#dean x cas x sam x gabriel x reader
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To the Ends of the Earth Part 20
Pairings: Gabriel x Reader
Rating: Mature
Summary:  AU Supernatural. Gabriel is tired of Micahel and Raphael’s constant interfering and dictating what’s best for him. Little do they know that he’s been sneaking to earth to fall in love with you. When he convinces you to run away with him, all hell is about to break loose.
Part 19- link
Neither Gabriel nor yourself said a word to each other the whole way back to the bunker. When Gabriel turned the car off, he looked at you sympathetically. Your eyes weren’t on him but at the car’s dashboard. He wanted to sight but didn’t. Gabriel wasn’t a fool. You were upset with him and honestly, he couldn’t blame you.
It didn’t take Gabriel being your soulmate to understand your feelings, yet also, be confused by them. You wanted him to be happy about the baby. What expectant mother wouldn’t want the child’s father to be happy? Gabriel understood that, but YOU didn’t understand that he couldn’t. He couldn’t be excited about some extraordinary being in the making that could destroy everything.
There is Jack…he’s good.
The thought came to Gabriel’s mind but he had to push it away too. Jack had to be that one exception. Gabriel wasn’t quite sure that his child would be “that good.”
There was also your safety. Regardless of the fact that Chuck swore to your safety, Gabriel was absolutely and positively terrified! He couldn’t even begin to phantom losing you. No part of his inner being could even think about how his life would be if something happened to you. If Gabriel lost you, he would want to die along with you. Forget raising a child that would scare the crap out of him!
You, meanwhile, hadn’t moved from your spot in the passenger seat by the time Gabriel opened your door for you. For a moment, you didn’t want to move. Sitting in the car and staring at the grey dashboard seemed to be exactly what you needed.
Gabriel said your name softly. He held out his hand to help you out of the SUV. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. After the conversation a few minutes prior, you couldn’t meet your lover’s gaze.
Am I being selfish? Did I even think of him?
These were a few of the thoughts going through your mind that you couldn’t push away. There were also the thoughts of what you “needed” too.
It will be a long nine months if he is going to bitch the whole time. I am going to need some support too…not constant condescending looks and comments…
Swallowing, you got out of the car without taking Gabriel’s hand. You heard Gabriel audibly groan as you walked past him to the entrance to the bunker.
“Y/n, you are going to have to talk to me at some point.”
You stopped and took a few deep breaths before turning to face Gabriel.
“Look, I get you were shocked by all of this. I was shocked too! Floored is more like it but it’s happening Gabriel. We had sex and you got me pregnant. Neither one of us was really planning it but it happened. I don’t know why Chuck does what he does but he paired us for a reason. I’m not giving this baby up nor am I going to regret what happened…because I don’t. You know…I’m feeling a lot of things none of which you seem to understand…hell even I don’t understand all of what I’m feeling. I’m not asking you to be over the moon with what's happening because you were entitled to your feelings too but what I want is some support. You’re supposed to be my soul mate and be on my side.”
Gabriel winced seeing the tears in your eyes. He absolutely hated knowing that he was the one making you cry.
“Y/n, I am on your side. I’m always on your side.”
You wiped your cheeks.
“It doesn’t feel like it. If I am going to spend the next nine months wondering what I am to you while you glare at me…I would rather you just go. You can find someone else to fall in love with.”
Gabriel looked floored by your comment. Did you really think that he would consider leaving? That was the LAST thing that Gabriel could even consider doing. If he left you then you would die. Your blood would be on his hands and he would never be able to live with that.
“I don’t want anyone else to love. I fell in love with you and that is all that I need…”
You turned to walk inside.
“I need some time alone.”
You murmured. Gabriel didn’t move to follow you.
“That’s probably a good idea. I’ll be back later I need to have some time to too.”
When you turned back around, Gabriel was gone. It was as if he had never been standing behind you in the first place.
Why did I say that to him?
You grumbled before turning and walking back into the bunker. Feeling 100% worse than you did before, the prospect of falling into your bed and never moving again seemed like a great idea.
Sam looked up when you came down the steps. He immediately stood up and looked at you with a worried expression.
“Where is Gabriel?”
You couldn’t meet your brother’s gaze for a moment. Looking around the room, you wondered where Dean had made off too. Something told you that you would be having to face his fury very soon too. You definitely needed a heads up on when that would happen. With Gabriel not being there to come in on your behalf, you would have to try to reason with Dean on why going through with the pregnancy was the best option. Something told you that saying “this is what I want” wouldn’t fly with your eldest brother.
“He took off. We had some words and we both need some space. Where’s Dean?”
Sam crossed his arms over his chest. It didn’t take him being your brother to realize how upset you were. Your eyes were like a window to your soul…a window that Sam had to use more than he was really willing to admit to.
“He went on a beer run.”
You nodded. That didn’t surprise you. It also wouldn’t surprise you that you would take up to Dean tearing the place apart in a drunken rage.
“I’m not surprised.”
You replied as Sam pressed his lips together.
“Are you okay, Y/n?”
Your eyes rolled up to your brother. Sam was looking at you with eyes full of concern.
“Did you know that you are the first person in all of this that has asked me that?”
Sam frowned. He mentally made a note to tell Dean and Gabriel both off later. While he understood both men’s reactions, neither really behaved the way that they needed to. Sure, Sam was horrified by the road that you were choosing to take…however, it was your choice. He couldn’t make you elect to have Gabriel take the baby away. Sam couldn’t make you do anything. You were a grown woman and what you chose would be what he would accept. Sam could only pray that Chuck lived up to his end of the bargain and wouldn’t let you die.
“I’m sorry. I can’t make excuses for Dean or Gabriel but you should have been asked about your feelings before. Y/n, I’m not going to pretend that I’m not worried because I’m scared to death. I don’t want to lose you but I respect your decision. I’ll do whatever I can to keep you safe.”
Sam walked over and immediately pulled you into a hug. You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around your brother. Breathing Sam in, for the first time, you felt somewhat better. Someone was in your corner.
“I wish that Dean and Gabriel could see things that way.”
Sam kissed the top of your head. He made a mental note to let both men have it when they came home.
“I know. Me too. Maybe when the shock wears off, they’ll come to their senses. They both love you so much, Y/n.”
You wanted to nod in agreement but you couldn’t respond. Your better sense of self knew that Sam was right. Both Gabriel and Dean loved you. The less sensible “Mary Sue” side was still in depression over their reactions.
“I hope so. I’m going to go lie down and watch TV.”
Sam slowly let you go. He wanted to talk more but decided now wasn’t the time.
Gabriel sat across from Lucifer at a crappy little diner across town. He wasn’t 100% sure why he came to Lucifer but he did. Gabriel sat telling Lucifer everything while his elder brother frowned.
“So you are telling me that pop decided that Ms. Pretty and yourself are having a baby?”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow.
“That’s what I said.”
Lucifer was silent a moment as he considered his words. It was no secret to Lucifer about what Chuck’s plans were when it came to you. Lucifer was baffled when Chuck made the grand scheme to pair his younger brother with a human. As far as Lucifer was concerned, Gabriel was a good enough soldier. Throwing him into the thoroughs of love with a human woman seemed to be a bit of a downgrade.
“I’m sorry. I just needed to make sure that I heard you right and wasn’t imagining things. Wow, you're the one to knock up Ms. Pretty.”
Gabriel frowned, reminding Lucifer of the archangel that Gabriel used to be.
“Would you stop calling her that? Who else would it be? I’m her soulmate after all.”
Lucifer snorted.
“You sound so ancient right now. I don’t pretend to know why pop is doing this. I no longer try to make sense of that. How is Y/n taking it? You are acting as if the world is about to end…or whatever else it is you get upset about. You’ve always had a bit of a temper.”
“Oh, I have a temper do I? Aren’t you Satan?”
Gabriel snapped. Lucifer shook his head before holding a hand up.
“This isn’t about me. This is about you! You are having a baby with a human. Not only is that not good but you are about to have both of our dork brothers on your ass.”
“You have a child too who coincidentally my wife looks after so you are in the wrong as much as me.”
Lucifer laughed at that one.
“As you said, little brother, I am Satan.”
Neither archangel said anything for a moment. Gabriel sat wondering why in the fresh hell he even bothered with Lucifer. All that it seemed to be achieving was upsetting him worse with each passing moment.
“Look, Gabe, you are overreacting. If you want Ms. Pretty…I mean…Y/n to survive…there are ways. Use that grace that pop gave you. You’re her soul mate…keep her safe.”
“You didn’t keep Jack’s mother safe.”
Gabriel replied, earning a scowl from Lucifer.
“We weren’t on good terms. Again, this isn’t about me. What are you going to do about Michael and Raphael? I mean, Raphael is heaven’s glorified gardener. You could leave some plants out and totally distract him. Michael, however, well that won’t be pretty. He is still feeling biblical over Jack.
Gabriel rolled his eyes. It was clear that Lucifer had no idea about Raphael being dead.
“Raphael is dead, so I don’t have to worry about him. As far as Michael, he is the one that I am worried about. That’s why I am here talking to you. I’m sure I can keep my wife safe but two archangels would be better than one. We were close once upon a time. You leaving heaven devastated me whether you care about that fact or not.”
Lucifer leaned back in his chair. He wasn’t a fool. When he left heaven and the few times that Gabriel visited him on earth, he could see right through his younger brother’s “tough guy” façade.
“Let me get this straight, you want me to help you? You are coming to me for help with your problems? Wow, that hasn’t happened in millions of years and I am flattered. However, what does Y/n say about all of this? She really isn’t a pro-Luci person.”
“She doesn’t know.”
Lucifer once again looked surprised.
“You are going to have a hell of a time explaining that one to her. Gabriel, you were always my favorite. You always were and you always will be. I’m willing to help you but I’ll warn you…those Winchesters won’t be happy about it.”
Gabriel took a breath. He was no fool. Gabriel knew that you wouldn’t be happy at all. You hadn’t really forgotten how Lucifer had done your family.
“No, they won’t be but we need all of the help that we can get.”
Lucifer had to agree with that one. While he had no idea what “child rearing” involved (and he really didn’t want to find out), Lucifer knew that Gabriel was in over his head on this one.
“So what happened to Raphael?”
Gabriel chuckled at that one.
“Y/n killed him. Maybe that can be an incentive to not tick her off too much.”
Lucifer blinked a few times.
“I knew that girl had style.”
(a few hours later)
You lay sleeping on the couch. After starting a movie, you quickly fell asleep. All of the drama of the day had finally caught up with you. Your peaceful slumber, however, was interrupted when you felt a pair of arms lift you up.
You said sleepily before slowly opening your eyes. Gabriel was carrying you bridal style toward your bedroom.
“It's alright, sugar.”
You snuggled your face against Gabriel’s collarbone and breathed in his scent. For the first time in that horrid day, you felt somewhat better.
Gabriel closed the door with his foot before gently lying you down on the unmade bed. You shoved your face into the pillow until Gabriel snapped the lights out. From his place by the door, he could see the sad expression on your face.
…She is still hurt.
Gabriel rolled his eyes at the rather stupid comment going through his mind. Of course, you were still hurt.
Taking a moment longer, Gabriel slowly got into bed with you.
“Come here, sugar.”
You didn’t hesitate to crawl over into Gabriel’s arms. As much as you wanted to be able to play hard to get, you also wanted to snuggle into your soulmate and never move again. The moment that you were against Gabriel he wrapped his arms around you.
Neither of you spoke a moment. It was Gabriel that spoke first.
“Sugar, about all of this…we really need to talk.”
You sniffed again. Gabriel froze. He once again was afraid that you were about to start crying.
“Y/n, I knew from the moment that I saw you that I loved you more than any being known to angel kind. I know you are angry with me and I don’t blame you. I, however, don’t think that you truly understand how afraid I am.”
Your eyes slowly rolled up to Gabriel.
“You aren’t scared of anything…except spiders.”
Gabriel frowned.
“You did not see the size of that spider! Contrary to your, much-appreciated belief, a lot of things scare me. You scare me. The thought of losing you and me being alone to raise our baby scares me. Y/n, I can’t stop thinking about what if I lose you. I spent millions of years waiting for you and so many more looking after you until we actually met. I don’t want to face the thought of the rest of forever alone.”
You stroked your finger over Gabriel’s chest before throwing a leg over his waist.
“I’m not going to die. We’ll figure this out…somehow. There has to be a spell or something. Cas has this theory about using your grace to get me through labor. We have time to figure something out. As far as Michael is concerned…”
Gabriel took a breath before speaking.
“Michael is the least of my worries right now. Can we not talk about him right? I’m worried about us. Y/n, I’m not mad that you’re pregnant. I suppose something told me that you would end up pregnant at some point anyway. No matter how careful I am there was always the possibility that it could happen.”
You smiled.
“Because once you get inside of me you turn into a needy manwhore?”
You were relieved to hear Gabriel chuckle.
“That is one way of looking at it.”
Gabriel placed his hand over your stomach before moving his fingers over your hipbones. He closed his eyes as the sound of the baby’s heart beating filled his mind. Gabriel took a few deep breaths as a new feeling washed over him. So this was what the paternal protective parent felt like.
I have to be feeling like a father to be willing to go to my brother for help.
Gabriel thought with a frown. He was quickly pulled from his thoughts when your lips closed on his neck.
“What are you doing, sugar?”
You quickly wiggled your way on top of Gabriel, looking down at him with a smirk.
“We should probably enjoy my body looking the way it does now…something tells me that I will look like hell before long.”
Gabriel snapped his fingers turning the lights back on. He was looking at you with a frown.
“You’ll be just as beautiful as you are now. You’re always my beautiful wife.”
“You say that now.”
You replied. Gabriel was quiet a moment before quickly flipping the position so he was on top of you. You gasped as Gabriel’s hands fell to cup your breasts.
“Gabriel, please…”
You whimpered as he rocked his hips against yours. Golden eyes rolled to yours as Gabriel leaned down to lick your bottom lip.
“I’m going to make you feel good. You thought that the sex was good that night in the car. I’m really going to make you come apart now.”
You moaned before reaching between your bodies to palm Gabriel through his jeans. When he groaned, you smiled.
“Let's have at least one good memory from today.”
Gabriel gave you a small smirk before snapping away your clothes. He looked down at your naked form before biting his lips. You looked like a total goddess lying beneath him.
You cried out when Gabriel leaned down to lick and suck at your right nipple while his fingers expertly teased your left. Make-up sex with Gabriel often made your disagreements worth it. From the time that the both of you decided to be together, Gabriel seemed to be perfect at makeup sex. He was perfect at sex in general and it often wowed you. You had been a bit embarrassed to still be a virgin the first time that Gabriel touched you.
“Now sugar, that’s what I love the most. My dick has been the only one inside of you.”
Gabriel said with a cocky smirk as he kissed his way down your body. You bit your lip as heat ran through your belly. With each movement of Gabriel’s lips, the want radiated through your body making your cunt ache with need.
“Something tells me that you are already wet.”
Gabriel said with an innocent hum.
“Yes…so wet…Gabriel, please. I need you inside of me.”
Gabriel chuckled to himself and moved no further to have his way with you. He watched your body withering to meet his mouth. When Gabriel stroked a finger over your folds down to your entrance, you could have come from that alone.
“So I heard that pregnancy hormones make you want sex a lot more.”
Gabriel commented as his golden eyes rolled up to your face. He was pleased to see how surprised you were by that statement. Swallowing, you tried to think logically.
“I’m surprised at you, Gabriel. You are already hearing things correctly.”
Gabriel wiggled his eyebrows at you.
“It's amazing what archangels hear and what information we hold onto. I suppose we will be seeing a lot of this room.”
“Or whatever flat surface I want you to fuck me on.”
You interrupted. Gabriel smirked.
“Anytime that you want it, sugar.”
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aterimber · 1 year
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Every Fucking Time
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Summary: You want to help Dean, but he knows you can't.
Warnings/Explicit 18+: Lots of angst! Smut! Unprotected PinV sex. Slightly rough sex. Dean being an asshole. Dean being a broken boy. Hurt/comfort.
Pairings: Dean x Reader (You)
Word Count: 2,737
A/N: So, I just rewatched 13x18, Bring 'Em Back Alive, and the scene at the end never fails to break my heart. I just wanna make Dean feel better! 😫 But it got me thinking about how unlikely Dean would be to accept that help, and how his anger might manifest. Anyway, this is what spilled out of my brain as a result.
A/N 2: The title is a reference to Dean's line, "Every time we get close, it all falls apart. Every frickin' time." I have changed it to the non-network TV version because we all KNOW that's actually what Dean said.
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You just wanted to help. You needed to help. You needed to make it better for him. 
Dean had slipped back home through the rift barely an hour earlier, talking about the apocalypse world Charlie and how he'd left her and Ketch behind, promising he would come back with reinforcements.
