets up and starts walking before Yo Han drives up, meaning that it's not like Ga On saw the car coming and went "oh, better wrap this up now." It was probably the other way around, where Ga On leaving the table was the signal for Yo Han to come pick him up.
So yes, they definitely had an agreement, especially since Ga On seems to know in exactly which direction to walk, even before the car shows up, and doesn't look the least bit surprised by Yo Han's arrival.
They planned that shit.
As for the fact that Yo Han gets out of the car? Well, buckle up, my darlings, because I think we should take a detour to discuss intent.
Now, intent isn't necessarily important when you want to interpret a scene, but I like the extra nuance it can offer. And by intent, I mean what the scriptwriter/director might have intended with a scene. Why is this scene here? What was the plan behind it? How is it supposed to impact the overall story? How does it tie into the rest of the plot?
Which is never something you can say for sure, of course, unless there are interviews expressly stating it, but, a lot of the time, we can guess.
The intent behind this scene, in its simplest, purest form, is to show that Ga On is switching sides. And, with that in mind, it makes sense that he crosses that road to Yo Han's car (if you know me and my metas, you know how much I love lines, characters crossing said lines, and the symbolism of that) and stops to stand next to Yo Han. It's a very simple yet effective way to show Ga On's choice and where it will take him.
Into Yo Han's arms.
NOW. Intent is very useful because, depending on how skilled the person writing is, you can hide a lot of subtext and leave room for a lot of interpretation with a cleverly formulated intent. That's how censored shows get away with so much, because they can point to the perfectly reasonable, heteronormative intent behind a scene and pretend that there aren't also a lot of subtler nuances to the reading.
And, if they're extra bold, they also add hints in the presentation and execution.
The scene where Yo Han invites Sun Ah to the house is a perfect example of this, where the intent is to make her feel lonely, like an outsider, as she's invited to observe this warm, comfortable family. Not a bad tactic as far as manipulation goes, I have to say. So, in other words, very reasonable intent — makes sense with what they're trying to achieve.
The fact that it ends up looking more like Yo Han is proudly showing off his doting, doe-eyed househusband who's passively-aggressively and not-so-discreetly staking his claim is... well, that's just an accidental side effect, isn't it? Not intent at all.
And that's true. It's not intent that makes it look gay.
It's the presentation of the intent.
(Sidenote: To be a fly on the wall when Yo Han and Ga On came up with this strategy. Because, clearly, they were both in on it and, I mean, how did that conversation go? Inquiring minds need to know.
Like, how did they go from: "We need to throw her off balance. We'll invite her to the house, show what she's missing out on, but also give her hints that she could have it all, if she's willing to surrender" to Ga On going: "I'll cook a fancy dinner. That'll make her jealous."
I mean, he's not wrong but, like, Mr. Sugar Baby. What? x'D
Also, imagine Yo Han's face. Transcendent.)
Anyway. Intent can also ruin a story. I think most of us have read a fanfic and gone: "... that character wouldn't do that. This makes no sense." That could be a sign that the author's intent is clashing with the characters or the story they're trying to tell. Or, put more bluntly, that the author is so focused on forcing an idea that they don't realise that they're going against the logic of the story or characters' personalities. Things happen because they want them to, not because it makes sense, meaning that the intent isn't tied to the story or characters, but what the writer wants. This is badly planned intent.
And, most of the time, readers can tell when the intent is off, even if you might not be able to put your finger on it while you're reading. But if you're feeling a niggling doubt at the back of your mind, wondering why this scene is here, what this scene even means, or why this character suddenly seems to act so strangely, it could be that the writer didn't plan it well enough.
That's not to say that a reader must always know the intent behind a scene. Ideally, the story should be good enough that they don't have to stop and think about things like that. If the intent and internal logic are sound enough, it should just flow naturally.
Because, when it comes down to it, pretty much all scenes in a story have an intent and that intent should be in harmony with the characters' personalities and how they would choose to behave. And I don't mean that there can never be conflict or that characters can't disagree — I mean that all scenes should have a reason for being there. It doesn't have to be a deep or complex reason, but there should be a reason that ties into the overarching plotline. And characters shouldn't be forced into a scene they have no business being in. Intent is very important from a crafting standpoint.
And intent is one of the things that makes The Devil Judge such an absolute joy. Because while there is always a perfectly reasonable — and very heterosexual, we promise — intent behind most scenes, they often choose to present the scenes in a way that leaves room for a much queerer reading. Now, that can happen with almost any story, but what sets The Devil Judge apart is that it seems to be entirely intentional.
The presentation is by no means subtle or accidental.
Like, they didn't have to make Ga On shuffle up in a soft, comfortable sweater and greet Sun Ah like a caring househusband, but they did. That was a conscious choice.
And this scene you mention, with Yo Han getting out of his car when he's picking Ga On up, falls into a similar category in my mind. The surface-level intent is clear — show that Ga On is switching sides — but he could simply have said so. He could have borrowed a car and driven himself. Yo Han didn't have to come pick him up. And he certainly didn't have to get out of the car.
But he did.
And that might be what you're picking up on when you're saying that you're not sure if you're understanding the message correctly. Because in a drama this clever, that puts so much effort into details and, again, intent, it feels almost a bit odd to leave this gaping hole, doesn't it? Yo Han stepping out of that car should mean something, right?
And, once you've gotten this far, you've got a couple of options to choose from to fill in the blanks. Either you can assume that it was just something the creators chose to do because it looked/seemed cool and therefore might not mean much at all. And considering that this drama does that a couple of times, this could honestly be the case. Maybe they just thought it would be more effective to have Yo Han to step out of the car? To really hammer it home to Professor Min what's happening?
Your other option is to bring in the harmonisation between intent and characters. Because, if the writer is good and their characters consistent, you should be able to pick up on secondary layers of intent, running parallel with the main one. Because while each scene has an intent, each character IN that scene also has one (though perhaps it would be more comfortable to call it purpose at this point?).
In other words: If "it looked cool" isn't the answer, could we find it in the character's behaviour instead? What is their intent, based on their personalities and previous actions? Does that give a more satisfying answer?
What reason would Mr. Kang "Abyss" Yo Han have for stepping out of that car?
I, personally, think that the answer is pretty simple.
He is absofuckinglutely staking a claim.
He's stepping out of that car because he's a Possessive, Dramatic Bitch and wants to rub it in Professor Min's face. He wants to show that he's won, that he's turned the spy Professor Min sent, and that he's, quite literally, taking Ga On away.
Yo Han is basically going: "Thanks for the sugar baby — I'll make sure to ravish savour treasure him."
