#dean/cas + liplocked
shallowstories · 1 year
Help me come unglued
From January 2023; Very self-indulgent Dean/Cas New Years' fic; reposted because it's not SO long. I wrote this when I was down hard with COVID. I couldn't sleep at all.
Dean feels somethin' prickly. It's that creepy itch you get when you just know a yucky spider's skittering over your skin. It’s weird enough that he slaps an open palm to the back of his neck, just in case.
Dean can hear Sam hollering like an animal just outside the door, so he must be nearly done now. (Dean thanks the stars that security was on the chopping block for this section of downtown. Yeesh.)
"All clear!"
Boom. Hasta la vista, Sapphire Chalice of Charlotte.
And hello...Cas?
It’s not really a kiss so much as it the unexpected feeling of being completely smothered by Cas’s lips. He forgets to be shocked or embarrassed.
It’s so clumsy and sudden that Dean's instinct is to be charmed by it. He feels the frown and pinch of his brow give way to a funny little smile, and he's inching his fingers forward to tap at Cas’s shoulder like:
Ease off. I’m fine.
We’re fine.
But Cas’s eyes are too wide, like he’s terrified, and it's like an alarm bell clanging in Dean's mind.
They hadn’t been in real danger here, had they? It was just some crusty old museum artifact and the barest wisp of a ghost. And Sam's already killed the thing.
Dean tries to lean back to talk to him, but Cas shoves forward against him, texture of his lips scraping harder against his own. It's rough. Dean moans, low and confused, and color blooms across his nose.
He hadn't meant it to sound like that, and oh, it kind of hurts.
Cas, he tries to say. Cut it out. That hurts.
Dean huffs air out through his nose.
Damn. This ain't even sexy.
Impossibly, it gets even less sexy the moment Sam comes lumbering through the open door.
And that’s about when Dean realizes this ain’t some bleeding-heart expression of battle-heated relief on Cas's part. In fact, Cas plants both of his hands firmly on Dean’s shoulders and gives a hard little shove.
The force is effective enough to send Dean stumbling. But where Dean goes, Cas goes, like he's being pulled by an invisible magnet. All it does it send them crashing into a table mid-liplock.
Dean bangs his hip hard enough to bruise, and there's a clatter as a stack of book goes thudding to the floor. There's a little ashtray full of marbles and they go skittering, too.
Now's about the time Dean would usually have something cheeky to say. Something-something losing your marbles.
“Oh. Oh! Whoa.” Sam goes pinker than a lobster, puts his ginormous paws in front of his face, and spins around to put his back to them. “Fuck. S-sorry! I didn't know you--”
Cas bristles and tries to talk against Dean’s lips.
Dean thinks he’s trying to say, nurse and maybe...dumpling?
Sam uncovers his eyes, winces at the sight in front of him, and looks at the floor. “D-did you say curse? The artifact did something?”
That makes more sense.
Cas tries a different tactic to separate them this time. Rather than pushing at Dean, he wraps his arms around his middle and lifts him slightly. It has the added effect of smooshing their lips a little harder against each other at first.
But then Cas is bracing against him, like he’s trying to physically wrench them apart. He starts pulling Dean away and pushing his own body back.
Horrifyingly, Dean feels Sam’s arms wind underneath his armpits and give an additional tug from behind.
But all the extra effort to unstick him from Cas seems to painfully suck their lips together even harder, like their spit is made of glue, and the force is rapidly hardening it to cement.
Dean fails to suppress a groan of pain, and Cas’s eyes fly open in panic. Cas shoves Sam back and pulls Dean forward. Sam starts chanting, "Okay. Okay, uh, I was just trying to help."
One of Cas's hands rises to prod gracefully at their joined lips. It feels apologetic, somehow, and Dean tries to relax. Slowly, the hardened rasp of their lips softens again, like putty in a microwave.
They’re not even really kissing so much as they are chastely pressed together, but it's still pretty embarrassing.
Sam mumbles to himself, “That hurt, right?"
Dean tries to nod, but the movement is restrained by the immovability of Cas's head.
“Crap. Crap!” Sam disappears out the door and returns a few seconds later with a box and a pile of ashes. “It’s gotta have something to do with me toasting this thing. Don’t worry, guys! I’ll figure this out.”
A short while later, Dean and Cas are piled into the backseat of the impala, shifted awkwardly towards the passenger side. They’d started out in the middle of the bench, but that hadn’t lasted long, because Sam kept accidentally glancing up to the rear view and gawking at them.
Now, they’re both sitting rigidly straight, with their bodies angled slightly away from one another. Their faces are still awkwardly pressed together at the lips.
Cas has tilted his face to the side so Dean can breath better via his nose, and of course, Cas himself is making a point not to breathe at all.
He seems to be listening intently to the conversation Sam and Rowena are having.
Dean scoffs to himself.
Never has there been a liplock so unsexy, so completely diplomatic.
Yet, Dean can’t seem to focus.
Whenever he opens his eyes, Cas is there, eyes bright blue and completely filling his field of vision. He almost can't see anything else. Not unless he cranes his eyes so far to the corners that his head starts to vibrate with migraine.
Dean tries not to think. If he does, he starts cataloging sensation. The texture of skin. The pores of Cas's cheeks from this close.
An indefinite amount of time goes by, during which Sam’s prattling to Rowena dies off.
Not a moment too soon, he chipperly announces that they’re ten minutes from the bunker. Then, he cranks up NPR like that will somehow ease this humiliating tension. It's a story about some politics or other.
And Dean is getting a damn crick in his neck.
The next story is the science section, and it cheerfully blasts, "Scientists Say Japanese Monkeys Are Having 'Sexual Interactions' With Deer!" Sam makes an inhuman sound as he rushes to squirrel the dial to literally anything else. He lands on Poker Face by Lady Gaga, and he cranks it up loud.
Dean feels Cas laugh against his lips, and he catches his eyes to find mirth there.
Yeah. Dean gets it. It's pretty funny that Sam's academic radio channel had embarrassed him worse than any sexy ballad could. He snorts and Cas gives him a look.
At least the shared joke has broken the tension.
Craning his neck like this has been awful. Easing up a little, Dean makes a disgruntled mmm noise against Cas’s lips and is momentarily stunned by the accidental vibrations that buzz through his (their?) skin because of it.
Cas’s mouth shapes the word Dean, which comes out “Dnn?”
Dean can feel the vertical ridges in his bottom lip.
He tries to shape “neck hurts” back.
Cas must understand some of it, because he turns more towards Dean now. He brings his hand up and cups it around the side of his face, completely supporting under the hinge of Dean’s jaw.
It’s weirdly comfortable.
The support feels a little like a cervical support collar. Cas’s index finger is pressing directly into one carotid and his thumb presses up into Dean’s other side. If it weren't Cas, it's the kind of pinch that would raise Dean's hackles, a grip positioned perfectly to crush his windpipe.
Instead, Dean sighs against him, letting his head sag forward and mouthing a “thanks” that smears their lips together so softly and pleasantly that Dean feels twin pulses throb in his neck.