Then you, Cas and Sam had given him the bad news; no one could go back, you couldn’t send reinforcements. Gabriel was gone, taking all his archangel grace with him.
“So if it’s gone, then that means that we can’t open that door again. If we can’t open the door, then I shoulda never come back!” He'd shouted.
He'd tried to tamp down the rage and anger that simmered just behind his forced calm. Nevertheless, it exploded out of him making you all jump.
“Son of a bitch!” He'd screamed, sending books and papers crashing to the ground as he swept them from the table. “Every time!”
You could feel his frustration and pain like it was your own as his voice dropped, defeated and broken for the millionth time. “Every time we get close, it always falls apart…every fuckin’ time.”
When he walked away, looking as though the weight of the world was once again on his shoulders, you’d tried to follow after him, but Sam had grabbed your arm gently, holding you back.
“Leave him for now, Y/N. He needs time.”
You should have listened to Sam, but you could feel Dean’s pain like a lance in your side and you were desperate to heal him. So less than an hour later, you went looking for him. But he wasn’t in his room, or the Dean cave. The kitchen was empty and so was the garage. 
You finally found him in the infirmary. He was sitting on one of the beds, sewing together a nasty looking bullet wound.
“Dean!” You called out worriedly as you rushed down the steps. He glanced up at you but then went back to stitching himself up. “Why didn’t you tell us you’d been shot?” You reprimanded him.
He shrugged his unwounded shoulder. “No big deal. Ketch patched me up on the go, just didn’t have time to sew it up properly.”
You watched him silently for a moment, wincing every time the needle pierced his inflamed skin. He’d taken his shirt off so he could tend to his wound, and you couldn’t help but take an inventory of his other numerous scars. Jagged knife cuts, more round bullet holes, and a few waxy looking old burns, all marred his otherwise perfect, lightly freckled torso.
Some of the scars were very faded, barely noticeable, while others were newer; some of them were still red and angry looking. They were a patchwork of pain - a tapestry of more than thirty-five years of hunting, fighting, falling, getting up, and fighting again. 
It made you exhausted just to see it; it made your bones ache.
You stepped a little closer to him, but he kept you at arm’s length with an aura of silent, repressed anger that you could practically see pulsing off of him.
You wanted to help him so badly.
“Dean, I’m so sorry.”
He shook his head, not looking up from his work. “No, let’s not. I don’t wanna talk about it.”
You let out a small sigh. Of course you don’t. You thought with a flash of frustration.
You were quiet another minute as he finished the last few stitches. Then you smiled a little, trying a different tactic. “So, there was a Charlie over there? That’s amazing. What was she like? Was she the same as our Charlie?”
Dean didn’t answer right away. He snipped the thread he was using and tossed the small silver scissors back into the first aid kit he had open on the bed beside him. He took some rubbing alcohol and poured it onto a gauze pad, holding it to his wound and sucking in a breath through gritted teeth before answering.
“Yeah sure, she was like our Charlie.” His voice was a growl of pain. “She was a badass, determined to fight injustice, sticking up for her friends, risking her life for them. And yeah, just like our Charlie, I left her on her own to be butchered.”
Tears pricked your eyes. “Dean that’s not true…you didn’t-”
“Seriously, Y/N. Just fucking don’t.”
You were silenced again, watching him clean up and toss the bloody bandages into the trash as he stood up from the bed. He reached for his flannel and tried to put it on, slightly hampered by his newly bandaged shoulder. You stepped forward to help him with it, and when it was on, but still unbuttoned, you slid your hands inside, down over his ribs.
You kissed his chest gently, and felt him twitch slightly. 
“Y/N.” He said quietly and you could hear the warning in his tone. 
You knew he was in a bad place, and the two of you had only recently begun to move your relationship out of friendship and into something more, so sex was still new between you. But you felt the overwhelming, screaming need to help him, to hold him close and let him feel your love shine through. You’d been in love with him for a long time, but you’d never told him. You suspected he didn’t love you back, though you hoped he might someday.
For now, though, you’d settle for being a soft place to land, if he’d just let you.
“Dean.” You said softly, kissing his chest again. “Let me help you.”
He pushed you back and turned away. “I don’t need help.”
You persisted, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind. “We all need help from time to time, Dean.”
“Y/N!” He said again, louder this time, his earlier anger resurfacing. “I told you, I’m fine. Just drop it.”
But you couldn’t. You wanted to help him, whether he accepted it or not.
You moved around him, so you stood in front of him again. “Dean, you’re not fine. I just wanna help you.”
Dean scoffed. “Well you can’t fucking help me, Y/N. You can’t make it better.”
“I could try.” You cupped his cheek, but he pulled it out of your grasp, turning his head. You stood on tiptoe to try and kiss him. “Let me try, Dean. Let me try to help you.”
Dean grabbed your wrists from around his neck, glaring down at you, eyes blazing. “You fucking can’t, do you not hear me? You can’t help me, no one can help me! Because all I do is fuck up; all I do is leave my friends and family to die. And fucking you isn’t gonna change that; unless you have some kind of magical cunt that can open portals to another dimension, you can’t fucking help me!”
You felt your stomach drop, and an immediate ache started, high in your gut, clenching your insides and making you feel short of breath. You stepped back from Dean and swallowed convulsively, trying not to let go of the tears that clogged your throat. But it was a losing battle and they were soon coursing down your cheeks.
You nodded slightly. “K, yeah.” You didn’t know what else to say, turning away just as remorse began dawning in Dean’s emerald eyes. “Sam was right…I shouldn’t have come.”
You took off, bounding up the stairs as Dean called out to you. You ignored him, desperate to get away before you collapsed completely. 
You heard Dean following you, chasing you down the bunker hallway and you sprinted away. You got to your room just in time to slam the door and lock it just as Dean skidded to a halt outside.
He banged on the door, but you just moved over to your desk, dropping into the chair and swiping at your tears over and over, unable to make them stop.
“Y/N, come on! Open the door. Look, I didn’t mean that, okay? I just...just let me in.” He banged again. When you wouldn’t open it, he just kept banging. Finally he yelled at you through the wood.  “You know, I can just break down the fucking door! Let me in!”
He slammed his hammer like fist against the door again, rattling it in its frame. You jumped up and ripped open the door just as he was about to start pounding again. So his fist was raised and his features were twisted in a snarl as you looked up at him. But you were calm, even though tears still leaked from your eyes.
“Enough.” You said quietly. “Look, I shouldn’t have kept bugging you, you made it very clear you didn’t want me there and that I couldn’t be of any help. So, it’s fine. I’ll leave you alone now, and you can please stop raging at me and trying to smash down my door.”
You swallowed tightly and then nodded at him. “Goodnight.”
You closed your door softly and walked back to slump onto the end of your bed. You dashed your tears away as quickly as they fell, trying to dash away Dean’s angry words too, but failing miserably. 
After nearly half an hour your tears finally dried up and you decided to get ready for bed, sadness and hurt making you slow and sluggish. As you pulled your big sleep shirt on over your head, however, a noise caught your attention just outside your door. 
You walked softly to the door in your bare feet, cracking it open an inch to look out into the hallway. What you saw made brand new tears cloud your vision.
Dean was sitting across from your door, his back against the wall. His knees were bent slightly with his elbows resting there and his feet planted on the floor. His eyes were shut, his head leaning back against the wall with tears streaming silently down his cheeks. Or almost silently. As you watched, his face spasmed with pain and his breath seemed to catch in his throat, making the muffled sound you’d heard; it sounded like his pain was choking him.
You opened the door wider and Dean sensed you, his eyes springing open. At first it seemed like he might bolt, but then he shook his head as he stared at you. “Baby, I’m so sorry.” His voice was a harsh whisper. “I swear to god, I didn’t mean to hurt you like that. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me.”
He thumped his head back against the wall twice. “I just break things. Everything.” He punctuated the word by slamming his elbow back into the wall as well, hard enough that you were worried he’d break the bone.
You hurried forward to kneel on the floor in front of him, squeezing in between his knees. You pulled his hands into yours as you tried to reassure him. “Dean, that isn’t true. You don’t break everything; you fix things, save things. It’s in your DNA to try to right all the wrongs in the world, but sometimes you just can’t.”
He stared at you intently and once again you found yourself desperate to try to ease the bottomless ache you could see in his mossy green eyes.
His voice was barely a whisper as he reached out to run his thumb across your cheekbone. “Did I break us?”
You took a deep breath. “Your words hurt me.” He closed his eyes and nodded. “But…”
You were quiet a moment before deciding it was worth taking a chance, so you just said it. “But I love you, and my love doesn’t break that easily, even if my heart does.”
You took his hand from your cheek and held it against your chest, over your heart. “Not ever. No matter what the future holds, my love is unbreakable, even when you try to smash it to pieces with both hands.”
Dean’s expression was closed off, and you couldn’t see through it to his thoughts. After a moment he shook his head. “Don’t love me, sweetheart. I can’t…I can’t protect you if you love me. Something will come and take you from me - use you to hurt me somehow.” He closed his eyes again and repeated his words from earlier in the evening. 
“Every time I get close, it always falls apart.” He opened his eyes slowly and stared intently into your soul. “Every fucking time.”
He gazed at you for a long time, and you let him, hoping he could see that you weren't afraid to love him, and you weren't going to be scared away.
Suddenly he reached out to yank you into his lap and slam his mouth down on yours. You gasped into the kiss and then whimpered as he clutched you tight to him.
He pulled away from you, breathing harshly. “Am I forgiven? Because I was such a liar. I do need you.” He dipped his head to nip at your pulse point and flick his tongue against your salty skin. “I need you so fucking bad.”
You nodded, flushed and aching for his touch. “You’re forgiven.”
He crushed your lips with his once again, standing up without letting you out of his arms. He pushed you backwards through your bedroom door and closed it with a soft click, as he yanked your t-shirt off over your head, getting you naked in one quick motion.
You pushed his open flannel down his arms, being careful not to aggravate his newest injury. You fumbled with the button on his jeans for a moment, hands trembling, as he palmed your breast and squeezed, pressing his hard, blunt fingertips into your yielding flesh.
You threw your head back as he pulled your nipple into his mouth and bit it gently. You sank your hands into his short hair, tugging sharply and moaning loudly. He pulled away, just far enough that he could spin you around to face the wall. With a hand against your upper back, he bent you over slightly and lifted your arms, so that you braced them against the brick.
Then he raised your right leg, wrapping his forearm over top of it and spreading you open. You felt the knuckles of his other hand brush over your dripping wet core as he unbuttoned his jeans. Seconds later, you felt his tip pressing against your entrance and then you let out a scream of pleasure as he slammed into you hard and fast.
As he fucked up into you, he pulled you open even wider, reaching down with his free hand to rub circles into your clit with his calloused fingertips.
Eventually he dropped your leg, and pushed your feet apart while he pulled your hips back towards him. He never faltered or slowed his pace, just manhandling you into the positions he wanted.
You were bent at a ninety degree angle now, hands still braced against the wall, with your head hanging between them as Dean continued to pound into you so deep that he was almost lifting you off the floor with each thrust. 
He clamped his hand on the back of your neck, using it as leverage to piston his hips forward like a jackhammer. He tilted your pelvis forward slightly and suddenly he was perfectly, relentlessly hitting your g-spot over and over until you were screaming out his name and crashing into a hard wall of pleasure. You shook with your climax, but Dean didn’t stop, riding you through your first orgasm and into several more.
Your throat was hoarse from shouts of pleasure before Dean finally cursed loudly, shouting your name and surging into your body. With one last driving push,  you could feel him spurting into you hot and thick. He rocked his body against yours a few more times as his cock continued to twitch inside you.
Finally he stilled, both of you breathing harshly now, bodies slick with sweat. He laid his chest against your back, his arm still wrapped around your waist, keeping you close, keeping himself locked inside your slick warmth.
“Y/N.” You could hear the thick emotions even in his soft whisper. “You know, you save me. Every time I think I can’t recover, every time I think I won’t get back up. You make me think I can. You tell me I will.” 
He paused and his voice was velvety and warm as he breathed out across your skin. “You save me.” He kissed your shoulder gently. “Every fucking time.”
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters:
Dean Fics Only:
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom:
Everything Incl. Fan Edits:
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arjwrites · 3 months
˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖ my masterlist ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖
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requests: closed (but not for long!)
100 follower event masterlist
Close- fluff, fem!reader Summary: Reader breaks her arm on a hunt and needs some somewhat intimate assistance. Who does she ask for help but Sam Winchester, with whom she shares a silent, mutual pining????
Take A Picture, It'll Last Longer- fluff Summary: While hunting with the Winchesters, you had picked up a disposable camera to capture some memories. Each photo represented an important point in your collective journey- all the while, hinting at a budding connection behind the scenes. 
Close Behind- angst, gn!reader Summary: You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to Sam- and that scares the hell out of him. Based on the song “Close Behind” by Noah Kahan. 
Heaven Hellbent- angst, fem!reader Summary: When a hunt goes wrong, Sam discovers a secret you've been keeping for years. Part 1 of the series! DEAN WINCHESTER X READER
Back on the Beach- fluff, angst, gn!reader Summary: Reader and the Winchesters find themselves at the beach for a rare day off after a long string of difficult hunts. Something about the special day changes things forever.
Bless the Broken Road- angst, fem!reader Summary: A glimpse into the broken road that led Dean Winchester to you. Based on "Bless the Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts.
Times You Threatened to Kill Dean Winchester- fluff, angst, gn!reader Summary: A brief account of all the times you wanted to kill a certain hunter.
The Space Between- fluff, a little bit of spice, gn!reader Summary: Reader breaks their arm on a hunt and needs a little assistance. Dean version of Close (Sam x Reader)
In The Stillness- angst, fluff, fem!reader Summary: A glimpse into the ways you've impacted Dean Winchester CASTIEL X READER
Numb- angst, comfort, winchester sister!reader Summary: Reader is Sam and Dean’s sister. After a series of unfortunate events, she finds herself separating from her brothers to deal with her own shit the only way she knows how. Castiel, however, has a few things to say about it. 
Saving Grace | Part 2- gn!reader Summary: Cas is hurt after a hunt, and when he's hurting, you're hurting. Sometimes even an angel needs a helping hand.
Saving Grace Epilogue- gn!reader Summary: Ways the world has softened since uniting with your angel. Can serve as an epilogue or stand alone!
Lessons on Humanity- gn!reader Summary: Human!Cas arrives on your doorstep in need of a helping hand. Taking him under your wing, you offer him more than he bargained for.
GABRIEL X READER Long Day- gn!reader Summary: After a stressful day, a familiar face pops in for a visit. With snacks.
CROWLEY X READER coming soon (leave a request!)
140 notes · View notes
mirkwoodshewolf · 8 days
Fallen angel; Dean Winchester x reader
*Author's note*
Well this request was really starting to collect dust in my inbox but I finally got around to doing it so I'd like to thank @topstory21 for being so patient with me for their request and hope that you enjoy it.
Warnings: Swearing, violence (this is SPN after all), mentions of family death, some angst and fluff.
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I awoke to find myself out in a field and the sound of mooing next to me.  I turned with a groan to see a few cows staring at me as they continued their grazing, their deep brown eyes staring deep into my very soul.  Slowly I got up feeling nothing but aches and pains in my body which I found strange.
Normally my body heals on its own pretty fast being an angel and all that but now my powers weren’t working.  Wait, how did I even get down to earth in the first place? Dean didn’t pray for me and Cas wasn’t in trouble nor was big brother Gabriel causing any trouble.
After composing myself I walked out of the field and followed the road to the nearest town where I managed to find a convenient store.  I walked in and saw on the tv above about a meteor shower the like of which these humans had never seen before.  It was then I remembered what had happened.
I—I had fallen.  And not just me but—every angel in heaven had been cast out and fallen to earth.  I tried to tap into the angel radio but I came up with nothing, not even static.  No, no, no, no this couldn’t be happening.
“Miss? Miss? Are you alright?” I turned to see a young man in his young teen years and I asked him.
“Where am I?”
“Miles City, Montana.” He answered.  “Do you uhh—need me to call someone?”
“No, no I….thank you. Forget I was here.” I then walked out of the store and felt a sudden overwhelming feeling after realizing that I had now become a fallen angel, I wasn’t in Kansas, I can’t communicate with any of my brothers and sisters, and I had no access to my powers.  “Why didn’t I accept that cellphone that Dean offered me? I just had to follow the rules. No human technology in heaven. I could’ve played off like big brother Cas but nooo.”
Okay (Y/n) just calm down and think about this.  You’ve got a location, now all you need to do is find a way to get in contact with either Dean, Sam or Cas.  Surely someone will let me use their phone for just a moment or two to make a call.  I saw a group of skater teens gathered by another convenient store and I walked up to them and asked.