So while the main goal of that scene is to establish that Ga On is switching sides, the intent Yo Han adds with his actions leaves room for a very gay reading. In fact, I'd argue that doing so only makes the scene more believable, since Yo Han's actions are otherwise kind of... unnecessary? He has no reason to step out of the car and make himself known, unless it's for the dramah.
Again, the presentation of the intent is where the magic happens.
So, why this long, godawful rant about intent, you ask? When I could just have answered the question right away?
Because while I know that I'm preaching to the choir in terms of this drama being gay as hell, I just want to highlight the importance of intent and how it can change the reading of a scene. I think intent — or specifically the harmony between characters and intent, and the various layers of intent — is absolutely fascinating, especially in this drama.
Especially if you want to argue that it's gay.
Because there is, in fact, some scenes where I just... I can't. The intent and characterisation don't match at all — unless you add a queer element. Like, this drama is so clever. Not perfect, mind you, but so clever. And so careful with especially Yo Han and Ga On's characterisation. Very little is left to chance.
And so, if you keep everything I've said about intent and characters in mind, and I ask you to explain the intent behind this one, singular shot, can you do so without making it gay?
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I'm not joking when I say that this scene, right here, was the one that definitively made me go "oh fuck, this is gay gay."
Because in most others — if not all — I can find that safe surface-level intent which means that the people behind this drama can claim plausible deniability. Of course it's not gay! Look at this perfectly reasonable, heterosexual intent!
Except this one.
There's no explanation for this. Ga On has no reason to look this jealous unless his jealousy is the main intent behind this shot. There just isn't. And it's only made worse by his huff and the way he clenches his jaw a couple of seconds later. Not even the argument that Sun Ah is their enemy so letting her fix Yo Han's tie might be dangerous can justify this, since that's not a look of concern or alarm — that's jealousy.
The intent is jealousy. Plain and simple.
And that's why intent is important. Because, if push came to shove, the intent behind this one, singular screenshot could, theoretically, be the only evidence you need if you wanted to defend a queer reading of this drama.
Because there is, quite frankly — in my humble opinion as the fandom treasure — no other way to explain the look on his face in a drama this meticulous and obsessed with details.
In this scene, unlike all the others, the queerness isn't just in the presentation anymore — it's in both the intent and presentation.
So, if you want the scene that says "this shit's gay, fam"?
This is the one.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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yanaleese · 8 months
Can I just say that y'all are REALLY thirsty
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thehistorynut19 · 11 months
💌🎀🎡 from the sleepover ask game for Rau and Sento!
💌 How did you/your F/O confess your feelings to one another?
Am I going to die here?
It's a single thought that she has as she's laying in that lab, poison in her veins and carcinogenic materials stinging her heart.
I'm going to die here.
The gas makes it difficult to breath, even as Evolt gently caresses her cheek, gives her life.
Sento finds her by tearing down the lab with his own two hands, breaking the capsule and bringing her into his arms. He's warm, the sun to the moon and it's the warmest thing she's ever felt.
"Rau..." he whispers, nuzzling her cheek as a rabbit would, praying he could breathe life back into her dyinng veins.
"I'm here..."
Don't go where I can't follow, to that garden beyond
It's a few days after Rau became a Rider, going through the experiments hurt her yes but she refuses to let herself wilt away
A flower growing in the concrete despite all adversity.
She normally wakes up and cooks for everyone but since she had come back, the others have been cooking instead of her. She's kept trying to cook but Sento keot dragging her back to bed.
They've installed a "guard" in the kitchen and Sento's next. He fell asleep and woke up to see Rau cooking again and he's beginning to scold her but she places his fave breakfast in front of him, a tired smile to her lips "You need to go back to bed, Rau" its a gentle murmur from him as he stands and tries to usher her back to her room
"I refuse, actually" The poison in her veins made her own body work against her, when they found her the gas had made her comatose for a long while.
He's lost her once thanks to that snake and losing her again?
"I can finally fight with you guys. I can protect you instead of just staying on the sidelines." Raus a fighter and he knows this, after all she had managed to poison evolt for a good while
"You're still recovering!"
"I'm fine!"
He catches her as she stumbled, dropping her knife and deathly hot frying pan.
"Rau please..."
I cant lose you
"...huh?" And they stare at one another because he had ushered those words unknowingly. "What...did you say?"
"I cant lose you!" He's shaking and almost close to a sense of tears, hugging her ou so close. "Wheb you were kidnaoped the world stopped and...I thought you were going to die while you were in the coma and I just...I love you too much to let you die because of this damn war"
And she presses her lips to his-
🎀 What’s your favorite thing about your F/O’s appearance?
His wil smile that he makes, his eyes turning into crescent moons~
🎡 What’s your dream date to go on with your F/O?
For SenRau its probably a botanical garden but also just hanging out together. They finally have all of the time in the world now, without war breathing down their backs and braying at their heels for food, scraps thrown out by them.
dare i say their ideal date is also their bed
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stelashe · 11 months
If there are people I HATE on here are academia pretentious assholes that brag about how many difficult books they allegedly read while quoting 14 yo tiktokers with the reading comprehension of a chair
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creatorj-meow · 2 years
Even if i do, no mi voy a clamé
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abra-ka-dammit · 8 months
when i was a minor the internet was still new enough that it was hard to find specific things
and also it was early enough in Web Existence that i was 100% certain id be hacked or get a virus if i clicked the wrong search result
(also for a lot of it my parents could see what i searched/looked at bc i was dumb and didnt know abt history so i was real careful abt what i typed too)
so imagine how i feel in 2023 as an adult reading ripped scanlations of any yaoi manga i please on a seedy website that didnt exist in My Yaoi Era and seeing just. countless blatant and even self confessed minors in the comments making thirsty statements about dicks and smut and talking about the actually vile Bad ones they read when they were 12 (2 years ago) etc etc
its. horrifying. not only bc theres people with literally "so what im 14 f**k off haters" as a signature talking about how badly they want a giant cock to ride (and no this is not a site where meeting/messaging/talking to people is a thing so i do NOT think its posing pedos at all) but because i know for a fact that if i was their age during this era i would be right there with them. except for the wanting cock thing tbh i was always more into the romance--coming to terms with gay feelings stories hit hard for my confused budding bisexual kid ass. but i would still be one of those, actual children, happily consuming explicit adult content thinking im so mature for my age and getting all sorts of wrong ideas about what is and is not okay in a relationship or just life
like at least i was limited to what was offered on the shelves at barnes & noble and suncoast (and atomic comics, RIP). Stuff officially translated by US companies and stocked in normal bookstores in the 2000's tended not to even show censored wieners, it was all cut off or hidden by spans of magical fuzz or what have u. and even if i wanted more, i wasnt sure how to find it online and if i DID find it i was fairly certain it would break the computer and get my ass in huge trouble
youre not mature for your age, i promise. youre just fucking up your own brain before its fully developed because much as kids SAY they can separate fiction from reality... youre not so good at it. you dont recognize which parts are the fanstasy and which parts are not in these placed-in-the-real-world romance and smut stories. you see obvious manipulation like romantic interest telling main guy not to hang out with other guys bc he gets mad when hes jealous and call red flag but then post heart eyes when its subtle because ohh thats just loyalty thats just love, minor obsession IS romance and the best-friend side character that keeps trying to help their main character friend recognize the toxicity is just annoying
like yall dont even know what youre saying its killing me inside
i hope you dont make the same idiot mistakes and allow the same shitty things as i did in my early romantic endeavors. i hope you come to understand what real love looks like sooner than i did even while having been exposed to so much less. god, i hope.