He might be imagining things, but the pressure dents in stronger, like Cas is doing it on purpose. There's a little throb in the pad of Cas's thumb, like Cas’s pulse is hammering, too.
“Careful, careful,” Sam says as Dean and Cas stutter-step over the bunker threshold with less grace than two elementary-school kids in a three-legged race.
“Dean, I said watch your step!”
Dean rams his hip into the game table, rattling the chess pieces. He wouldn't have jolted if Sam wasn't so freakin' annoying with his whole understanding, cautious act. It's not like they're gonna tumble over the rails.
Dean feels Cas huff against his lips for the umpteenth time, and he doesn’t have to look to know he’s rolling his eyes.
“Wr’ tryn,” Cas mumbles haughtily, like Sam’s getting on his nerves as much as he’s getting on Dean’s.
“Whoa!” Dean hears Jack say from the Crow’s Nest below. “Sam, what's going on? That looks dangerous!”
Great, now Jack’s here for the show.
And actually, getting down the bunker stairs probably is going to kill them.
So much for dying with dignity.
“This isn’t going to work,” Sam says, hot with anxiety and blame. “Can’t you two work together? We’ve just got to get you to the infirmary and then we can figure out how to…unglue you.”
Sam has the gall to sound embarrassed about this, which, Hello? Dean’s the one macking face with Cas here. 
Dean opens his eyes and tries to shoot him his stinkiest glare, but trying to turn away from Cas just makes him feel cross-eyed and like his lips are gonna rip right the Hell off. He settles for bringing his arms up on either side of Cas and shooting Sam the bird with both fingers.
“Cut that out, Dean,” Sam sniffs. “I’m trying to help you.”
Dean’s next stumble tugs hard at his and Cas’s mouths again, and it friggin’ hurts. Again.
It’s like trying to rip a stuck tongue from a frozen telephone pole or something, a la A Christmas Story. Dean feels Cas huff again, and then, Dean is lifted off the ground in a dizzying move that makes Sam squawk.
“Ohh, I don’t think that’s a good idea, Cas! Cas? Cas, wait!”
Then with a CLANKCLANKCLANK, Cas is stomping down the stairs like a madman, Dean up in his arms and squirming like he’s some kind of exuberant toddler. Dean doesn’t really think Cas is going to drop him or anything (his arms and core feel like friggin' steel), but Dean makes loud, anxious Frankenstein noises as they go anyways, selling the theatrics of terror.
When they get to the bottom of the stairs, Cas doesn’t put him down right away, and Dean breathes erratically in and out through his nose, arms winding around Cas. You know, for stability. He tugs at Cas's coat, saying, “Cssss!” like an accusation.
Before Dean can process anything else, something hard and textured comes into contact with his mouth, prodding curiously. Their mouths mush harder together, like the intrusion is triggering the spell to stick harder.
“Hey, Jack, d-don’t do that,” Dean hears Sam call, rushing down the stairs. “It might get stuck.”
“Rowena wasn’t kidding. Their mouths really are very stuck,” Jack breathes from somewhere near Dean’s left ear, and Dean growls in warning.
This ain’t some freak sideshow.
And is that a friggin’ popsicle stick?
“Jack,” Sam sighs, sounding embarrassed. “Don’t stick your popsicle ugh–-that’s gross.”
So, it is a fucking popsicle stick.
It’s got adolescent spit on it and everything.
If he keeps prodding, it’s gonna give Dean a splinter. Like, a lip splinter. Dean’s snatches it away and snaps it in half. Then, he shoots Jack the bird, too.
For good measure.
Dean doesn’t complain much when Sam scoots two chairs together near the infirmary cots. (They’re both too tall for the cot to be comfortable to lie down on, and sitting sideways on one of the beds would just be...awkward.)
At least this way, Dean can lean over a chair arm and and prop up on his elbow. As he gets situated, he tries not to twitch his lips against Cas’s much stiller, calmer ones.
It would be a lot easier to pull Cas to sit on top of him.
Or to hop into his lap.
(He can obviously take the weight. That's why.)
“So,” Sam says, dragging over one of the folding table and plopping the remains of the chalice in the center of it. Dean hears the thud of books being added to the workspace.
“This is all we got, then. Until Rowena gets here, I mean.”
He hears Jack pull out a chair and take a seat next to Sam.
“Is there anything I can do?” Jack asks quietly, like he’s totally unphased by this turn of events. “Maybe we could tie ropes around them and slowly pull them apart?"
Dean gets the horrible mental image of a medieval torture rack, slowly ratcheting up tension until he and Cas pull apart, lips ripping completely off and leaving gory bits of each other’s sensitive skin behind.
“Or we could tie them to two cars and drive in opposite directions,” Jack says excitedly, like this is in fact the best idea ever and not a setup for a horror movie.
“If they could be pulled apart, Cas could’ve managed that already,” Sam sighs, hair sifting like he's running his hands through it.
Jack sounds disappointed.
Kid's watching too many horror movies these days.
“There’s not much on The Sapphire Chalice of Charlotte, either. The curse was supposed to disperse after I burned it. And, well. The excessive rivalry surrounding the middle school basketball playoff completely lifted, so it partially worked.”
“Excessive rivalry?”
“Oh. The case. So, here's the story: a bunch of deranged parents were sabotaging each others’ kids' sports teams,” Sam explains. “We ganked the witch, but this thing was still in play."
"So, you tracked it down just to be safe," Jack says, sounding proud.
"Yeah, but after we torched this thing, Dean and Cas got, uh, stuck. But at least the parents went back to normal...I called the sheriff on the way home.”
“Oh,” Jack murmurs thoughtfully. “All that over a basketball playoff? Didn’t know witches cared about that kinda stuff.”
"You'd be surprised," Sam sighs. “So, I’m thinking. Maybe this is like some kind of accidental rebound spell that got, uh, jumbled. I wish Rowena would just get here already.”
“They won’t start fighting, too, will they? Like the–like the sabotaging parents?”
Jack’s innocent question sends a thrill of terror down Dean’s spine.
Sam sounds disturbed. “I hadn’t thought of that,” he admits quietly. “I mean, their lips are stuck. That doesn’t seem, uh, unfriendly?”
“Well, not yet,” Jack says ominously. “But what if they start biting each other?”
Dean snorts.
Here it comes.
“Like zombies!”
There it is.
He and Cas lock eyes and roll them upwards in tandem. Dean feels Cas puff air against his lips in frustration.
“Jack, focus,” Sam sighs, sounding two-hundred percent done. “All we know so far is that it hurts them to be apart. Right?”
The last bit is directed at Dean.
“You can sign a little bit, can’t you Dean?” Sam says defensively. “At least yes and no.”
Oh. Right. With a pang, Dean thinks of Eileen Leahy. Dean gives an experimental tug, trying to turn his head away and to the left, and he promptly winces. Ouch.
He signs, “Yes!”
“Oh, okay, so Cas, it doesn’t hurt you?”
Dean feels Cas jostle a little bit as his hands brush close to Dean’s chest. Even in separate chairs, they're still so close. Dean strains his eyes, trying to see as Cas signs something to Sam.
Sam sighs in relief. “Just Dean then. Okay, okay. Well, that’s good.”