“Excuse me, could I use one of your cellphones to call someone?”
“Why can’t you just use your own lady?” asked a rude boy with face acne.
“I—seemed to have misplaced it. Please it’d just be for a minute or two.”
“Sorry lady. We don’t even carry our own phones. Parents tracking us and all that shit. That’s why we just have our go-pros.” Said another boy with long brown hair.
“Your parents only worry for your safety.”
“Jesus Christ another Karen comin to tell us to what to do. Let’s get out of here.” The teens then got on their skateboards and bikes and soon left me in the dust (quite literally as they purposefully kicked up the rocks and debris nearby).
“I swear children today have no respect for anyone. And why do they keep using that term Karen?”
“The rise of social media and technology raising them and careless parents not fit to discipline them.” I jumped at the voice and saw a woman with curly blonde hair.  She appeared to be around her early to mid-40’s but she still held someone of a youthful glow about her.  Her hypnotic green eyes glared out towards the teenagers that had just left me in the dust.
“They do seem to think they’re above authority nowadays don’t they?” I vocalized my thoughts.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to intrude or anything but I had heard you were in a bit of a bind and just thought I’d offer my help.” She said turning toward me.
“I’d greatly appreciate it, thank you Miss…..”
“Agatha. Agatha Dubois.” She extended her hand out and I greatly took it as we shook hands.
“Thank you Miss DuBois, really I do appreciate it. You would not believe that I’ve been through today.”
“From what I heard about those meteor showers, I’d say it was quite an event. Some people have lost their homes due to collateral damage from the explosions that had been happening.” Oh my….I hope I didn’t cause anyone any harm when I had landed.  “If you don’t mind helping me load up some stuff into my truck, I’d be more than willing to allow you to use my telephone. Maybe even get you a nice home-cooked meal. Lord knows you look like you need it.”
Being an angel I’ve never really had the taste for food.  But now with my grace potentially gone and now feeling 100% human, I could feel the extreme hunger that was now knowing at the edges of my stomach.
“Are you sure about all that? All I’d really need is just to use a phone.”
“Ahhh don’t worry about it. Besides, my mama always taught me to help out a stranger in need.”
“Well, thank you Ms. DuBois.”
“Oh you can call me Agatha. Now c’mon, these gas tanks can get pretty heavy and you’d be a life savior if I didn’t have to make more than two trips.” I walked over towards her truck and helped her load up the gas tanks that I’ve seen be used to grills for barbecuing.  Once we were done, I got up in the passenger seat and she drove us towards her cabin out in the woods.
We unloaded her truck and after storing away the last gas tank in her shed, I wiped my forehead of the sweat that now clamped onto my brow.  Whew, who would’ve thought this is what humans feel like after every work day?
“I greatly appreciate you helping me out (Y/n).” Agatha thanked me.
“I’m glad I could help out. Now may I ask where you’re phones at?”
“Come with me to the kitchen and it’ll be right by the sink. Sometimes cell reception gets a little funky so I keep a landline just in case.” She escorted me towards her house and it was like any other home I had seen.
Decent cabin with various trinkets, knick-knacks, furniture and pictures.  Some by herself and others with what appeared to be either friends or family.  We got into the kitchen and she pointed the phone out to me.  And boy I hadn’t seen phones like that since the 1970’s.  I walked over to it, picked it up and began dialing Dean’s number but just as I started to press the last two numbers, I felt something hit the back of my neck and I was knocked out like a light.
*Dean’s POV*
Now we’ve had crazy things happen to us before, hell we started the freakin apocalypse for crying out loud. But this shit…..this was way beyond anything we’ve come across.  To be told that the trials for sealing off Hell for good was nothing but a rouse, a filthy lie.  And now hundreds maybe thousands of angels, including my girl are scattered throughout the world.
“Anything coming up yet?” I asked Sam who was on his laptop typing away.
“Nothing other than the news talking about the supposed ‘Great meteor shower of 2013’.”
“How bout Cas, heard anything from him?”
“No.” I let out a growl as I paced through the motel room. 
“I told that girl to keep the damn phone, why doesn’t she ever listen to me?”
“You can’t blame (Y/n) for this.”
“I’m not! She’s not the one who casted the angels out of heaven. And don’t go thinking I’m blaming you either, we both believed that those trials would be for the demons of Hell. If I ever see Metatron again…..”
“You won’t be able to do anything Dean.” We both jumped at the sudden voice of Cas appearing behind us.
“The hell have you been?! We’ve been calling and praying to you and you just ghost us!”
“In case you hadn’t noticed Dean, I’ve been a bit busy as of late.” Cas sneered sarcastically.
“Cas, what exactly is going on out there?” Sam asked him.
“The angel radio has been blaring nonstop of angels in a state of panic. However it’s about half the normal voices I usually hear. I fear that most of the angels that had fallen had also lost their grace. Including (Y/n).” oh fuck no! If she’s lost her grace then…..she’s practically useless out there.
Unlike most angels, she’s more of a diplomat than a soldier, hardly ever really fought unless her life depended on it.  She’s confessed that the only real wars she’s participated in was the 100 years War with Joan of Arc and some battle during the Civil war.  But she’s had her powers to use to take down any demon or monster that came at her, without it she’ll—NO!!
“Do you know where she might be?” I asked.
“I’ve tried everything in whatever power I have left since my own casting out and I’ve come up with….how you guys say, squat.” My breathing sharpened, “However, there might be someone we could see in order to find her.”
“What do you mean Cas?” I asked.
“In her secret visits down here to Earth back during the Civil war, I’m told she once connected with someone who was able to see and know all of the past and the future.”
“What you’re saying she met with a fortune teller?” asked Sam.
“No, not people who claim to know your fortunes I literally mean a deity that can see the past and the future. An oracle.” Said Cas.
“You—you serious? Like an actual oracle?”
“We’ve come across dragons before Dean, oracles don’t seem so farfetched.” Said Sam with a shrug.
“Alright well, how do we get in touch with this oracle?”
“If I recall, their last known location was deep in bayou of New Orleans.”
“Then Louisiana it is. We’re wasting time let’s go!” I ordered as the two of them followed me outside to the car and I floored it till we got to Louisiana.
We reached the city within a day and a half and managed to book a ferry ride down the bayou to where Cas would guide us.  He said the oracle lived on a small island on the bayou known as Moonscar isle.  I leaned up against the railings of the ferry staring out into the murky waters and creepy swamps.  Normally I’d be saying we’re living out an actual Scooby doo location but all my mind was thinking about was (Y/n).
“Dean.” Cas voice called out to me.  I felt his hand on my shoulder, “We’ll find her. She might not be the strongest fighter of my sisters but she is clever. If she does run into trouble, she’ll find a way out of it.”
“You better be right Cas. Cause I don’t know what I’ll do if we find her too late.” We soon reached the dock of Moonscar isle and I drove us through the bumpy roads.  I know you ain’t used to these roads Baby but I promise you, we’ll be back on the smooth road soon.
“Okay Cas did (Y/n) say anything specific on how to find this oracle’s location?” Sam questioned.
“It should be the only thing living on this island. No one has lived here since the days of the Civil War.”
“Seems easy enough.” I floored Baby a bit faster until we hit a hump which caused all of us to hit our heads on the roof.
“Dean I know you want to save (Y/n) but maybe try to go easy on the gas. At least until we hit smoother terrain.” Suggested Sam.  As we drove through the thick mist, we soon caught sight of what appeared to be torches lighting the way.  We followed the light until we came upon a small cabin.
I turned the engine off and the three of us got out of Baby and closed the doors.
“Typical, witchy and spooky. Remind me to question her friends when we find her.” I told them both before trudging through the wet mud and marshes towards the cabin.  I climbed up the ladder which lead to the cabin above and I opened the door only to be greeted by a hissing snake.  “JESUS…..”
“No Jesus Christ be ‘ere. Only the one who speaks between the realms of gods and mortals.” A female Cajun voice spoke up.  The snake retreated backward but kept its unblinking eyes on me as hand reached out and stroked it’s head.
Soon a woman in an old, and when I say old I meant like past century or two old, dress.  Long and elegant yet battered and weathered by time.  Her hair was styled in dreads and styled much like Eddie Van Halen’s hair.  But what had me unsettled was the snake-like eyes that she had.  Give me black, red, yellow, or even white eyes but not snake eyes.
“Calypso.” Cas greeted.
“Castiel.” Her wicked and rotten smile greeted.  Seriously I’ve seen vampires with better dental hygiene than this woman.  “And de Winchester brothers. Calypso ‘erd many tings about you two. Destiny and fate twists around you both like puppets on a string.” Calypso said as the snake that scared me now began wrapping itself around her neck.
“Yeah we uhh—get that a lot. Listen we’ve come to…..”
“I know what it is that you come for cher.” Calypso interrupted my brother.  “Enter but be weary of your step.” Oh yeah sure that’s comforting.  We entered inside the cabin and saw that the entire place was filled with jars, voodoo stuff, jars with the most randomness, weird, freaky and creepy stuff I had only seen be put in movies.  Snakes, bats, and rats also made their home in this cabin.  “Sit down.”
We were lead to a table that held scrolls, maps and books that would make even Bobby’s library seem like the kid’s section at the library.
“You ‘ave come to seek ma Cherie (Y/n).”
“Yeah, do you know where she is?”
“To answer such a question must be bound. For her heart may soon be in de ground.” I soon felt my chin being tilted upward as I was now forced to look up at her.  “You above the two share that bond with ma cher.” I forced my way out of her strong grip.
“I may have failed Spanish but I know what that endearment means so don’t be trying to call her any of that when she’s already spoken for.”
“Angels ave lived many lives. To stick to one partner is never just enough.” She said with me with a seductive smirk.  Okay so did she mean that she and (Y/n) once…..okay not that I don’t think it’s hot but c’mon Dean now’s really not the time to be thinking about things like that right now.
“Calypso. We’re worried about her, Cas has said she’s lost touch with angel radio. And if that’s true then that means she’s lost her grace when she fell from Heaven.”
“When de angels fell from the sky, Hell itself shook. More demons seep out now to destroy their lifelong foes. The balance between them has now shifted to Hell’s favor, and if not set straight, all will be lost.” Calypso said as she walked over towards one of her bookshelves and allowed the snake to slither down her arm and track down a rat.
As she spoke, just seeing the snake hunt down the rat and catch it before wrapping itself around it and squeezing it to death made me feel uncomfortable.
“Calypso, you and (Y/n) were close with one another. If you still care for her at all, will you help us find her?” the oracle remained silent before she said.
“I ave wha you seek, but I demand special payment before I can give this precious gift away.”
“What is it that you want?” I demanded.  A slow, wicked smirk came across her face.
*My POV*
I woke up feeling groggy and with a massive headache but I also felt my hands and feet were strapped down.  I struggled to get up but I heard Agatha’s voice.
“There’s no point in struggling.” I turned my head to see her cleaning up an angel blade.  “That there is angel blades mixed with the strongest iron melted and forged into handcuffs.”
“You know what I am?” I asked her.
“Trust me sweetheart, you’re not the first angel we came across.”
“We?” I then thought back to the photo’s I saw in her cabin.  “Your family.”
“Yeah. My husband Frank, and my two boys Nathan and Jake. My husband and I had left the hunter’s life behind in order to raise our two boys. But when word got out that the apocalypse and the end of the world was happening, well…..let’s just say the Winchester’s weren’t the only ones on the demons radar. Soon the angels started coming after us, all because we refused to be their pawns.”
“I take it that the angel that came to you was called Zachariah?”
“Yeah.” She sneered. 
“Figures. I hated that douchebag so much. Out of all my brothers, I hated him more than Lucifer and Michael combined.”
“Just because you claim that, doesn’t mean I’ll go easy on you.” She said as she stood over me and placed the angel blade right to my neck.
“Listen Agatha, even if you do kill me it won’t change anything.”
“I’m not gonna kill you. At least not yet. First you’re gonna tell me where I can find that rat bastard, and then once I’m through with him then I’ll kill you. And finally be rid of you angels.”
“I don’t think the angels will be the least of your concern these days. If any hunter out there knows all lore, then they’d know that what they witnessed wasn’t a meteor shower.”
“They were fallen angels yeah, yeah I read up more on the lore once we kept running into Zachariah and after he had killed my boys. That’s why I’ve been hunting down you angels that came here. And you dearie, make number three.”
“Who were the other two?”
“Didn’t care to ask them. But they proved useless to me in the end. But oh do I remember seeing your name in some of the lore books. The Angel of Mercy. So any angel that’s out there, you would know where they are.”
“That was before I had fallen. Now I’m as mortal as you are. I’m of no use to you Agatha. And even if you were to kill me, no angel is going to tell you where to find Zachariah.”
“Then I guess I’ll keep killing your kind until someone screams.” Gunshots suddenly fired just a few feet away from her and I heard Dean’s voice roar out.
“THE HELL YOU WILL!” we looked up to see Dean with his revolver pointed right at Agatha.
“The infamous Dean Winchester.” Agatha mocked in praise.  “Should I be honored by your presence?”
“Cut the small talk you psychotic bitch, I ain’t here to make friends.”
“From one hunter to another, I thought the job was to kill any monster that got in our way? That includes these so called ‘angels’.”
“Look, I’ll admit that most of them were douchebags with wings but the one you’ve got right there. She’s about as harmless as a kitten. So I’m only gonna say this one last time, let her go or I pump you full of lead.” It was then I saw Castiel and Sam sneaking in from the back, when I caught my brother’s eye, he pressed his finger to his lips as I withdrew his own angel blade while Sam took out his own pistol.
“Not until I get what I want. And I’ll kill anyone who gets in my way.” It was then Sam came up and grabbed Agatha in a headlock with the gun placed at her back.
“First rule you should’ve remembered. Never bring a knife to a gun fight.” Sam sneered in her ear.  Castiel then came up and freed me of my bonds and cupped my face checking me for injuries.
“Are you hurt?”
“Besides the ache in my head and the aftermath of falling from heaven, I’m fine.” I brushed his hands away from my face and stood up and walked over to Dean.  I placed my hand over his gun and gave him the look to lower his gun.  He stared at me wide eyed in anger but I gave him a harsh look which got him to obey my order.  “You misunderstood me what I had said earlier.”
“What do you mean?” Agatha snarled as she tried to struggle but Sam kept a firm hold of her.
“When I told you that no angel was going to tell you where Zachariah was. It’s because he’s no longer with us. This man here,” I gestured to Dean. “My boyfriend, he’s the one who killed Zachariah and ended his endless lies and deceit. So your vengeance is wasted.”
The harsh look in Agatha’s eyes slowly began to soften as her struggling ceased.
“Yes. He’s dead. And no one is bringing him back, but nor would killing him bring your family back. Ask yourself this Agatha, if your husband and boys could see you now, would they want this from you? To be so consumed by hatred and vengeance that you’d lose yourself to it?”
“So you’re telling me all of this was an Inigo Montoya scenario?” Dean asked incredulously.
“Not now babe.” I hushed him.  “You’ve been consumed by your hate for long enough Agatha, it’s time to let it go.” I then gave Sam a nod and he released Agatha who just fell to her knees.
“Three years felt like an eternity. Everytime I close my eyes I can still see how he did it. He snapped my youngest boys bones like twigs, I can still see his limbs all twisted and contorted. My eldest boy, he stabbed him right through the back. I still can’t get the blood off my face from it spurting out. And Fr—Frank he……” Agatha wept into her hands.
The guys’ anger soon turned to sympathy as they stared at their potential enemy they were so adamant on killing now break down in tears.  I walked over to Agatha and knelt down beside her.  I placed my hand to her head and she looked up at me, tears slipping down past her lashes.
“Know that didn’t blame you. And they’ll always be watching over you until you are all together again.” Agatha crumbled once more as she wept into the floor and I chose to walk out with the guys following behind me.
There was a moment of silence as we walked away from Agatha’s property until Sam spoke up.
“I still sometimes can’t get over how you can still find the mercy and compassion in situations (Y/n).”
“That is who my sister is Sam. As the Angel of Mercy, she knows when force is needed, or when someone needs a compassionate hand. Agatha Morrison was just a grieving wife and mother, not a monster.” Cas explained.
“Doesn’t mean I’ll forgive her for what she did to you.” Dean said to me.
“That is up to you. But if you choose to continuously live with hate in your heart Dean, that’s all your life will ever be. You already carry such a weight of regret on you already Dean. Don’t add hatred to the mix.” I said stopping him as I placed my hand over his heart.  He looked me in the eye and said.
“How is it that you always have to get the last word in whenever we argue?”
“Cause you know I’m always right. Even when I’m wrong, I’m right.”