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castleintheskye · 1 year
Good news: the new hire took some vendors off my plate
Bad news: she does not fully understand our programs so vendors are still contacting me about payment issues
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sixx-sixx-sixx · 5 months
LADY BRIDGERTON - Anthony Bridgerton x wife!reader (smut)
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Summary: Reader has been married to Anthony Bridgerton for too long, it feels, although it has only been a few years. In that short time, not only has he only touched her naked body once, but he comes home most nights smelling of sweat and another woman’s perfume. Lady Whistledown has caught wind of this, and the gossip sends Lady Bridgerton over the edge. Anthony takes the time to give his wife exactly what she’s asking for.
Warnings: smut; badly written smut lol; infidelity; arguments about infidelity; possibly out of character anthony; I’ve only watched season 1 of Bridgerton; breeding kink; unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it but this is a married couple); female reader/use of she/her pronouns; as always, proofread to the best of my ability
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“Do you wish to make a fool of me?” Anthony leaned down to whisper in his young wife’s ear, a firm hand grabbing her elbow as he interrupted her conversation with a young man from Russia, or Hungary. He didn’t pay much mind to the boy so much as the woman who bore his last name, fully aware of the way she had been subtly flirting with many men that night. Taking count of the glasses of bubbles she had — she was nursing her fourth flute, Anthony had decided it was enough.
Don’t make a scene.
Lady Bridgerton felt an intense urge to strike her husband across his cheek, how dare he accuse her of making a fool out of him. All evening she had overheard whispers of Anthony’s name from nasty gossipers. The young Bridgertons had been the central characters in the latest edition of Lady Whistledown. Rumor has it that Lord Bridgerton had continued an affair with a certain singer, without bothering to hide it from his young wife. Even worse? Lady Bridgerton knew, as they all knew, and never seemed to let the truth affect how she presented herself to those around her.
“Would you like me to answer that truthfully, my dear husband?” She turned her gaze towards him, her eyes alight with a burning fury towards the unfaithful man she had devoted her life to. She jerked her arm away from his grip and started to lift the glass to her painted lips. Anthony grabbed the dainty piece of glass and shook his head, “I think you’ve had enough. It’s time for you to go home.”
A bitter laugh escaped her mouth before she could stop it, as a few heads turned to observe the titular couple. “If that is your wish, Mr. Bridgerton.” She turned on her heel and started to make her way out to the cold air, cursing herself for leaving her coat in the carriage. She didn’t even bother to wait for her husband to catch up as she informed the valet they would be leaving.
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The carriage ride to the estate wasn’t anything special. She would sit and seethe in silence during the ride, her eyes burning a hole through Anthony’s forehead as he sat across from her. The argument began once the couple was behind the safety of their bedroom door, standing in front of each other with defenses up. “We have been married for two years, Anthony! Two years and the only time you have touched me was on our wedding night. Yet every night you come home, to OUR bed, smelling like some whore’s perfume! I am left to listen to the ton gossip about MY empty bed!” She nearly hissed the words to punctuate her accusations. Anthony had never seen such an outburst from the young woman, she had never spoken to him like that before. She was standing before him, the drinks she had at the ball fueling her anger and simultaneously allowing the anger to sober her head.
“I know that I wasn’t who you wanted to marry, I understand that this was just a beneficial arrangement for you. But I expect that as the woman who now holds your family name, who will one day bear your children, that you could at the very least respect me!” She was angry that he had just stood there and watched her yell, but at the same time, she wouldn’t let him get a word in.
“You cannot expect me to be a dutiful wife and lady if you refuse to grant me at least the tiniest shred of dignity. You, sir, make a fool of yourself, I am merely seeking that same kind of attention you seek from Siena.” Her voice dripped with sickly sweet venom as she spat the woman’s name.
Anthony allowed the woman to speak her mind on his infidelity, finally admitting to himself that he had been unfair to her. He frequently came into their room in the middle of the night when he expected the woman to be asleep. In the beginning of the marriage, he had at least tried to hide the evidence, changing his clothes before he climbed under the blankets next to her. Now, she was accustomed to him laying down beside her without even taking off the shirt that was stained with Siena’s stage makeup and that reeked of her pungent perfume.
“I do not understand, Anthony. I can come to terms with a loveless marriage, but I am so exhausted by knowing you’re giving her that kind of attention, and I have remained loyal to you despite the obvious signs of your affair-“ her rant was abruptly cut short when Anthony floated over to her, his hands gripping her cheeks with fervor as he crashed his lips to hers. Taking only a moment to stand in shock, she pressed her lips back against his, her hand reaching to grip onto the front of his overcoat. Desperately reaching for more, trying to edge him closer to their bed but ultimately allowing him full control over her mind, body and soul. She let out a disappointed whimper when his lips parted from hers, his face inches from her own.
“What is it that you want from me, woman? You wish for me to touch you the way I touch her? Or do you believe my hands to be too stained?” She hated how close his lips were, desperately trying to reach forward as he spoke his mind. She didn’t really care how improper the words sounded as they came from his mouth, because she DID want him to touch her- not just touch, she wanted him to fuck her the way he fucked his mistress.
She took a moment to find her words, not expecting her confrontation to lead to this moment. “Anthony, I am your wife. All I want is for you to- to fuck me the way a husband fucks his wife.”
Understanding that he had a year’s worth of missing passion to make up for, and seeing that deep down he had no other choice than to obey the woman before him, he easily obliged. In this moment, Siena didn’t exist to him. He was purely focused on making sure his duties as a husband were thoroughly taken care of. Tonight, he would go to sleep smelling of his wife’s soft scent, making sure to cover the woman in marks of his affection.