Dean opens his eyes and looks cross-eyed at Cas. Well. At least it’s only hurting one of them.
Cas looks guilty and apologetic.
Don't worry about it, Cas.
Dean gets a little nervous.
He licks his lips.
And well, it makes him lip Cas's lips, too, and that just makes him more nervous.
“Can you breathe okay, Dean?” Jack cuts in loudly, leaning forward and inspecting, like this is a very important question.
Dean makes a ‘so-so’ motion with his hand.
“Maybe you could trying breathing and talking into each other’s mouths. Like the mermaids in Peter Pan?"
Sam clears his throat. “Jack, would you go make us some coffee?”
Jack frowns. “Why? They won’t be able to drink it. And Rowena likes tea. You told me that last time.”
“I could really use some coffee,” Sam begs hoarsely, and Dean snorts again.
Somehow, Sam’s flustered discomfort almost makes this worth it.
“If you could make Rowena tea, too, that’d be great, Jack.”
Jack shoots Sam a disappointed look.
“You said no ideas were bad ideas,” he says morosely, pouting as he trudges in the direction of the kitchen. “But you’re not acting very open to my ideas.” He shuts the infirmary door behind him a little harder than necessary, and Sam looks completely out of his element.
Dean’s mouth vibrates.
It’s Cas who’d started laughing this time.
Nothing compares to Rowena’s high-pitched, manic impression of a hyena-chimpanzee hybrid. She doesn’t stop screeching for a solid two minutes.
Dean can feel Cas’s mouth firm up against him, and he can actually feel the stressful press of Cas’s teeth against his lower lip. 
Stop that, Dean thinks, shoving his lower lip forward in what he hopes is a soothing motion.
“Oh, Samuel, you didn’t prepare me for this,” she hiccups, wiping tears from her eyes. “Oh, the poor wee dears.”
Sam stiffens. “Will they be okay?”
“Oh, they’ll be fine. They just got caught in the reverse curse rebound. It’ll probably be gone in a matter of days.”
Sam does a double-take. “D-Days?”
“Well, I can’t be sure about these things, Samuel. Could be days, could be hours. Could ebb away slowly, keeping them close in orbit, but not lip-locked. All I can tell you is that it’s not affecting their vital faculties at all or holding any kind of volatile sway over their minds.”
Dean hums at her angrily.
“You said the parents were violently bashing each other in the face. The dispellment, in close proximity, had the reversal effect, so instead of fighting, well, you get a wee exploding of the opposite enchantment. Kiss and Make up. Mwah! They just happened to be standing close together, no? Or were you two little birds bantering?"
Dean frowns.
They had been arguing about the latest episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta. Could that have been enough to attract the spell remnants?
Cas sighs against him, having come to the same conclusion. He signs something to Sam.
“Rowena, can you estimate how long?” Sam translates. “And is there anything that can lessen its effect? The spell hurts Dean.”
Dean hears her rifle through pages and clear her throat.
“Well, the counter for this one is in the form of a riddle, but it’s badly preserved in my book. The original chalice was hunted as a means to entice countries and warring tribes into full-on war. Reversed, well. I can’t quite make it out, but translated, it’s something very simple and unhelpful, like ‘Stop fighting.’ There's no real details on undoing it.”
Sam leans over her.
“That’s all I can make out, too,” he sighs.
Cas signs something, and Sam says sure before garbling out some Latin mixed with gobbly gook and Cas huffs like it’s a disappointment.
“I told you it wasn’t much, Cas,” Sam snaps bitchily.
Dean pats Cas on the shoulder like, At least we’re not in danger. We just gotta wait this out.
Dean hears Rowena pat Sam lightly on the cheek.
“You can call me if anything changes, but I assure you they will be fine. It’s no fault of yours, Samuel. Don't worry your little tush. If anything changes, I'll rush right back.”
"You don't wanna stick around?"
"Mmm, I'd love to stay and witness this blackmail of epic proportions. Alas, I've a prior engagement.
After Rowena departs, Jack skitters in with tea and coffee. “I don't think she likes me much,” he whispers, dumping out the tea in the sink and handing over a fresh mug of coffee to Sam. “She said no to the tea and looked at me like. Like…”
“We just gotta give her space,” Sam breaks in. “You can’t force Rowena. She's complicated.”
“Complicated,” Jack echoes quietly, like he he's already traced that to Lucifer. “Okay.” He shakes himself out of it and turns back to Dean and Cas. “But why couldn’t she heal them? You said Rowena was powerful.”
“Apparently, the spell will fade on its own,” Sam explains tiredly, stretching, popping his back, and then taking a sip of his coffee. “And I trust her, Jack. I really do. This is all we can do tonight. I'm beat.”
“I can help Dean and Cas get to bed,” Jack rushes excitedly, proud he’s come up with something useful to do.
Dean hears Sam snicker at that. “Actually, yeah. You make sure they get to bed, Jack. I’ll check in later.”
Dean hears Sam shuffle away, and then Jack’s slim hands fumble to grab onto their arms. “How about Cas walks backwards, and I can lead you to Dean’s room to make sure you don’t trip over anything?”
He says it like it’s brilliant, and even Cas sighs in exhaustion. He signs, “yes,” and starts helping Dean up, careful to rise in tandem from their chairs and not put stress on their connected lips.
“Okay,” Jack breathes, once they’re up and balanced. “You can count on me.”
He pauses.
“Hey, what if I count our steps out loud as we walk? That’ll help, right?”
As it turns out, it doesn’t help much at all, and hearing, One-Two, One-Two, One-Two has Dean ready to jump into Cas’s arms and insist he carry him the rest of the way...or else kill all three of them.
Dean makes a horrified, annoyed noise, but Cas actually nips at him for it. Then he gropes forward to get Jack’s attention.
The counting stops.
Ouch, Dean thinks distantly. 
He bit me.
He thinks about Jack's zombies! comment and shivers.
The rest of the ambling, awkward shuffle to Room 11 is filled with more of Jack’s prattling: the episodes of The Walking Dead he’d watched that morning, the week-old bologna he’d accidentally eaten for lunch, and how he still thinks they could pry them apart if they put their minds to it.
Dean shudders against Cas’s lips, recalling Jack’s idea for hooking them to two moving vehicles.
Once they make it into Dean’s room, Jack follows them in, and Dean just wishes to god that the kid would go away and quit trying to help. It was humiliating enough with Sam around. Dean just wants to suffer alone in peace for five damn minutes.
Well, alone with Cas. 
Cas doesn’t count in this situation.
But then, Jack starts getting real cute in his efforts, and even Dean doesn’t have the heart to kick him out. First, Jack wrestles off Dean’s jackets till he’s down to just his tee shirt. He drapes the dead guy robe over Dean's shoulders and gives him an hearty little shoulder pat.
Then, he ruins it again with an awkward cough and, “You should take your pants and shoes off, too, Dean. You never sleep in your shoes.”
It’s almost funny.
Dean always used to sleep in his shoes, and here this kid clocks that as abnormal.
Here, in the midst of multiple Apocalypses and alternate universes, they’ve developed something of a routine.