“But now will this show you to at least carry a phone with you? Not every human is like Agatha. Be thankful she was mourning as you said she was. Next person could’ve been a John Wayne Gacey or Ted Bundy copy-cat.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“No, no thinking about it. I’ll give you one of my old burner phones. You don’t have to upgrade to a smartphone.”
“Fine, I’ll take one of the burners.”
“Thank you.” Dean then brought me into his arms and kissed the top of my head.  “I was so worried about you. And you’re sure you don’t got a concussion or something?”
“I’m fine Dean, really. But question though, how did you guys find me so quickly?”
“We called in a favor from your old…..uhh—lover.” Dean groaned out the last part.
“My old lover? Dean what are you talking about?”
“The Oracle, Calypso.” Sam said.  I bit back my laughter but it soon escaped me as Dean demanded.
“What’s so funny?”
“Oh you guys are a riot! Hahahaha! Calypso and me lovers! Hahaha!”
“Again not to say there’s anything wrong, especially now with people more accepting….”
“Sam, Calypso is just a friend. Nothing more. Being the child of Eros they’re a natural minx and will flirt with just about anyone, including me. But they never take it further than that cause they know I’m straight.”
“So you—you guys weren’t ever…..”
“Dean Winchester were you jealous?” I teased with a raised brow.
“What? No! No! No I’m completely comfortable with my masculinity and won’t be like those insecure bastards that feel the need to be possessive over their girls.”
“Tink again Winchester!” a portal soon opened up to Calypso’s cabin and there stood the old minx themself holding Juju, their albino python around their neck.  “You really got dis one wound up cher! Him really thought he was de only partner you ever had.” They laughed as they stroked Juju’s head with their index and tall fingers.
“Cally you are a card.” I shook my head as I entered through the portal and stood beside them.
“You know I can never resist a good joke mon cher.” I walked through the portal followed by Sam, Cas and Dean who was still flabbergasted.
After finding a motel in New Orleans, Dean lay down on the bed while I brushed through my hair.
“So you had us be sent out while you and Calypso talked. What did she—I mean they want? I mean the way they had it made, it sounded like they wanted something else like…..you know.”
“As I told you, being the child of a God of Love and lust, they can’t help but be attracted to anyone they see. But Calypso and I have no romantic feelings for one another. They merely demanded a poker game rematch.”
“Seriously? A poker game?”
“Yep. Our last poker game I had beaten her 10 games out of 12 and got 20lbs of their weight in gold they had collected. I’m gonna play against them in three days’ time to see if they’ve improved their skill to win back the gold.”
“And that’s all they want?”
“Yes Dean, now will you let this whole thing go?” I walked over to him and lay down beside him cupping the side of his face.  “The only one meant for me is you.”
“Your damn right I am.”
“Whatever happened to ‘not being the possessive boyfriend’ and ‘completely secure about my masculinity’?”
“I swear if you ever tell Sam this, I’ll deny every word of it.”
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to say it. And like I just told you, you don’t have to worry about anything.” I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss which he soon deepened before we proceeded to make love all night long after that.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Dating Dean Winchester Headcanons:
Paring: Dean winchester x Singer!Reader
Summary: just some headcanons about Dean dating Bobby Singer's niece. -NSFW content warring.
A/n: the winner of the latest poll, there will be a new one up next week. I was so excited and suprised on how many people did the poll, my first one only had six and the latest one had over 100.
❤️Mood board ❤️MasterList
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Being Dean's girlfriend isn't always easy, but you get through it. So let's talk about it.
There was always something between you guys, but with your choice of life there was always something in the way.
You two practically grew up together, with Bobby being your uncle and John being his father you two were always around each other.
I think Dean also had a slight fear of Bobby, you were his niece and your practly his daughter.
Bobby wasn't clueless, he saw the way you two looked at each other. He wanted to kick Dean's teeth out, he's extremely over protective. Bobby also knew if anyone would keep you safe it wold be Dean.
“I know you'll take care of her”
On a side note, Bobby refuse to call you 'idjit'
The last thing he's said before he died was, “take care of my girl.. You idjits”
Anyway, Even if you two kept denying it or if your just clueless, everyone would know.
Other than Sam and Cas, your the only one he 100% trusts you. He'd trusts you with his life and your his partner in crime.
What makes your relationship stronger is that you started off as best friends and allies.
You always thought you were losing him, he would always have one night stands and there was Lisa. Of course they ment nothing to him, he just thought he'd never be good enough for you.
He thought you deserved better. “I'm not what you need...you deserve better”
That was the first time you opened your heart out to him, but he put his walls up. The he pretended like nothing happened... Until you went on one particularly hard hunt.
Everything was happing so fast thst neither one of you remember that night. There was blood everywhere and Dean did everything he could to save you, Castile healed you and Dean confessed something he's been wanting to since he was 18.
“I love you... Please don't leave me, I can't lose you”
Since everything moves fast in your lives you both decided to take things slow. Dispite his rugged appearance he's nothing but a gentleman to you.
He's extremely over protective of you, to the point hunts with him got annoying.
“I'm not some damsley in distress, Dean!”
He knows what a badass you are and he knows you can hold your own, but he can't help but be your shield.
That's really the only times you fight, your both very reckless and laugh in the face of danger. You guys stress each other out on hunts.
But, lets get to the good stuff now.
Your the only other person who can drive the impala, you'd rather just have him driving with you setting with him.
You guys love the same music, so your always singing on the top of your longs to old rock songs. Your guys song is Angel Eyes by The Jeff Healey Band.
You always have to be sleeping next to each other to get a goods night rest, even when you weren't together you two shared a bed in the old motels.
Dean refuses to sleep unless you have fallen asleep first, he just needs to know your okay before he can have a good night sleep.
You bake the best pies in his opinion and Sam loves your homemade salsa.
When you guys moved into the bunker you guys made great use of the kitchen, Sam loves your guys cooking.
Speaking of Sam, he's one of your best friends. Cas is your first, but you and Sam have a long history together. You were even the first one to hear he got accepted into college.
We know Cas is like the Winchesters gardian angel, well Gabriel is yours.
About three years into yours and Dean's relationship you broke up, it was around the time Sam went to hell and you guys just pushed each other away.
Gabe knew you guys loved each other, so he worked really hard to get you back together. He did succeed.
You guys might argue about the little things, but he always know how to make them better.
You guys just like staying in and watching movies or Scooby-Doo. You guys love cuddling up in the Dean cave and just ignore the world for a few hours.
He loves cuddles, if your in bed or on the couch he needs to be holding you. He loves it when he's laying in bed and your lying on top of his chest.
He also loves it when you hold him, maybe after a rough hunt he'll love just rest his head on your chest while you play with his hair.
You love just being in his arms, there's no feeling better than that. He loves snaking his arms around you and resting his chin on your head because he just really needs to being close to you.
He's really just a big ol' teddy bear.
He's a rough kisser, he's way taller than you so usually he hold your chin between his fingers and lift for head up to kiss you.
There's a lot of neck and forehead kisses being handed out by this man. He loves wrapping his arms around you from behind and just trail soft kisses down your neck.
He also loves it when you kiss his forehead. It just a small, loving gesture he absolutely loves.
If your cold you'll steal his flannels or his jackets, he had this black and red flannel that he now only sees if your wearing it.
when ever your busy doing research Dean always deliver a tiny kiss on your forehead. He'd just be walking by and he'll give you a quick kiss just to make you blush.
He's good a making you blush, he thinks it's adorable.
Trust is a big part of your relationship, you both had opened up about the abuse your fathers and dumped on you. That was the reason Bobby took you in, he could bare you being in the type of environment he grew up in.
With that Dean made a promise to never hurt or scare you. He refuses to lay a hurtful hand on you. It'll break his heart if you flinch away from him during an argument.
As much as you love Dean, demon Dean scares the hell out of you. The demon knew this and used it to his advantage. He Dean went back to normal he could barely look into your eyes. He blamed himself for the bruises around your neck the demon caused.
“I promised you I'd never hurt you... I'm so sorry” he said. “it's not your fault”
On a more positive side... You guys have lots of nicknames. You call him Deano or bub and he calls you just about anything but your actual name, Sweetheart is your favorite.
And with FBI names, you take a different approach. While he uses rock aliases you use actor or fictional names.
“agent Sweets, really?” he said playfully. “What? I like the show Bones”
Your like a mother to Claire, she loves you so much and your the only person she trusts other than Jody and the boys.
Speaking of Jody, she took you under her wing immediately. You never had a mother growing up so it was a relief to have her in your life.
You become a mother to Jack too, and your relationship hit a really bumpy road during that time. You hated how Dean treated Jack and it always turned into a fight.
“if you touch him, I swear to God, Dean!”
Den didn't want to be like his father and after awhile Dean's shell broke and he started to grow a soft spot for him, after your lives calmed down you both did end up adopting Jack.
But to legally do that you had to get married. You both wanted to get married so bad, but with your lives you never got the chance.
You weren't gonna get a white wedding, you knew that and Dean thought the Cort house wasn't good enough. So you got married in the church of Elvis in Las Vegas.
NSFW headcanons:
Dean prefers being on top and being the one in control.
He'll mark your thighs with his teeth and biting hard enough to leave a light bruise.
Loves eating you out,your legs around his head. He loves your legs in general and loves leaving kisses on the insides of your thighs. He'd rather pleasure you for hours than receive.
Hair pulling, he loves feeling your fingers in his hair or he'll tangel his fingers in yours and tug on it when he's getting head or about ready to cum.
Bondeg kink, ropes, his ties, belts, he'll tie you up with anything if your comfortable with it.
definitely a fan of overstimulation, he loves the way that your body twitches and you whimper from his touch.
car sex! All the way. loves to take you in the back of the impala, loving the way the windows fog up and the small area gets loud with the noises you make.
He's a soft/mean Dom, it just depends on his mood. But no matter what he always makes sure your comfortable. He loves to take control in the bed but would never push you.
He would really get off on marking you up. He didn’t think he would, as it wasn’t something he thought too much about but when he did it there was no turning back.
He definitely has a Praise kink too, he loves making you feel loved and appreciated. He love how he can easily make you blush. “your so Beautiful”
“you feel so amazing Sweetheart”
He loves hearing you moan. If you try to hold back or even muffle them when it's unnecessary, he'd put an end to it. “don't hold back, let me hear your voice”
He has big chocking kink, he won't be too rough about but he loves wrapping his fingers around your neck and feeling your pulse when he's ramming into you.
This man is amazing when it comes to aftercare. He knows exactly what you need. After your both cleaned up, he'll pull you to his chest to cuddle.
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
A KIND OF SEX EDUCATION ( PART THREE) ( PLATONIC Cas , winchesters x reader)
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SUMMARY : Cas finds onlyfans , all it not what it seems though
warning : its just pure crack and fun
Turns out even as traumatising as the last time of cas curiosities didn’t actually have too bad of out come and as much as she had hated to admit dean was right about them dating . although never in the bunker was it peaceful for too long . turns out bobby was her dad and she learned new thing about her parents no child should ever learn …ever. 
Something else was different too every night at 8 pm cas would disappear off into his room even when on hunt he would head off some where always at 8pm , of course they were curious  but after last few ordeal with the angel well the curiosity was just not enough to investigate . well until ..
“ i am in love and i think it time i brought her here” he said  completely out of the blue . 
“ you have a girlfriend good job buddy … don’t show her your internet history though” dean snorted only for y/n to slap him in back of the head. 
“ she’s real right?” sam asked needing clarifications after poor guy fell for an A.i bot . 
“ she’s very real we talk every night at 8pm . 
“ that’s great cas maybe we can go for a double date sometime “ y/n beamed more for the fact it probably the most normal interaction she had with the angel in what felt forever . 
“ i shall ask her although she said friends cost extra” he said heading off to his room as they all shared a look. 
“ who the hell is spending 500 dollars a night on …” bobby called. 
“ you go in i’m not going in , i’m always the one here for this shit” she argued as three stood out his door. 
“ oh for fuck sake  i’m moving out” she whined. 
“ you’re nicer though he listens to you and better than him he’ll break his heart” sam reasoned . 
“ why aren’t you in the equations” she scoffed. 
“ i don’t want to deal with it to be honest” sam huffed. 
“ how about we all go talk to him i mean plus lets see what she like she could be nice gal for all we know” dean grinned. 
“ do you like having a girlfriend” she glared . 
“ point taken you should take this one” he smiled pushing her into the room. 
“ another tip from my angel any requests” the voice called as y/n was ready to burst into tears thinking maybe wifi in the bunker was over rated.
“ hey cas i need to erm talk to you it’s urgent” . 
“ why are you're eyes covered if its urgent” she could already picture his tilted head and confused face but she was afraid just incase his little saint was out awaiting . “ i got to go my love i will come back tomorrow” he called as silence filled the room god this was going to like shooting bambi’s mother. 
“ he’s dressed sweetheart” was all dean voice said echoing down the  hall. 
“ oh thank fuck , hey buddy can we talk” she asked softly and wishing she was well anywhere else. 
“ of course it is urgent” he nodded. 
“ jesus how do i go about this?” she sighed rubbing her temples. 
“ are you pregnant? I noticed the little weight but i didn’t want to mention it” he looked down at her stomach. 
“ getting less hard , no i’m not pregnant may need to go on a diet though… nevermind cas whats your loves name?” she shook her head staying on point albeit less confident then before .
“Angel lady six nine” he beamed proudly . 
“ oh you poor sap it’s sixty nine  not the the point cas have you talk with her like in person or …” . 
“ on only fans gabriel sent me the link said it was a website for meeting exciting women and now i met my love and she makes me so happy … and it make my hands want to do the thing i see ” he smiled . 
“ well i’m glad, good chatting buddy” she backed out the room definitely not the one to be dealing with this . 
So now here sam was while dean was telling y/n she wasn’t fat.  He could do it rip the bandaid off but provide some sort of comfort maybe bring him somewhere to meet real woman that wouldn’t send them to the poor house. 
“ hey cas can we talk” he smiled awkwardly seeing the angel eyes locked on screen .
“ of course it seems as everyone wants to do that tonight” he place it down as sam caught a glimpse of the page he was on . 
“ your love isn’t well actually love” he cut to the point . 
“ why not she tells me all the time” his head tilted like a confused puppy. 
“ that’s cause you give her five hundred dollars a night i mean she call you king of the world for that sort of money” . 
“ she shows me her things like…” he began to explain. 
“ i don’t need to know that .. but she not really in love with you buddy just the money you give her?” sam asked watching his reaction seeing the cogs turn in the mans head. 
“  i don’t get it” he finally said. 
“ ok… goodnight” sam huffed walking out as dean stormed  . 
“ hello dean” cas smiled. 
“ ok buddy you're dating a prostitute electronically needs to stop or we can’t buy pie so stop wasting the money online great talk buddy” he shut the door as the other two watched him walk off in victory . 
“ nothing wrong with earning money like that woman power ,  just not ours cas” y/n winced at her boyfriends way with words following after. 
They sat worried as cas never showed up for breakfast  , y/n even checked to see his room empty to which sam said to give him space. 
“ jesus your right that was like shooting bambi” sam called heading in the same direction. 
“ but what if we made him run away” she pouted. 
“ he’s literally older than all of us and an angel” dean shrugged. 
“ but he’s a baby in a trench coat you say it all time” she pointed out . 
“ the kitchen is through here , would you like a drink” the voice called out. 
“ oh water is fine” a female voice replied as the two appeared making them not only drop their jaws but whatever was in their face as the woman followed behind. 
“ is that…” she whispered. 
“ the hook..OWW” Dean yelled as y/n kicked him . 
“This my love  angel , angel these are my friends who think your a hooker”  cas said as sam choked on his drink.
“We don’t think your a hooker” y/n smiled weakly . 
“ actually we do  onlyfans means one thing … not that i would know i’ve never seen it before” dean corrected himself as his girlfriend glared. 
“ you know people do other things on onlyfans not only sexwork right “ angel crossed her arms. 
“ come on angel sixty nine” dean scoffed. 
“ six point nine my birthday is the 9th of june” she answered.
“ look we don’t slut shame but you make his hands wanna move” sam pointed out . 
“ to teach him to draw” she gasped .
 “ five hundred dollars to paint really cas” bobby walked in. 
“ he doesn’t pay me a dollar” angel pointed out . 
“ where our money going then” y/n brow furrow. 
“ wait that’s real money i though it was pretend money” jack walked in with his tablet showing them the gambling site he was on . 
“Wait so she's not a hooker” dean asked confused. . 
“ sorry angel” the called in unison .
" we're getting rid of the wifi i can't be dealing with this shit" y/n called heading out the room .