Little time was wasted in getting their clothes off. A mess of hands clashing together to try and undo buttons and layers and loops, the couple grasping at each other as though they were desperate for the other as a life source.
Anthony paused for a moment to admire his lady’s body in the soft candlelight, letting his hands first run over the delectable curve of her hips, trailing up her sides before settling on her supple breasts.
“I’m sorry that I have spent so long torturing you, making you only imagine my hands touching you like this. I promise, my lady, I will do a much better job at attending to whatever it is you wish from me.” Anthony promised as his eyes stayed locked with hers. Her pupils were blown wide, and he realized he didn’t even know what color her irises were meant to be. He told himself he’d be a better husband to her after this, wanting to ensure her place in society as his wife. He’d fuck her full of his seed tonight, and every night after that, to make sure that Lady Whistledown could never accuse him of neglecting his wife’s desires again.
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“Please, my lord, please--“ Lady Bridgerton sounded deliciously desperate, and it excited Anthony in a way that he had never experienced in his years-long affairs with Siena. It spurred him to plunge his cock deeper into his wife, his hand pushing her thigh down to her shoulder as he positioned her to angle himself deeper. She would probably think about the pressure against her cervix for the rest of her life, praying to God that she’d be able to experience this side of her husband for the rest of their lives together.
“What is it that you want, Lady Bridgerton? Tell me with words, my love, I want to hear you say it.” In this close position he could make sure she could look into his eyes to see he was genuine in this moment.
She was surprised at his stamina and determination tonight, focused more on her body than chasing his own release. A complete contrast to their wedding night, she felt like he treated the consummation as a chore. This was a much, much better experience. She had lost count of the times he had made her cum tonight, and the ways he had coaxed her orgasms from her.
“Anthony- Christ! Please don’t stop, want you to fuck me full til i’m round with your child-“ her voice was ragged and on the verge of giving out after not holding back a single sound. She didn’t care how pathetic she sounded begging for what seemed like the bare minimum from her husband.
Anthony leaned down to capture her lips in a messy kiss, reaching down to grab her hand that was tangled in the sheets beneath her. He caught any noises that escaped her, the sounds muffled against his own mouth, moving to hold her hand above her head. She clutched at his hand and whimpered his name as his hips stilled after a few sloppy thrusts, thick ropes coating her walls.
Anthony stayed put for a moment so as to not waste a drop, pulling his lips from hers before ghosting them over the hammering pulse in her neck. He gently maneuvered her pliable body into a resting position, slowly pulling himself from her and getting up from the bed.
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After he had gently cleaned up the mess he had made of the woman, Anthony peppered soft kisses over her stomach as he made his way up to lay down next to her. She instantly curled into his chest and closed her eyes, taking her time in coming down from the cloud she was on. She could feel his fingers gently combing through her mussed hair, the sensation slowly bringing her back to earth.
“Are you alright, Lady Bridgerton?” Anthony spoke softly to not spook her, his arms locked safely around her keeping her pressed to his body. Her lips quirked into a smile and he took notice of the way her cheek dimpled, his thumb moving to stroke over the small impression.
“I am absolutely content, Lord Bridgerton.” She opened her eyes to look up at her husband’s face. Anthony smiled as he kissed her again, a kiss so tender that nearly brought tears to her eyes.
“I may not be the perfect husband, but I vow to do better by you. I will end things with Siena and tend to the parts of you that I’ve been neglectful of.” Anthony made a promise to her after he had pulled away. His wife reached up to grab his hand in hers, moving it to press a gentle kiss to his knuckles before she spoke.
“You can use all of the sweet words that you want, you’ll still have to prove yourself with actions.” She squeezed his hand gently, “But I think this has been good start.”
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genderqueer-karma · 1 year
people are so …. abnormal…. about other people and their personal lives …. lowkey hate a nosy ass bitch
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adventures-written · 2 years
*the pieces morph into many little greyfaces that cling to Knives like pollen* We are infinite.
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"Get off!" Blades start spinning around him, flinging these weird grey things everywhere.
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harunayuuka2060 · 7 months
Asmo: In every seduction exam we had, MC would ace them without a problem~.
Azul, Jamil, and Leona: ...
Azul: Interesting. Do you have any photos to prove that?
Asmo: Photos? We don't have those, dear~.
Leona: *looks a bit disappointed*
Jamil: *gives Leona a side eye*
Asmo: But we have videos~.
Azul: My! How convenient!
MC: *walks into the room, carrying some boxes* What's convenient?
Asmo: Darling~ Can I watch with your besties in my room~?
MC: Sure. But for the love of the whole Devildom, Asmo, don't make them watch anything questionable.
Leona: We're not kids.
Azul: Indeed!
MC: ...
MC: Azul, that face-
Jamil: Mr. Asmodeus wants to show the videos of the seduction exams you took.
MC: ...
MC: Asmo-
Asmo: You have already given your permission, darling~
MC: Why you-
Lucifer: MC, you need to check on Levi and Idia.
MC: Huh? Why?
Lucifer: Levi is on the verge of summoning Lotan.
MC: *facepalm* I'll be there in a second. Asmo-
*Asmo, Azul, Leona, and Jamil have already left.*
MC: ...
Lucifer: MC.
MC: Yes, yes. I will go there now. Luci, keep an eye on Malleus for me, okay?
Lucifer: Oh. Don't worry about him. He's doing well with Beel and Belphie now.
Belphie: I see.
Beel: So you're not a threat at all.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: What does that mean?
Lilia: Yes. He's only said that he's a prince and an heir to the throne.
Belphie: Yeah. I mean, we have a prince too back in Devildom.
Beel: Lord Diavolo is his name.
Belphie: He's MC's lover too.
Beel: But he could barely spend time with them.
Belphie: He was too busy.
Lilia: That sounds tough.
Malleus: Even so... How did they become lovers?
Beel and Belphie: ...
Belphie: Because of Lucifer.
Beel: Yes. Because of Lucifer.
Lilia: *understanding it immediately*
Lilia: I didn't know MC also works that way.
Malleus: Huh?
Vil: I don't like how we are separated by sins.
Riddle: Yes. Why was I grouped with Mr. Satan, Grim, and Cater?
MC: ...
MC: I'm not gonna answer that.
MC: Anyway, has anyone seen Mammon and the others-
MC: *received a call from him*
MC: Hello?
Mammon: Yo, MC. Uh. Is it okay if we do a separate party?
MC: ...
MC: What do you mean?
Mammon: I'm jamming with your buddies.
MC: Hmm. Yeah. It's okay-
Ace, Deuce, and Epel: I'M JUST CRAZY FOR YOU!
Kalim: *the sound of him and the others cheering*
MC: ...