So, Dean gives him a weak little thumbs up and scrambles to toe off his boots, which proves wobbly and nearly impossible to balance till Jack jumps down to loosen them.
“Thanks, Jack,” Dean tries to say, Jack’s innocent cheerfulness temporarily distracting him from the curse. The attempt goes about as well as you’d expect, mouth smushing against Cas without mercy and garbling the words.
But at least the contact is much softer this time.
Dean opens his eyes to peer at Cas and against all that blue, Dean nearly loses his balance stepping out of his damn shoes.
Blind to his predicament, Jack chirps, “You’re welcome,” without missing a beat.
Cas allows Jack to take his overcoat next, and then Jack coaxes Cas to step out of his black dress shoes.
Dean wisely keeps his jeans up.
“Well,” Jack says, satisfied with their progress, “Like Sam said, the Latin says as long as you don’t fight it, you’ll be fine. So, I should probably stay and watch over you, to make sure you don’t fight.”
Cas’s eyes widen comically, and Dean can’t help it. He groans. Cas’s eyes stay wide as he signs something to Jack.
Dean's surprised Jack even knows sign language, but the kid picked up his first language in utero, so maybe it makes sense.
“Well, that’s how I read it anyway, if that’s what you’re asking,” Jack huffs. “I’m sure Sam and Rowena are better at broken Latin than I am.”
Cas signs again.
“Cas, are you sure? Even if Dean goes to sleep, I could keep you company. I thought we could watch Cars 2 or something. If you want, I could even try pulling you apart every couple of hours.”
Dean feels Cas smile.
Their lips are so smacked together that it pulls Dean’s lips into a smile, too. Dean gets a little distracted by the feel of it.
Cas must sign something to Jack one more time, because Dean hears the kid deflate.
“Okay,” Dean hears Jack sigh dejectedly. “Good night then.”
Dean is relieved to see him go, but a disturbingly squishy part of him wants to tell Jack to cook up some popcorn and put on Cars 2 anyway, no matter how annoying or disruptive he’d be.
After Jack gently shuts the door, they listen to his sad, scuffing footsteps grow quieter and quieter.
Finally, Cas heaves a relieved sigh and waves a hand. The lock clicks.
Something about the click of the lock feels embarrassing. The sound is too loud as it ricochets off the walls, cliché and mocking.
Dean closes his eyes against the feeling. It wants to drown him, and he needs to crack a joke--preferably something clever, vaguely mean, and at Cas’s expense.
Instead, he just vibrates nervously, a wobbly chuckle parting his lips. He only barely restrains himself from lapsing into his favored nervous lip-licking.
So they just stand, dead silent, in the center of the room.
When Dean opens his eyes, the lamplight is low and unsettling. It wraps what few planes of Cas’s face Dean might be able to see in shadow. Dean swallows and concentrates on the feel of his mouth, holding out for any twitch that might betray Cas's mind.
But Cas’s mouth is just a hard, unforgiving line.
“Css?” he shapes, and it feels like brushing his lips against a smooth, cool stone.
Cas doesn't respond, and that gets the nerves firing helplessly again. At the lack of response, Dean presses his mouth forward, just the barest hint of pressure--a question in the push.
If he could just get a better look at Cas's face, he could read him.
Instinctually, stupidly, Dean tries to lean back to get a look at him. As if it's sentient, the curse yanks his head so painfully that it rips a pained moan from recesses of his throat.
Cas snaps out of his reverie and surges forward, hands coming from out of nowhere to cradle Dean’s face.
“Oh, Dean. I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.”
The words are soft and mushed up and missing syllables, but somehow, he's perfectly understandable.
With a start, Dean realizes that they can shape words pretty well when they don’t worry about the unnecessary lip contact.
It’s also pretty obvious why that would have been embarrassing to try in front of other people.
Hell, just Cas doing the coupla sentences against him feels.
It feels like.
Dean breathes forcibly out through his nose.
“S'fine,” he murmurs back.
He probably shouldn’t talk more than necessary. Talking has him wanting to reach out and press their chests together, and not just to lessen the burden on his straining neck.
Not to mention, Cas is still cradling his face, palms slowly boiling him alive and flaying his cheeks. Dean licks his lips, and that nervous gesture proves particularly self-defeating this time. It's like a second-degree burn where it touches.
Cas licks his own lips, too.
“Dean, Dean, I have an idea.”
Dean hums, nothing to say back, but liking the feel of the sounds mutually buzzing through their lips.
“For how to unstick us,” Cas murmurs, pressing the words into him like a languid caress. “Jack’s Latin translation was essentially: stop fighting.”
Dean is vaguely aware how this motion between them could be classed, but he follows it, leans into it, and lets it scald his face. He pinches his brows together, then, parsing Cas’s words.
“What, huh? But,” he whispers, not as good as Cas is at getting his lips to shape things. “We’re not fightin.”
Definitely not fighting.
Whatever this is...
...it’s not that.
Cas’s thumbs press into his cheeks.
“No,” he agrees. “We’re not.”
And then, the motion changes, and it’s not just mouthing words anymore. It’s Cas working their mouths together with new purpose.
Dean becomes hyperaware of everything, from the chapped press of Cas’s fingerpads scraping over his pores to the shff of Cas’s sock feet as he slides closer. Dean scrambles to get his hands around Cas’s waist, and one of his fingers crowds helplessly through one of Cas's belt loops.
Like he’s been electrocuted, Dean valiantly surges, standing up taller and working desperately to take control of a dangerously careening situation. He groans low in his throat and prods at the seam of Cas’s mouth with his tongue.
Cas lets him in.
Then, Dean hangs on for dear life.
One of Cas’s hands curls around the nape of his neck, and Dean makes some kind of strangled sigh, gushing air into Cas’s mouth and shuddering again when their teeth clack together.
Cas's other hand moves over the top of Dean's head, bossily pressing his forehead, then thumbing down his cheek to move him to a better angle. That hand smooths down his face further now, finding pressure points in hollow spaces that make Dean's mouth fall open wider.
There's a gentle suckling on Dean's tongue, and he "Mmmmmgh!"
When one of Cas’s hands skims down to Dean’s quivering ribs, Dean's whole body gives a little jolt, and they come unglued.
Dean’s mouth gapes frantically, sucking in room air for the first time in hours. He feels like a fish flung out of its fish tank, gasping for water to make its gills work. His eyes snap to Cas in shock.
“C-caas,” he gasps, realizing what’s happened, “we came apart.”
Cas looks at him guardedly, not even breathing hard. They're still holding onto each other.
“Oh. It worked.”
Dean tries to get his (rather embarassing) panting under control. They’d been kissing.
Like, not just pressing together.
Kissing kissing.
Right. The curse. Strategy. Control.
Of course. That's so like Cas.
“Wh-what did you do?” he huffs, swiping at his lips with the back of his knuckles.
They’re tender, bruised, and even a little bloody in the aftermath of the curse.
Cas stiffens, then gently pulls himself away, like he’s wary of triggering a fresh bout of pain. When it doesn’t seem to, he uncurls his right hand from where he’d been hugging Dean’s ribs.