@pizzagirlxnsfwx hope you enjoy part three :)
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supernaturalscribe67 · 5 months
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Words: 7,528
POV: 3rd Person
Pairing: Gabriel x Male!Winchester!Reader
Warning(s): Fluff, Slight Angst (if you squint), Language, Brotherly Drama/Teasing, Sexual Innuendos
Summary: (Y/N) Winchester never thought he would have to play a prominent role in the fight between Michael and Lucifer, but when Gabriel's attempt at convincing Sam and Dean to accept their destiny fails, (Y/N) is left pondering the situation at hand. What happens when Gabriel reveals the truth behind his disappearance from Heaven and his own role in the fight?
Heavily Inspired by S5.8 "Changing Channels"
Hey!! I was hoping you would be able to do this request.
It could feature hurt/comfort, angst, and fluff :)
Gabriel x Winchester!Reader
He could be trans or cis, up to you.
There was a younger Winchester brother, and with 3 full blooded Winchesters meant of course, a 3rd vessel. Gabriel's vessle. You both aren't keen on the idea of possession and end up falling for each other? Destiny had brought them together for battle but their hearts yearned for something else.
(something along those lines atleast)
A/N: I've sat here for the last ten minutes staring at the Summary because my brain is non-existent right now. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this! Sorry it's so late! I also hope you don't mind that I changed the 'younger' Winchester to a middle Winchester~ I enjoyed writing something cute and fluffy after that heavy story I posted! Feedback is appreciated!
~ Much Love!
“Son of a bitch.” 
“It’s him. It’s Doctor Sexy.” 
“I’ve got genital herpes.”
(Y/N) blamed himself for this. Why he thought any hunt he and his brothers did would be normal was beyond him. When was anything the Winchesters did ever normal?
He could count on one hand the number of times he’d encountered tricksters, none of them pleasant. Still, something about this trickster was different. Slight abnormalities in the realm of possibilities, Sam, Dean, and Castiel all agreed, Castiel seeming to know more than them, but unable to voice his thoughts before being whisked away by said ‘trickster’. From there, the Winchester brothers were tossed from TV show to TV show, enduring humiliation and awkward conversation. It wasn’t until Sam was transformed into the Impala that it clicked. 
It wasn’t a trickster. It was an angel. 
That was how they ended up in an abandoned warehouse, the angel stood in the center of a ring of Holy Fire. (Y/N) tried to hide the exhaustion on his face that resulted from their hectic escapades. What he would kill to go back to their motel, crawl under the scratchy covers, and go to sleep. 
“Where’s you get the Holy Oil?” The angel asked, a small smirk playing on the corner of his lips. 
“Well, I guess you could say we pulled it out of Sam’s ass,” Dean replied, straight-faced. 
Sam clenched his jaw and sent a death glare towards him. (Y/N) snickered, earning him the same glare. He pressed his lips together, mumbled a faint ‘sorry’ under his breath, and turned his attention back towards the wannabe trickster. 
The smirk he had vanished. “Where’d I screw up?” He asked. 
“You didn’t,” Sam shook his head. “Nobody gets a jump on Cas like you did.” 
“It was the way you talked about Armageddon,” Dean explained. 
“Meaning?” The angel furrowed his brows. 
“Well, call it personal experience, but nobody gets that angry unless they’re talking about their own family.” 
The angel looked away and lowered his head, a silent confirmation of their suspicions. 
“So, which one are you?” Sam cocked his head to the side. “Grumpy, Sneezy, or Douchey?” 
(Y/N) bit the inside of his cheeks, lowering his head to hide the small smile that appeared. Despite the gravity of the situation, he had to admit that Sam’s question was a little funny. He blamed it on him being tired. He was quick to erase the expression off his face before lifting his head. The angel’s gaze shifted over to Sam, and he hesitated for a moment.
“Gabriel, okay? They call me Gabriel.” 
“The archangel?” Sam asked. 
“Okay, Gabriel. How does an archangel become a trickster?” Dean questioned. 
Gabriel shifted. “I consider it my own, private Witness Protection. I skipped out of Heaven, got a face transplant, and carved out my own little corner of the world. Until you three screwed it up,” his tone was full of irritation. 
(Y/N), Sam, and Dean shared a glance, almost as if communicating telepathically with one another - something they had become accustomed to growing up. While they knew significant details about the conflict between the archangels Michael and Lucifer, it seemed, to them, that the situation ran a lot deeper than it originally appeared. 
“So, boys, now what?” Gabriel’s voice broke them out of their trance. “Are we just going to stare at each other for the rest of eternity?” 
Dean licked his lips. ‘Well, first of all, you’re going to bring Cas back from wherever you stashed him.” 
“Oh, am I?”
“Yeah, or we’re going to dunk you in some Holy Oil and deep-fry ourselves an archangel.” 
Gabriel clenched his jaw, looking over at Sam, then at (Y/N). All of them shared the same serious expression. Poking his tongue into his cheek, he raised a hand and snapped his fingers. Shuffling could be heard behind the trio as they turned their heads to see a disheveled Castiel. His hair was more ruffled than usual, and a small cut ran across the bridge of his nose. Blood was splattered on the collar of his trenchcoat. He stumbled slightly. 
“Cas, you okay?” (Y/N) asked. 
“I’m fine,” Castiel replied, his icy gaze locked on Gabriel. “Hello, Gabriel.” 
Gabriel lowered his hand, crossed his arms over his chest, and smiled tightly. “Hey, bro. How’s the search for Daddy going? Let me guess. Awful,” Gabriel’s tone was harsh. 
The tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. It was obvious that there was more going on in Heaven than the Winchesters were led to believe. Multiple sides mean multiple stories. Who knows what really happened? 
“Alright, let’s get out of here. Sam, (Y/N)?” Dean slowly started to step towards the exit. 
Sam was the first to move, while (Y/N) seemed hesitant. In the end, he, too, turned his back on Gabriel and made his way towards his brothers. Castiel soon followed. 
“No,” Gabriel muttered. “Okay…hey, guys, so…” he stumbled over his words. “So what, huh? You’re just, you’re just gonna leave me here forever?” 
When the group reached the door, they all turned back to him. 
“No,” Dean began. “We’re not, because we don’t screw with people the way you do. And, for the record, this isn’t about some prize fight between your brothers or some destiny that can’t be stopped. This is about you being too afraid to stand up to your family.” 
Gabriel opened his mouth, as if to object, but stopped himself. He lowered his head in shame, turning his back to them. Wordlessly, Dean looked back, spotting a fire alarm on the wall. He easily broke the glass surrounding the alarm and pulled the handle. A shrill, faded sound echoed within the broken building. As Gabriel looked up, the aged sprinkler system burst open, showering him with cold water. Gabriel gazed at them, his face filled with defeat. 
“Don’t say I’ve never done anything for you,” Dean called out over the sound of the alarm. 
With that, Sam, Dean, and Castiel turned their backs one last time on Gabriel, walking out of the building. (Y/N), however, stayed put, his eyes locked onto Gabriel’s. He studied the look of hurt on his face, and (Y/N) couldn’t help but feel a slight pang of guilt. A part of him wanted to say something, to turn around and provide him with some type of comfort. They didn’t know what Gabriel was going through, nor what had caused him to leave Heaven in the first place. Perhaps, all he needed was someone to be there. To allow him to be heard. (Y/N) could relate to that feeling. Alas, as the ring of Holy Fire began to dissipate, over the blaring sound of the alarm, he could hear the faint shout of his older brother calling out his name. (Y/N) looked at the warehouse door, the breeze from the early morning shifting his wetting hair, then back to Gabriel. For a moment, he cast an apologetic look his way before he, swiftly, left the building. 
A couple of weeks after the incident with Gabriel, (Y/N) couldn’t seem to keep his thoughts at bay. Although his brothers had all since left the interaction behind them, refocusing their attention on their odd hunting jobs, (Y/N) couldn’t shake the reminder of the expression on Gabriel’s face. He had taken the time to carefully consider what Gabriel had been going through, or what he had been through before he had left Heaven. Sure, he wasn’t aware of the extent of it all, but he could sure sympathize with how it felt to be stuck between his brothers during their spats. Sam and Dean never threatened the sanctity of Heaven over their problems, but still. 
(Y/N) had taken many walks since then, because sleep had been so easily unobtainable. On nights when Sam and Dean slept soundly on their motel room beds - or couch, depending on who lost in the coin toss - (Y/N) would slink out of the room into the night. Alternatively, in the morning, if sleep didn’t come after the first walk, he would go on another, ultimately stopping for breakfast on his way back to the motel to appease his brothers. 
Sam and Dean were none the wiser. 
On those walks, his mind would always shift to Gabriel and the predicament he was in. In a way, he disagreed with what Dean had said to Gabriel. But, with everything that was said by Gabriel, himself, he partially agreed with it as well. Why was Gabriel so adamant about Sam and Dean allowing Lucifer and Michael to take possession of them for a fight that he wasn’t even willing to fight himself? He felt so in the dark about the whole debacle. Although he wasn’t directly involved in it, he was still interested to know what the fate of his brothers could be. It was thoughts and questions like those that kept his mind racing in the early hours of the morning, making him unable to get an adequate amount of sleep. 
That night was no different. The three of them had traveled to a town along the East Coast, following the clues of a possible Wendigo. The case had just started, and the interviews and clues left much to be desired. They weren’t even close to pinpointing the approximate area in the nearby woodland where it could reside. Sam and Dean were running thin, and (Y/N) was no help. Not with the way his mind had been racing lately. It wasn’t like he could help it, though. He tried, he did, and a part of him couldn’t see how Sam and Dean were able to concentrate whilst everything was going on in Heaven. He had always envied them for their sense of focus, something he lacked greatly at times. When he started the walks, clearing his mind was his initial goal, but going out on his own, in the dead of night, only seemed to make his thoughts louder. 
The town was small, and barely had much of a park, just some cheap playground equipment that looked as if it needed to be updated and a small trail. (Y/N) was thankful for the benches that were laid along the path. Despite the park’s size, it had a beautiful view; a full panoramic of the deep, dark ocean past craggy cliffs, cut off by a steel fence. The ocean was loud and, despite the distance from the land to the sea, mist sprayed (Y/N)’s face faintly, painting his features with minuscule water droplets. He had worn a jacket that night. Even though it was surprisingly hot during the day, as soon as the sun dropped, the temperatures did as well. 
(Y/N) had been sat on the bench for close to an hour. If he had to guess, it was nearly midnight. Not once had he been able to keep Gabriel out of his mind. Gabriel, the fight, Sam, and Dean, all took turns at the forefront of his brain, but Gabriel won most of the time. He always drifted to the sad, kicked puppy-dog look he had before he left. He couldn’t imagine what Gabriel had to go through. (Y/N) thought Sam and Dean were impossible to be with all the time, but he couldn’t fathom being near Michael and Lucifer as much as Gabriel must have. He must have been quite burnt out. 
“Do you mind if I sit here?” A voice jerked (Y/N) from his train of thought. 
(Y/N) jumped, eyes wide as he looked towards the direction of the voice. Stood, about a foot away from the bench, was Gabriel. His expression was soft, his brown hair partially damp, the locks illuminated slightly by the nearby street lamp. Once his heart rate began to return to normal, (Y/N) nodded and gestured towards the empty seat next to him. 
“Sure,” he mumbled. 
With a short nod, Gabriel shuffled over and sat down, leaning against the back of the bench. His legs were slightly spread and his hands were clasped together in his lap. For a moment, the two of them sat in silence, listening to the sound of the crashing waves from below. Even though Gabriel had done so much to the Winchesters as a part of his trickster ‘Witness Protection’, (Y/N) didn’t feel any resentment towards him, nor did he feel agitation, even with his proximity. A part of him thought he should be, that was how Dean would react, at least. Shouldn’t he be at least a little bit pissed? Perhaps it was the weeks of thinking, working the idea into his head that he and Gabriel could, potentially, have more in common than he originally thought. It could be that he was more forgiving than his brother. In the end, (Y/N) chalked it up to him being a great judge of character. 
“How did you find me?” (Y/N) broke the silence. 
“What?” Gabriel asked. 
“How did you find me? These symbols, or whatever, Cas put on my ribs were supposed to stop angels from being able to find me. Or did he just tattoo my ribs for nothing?” 
Gabriel let out a faint chuckle and shook his head. “I admit, you were hard to find. All I did, though, was follow the sound of your prayers. They were quieter than most, but they were still noticeable.” 
(Y/N) looked over at Gabriel, confused. “Prayers? I didn’t pray to you.” 
“I guess not technically. I know that wasn’t your intention half the time, but, every time you thought of me, asked those questions, made those statements, it was as if you did.” 
(Y/N) pursed his lips and gave a faint nod. “I see…”
They were, once again, engulfed in silence as they stared out onto the water. No one said anything. Surprisingly, it was peaceful.
“I guess I should be asking why you found me. Why are you here, Gabriel?” (Y/N) asked. 
Gabriel hesitated for a moment, fumbling with his fingers. “Look, I’m not good at this sort of thing, but…” he trailed. “I thought I should come here and apologize. For everything.” 
(Y/N) looked over at Gabriel as he placed his hands into his jacket pockets and leaned back against the bench. “Shouldn’t you be apologizing to Sam and Dean, too?” 
Gabriel snorted. “Are you kidding? Those two would probably stab me before I even had the chance to say anything.” 
(Y/N) smirked. “I guess you’re right. The fact that you were practically hounding them to accept being Michael and Lucifer’s vessels doesn’t help your case either.” 
“Yeah, I realized that I probably went about it the wrong way.” 
“Okay, I definitely went about it the wrong way.” 
“That’s putting it lightly.” (Y/N) mumbled. “Why the fight, Gabriel? I mean, why now?” 
Gabriel shrugged his shoulders. “Michael and Luci have been going at it for centuries. Even before this fight, they were at each other’s throats half the time.” he began to rub his fingers together. “But, this fight…it wasn’t originally supposed to only be those two.” 
(Y/N) furrowed his brows. “What do you mean?” 
“Well,” Gabriel stuttered before he stood up. Slowly, he began to pace back and forth in front of (Y/N), looking between the ground and his hands. “You know what it’s like, right? Your brothers are arguing about the dumbest things and they’ve been going at it for a while, getting a little carried away, so you have to step in and, um,” 
“Be the mediator?” 
“Yeah! You have to try and calm them down so they don’t kill each other?” 
“Well, yeah, I’ve had to do that plenty of times with Sam and Dean.” 
“Right. Back then, I had to do the same thing with Michael and Luci. Sometimes it worked, and other times, not so much. With this fight, that’s what I was supposed to do.” 
“Wait, this fight that they want to use Sam and Dean for? How’re you supposed to mediate that?” 
“I was just supposed to make sure they didn’t actually kill each other. Try to get them to talk it out. I’ve always been good at that, so it would only make sense that I would take a crack at it this go around. However, since they would be at their full power in their vessels, the last thing that needed to happen was for them to turn on me, kill me, and then each other. So, to make sure I had enough power, I, also, have to have a vessel.” 
Gabriel stopped pacing in front of him and finally faced him, his hands together in front of him. (Y/N) stared at him intently, eyes narrowed in concentration. It was as if Gabriel could see the gears working in his mind. If Michael needed a vessel, which was Dean, and Lucifer needed a vessel, which was Sam, then, that meant…
(Y/N)’s eyes widened. “Am I your vessel?” He breathed. 
“Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!” Gabriel smirked, although it wasn’t as confident as the one he had when he was covered by his trickster persona. 
(Y/N)’s mouth sat agape. He was gobsmacked. His lips moved up and down as he tried to form words, but his mind nor mouth would work. It all made sense, though. Why would Sam and Dean be the only vessels? Why had he never considered that he, too, was destined to be one? It was clear as glass, yet, the thought never crossed his mind. 
“You know, when you think about it, it kind of makes sense that you’re my vessel. I mean, you’re the mediator, I’m the mediator. You’re the middle child, I’m practically the middle child. There are, actually, a lot of similarities between you and me. So, it was a great pick,” Gabriel rambled, placing his hands on his hips.
(Y/N) help his hand up. “Gabriel, just…stop.” 
Gabriel looked down and cleared his throat. “Sorry,” he pursed his lips. 
(Y/N) sat there and attempted to wrap his head around the whole situation. His thoughts were foggy and the front of his head was starting to pound. He reached his hands up and began to massage his temples. 
“So, what you’re saying,” (Y/N) let out a breathy chuckle. “Is that you, the archangel Gabriel, are supposed to use me as a mediator for your two power-hungry brothers who, may I remind you, are also archangels?” 
Slowly, Gabriel nodded. “Basically.” 
“And you think this is a good idea?” 
“Absolutely not.” 
Gabriel sighed. “Look,” He returned to his spot on the bench next to (Y/N), his body now facing him. “The times when my mediation did work was when they had their smaller fights. Little bickers here and there. When Michael and Luci are really, really mad at each other, nothing can get between them. So, most likely, what would happen is I would need to get involved in the fight to stop them.” 
