#dean's humor but obviously the authors' too
youchangedmedestiel · 1 month
If you haven't checked it yet. I've currently posted more than half my first Destiel AU fic.
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Summary: Dean spends his summer holidays every year in Italy with his family. They go to the same hotel and see more or less the same people here. But this year, there is this new guy. Dean probably heard about him or even saw him a few years ago but this time it's different. Dean reacts to him differently, in ways he doesn't understand. He realizes along the holidays how strong his feelings become day after day. But are they requited?
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 10 months
Weren’t they both insecure in DH? With Ginny giving Harry the kiss in her room for him to remember her by, and the scene with Ginny volunteering Luna instead of Cho? And Harry’s jealously of imagining someone else marrying Ginny.
[ask in reference to this]
I'm not fully sure what the question is supposed to be here, but I'll give it a try.
In DH, Harry and Ginny display possessiveness over each other. As I said in the post I linked: Harry is possessive of Ginny, and while it wasn't the point in that analysis, of course it's a mutual thing. We see it with the Cho moment, the Krum one, Harry being an idiot about Dean asking about Ginny [how could you not love Harry?].
The jealousy they display in DH though it's quite contextual to the fact they want to be together but can't. Generally speaking jealousy does not define Harry and Ginny's dynamic as we saw while they were dating but even earlier. Ginny literally gave relationship advice to Harry about Cho (borderline masochistic behavior) and Harry was very respectful of Ginny's relationship with Dean (too much if you ask me; come on, Harry, not even one snarky comment?).
Because of this, when I talked about Harry being annoyed by Ginny's friendship with Neville right after the war, I brought up elements of a very specific context, like the fact that it would be a very emotionally fragile time.
That said, I want to talk about two moments you brought up because, while they underline the idea that Harry and Ginny want to belong to each other, they are not about jelousy:
the kiss in Ginny's room
Harry imagining Ginny marrying someone else
The kiss in Ginny's room is way more complex than jealousy. For those who haven't noticed this: Ginny has a tendency to deflect pain with humor. And the veela thing is an inside joke between Harry and Ginny from the previous book.
What the kiss actually means is:
let's have a proper goodbye because you are probably going to die
but also don't die because I love you and you need to come back to me
I'm going to give you hope while you go on a masochistic journey that an old man with trust issues told you to do only with the help of two other random teenagers
That's why Harry thinks about that kiss before dying. It's a comfort of course, that's one big role Ginny has in Harry's life, but it's also in direct contrast with Harry seeing his dead family, Ginny is the family he has in life, if he can live he has someone to come back to. And so once again the author inserts the element of choice, in this case between the family who waits for him in death and the one that waits for him in life.
Harry imagining Ginny with someone else wasn't about jealousy either, even if, of course, he doesn't like this hypothetical other guy. After the fight with Ron, Harry realizes for the first time he and Ginny are probably not going to get back together because he sees no future in front of him. He can see only Voldemort, while in his head of course Ginny is obviously going to live a happy long life (Harry doesn't even want to get remotely close to the idea of Ginny dying). This is why at that moment Harry doesn't go back to Ginny despite telling her he would. He is half dead, and as long as that's true, he can't be with Ginny. The whole structure of the saga is substantially based on this: Harry can live only when he'll defeat Voldemort, he can have his future once the other is dead. And that's why the last scene of the saga is between Harry and Ginny: he got his future.
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antigonewinchester · 1 year
And we come to it... The End of Supernatural.
But we’ve got a double feature this time: because I watched 1x20 too. With 15x20 calling back to that ep so specifically, I thought I’d see what the finale looked like in its context.
There’s a lot of talk of how the early vs. later seasons differ visually in terms of lighting, cinematography, etc., but I was also struck in their difference in tone. There’s a sincerity to 1x20, not just in what’s happening but in how the writing takes itself & the situation seriously, while 15x20 is much lighter and humorous, verging into bathos at points. It’s exactly the same as the contemporary MCU/Disney blockbuster humor: never letting the tension build for too long and breaking it was jokes. Maybe I’m just a bit too earnest but this kind of humor rings really hollow to me. It often feels self-defensive, like the writer(s) are hyper aware of their audience & its reaction and so they make fun of themselves before the audience can make fun of them.
I’d forgotten The Twilight Zone reference early in 1x20; love that. All of the John - Sam - Dean family drama is so compelling -- Sam still hotheaded & angry, John caring but not willing to give up his authority, Dean the peacemaker in the middle of it all. (The rest under a cut because it got long.)
DEAN: What happens if you die? Dad, what happens if you die, and we coulda done something about it? You know I been thinking. I ...think maybe Sammy's right about this one. We should do this together. [SAM nods.] DEAN: We're stronger as a family, Dad. We just are. You know it. JOHN: We're running out of time. You do your job and you get out of the area. That's an order.
Kripke’s idea of ‘family as everything’ is the foundation of this ep. It’s also obviously about healing the original family estrangement in Sam leaving and John rejecting him for it--John has to relearn how to “believe” in family again, which first starts to happen when Sam & Dean rush into save him, and then he saves Sam, using a bullet from the Colt to kill Luther holding Sam hostage, even though it means one less chance to get the YED. If, as SW analyzed, Dean takes on John’s narrative role in S4/5 with Sam, then Dean is in this narrative position thru the entire rest of the show. For ex, in Dabb’s seasons, so much of the writing focuses on Dean not “believing” in or resenting/rejecting family, which drives almost all the emotional conflict. And then cue Dean’s heartfelt deathbed speech in 15x20 about how much he loves Sam & thinks Sam is such an amazing guy, right? The ultimate “I believe in family & love you so much” speech. Dean’s speech even parallels what Sam’s son tell him as he’s dying, so framing Dean in a parental role to the end: (”SAM No. / DEAN (softly pleading): Look at me. Look at me. I need... I need... I need you to tell me that it's okay. I need you to tell me... Tell me it's okay. / SAM (through tears) Dean... it's okay. You can go now.” versus “DEAN II: Dad. It's okay. You can go now.”)
With the Colt, what stood out on this watch was how even though it’s a weapon that can “kill anything,” it’s not divine or blessed or anything like that; it was just a gun made by Samuel Colt for ordinary human hunters. Given how fantastical the show gets by the end, the Colt is grounded in a satisfying way. In order to fight creatures stronger than they are, people will make a tool that’ll allow them to overcome all that, just through sheer human ingenuity & stubbornness.
Jenny is the obvious throughline between these two eps, but there’s also John being integral to both (returning in 1x20, Sam & Dean figuring out the case thru his journal in 15x20) and both eps dealing with vampires. In 15x20, the situation is clearly meant to be a mirror reflection of Sam and Dean’s family tragedy: vampires invade a house, kill the father instead of the mother (but leaving her traumatized and unable to speak, literally & metaphorically) and steal the 2 kids away, but ending more happily with Sam & Dean saving the kids. There’s also again shades of sexual violence against children, in the vampires not just killing the kids but keeping them alive for years, both to feed and feed on them. If it’s more alluded to in 15x20, then it’s literal in 1x20, with vampires intertwined with sexual violence all over the ep: Kate & Luther making out / getting ready to have sex while Jenny watches, with Kate then turning Jenny by assaulting her with a kiss (complete w/ incestuous undertones in Luther then saying “Welcome home”); John looming over Kate and Luther like a creepy stalker when they all invade the vampires’s nest; Dean playing bait and drawing the vamps out, with Kate assaulting Dean very similarly to how she did Jenny. The ‘Dean playing bait’ scene was also interesting in that Dean is very much vulnerable (what if Kate had just gone for his neck?) while the masculine violence of the Winchesters is highlighted as well... John & Sam shooting Kate and the other vamp, John coming in with “sweetheart” to Kate when he confronts her, Dean taking Kate off in a bridal carry, a parody of the real thing. They’re both the hunted and hunters.
SAM (crying) Then don't leave me. Don't leave me. I can't do this alone. DEAN Yes, you can. SAM Well, I don't want to. DEAN Hey. I'm not leaving you. I'm gonna be with you... [DEAN is crying as he places his fist over SAM’S heart.] Right here... every day. ... DEAN Goodbye, Sam. Goodbye.
Telling that it was Jackles and Jarpad who added in those callbacks to Sam & Dean’s dialogue in the pilot, not Dabb. Good for them, tho.
I’m surprised I’ve never seen a comparison made between Dean’s death and Jack’s departure in 15x19! If Jack is a Christ figure, then Dean is a messiah figure, and those figures very often die; both Dean and Jack gave up a chance at a normal life to save the world & protect the people they love, Dean as a hunter & Jack as God; they both do the “I’ll still be with you, in your heart” gesture; it ends with both Jack and Dean saying goodbye, and they both then go onto to ascend to Heaven or a heavenly place. People talk about how Jack’s ending is messed up because he’s just a kid with too much responsibility put on his head, but the show idealizes / does the same thing with Dean, in how much it valorizes Dean’s protection of Sam. I think back to Jarpad’s quote talking about the finale that got people in a huff (“It was a success story — it was Dean’s success story,” Padalecki reflects on the “Supernatural” series finale. “This guy gave his life for years and years and years and ultimately gave his life to have his No. 1 on the planet live as normal a life as possible.”) but like? Doesn’t this attitude seem exactly how the show viewed Sam & Dean at this point?
I’ve also seen people talk pretty cynically about Dean’s death and as much as I’m not a fan of Dean dying I also just cannot read it as cynically as some people do. Dean didn’t die because he “couldn’t live a normal life,” he died because the show set up the “Dean = chooses the hunting life, Sam = wants a normal life” framing back in S12, Dabb’s first season, which culminates here in Dabb’s last, with Dean dying on a hunt after saving 2 kids from something horrible, and Sam going on to live without Dean and having a ‘normal’ life, wife, a son, even if he deep down he longs to be with Dean again. If Dean most represents “the family” in the narrative, then of course he couldn’t get a wife and kid like Sam could; that would be Dean choosing to have another family over Sam, and that wouldn’t work with Dean’s narrative role. In S15 too, Dean’s death also fits thematically with the emphasis within the last season on making sacrifices and dying for what you love and the people you saved living on after that sacrifice. Ketch, Rowena, Cas, Jack (sort of), Dean, to name some major ones. There’s also that Sam dying & Dean living on would be a repeat of Swan Song, so I can see why they would’ve wanted to avoid that plot beat because they’d already done it once. If anything, I’d say Dean’s death echoes his one in 3x16: telling Sam to carry on without him, Sam being unable to prevent his death, but this time instead of going to Hell, Dean ends up in Heaven. And Dean gets narratively rewarded with the perfect, best Heaven ever! The one that is stated he deserves!! I just don’t see how that translates into the writers seeing Dean as not normal or having something wrong with him?
OKAY last few things: I actually like the regular “Carry On Wayward Son” and then the cover version, what can I say. Despite ppl saying Dean spent however many odd decades in Heaven waiting for Sam, it’s clearly implied he only waited a short time in Bobby saying “Time up here, it's... it's different,” which is calling back to Hell’s time dilation, Dean’s 40′s years, and his now only spending a few minutes separate from Sam in comparison. And while I 100% understand not liking the finale, it’s kind of fascinating to me that the finale basically framed it as a final, fantastic Happy Ending for Sam & Dean, they are at peace for all eternity, isn’t that so nice, and parts of the fandom somehow read it as a tragic or unhappy ending. It’s just... so clearly not. It is if you wanted to the story to end another way, but c’mon, the story wasn’t going to end another way. It ended as it started, the Epic Love Story of Sam & Dean.
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dotthings · 4 years
Let’s talk about why Dean dancing with a lamp is subtext, but it’s subtext that supports textual arcs. Dean dancing with a lamp is not random. Meta on why Dean dancing with a lamp is part of the build of a textual arc for Dean, thematically, which also connects to his relationship with Cas. This symbolic moment being tacitly about Destiel will only feel like reaching if you ignore context, ignore canon, ignore long arcing, ignore textual material surrounding it. This isn’t just me talking about a ship, this is an important arc for Dean himself emotionally and the way canon’s working, Cas has become the star player in this specific emotional Dean arc about yearning. 
Here are some canon quotes. I could just leave these here and not write another word of meta because the canon wrote it for me. But I’ve added some further commentary to spell out clearly what I’m getting at.
Dean in 8.14 “Trial and Error” by Andrew Dabb:
“You see a light at the end of this ugly-ass tunnel. I don't. But I tell you what I do know – it's that I'm gonna die with a gun in my hand. 'Cause that's what I have waiting for me – that's all I have waiting for me. I want you to get out. I want you to have a life – become a man of Letters, whatever. You, with a wife and kids and – and – and grandkids, living till you're fat and bald and chugging Viagra – that is my perfect ending, and it's the only one that I'm gonna get.”
Dean in 10.16 “Paint it Black” by Eugenie Ross-Lemming and Brad Buckner:
“You know, the life I live, the work I do…I pretty much just figured that that was all there was to me, you know? Tear around and jam the key in the ignition and haul ass until I ran out of gas. I guess I just thought sooner or later, I’d go out the same way that I live – pedal to the metal, and that would be it....Now, um… recent events, uh… make me think I might be closer to that than I really thought. And…I don’t know. I mean, you know, there’s – there’s things, there’s…people, feelings that I-I-I want to experience differently than I have before, or maybe even for the first time.”
Sam and Dean in 11.04 “Baby” by Robbie Thompson:
SAM: Really? You don't . . . Ever want something more? DEAN: I'm sorry, have you met us? We're batting a whopping zero in domestic life, man. Goose eggs. SAM: You don't ever think about something? Not marriage or whatever. But . . . Something? You know, with a hunter? Somebody who understands the life?
Sam and Dean in 13.23 “Let the Good Times Roll” by Andrew Dabb:
DEAN: But on a beach somewhere, you know? Can you imagine? You, me, Cas, toes in the sand, couple of them little umbrella drinks. Matching Hawaiian shirts, obviously. Some hula girls. SAM: You talking about retiring? You? DEAN: If I knew the world was safe? Hell, yeah. And you know why? 'Cause we freaking earned it, man.
Sam and Dean in 15.08 “Our Father, Who Aren’t in Heaven” by Eugenie Ross-Lemming and Brad Buckner:
DEAN: Look, man, I didn't want to say anything, okay, 'cause I was kind of in in a bad place, and, uh, yeah, I didn't want to jinx it or whatever, but, you know, I tried the family thing, right? SAM: Yeah, me too. And that's not for us. DEAN: No, not really. But I'm just saying if it was to work, Eileen, you know, she gets it. She gets us. She gets the life. She's hot. SAM: Dean. I mean, I'm not even- DEAN: Look, all I'm saying is you- you could do worse, okay? And she could certainly do better. Like, so much better. I'm happy for you, Sammy.