MC: Call me again if you need some food or something.
Mammon: Okay~. *hangs up*
Vil: Was that Epel and the other two potatoes?
MC: Yes. How about we enjoy this party too?
Riddle: I walked past Mr. Asmodeus's room earlier.
MC: Right. I almost forgot about THAT.
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igotanidea · 9 months
Not enough: Anthony Bridgerton x reader
(Part 2 to too much)
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„I am so terribly sorry for the inconvenience I might have brought on you with my sudden appearance-” she started while walking inside the place of her destination or, to put it more bluntly, after fleeting from her own house upon not-so-subtle fight with her still-husband.
„Y/n! Nonsense my dear, your presence is always welcomed here.” she heard in response and for the first time since the argument she managed to look into the eyes of another person as well as take in the scene in front of her.
Oh dear lord!
Her timing couldn’t be more wrong.
Apparently the only person who was missing from the widow viscountess Bridgerton household was the queen herself, since not only the lady of the house alongside with all her unmarried daughters were enjoying the afternoon tea, but - to Y/N’s very well hidden terror - the duchess and lady Danburry were present as well.
„duchess.” Y/N bowed in the most polite manner she could even though her knees were shaking „lady Danburry.”
Act like nothing happened.
Behave like a lady and not like a little kid, who came her to pour all her worries and tell on her husband who happened to be mean. The last thing she needed was for everyone to talk about her nervousness and giddiness. None of those ladies would be easily fooled and most definitely not lady Danburry with her nosy nature and piercing gaze.
The point was to visit her favourite sister-in-law Eloise who- luckily - were free of any marriage troubles and gain some perspective but that scenario flew away with the gentle summer breeze faster than Y/N could think.
And now she would be kindly invited to join the tea and the respect for widower viscountess alongside with the obligation to the higher positioned duchess (even if family) would forbid her from declining.
„Y/N.” Daphne sent her that tiny, quite shy smile that didn’t calm the nerves even in the slightest. Yes, the duchess was one of the most polite and subtle person in the society, but she was also happily married with another baby on the way.
„Viscountess Bridgerton.” the oldest, lady Danburry on the opposite was known from her sharp tongue and straightforward attitude. That one did not pull her punches.
„My dearest Y/N.” Violet Bridgerton, the mother in law stood up from her place and hugged the girl close. Obviously she was the most open one with her emotions. And the simple warm welcome made Y/n feel a bit strengthened to the point when she even gave a little smile. Tiniest, but honest and still visible.
„Is Anthony with you my dear?’
„Unfortunately my husband is absorbed with the matter of the household today.” Y/N explained, taking a seat next to Violet. „I was rather confused with all the men’s affairs, which brought me here.”
„confused?” Eloise, of whose presence everyone seemed to forget scoffed from her book „You are way smarter that Anthony is, Y/n!”
„Eloise!” her mother friendly scolded her second daughter
„It’s true mama!”
„Even though-’
„Did you come baring notices by any chance, viscountess?" lady Agatha cut into the family exchange innocently taking a sip of her tea, those sharp eyes of a predator glistening
„Yes viscountess, notices. It;s been a fair amount of time since the marriage, surely something should happen soon between two people who are lucky enough to be in love as much as yo and the viscount?”
Oh, she meant that kind of notices.
„May this be so, Y/n?” Daphne asked seeming uncharacteristically brisk. „shall we expect?”
„I certainly hope she won’t be burdened with the heir to the title any time soon--”
„Is it the only purpose of a woman to be obedient to a man and give him children?!”
All the four older woman in the room went quiet and Eloise realised she might have had said a little bit too much. Not only for the lady but in general.
„I suppose our dearest Y/N would love to become a mother and bless us with the little boy or girl, am I correct?”
Of course I would love to, Violet.
I would love to.
Unfortunately so it happens your oldest son refuses to even speak or look at me, let alone performing his so-called marital duty. Which is even more tragic, since I became one to him. Here is the essence of my existence - forever being reminded of the burden I put on his shoulder with storming into his life.
Obviously those thoughts were something the newest viscountess Bridgerton could not form out loud.
„I shall send the regards to my husband ladies. Certainly will not omit to inform him of the expectation placed upon us both.” was the only thing she managed to say with confidence before her voice broke and she covered the sudden wavering by reaching for the sweet placed on the nearby platter.
„Oh my dearest Y/N, it’s no obligation!” Violet seemed quite hurt by the words spoken by her daughter-in-law „Regardless - a child is always a miracle that-”
„Maybe Y/N wouldn’t have to worry about it, if Anthony were taking more interest in her rather than spending time with Benny and Colin.”
„It’s just a simple observation! Benedict and Colin are still bachelors, even though the ladies of kind are sharpening their claws for them both, considering the fact the viscountess title is not longer available. Nonetheless, neither of them seem to be interested in taking in marriage-”
‘Eloise!” Violet called upon her daughter once more
„Perhaps if they weren’t spending their times in the club, effectively convincing Anthony to go with them--”
‘Enough, young lady!”
„Enough Eloise.”
Y/N went pale at all the words spoken. Not because of their truthfulness, but due to the fact that the word already got out. This was a calamity she was trying her best to cover up and now her favourite member of the family announced them to the world, not thinking about the possible consequences of aforementioned action.
„Y/N, are you quite all right?” Daphne was the first one to take some action „that sudden pallor cannot be good for you. Shall we take a walk?”
Naturally the little stroll around the room will be something to make her feel better. Luckily the most perceptive Eloise noticed the torpid expression on the viscountess face and, not giving her sister any chance to press the matter further, vigorously explained that Daphne certainty meant an actual promenade outside on the manor grounds and that was something y/n was more than delighted to engage in.
Presenting a perfect opportunity to actually indulge in a meaningful conversation not regarding children and submission due to a woman.
On the other side of the city Anthony didn’t even notice his wife’s actual absence.
How could he, when she was always present and vivid in his mind, leaving him with her image in front of his eyes even when she was away from him.
Y/N’s face and silhouette, her smile and her resonant, joyful laughter were forever carved in his mind, ever since the day she laughed at him at the lake upon their first meeting, through the first moment of stolen forbidden intimacy, up to the moment looked into her eyes while vowing to love and to cherish her.
His beautiful bride.
His beautiful wife.
Strong willed, hot headed, always having an opinion of her own and doing things her own way, capable to charm everyone with the cheerful character and most natural humor and intelligence.
All the traits that could not be bought by any of the obedient, quiet and shy ladies from high society.
All the traits that put him under her spell and made him want to spend the rest of his life with Y/n.
Only with her.