“Oh, God,” (Y/N) grumbled and placed his face into his hands.
“But, believe me, that is the last thing I want to do. I mean, Michael and Luci, they’re both strong on their own, but, if they were to team up against me for trying to stop them, even with you as my vessel, I don’t stand a chance. It would be two against one.” 
(Y/N) just nodded, running his hands down his face, his gaze returning to the cool, pounding waves. A chill ran down his spine. He hadn’t realized how cold he had gotten, what with the mix of wind and misty air.
“Why are you telling me this now?” He asked quietly. “Why wasn’t I told any of this before?” 
“Well, when I went off the grid, everyone just assumed that it was my way of backing out of the fight. In a way, I guess they were right.” 
“And back at the warehouse? Why didn’t you tell me then?”
“Because I still had no intention of joining the fight. However, after what Dean had said to me…” Gabriel shook his head. “I realized that he was right. I am a coward. I tried to push your brothers into accepting their roles as vessels because I want this fight to be done and over with. I just wish the fight didn’t have to happen. I figured it would be wrong if I didn’t tell you now. You deserve to know.” 
“Well, I appreciate that. And, for the record, I don’t want this fight to happen either. The last thing I want is my brothers to get involved in something that has nothing to do with them.”
“The fight’s gonna happen one way or another, and I thought getting your brothers to go along would be the best way to go about it. Once I listened to your prayers, though, I realized how it would affect you. I know you wouldn’t want to lose either one of your brothers, even though they can be assholes sometimes.” 
(Y/N) snorted. “Like you’re one to talk.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, unlike your brothers, mine can be caring and nice when they want to be.” 
“Believe it or not, Michael and Luci both have the capability of being nice! I witnessed it firsthand.” 
“It’s not! Granted, they were a whole lot nicer when they were fledglings, kind of got a little rocky as they got older, but they could still be nice!” 
“Wait, wait, wait, fledglings?” 
“What’re fledglings?” 
“Newborn angels.”
“So…baby angels?” 
“In a sense,” Gabriel shrugged. A mischievous smirk then appeared at the corner of his lips. “Do you want to hear some embarrassing stories about when Michael and Luci were younger?” 
“Of course I do,” (Y/N) sat back, turning his body to face Gabriel as well. 
“Okay, but, in return, you have to tell me some embarrassing stories about your brothers.”
(Y/N) bit his lip as he contemplated the offer. Finally, he smirked. “Deal.” 
For the next while, Gabriel and (Y/N) went back and forth, sharing their embarrassing stories from their abnormal families. They joked, laughed, and, overall, had a good time. Not only did it lighten the mood from the bombshell Gabriel had dropped, but it allowed them to grasp a basic understanding of their past and present lives. 
There were a few things (Y/N) learned throughout their conversation. One; Gabriel and his brothers shared some scary similarities with the Winchesters in regards to mannerisms and attitudes. Two; Gabriel could talk for a millenia if he was given the opportunity. And three; (Y/N) felt oddly calm around Gabriel. It hadn’t even struck him how easily Gabriel was able to shift the conversation as smoothly as he did. (Y/N) wasn’t too sure how he could feel that way around him. As they sat there and talked, after everything that was said, and after everything that happened with the warehouse incident - he’ll never forget the nutcracker - he couldn’t help but feel a strong sense of comfort around him. There was something about Gabriel that filled (Y/N) with a sense of peace and belonging, and he couldn’t quite put his finger on it as to why that was. 
It wasn’t like he was complaining, though. 
They talked until the moon sat near the far end of the sky. Unbeknownst to them, the two had begun to scoot closer to one another as the conversation continued, getting to the point where their knees and shoulders were touching. It wasn’t uncomfortable or awkward. Neither of them pulled away out of instinct. It felt right. It felt natural. 
Gabriel droned on and on about, yet, another story when Lucifer was a young angel. He seemed to have more stories about him than he did of Michael. (Y/N) was quite the opposite. He had more stories about Dean than he did with Sam. Both of them laughed as Gabriel tried his best to continue. 
“So - so Dad got angry because Lucifer kept letting the bugs out of their sanctuary, and -” Gabriel looked over at (Y/N), and his smile vanished. 
(Y/N) glanced up at him, noticing the change of demeanor instantly. His smile, too, disappeared. “Is something wrong?” 
As he kept his eye on him, Gabriel reached up and gently brushed his thumb against (Y/N)’s bottom lip. (Y/N) felt his cheeks heat up and his brows furrow in confusion. 
“Your lips are blue,” Gabriel stated. He glanced up at the sky and his brows shot up. “I am so sorry. I didn’t realize we had been out here so long.” Gabriel sat up. 
“How long how we been out here?” (Y/N) dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone. 
3:27 AM
“Oh shit,” he mumbled as he quickly stood up. 
His legs and ass were completely numb, causing him to sway at the rapid movement. Gabriel was by his side in an instant, hands on his shoulders to steady him. They had been out together for, close to, four hours. No wonder (Y/N)’s lips were blue. He shivered, teeth chattering lightly. Once (Y/N) was able to stand on his own, Gabriel took off his jacket and draped it over (Y/N)’s shoulders. (Y/N) shook his head. 
“Oh, no, Gabriel, it’s okay. I just need to get back to the motel.” He stuttered tiredly. 
“I’m the reason you were out here for so long. Consider it a, um, token of my appreciation for talking to me,” Gabriel smiled sweetly.
(Y/N) returned the smile. “Well, thank you for keeping me company.” 
“Let me take you back to the motel.” 
“No. If Sam and Dean see you, they’ll kill you and then me.”
“Then I won’t let them see me.”
Without another word, Gabriel reached up and pressed his index and middle fingers against (Y/N)’s forehead. (Y/N) inhaled shakily and closed his eyes. One second, he was standing in the park, then, the next, he and Gabriel were standing in front of the Winchester’s motel room. He breathed a sigh of relief once he saw the faded numbers etched onto the door. 
“Thank you,” he smiled and retrieved the key from his pocket. 
“Anytime. And, uh, if you ever feel the need to talk again under better weather conditions, feel free to pray. When the prayers are sent directly to me, it’s a lot easier for me to hear.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” 
“Now go warm up.”
(Y/N) flashed Gabriel one last smile as he turned the key to the room and opened the door. Gabriel vanished. 
Moonlight pooled in through the cracked door as (Y/N) crept into the room. He felt the warmth flood his face and hands as he entered. Despite the heavy jacket he had gone out with, having spent hours in the windy, misty park, he was bound to get cold eventually. He didn’t think he would get that cold, though.
As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could see Sam sleeping soundly on his stomach, face nuzzled against the cheap pillow, and Dean sprawled out on the couch, legs and arms spread in uncomfortable positions that he would undoubtedly complain about the next day, mouth slightly open, and drool coating his chin and pillow. (Y/N) was thankful for his stealth ability.
Slowly, he made his way over to the unoccupied bed and crawled underneath the covers. Not bothering to change his clothes or take off his shoes, he nestled into the thick - yet somehow extremely thin - comforter. His eyes closed as soon as his head hit the pillow.
That was the best night’s sleep he had gotten in ages. 
Well, it would have been, had he not been awoken by a flying pillow to the face.
(Y/N) groaned as he opened his eyes ever so slightly. The sunlight beamed in through the window, caressing his skin, and he hated it. He glanced tiredly in the direction that the pillow came from and found Dean with an amused grin spread across his lips.
“Mornin’ sunshine,” Dean greeted.
“Fuck off,” (Y/N) grunted as he grabbed the pillow and chucked it lazily back at him. He missed terribly. 
“Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” Sam teased as he sat a cup of steaming coffee on the nightstand next to (Y/N).
“Thanks,” he mumbled and sat up. “And I just got a pillow thrown at my face, am I supposed to jump for joy and sing Kumbaya?” 
“Are you sure it’s the pillow and has nothing to do with you getting back so late?” Dean quirked a brow.
(Y/N) went to reach for the coffee cup, but stopped himself. He glanced at Dean, brows furrowed and eyes narrowed. “How do you know about that?” 
“Well, one, you’re wearing the exact same thing you were wearing yesterday, plus you wore your shoes to bed. Two, I heard you getting back last night,”
“Bullshit. You were passed out.”
“Do you realize how loud you stumbled in? I’m surprised Sammy didn’t wake up because of it. My third point, though,” Dean pointed down to his brother’s chest. “That’s not your jacket. So…did you get lucky?” 
(Y/N) looked down at himself and his brows raised. He was still wearing Gabriel’s jacket. He had been so tired and cold last night that he had completely forgotten to take it off or even give it back. He reached up and played with the collar gently. He had to remember to thank Gabriel for giving it to him.
Oh, wait, prayers! Thank you for the jacket, Gabriel!
“Well?” Dean pressed.
“Huh?” (Y/N) looked over at him. 
“Did you get lucky?” 
(Y/N) snorted. “If I got lucky, do you think I would be here right now?”
“Not unless it was bad.”
“Would that mean I still got ‘lucky’ if it was bad? What kind of luck is that?” 
“You’re dodging the question.”
(Y/N) rolled his eyes. “No, Dean, I didn’t get lucky.”
“Then who’d you meet?” Sam asked.
“Why does it matter?” (Y/N) questioned.
“Because you’re smiling,” Dean pointed out, taking a sip of his coffee. “And you don’t smile like that normally. It’s kind of freaky.”
“Oh, fuck off, Dean,”
(Y/N) hadn’t even realized he had been smiling, but he could hear it in his voice. Dean was right, it had been ages since he had smiled like that. His cheeks were starting to hurt. He reached over, took a sip of his coffee, then put it down. He stood up from his spot on the bed and stretched his aching muscles.
“So,” Dean pursed his lips. “Who was it?”
“You’re not gonna let this go, are you, Dean?”
“Nope,” Dean popped.
(Y/N) shook his head. “It was just this guy that I met at the bar. He bought me a drink, we sat and talked and, when the bar closed, we went to the nearest park and continued our talk.”
Dean’s smirk faltered and was replaced with a frown. “That’s it? You just…talked?” 
“Yeah,” (Y/N) shrugged.
“You’re more boring than Sam,”
“Hey!” Sam exclaimed.
“What do you want me to say, Dean? ‘I found this guy at the bar, we went to the park, I gave him head, he gave me a twenty, said ‘no homo’, and walked away’?” (Y/N) asked. 
“Well, that would have been a hell of a lot more entertaining than ‘we just talked’.”
(Y/N) waved him off. “Whatever,” he mumbled, then kicked his shoes off.
Sam took a sip of his coffee and cleared his throat. “I wouldn’t get too comfortable. We’re gonna go look for that Wendigo.”
“I’m taking a shower before we go, so…” (Y/N) stuck his tongue out at Sam.
Sam smirked and shook his head as (Y/N) gathered some of his clothes from his duffel bag. Without another word, he vanished into the bathroom.
(Y/N) was sick for a week after that. As it turns out, cold air and wet hair don’t necessarily mix well. At first, he tried to push through it, but fatigue and a sore throat caught up to him and left him on research duty for the duration of the Wendigo hunt. During that time, whenever Sam and Dean were out looking for clues, leaving him alone in the stuffy motel room, he would pray to Gabriel. Gabriel would be quick to respond.
The two would sit and talk for hours, idle chit-chat here and there, and would always seem to dance around the topic of the fight one way or another. Those talks continued well after (Y/N) felt better and the Wendigo hunt concluded. (Y/N) resumed his nightly walks, and Gabriel would accompany him. In the mornings, when Sam and Dean would occasionally catch onto (Y/N)’s disappearing acts, he would play it off as a spontaneous trip to the local bar scene, fabricating stories about meeting a dreamy man he would talk to or go back to his place. It wasn’t a complete lie, so he didn’t feel as bad when he told them. 
As the months went on, (Y/N) could feel himself growing fonder of Gabriel. It was a strong feeling. Is that what love felt like? He could only assume. Yet, the feeling was more than that. He felt connected to him in a much stronger sense of the word. A spiritual sense, perhaps? He couldn’t quite pinpoint the cause of those feelings, but the last thing he was going to do was fight himself on them, despite how obvious it was that his brothers would disapprove of his relationship with Gabriel. That’s what secrets were for. He had gone long enough without telling them, what’s a couple more months or years?
Whenever they were together, (Y/N) felt whole, as if a lost piece of a puzzle he didn’t even know he had found its way to him. When he was with his brothers, or by himself, he found his mind constantly shifting to thoughts of Gabriel. Of what they would talk about, of Gabriel’s smile, of the way his stomach would turn whenever they stood or sat close to one another. He would crave his presence, desperate to hear the sound of his voice. It was killing him, slowly, from the inside out, and he knew if he didn’t say anything soon, he would combust. He had to tell Gabriel his feelings.
One thing he loved about small towns was the lack of artificial lights. Sure, there were dull street lamps scattered around that looked as if they needed to be changed years ago, but the absence of skyscrapers and people, overall, meant not much was needed to illuminate the roads. Locals knew them like the back of their hand anyway. With the minimal light, almost anywhere in town, you could see the stars that decorated the night sky. If you wanted, you could pick out each constellation. Orion’s Belt and the Big Dipper were rather prominent that night.
There were several smaller parks in town, but the biggest sat in the middle of downtown. It wasn’t used as a children’s area as much as a casual gathering ground. (Y/N) could imagine dogs in the grass and elderly couples walking arm-in-arm during the daylight hours. By night, it was abandoned, the distant sound of country music playing from the only local bar. It was the perfect place for him and Gabriel to meet.
They sat on a bench in the middle of the park, heads tilted back as they stared at the stars. Their sides and legs were pressed together, and, for the first time in a while, they said nothing. Normally, their meetings were filled with lively conversation from the moment they saw each other to the moment they parted. (Y/N) had to wonder if Gabriel could tell that he wanted to have a serious discussion. Perhaps he had a lot on his mind. Or, perhaps, Gabriel was too busy reading (Y/N)’s to say anything. Regardless, they had been sat there for close to half an hour without as much as a single word to each other. (Y/N) knew just sitting there wasn’t going to do any good. He had to bite the bullet and say something. 
“Gabriel?” He started, his voice coming out small and quiet.
Gabriel hummed. “Yes?”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,”
(Y/N) hesitated. “Well, first of all, I just wanted to say that I like spending time with you.” He began to fiddle with his fingers. “And I don’t want what I’m about to ask to make our meetings stop.”
“Honestly, I think, at this point, the only thing that you can ask to make our meetings stop is ‘Hey, can our meetings stop?’.”
(Y/N) chuckled lightly. “Gabe, I’m being serious.”
“So am I,” he smirked.
“Well, um…” he paused. “Do you ever feel like we’re connected in other ways?”
Gabriel furrowed his brows. He turned his body to face (Y/N), rested his elbow on the back of the bench, and placed his cheek into his hand. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, to be honest. I mean, it feels like…more.”
Gabriel studied (Y/N)’s face, noticing his lack of eye contact. He stayed quiet for a moment, and (Y/N) could feel the anxiety building inside of him. He knew he did a piss poor job at explaining what he meant, but it was the best he could come up with. Slowly, Gabriel smirked.
“You have a crush on me, don’t you?” He teased.
(Y/N)’s eyes widened and the heat rose to his cheeks. He glanced over at Gabriel, then back down at his lap. 
“I, well…I’m not…I- that’s not the point, okay!?” (Y/N) shook his head. “The point is that it doesn’t feel like just a crush to me. It feels like an even deeper connection than that. Like something about our souls and- nevermind, this just sounds stupid,” his shoulders deflated in defeat.
Gabriel waved his hands and shook his head. “Hey, hey, it’s not stupid, alright? I get what you’re saying. You feel as if we’re connected by something other than you just being my vessel.”
(Y/N) nodded and let out a shaky breath. “Yeah, exactly.”
“I feel it, too.”
“You do?”
“I mean, yeah,” Gabriel folded his hands in his lap. “I felt that when we first saw each other, even before the warehouse. Then, everything with your brothers happened, and we met again, and, still,  I felt that connection.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I thought I was looking too hard into it. I started thinking that, maybe, the connection was all in my head. That it was, truly, just our connection by you being my vessel. When Dean said what he did about me being too afraid to face my family, I thought no one would understand my point of view on the fight. What I’ve had to go through being related to Michael and Lucifer. Then, you started to pray to me, and I knew that you understood me. That’s what made me come find you in the first place. Once we were alone, I felt this sense of…peace. I hate to admit it, but I feel like I can barely go a single day without wanting to see you. Without needing to see you. I knew it was more at that point.”
(Y/N)’s eyes were on Gabriel as he listened intently to what he was saying. He shook his head. “I feel the same way. It’s almost as if, I don’t know, I can’t breathe when you’re not around.”
“Well, please don’t stop on my account.”
“Stop it, we’re having a serious moment,” (Y/N) slapped his arm.
