#dear father we dream while we may [asa & kirk.]
starsdreamed · 1 year
@ofstarfleet wonders: i’ve had people out, trying to find you everywhere. why did you worry us like that?
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"...Worry?" Asa repeats, blinking as his head cants to the left. The young boy knows that the captain's words are true-- worry, anger, and fear are all swirling in their eyes-- but he's confused. He was always on his own back home and none of the Dreamers minded, so--
"You couldn't tell, could you?" he murmurs, remorse radiating from him and flowing into the surrounding air at the realization. Remembering that he has to be more clear, he continues. "That I was alright?... Back home they could. They always knew. They still do," he elaborates. The idea that people light years away know more about him-- his thoughts, his feelings-- than the crew right in front of him is so strange.
"I'm sorry," Asa apologizes, genuine. "I thought you knew, too." After a moment, the boy looks up at the captain. "Do you want me to tell you next time, before I go?" he asks, before echoing something Doctor McCoy had told him. "Use my words?"
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starsdreamed · 2 years
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“I know you have questions,” he begins, his voice firm, meeting the gaze of the young man in front of him who had all-too familiar eyes. “I understand that. And I also understand that the safety of this ship and her crew-- your crew-- is of the utmost importance to you. You would lay down your life to protect her, and anyone on board. That’s why I’m asking you to trust me.” 
It’s difficult, looking at a father who doesn’t know his name, who doesn’t even know he exists yet. But he knows @captnjtkirk​ , and he knows that nothing will happen to them so long as Asa is breathing. || starter call!
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