And he didn’t want to fight, he wanted the same kind of marriage his own parents were joyful to share.
It was all so perfect, until the moment those bright memories got covered with storm clouds of how he behave towards her.  
Not that the viscount gave them much thoughts, too lost in his own meaningless settlements that were not due till the fore-coming month.
It was easier this way.
Forgetting about all the words he said int he moment of anger and of fear (if not mere terror) of his own emotions.
Emotions that, unfortunately, refused to be closed in a hard shell of harsh, obsessive behaviour and being ignored.
Once let out, they wanted to run free.
And oh, so they did, causing the viscount to feel dizzy and giving him palpitations.
All the marriages had their bad moments.
It was impossible to continue for years keeping the same flame that started years ago.
The wife was supposed to be obedient and comply with her husband wishes, especially not bothering him with her presence and whimsical needs or fairy-tell beliefs.
A lady was a diamond in the crown but a wife became a part of the estate, of the livestock. Forever in her husband’s hand to rule.
He was the the man.
He was the viscount and before he met her she was just another long-forgotten by admirers débutante desperate to--
No this was not true and as much as it would be comfortable for Anthony to dwell in all those thoughts, his heart was still in the right place giving him a very clear signal it was time to stop justifying his previous action. Those were the foundation for a very unstable and fragile house that could be blown away easily.
Maybe it wasn’t that his emotions were too much. Maybe it was that his heart capacity was not enough to contain the amount of affection he held for his one and only.
His Y/N.
And he couldn’t have that.
He had to find her wherever she might have been.
He had to fight for her and make it all right.
Even if that meant getting back on his knees, making a scene straight out of those unrealistic romance novels ladies loved and putting it into practice.
„Where on earth is my wife?!” he yelled to the servants, opening the door to his office, his voice loud enough to make the walls shake.
I’m coming for you, my viscountess.
My love.
It's not over yet!
Edit: part 3 : almost there
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streamofcolors · 2 months
𝔐𝔦𝔰𝔰 𝔶𝔬𝔲.
Cregan Stark x Reader.
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Summary: Your husband, Cregan, has been preoccupied with his duties, neglecting you in the process. He makes up for it in a delightful way.
Warnings: SMUT (mdni), p in v sex, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), mutual orgasm.
Author's note: I must admit I'm petrified about posting this. It has been ages since I've written, but this gorgeous man has sparked my imagination. I hope you all enjoy! 🖤
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You find yourself pacing back and forth in your chamber, unable to find rest. The pale blue sky of the day has transformed into a somber, dark canvas. Stars illuminate the sky like snowflakes in the night.
Cregan has been preoccupied with his duties as Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, resulting in a lack of attention to you. And you could never begrudge him for it; his duties came first. That is something you came to terms with a long time ago. But, oh, how you desire his attention.
You succumb to your desires and slip your robe over your nightgown before crossing the hall to Cregan’s chamber.
“Who is it?” grumbles Cregan, who is taking a bath when he hears a knock at the door.
“It is I, your wife,” you say softly, leaning your forehead against the door as you silently pray Cregan will grant you entrance.
Cregan raises an eyebrow as you speak. He had assumed it was one of his servants. "Come in," he replies, readjusting himself in the tub.
With a sigh of relief, you open the door and enter the chamber. The pleasant aroma of the bath envelops your senses, creating a soothing atmosphere. Your breath hitches at the sight of Cregan in his tub, his bare, chiseled chest protruding from the water.
“To what do I owe your presence at this hour?” Cregan asks as you approach his side.
You kneel alongside the tub and gently take the sponge from Cregan’s grasp. “You’ve been awfully preoccupied lately,” you point out cautiously, scrubbing his shoulder for him. You can see the wheels turning in Cregan’s head as he thinks about how to respond. He can sense your frustration.
“Duty is sacrifice,” he sighs, his gaze softening. Though he would never admit it, the last few days have been tiring.
You hum in agreement. “I am aware of that, my love. But that does not change the fact that I miss my husband.”
Cregan’s lips twitch upward into a grin. “You miss me? I am right here.”
You grin and huff, “Not in that way, Cregan.”
Cregan gently grasps your forearm, halting your scrubbing. “C’mere,” he says softly as he gently tugs on you.
He slips the robe off your shoulders, leaving you in your nightgown. He guides you into the bathtub with him, unconcerned about soaking your nightgown.
As you sink into the tub with Cregan, your nightgown becomes clingy, the thin fabric immediately soaked through and rendered translucent by the water. Cregan's eyes roam over your figure, taking in the way the water has made the fabric cling to your curves, accentuating every contour. He reaches out, his hands finding your hips and slowly guiding you to sit on his lap, facing him. The water ripples gently around you, lapping against your skin.
“Tell me, in what way does my dear wife miss me, then?”
You awkwardly place your hands on Cregan’s chest, a scarlet flush creeping up your cheeks as you silently curse yourself for being so bold as to come here.
“You haven’t summoned me to your chambers in days,” you whisper so softly that it is barely audible.
Cregan snickers, attempting to maintain composure for your sake. “Come on now, love, don’t get all shy on me.”
“I have missed you too. You have no idea how much it pains me to spend so much time apart,” he consoles you as his thumb caresses your hip comfortingly.
“How about this? Tonight, I am all yours,” Cregan says in a husky voice as he raises your face by your chin in a gentle manner.
Your gaze flickers from Cregan’s grey eyes to his lips. The subtle gesture is all the confirmation he needs, prompting Cregan to delicately press his lips against yours.
You shriek against his lips as he rises, holding you in his muscular arms. He carries you to his bed with ease, leaving a trail of water droplets on the stone floor.
Cregan chuckles as he drops you on his bed, watching you bounce. You are soaking the furs, but he could not care less. He gets to his knees at the foot of the bed and pulls you down to the edge.
"I've been neglecting you," he murmurs against your calf, kissing his way up your bare leg.
His lips are soft, almost silken, and pillowy against your sensitive skin. Your soaked nightgown is bunched up at your waist. You can feel the soft tickle of his breath on your thigh, your fingers carding through his hair as he hovers near your core.
“Forgive me,” he murmurs before placing what he often referred to as a “northerner’s kiss” on your bundle of nerves.
Cregan’s tongue moves with precision, finding every sensitive spot that makes you whimper and writhe. Your hips begin to move in sync with his mouth, craving more of the delightful sensations he is giving you.
Cregan begins to suckle on your bundle of nerves, his eyes locked on your face as you let out a sharp gasp. Your fingers tug at his hair, eliciting a deep moan from him.
His fingers tease your entrance, delicately circling before gently pushing inside. The sensation of fullness feels overwhelming, causing you to arch your back and cry out.