Dean and Garth in 15.10 “The  Heroes’ Journey” written by Andrew Dabb:
DEAN: You know, I gotta say, aside from pincushion in there… this is pretty nice. GARTH: Yeah, better than I ever thought I'd get. I mean, hunting -- I figured I'd be dead before I'm 40. You know, go out young and pretty. But now I've got a great wife, great kids. I guess...sometimes things work out.
Dean in 15.10 “The Heroes’ Journey” by Andrew Dabb:
Dean, wistful, watching through the window as Garth and Bess dance: You know, I always thought I could be a good dancer if I wanted to be.
Ok, let those roll around in your brain for moment. 
There’s this long running arc about maybe Sam and Dean could each find a significant other, not white picket fence, but...something, with someone already in the life, who gets their life. There’s Dean’s move from despairing and believing the only ending he could have, the only ending any hunter could have, is dying with a gun in hand, to Dean’s enthusiasm for the concept of retirement, Dean’s wistfulness about finding a significant other, for what he thinks he can’t have, and he starts the cycle all over again, if he can’t have it, then he wants Sam to have it, so Dean encourages Sam with Eileen. Saileen, the Dean-blessed, Dean-approved Sam ship. Dean ships it. And that is how the canon is trending, complete with Sam and Eileen kissing goodbye and saying “this is real” and even God himself saying their feelings were real, “that was all you,” even if God manipulated events around them. Which is an overt mirror to Dean and Cas and Dean’s expressly stated doubts about what’s real and what isn’t, and Cas telling Dean “we are.” 
Much the way Sam has been witness to Destiel, and has often pointed out Dean’s Cas feelings. Dean’s got a front row seat to Saileen and approves; Sam’s had a front row seat to Destiel and approves. 
Let’s throw in Robert Berens’ work in The Trap here, since that’s relevant to this specific topic as well, because why did Sam and Dean in the potential future timeline where they’d killed Chuck give up and cave in to their vampire instincts? The world being overwhelmed with monsters...and losing Eileen and losing Cas. It’s right there in the dialogue. I’ll give you the quote and everything:
Sam and Dean in 15.09 “The Trap” by Robert Berens:
SAM: You want to quit? What's happened to you, Dean? Ever since -- DEAN: Ever since what? We lost pretty much everyone we've ever cared about? Ever since the Mark made Cas go crazy? Ever since I had to bury him in a Ma'lak box? Ever since then? Yeah. You know why? 'Cause the monsters -- they're everywhere. Everywhere! What we do -- it's not even Hunting anymore. It's whack-a-mole. We don't even save people. Every friend we've ever had is either dead, or they got wise and they packed it in. SAM: Jody's still fighting, and Bobby -- DEAN: Bobby has a death wish, and you know it. And Jody -- ever since what happened to Donna and the girls, she does, too. And after Eileen... so do you.
“Ever since” Dean had to bury Cas in a Ma’lak box. “After Eileen...so do you.” 
So there’s this canonical long, long thread across multiple authors (and those weren’t even all the quotes, I’m sure people could dig up more) about Dean in particular yearning towards finding a significant other, some contentment, with someone who already is in the hunting life, who gets it, who understands.  
An episode that flat out shows how losing their significant others is the final straw that rips out Sam and Dean’s last will to fight, and they lose themselves, and after they’re turned into vampires, they just...give into the darkness. Where Sam gives up their shot at destroying the big bad because losing everyone they love is too high a cost. Where losing Cas makes Dean lose hope, where losing Eileen sends Sam into a death wish mindset. Sam and Dean don’t just need each other. That’s not canon, it never has been.
And then right after that, along comes meta episode The Heroes’ Journey. Sorry if you don’t like The Heroes’ Journey, but it’s what the canon did, it’s textual, along with everything else I’ve pointed out here, and in among the crackish humor are some real emotional narrative points. 
In The Heroes’ Journey, Dean gets to see Garth’s life. Garth found his significant other, Bess, and she’s another werewolf. Now, Garth’s life resembles the traditional white picket fence idea a lot more than what Team Free Will are headed for. Garth has a big house with a porch, and he’s a dentist. He’s also a werewolf and his wife is a werewolf and his kids are werewolves because Bess is a pureblood werewolf, Garth didn’t exactly leave the life, and he helps Sam and Dean on a case. But nothing’s been indicating to me that anyone in Team Free Will is headed for that kind of settling down, with a house, becoming a dentist. However, the canon has been practically shouting now, as we near final episodes of SPN, to make the point about a desirable outcome--some kind of stability, contentment, and a significant other. Dean gets a front row seat to seeing a hunter can have that. Garth’s a hunter who turned into a werewolf and he can have that. 
When EP’s talk about how they aren’t headed for a white picket fence or driving off into the sunset or settling down, none of that rules out them finding...something...with someone, and some form of stability and contentment.  Nope, I can’t really imagine them in the suburbs becoming dentists. But canon sure is putting up big neon arrows to...something. Think outside the box. This isn’t about the white picket fence. 
And in The Heroes’ Journey, Dean, conked out on the good gas so Garth can fix his teeth, has a trippy dream where he dances with a lamp.
Rewatch the ep. Look at how the dance is choreographed not just the use of light, because that’s a clue too. The whole dance could have been Dean and Garth being dancing bros, but Garth fades off the stage, and Dean dances alone...until he grabs the standing lamp. In a season where Dean and Cas’s relationship is an A-plot, define it how you like, it’s A-plot. Their breakup and their reconciliation, which played like a marital breakup and reconciliation, are tied to major mytharc beats. In a season where a long-running textual theme about Dean’s developing hope for retirement and his wistfulness about “things...people...feelings...” is getting further play. Where Dean and Cas’s relationship continues to be one of the show’s most central ones.
Dean dances with a lamp. While his emotionally fraught, intense close relationship with Cas--A BEING MADE OF LIGHT--has a long-running arc and recently more and more textual level content spelling out the sublimated romantic interest in small words, while there’s an arc about Dean’s yearning for that stability, contentment, a significant other.
We don’t think Destiel’s “going canon” because Dean dances with a lamp, it’s that Dean dancing with a lamp is kinda loud serving as reflection of canon textual arcing. Sometimes subtext adds a layer. Sometimes subtext is directly tied to the surface layers, an echo, a highlighter.
I’ll just be over here, crying because Dean danced with a lamp.
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gabrielbigbang · 4 years
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POSTING DATE: March 29th
AUTHOR: @senoritablack​
ARTIST: @casslastheaven​
STORY TITLE: Miscellaneous Drawer, Two Toothbrushes
RATING: Explicit
SHIPS: Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel (Background), Sam/OC (Briefly) 
TAGS: Humor, Fluff, Slow Burn, Obliviousness, Enemies to friends to lovers, Angst, Domesticity, Canon Typical Violence, Canon divergence, Continuity errors, TW for mention of depression, TW for mention of homophobia,  Top!Sam, Oral, Handjobs
SUMMARY: When Sam finds out that Gabriel's been resurrected and lying low in the bunker for months, he goes through the all stages of grief. There's denial, some anger, a brief stint in bargaining, but he skips depression and is forced into acceptance. Sam's so preoccupied with how Gabriel shouldn't fit into his life, that it takes him a year to realize that Gabriel's shown Sam that he does. Somewhere down the line all of Sam's routines change and it's all because Gabriel grossly overstays his welcome. 
Excerpt below the cut...
EXCERPT: Sam expects old aches in new places. New grays are a non-issue. He accepts the latest latent hang up, re-emerging like a stalking piranha, biting him in the ass and holding on until he is so hurt and uncomfortable with himself, that he’s sighing curse words into the crook of his elbow before stubbornly hurling himself into the day. Sam will fix his bed, take a leak, then, and despite his aging body’s protest, there’s a quick warm-up before an hour sprint. Teeth brushing, showering, drying off and dressing is a short affair because his stomach will remind him that he’s fasted for 8 hours. He goes for something lean if he’s heading out for work. It's 3 eggs scrambled in an unforgivable amount of butter and the deli meat of the week between toast, if he’s to be at the bunker. 
All to say, Sam's mornings come with little to no thought at all, pass with zero surprises and don't usually involve the reflection of a bare-ass archangel presumed to be dead. They don't include a seemingly not-dead archangel turning towards a shocked Sam at the counter to—without so much as a flush or hello—wash their hands and leave just as insouciant as they’d sauntered in. Matter of fact, Sam never stubs his toe trying to compose himself. He doesn’t, ever, make sounds like an angry chihuahua whose paw has been stepped on and doesn’t usually have reason to go for the gun strapped under the sink. So, he's never been prompted to limp after an assailant at ass o’clock in the morning, and in no instance beyond that, has his welcoming shot been responded to with an uninterested, “Oh, hey, Sam.” 
The bullet falls to the polished concrete of the bunker with an almost comical ting and the sound reverberates in the silences that hangs between them. 
“Who the hell are you?“ Sam asks after a beat.
Then he's not waisting anymore time, never lowering his gun as he toes towards his chest of drawers. He snatches the silver blade that lies there. The being wearing Gabriel's vessel has the audacity to look unimpressed.
“I get that I didn't replace the toilet roll the other night, but you didn't have to shoot." It says. 
“I thought that Dean had—hold on—no, who are you?” Sam asks again. 
“All archangel, kid, but sure, have at it.” The being says, extending a hand. 
Sam pulls the being closer by the wrist and drives the sharp blade across the offered palm. There's blood but somehow the being looks more inconvenienced than in pain. Sam frowns. Then fixes his shoulders. He drags the being a few steps towards his bed, diving under his pillow for the holy water he stores there and washes over the already healing cut. But still, nothing. Not a demon either? 
“What are you?” Sam demands this time. 
“Already bored.”
“I won’t—” Sam says, backing the being into the closest wall with his forearm. 
He presses deep into the being’s neck, waiting for it to choke, to splutter, to fight back. But it doesn't. 
“Kinky.” It gurgles and goes slack against Sam’s increasing pressure. 
“—ask again.” 
The being frowns. Sam relents some.
“Company be damned, you come in any closer and I can’t be reliable for how my dick responds.” The being says. 
 Sam looks down and quickly back up again. His neck goes hot.  When Sam rectifies the situation with some distance, he clears his throat.
“There's no way.” 
“There was one way, obviously. Mean, I’m here aren’t I?”
“How? Was it another trick? How did you fool Lucifer? Were you in hiding all this time? What.”
“Does it really matter?" It asks. 
“You're kidding right, yes! Yes, yeah, it matters, dude. If you're really who you say you are, how the hell are you here?”
“Well after saving your asses from being deity chow—you're welcome by the way—and having my own bro put me down for the long nap I sorta just… woke up.” It makes a a vague, sweeping gesture that does nothing to clarify what it's saying. 
“You woke up—okay, sure, whatever. So was it Norse magic? Was it angelic? God himself? You’re not giving me a lot to go on.”
The being shrugs and with a snap, the room around them turns. The beings in a heavily pillowed wicker loveseat and Sam’s lying on a fold-out that’s a foot too short for him. 
It's the snap that keeps Sam from protesting again, triggering a thunder of emotions, because he's momentarily thrusted into a reel of memory. Lewd suggestions and apparitions, and ludicrous just desserts. Cartoonish deaths, strawberry syrup, a steak, a plea, and finally, a Wednesday.  Playing an angsty doctor, arrogant cop, game show contestant, playing their roles and winning.  Thinking it’d been Loki, figuring out different. Figuring out what that meant. Sam remembers Gabriel. Gabriel the archangel, who’s mask they had confiscated all those years ago when they had trapped him in that holy oil, a mask they held in their hands well until they met again at the hour of his last jest. Before his more cunning brother saw through the trick and took his life. He gave Dean, Cas, and humanity a chance. He gave Sam a damn chance. And Sam felt like there was finally an x in the map, and all he had to do was stick to the trail. He felt hopeful. And Sam’s finding the rings again, thanks to Gabriel. He's saving the world. But then he’s falling. Burning. Despondent. Waking, remembering and not caring what he was. Waking, forgetting, uncovering and hating what he was. 
When Sam’s brought back from the memories, he’s sure they’re the same being. Sam didn't expect to grieve Gabriel's death. But he did. He wasn’t a friend. He was barely an ally. He simplified it to empathy, in the end, knowing what it meant to acknowledge every mistake but not live long enough to correct them and stoped being confused by the feelings. Eventually, he stopped wondering about Gabriel's what-ifs all together. Still, it's been years. Sam swallows down the mixture of new and old hurt, keeps in everything he wants to ask, to argue. He bolts upright, stares at the being, after Gabriel, because even as experience gives reason enough to deny all this, his instincts won't let him. It’s totally Gabriel. Gabriel with all his five foot eight of inexhaustible condescension, looking at Sam with familiar honey-colored haughtiness, lips curling as if he knows all of the embarrassing thoughts and misgivings that Sam wakes up to. Gabriel, using humor as his sword, aflame and so bright, that it wards off anyone who can’t be bother to wait long enough. But Sam had waited for the fire to die down before. He could wait again.