“Sorry, sorry,” Gabriel smirked. “I mean, as cliche as it sounds, it feels, almost as if we were meant for each other, right? Like we were meant to be together? Almost as if it was more than you being my vessel that bought us together.”
Gabriel reached over and grabbed (Y/N)’s hand, rubbing the side of it gently with his thumb. (Y/N) looked into Gabriel’s eyes, and he felt his heart soar. He reached up and caressed his cheek before they both leaned in, their lips fitting together perfectly in a sweet, loving kiss. Their eyes closed, and they both melted into a deep, sensual embrace. Almost immediately, all of the stress and worry seemingly melted away, replaced with a sense of belonging. A sense of closeness.
When they pulled back, they looked into each other’s eyes once more. A small smile creased the corner of (Y/N)’s lips.
“You’re right, it is pretty cheesy.” He whispered, his thumb tracing circles around Gabriel’s cheekbone.
Gabriel cocked a brow. “I thought we were having a serious conversation. Why do you get to make quips?”
“It’s kind of hard not to when I’m around you.” (Y/N) pressed his forehead against Gabriel’s.
Gabriel chuckled. “I guess I’m rubbing off on you, aren’t I?” He moved his hands to (Y/N)’s hips.
“I don’t see that as a bad thing.”
They sat together and enjoyed the peaceful quiet of their embrace. (Y/N) never felt more relaxed in his entire life, and he wanted to savor every moment he had with Gabriel.
Then, his mind started to drift. Drift to the fight, the battle between Michael and Lucifer, and to Sam and Dean. Gabriel had done such a good job at keeping him distracted from all the chaos that surrounded him that he hadn’t even had a chance to consider what could happen with the fight now that he and Gabriel were involved. Neither of them wanted to participate in the fight, but what would happen if they didn’t? Who would win? Would he lose one, or possibly both, of his brothers? If they did get involved in the fight, was there a possibility that he and Gabriel would lose each other? Did they even stand a chance to win against Michael and Lucifer if things were to turn ugly? Was there a chance that he could lose Gabriel even without being in the fight itself?
Gabriel reached a hand up and ran his fingers through (Y/N)’s hair soothingly. He pressed a small kiss to the corner of his lips. “Your thoughts are being really loud, Sugarplum.” He whispered. 
(Y/N) broke from his trance and shook his head lightly. “I’m sorry, it’s just…with the fight,” (Y/N) looked away briefly. “I don’t want to lose Sam and Dean, but now that I have you, I don’t want to lose you either.”
Gabriel gave him a sympathetic look as he pulled him close. “I know. This whole thing is one giant mess. I wish none of it had to happen. But I’m going to be with you every step of the way, I promise.”
(Y/N) shook his head. “You can’t promise me that. Knock on wood.”
“What?” Gabriel chuckled.
“I don’t want you to have just jinxed yourself, now knock on wood.”
Gabriel smirked as he rasped his knuckles against the wooden bench three times. “Better?”
“A little,” (Y/N) mumbled and nuzzled his cheek against Gabriel’s shoulder. “I don’t think I’ll feel better until this fight is over.”
Gabriel wrapped his arms tightly around him. “How about this? I promise to do everything in my power to keep you distracted. That way, you’re not too stressed out.”
(Y/N) pursed his lips in thought. “Not too distracted, though. I had practically forgotten about the fight until now, and I still need to stay on my toes.”
“How about I distract you just enough to keep your mind off of it?”
“That sounds perfect.”
“Well then, Sugarplum, how do you propose I keep you distracted?”
“You can start by kissing me again,”
“Oh, I can do more than kissing,” Gabriel mused in a suggestive tone and wiggled his brows.
(Y/N) slapped his chest. “Perv,” he grumbled. “Let’s just start with kissing.”
“Taking it slow, I like your style,” Gabriel nuzzled his nose against (Y/N)’s.
(Y/N) smiled widely. “Then shut up and kiss me already.”
Without another word, Gabriel leaned down, capturing (Y/N)’s lips in a deep kiss. Just like that, all of his problems dissipated, and it felt as if he was floating. The park didn’t exist anymore, nor the stumbling locals who left the bar periodically. There were no stars, no more beautiful night sky. The only two things that existed were Gabriel and (Y/N). They were complete. They were strong. They were one. It felt as if nothing in Heaven, Hell, or in between could tear them apart. 
And everything was as it should be.
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ninii-winchester · 2 months
Unveiled Sorrows (Part 4)
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Pairing : Dean Winchester X Reader, Sam Winchester x Reader (platonic)
Word count : 3.6k
Warnings : spoilers s1-5, angst, so much angst, violence, language, mentions of pregnancy, unedited.
A/n : This series follows canon plot line but some scenes might happen differently or be completely changed. Check the warnings for each part before continuing.
It had been a few weeks since the boys have been on the road. They called often. But it was mostly Sam. Sometimes to ask for help in research or sometimes just to make sure she's okay. Sam informed Y/n that there might a way to stop the apocalypse, as Gabriel told them, they can throw Lucifer back into his cage. The key to the cage being the rings from the four horsemen. Luckily they already had two of them. They just had to get the other two.
Bobby went out to help them with a witch problem. More like to get help himself. Cas hung around while Bobby was gone.
"How're you doin', Y/n." He asked the girl.
"I'm good honestly." She smiled. "Maybe after Lucifer is back in the cage, we could have a somewhat normal life."
"You're right." Cas replied.
"Cas I'm sorry." Y/n started. "For the times I've been mean to you. I know you were doing what you thought was right."
"It's alright. I understand." Cas said with a smile.
Bobby came back the next morning and he looked solemn. Y/n noticed and she knew something was wrong.
"Alright spill." She said sitting in front of him. The older man just sighed and looked away. "What did they do now?"
"Those idjits are trying to kill me.." He exclaimed. "How did you put up with all that all these years?" He asked.
"You get used to it, Bobby, Cmon tell me what is it now?" Y/n smiled thinking it can't be that bad.
"Sam wants to say yes." Bobby stated.
"What?" Y/n exclaimed standing up from her seat. "Why? I thought we had a plan."
"Yeah but you don't expect Lucifer to jump in out of the goodness of his heart, do you?" Bobby asked rhetorically.
"Yeah so what he's gonna sacrifice himself? What did Dean say about this?" Bobby looked away giving her the answer. "You've got to be shitting me! Dean agreed??" She exclaimed.
"I think this might actually be good idea." Cas spoke for the first time.
"Cas, not a good time buddy, lord so help me i will rip your lungs out." Y/n snapped.
"Technically that's not possible since I'm an angel. Although it would be inconvenient since I'd have to find another vessel." Cas replied his in monotonous voice.
Sometimes she hated the Angel. She left the room without a word. She can't believe Sam would suggest something like but, no wait she can because he's dumb like that. What she can't believe that Dean and Bobby are actually considering it. She slammed her foot on the car infront of her, cursing in frustration.
The boys didn't come back for atleast another week. Y/n heard the Impala pulling up in driveway and she knew they're here. She stood at the bottom of the staircase and watched as the door opened and walked in Dean. She didn't know what she was hoping for but a nod of acknowledgment just wasn't it. Dean made his way to the main room without a word. Sam entered the house few moments later.
"Hey Y/n." He greeted her and her mind went haywire. Her anger flared and all she saw was red. She was angry and upset, Dean's behaviour added fuel to the fire. Before she knew she took a step forward and punched Sam in the face causing him to reel back. He held his nose and hissed.
Dean came rushing to Sam's side and Bobby wheeled to see what the commotion is about.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Dean asked angrily.
"Me? What is wrong with you two. All of you?" Y/n screamed. "You're going to say yes to Lucifer? You're gonna let him take you?" She asked incredulously looking at Sam.
"Y/n i know it's a hard pill to swallow but we don't have another choice. You can't just expect to ask him nicely and he'll jump in." Sam understood she's upset. He understands she can't let her best friend go. He put his hand over her shoulder but she shrugged it off and went to the main room. The others followed her behind.
"There has to be another way. Why do you have to sacrifice yourself?" She asked throwing her hands up.
"One life for seven billion lives. I don't think it's a bad bargain." Sam replied softly.
"What about us, what about me and Dean, your family?" She felt her lip quiver. "Why do you think it's your responsibility to be the one saving the world.?"
"You know damn well I started the apocalypse. It is my responsibility." Sam replied feeling himself getting angry.
"And you don't have anything to say about this?" She turned to Dean hoping he'd say something. When he didn't say anything Sam spoke.
"Look, Y/n there is no other way, we have War and Famine's rings, we're gonna get Pestilence's and Death's rings. I say Yes to Lucifer, We open the cage and I jump in."
"And you think he'll let you do that? You think he's not gonna take over your body as soon you say Yes." Y/n countered.
"It's worth a try." Sam replied.
"No it's a stup-"
"ALRIGHT ENOUGH." Dean's loud voice boomed making her flinch a bit. "You need to stop, you hear me? This is our decision to make. We were chosen for this and last I checked the world doesn't revolve around you." Dean said directly looking at Y/n.
"Dean." Sam said trying to calm his brother but the older Winchester didn't waver.
"I suppose the decision has been made. We don't need your input. Either you help or you walk out. The door's that way." Dean said looking into her eyes, pointing towards the door.
"You watch what you're saying, boy."  Bobby spoke for the first time in a while. "Need I remind you this is my house." Dean looked away at Bobby's stern voice.
Y/n didn't speak nor did she breath, how could she. She felt as if her heart has been ripped out of her chest. She didn't cry, everything inside her wanted her to scream and yell. To breakdown and hope that its a terrible nightmare that would be over soon.
"Is this your final decision?" She asked the same question she asked him after everything with Alistair went down. A single teardrop slid down her cheek.
"Yes." Dean replied. Unnerving and firm in his decision. In that moment she knew it was over. Everything was over. At this point who was she even kidding, there was nothing to begin with. At his confirmation all she did was nod her head. And she made her way up to her to room. The main room fell silent as she left.
"Dean what the hell?" Sam exclaimed and Dean left the room without a word.
Y/n didn't come out of the room the whole day. Bobby couldn't go up to check on her and Sam didn't know if she wanted to see him. Dean however remained indifferent. Sam grabbed a beer from the fridge and went outside. He felt like he was going to suffocate inside. He sat on the hood of one of the many cars present at the yard. He heard footsteps and looked to see Y/n coming outside. She stopped in her tracks when she noticed Sam sitting there.
"Sorry I'll just go." She said softly before turning back.
"Y/n-" Sam called out to her. She turned to look at him. "Please stay." His voice was barely above a whisper.
"Please." She nodded and made her way towards him and he helped her up. The two of them sat in silence. Dean saw Y/n and Sam talking, sitting on the hood of a car. He couldn't help but eavesdrop.
It was quiet for moment before Sam spoke, "I'm sorry." She didn't look at him nor did she say anything. "I'm sorry it came down to this. I wish things could've been different." She still didn't speak but looked at him. "I know it's hard for you to accept and i know if i were in your place I'd react the same way hell even worse. But you have to know this is my redemption, for what I did. I set him loose and I have to be the one to send him back."
"I understand Sam." Dean heard her say. "Truth is, I was being selfish, I didn't want to lose my best friend. I didn't want to lose my family, but the real truth is I realised that I never had one." She tucked her knees to her chest. "I found out the hard way but all in good time." She smiled even though she felt her heartstrings were seconds away from snapping.
Dean felt like his whole body was on fire as he heard her say that. He knew what he did, and he knew what he said. But he had to keep her away. He couldn't let her get hurt, so it doesn't matter if she walks away hating him. What matters is she walks away. Alive and Safe.
"That's not true Dean...he just... he didn't mean it. He's angry. He might not show it but the decision is affecting him too. He didn't mean any of it." Sam tried to explain.
"You and I both have been with him long enough to know he meant what he said." Y/n looked into Sam's eyes, her eyebrow raised and lips tugged upwards. Her face screamed are-you-really going-to-argue-you-know-i-am-right. Sam looked away because deep down, he knew Dean meant it. His posture, the way he spoke, it was familiar to him. "I assume this is goodbye?" Tears filled her eyes as she asked.
"I wish it wasn't." Sam replied pulling her into a bone crushing hug. Y/n was thankful that they were sitting so he didn't crush her stomach. However his hands were tightly wrapped around her shoulder and her's around his torso.
"I wish i knew what to say to make you stay." She sobbed in his chest. Sam couldn't help but let a few tears roll down down his cheeks and onto her hair. "Please don't go Sammy." She cried, her body shaking with intensity.
Dean wished he could join them, he wished he could comfort them both, he wished he could tell them that's all gonna be okay. But his feet were glued to ground. The only thing he wanted to do was protect his family. He failed to protect Sam but he knew he had to protect her so he made a decision and he's going to stick to it.
"I have to. But you have to promise me you'll take care of yourself yeah? You won't be reckless." He pulled away to look at her. "As much as I love you I have no desire to meet you on the other side anytime soon. You hear me?" He joked and it made her chuckle through her tears.
"Bold of you to assume I’m going to Hell.” She tried to joke but it only made her cry more. “I promise. I'll be safe." She sniffled as they pulled apart. "I'm leaving." She told him.
"What? Where?"
"I don't know." She shrugged.
Dean has never felt so broken before. The two people he loved the most in his life are leaving. And he can't do anything to stop either of them. Life has always been a losing game for him. But being ripped off of his family, all at once it was too much to bear. He didn't know how long he could hold on so he went inside. He couldn't hear it anymore.
A month has passed since Y/n left Bobby's house. Much to the older man's dismay. Last thing she knew before leaving that the boys were searching for Pestilence. She had been living in a motel room that she had booked for a month. She went to see a doctor as well, and found out she was three months along now. She was lost in thought staring at the ultrasound picture when her phone rang. Her heartbeat accelerated as she picked up the phone. It said Cas. She pondered whether to answer or not.
"Hello." Her voice shaky as she answered.
"We have the key." The angel spoke. "We're going to Detroit." He spoke.
"What do you want me to do Cas?" She asked, she hoped Dean had asked him to call her. She knew he was too stubborn to call herself but she hoped.
"I thought you'd want to know."
"Did they tell you to call me?"
"No. It was me." Her hopes were shattered.
"Alright Cas."
"Will you come?"
"No." With that she hung up. She couldn't go. What would she even do? Watch her best friend jump into the hell fire? She'd pass.
As Sam and Dean drove to Detroit, the tension in air was so thick they could cut it with a knife. Dean kept his focus on driving and Sam kept fidgeting with his fingers. He couldn't take it anymore.
"Dean." Sam turned to his brother.
"I'm not doing the goodbye crap." Dean replied without looking at Sam.
"You have to listen to me." Dean raised a brow and urged him to continue. "You have to promise me you won't try to bring me back." Sam said with urgency.
"What? I never agreed on anything like that."
"Dean. No, you have to promise me that you won't bring me back. You get out."
"Out?" Dean questioned.
"Out of Hunting, Dean, you go back Lisa. Live that life you always wanted to live. I just want you to be happy man, I hope by some miracle she takes you back."
"What about y/n?" Dean asked subtly.
"What about her? She left. I hope she's happy wherever she is. But I can't have you trying to find her." Sam said seriously.
"Why not?" Dean side eyed Sam.
"Because then you two will try to bring me back. I need you to get away from this life Dean. I need you to promise, you'll go back to Lisa and you'll live the apple pie life." Sam explained. "Don't try to find Y/n again, I just want you two to be happy. And if you two keep trying to bring me back, you won't get out of this life." Dean looked at his brother and his heart raced a thousand miles per hour. "Promise me Dean."
"I promise."
Y/n paced back and forth in her room. She can't seem to get it all out of her mind. Damn you Cas, she cursed grabbing her stuff and her car keys. She threw her things in the backseat and left for Detroit.
For Dean, it all happened in a blink of eye yet it felt like time had slowed down. They met up with Lucifer after Sam had chugged down all that demon blood. Sam said Yes which allowed Lucifer to get inside Sam's body. Dean threw the key at the wall and said the incantation to open the cage. He saw Sam fighting for power over his body but then Sam said the incantation to close the cage. He took the key off the wall and pocketed it. Lucifer had taken over and Sam was gone. They lost.
The war was going to happen and there’s nothing Dean could do. He had the power to keep it at bay but then the angels had brought in Adam and Micheal had taken over him. The war was now inevitable. Millions of people were going to die. Michael and Lucifer will fight in Sam and Adam's bodies.
Dean called Chuck to ask him if he saw what happened and Chuck said he did. The Winchester asked the latter if he saw the outcome of the war but he denied saying he couldn't see that far. But he told him he knew when and where it'll happen.
"Where Chuck?"
"Tomorrow high noon, at Stull Cemetery." Dean hung up and revved the engine to meet up with Cas and Bobby. He couldn't sit there and wait for a duel to happen between two angels. He had to do something.