His fingers move in sync with the movements of his mouth, curled inside of you, pushing you closer to the edge.
“Cregan, please,” you beg needily.
“I know, love, I know” he says as he rises from his knees.
Cregan's lips press against yours, your flavour lingering on his tongue. He guides you up on the bed, positioning himself at your throbbing entrance. You wrap your legs around his waist, gasping as he begins to push inside of you.
The pleasure is palpable as he slowly buries himself to the hilt. Cregan groans, his forehead resting against yours as he comes to a halt, allowing you to adjust to him.
“By the gods, you feel so good,” he whispers, his voice strained with the effort of holding himself back.
Cregan moves slowly, his thrusts deep and deliberate, sending waves of pleasure through your body. Your gasps and moans blend to create a symphony of pleasure that resonates off the stone walls.
"Cregan," you gasp, your voice trembling from the intensity. "I'm close."
"Me too," he replies, his breath hot against your ear. "Come with me, love."
He moves his hand between your bodies, his thumb finding your bundle of nerves and rubbing it in circles. With a final, deep thrust, he pushes you over the edge, your peak washing over you in a powerful wave. You cry out his name, your body trembling with pleasure as he follows you into ecstasy, his own release filling you up.
One of Cregan’s hands is tenderly cradling your head as he gazes down at you in awe, admiring your afterglow.
“Do you still miss me, dear wife?”
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astrxealis · 2 years
i think it’s really cool when. tables kinda turn like. doing e5 normal raid DESTROYED me. i died like. idk. 10 times. but yeah i died a LOT <//3 but then i helped out w doing unsynced eden raids some time ago, i remember, and went rdm and. literally saving the party
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#⋯ ꒰ა ffxiv ໒꒱ *·˚#it's a lil awww kinda sentimental when you realize you're not the one messing up everything anymore now WHEEZEBGHJBSJHG#i'm proud of myself bcs i learn mechs quickly now even w my shit attention span but it takes me back too to when i uh#did ifrit lvl 20 for the first time and i still vividly remember using all my skills at the same time#not doing combos right and moving so much like. dear lord i am moving Too Much. and i got so nervous in copperbell mines#when the lala healer said to not attack the bomb!! it is funny looking back lol. i remember still doing some long range attacks#in nervousness. though now i'm the one doing dances in between waiting. funny. EXCEPT I THINK MECHS HAVE CHANGED :((#doing arr dungeons that have been changed and even hw ones is nostalgic and sentimental and also i think#YO THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER but also YO i kinda miss how it was before! good ol times!!#phew though even if it removes some old stuff that are only memories now it's truly much better? rip cape westwind though :((#hardest fight in game..... used to be a joke but now tbh i've done the solo instance and it actually is pretty challenging#esp if you're a new player ^^ so that is very cool!#woa i've played xiv for 2 years now. and i'm a mentor now. and a legend. and a raider. and i do all content save for uhh Some.#it is very cool and i think it's great i'm yk hehe. it's kinda like the whole thing of xiv#look to those before lead those after yeah yeah? LOVE that lyric but i'm afraid i forgot the proper lyrics so ^^ YEAH LOL#i'm now the one helping sprouts and new players! getting my friends into the game! i'm still really shy but#i'm working on that esp bcs ik how humans work and no one really cares THAT much anyways and#i like the social aspect in online games esp bcs you can be whoever you want to be! tho ig it's kinda funny for me bcs uh#i see my wol as myself tbh. LMAO
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dragon-kazansky · 5 months
Bridgerton shade of blue
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Benedict Bridgerton x Female Reader
Benedict bumps into you, quite literally, at a ball while trying to escape his mother's attempts to find him a partner. You decide to humour him with a dance, not realising just how entwined you would become with him. It seems the universe will find every excuse to push you and Benedict together, no matter how much you fight it.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Season one
Chapter Seven - The prince
Once again, you find yourself sitting in the pleasant blue drawing room that belongs to the Bridgerton's. It is a colour you could get quite used to.
Most of the family were present, so it was quite a nice gathering. Daphne had been the one to greet you when you arrived, but Benedict insisted you sit beside him once you came into the drawing room.
You smiled at Anthony as you passed him, and he gave you a gentle smile in return, bowing his head. This did not go unnoticed by the second son, who gave you a questioning look that you offered no response to.
"Daphne, have you thought about who you would like to dance with at tonight's ball?" Violet asks her daughter.
"I have some ideas. Lord Weaver is a fine dancer." Daphne says.
"Lord Hardy was asking about you at White's last night." Anthony tells his sister.
Daphne comes to sit beside you.
"Lord Hardy? What about the duke?" Her mother asks.
"The duke has not proposed, Mama. I am still considering my best course." Daphne says.
Gregory steals from Anthony's plate behind you, sending the eldest brother into a frantic motion. His sneaky little brother.
"Wise girl," Anthony says, once he is over his brother's thieving ways.
"And Lord Hardy is a fine option. Although, he is rather boastful."
"My dear, why ever do you complicate matter so?" Violet asks. "You must simply marry the man who feels like your dearest friend."
"Oh? Is that it, Mama? Well, how very simple indeed!" Daphne sighs.
"Yes, quite."
Benedict, who has been slouching slowly inch by inch on the sofa since you sat down, looks up at you with a cheeky grin. You roll your eyes and nudge his knee.
Daphne, deciding to shift the conversation from herself, turns to you. "You did quite well yourself at the last ball."
You smile and glance back at Anthony who smiled at you in return. "I had help."
"Hm?" Benedict sits up and looks at you. "What does she mean?"
You turn to him with a proud smile. "Well, my usual dance partner wasn't present last night, so Anthony stepped in. Dancing with your brother garnered a little attention, and I had several dances with different gentlemen that night."
Benedict turns to look at his brother so quickly that he could have gotten whiplash. Anthony smiles smugly at him.
Violet leans forward with some interest. "Oh? Do tell me more."
Talking about Daphne any more seemed like a dead-end, so Violet decided to move on to you.
"Your eldest offered to dance with me. He's quite the skilled dancer. Afterwards, I was approached by several others. I honestly think Daphne may be my good luck charm. Her magic is rubbing off onto me."
Daphne smiles at you, pleased that thongs are turning around for you.
Benedict glares softly at his brother. "She's my dance partner."
"You weren't there." Anthony argues.
"It matters not. I think I may be not he without a partner for the rest of the season. Even if none wish to call upon me, I shall dance at every ball."
Benedict isn't sure he is comforted by your words, but at the same time, he can't fault you. Perhaps this will be your way into the marriage market, after all.