“The clue for the 'kiss and makeup’ curse is to stop fighting. But the way Jack read it, it sounded like we needed to stop fighting…it.”
Dean cottons on.
“So, we had to embrace making out to beat it, huh?”
Cas solemnly nods.
“Figures. And the kid thought he had bad ideas.”
The fingers on Cas's left hand, still gripping his neck, tap a pattering beat on the nape of his neck.
Dean's still got a grip on Cas's belt, so he rubs his thumb, almost spasm-like, on the leather he finds there.
Dean tries to lighten the mood.
“So, izzat it? Superglue all gone?”
Cas hums and concentrates on the ceiling.
“I believe so. Yes.”
“So we can let go now? It won't hurt?"
Cas’s hand abruptly withdraws from around his neck, and he takes a step back.
Dean wishes he’d kept his big mouth shut.
He lets his own hand slide slowly away from Cas’s hip, relinquishing the belt loop.
Turns out, it’s kind of hard to start a conversation after a liplocking curse and heavy makeout sesh with your bestie.
“So uh, that was kinda rough, wasn’t it?”
Cas looks up in confusion, and Dean ducks his head slyly, motioning to his abused lips. Like clockwork, Cas steps back in, fussing in that Cas way that Dean secretly enjoys.
Cas hovers a finger over his lips and an easy thrum of grace soothes his broken blood vessels and chipped skin.
Dean chuckles, too soft.
“Think the curse did most o’ that. Don’t think that was all from you.”
Cas looks abashed now, and he glares at a spot over Dean’s shoulder, totally clamming up.
“Oh, come on. What’s that face about?”
Cas’s mouth tightens even more. Dean remembers how it felt to move against it, just to try and soften it.
“I should be able to break such a curse,” he explains, scowling. All that hate aimed inward in a way Dean totally gets.
The subject of Cas’s powers is one Dean can’t navigate too well. Telling Cas, “No, actually, you’re really strong,” almost never works.
“You did break it, though,” and Dean lets himself smile an easygoing smile. “Sometimes brains and brawn is the best combo to be, you know?”
Cas steps away again, and Dean gets a thrill of terror that he's said the wrong thing again.
“Come on, Cas. Talk to me. Ever heard of taking a damn compliment?”
Cas sighs and gives a helpless shrug. His sideways smile is a little sheepish, a little wry.
“Lately, I feel like neither of those things. Smart. Strong.”
It’s a quiet admission.
Dean doesn’t know what to do with that vulnerability, and apparently he’s a coward, so he loudly guffaws and says, “Idiot. A little bruising to my lips, and you’re down in the dumps. I’m fine.”
Dean’s not trying to be coy or cutesy, but he gets right up in Cas’s face as he says it. Cas’s eyes still remain downcast, so Dean tries again.
“Besides, this is probably the one place you don’t have to be either of those things.”
There he is. 
Cas’s eyes shift up, a little warmer now. In Cas-terms, it’s as good as a smile.
“Room 11 is the place to be a pathetic loser dumbass. In fact, it’s required on entry.”
Dean is rewarded with a real Cas-smile now.
“I suppose that makes sense. This is the original home of Winchester movie night.”
Dean’s got no idea why he’s swaying so close, arms hovering like he wants to grab hold. This is the part where Cas should awkwardly shrug on his overcoat and make a swift getaway.
“Hey,” Dean says suddenly, cooking up some barb about how Cas should like Dean’s dumbass movies because Cas is in fact a Bonafide dumbass for being friends with him, but what comes out is, “wanna watch Cars 2?”
Cas groans and rolls his eyes, and suddenly it’s easy territory again. “I dislike Cars 2.”
Dean pinches at his elbow teasingly, “But it’s Jack’s favorite movie.”
Cas raises an eyebrow. “Are you saying you want me to text him and invite him here?”
“No!” Dean says too quickly, and Cas actually looks surprised by his outburst. “I. I mean.” He swallows. “What if the curse comes back? Rowena said we might need to, like, orbit. Right?”
“Dean. I’ve checked. When we broke the curse, the thready magic that was wound around your body evaporated. You’re safe.”
You're safe.
“But,” and here Dean’s cheeks heat up. “What if it did, though?”
Cas sighs. "I'll stay."
I'll stay.
"But, Dean. Pick something different than Cars 2."
They queue up Vanderpump Rules.
Dean sneaks glances at his lips all night.
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Taking My Leave
Cas heads out for a quick case. Dean keeps the home fires burning.
Suptober prompt: Haunted Flufftober prompt: Kiss for Good Luck Fictober prompt: "I never said that." Inktober prompt: Bad dog
(Read on AO3)
Cas drops his duffel in the doorway and strides across the kitchen. He presses himself close against his husband's back and wraps him in his arms. “I need to get going, love,” he murmurs into Dean's ear. “Kiss for good luck?”
Dean gives his red sauce one more stir, then turns in Cas's arms. “Mmm. C'mere.” One kiss becomes a dozen, two dozen. Eventually the pot makes a blorp sound and Dean hastily breaks their liplock. He turns back to the stove, cursing under his breath. “Shit, I didn't want this to boil.” He lowers the heat and catches a tiny line of the sauce on the edge of his wooden spoon, which he offers to Cas. “Still taste  okay?”
Cas lets Dean dip the spoon between his lips, maintaining heated eye contact all the while. It pleases him to watch the answering heat rise in his husband's eyes and know that they're going to have to keep that heat banked until tomorrow. He considers the taste of the sauce. “Could use a bit more basil,” he decides.
Dean nods. Cas gives him one more smooch, then releases him and shoulders his bag. “I'll see you in the morning.”
His husband's brow furrows. “And Garth is sure this is nothing more than a haunted locket?”
“Dean. Yes. We already went over all of this. Twice. It's a very simple case, won't take more than an hour or two to tie up once I get there. Garth just wants a hand with the grunt work because his back has been bothering him lately. I'll be home before you get up.”
“And you definitely don't want me to come?”
“Well now, I never said that,” he replies with a smirk. “I always want you to come, Dean. But no, you don't need to pitch in on this one. Stay here and keep our bed warm for me.”
Dean grins. “Can do, baby.”
Cas's expression turns stern. “And please keep the animals out of our room while I'm gone. I know you get lonely but I'm tired of finding dog hair all over my pillow.”
“I'll do my best, but I'm making no you promises, Cas. Salty always manages to sneak in after I'm asleep. I swear she can pick locks. Sam must've taught her.”
Cas rolls his eyes. “We will further discuss our bad dogs and your flimsy lies when I return, beloved.”
Continued here...
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Crowley X Reader Imagine #3 Part 2 (REQUESTED)
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SPECIAL NOTE: OK guys, this part contains my very first sex scene. I know it might be cringy, but I tried. I hope you guys enjoy it. Especially all you Cas girls out there. If this goes well I may do more scenes in the future. PART 1: Here  
You sit there on the log for a while. Yes, you loved your father despite what he'd done, even him kicking you to the curb. You hadn't even noticed you were crying until Castiel kneeled down and wiped the tears from your cheeks. You leaned into the angel's warm touch. "I'll understand if you choose your father Y/N," he said. You smiled at him.