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americachavez · 4 years
ok so, i'm one of those fake fans – never watched a single episode of spn but was deep into destiel until i lost interest because of the terribly toxic way the writers treated the fandom – so you know what, i have hope, lets – for the first time ever – watch an spn episode and lets make it the finale right? and i'm just.. is every episode like this? extremely badly structured? plot hole galore? bad acting unless someone is dying??? like, the tonality was fucking bonkers. is that what it's like??
uh whew you really should have come to kiran auntie first before making that call because there’s no way I’d have let you watch that as your very first supernatural episode, regardless of quality. and ok I have not seen every single episode of the cw’s supernatural but I think I can definitively say that episode 19 and 20 of season 15 were the two worst episodes they’ve ever done
and look. look. I am not going to sit here and lie to you and tell you this is quality television. from day one (ESPECIALLY day one whoof) it had corny dialogue, messy plots, and mediocre to bad acting. it was a GENRE TV SHOW on the WB NETWORK in 2005, that was a given. besides that, it has been misogynistic and racist and homophobic and was very much still a relic of the bush administration era of television for a long long time. the fandom was also just as bad lol no one really covered themselves in glory in the 2000s, which was an incredibly cursed decade where gay was a normal insult to use for everything bad. however. it was very fun genre tv, with some really delightful writing at times and is pretty unique for what it was. they took a monster of the week format and made it last 15 years, with varying levels of quality but an overall solidly enjoyable piece of media. it (sort of) grew with the times, even though they had some um. growing pains. and despite the multiple showrunners and creative teams they still managed to produce a pretty solid body of work. there are some killer fucking episodes of good tv in there, the aesthetic is great, I still genuinely think the balance of humor and drama is really well done for the majority of the show.
the last two episodes were not.....idk. idk what show I’ve been watching this whole time but it definitely wasn’t that. ESPECIALLY the last episode. you can’t blame it all on covid, because that just affects the shooting schedule, not the actual script, editing, WIG DEPARTMENT (??), etc. it was just BAD TV, like they just completely forgot how to make a regular tonally consistent television episode even factoring in the adjustments for covid. I promise you even at its worst (I think, we skipped most of season 7 lol) supernatural was not this bad. yes, I’m including bugs, which for some reason I remember thinking was a fine episode but I was also like 15 at the time, so. grain of salt.
also dean/cas is still a really solid fucking ship. I didn’t need it to be canon, although I absolutely would not have watched the finale live if they hadn’t made the angel gay because I’m a fucking dumbass. there’s a lot of great content, it’s obviously bait but I much prefer subtext between two well-developed characters instead of a random side gay character who gets a partner and then vanishes for the rest of the series. however that is another topic altogether I have already exposed too much of my personal damage tonight
anyways the point is even aside from how it ended, I’ve been having a lot of fun catching up on the seasons I missed during the 10-year blackout period I had where the cw’s supernatural just did not exist in my level of reality, and I am gonna keep watching until I’ve caught up. I still really enjoy the show, I like the characters, I think a lot of the people who made the show would have made a lot of different choices but their hands were tied by the showrunners/producers/execs/etc. I ignore a lot of the stuff the cast and crew has said over the years because who cares, death of the author, etc etc. I also think the fandom was a little insane during the height of the show’s popularity and while it doesn’t excuse some shitty behavior on the cast/crew’s part it does uuuhh explain some choices.
do I recommend you watch the rest of it? eh. idk. if you’re into destiel I think it’s fun, but just stop at ep 18 when you get to the last season, which apparently was pretty solid up until last week. if you can separate yourself from the conclusion and the intents of the producers/writers to just watch the rest of the show, I’d say go for it. again, for the most part it’s fun, although I speak from a place of someone who was really really into supernatural before my frontal lobe fully developed. AGAIN. grain of salt.
my friend @vespasiana is working on a recommended spn watch list, and there is another good one here if you don’t feel like committing to the whole thing
im gonna stop talking about supernatural now hope this helps <3
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castielific · 4 years
The likes of you
Title: The likes of you Author: Castielific Genre: Dean/Castiel, jealous!Dean, emotionally constipated!Dean Summary: Dean accidentally tells Cas he likes him. 
AO3 Link to the full story
“ Call me if you remember anything ," Dean says, handing his card to the pretty red head that he and Cas are interrogating. “Or if you feel like getting a drink tonight," he adds with a charming smile and a quick wink.
“Thanks. You’re about as charming as the A in DNA," the woman answers, before going back to her work station.
As soon as they’re outside, Dean starts prancing.
“Still got it," he announces proudly, snapping his fingers with a bounce in his step.
“I’m not sure that was a flirtation,” Cas answered, confused.
“Yeah? Since when are you an expert on those?”
“I’m not," Cas admits. “But I do know that the A in DNA means acid. Which is not sweet at all.” the ex-angel explains.
Dean gapes, offended.
“In fact,” Cas continues. “I think it might have been what you may call a burn. Which is quite humorous. She burnt you with an acid pun,” Cas continues, laughing to himself.
“Hey guys, how is it?" Sam asks, joining them in the parking lot.
“Cas is getting a sense of humor and I don’t like it,” Dean says, not sulking at all. Nope.
“Cas has always been funny.”
“Thank you, Sam,” Castiel says with a nod, honored. “I always knew you were a man of great taste.” He compliments.
“Which I’m obviously not since I like you.” Dean grumbles to himself, searching for the Impala’s keys in his pocket.
“You what?” Sam says, baffled.
Castiel just squints his eyes and inclines his head, observing Dean as the man blushes.
“Nothing. Let’s go.” He orders as he gets into the car.
“Did you just say you like Cas?” Sam insists, mocking as he gets into the passenger side.
“No. Shut up. Did you get anything from the security camera?” Dean says, getting pissed.
While Sam gets into a report of what he’s discovered, Dean sends a quick look into the rear-view mirror, thankful but a little suspicious that Cas isn’t saying anything, but the ex-angel is just sitting in the backseat, looking out the window with a little frown. Dean doesn’t like that frown. It means Cas is thinking hard about something. Oh crap, he’s probably thinking about what Dean just said about liking him.
“Can we have pancakes for lunch or is it not socially appropriate?” Cas suddenly asks, thoughtful.
Or not. Maybe he hasn’t even heard Dean. Or doesn’t care. Yeah, it’s probably that. Why would he, right? He probably has tons of more important stuff to think about than Dean and his blurb. Like pancakes for lunch.
“We’re getting burgers.” Dean answers, maybe a little too harshly.
They get back to the bunker the next day, a little bruised but with another monster dead. Castiel is limping a little from a bad fall on his hip, and his lip is about twice the size it should be on the left side. He looks miserable and keeps reopening the cut on his lip by nibbling and poking at it, despite Dean telling him to cut it out.
It’s unsettling to see him like this, with cuts and bruises that don’t disappear in the blink of an eye. Cas has been living with them in the bunker for three months now. He’s still adjusting to being human, while Dean is still adjusting to Cas not disappearing for days or weeks at a time. He’s surprised by how much he likes it. How much stress has actually evaporated now that he knows where Cas is at all times, that he’s close and safe and not defying or pissing off the whole damn Host of Heaven. Hell, they don’t even have to worry about Heaven or angels anymore, now that they’ve locked up Heaven. Which is fine by Dean, as long as he gets to keep his favorite angel. The only one he really likes, to be honest. He’ll always be grateful that Cas chose to stay here, at the cost of his Grace, rather than in Heaven. All in all, he seems to be adjusting really well to being human.
Cas moans in pain and Dean looks at him just in time to see a canine bites into the cut, making it bleed again.
“Quit it.” He reprimands.
Cas makes as if he didn’t hear him, a little too obvious in his ignorance. Dean rolls his eyes.
“It won’t heal if you keep poking at it.” Dean reminds him.
He takes a sip of his beer and changes the channel, reclining a little more in his seat. This. This is what he’s always wished for. Just watching tv with his best friend like two normal dudes, with his little brother well and nearby, probably doing some nerdy stuff instead of watching tv like a normal human being. He never thought he would get to have that. But here they are.
They’ve even started watching some shows together, have their own kind of movie night in which Cas makes confused faces at Doctor Sexy MD, and corrects the science of it out loud until Dean starts throwing popcorn at him to make him shut up. It doesn’t really work, all he gets is a cranky ex-angel covered in popcorn, but it’s very entertaining. Sam sometimes joins them, but he tends to argue the science with Castiel, and Dean just doesn’t have enough popcorn to shut them both up, so he chooses lighter shows when Sam is in the room, like The Office, or Brooklyn Nine Nine. It feels good to laugh together. It feels like family.
“Dean, would you consider yourself as monogamous?” Cas asks seriously, brows furrowed.
Dean is so surprised by the question that he actually gets whiplash from turning his head so fast toward Cas. What the hell was that for? It doesn’t sound like a conversation he wants to have. Not at all.
“Huh. Why?”
“I was thinking back to what you said yesterday, and I’m confused about the meaning of it.” Cas explains, matter of fact.
Yeah, that sounds exactly like the conversation he was hoping to avoid after his blurting out fiasco.
Dean gulps down the rest of his beer to give himself some time to find an appropriate answer. He feels like he might need another one. Oh, great, an excuse to get out of here. Perfect.
“I’m getting another beer, you want one?” Dean asks, getting up and already heading for the door.
He cringes when he hears Cas following him.
“So, are you?” Cas insists, stopping in the middle of the kitchen while Dean hides in the fridge.
“Yeah. Sure.” Dean mumbles, rummaging in the fridge, voluntarily clinking the beers together, hoping that he’ll have an excuse for not hearing what may come next.
“Then why did you flirt with that woman if you like me?”
Dean can feel his breath literally get caught in his throat. He suddenly can’t breathe, it’s like his whole throat closed up, and oh my god is he having an actual allergic reaction?
“That...That’s not….That’s….” He blurts, strangled.
He feels like burying his head in the crisper drawer and never getting out of there. He suddenly understands where that urge comes from for ostriches. He coughs again to try and give himself some time, but this is Castiel, he’s not that easy to deter and when he wants an answer he’s ready to wait endlessly for it.
Dean takes a deep breath and finally gets his head out of the fridge, closing it and leaning back against it. He takes his time opening his beer, avoiding to look up at Cas. He doesn’t need to look up. He knows Cas is just standing there, waiting like he didn’t actually drop the biggest bomb of a question on Dean. Ten years, Dean has been avoiding that kind of question, and Castiel probably doesn’t even realize the mess he just put them in.
Dean opens his mouth to answer. Closes it again.
He honestly has no idea how to answer this. His first reflex is to deflect, tell Cas that he understood wrong, that he said he liked him, but like a friend, not like....He’s not...It’s not like that.
He finds himself incapable of saying it though.
The truth is, what else can he say when he can barely admit to himself that he may indeed like Cas that way? That liking may not even be the right word for what he feels.
Or is it?
Sometimes he feels like they’ve been through so much together that the lines just started to blur along the way. Sometimes it feels like there are no lines anymore when it comes to Castiel. Other times, it feels like there is a giant wall that keeps Dean from actually saying or doing anything that might bring them closer.
Does he even want that?
Sometimes he wants Castiel all the ways possible. Sometimes he wants to run away and never see him again because when Cas is here, it feels like...more. Everything feels so much more intense. Sometimes their arms will graze and Dean will feel his whole body shudder. When Cas is here, Dean can’t forget his presence. It’s like he’s tuned to him and his eyes can’t leave him for more than five freaking seconds without feeling the need to look at him again.
He’s never felt that before. He can’t say he likes it. He’s used it, though. He learned to live with the little glimpses and the long stares he shares with Cas. But more than that? He’s not ready for more. He’s not sure he wants more. His body wants more. If he was being dramatic, he’d say that his soul craves more. But him? Just plain old Dean? He’s good, thanks. He just wants to share beers and watch stupid shows with his buddy. And if he gets the craving to put a hand in Cas’ (frankly impressive) bed hair every morning at breakfast, but never act on it for the rest of his life? Yeah, he can live with that. He’d rather live with frustration than fuck it up and lose his best friend forever.
“I like girls.” he says firmly, jaw grinding. The words actually hurt his throat coming out, scratch it so raw that he has to pass a hand on his throat to make sure he’s not bleeding.
But that’s the truth. He’s never felt like this for another guy before. Hell, he’s not even sure Cas entirely qualifies as a man. He’s...What did he call it? An eternal wasteland...no wavelength of something. Not a guy. Dean’s very much still heterosexual.
So, that’s not a lie.
Dean is just stating facts. Cas can freely interpret them.
Except he looks disappointed all of a sudden. Not for long though, because Cas is good at hiding his sadness behind confusion and soon one of his eyebrows goes up in a slightly exaggerated way.
“That wasn’t my question. But, okay.” Despite the sarcastic tone, it sounds a little too final, a little too pointed. Maybe Dean isn’t actually okay with leaving free interpretation to his words.
“Listen, when I said that earlier, what I meant was...," he still has no idea how to finish this sentence.
“No. I get it. It was a joke. I’m still not very good with those,” Castiel adds with a self-deprecating laugh that sounds so fake that Dean internally cringes. It’s the worst thing Dean has ever heard.
“Cas…” He can’t help but close his eyes for a second, because he’s not sure he wants to see what is reflected on the other man’s face anymore. He wants to say that he’s sorry but knows that he shouldn't. He takes a breath and when he opens his eyes again, Castiel has bitten his lip so hard that a trickle of blood is running down his chin. “You hurt yourself again.” Dean states, without even realizing it.
No. That laugh. That laugh is the worst.
“I did,” Cas answers, wiping the blood, nodding. He looks at the blood on the back of his hand for a second. “You’re right, I should stop doing that.” He sucks on the side of his lip for a second before nodding his head. “Glad we’ve cleared that up. Goodnight, Dean.," Cas says, his tone too neutral.
It feels like he’s running away, but Dean can’t find the words to stop him.
In the morning, there’s a dent in the form of a fist on the fridge’s door and Cas isn’t there anymore.
You can read the rest on AO3
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hello there (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I'm pretty new to destiel and just found your blog because I wanted to look into some fanfics and someone recommended & turns that you have like a billion one shots for destiel! love your writing style but, I'm not sure where to start in your drabbles tag because it's soooo much (゚д゚) can u maybe point me to some popular ones or some that you preferred writing or something like that to get me started? thank you anyway (ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿
Hey friend! 
Ahh, I totally get you. :p A billion is a bit ambitious, but with like 400 stories in one tag and no way to sort, it might get tricky. *sweats nervously for not having a better tagging system*
But anyway, you rock for finding my blog and liking my style, so here is a little something to help you out! For starters, a lot of my stories are also on AO3, which is still a realm of chaos, but is a hell of a lot easier to navigate than my tumblr tag. 
Anyway, here is a little map to get you started, sorted by my most popular Destiel fics (according to AO3), and ones I personally just loved writing!
Canon!Verse fics, most popular:
1) CursedTeam Free Will is hunting a witch, but before she dies she turns Cas into a kitten. They can’t find a cure, and after two weeks everyone is losing hope. One night when Cas is sleeping on Dean’s chest, the curse fades and he turns into himself again. As Dean’s luck would have it, Sam walks into the living room seeing Dean sprawled out on the couch with a very naked Castiel on top of him.
2) JealousyWhen Dean, Sam and Castiel are having a drink at a bar after a hunt, Dean finds Cas flirting with a guy, and suddenly realizes something about his own feelings for the angel… 
3) Dream A Little DreamCastiel goes after a Djinn but gets captured, and of course his dream world is all about Dean and him being happy together, so he’s very disappointed when Dean and Sam save him and he wakes up… 
4) With A Little Help From My FriendDean is really nervous about finally telling Castiel how he feels, so he practices over Skype with Charlie. Naturally, Cas chooses that exact moment to drop by, and ends up hearing the whole thing…
5) WhiteboardFor a while now, there has been a whiteboard in Dean’s room. When failing to say the words out loud, there’s always the option to write them down. So that’s exactly what Castiel suggests, and Dean humors him, the two of them finding new ways to understand and forgive each other by working through some issues from both the present and the past.
Soulmate AU’s, most popular:
1) What Can’t Be SeenSoulmate AU where you first see color after eye contact: Cas is a famous best selling author and he’s promoting his book, so he’s talking to a crowd of people and suddenly his world is in color, and a lot of his fans pretend to be his soulmate. A Cinderella type situation ensues.
2) The PendantAU where instead of a tattoo/name everyone’s born with a pendant/charm necklace that matches their soulmate’s. Dean walks into their bathroom thinking it’s empty, but there’s Cas taking off his shirt to take a shower and Dean sees his necklace (that matches Dean’s, obviously) and freaks out (because Dean is totally 100% NOT gay at all). Bonus if Cas already knows.
3) Daffodils & Forget-Me-NotsSoulmate AU where when you write something on your skin with pen/marker/whatever the hell you want, it will show up on your soulmate’s skin as well.