Benedict made it a point to attend this ball. The idea of Anthony stepping in for his role as your dance partner didn't quite sit with him.
While Daphne is off dancing in the next room, you hang back in the connected room with the other Bridgertons.
"Give me your dance card." Benedict says.
He reaches for it without speaking and signs it. You chuckle.
"I'm just making sure," he says.
"Yes. Of course."
"Did you hear?" Colin asks, rejoining you both after fetching a drink.
"Hear what?" You ask, turning to him.
"There is a prince attending tonight." He sips his drink.
"Ah yes." You recall hearing that. "I'm sure everyone knows."
"Does Mama know?" Benedict asks him.
"I'm not quite sure." Colin muses.
You look at Benedict. "Why do you ask?"
"No particular reason. I just wondered. After all, if he's eligible, and the Duke has yet to still propose to Daphne..." He drifts off.
Colin looks at his brother. "You can't be serious?"
Benedict shrugs.
Chatter grows near the entrance, and you look up in time to see the Queen enter with a younger man by her side. There is no doubt in your mind that he is the prince that was expected to arrive. He is dressed like one.
"That shall be him now," you say, watching walk into the ballroom.
"Princess Daphne, eh?" Colin grins.
Benedict smacks him lightly. Colin glares at his brother. You rolls your eyes and walk away.
"You owe me a dance!" Benedict calls out.
You laugh as you head into the ballroom, wanting to see what is happening. The Queen introduces the prince to Daphne and you watch curiously.
After a few moments, Daphne lets out the most unladylike laugh you have ever heard. You chuckle quietly to yourself.
As the music begins to play again, Benedict comes up beside you. "Done swooning?"
"I was hardly swooning."
Benedict holds out his hand and gives you a look. You chuckle and place your hand in his.
"My name is on your card."
"I know."
You both join the others and dance around the room. Benedict and you smile at each other, enjoying each others company. Dancing with him has become a rather nice moment for you, but you haven't forgotten your initial attempt to find a suitor.
When your dance with Benedict comes to an end, another gentleman approaches you, and another after that.
Benedict finds that your dance with Anthony last time has really improved your chances. He thinks nothing of it as he rejoins Colin in the other room.
The evening passes, and you find that you had enjoyed every moment of it.
Prince Friedrich of Prussia had garnered a lot of attention. The ladies flcoked to him in the masses. While he was trapped outside with the ladies and their Mama's, you were inside looking at the art.
The Bridgertons. Were here, too.
The gallery was phenomenal. Artwork covered every inch of every wall. There was so much to admire and take in.
You were currently with your mother as you took in some of the artwork. Your eyes are taking their time to trail over the details of paintings. You didn't know much about art, but you could certainly admire it.
Violet Bridgerton had her arm hooked with her eldest son. She scanned the room and pointed out some of the lovely ladies present. Anthony sighed and looked at his mother.
"Were I looking for a list of debutantes and their dubious accomplishments, I could have stayed home and read Lady Whistledown." Anthony frees himself from his mother and wanders off.
Violet turns to take Benedict's arm, but he catches on quick and wriggles out of her grasp, also fleeing.
Poor Colin is left behind to take the fall.
Benedict finds himself looking up at a painting in deep thought. Lady Danbury joins him along with another gentleman.
"It's much too cold," Benedict says, looking at Danbury. "Where's any sense of the subject's spirit? And the light! Given the quality, I do wonder why the piece was not skyed with the other daubs."
"Perhaps we should ask the artist," Lady Danbury says.
"That would be something, Lady Danbury." Benedict nods at her.
"Mm... Mr. Granville, why was your piece not skyed?" She turns to the gentleman beside her and Benedict wishes the ground would swallow him whole.
"Mr. Granville, I--"
"If you will excuse me, um, I must find my wife." Granville leaves.
Benedict is left starting in utter shock. "You diabolical... How could your leylt me rattle on like that?"
"How could I not, my dear Mr. Bridgerton? It was riotously funny, you must admit."
Lady Danbury walks away.
Benedict looks back at the painting and sighs.
"Penny, for your thoughts." You say, coming to stand beside him. Benedict looks at you and then back at where Lady Danbury had gone.
"I was humiliated just now."
You look around but don't see who he is looking for. "Surely not."
Benedict looks back at the painting. "What do you think?"
You look up at it and give it a good look. "I... can't say I know much about art. Do you?"
Benedict smiles a little. "You could say that. I have a passion for it."
You turn and look at him. "You're an artist too?"
"Well, I wouldn't go that far. Not yet." He looks almost sheepish.
You smile as you look at him. "Is there any possibility of me seeing your work?" You ask.
Benedict isn't sure why his heart races at the thought of you seeing something so important to him. His personal hobby.
"You wish to see my work?"
"If you'll allow."
Benedict stares at you for a moment and then tears his gaze away, realising he was perhaps looking for far too long.
"Perhaps one day."
You hear the far away tone of his voice as he looks up at the painting on the wall. You wonder what he's thinking.
Perhaps he hopes he can paint something for all to see one day. Maybe then he will let you see his passion.
The crowd behind you gasped, and you both turned to see Cressida on the ground with Prince Friedrich comforting her.
"Ah, the art of swooning." You chuckle.
Benedict chuckles, too.
You turn your gaze away from the crowd and back to the painting on the wall. Your eyes trailing along it. This piece doesn't make you feel much of anything, if you were honest.
Yet, somehow, you believe Benedict's painting would certainly have a way to move you. Whether you understood art or not.
Benedict sits in an empty room of the house, all by himself sketching away in his book. He has already torn out and tossed a couple of pages in frustration.
There is a lingering thought in the back of his head. The thought of showing you his work. You asked him so innocently too.
If Benedict is to create anything worthy of being admired by you, it would have to be perfect.
He wasn't entirely why your wish to see his work mattered so much. Perhaps it was because you became friends. Perhaps it because he felt you would understand.
Your kind-hearted nature and sense of humour were perfectly admirable traits, but it was your wish to know him on a deeper level that had Benedict desiring your company.
You were one of the only people to really see him. It felt good.
The second son swore to himself that he would draw something worthy of your gaze. Nothing less.
It was just going to take him a while to create such a piece.
If only Daphne would play a different tune kn her piano. The constant repetitive notes he can hear from the drawing room were driving him insane.
@callmemana - @lilscast - @imgondeletedis - @benedictbridgertonss - @clownsdiehard - @wxnterwidow333
@sillynilly27 - @autumn-slaves - @ben-has-arrived - @ajdelilah - @aadu2173
@booknerdlife - @tamlinrose - @sarahskywalker-amidala - @cheryyluv - @louschan - @lou-la-lou - @cultish-corner
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