"I love my father Castiel," you said cupping the angel's face in your hands, "but I'm in love with you and if I have to lose my father's love or whatever to have you then I'll willingly pay that price,". Castiel smiled.
"You can stay with me," he said.
"Cas, Sam and Dean are hunters," you told him, "I don't think they'll just welcome me with open arms,".
"That's true," he said, "where well you go?".
"I do have a hidden place up here not even my father knows about," you said, "follow me,". Soon you two found yourselves in a secluded run-down house. It looked to have been abandoned for a very long time. "I found this place the first time I ran from my father," you explained, "was here about a year before I knew he'd find me,".
"So it's like your secret home?" he asked and you nodded.
"Yes, my favorite thing about it is the window in the bedroom," you said as you headed up the old, creaky steps to the room, "at night the moon shines so bright through it,". You both looked out the window. There was a half-moon, but it still lit up the room in a soft light.
"It is a beautiful view," he said. You smiled and walked over to him.
"Thank you Cas," you told him wrapping your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist, "you saved me. I'm finally free of my father and of hell,".
"I just want you happy Y/N," he said. You leaned up and softly pressed your lips to his. The kiss was soft, sweet, but you soon found yourself lost in a tender, passionate liplock with the angel. He returned the same heat into the kiss as you did. You slid your hands under his trench coat and slowly slid it down his arms. The angel happily let it fall to the floor. You than undid his tie as his hands clasped the bottom of your top softly pulling it over your head, but you two instantly found your lips locked again once the shirt is gone. His warm hands softly grazed your sides as you made his suit jacket slide off next. He ended the kiss and smiled at you as you looked into his dark blue eyes. They were shaded with lust and love. The angel suddenly scooped you up bridal style and softly laid you on the bed. He hovered over you as he leaned down and you two got lost in another passionate kiss. You instantly wrapped your legs around him. His hands traveled to the zipper on the front of your bra. He unzipped it and let it slide away revealing your bare chest. He smiled as he gently massaged your breasts with slow, tender kisses. The feel of his warm breath and his soft lips against your skin made you moan. He traveled down your body trailing soft, slow kisses everywhere as he moved. Once he reached your panties he stood up and gently slid them down your legs.
You never took your eyes off the angel as you watched him fully undress himself. You bit your lip as you took the full sight of him in. He slowly made his way back up your body. planting tender kisses up your legs, thighs, stomach, and chest. With each touch of his lips, your desire grew more. Soon his lips met yours again. The angel started to gently thrust into you. You let out little gasps of pleasure as you clung to the angel. The angel looked into your eyes as he thrusted a little faster. You moaned his name. The pleasure was so intense you accidentally lost control and your demon eyes showed. Feeling somehow ashamed you looked away. "Sorry," you said. Your angel stopped and your heart started to ache. But he gently placed his hand on your cheek and made you look at him.
"Don't apologize," he said, "I know the true you and you're beautiful. Looking into your true eyes is like looking into two of the most beautiful onyx jewels,". You smiled.
"Do you mean that Cas?" you asked.
"I do," he said kissing you softly. You smiled and suddenly flipped him over until you were on top.
"Let me please you my naughty angel," you said as you started to rock your hips against him throwing your head back in pleasure. Soon Castiel matched your thrusting. after a while, all you could do was moan his name into his neck. Castiel gripped your hips tight and flipped you over. You were surprised but giggled noting the lust completely taking over in his deep ocean eyes. He started to thrust fast and hard. Growling as he buried his face in your neck. "Cas," you moaned.
"Mine," he purred into your neck.
"Yes angel I'm yours," you moaned back as he started thrusting so fast and hard the bed was slamming against the wall. Before long all you could do was moan as you held onto your angel. Soon the heat started to build inside you and you knew you were about to hit your climax. "Cas... I'm," you gasped out.
"I know," he said, "Just enjoy it beautiful,". He started going faster. With one last cry of his name, you tightened your hold as all the pleasure hit you, It was unlike anything you had felt before. Soon the angel hit his point too and you both road out the storm of pleasure together. You both laid there after. You ran your hand through the angel's hair as he rested his head on your chest. Neither of you said a word, but you both were sure at that point that your love was true. Nothing was gonna tear you two apart.
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Kink List
Here’s my Kink List!
These will be written over time, and you can always send in a new request!  This will be an ongoing list of prompts/pairings that I’ll probably never stop updating. Kink List requests are ALWAYS OPEN! :)
I am currently taking requests for Teen Wolf and The Maze Runner.  Most of the works on this list already are from Supernatural, and there are quite a few more planned SPN works on here (italicized ships are to be written), so I’d like to branch out into those two (new to me) fandoms.
For this specific list, I will only be accepting requests for SHIPS, no reader inserts.  Please be creative, as I really want to write some rare pairings in addition to the more common ships.  I’m adding reader insert fics to the list, just not taking requests for them.
If you want to request a kink, please send me an ASK with the number below and the pairing.  For now, I’ll accept two requests per number, per fandom (i.e. if there’s already 2+ SPN fic on a kink, you can request another fandom/pairing for that kink).  I’ll also accept multiple requests from each person.  You can request a kink on anon if you want, that’s totally fine!  If there are any kinks you’d like me to write that aren’t on this list, you can send those in as well.  I started with 100 kinks and have been adding to the list ever since, so request away!
Like my writing?  Leave me a tip!