High School AU’s, most popular:
1) No HomoFor the prompt: ‘I wasn’t gay, but then I kissed you in front of some homophobes to piss them off, and turns out I might be kinda gay for you after all’. In which a kiss makes Dean realize that he has feelings for his best friend.
2) This Game We PlayDean and Castiel have been best friends since they were little, and sleepovers are a common event. They’ve always loved playing the game where they draw out letters on each others backs and try to guess what the other is writing. Even though sixteen seems to be a bit too old to still play the game, Castiel uses it as a chance to silently confess something that he’s been wanting to share with Dean for a long time.
3) Camping and CuddlesDean and Castiel have been best friends since forever, and they decide to go on a camping trip to celebrate graduating high school. When it starts raining and Cas’ tent turns out to have a huge hole in it, the boys are forced to share Dean’s tent, and things heat up.
4) The CallCastiel accidentally butt dials his best friend Dean, and Dean overhears a conversation that wasn’t meant for his ears. Or: the one in which Dean finds out that his best friend has feelings for him.
5) Practice Makes Perfect‘It’s not gay if it’s practice, but shit that was actually really nice wanna practice some more?’ Or, the one in which Dean offers to help his best friend Cas improve his kissing skills, until it’s no longer just ‘practice’. 
(If you are particularly into High School AU’s, I also made a complete list of al my HS AU’s that you can find here –> Click!
College/Roommate AU’s, most popular:
1) What It MeansDean’s roommate and best friend Castiel always says ‘I love you’ to him every night before they go to sleep. Seeing as Dean has some serious feelings for his friend, he can’t take the confusion any longer and one night asks Cas what it means when he says ‘I love you’. 
2) If At First You Don’t SucceedFor the prompt: “Wait, did you just flirt with me?“ “Have been for the past year, but thanks for noticing.
”Dean has a huge crush on his friend Castiel, with whom he also shares an apartment. When he decides that he finally wants to woo Cas, everything that could possibly go wrong, does indeed go wrong.
3) UnbrokenDean’s best friend and roommate Castiel is asexual, and it’s causing Cas a lot of trouble when it comes to dating. Cas feels broken, but Dean deeply disagrees; he’d be with Cas in a heartbeat, if only Cas would see him as more than a friend… 
4) Safe And SoundFor the prompt: ‘College!AU where Dean and Cas are roommates and one of them is afraid of thunder, so naturally they have to huddle/cuddle together until the storm is over.’
5) Hot & ColdDean and his best friend Castiel get stuck in the middle of nowhere when the Impala’s engine gives up on them. A snowstorm is raging, and it seems that the only way to keep warm is a method that sounds a lot like ‘naked cuddling’. Not that Dean is complaining.
Blind/Deaf AU’s, most popular:
1) Through Your EyesDean’s best friend Castiel is blind, which is why Cas loves it whenever Dean describes the things as he sees them. When Castiel gets curious and wants more details about Dean’s looks, Dean is reluctant to go into detail about them. Castiel’s solution is simple, and demands nothing more than a gentle touch.
2) At First SightDean has been blind since he was four years old, but at 18 years old he regains his sight through special surgery. This also means that he will finally be able to actually see his boyfriend Castiel for the first time. Castiel is excited, but at the same time utterly terrified that Dean won’t approve of his looks…
3) MisunderstandingsWhen the handsome new student Castiel Novak arrives at Lawrence High, Dean has every intention of making him feel welcome. However, Castiel seems to ignore Dean whenever Dean tries to talk to him…
4) DeliciousImagine your OTP, based on this text post: ‘Okay, so I’m a waitress at this restaurant that’s open really late and it’s nearly 1am and this family comes in and I’m so tired that I handed their BLIND SON a menu and he’s like “ah… thank you… I’ll just… read this” in a serious voice and I fucking snorted.'With blind!Dean and waiter!Cas.
Personal favorites to write:
1) Her Favorite Love StoryThe story of Dean and Castiel as seen through Mary Winchester’s eyes; AKA how she witnesses her oldest son fall in love with his best friend. 
2) The MatchmakerBased on this prompt: “My cat keeps breaking into your apartment next to mine, so I tied a note to its collar to apologize, and you write back. We keep exchanging cat notes, and you turn out to be pretty cute.” 
3) WingsWhen ten year old Dean Winchester and his family move to a new town, he becomes best friends with the boy next door, who happens to be an actual angel. Dean is fascinated with Castiel’s wings from the start, however when they get older, Cas suddenly starts hiding them and no longer wants Dean to groom them for him.
4) BlackboardsFor the prompt: 'Dean and Cas are both high school teachers, and they leave each other cute notes on each others’ black boards.’
5) To Date a DickCas is out on a date with a complete and utter asshole in a really nice restaurant, and Dean is their waiter who feels the need to intervene.
6) Angel Grace (2 Parts)Dean Winchester loves going to conventions to meet the cast of his favorite TV show 'Angel Grace’. Aside from being good at his job, lead actor Castiel Novak is charming, handsome, and has a heart of gold. Like many fans, Dean has a serious crush on the guy. However after meeting Castiel several times, it’s starting to look like Dean’s crush isn’t as one sided as Dean had always assumed it was.
Holiday Specials:
❄ Destiel Drabbles: December/Christmas Edition Fluffy Christmas-themed Destiel stories to warm the cockles of your heart during the cold December days! 
❄ All I Want For ChristmasDuring a big family get together, a drunk Castiel starts singing ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ to his best friend Dean while the whole family watches.
🕷Destiel Drabbles: Halloween EditionSome fluffy Halloween themed Destiel drabbles. Happy Halloween!
🕷Kiss Or TreatCastiel has been dutifully handing out Halloween candy all night, entertaining the many kids ringing the Novak house’s doorbell, but he’s in for a big surprise when the bell rings once more and it’s his crush Dean Winchester suddenly standing there on his front porch…
🕷Of Holding Hands and Haunted HousesFor the prompt: 'You’re scared of haunted houses and Halloween attractions, and I don’t even know you but your friends left you behind (what dicks) so I’m gonna hold your hand and get you through this, alright?’
♥Valentine’s DayFor the prompt: 'Cas anonymously sending Dean one of those school Valentine’s Day flowers with a little personalized note, thinking that someone as popular as Dean won’t notice his message anyway because he gets so many. Little does he know that Dean sent one to him as well…’
If you feel like reading a multi-chapter Destiel fic, I wrote one of those as well: 
Fortune CookiesDean and his best friend Jo own a bakery together. When a salesman named Crowley visits Dean to make a deal, Dean has no idea of the consequences, and his world turns upside down when an actual angel literally crashes into his life. For the first time in his thirty-year-existence, Dean is overwhelmed by real companionship, wings, and most of all… love.
Or for easily reading and clicking through short fluffy (mostly canon!verse) Destiel stories, go here:
~ 100 Days of Destiel Drabbles ~
Or here: 
~ 30 Days of Destiel Drabbles ~
Hope this was helpful, and happy reading! :D (I really need to become a better tagger, ahum. :p)
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imacrowcawcaw · 4 years
Treasure Ch. 1 (Penntin)
Pairing: “Penny” Adiyodi/Quentin Coldwater, past Penny/Pearl Sunderland, past Quentin/Alice Quinn, background Margo & Eliot
Fandom: The Magicians (TV)
Length of series: who knows
Warnings/tags: magic (like duh), universe alterations, canon divergence (obviously), spells gone wrong, magic rituals, slow build, enemies to friends to lovers, first kiss, first time, snuggling and cuddling, Penny is very physically affectionate believe it or not, attempted humor, fluff, angst, smut, happy ending
Quentin fucks up a spell (Penny may or may not have also helped/hindered).
Quentin is the reason Penny can’t see unless he’s hugging him and also why everything smells like the Bog of Eternal Stench.
Quentin’s run-amuck brain brings all sorts of problems to the table.
Quentin is starting to make Penny feel funny in his chest (and his pants). 
Fuck Quentin, man.
Author’s Notes: I’m nearly through season one and am also not willing to put in hours of research on this universe’s magical rituals, so -- keep that in mind, I guess. That being said, I am in LOVE with this show and also this pairing. 78 stories on ao3?!? Fair, but sad…. I am falling hard and fast for Penntin (idk the ship name). So I had to write out everything in my brain. So here. Plays off of some the other fics on here, particularly “Practical applications of falling in love” -- kudos to you, @echomoon, that was amazing and I can’t stop thinking on the concept!! 
The smell was everywhere. It burned through Penny’s nose like it had a personal vendetta against every single one of his nostril hairs (which, it had been kindly pointed out a few years ago by a bitch who will remain unnamed, numbered quite a few. Especially visible when underneath him, which almost everyone was in this apparent plane of Hobbits. Right, moving on. Bitch.)
He covered his nose with his hands, then the scarf wrapped loosely around his neck - purple silk, today - but the smell just kept coming and coming until he was nearly choking. 
In the back of his mind, Penny could feel the waves of panic, frustration, and disgust coming off of Quentin fucking Coldwater in a mixture much similar to what he was feeling. More panic, or course, cause the guy was a walking circus accident, and some various streams of babbling mind diarrhea lamenting about the awful smell. Surprisingly, the guy had a vocabulary Penny could almost be impressed by. But he was much more focused on himself and his dying nose, no matter how insistent Quentin’s feelings were.
And Penny would like to point out that he never willingly associated with that geek. It was always outside forces convening to push them together, whether in a study group or room assignments or the weird-ass plot against their lives that somehow connected Mothman and cursed daggers and creepy pedaphilic authors (that he would have liked to punch in the face).
Of course, that ever-present, invisible asshole (fate, god, the Dean; what did he care?) pushed them together yet again with more disastrous results. 
Like them being together in the same room at all.
Like them being paired up to do spell work.
Like them fucking it up. 
The disastrous fucking results he just knew were going to happen were, apparently, this smell. He had scented some pretty bad (literal) shit in his lifetime, but nothing compared to the absolute atrocity that was Quentin bungling a simple ass locator spell. 
“Oh, my god!”
And that was the fucking idiot, desperately clutching his ever-present baggy shirt over his face like it would do some good against it. Magical stenches did not, as it appeared, let themselves be blocked out so easily. 
Penny rolled his eyes - watering like a baby’s, he might add - and made his way over to a window on the backside of the class, pounding at the frame with his fist when it wouldn’t fucking budge. 
Stupid Quentin, going and burning his nose because he couldn’t fucking concentrate on anything other than Alice’s tits. Bet he had something to do with the stuck window, too. 
“Come ON, fucking open!” Penny muttered. 
He was desperate for fresh air. He would beg and cry if he had to - his eyes were already crying, and also did he mention fuck this? - but he just needed this goddamn window to open up, so if he could just get the latch to jiggle a little more to the left-
Aha! Fresh air!
Penny stuck his head out of the window and breathed in deeply, opening his mouth as wide as it would go like a dog on a car ride. He gulped and drank in the life-giving oxygen -- but, but it was-
Ugh, Quentin. Trust him to fuck up not only the air inside the classroom but the whole fucking campus as well. He would have to be funding the entire infirmary at this point. 
Sighing (and then retching), Penny pulled back to shut the window and noticed something real fucking peculiar. And creepy. 
Either he had been blinded by the horrible smell - and it was that bad, he wasn’t immediately discounting the theory - or a thick fucking fog had rolled in while Penny wasn’t paying attention. Cause he couldn't see anything. All across his field of vision was grey -- actually, it was more of a murky blue than grey, and it was moving at a surprising speed for having no conceivable end to it. And it was so thick (like Quentin, god Penny was going to fucking kill him).
“Penny! Please get away from the window!”
Quentin was pleading with him now, and Penny almost felt bad about how scared he sounded -- not entirely, though; that voice crack was hilarious. Idiot fucking deserved to be scared. Look what he had done!
He turned around to tell him just that, except for, uh, he couldn’t see him. The fog was in the room. 
The podium near Penny’s left side was a vaguely visible outline, and the front lab table even less so -- man, don’t even get him started on the desks and chairs. There was nothing. He could be in Fillory for all he knew- oh. Hell to the fucking no.
“Quentin!” He roared, “Where the fuck are we?!”
“Wh- what do you mea-- here! We’re in class! Where the hell are you?”
So that was a relief, if a disappointing one (those were called oxymorons, right? Fits. Quentin was a moron who was causing him to run out of fucking oxygen.)
“I’m by the window, dumbass! Trying to get some fresh fucking air, cause you fucking destroyed it all and replaced it with dog shit!”
This is worse than dog shit.
Oh god-fucking-damn. He did not need Quentin’s thoughts right now. Penny carefully moved forward, sweeping one foot in an arch across his path before he stepped down. 
He figured Quentin was doing the same, because he heard the rambling oh fuck what was that where am I where’s Penny I’m such an idiot oh my god was that a rat streaming through his head as Coldwater, clearly, let all his wards down in an effort to fully concentrate on navigation and breathing. 
This once, Penny couldn’t quite blame him for devoting all of his energy to the task at hand instead of blocking him off -- but it was still annoying. He was so good at concentrating and yet Quentin managed to get into his brain clear as glass. And he was so fucking annoying. 
“Fuck, Coldwater! Shut the hell up!” Penny sighed and paused, running a hand over his hair. The waves of panic were increasing. “Just stay where you are and I’ll come to you. But stop thinking, please.”
“Yeah, okay- oh! Ow, fuck…”
There was a loud crash and then Quentin's pained noises as he clearly ran into some sort of furniture. Penny sighed again. What idiot had let this guy anywhere near a spellbook? (Nevermind how powerful he occasionally was -- that didn’t make up for stupidity.)
Penny breathed deeply - the one meditation practice he admitted could help, if only to calm him down - and kept making his slow way across the room. He was pretty sure that he was in the center of the room now, but he also knew that not being able to see made distances seem much longer than they were. 
He took another step and ended up tripping over the same goddamn chair Quentin had apparently ran into, because his body landed on another guy’s that made a pathetic “ow” noise again. 
“Jesus Christ, Quent, you could of at least picked yourself back up off of… the…. floor,” he slowly trailed off, looking around. 
There was no more fog. There was no more burning smell. The classroom was exactly like it was before they had started the chant -- empty desks and chairs left behind by all the people who didn’t have slow idiot’s for lab partners, wood paneling that tried and failed to look classy, and the front lab table covered in various magical instruments. 
“What the hell?”
Quentin sat up underneath him - as much as he could - rubbing his nose and sniffing deeply. Penny agreed. The air felt amazing, like a soothing balm on his poor, abused air canals. 
He quickly realized that there was still a geek that was responsible for all this mess half-lying on the floor underneath his body, and that someone could walk in at any moment. So that was un-fucking-desirable, in multiple ways (ugh, Quentin. Just thinking about him made Penny shudder.)
With a quick brace of his arms, Penny bolted upright and took several steps away from the nerd -- back into the fog and the awful smell. 
He looked around, confused and pissed off. Was this some kind of joke the kid was trying to pull on him? 
Penny tried to do a simple fire spell, then again, and again; each time more desperately than the last. Nothing. It was like the fog was muting his magic -- it was curling in scarily tentacle-like clouds around his hands, engulfing them in dense smoke and snuffing out any sparks he could have produced. 
Now Penny was panicking a little. 
He was still mostly pissed off, mostly- extremely pissed at Quentin, possibly more than he ever had been before, and frustrated with just a twinge of panic at the absence of his magic; the opposite of the nervous nellie probably still huddled around a chair leg on the floor. 
Something grabbed at his foot, and, suddenly, the smell and fog had gone away again. He could breathe and see and there was a rather large flame coming from his hands, a culmination of the previously snuffed flames all working together to express his rage through fire. 
When he looked down, Quentin was actually clinging to his foot, not a chair, and looking very nervous. What was new. Penny tried to kick him off and succeeded after a moment, the blueness invading so suddenly he didn’t even notice the smell for a second. 
Then it was gone, again - he was gonna get whiplash from this shit - and Quentin was hugging his leg, again. This time he looked more sheepish than nervous, and it made Penny want to kick him in the face. 
(Ch. 2 on Tumblr)
“I, uh- I think that the fog and the smell only happens when we’re not touching each other.”
Well, it made sense considering the last three minutes of god dicking with the light switch - not to mention Quentin’s history of idiocracy and miss-castings, but-. Come on.
“Coldwater, I. Am. Going. To. Fucking. Kill. You.”
(Ch. 2 on Tumblr)
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sothischickshe · 4 years
8! 19! 23!
8.  Are there any genres that you tend to avoid?
hmm for fanfiction, i don’t think there are many that i actively avoid - i guess aged down aus about actual children which are explicit? there are genres i’m not particularly drawn to, such as fluff which isn’t also humorous, and genuine pwp where you’re thrown into the fucking from word 1, but i’m not avoidant exactly and would likely give them a try (especially if it’s an author i like and/or they’re short)
i think generally with the written word i’m more willing to try things than i am with visual media. like, i don’t enjoy watching psychological thrillers or stuff with jump scares (it’s too stressful!!!!), but i don’t mind reading that stuff
19. Have you ever stopped reading a fic? Why or why not? 
yes. in many cases bc i had reached the end. ahahaha. i already made this joke when i answered this earlier but it bears repeating
23. What do you wish more fic authors would do?
rio dean bodyswap, obviously
it was a mistake to answer any of those about anything other than rio dean bodyswap i see that now
4 notes · View notes
forwhycas · 4 years
Oh, What a World (part 1)
Hello all, obviously my roger fic never got completed but i’ve been working on a Joe fic that has been finished and edited, with the help of my very good friend! No warning’s for this chapter, although maybe some swearing? 
 You met Joe at a café you used to go to almost every day after your 4 pm class. It took you a few weeks to introduce yourself to him. You first noticed his laugh; you were listening to your study playlist which consisted nothing but classical music and you heard this loud. You rolled your eyes as you looked up to see who it was; you were going to shoot whoever it was a glare, but he was gorgeous. He had this wide smile, and golden hair. You smiled to yourself, turned up your music and got back to work. After that day you started to notice him more and more. The day you introduced yourself he was reading Poe, one of your favorites.
 “Hi, sorry to interrupt but I see you here a lot and wanted to introduce myself, I’m Charlie.” He was sitting down and he got up to shake your hand and motioned for you to sit down with him.
 “I’m Joe, nice to meet you.” You sat down and placed your bag on the floor. He smiled at you and put his book down, the wrong way in your opinion, pages down, damaging the spine.
 “I admire your taste in authors…” You pulled the same book out of your bag and put it on the table.
 “I’m currently on A Dream Within A Dream.”
 “I’m on The Sleeper.” He grinned at you and you too got to talking about basic stuff, he asked if you went to school, or if you were a local. You told him it was your first few months here and that you were a transfer NYU grad student.
 “Where do you go to school?” He chuckled a little.
 “I’m flattered you think I look young enough to be in school, but I finished school a while ago, I’ve just lived in the city most of my life.”
 “So what school did you go to?”
 “University of Southern California, I graduated in 2005, loooong time ago.”
 “God in 2005 I was in middle school…”
 “Way to make a man feel even older, Charlie.” He smirked at you, picked up his book and folded the corner of the page he was on. You inwardly cringed. Your phone started to vibrate reminding you about your second class of the night; astrology.
 “Well Joe, it was nice meeting you, I’m here almost all the time after my 4 o’clock class, so feel free to join me anytime, I have to get back to campus.”
 “Will do, enjoy the rest of your day!” You threw him a peace sign over your shoulder, suddenly feeling more energized for astronomy.
 A few days later you were sitting in your usual spot and felt someone staring at you, so you looked up and Joe was sitting at his usual spot as well. You motioned for him to come and sit with you.
 “Hey, hope I’m not interrupting anything…” He motioned to the cluttered table in front of you, flash cards and notes taking over the small table you sat beside. You shook your head no and ended up taking an hour long break before he headed out to go home. You started to sit with Joe almost every time you went to the café and started to get to know him a little better. He was nice and had a great sense of humor; super sarcastic and a little bit dark, but always playful. He always had the warmest smile displayed, and after a long 2 hour lecture, being with him for just a few minutes your mood would instantly spike.
 “Hey did you maybe want to join my friends and I for a movie tomorrow night?” You asked Joe as he was putting his book away. He looked shocked and stopped what he was doing.
 “Um yea, what movie?”
 “Oh it’s just Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, it’s re-playing at The Paris tomorrow night at 6.”
 “The Paris! Love that place, I’ll definitely be there!” You had just gotten done packing up and wrote down your number on a crumbled up receipt before you wished him a good rest of his night.
 You were just getting out of the shower when your phone pinged, it was a new number.
 “Hi it’s Joe, I forgot what time you said to meet you at The Paris for?”
 “Hey J! 6 o’clock!”
 You decided to dress comfortably since the movie was 2 and a half hours long, you pulled on your most worn in pair of jeans and a hoodie, grabbed your wallet and left for the 4 block journey. You found Joe waiting in the lobby for you.
 “Joe!” He took his hands out of his pockets and gave you a small wave and of course his signature smile.
 “Hey, how was your day?”
 “Boring. I had to sit through a bunch of presentations this afternoon, one of them about black holes, and if I’m being honest, if it wasn’t for the painfully attractive person presenting it I would have fallen asleep.”
 You felt someone’s arm drape over your shoulder.
 “You think I’m painfully attractive?”
 Dean kissed your cheek and shook hands with Joe, you blushed and when you saw Joe lift an eyebrow at you. You explained to Joe how Dean was a good friend and the smartest in your astrology class. Just then the rest of your friends walked in together being loud per usual. Dean from astrology, Laura from stats of psych, and Adam and Dylan from creative writing. All of you were different majors and that’s probably the reason why all of you got on so well. After introducing your small group of friends to Joe while waiting in line for your tickets, everyone dispersed to go get different food. Joe followed closely behind you.
 “I like your friends, they’re all so…”
 “Loud? Childish?”
 “I was going to say different, also you guys are all children to me, but I can tell all of you are polar opposites.”
 “Well I’m the oldest of the group, everyone else are just super smart juniors taking grad courses.” You grabbed a bag of skittles while Joe grabbed some gummy bears, and when he automatically paid for your skittles, you gave him a pouty look.
 “I’m gonna slide money into your pocket while you’re not looking during the movie.” He matched your look and leaned down to your level. You two stared at each other like that for a few seconds before you burst out laughing. You found your friends and all took your seats.
 “If I fall asleep, just wake me up for the sad ending please.”
 “How the hell can you fall asleep in a movie theater?”
 “I can honestly fall asleep anywhere.” You shrugged but he agreed. You didn’t end up falling asleep but you did cry at the ending like you always did, when everyone raised their wands you audibly sobbed. You felt Joe looking over at you but you didn’t care. After everything was over and the lights came on, Dean was the first person to say something.
 “Well I need a fucking drink after that, anyone care to join?” You laughed and shook your head.
 “I have an exam first thing in the morning, I’m gonna head home.” He shook his head and gave you a disapproving look.
 “Oh Boo! Charlie when are you gonna finally get trashed with us?”
 “I did enough drinking my first two years, thank you very much.” You said shuddering at the memory.
 “But Charlie, how are you ever going to find out how amazing drunk sex is with me…” Dean teased.
 “Right on that note I’m gonna leave, Joe be a gem and walk me home?” He nodded and said goodbye to everyone.
 “So your friends are cool…”
 “No my friends are fucking weird, I’m so sorry about Dean by the way, he’s too much sometimes.” Joe snickered. He commented on how you sobbed like a little bitch when Dumbledore died, and you gave him a hurt look and called him a psycho for not crying.
 “Anyways this is me, thanks for joining us, also thanks for paying for my candy, much appreciated.” You smiled up at him, and reached up on your tippy toes to hug him.
 “Hey anytime, I had fun, definitely have to do it again soon.” He smiled and went on his way. A few hours later your phone pinged.
 Joey: I don’t know how I didn’t notice you putting three dollars into my sweatshirt pocket.
Charlie: What can I say, I’m sly as fuck!
 You chuckled and plugged in your phone and continued studying for your exam.
  A few weeks later you were studying for yet another exam when your phone started to vibrate, it was Joe.
 “Hey Joe, what’s up?”
 “Just hanging out, wondering if you wanted to come by and watch a movie?”
 “Can I bring all my stuff with me? I promise I’ll watch the movie but I’m still going over my lecture notes…”
 “Yea of course, I’ll text you my address.” He hung up and you started to pack up your stuff. 20 minutes later you were at his place. You texted him and he came down to get you.
 “Jesus Joe! Where the hell do you work to have such a nice place and are they hiring?” He chuckled nervously.
 “Have you ever seen Jurassic Park?”
 “Dumb question, but yes, classic film.”
 “Look up the cast…”
 “I only remember Jeff Goldblum, what a daddy.” You did though and sure enough, Joe’s name popped up.
 “No way! You played cute little Tim!”
 “I did.”
 “That’s cool! Well this explains the nice place, what else have you been in?” He started naming a few, and your eyes widened when he said that he even directed a few short films and a whole movie. “Well, guess I’m friends with an actor slash director now.” You shrugged and he smiled at you, he led you to the living room and you set up your stuff and started to make flash cards as he found a movie. A few minutes later he was slowly grabbing away all the stuff in front of you, your computer, flash cards, pens, books.
 “After this I’ll go over the flashcards with you if you want?”
 “Yes please.”
 Alice in Wonderland started and you smiled, it was one of your favorites.
 “Joe this is one of my favorites, have you been stalking me? Or do you just have really good taste?” He smirked as he sat down next to you.
 “Definitely have not been stalking you, I just haven’t watched it in a while, and you can’t go wrong with a Disney movie!” Just as Alice fell down the rabbit hole, Joe jumped up scaring the shit out of you.
 “Sorry I forgot about the skittles! I’ll be right back…” You ended up laying down on your back, head facing the tv, and when he came back he gave you the warmest smile. You sighed as you started to shuffle to get up.
 “No, don’t get up I’ll just scoot myself next to you, if that’s ok?” You nodded and he handed you the bag as he positioned himself laying next to you on the large sectional, you ended up just laying on top of him a few minutes later, his hands playing with your hair, causing your eyes to flutter close.
 “As relaxing as your hands running through my hair feels, I’ll fall asleep on you at any given moment…”
 “So sleep, I’m not going anywhere, I’m just here to make sure you get a study break.”
 “If I fall asleep, which I probably will, make sure to wake me up when Alice is done with her acid trip so I can study…” Joe lost it, and you couldn’t help but laugh with him.
 “Will do.” He continued to play with your hair and you couldn’t fight it, between studying basically all day and really not sleeping much, your eyes closed.
 “Hmmmm, yes?”
 “Do you want some coffee?” You smiled and nodded up at him with your eyes still closed. You got off of him and stretched then followed him into his kitchen, you hopped up on his counter as he started a pot of coffee.
 “Please tell me I didn’t snore.”
 “No you were pretty silent, you passed out super quick. When was the last time you got some solid sleep?” Your eyebrows raised, as you thought about it. “It’s sad you have to think about that answer.” You shushed him and put your hand over his mouth as you thought about it. He swatted your hand away when you started to yawn.
 “Well today’s Friday? So Wednesday night I slept for probably 4 hours, ever since then I’ve been wired for my exam next week.”
 “What are you doing tomorrow?”
 “Studying…maybe a nap. Who knows, I’m very nocturnal these days.”
 “How about you take a break from studying and we can do something?” You instantly knew your answer. The word yes was just echoing in your subconscious.
 “I would love to take a study break and hang out with you, what do you have in mind?”
 “I can take you on a typical tour of the city?”
 “So like times square? Central Park? The museums?”
  “Yea! I love taking new people for a tour.”
 “That actually sounds really nice…I’m all yours tomorrow, also please tell me you have almond milk or something other than cream to put in that coffee, I’m lactose intolerant and don’t feel like going through the stomach pain.”
 “Me too actually, I have half and half and some vanilla almond milk, which do you prefer?”
 “Vanilla please.”
 “Sugar?” You nodded your head. He handed you your coffee, and off you guys went to the couch again. You sat opposite of him and he started to read off the flash cards to you. First round was rough, the second round was much better and by the third you knew all the answers. You got up to stretch, and started to gather your stuff.
 “Alright I could use a shower, where and when do you wanna meet up tomorrow?”
 “Well, if you're up for getting up semi-early, I can make you breakfast in the morning? I make a pretty damn good omelette.” You looked up at him from gathering your stuff.
 “How early?”
 “How about 9?”
 “Yea 9 sounds good!” He helped you gather the rest of your stuff and walked you to the lobby, he gave you a small lecture on how sleep was important all the way down in the elevator.
 “Ok, bye dad!”
 “OK, ew, please never call me dad again! But seriously get some sleep.” You gave him a quick side hug and started off for your apartment. When you arrived there was a note on your door from your neighbor asking you to feed her cat. You walked next door and got her spare key from under her door mat she always left for you to use. You saw Garry as you walked in and he purred at you as you bent down to scratch his ears. You picked him up and decided to facetime Joe. After a few seconds he picked up.
 “Did you miss me that much?”
 “Don’t flatter yourself, I just wanted to show you my neighbors overweight cat Garry! Look at this fucker!” You moved your phone farther away and Garry was rubbing his face into your curly mess of hair.
 “Well fuck, that is a large cat, also Garry? That’s such a human name for a cat!” He smiled warmly as you put Garry down.
 “I know right! Ugh alright I’m gonna go shower to get all of this Garry hair off of me!”
 “You do that, I’ll see you at 9, bring your appetite!”
 “Will do, night Joe.”