Kissing He’s Watching - SPN (Weecest)
Discovering boundaries Destiel
On the sofa On the Couch - SPN (Dean x Donna x Jody x Sam)
Masturbation Just Think - SPN (Lucifer!Castiel)
Bodily fluids and/or blood play Slice - SPN (Sam x Rowena)
Oral Sex Delicious - SPN (Jo x Meg x Pam) Feel Good - SPN (Claire x Kaia)
Romantic evening I Love You - SPN RPF (Jensen x Danneel)
First time/Virginity How I Wanted You - SPN (Dean x Reader) Sex Me Right Now - Teen Wolf (Stiles x Danny) Weecest Destiel
Blindfolds Intense - SPN (Dean x Donna) It’s an Ear Warmer - SPN (Dean x Sam x Reader)
No speaking
Sex Game (e.g. first to come loses) Winners and Losers - SPN (Sabriel)
One catches the other masturbating Can’t Just Watch - SPN (Wincest) Watching - SPN (Sastiel)
Sex toys Charice’s Gifts - SPN (Wincest) Dean’s Birthday Present - SPN (Destiel)
Surprise sex Surprise Thank You - SPN (Dean x Bela)
Dry humping Closed for Business - SPN (Destiel) Wincest
Teasing On Purpose - SPN (Dean x Reader) Dean x Donna
Handjobs Stand Up - SPN (Cain x Cas x Sam x Dean)
Almost getting caught Almost Caught - SPN (Sam x Jo)
Break up/make up sex One Last Time - SPN (Sam x Eileen) Two-Stepping - SPN (Sam x Reader)
Weapons (Gun Play, Knife Play) Slice - SPN (Sam x Rowena)
Impact play (Spanking, Caning, Paddling, etc) One of Those Moods - SPN (Wincest) Months - SPN (Destiel)
Dirty Talk
Rimming Do Not Fret - SPN (Gadreel x Samandriel)
Correcting each other’s technique Fast Learner - SPN (Dean x Krissy)
Role Play Barber!Jody x Sam
Inappropriate location Dean’s Bedroom - SPN RPF (Cockles)
In the bath/shower Exhausted - SPN (Destiel) Angel Girl - SPN (Gadreel!Sam x Reader) She Knew Best - SPN (Abaddon x Meg)
Lingerie Stockings - SPN (Dean x Castiel x Reader)
Fully clothed Something Strange - SPN (Sam x Gadreel)
Phone sex or Skype/web cam sex Separated by a Computer Screen - SPN (Sam x Eileen) Hunter - SPN (Sam x Reader)
Morning sex Mornin’ Cas - SPN (Destiel) Wake Up Call - SPN RPF (J2)
Voyeurism/Exhibitionism Dean’s Mate - SPN (Dean x Cas x Benny) DCJ Sequence of Events - SPN (Dean x Sam x Reader)
Public/semi-public sex Time to Move - SPN RPF (J2) Have My Pie and Eat it Too - SPN (Dean x Reader) Study Time - SPN (Sam x Reader) Fits Just Right - SPN RPF (Jared x Reader) Hot in Here - SPN RPF (Jared x Reader)
Against the wall Who’da Thought - SPN (Castiel x Reader) Dean x Donna
Pain/sensation play Let Him Come - SPN (DCJ) Punishment Well Deserved - SPN (Sam x Ruby)
Medical play Doctor Winchester - SPN (Wincest) Deeper Examination - SPN (Dean x Reader)
Face Fucking/Oral Fixation
Cross-dressing Let Me Show You? - Balthazar x Meg Ruby Red - Sam x Castiel x Jimmy
Spontaneous sex
Double penetration/Spitroasting Both of You - SPN (Dean x Sam x Jody) The Dress - SPN (Dean x Sam x Reader) Presents - SPN (Dean x Sam x Reader) Insatiable - SPN (Wincestiel) Stiles x Scott x Malia
Incest Kink Hanky Panky - SPN (Dean x Lisa x Sam)
Casual sex/Friends with Benefits
Calming the others anger Angry - SPN (Destiel) Powers - SPN (Wincestiel)
Glory hole Through the Wall - SPN (Benny x Gadreel)
Bondage Neckties - SPN RPF (Mishalecki)
I love you
Chair sex Armrests - SPN (Cain x Castiel)
Loud sex/knowing someone can hear Hear You Scream - SPN (Stanford!Sam x Jess)
Tell each other a kink and doing it
Mirror Sex Stay-Cation - SPN (Sam x Amelia)
Writing a smut fic to each other and reading it to them Challenge Accepted - SPN RPF (Misha x RSJ)
Cock Rings
Food play Treats - SPN (Sabriel) Peppermint Twist - SPN (Sam x Reader)
Sensory deprivation Sam x Eileen
Breath play The Mark - SPN (Dean x Cain) A Little Less Breath - SPN (Dean x Reader)
Dom/sub Yes Mistress - SPN (Dom!Bela x Sub!Sam x Sub!Sarah) Power Shift - SPN (Gabriel x Reader)
Comfort sex Make Me Forget - SPN (Dean x Jo) Sam x Rowena
Getting caught DCJ Getting Some Water - SPN (Wincest & Claire)
Explaining their relationship to someone who didn’t know Wincest
Fight sex Like That? - SPN (Sam x Bela)
Outdoors Dean’s Mate - SPN (Dean x Cas x Benny)
Threesome/group sex Liplock - SPN RPF (Padackles Clan) Changed for the Better - SPN (Dean x Cas x Anna)
Filming themselves Natural Moment - SPN (Dean x Gabriel)
Breeding/pregnancy Demon Omega - SPN (Sam x Ruby) Danger - SPN (Demon!Dean x Donna)
Hot and cold play
No foreplay
Edging Torture - SPN (Wincest) Please…Begging You - SPN (Balthazar x Castiel x Hannah)
In/by a swimming pool/bath Steamy - SPN RPF (Jensen x Reader) Summertime - SPN (Weecest)
Inventing a secret sex language to use in public Eyeliner - SPN (Wincest)
Age Play
Birthday surprise
Prince Albert
Sex machine Machine - SPN (Dean x Donna x Sam)
Humiliation kink
Quickies Quickie - SPN (Sam x Reader)
Needy, clingy sex Need You, Please - SPN (Sam x Jo) Hugs - SPN (Sam x Reader)
Wake up in the middle of the night and have sex
Rough, shove-y sex Damn Guest Stars - SPN RPF (Jared x Reader)
Safeword use
Sex marathon Shook Me All Night Long - SPN (Sam x Piper)
On a plane Wincest
Office Sex Midnight at the Office - SPN (Sam x Reader)
In the dark Cas x Jimmy
By the fire Dean x Benny Crackle - SPN (Dean x Reader)
Daddy kink Too Long - SPN (Wincest)
Silly giggly sex Squishy - SPN (Dean x Endverse!Cas) Chase - SPN (Dean x Reader)
Plug DCJ
While one of them is on the phone Ring Ring - SPN (Dean x Donna)
Car Sex (Impala Sex) Tastes Like Cherries - SPN (Sam x Reader x Dean)
Restrained sex (not necessarily bondage) After the Case is Over? - SPN (Dean x Donna)
Tantric sex Their Time - SPN (Sam x Jody)
Object insertion More - SPN (Meg x Ruby)
Sounding The Ribbed One, Please - SPN RPF (Cockles)
Pegging Definitely Doing That Again - SPN (Dean x Donna)
Mpreg What’s that Smell? - SPN (Destiel) Puppies! - SPN (Wincest)
Begging Beg, Sugar - SPN (Benny x Jody)
Panty Kink Hidden Silk - SPN (Dean x Claire)
Shibari Art - SPN (DCJ)
Breeding Bench
Coming untouched
Puppy play
Orgasm denial
Noncon role play Dean x Donna
Nipple play Sam x Jody
Size Kink Monster - SPN (Dean x Gadreel!Sam)
Hair pulling Sastiel Sam x Jody
Praise kink DCJ Destiel 
Come play This Feels Dirty - Teen Wolf (Stisaac)
Bulge kink Dean Smith x Sam Wesson
Cockwarming Warm - SPN (Wincest)
Fear kink
Grace kink Any Knot - SPN (Megstiel) Protective - SPN (Castiel x Reader) Yes Ma’am - SPN (Gabriel x Reader)
Marking Meeting Mary - SPN (Destiel)
Somnophilia It’s Always Yes - SPN (Wincest)
Cock Cages Locktober - SPN (Dean x Gabriel)
Sex Pollen Sam Was Right - SPN (Dean x Donna)
Gender Swap Stiff - SPN (Donna x Jody)
Prostate Milking
Size Difference
Lactation Kink
Intercrural Sex Nighttime Runs and Warm Beds - Teen Wolf (Sterek)
16 notes · View notes
I’m Ready
Another addition for my SPNPolyBingo card, this fulfilling the Demi square.