 He hung up, and you did your nightly routine. In the morning your alarm went off for 8, and you awoke to a text from Joe.
 Joey: I just realized I don’t have any eggs left, could you grab some on your way over?
Charlie: Yea of course, anything else?
Joey: Wear comfortable shoes, a lot of walking today, see you soon.
Charlie: Got it, comfy shoes, I’ll be there soon.
 You nodded to yourself as you went to your shoe tray to get your running shoes on. 
After a filling breakfast with Joe, you automatically started to clean up.
 “What are you doing?”
 “Force of habit…you have a dishwasher, lucky bitch.”
 He laughed and helped you put everything away.
 “Right, so kid, let me show you the city!”
 “Kid? Joe, how old do you think I am?”
 “I’m flattered, but I’m 25.”
 “How old do you think I am?”
 “You have to at least be 30.”
 “33, I’m old.”
 “I mean you’re older than me, but not old. Old is 70 and up.” He laughed while shaking his head.
 “Right, so when I’m 70 and you're still in your 60’s you're gonna shame me for being old?”
 “Exactly!” He shook his head back and forth while tying up his nikes, and when he rose he put his hands on his hips and looked at you. You slyly snapped a picture.
 “Why are you laughing at me?”
 “I’m sorry but stay just like that….look at this!” He looked at your phone and he raised his eyebrows in confusion while you still laughed. You steadied yourself by putting a hand on his chest. “You look like, I’m sorry let me catch my breath…” You looked up at him and started to laugh again. “Ok I think I’m good! You look like a soccer dad…it’s the Nikes!” He looked at the picture again and then at you, his face dropped giving you a grumpy look. “I’m sorry, I just, FUCK!” You started to laugh again, putting your other hand on his chest now, his head fell backwards and he rolled his eyes.
 “Are you done?” He grabbed your hands away from him and you fell forward a bit, your head hitting his chest now, still laughing. Joe couldn’t help but inwardly melt when he heard your laugh, his heart racing, a blush spreading across his face. He grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you a bit. “You are completely overtired aren’t you?” He looked into your pale green eyes.
 “Yes, ok I think I’m good now, I’m saving this picture forever. Atually I’m gonna set it as your contact picture.” He looked over your shoulder as you did so and his face scrunched up when he saw what his name is in your phone.
 “Joey? Really?”
 “Hey it was either that or Mojo Jojo but Joey made me laugh more!”
 “I can’t even think of anything funny for your name, it’ll come to me though.”
 You guys went outside and it got windy real quick, you were miserably cold, Joe noticed this and he wrapped his scarf around you. You smiled up at him and thanked him. “Hate to be that person but can you show me a cool store that has heat so I can regain the feeling in my fingertips?” You reached one of your hands out of your jacket pocket and placed it on the side of his face, he was so warm. “How the hell are you so warm right now!” He moved his face away, and grabbed your free hand, pulling you into the nearest place, which happened to be Five Below. He let go of your hand, and you pouted and grabbed it again.
 “If you keep touching me with your frigidly cold hands then I won’t be warm anymore!” You gave him a sweet smile and he rolled his eyes at you. “Fine, but we’re buying you gloves.” You found the winter section and chose a nice pair of purple gloves with a scarf that matched, you took Joe’s scarf off and wrapped it back around his neck.
 “Thanks for letting me borrow this Joey, but I think I look more badass in this shade of purple.” Joes nose scrunched up, something that made your heart pound. “I should get snacks while we’re here!” You turned on your heel and started to search, you found some kind bars and got 6 different boxes. Joe raised his eyebrows at you. “I know what you’re thinking, but I lack fiber in my diet so these help, also yes I’m slightly obsessed with them.” You shrugged and then walked around to look at other things. You ended up losing Joe for a good 10 minutes just because you were bouncing around from aisle to aisle. When you found him you had a pile of stuff in your arms. “Look at all the cool stuff I found!” Joe grabbed some stuff from your arms to help out. “I got all these kind bars, a cool clock in the shape of an avocado to put in my kitchen, matching hand towels, I got Garry the fat cat this cool toy, got a 2 pack of purple knee high socks, then a pair of grey sweatpants, you can never have too many pairs of sweatpants!” You were speaking so quickly because you were so excited with all the cool stuff you were getting for such a good price. “I like this store, definitely going to have to come back!”
 “I’m gonna have to help you carry this stuff, aren’t I?” You gave him a wide smile and batted your eyelashes. “That’s what I thought, well thank god you didn’t find the toy section!” Your eyes darted to the floor, and you took a plastic t-rex out of your pocket, you held it up to him.
 “I laughed when I saw it because I thought of you in Jurassic Park, so I’m getting this for you as a token of my appreciation for not only lending your scarf for most of the day, but for helping me with my bags.” You finally were called up to the register and you plopped all of your stuff down. After 5 Below Joe guided you to Times Square, your eyes lit up when you got into the center, it was just starting to get dark and all the colors were so pretty, he stared at you with the cutest smile on his face, biting his lip. You got some pretzels from a nearby truck and sat down and people watched for a little.
 “So what do you think?” Joe asked with a mouthful of food.
 “There’s something comforting about being one person out of millions, also theirs so much to see, we haven’t hit everything yet which is fine because I’m exhausted and I can’t really feel my thighs if I’m being honest. But I like it here, I still miss home and being close to the beach but this busy fast pace lifestyle is great to keep my mind of off shit.” You took a bite of your pretzel.
 “Hate to pry into your life, but what made you transfer to NYU your second year of grad school?” You put down your pretzel and took a sip of Joe’s soda, which he grabbed away from you shortly after.
 “I don’t mind sharing, it’s just a long story, I’ll try to condense for you. Basically I was engaged to my high school sweet heart, we were together since sophomore year and then he popped the question when we graduated college right before we started grad school, then he cheated on me 4 months in, I found out through a mutual friend. He’s now engaged to that woman. I live in a small town and was looking to escape and I was like fuck it I’m applying to NYU, when I got in I packed my car up with as much shit as I could and voila! I’ve been here for 4 months, and now I’m friends with some pretty cool people.” You took a deep breath and took Joe’s soda out of his hand and took a big gulp, then placed it back in his hand. “I left out the dark parts, but that’s the gist of it.”
 “Wow, that’s a lot. Engaged!” His eyes were wide and he was not expecting that, and you loved how you made him speechless. “The dark parts?” His head cocked to the side and gave you a puzzling look.
 “I’ve never really told anyone about the dark parts, still kind of healing from all of that.” You took a deep breath and rested your head on your arm, and yawned.
 “Do you wanna head back? I have left over pasta in my fridge that I’m willing to share with you, but your buying me some beer.” You nodded and chugged the rest of his soda which he was not happy about. He wanted to take the subway back to his, but you convinced him to walk since it was so pretty outside and the wind had died down. You walked arm in arm, pushing through the busy sidewalks, when you made it back to Joe’s you immediately went to his bathroom and put on your thigh high purple socks, the sweatshirt you were wearing under your jacket came down to just above your knees.
 “Joe would it bother you if I didn’t wear pants?” You heard him clear his throat.
 “Do what you want!” he yelled back. So you came out of the bathroom in just your oversized UMASS sweatshirt and purple thigh highs. Joe couldn’t help but look at you from head to toe, which you noticed, but decided to ignore it. “So you’re from Massachusetts? Does this mean you’re a Red Sox fan?” He went back to focusing on stirring the sauce, he was trying not to look at you, specifically the tattoo’s that were peeking out of the tops of the socks.
 “Yup, I could of sworn I told you that? Also I’m more of a fan of football than baseball.” You hopped up onto his counter and crossed your legs. He dropped what he was doing to turn around to look at you.
 “I’m sorry did you just say you like football better than baseball?” He had a crazed look in his eyes, and the water started to boil over, you hopped off the counter and turned the burner down.
 “Yes, I did. Did I hit a nerve in you? Are you a die hard Yankees fan?” He turned to look down at you, still having that crazy look in his eyes, you poked his cheek to see if you broke him. He snapped out of it.
 “Yes, Charlie, look I don’t think this friendship is going to work out if you don’t enjoy baseball, because if I can’t drag you to a Yankees game in the spring then your rarely going to see me.” He added some fresh noodles to the boiling water.
 “Well Joe, looks like I’ll have to start enjoying baseball.” You shrugged and opened a beer to hand it to him, then opened one for yourself. You assumed your position perched up on his counter. Joe smiled to himself while he stirred the sauce again. You guys inhaled the pasta and then sprawled out on the couch. Joe manspreading and you laying down on your back, your legs on his lap. “That was some great sauce, did you make that?”
 “No, my mom was over last weekend and she always brings her homemade sauce for me. I’ll let her know you enjoyed it!” You yawned and closed your eyes for a second. “I know it’s only 8 o’clock but I could knock out right now.” You propped yourself up on your elbows to look at Joe. He responded with his eyes closed as well. “My arms hurt from carrying your bags.”
 “Bullshit!” He chuckled as he stretched his arms out, you watched as his muscles flexed, you bit your lip and let your body fall back again. “I need to get up and go home but I’m honestly way to comfortable to do that at the moment.” Joe through a blanket on you, and you gave him an angry look. “No, take this back!” You flung it on the floor with your foot. “I need to get home and put up this avocado clock in my kitchen ASAP!”
 “That’s what you’ve been thinking about all day! Your fucking weird!”
 “Your right I am weird, but you hang out with me, so what does that say about you?”
 “Get off my couch and put some pants on, go put your avocado clock up!” He patted your thighs that were resting on his lap, then slowly pushed them off.
 “I think your jealous of it!” You said as you got up.
 “I’m not.” You groaned and made your way back to his bathroom to put your jeans back on.
 “I’m gonna leave the other pair of socks here, just promise not to wear them! Where should I put them?” Joe grabbed them and put them in his linen cabinet in an empty spot. “Can I leave these sweatpants here as well?” Joe put his hand out and you handed them to him.
 “Anything else? You wanna leave some kind bars here too?” You flipped him off.
 “I mean your fridge looks pretty bare, maybe I should leave a box here so you don’t starve!” You placed a box of breakfast bars, banana chocolate chunk, next to his coffee machine. “Thanks for being a gracious tour guide, and walking a little slower since I have little legs.”
 “I don’t know about little, I just saw them in those socks, they look pretty long to me.”
 “Joe Mazzello, were you checking me out?” You raised an eye brow at him and smirked. He blushed.
 “In my defense you weren’t wearing pants! But your welcome for going at a slower pace for them. Now go put your avocado clock up!” You reached up on your tippy toes and hugged him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before you were back on your heels again.
 “Hopefully no one tries to take it from me on my long journey home.” Joe smiled and watched you make your way to the elevator. He took the plastic t-rex out of his pocket and put it on a shelf in his living room. He took his phone out of his pocket and looked through the many pictures he took of you throughout the day, you called him ‘your personal photographer’. There were a few on his phone of the two of you standing on the red steps in times square that a stranger took for you guys. He smiled then layed back down on his couch thinking about the day he spent with you and how it quite frankly was one of the best days he’s had in a while.
Let me know how you liked this fluffy chapter!
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quickreaver · 6 years
Kripke speaks!
So last weekend I dragged my long-suffering husband to Toledo, Ohio to visit their absolutely amazing art museum (seriously, if you get a chance, visit it; it's stunningly good), but also, because hometown boy Eric Kripke was giving a talk there. A free talk. Two hours from me. I was excite! 
Okay, so … Toledo. First time I've actually been in the city, vs. just driving past. It's a ramshackle area, but to explore it is to reveal, in some small way, where Kripke and SPN came from. Smallish and hanging on by its fingernails, Toledo squats like an old cemetery in the shadows of the huge BP Oil refinery. If you head north, you hit Lake Eerie, which—this time of year—isn't awful. If you head south, you're in the middle of nowhere. Every other building seems to be derelict. Toledo's 'historic homes' district is chock full of Victorian painted ladies that have seen far better days, the colors peeling and the yards weedy, but they're still some of the most gingerbreaded, neo-Gothic delights I've seen in a long time.
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( (The stupid watermark-like blur is the back of my phone. Should've rolled down the window, duh.)
The industry in town is the aforementioned oil refinery, glass factories, the University of Toledo and a whiff of tourism. So you end up with this strange amalgam of artiness, decay, and working class valor. I dig it. It's very early-season's SPN. I totally get where Kripke was coming from.
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(A supposedly haunted building in downtown Toledo, the Pythian Castle.)
Kripke himself is an unassuming, warm, funny guy. The first few rows in the museum's auditorium were reserved for his family and friends, including past grade-school teachers. The majority of the audience was SPN fans, quite obviously, and not young ones either. It was a mix of ages, but far and away the crowd skewed older. If anyone yaks on about fandom only being for the young, or that the future of the SPN fandom is the 16-24 year olds, don't believe them. I did a bit of a live-tweet of his SPN-topical points, which I won't repeat here but you can hit my twitter and follow the #KripkeSpeaks tag for the highlights: https://twitter.com/hashtag/kripkespeaks?f=tweets&vertical=default&src=hash Lemme see if I can distill the talk down to a few points here, though. He worked very, very hard to get where he's at, and that hard work—regardless of failure—is what opened a lot of doors. That tenacious Midwest work ethic. No matter how small the job, he did it 200%. He slept on floors, he made huge mistakes, he kept his eyes open for serendipitous forks in the road. You've got to have a freight train mentality, but never … never … think you've got it mastered. Lean into the fear. There were two sticking points in his tenure with SPN that he was ready to quit over: when the WB (the CW's predecessor) wanted to ax the classic rock soundtrack, and in one of the episodes (he didn't specify which one), there was a flashback to young Sam and Dean, and the network didn't want to do it. Kripke simply said, “Then I quit.” And he meant it. “You've gotta mean it, or you have no bargaining chip.” Needless to say, the network caved. But he would've walked over either of those situations if the network hadn't conceded. Kripke always loved comedy, and wrote comedy script after comedy script, to no real avail. But he was getting recognized as someone who did solid work. He was a writer's assistant or some such lower level employee when they needed someone to write a script in a pinch. It was horror, but Kripke shrugged and said “What the hell, I'll do it!” It succeeded far better than any of his comedies. He'd been dreaming and fine-tuning his SPN idea for years, and that horror script got him in front of some big names, finally. They didn't like the idea of the heroes being reporters—it felt like a rehashed “Kolchak, the Night Stalker” to them—but then on the fly, he made the leads brothers. In a muscle car. He plucked inspiration from his Toledo childhood. And the big names perked right up. (The stuff he offered “on the fly” had been notes he'd scribbled in the margins of his script. Never let those gems go; you never know when they'll come in handy!) For me, the biggest take-away was “Show me a confident writer, and I'll show you a bad one.” Now, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't know your worth, that you shouldn't love what you do. Plow forward like a freight train, do your very best work, but never stop learning. If think you're the hottest thing since the Pet Rock, well … whatever happened to those Pet Rocks, anyways? When someone crows too loudly about their own expertise, their own authority, they've likely stopped learning. You miss so many opportunities if you think there's only one way to do things. His next TV adventure, Revolution,, was very stressful and fraught with challenges, but he still did his damnedest to make it succeed. When it got canceled, though, he wasn't disappointed. Timeless was far more of a joy to create. That one, he was sad to see go. Then he showed the trailer for his newest show (to be available on Amazon Prime) and it looks sooooo good. The Boys. He's working with the gang that developed Preacher, and sounds like it has that same iconoclastic, dark-humored vibe. YUM. So Kripke gets to exercise his comedy chops after all! (Though, really, SPN had some fantastic comedy moments too. Who says the horror genre has to take itself so seriously?) He took a handful of questions afterwards, during which he revealed he'd love to participate in the last season/episode if his contract will allow. TULPA THIS SHIT, Y'ALL. I had to split at that point because my husband had been patient enough and I was getting hangry and itching to see the museum, but Kripke hung around for autographs. Like the good egg he is. The industry needs more writers like Kripke. I enjoyed the heck out of Toledo, and him.