Summary: The relationship between Dean, Sam, and Castiel changes over time.
warnings: talk of sex, demisexual realizations and explanations (please excuse anything if it’s incorrect or worded strangely - I tried to do my research as best I could!), Wincest, Destiel, Wincestiel
word count: ~1300
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They had a nice balance, really.  Sure, to anyone else their relationship might have looked strange, but it worked for them.
Or at least, they acted like it did.
Dean and Sam had been together forever, since Dean had finally given in to his little brother’s arguments.  They weren’t just brothers, and Dean sure as hell knew that all along, trying to put it off until Sam was old enough to really understand.
It was off and on for a long while, until finally they made a permanent pair when Dean came back from hell. That was a huge discussion, but of course the sex had been incredible.
Enter Castiel.
Angel, non-gender conforming (except for his vessel, of course), asexual being.  Or so they thought.
Dean and Castiel had their ‘profound bond,’ of course, bringing their relationship closer by the day. Castiel was there for Dean when he needed it, but also pushed all the right buttons when they fought.
It was Sam who pointed it out to Dean one day, actually.
“You know, sometimes when you get mad at Cas, it’s almost as if you’re pissed off at your lover,” Sam threw over his shoulder after witnessing another fantastic fight between the two of them.
Dean scoffed in response, bringing the walls up around his emotional zone.  “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Sammy,” he responded, pouring himself a drink.  “Lover…pssh.”
Dean’s brain was whirring. Lover?  Him and Cas?  His heart began beating fast and a pinching feeling settled in his gut as he slowly turned toward his brother, unsure of what Sam’s reaction truly was about this – he had brought it up, after all…
“Sam?” Dean asked, needing the logical and comforting side of his established lover desperately.
Sam stood, walking over to Dean and taking the drink from his hands.  He gathered his older, but slightly shorter, brother into his arms, kissing his neck.  “’s alright, De,” he whispered against Dean’s skin.  “I’m not mad, just making you see something that you never would have seen yourself.”
Dean pulled away, looking as though his whole world had been rocked.  “Yeah,” he replied, nodding through his realization.  “Well, he’s Cas, so there’s not like anything would happen there…”
It wasn’t too long before Castiel got his grace ripped out of him, making him all-too-human.  Human and weak.  Hurt, Castiel made his way to the bunker, looking for the help of his only friends.
Dean is the one who found him in all of his injury, emotions swirling around the hunter with one look at Castiel’s body.  “Fuck, Cas, you can’t-“ was all Dean was able to get out before he kissed the once-angel, worry overriding any thought other than care for Cas, be there for Cas, love Cas.
Sam walked in on them in a liplock, sneaking out as quietly as possible as soon as he realized what was happening in front of him.  He listened from his room as Dean set Castiel up in a spare bed, nursing his wounds and feeding him, coaxing him to sleep before ever going to find his brother.
“Sammy-“ Dean started to say as he walked in Sam’s room, finding Sam in his bed.
“Dean,” Sam interrupted, patting the spot next to him on the bed.  “It’s alright, De,” Sam repeated the words he’d used before, grabbing Dean’s hand to twine their fingers together.  “Contrary to popular belief, you’ve got a big heart – big enough for both of us.  I will not stand in the way of your happiness.”
Dean couldn’t believe what Sam was offering him – a free pass to be with both Sam and Castiel – but he listened as his brother coached him through wooing Castiel.  Sam was even the one to talk to Castiel about how he felt.
“I’ve never been attracted to anyone before,” Castiel told Sam one night in his room.  Sam’s eyebrows shot up at the confession, but he stayed silent, letting Castiel continue if he wanted.  “As angels, we have no need or want for sexual attraction. It isn’t forbidden, per say, but it just never happens.”
Castiel looked over at Sam, seeing the hunter listening intently.  “I suppose angels could be classified as asexual beings, in the way that we don’t have any interest or need for sex.”
Sam nodded, wondering where Castiel was going with this line of conversation.  “Ever since Dean…”
A wistful look crossed Castiel’s face, a hint of a smile landing there that pulled Sam ever closer. He could imagine the same exact look on his face as he thought about Dean: a combination of love, admiration, respect, and want.
“The connection I have with Dean has brought out so many feelings I never imagined having,” Castiel continued, “but I need Dean, I want him in every way, including sexually.”
They met eyes again, Sam seeing the sincerity and hopelessness on Castiel’s face.  “You know,” Sam answered, “there may be a word for the way you are, Cas.”
Castiel tilted his head, listening.  “Demisexuals are people who have no sexual attraction unless there’s already a strong emotional connection.  It’s not exact, but that sounds kind of like what you’re describing.”
Castiel nodded, losing himself in thought.  Sam let him be, needing space from his brother’s other boyfriend, not willing to allow himself to be jealous but wishing that he could have something more…
They fell into a routine, Dean going from Sam to Castiel’s bed and back, a mutual understanding between the three of them.  They fought together by day, hunting and researching and learning, and played together by night.  Castiel got his angel mojo back and things still stayed the same.  Sam and Castiel spent nearly as much time together as Dean did with either, only excusing themselves for intimate times when needed or wanted.
It was nice.
Then things got interesting.
Castiel disappeared for days, driving Dean absolutely crazy with worry.  Sam did his best to reassure his brother, coming up with reason after reason for Castiel to have gone without word or things that he might be doing, even trying to distract Dean with intense and crazy sex…Dean was still worried.
After nearly a week, the bunker door opened.  Sam and Dean looked up from where they sat in the library and watched the angel walk in, determined but peaceful look on his face.  Dean spouted some choice words, reprimanding Castiel for disappearing and scaring him, not answering his phone, but Castiel ignored him.
Instead he marched right up to Sam, pulling his face in for a kiss before Sam knew what was happening.
Sam kissed him right back, seeing as it was Castiel and he cared for the angel more than he probably should, not thinking about how or why Castiel was kissing him.
Dean shut up immediately, looking like a fish out of water as he watched his two lovers kiss, the sight something he never thought he’d see.
Castiel pulled back from Sam, keeping his face in his hands so Sam couldn’t pull away.
“I want this,” Castiel spoke softly, eyes pleading with Sam to understand what he was saying.  He did, of course, Sam’s pupils dilating at the implications that he and Cas had formed such a strong relationship that Castiel now wanted him…sexually.
Sam nodded, giving Castiel a minute smile of agreement before his eyes flicked to Dean.  Castiel’s eyes followed, taking one hand from Sam’s face to reach out for the older Winchester.
“I’m ready, for all of this,” Castiel said louder as Dean grabbed his hand, confusion mixed with excitement in his eyes.
“Yeah, okay,” Dean said breathlessly, pulling Castiel in for a kiss before kissing Sam as well.  “I’ve always wanted this, but…”
“You were waiting for me, and the wait is over,” Castiel finished for him.  Sam stood, grabbing both of his lovers and heading for his room, eager to see what exactly Castiel was ready for, hoping it would last forever.
Read the sequel: I’m Game
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