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destielthedeathofme · 6 years
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Prompt: Number 4, I changed the space part it's just a regular jail :)
Author: @destielthedeathofme
Pairing: DeanxCas
Tags/Genre: Fluff, humor, one shot, idek, we'll see, destielll
Summary: idk read.
It was supposed to be a joke.A harmless prank.
But Castiel fucking Novak had to actually fall for it. Or maybe Dean did. Now they were both sitting in a jail cell.
Let's go to the beginning, shall we?
Castiel was a transfer student starting 10th grade at Lettermen High. He also managed to make the Varsity Football team.
Dean was the only other sophmore on the team. Thus began their competitiveness.
If Dean was in honors, Castiel needed to be in AP.
If Dean scored a touch down, Castiel needed 2.
If Dean had a girlfriend, so did Castiel.
After all, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.
But what made it worse was that Castiel didn't even notice any of it. He didn't pay any attention to Dean.
Dean wasn't sure if it was those blue eyes that bore into his soul, not giving any fucks or his messy hair that pissed Dean off. Was Dean just reading into it too much?
But he needed to end it. All this shit.
It was driving him insane.
He was supposed to be the golden boy.
Perfect girlfriend.
Decent grades.
Star quarter-back.
Castiel wasn't going to fuck that up.So the senior year, he decided to play a prank.
Ghost the guy, text him.
And things went downhill from there. Because infact Castiel wasn't actually that bad.
He started talking to Castiel on a Thursday. Beautiful day that started a horrible thing.
*texts from Day 1*
Dean: R u Castiel?
Castiel: Yes, who are you?
Dean: I go to Lettermen.
Castiel: As do I
Dean: Want to get to know each other more?
Castiel: Sure? But I really don't know who you are.
Dean: That's the point.
Castiel: ok
Dean: Punch Dean W tmrw
Castiel: why?
Dean: just do it, I promise you'll get closer to knowing who I am.
Castiel: but?
Dean: Tmrw you can make me do something
Castiel: okay.
The next day....
Sure enough, Castiel Novak walked up to Dean during lunch, eyes ablaze with determination punched him in the face. The cafeteria howled but Dean smirked at Castiel.
A quick left hook.
It hurt like a son of a bitch.But that proved one thing.
Dean was going to have fun with this.
So much fun.
*Day 2 texts*
Dean: wow u actually did it.
Castiel: yeah
Dean: ur turn
Castiel: come to the game tomorrow
Dean laughed, he sort of had to, after all the star quarter back couldn't miss the game.
Dean: sure
Castiel: will I see u there?
Dean: I'll be in a Jersey.
Castiel: number?
Dean: can't say
The game was a rough one. Dean fumbled a bit, but he was back on track. He wondered why he was so nervous.It wasn't against a rival.Maybe just nerves from school.
But he felt a weird sensation when he saw Castiel looking around the field.
Was it pity? Or was it satisfaction?
He wasn't sure.
His eyes drifted to Dean's, and Dean smirked, Castiel averted his gaze, ears pink.
What was that?
*Day 3 Messages*
Castiel: I didn't see you
Dean: yeah you did
Castiel: ?
Dean: trust me u did
Castiel: why didn't you say anything?
Dean: not ready to tell you my name yet
Castiel: anyways your turn
Dean: bring me pie tomorrow
Dean: just bring pie tomorrow
The next day,Castiel brought pie.
Dean devoured it.
Castiel looked like he wanted to protest but looked utterly repulsed at Dean's rate of inhaling the pie.
So Castiel walked away. Sticking his middle finger up at Dean.
The game lasted for the next 3 months.
Castiel wasn't that bad.
He was perfect actually.
Not that Dean would ever admit it.
Then they upped the game.
The dares started to become more dangerous.
Dean: "I dare you to steal Mr. Crowley's phone."
Castiel: "I dare you to buy the entire stack of cupcakes from the bakesale."
The very last dare that they did was actually one of Dean's.
Dean dared Castiel to climb on top of the school and scream,"Who are you?"
And the fucker did it.
But apparently school's didn't like when student's climbed up to the roof. Especially at 2 AM.
So Dean saw him do it, watched from behind a tree, stared at the idiot in awe.
And in that moment Dean finally realized.
He was obviously smitten.Completely in love with Castiel Novak.
Dean waved at him, awkwardly of course. Dean saw Castiel squint at Dean and then his jaw go slack. He screamed,"You?"
Dean grinned,"Who did you expect?"
And sitting in the jail cell, Dean smiled softly at Castiel who had fallen asleep on his shoulder.
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deanssweetheart23 · 6 years
I was tagged by the awesomest @princess-shurii to do this a looong time ago. Thanks for tagging me, love, I love and miss you <3
1. What was your latest good dream about?
I literally never have good dreams. Ever. But I’ve been having nightmares for, like, the past two weeks and only yesterday I dreamt that my favorite cat tried to murder me after I didn’t let her murder a bird? (Yes, I have issues, I know).
2. What is the place where you feel content?
My home. My mum’s arms. My room. All of the above.
3. Name something and/or someone that/who makes you happy
Something: Books, flowers, dresses, chocolate.
Someone: My friends and family. Dean Winchester. 
4. Name one thing that makes you proud of yourself
That’s a hard one, but I think I’m kind of proud of myself for not being afraid of being alone.
5. What’s the weirdest thing you did recently?
Read while walking. Don’t do it, folks, it’s dangerous.
6. Book or fanfic you fell in love with? Why?
Ugh, this is like the hardest question in the world because I love reading. So.
Books: I have so, so many books I love and hold close to my heart but I’m going to mention my top 5 or so. One Day by David Nicholls is my number one. It’s just such a beautiful, poetic, multi-layered yet realistic love story about love and Nicholls is a master of words (and @trexrambling says I kind of write like him and that’s the best compliment ever). Where Rainbows End by Cecelia Ahern because I’m a sucker the whole best friends to lovers trope and this book is so brilliantly written (all in the form of e-mails, text messages, IMs, no dialogue, no narration and yet, it makes us travel to the deepest parts of the characters’ soul). The Great Gatsby, obviously, along with How To Kill A Mockingbird. Peter’s Long Walk by Greek author Alki Zei is also one of my favorites. I first read it when I was a child and it’s just stuck with me for so long. Me Before You by JoJo Moyes for all its brilliance and humor and emotion. I also recently read Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult and I really, really think that everyone else should, too. It’s so incredibly well-done, so polyphonic and it says so many things about racism and widens your horizons. I absolutely fell in love with it. A Man Called Ove by Frederick Backman because it made me laugh and cry and fall in love with the softest, grumpiest, sweetest and weirdest literary hero in the world. The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks because while he’s not the best writer, Allie’s and Noah’s love story is quite epic and every time I read it I’m reminded of my grandmother. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer because do you have any idea how incredibly well-planned and brilliant and detailed and emotive it is? Before I Go by Collen Oakley because it’s raw and deep and honest and beautiful and Rupi Kaur’s poetry books because she’s amazing. (I have more, but I’m guessing this is too much already, so I’ll just stop now)
Fanfics: I’ve read so many fanfics that have shaped me into the writer I am today and have etched their way into my heart. Just from the top of my head I’m going to mention Broken and Ephemeral by @atwistoffate as two of the best stories I have ever read, Through Your Eyes and Used To This by @trexrambling One More Day, Sacrifice and Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich (the one that got me into writing SPN fanfiction) by @percywinchester27, For The Best and As I Lay Dying by @deanwritings, anything by @supernaturalfreewill tbh, Hold The Line and Bright And Warm by @lipstickandwhiskey Unspoken by @wheresthekillswitch, Fragments by @torn-and-frayed, Now And Then I Get A Little Lost and Don’t You Forget About Me by @sunlightdances and Forward by @blacktithe7. I’m probably forgetting people as well, but I’ve had a very hard day so, please, forgive me.
7. Name an animal or plant you love
Hmmm. I love deers and squirrels. And sunflowers. They are such happy flowers.
8. What’s the strangest fact you know?
Almost 40.000 Americans are injured by toilets each year. I don’t know how. Don’t ask me.
9. If you could be a planet or a constellation, what would you be?
Pegasus because being a flying horse is frigging amazing.
10. What are your thoughts about aliens?
Honestly, I dunno. I think we can’t be the only ones in this enormous universe, do I believe they’re green and have long antennas? Probably not.
Aaaand I’m tagging: @trexrambling @percywinchester27 @torn-and-frayed @deansbabygirl01 @pickupthatamulet @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba @atwistoffate @lipstickandwhiskey @becominglionhearted @tiny-friggin-human @polina-93 @sunlightdances @no-shit-sherl0ck @caitthejourno @escabell @masksandtruths @winchestersnco
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Title: Ending Your Nightmare
Characters: Dean, Sam, and Female Reader
Prompt: #45--“My first friend, my enemy, maybe the last face I ever see.” (The World Was Wide Enough)
Summary: Sam and Dean go on a hunt for a werewolf. However, Sam is already in a bad place after his girlfriend of 3 years (the female reader, also a hunter) breaks up with him. After she leaves the Bunker and starts hunting on her own again, the Winchesters don’t hear from her anymore. They finally find the werewolf, only to discover it is the female reader and learn that she was turned on a hunt after going on her own.
Fic Notes: The reader and Sam break up about 2 months before the brothers go on the werewolf hunt. The reader was turned about 6 weeks after she left the Bunker, so about 2 weeks before the Winchesters finally hear about the new case. She was trying to stay somewhat human but finally loses control and (since this is before the werewolf cure is discovered) Sam and Dean must kill her to make sure she stops.
Word Count: 2,071 words
Author’s Note: This is for @whispersandwhiskerburn’s Hamilnatural Challenge! So jealous that I can’t go see Hamilton, too! And congrats on finishing your first semester teaching at your new school! Hope things continue to go well for you! Also, to my readers, I’m sorry that 90% of my fics seem to end in the reader dying. When I write, I’m just a very twisted person with a dark mind and a messed up sense of humor.
Warnings: Not exactly sure what to call this…probably mostly angst with a little bit of fluff and more angst. Also some foul language. Hope you guys enjoy!
Bunker, 9:37am
“Sam. Sammy! Let’s go!” Dean walks past the door to his brother’s room, banging on it as he goes by. He calls back over his shoulder as he keeps moving, “We got a case. If you’re not ready within the next few minutes, I’m coming in there with the scissors!”
From inside the bedroom, Sam groaned and, rubbing his eyes, tiredly got up out of bed. He glanced around the room with his bloodshot eyes, still exhausted from not sleeping much during the night, and glanced at the empty space in the bed.
“Sammy!” You squealed as Sam chased you around the Bunker, laughing and running as fast as you could, trying to get away. As you turned one of the corners, you could hear Sam’s deep laughter as he followed behind you.
Darting into the first room you can find, you close the door as quietly as possible and hide in a corner while keeping the lights off. You breathe softly, trying to stay quiet so Sam won’t find you.
“Oh, (Y/N)!” Sam called from the hallway, not ready to give up just yet. “Where did you disappear to?” His footsteps kept moving, fading as he walked away. Once you thought he was gone, you cracked the door open and looked out into the empty hall.
Seeing no one, you breathed a sigh of relief and started to step out of the room, only to have Sam rush around the corner and throw you over his shoulder with a playful smile on his face. He carried you back into the room and dropped you on something soft before turning on the lights.
The bright lights blinded you for a moment and a few moments passed before you realized you were laying on a bed, and not just any bed, but Sam’s bed and he was watching you from the corner of what you now realized was his room, a serious look on his face.
“Everything alright, Sammy?” You were confused as you had just been having fun, laughing and feeling like there wasn’t a single thing left to worry about. Looking at the younger Winchester, it seemed someone had just taken everything he cared about away from him and you couldn’t understand why.
Blinking, Sam shook his head and swiftly crossed the room to stand in front of you, pulling you up from the bed and urgently pressing his lips against your own.
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long,” he whispered against your lips.
*End of flashback*
Things just weren’t been the same with you gone and Sam would do anything to be able to relive the better days, the ones spent with you by his side. He stared at the empty space, your empty space, for a moment longer before getting out of bed and getting ready to go on another hunt.
A young man sat in a hospital room, bandaged from his shoulder almost to his hip. He pulled at his uncomfortable hospital clothes and looked back at the two men in suits standing in front of him.
“So who did you say you guys were again?” Sam and Dean exchanged a quick glance at the question.
“Agents Smith and Williams.” They flashed their fake badges at the injured man as Dean continued, “If you could just tell us what happe-”
“Wait, why would the FBI be involved? It was an animal attack,” the man interrupted, both confused and annoyed. He narrowed his eyes at Sam and Dean. “Isn’t that a little out of your job description? Oh, I know, you’re here because they think I’m crazy. Well, I know what I saw! I know what attacked me!”
By the end of the sentence he was shouting and after giving his brother a concerned look, Sam stepped closer and put his hand on the man’s uninjured shoulder. “We don’t think you’re crazy. If you could just tell us what it was that attacked you maybe we can help. Please, nothing is too crazy,” he reassured.
The man still looked doubtful but continued. “It was big, I know that. It looked just like a wolf but it wasn’t, not one that I’ve ever seen. I know it sounds insane--I wouldn’t have believed it myself if it didn’t happen to me--but I think it was a werewolf.” The man looked down, embarrassed at having said the words aloud. Sam and Dean shared one more glance before thanking the man for speaking with them and walking out of the hospital room.
 TIME SKIP, 8 HOURS LATER (10:45pm) *They’ve finished looking into everything and agree that the man was attacked by a werewolf.*
They had finally found where the werewolf was. The Impala doors slammed shut and Sam and Dean made their way to the back of the car to get some supplies from the trunk. Once opened, the two reached in and started grabbing anything with silver--knives, bullets, and anything else they could find. Nodding to each other, Dean closed the trunk and they silently made their way to the door to the abandoned building where the monster was staying.
Dean stood over in the shadows, glancing around to make sure they weren’t being watched while Sam concentrated on picking the lock. He went to touch the doorknob and it swung open almost immediately, unlocked. Alarmed, Sam stood up and motioned to Dean before quickly ducking inside. Dean followed after another moment and closed the door behind him, leaving no evidence that they were there aside from the car parked outside.
Darkness greeted the two hunters after they entered and Sam had to pull out his flashlight to see where they were going. As he shined it on the walls, Sam and Dean noticed what looked like words, written in what appeared to be blood. Sharing a dark look, they moved closer to read. What was written sent chills down their spines.
 Help me.
I can’t stop.
I can’t control this.
It hurts.
Make it stop.
Save them before I kill again.
Save me from myself.
 “Who the fuck are you?” A voice, female, rang out and the boys jumped back in surprise and pulled out the first thing their hands touched. They raised their guns, aiming at the girl in front of them.
“Show yourself. Now.” Dean gave the command in a frighteningly calm voice, a voice that left no room for argument. You sighed and raised your hands in the air before stepping out of the dark and into the ring of light from Sam’s flashlight, now on the floor from when he dropped it when you first spoke.
“What’s the matter, Deanie? Don’t remember little old me?” You taunted him, a bitter tone to your voice, as you pushed your hair away from your face.
“(Y/N)??” Both Winchesters were shocked and you let out an empty, broken laugh at the surprise on their faces. “Hi, boys. It’s been awhile. What’s up?”
Dean was the first to recover while Sam still stared at you with a pained expression. “What are you doing here? Don’t you know there’s a werewolf running around? I don’t care if you are a skilled hunter, you shouldn’t be doing this case on your own!” He continued his rant, putting his gun away and waving his arms around. “I mean, come on! Do you have any idea how many people this thing has killed and injured? 19! 19 people! And as if that wasn’t enough, he’s obviously insane! Just look at this writing and take a minute to at least consider the conseq-”
“Dean.” Sam interrupted his brother, having watched you grow more and more amused as his brother spoke, a dark smile on your face. “Stop talking.”
“Oh, no. Please. Keep going. You were saying what he has done to these people?” Your smile grew as you emphasized the word he.
“Son of a-” Realization crossed over the older Winchester’s face as he reached for his gun once more. Unfortunately, you had no intentions of letting him reach it twice.
“Sorry, Deanie. But I’ve kinda gotten used to this. And I’ve found it’s fun to be the bad guy for a change,” You lunged for him, turning as you went, and pinned him to the ground. Dean’s head hit a piece of metal and he was out cold within a few seconds. As Dean went down, Sam shot three times and hit you once in the side. Growling, you turned and went after him next and watched as his face turned from confusion over the bullet having no affect on you to fear as he realized what was about to happen.
Changing back, you looked at the two unconscious figures in front of you. “Nighty night, boys.”
 TIME SKIP, 30 MINUTES (11:46pm)
“Sam. Sam. Sammy!” Sam woke up to hear Dean calling his name for the second time that day. Groaning, he opened his eyes and blinked a few times to get used to how bright the room was. Looking around, Sam noticed this room appeared to be in decent condition and all the lights that were working were on. In the opposite corner from where the two were he could see a makeshift bed on the floor, obviously where you had been sleeping for who knows how long. Dean elbowed his brother and nodded to the chair by the door so Sam could see you sitting there, head back and eyes closed. They both pulled on their wrists, trying to pull them from behind their backs, only to feel handcuffs bite into their skin.
“Well, well, well. Look who decided to finally wake up. How’re the two Sleeping Beauties feeling?” You taunted the hunters, your former friends, from where you sat with your arms crossed. You stood up and casually kicked the chair back with your foot before strolling across the room and crouching down so you could all look each other in the eyes. “Wasn’t sure if I hit you too hard, I’m glad you guys won’t miss out on the fun.”
Dean began to struggle again as you spoke but Sam simply stared at you with pain in his eyes, his heart breaking just looking at you. He swallowed and began to speak, his voice cracking as he did. “(Y/N)…(Y/N/N), please…I know there’s still good in you. Somewhere, it’s still there.”
You paused and looked at Sam, really looked at him for the first time tonight. “Sammy Winchester…my first friend, my enemy, maybe the last face I ever see. I know what you and Deanie here will do to me, what you came here to do. You’re going to kill me.  After all, I’m just another monster, another case for the two of you. Do you want to know why I was turned? Because the guy who did it thought it would be funny, wanted it to be a big fuck you to you both for what you do to us.” All the Winchesters could do was stare at you with sympathy and guilt, knowing they were what had caused this to happen to you.
You turned away, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath before letting it out. Turning back to look at the two, you gave them a pleading look. “If I let you go…I’m so tired of this, so tired of having no control…can you promise it’ll be over quickly?” You suddenly looked much older than 22.
“(Y/N)-” Dean started to speak, taking pity on you.
“Okay.” Sam spoke quickly, interrupting his brother and taking all three of you by surprise. “But I’ll be the one to do it.”
You nodded at him, grateful that he seemed to understand how you felt. You reached for the key in your back pocket before unlocking both brothers. Sam slowly stood up, hesitantly reaching for his gun. You stepped forward as he raised it, pressing your forehead against it and closing your eyes.
Dean watched the two of you for a moment, noticing both Sam’s pained expression and your relieved smile, before he was unable to watch and forced to turn away.
Sam took a deep breath, hands shaking.
You quietly whispered to him, “Thank you.”
From outside the building, a single gunshot was heard, followed by the sound of someone falling to the floor and Sam’s anguished cry as he realized what he had done.
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wincestbigbang · 7 years
2017 Master Post
Prompt 1: The Spaceship Impala Artist: amberdreams Author: samsexualdeancurious Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Unrelated Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Unrelated Winchesters, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Bottom Dean, Bottom Sam, Top Dean, Top Sam, Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Android Castiel (Supernatural), Sex in Space, Alternate Universe - Passengers (2016), This is Passengers with a better ending, Near Death Experiences Summary: Dean Winchester is an engineer in hibernation aboard the starship Impala, journeying alongside five thousand other passengers to a new beginning. When his pod malfunctions, he wakes up ninety years too early. Art: LiveJournal Story: Ao3 Prompt 2: The Winchester House Rules Artist: emmatheslayer Author: puckity Other Pairing(s): Implied Sam/Jess, Implied Dean/OMC, Sam/Dean/OFC Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: N/A Summary: There are rules—there have to be rules—otherwise Sam and Dean wouldn’t make it out of this world in one piece. An exploration of tropes, kinks, and meant-to-be through the Winchester life cycle(s). Art: LiveJournal Story: Ao3 Prompt 3: Armageddon Game Artist: dreamsfromthebunker / hit_the_books Author: alulaspeaks Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Canon-typical Violence Summary: A year ago Dean watched Sam walk away from the life. A few months later Sam dropped off the radar completely, his last words to Dean a scribbled note. I just need some time. Don’t look for me. I’ll call if I need you. Now it’s 2009 and Dean finds Sam locked in a warded cell guarded by the Campbells. They say he’s running with demons, that they call him the Boy King. They say Sam’s up to something big. Dean and Bobby confront a caged Sam who is cold, and distant, and far too knowing. While everyone tries to tell Dean that the brother he knew is gone, Dean is determined to find the truth. Along the way he discovers angels, broken seals, a runaway apocalypse, and visions of another timeline that burned up his brother’s brain. Now all Dean has to do is figure out what Sam’s endgame is and how to stop it, or risk losing Sam forever. Art: Tumblr Story: Ao3 Prompt 5: Synecdoche Artist: apataeavaca Author: samdeanddlyumptious Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: ABO, heat, knotting, brief consent concern Summary: The girls are on their way to meet their dad for a hunt when a heat hits D. Lots of fluff and sisterly teasing and passionate sex, with some angst and whump at the beginning to keep things interesting. (This is a timestamp, but can stand alone.) Art: Tumblr Story: Ao3 Prompt 6: A Shadow of What Should Be Artist: fridayblues Author: wetsammywinchester Rating: PG-13 Warnings/Spoilers: None, Stanford angst, hallucinations Summary: Sam wakes up in a strange bed, a strange apartment, and living in domestic bliss with Dean and a dog named Mothra. Obviously, either he’s lost his mind or all of this is a dream. Art: LiveJournal Story: Ao3 Prompt 7: My Anchor Artist: kuwlshadow Author: backrose_17 Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Top Dean, bottom Sam, hurt Sam, Hallcuifer tormenting Sam Summary: Death was the ending that endverse Dean had been waiting for what he got was anything but that. Dean finds himself in a rundown motel with someone he thought he would never see again his Sam. Only this Sam is broken tormented by visions of Lucifer and his Dean missing he is on the edge. Two broken souls each missing their other half find a peace and sense of belonging to one another. A love story between Endverse!Dean and pre-season 8!Sam. Art: LiveJournal Story: Ao3 Prompt 8: Howls In My Bones Artist: azziria Author: weefaol Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Underage, Top Dean, Bottom Sam, Angst, First Time Summary: When John gets a call to investigate a series of grisly animal killings, he drops Sam and Dean at an abandoned cabin two towns over. The boys find ways to keep busy — playing cards, watching movies, chopping wood — but with a howling winter storm on the way, there’s nowhere for Sam to hide his illicit feelings for his older brother. As the lure of desire threatens to devour him, Sam must learn to face the wolves that lurk outside and the monsters within. Art: Ao3 Story: Ao3 Prompt 9: Bolide Artist: weakspots Author: laughablelament Other Pairing(s): Sam/Dean/Jess Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: mild underage, non-con, early S12 Summary: A run-in with witches leaves Sam in a supernatural coma. Dean must navigate the broken, shifting landscape of his soul to get him back. Art: LiveJournal Story: Ao3 Prompt 10: Doesn't Matter What I Remember Artist: stargazingchola Author: smalltrolven Rating: R Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for episode 12.11,"Regarding Dean" Summary: Maybe it’s because they both almost lost each other again. That’s part of what makes Dean do it, but mostly it’s the essay he read in a magazine in the laundromat. Sometimes the right words find you just when you need to read them. Art: Tumblr Story: LiveJournal | Ao3 Prompt 11: Perfect, Twisted, Bloody Family Author: justanothersaltandburn Artist: emmatheslayer Rating: NC-17 Other Pairing(s): Dean/Ketch, Dean/Ketch/Sam Warnings/Spoilers: sibling incest, serial killer AU, police detective!Sam, butcher!Dean, serial killer!Dean, bounty hunter!Ketch, serial killer!Ketch, murder boyfriends, drunk sex, gore, violence, torture, murders, desecration of corpse, oral sex, anal sex, rough sex, bottom!Sam, switch!Dean, top!Ketch, threesome (M/M/M), bareback, coming untouched, dirty talk, polyamory Summary: Dean has a great life. He’s got amazing boyfriend and a successful business, lots of friends, and a smart detective for a brother. They have awesome dinners at each other’s houses, poker nights, and a relationship most siblings would envy. Dean also has a deep, secret lust he’s been harboring for said little brother. That, and the occasional murder of a pimp or drug dealer, just to keep things interesting. C’est la vie. Art: LiveJournal Story: Ao3 Prompt 12: That Time Dean Came to Stanford Artist: tx_devilorangel Author: runedgirl Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Pre Series, First Time Summary: Sam goes to Stanford carrying a secret about his feelings for his brother. Seven months later, everyone’s talking about the good looking guy with the gorgeous ’67 Impala holding court at the local bar. What sparks will fly when Sam sees Dean again? Art: LiveJournal | Ao3 Story: LiveJournal Prompt 13: Hold My Hand Artist: nisaki Author: meohmywhyohwhy Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Bottom Dean, Bottom Sam, Top Dean, Top Sam, Angst, Internalized Homophobia, Established Relationship, First Time Fic Summary: Sam isn’t sure he can do this anymore–he can’t keep being Dean’s dirty little secret. A case in Missouri brings things to a head, while memories from the summer this all began keep bubbling to the surface. Art: LiveJournal | Tumblr Story: Ao3 Prompt 14: Reckless In Love Artist: loracine Author: paperann Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Explicit Sexual Content Summary: When Dean fought his way through the soil to an Earth he never thought he’d see again, he didn’t care how he escaped Hell. The only thing on his mind was seeing Sammy. It turned out to be harder than he thought, but with the aid of Bobby they found him: post-party, having a fuckin’ blast with some half-naked chick in a motel room. It was almost a punch to the gut when she asked the million dollar question—“if they were together” and Sam couldn’t say “they’re brothers” fast enough. Of friggin course, they never flaunted ‘it’, but Sam was acting cagey. Like he genuinely meant it. Dean knew damn well his brains hadn’t scrambled. He knew he hadn’t imagined Sam’s urgent confession the moment his one-year-left Crossroad’s Contract was revealed. And…his own astonishment, upon discovery, because Dean felt the same way. If there was helluva way to go out? God, it’d be that year—every day (every second) was lived with passion, freedom and without regret. But most important: they lived fearlessly with each other. Had Sam’s mind changed after Dean died? Was he humoring the last wishes of a dying man? Either way, if Sam didn’t feel the same anymore…maybe Dean should have stayed in the pit. Art: LiveJournal Story: Ao3 Prompt 15: The Golden State Artist: bluefire986 Author: soy_em Other Pairing(s): Sam Winchester/OMC Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Implied/Referenced Rape, /Non-con, Abusive Relationships, Domestic Violence, Alternate Universe - Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Post-Apocalypse, Sam and Dean are still hunters, Hurt Sam Winchester, Getting Together, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Summary: A year after Sam leaves for Stanford, the Reckoning happens. Angels and demons descend to earth and destroy much of the planet in an endless war. Dean survives, living with Bobby in the survivor city of Sioux Falls, but he never forgets his missing little brother. Finally, after the world has stabilized a little, he decides it’s time to undertake the dangerous trip to California and try to find Sam. He finds his little brother in a settlement on the Californian coast, but all is not well with Sam, who is in an abusive relationship with the Boss, the settlement’s shady leader. Dean has to rescue Sam so that they can rebuild their lives in the safety of Sioux Falls, but the Boss is not going to let Sam leave easily. And Dean’s not even sure that Sam wants to leave... Canon divergent from the beginning: in this world, Sam and Dean are the characters we know, and grow up in hunting monsters with John, but are not the vessels. Art: LiveJournal | Ao3 Story: Ao3 Prompt 16: Never bet against a Winchester, even if you are a Winchester. Artist: stormbrite Author: milly_gal Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: No Spoilers, Cross Dressing, Sex Depravation, CRACK. Summary: The lack of sex is driving both Sam and Dean crazy, but neither brother will admit defeat and beg. What happens when you place a wager on your willpower and then realise you have none? Art: LiveJournal | Ao3 Story: LiveJournal | Ao3
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