Y/n drove as fast as she could to reach Detroit and she saw Cas calling. She answered the phone keeping her eyes on the road.
"We lost."
"WHAT?" She stomped the brakes. A screeching sound was heard.
"Sam couldn't take over his body. Lucifer closed the cage and took the key. Michael and Lucifer will fight." Cas told her.
"Wait how? Dean said he'd never say yes to Michael.." Cas cut her off.
"They brought in Adam."
"You know your kind is a bunch of assholes?" Y/n growled.
"I know, I wish things..!" Cas stopped talking as he heard Dean calling his name.
"Cas.. Bobby." Dean said approaching the two. Cas didn't hang up just shoved his phone back inside his pocket.
"What's going on Dean?" Bobby asked.
"I'm going to stop this war." She heard Dean say.
"What? You don't even know where or when it will happen" Cas replied.
"I know. Tomorrow noon, stull cemetery."
"But it's not possible. It's Michael and Lucifer. You can't stop them." Cas said solemnly.
"I can't just sit here and wait for destruction. I know I can't stop them, but my brother's in there. I can try." Dean said getting into his car.
Stull cemetery, Noon.
Y/n repeated those words in her head and she stepped on the Gas. She had to be there. She arrived there at before anyone else did and hid behind the bushes. She saw Sam walk in the cemetery but it wasn't her Sam anymore it was Lucifer. She watched as Adam appeared out of nowhere. It wasn't Adam anymore it was Michael.. The two talked for a while their voices getting louder and then she saw The Impala driving in , music blaring from the speakers. Her heart squeezed at the sight of Dean.
"Hey. We need to talk." He said walking towards Sam/Lucifer.
"Dean, even for you, this is a whole mountain of stupid." Lucifer said.
"I'm not talking to you I'm talking to my brother." He replied.
"You're not a vessel anymore." Adam/Micheal said.
"I just need five minutes."
"You have no right to be here. You're no longer a part of this story." Michael walking towards Dean when Cas called out to him.
"Hey, ass-butt." And threw a molotov cocktail at Michael but it was made of holy fire, which made him disappear. This made Lucifer angry.
"Castiel, did you just Molotov my brother with holy fire?" Lucifer snarled at Castiel.
"No?" Cas answered, if it wasn't an apocalyptic situation Y/n would've laughed.
"No one dicks with Michael other than me." Lucifer said before disintegrating Cas to nothing.
Lucifer then moved towards Dean and grabbed him by the neck. Bobby shot at Lucifer to which he just flicked his hand and cracked Bobby's neck. Y/n couldn't just watch anymore. She jumped out from the bushes as Lucifer kept punching Dean. He threw him against the car and bashed his face with his bare hands.
"Dean." Y/n yelled as she ran towards him.
"Oh hello there darling." Lucifer said in a sickening voice. "I knew someone was missing when these two showed up. You were in Carthage weren't you?" He asked.
"Let him go." She said staring down at Lucifer. Dean was brutally beaten. His face was swollen and bloodied. His eyes were barely visible due to all the swelling on his face.
Lucifer threw Dean on the ground and he collided with the Impala. He groaned as he hit the car. He watched as Lucifer walked towards Y/n.
"Sammy don't do this please." She begged hoping he's in there listening.
"Sammy's not home darling." Lucifer snarled as he grabbed her by the neck. Pulling her off the ground. "You know I could've let you two live if you'd just stay away. I care about Sam and I know you two mean a lot to him. But you're so annoying, you two." Y/n gasped trying to get his hands off her.
"Sam please." She cried.
"Sammy." Dean groaned. "Let her go."
He looked at Dean and his gaze fell on the an action figure stuck in the Impala, something flashed in Lucifer's eyes and he let Y/n go. She gasped as she dropped to the ground. Coughing up as she tried to take as much air as she could. Lucifer looked at Dean and Y/n and the two looked back at him. It wasn't Lucifer. It was Sam. He immediately fished out the key from his pocket and threw it on the ground. He said the incantation to open the cage and it appeared on the floor. Sam turned to look back at Dean and Y/n. She was sobbing on the ground while Dean looked at Sam as if he was trying to remember his face. With one last look at his brother. Sam jumped. Michael reappeared trying to stop Sam from jumping in but he pulled him in too.
As soon as he jumped Cas came back to life. He pressed his two fingers to Bobby's head and brought him back to life. Castiel then walked to where Dean was and healed him completely.
"Cas, are you God?" Dean asked.
"That's a nice compliment but no." Cas replied. "But I believe he brought me back."
Dean nodded and looked around and saw Y/n still on the ground, sobbing. He turned back around and got into the Impala. He did what no one of them had expected. He drove off.
@spnfamily-j2 @galway-girlatwork @queensilber
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couldyouimagine-that · 2 months
Saving Grace
Genre; action, hurt/comfort
Word count; 2.1k
Warnings; canon typical violence, arguing
Pairing; Lucifer (Supernatural) x Reader, Gabriel (Supernatural) x Reader
The reader and Team Free Will plus Gabriel and Lucifer are outnumbered by a legion of angels. Lucifer and Gabriel decide at the same time they need to protect the reader.
Another Lucifer and Gabriel story because I love writing the two of them. This was a really fun one!
The angels were everywhere. You were trapped in a warehouse full of them, each armed to the teeth with steel and fury. Castiel’s powers were completely gone, yet he fought on beside Sam and Dean. Your own angelic blade flashed in your hand, your movements practiced and almost automatic. But you were getting tired. This fight had been going on far too long – there shouldn’t even have been a fight to begin with. With Lucifer and Gabriel in the ring, the legions you faced should have been smoke in the air by now. You couldn’t understand how the angels trying to kill you had access to their powers, but the two archangels on your own side didn’t. From their halting looks of confusion when a snap of each of their fingers did nothing, neither did they.
That left all of you fighting hand to hand, and even with six of you, there were still too many to take on. You flung yourself around towards a torn cry of Dean’s name, seeing Castiel trying to wade through the fight towards your fallen friend. You and Sam quickly followed suit, but the angels closed rank. You couldn’t even see Dean; you had no way of knowing how badly hurt he was. Your only indication was that he didn’t get back up. Distracted in trying to lay eyes on him for just a moment, you felt a searing pain across your shoulder blade and back. The wound didn’t feel too deep, but a slash from angelic steel was excruciating. You stumbled, taking a glancing blow from your left that had your feet out from under you, and there was just enough time to see you would fall directly onto the tip of another angel blade –
The air around you fell silent and still.
Your breathing was ragged, the blood on your back soaking through your shirt. You had lost your weapon somewhere in the melee, your trembling hand instead clutching cloth. Someone gripped your other wrist, deadly silent. You forced your eyes open to see what your forehead was leaning against, almost reeling back when your mind supplied a person, a man, Lucifer. His arm encircled your waist to keep you steady and a second hand alighted on your uninjured shoulder. Lucifer was watching the space directly behind you with an unreadable expression. You turned your head as much as your rattled state would allow to find Gabriel holding your arm, staring back at his brother in exactly the same way. Gabriel broke first to look at you.
“You alright?” He asked cautiously, and you didn’t miss the way his eyes caught on your back. You swallowed harshly and tried to nod. Your grip on Lucifer’s jacket tightened and you were surprised that he let you lean against him more heavily as you tried to regain your bearings.
“What happened?” Your voice was hoarse even to your own ears.
“Fight got too much.” Lucifer sounded oddly subdued, enough so that you made the effort to straighten and see his face. His gaze was unfocused, though it snapped to you as he offered a short smile. “We decided to get out of there.”
You stepped back, finally, and cast around for your friends. You recognised the rusted hallways as one of the entrances to the main floor where you had been just moments prior, but Sam, Cas, and Dean were nowhere to be found. You thought back to what had happened just before you had been teleported out, a dark pit opening in your stomach. Movements frantic now, you located your blade and snatched it up from the grimy concrete floor.
“And what, you just left them there?”
You turned quickly between Gabriel and Lucifer, imploring either of them to prove you wrong. Of course, for once, they stayed quiet.
“Oh no, no, no-”
Injured shoulder be damned, you grit your teeth and set off at a sprint, shoving between your saviours. You knew they had just watched you go without even needing to see it. You careened round a corner and took out an unsuspecting angel standing guard, then on through a set of double doors and another corner. And this time, you skidded two a halt. Ten more angels, blades ready and moving as a singe military unit stood between you and saving your friends. You thought humourlessly that if you believed God truly cared, this would have been the moment you decided to pray. Instead, you let out a roar and charged at the one leading the way, walking slightly apart from the others. Those behind her were arranged in lines of three, shoulder to shoulder and completely blocking off the corridor.
You dispatched two quickly, but that gave the others time to circle around you. You turned to face each, trying to put on a show so they would know you weren’t afraid, that you could take them. You were, and you couldn’t. And they knew it. When three came at you simultaneously, you launched yourself towards the closest one, eyes shut as you prepared for the onslaught of agony which would inevitably lead to your death.
It never came.
You slammed your hands down over your ears at the overwhelming, high-pitched ringing which split straight through your skull. Your eyes narrowed to slits at the onslaught of piercing white light, but you were even more shocked once you could see again. The expanse of a perfect white wing curled around you, protecting you from your attackers. You traced its arch back to Lucifer, who had already killed the three angels nearest to you. You turned at a cry of pain from behind you, seeing Gabriel had just about taken care of the rest. Gabriel faced you with all the self-importance of a king.
“I just dragged your ass out of there and saved your life, and this is how you repay me, with a suicide mission?!”
“We, brother,” Lucifer corrected in a low, warning tone. His wing now seemed more like it was keeping you in place, rather than protecting you from harm. Your first instinct was to lash out at them both, but you tamped down on it. You needed to be practical and Gabriel was right – you would never get to your friends in time.
“How is it that they can use their powers, but you two can’t?” The archangels stopped their fighting before it could really get under way, each giving you an assessing look. “Cas is still cut off from heaven, right? So he can’t do anything anyway. That means they’ve done something specifically to block of the power of archangels.”  
You stepped back from Lucifer, gaze down, mind whirring. There shouldn’t have been anything powerful enough to tamp down on their abilities to start with, and you had never heard of anything that could filter out an archangel’s power but let through that of an ordinary angel. You thought through every sigil you had ever encountered, but not one of them fit. You couldn’t imagine it was a magical object, and even if this could be achieved with witchcraft, the angels wouldn’t deign to use it. That left –
“Got it! There’s warding somewhere, that’s blocking out most of your powers. It’ll be in Enochian, and there’s already so many angels here that I bet you weren’t able to sense it when we came in.” Again, they said nothing. “Come on, please – we need to find it before it’s too late!” They weren’t going to help. You were getting desperate, but pleading for their help had no effect. A scream pierced through into the corridor and you lost what little sense you had left. “You both cared enough to pull me out of there. If you care about me at all, you’ll help me find that warding!”
Gabriel looked from you to Lucifer, and some sort of silent understanding seemed to pass between them. You blinked and they were both gone, and moments later, so were the sounds of fighting from the main floor. Heart in your throat, you sprinted for the entrance. The corridor flew past, yet it seemed that your every step lasted a decade. Rusted old hinges shrieked when you shoved open the doors and burst into the warehouse, to find it almost empty.
Dean was curled over, just barely holding himself off the floor on his elbows. Castiel was on his knees in front of him, blade held forward defensively and his free hand behind him, hovering by Dean’s shoulder. Sam was still on his feet a few paces away.
“What happened?” Dean groaned roughly, trying to look around to see where the angels had gone. You swallowed when you realised that the shadows floating towards the ceiling and gathering in the corners of the room weren’t shadows at all. They were the dust that was left of the angels themselves.
Your steps echoed loudly as you ran towards your friends. You felt certain your relief was palpable, but the others were as wary as you had ever seen them.
“Where’d they go?” Dean tried again, slowly sitting himself up. Castiel looked as if he wanted nothing more in the world than to reach for the injured hunter and fold him into an embrace. The soft flap of wings signalled the return of Lucifer and Gabriel, and Sam took a few defensive steps forward in front of his brother.
“Ah, you’re welcome,” Lucifer intoned expectantly, staring directly at you. Castiel turned to him, saw the direction of his gaze, and leaned towards you immediately, voice urgent.
“Y/N, what did you do?”
“Nothing, Cas. It’s fine-” His hand landed on your shoulder, grip tight, as if trying to convince you of an imminent threat you didn’t believe was there.
“What did you agree to?”
“Nothing!” You took a deep, calming breath. “I realised there was some kind of warding around this place that was allowing all of the angels to access their powers, but not the archangels. You three were surrounded, and Gabriel and Lucifer found the warding, dismantled it, and destroyed the angels who were attacking us. That’s it.”
Dean groaned as he sat further up and Castiel’s concern became split between the two of you. He moved back a little towards Dean, supporting the hunter’s back even when he tried to wave Castiel away. He was too weak to manage.
“You’re not hurt,” Dean ground out, less of a question and more of a confirmation. You nodded, the yes quiet in the back of your throat. “Then what happened to you? Cause you disappeared and I thought one of ‘em had taken you down.”
You found yourself faltering. Lucifer, the devil himself, and Gabriel, two of the only four archangels to have ever existed, had decided simultaneously that your puny little human life was worth saving? You, the only human of untold billions to have lived throughout time that not one, but either of them had ever cared enough to save – you couldn’t even believe the words in your own mind. Dean prompted you again when you failed to answer and you still couldn’t come up with a reply. Aside from being unbelievable, you doubted Lucifer at the very least would want you to tell the Winchesters and Castiel of all beings what he had done, presumably on the spur of the moment. becoming uncomfortable in the silence with everyone’s eyes on you, you looked over to Gabriel for support, preferring your chances with getting help from him than his brother. He seemed to sigh silently.
“They almost did.” Gabriel watched you cautiously as everyone turned to him. “I was close enough to get Y/N out of the way in time.”
“And what about him?” Dean gave a disparaging tilt of his head in Lucifer’s direction.
“What, you thought I was just gonna let my little bro walk out of a fight without following?”
That wasn’t what had happened; Lucifer had been trying to save you too. But you certainly weren’t going to say anything, and it seemed that neither was Gabriel.
Dean still seemed suspicious, but there were other more important things at hand. Sam and Castiel helped him to his feet. Gabriel snapped his fingers and you all instantly appeared back at the bunker. Your head swirled from the chosen method of long-distance transportation and you pitched to the side, reaching out for the nearest available object to stop yourself from falling. When you straightened after a moment of regaining your bearings, it was to see Lucifer smiling smugly down at you. He held his forearm parallel to the ground in such a way that you were leaning on it without drawing anyone else’s attention. You apologised quietly and stepped back in time to see Gabriel staring at his brother yet again. Somehow, you felt sure that having gained the attention of them both couldn’t lead to a good end.
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it-was-too-cold-always · 10 months
We're Not in CW Anymore - 1
The reader gets blasted into another universe - one where Sam and Dean Winchester are real people, real hunters, and really fucked up. To her surprise (or horror), Dean has been getting glimpses of her life in his dreams and is completely enamored with her. It's nothing like the cable-friendly CW show that she knows and loves.
Reader x Dean Winchester
Warnings: language, violence
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Chapter 1: The Good News Gabriel Brings
One minute, you were reading your very spicy romance book on your couch. The next, you were sitting in some diner off the highway, book still in hand. You looked around, wondering if anyone noticed you appear out of thin air. Not a single person was looking towards you. Okay, this must be a dream, I dozed off while reading, you thought. If I'm right, I won't be able to read words. You opened up to a random part in the book, and sure enough, you could read every single smutty word on that page. Fuck. What just happened?
"More coffee, sweetie?" The waitress pulled you from your downward spiral. You accepted, though you'd rather be drinking something a little stronger. You took a sip, letting the warmth fill you up. You looked down - you were no longer wearing your oversized sleep shirt. Instead, you were wearing skinny jeans, brown boots, and a gray tank top with a blue flannel layered on top. Very autumn lumberjack, you thought. It was much more appropriate than your sleep shirt though, given the dreary weather outside. You pulled your phone out of your back pocket, surprised to find a signal. You were more surprised that you had your phone at all, and even more perplexed when you saw your purse sitting on the booth next to you. You peeked inside - thank god, your inhaler. You're gonna need that because the panic will surely set in soon. You scroll through your phone and find your messages are all gone. There's no logs of calls or contacts. Everything has been wiped. Great. You pull up the news to see if you can get your bearings a little. You weren't quite sure what else to do - after all, you've never teleported before.
You were too focused on your phone to notice a 1967 Chevy Impala pull up to the diner. Nor did you notice the two gigantic men walk through the front door as the bell jingled. But one of these men clocked you almost immediately. His face turned pale and he stopped in his tracks. "Holy shit," he breathed. The taller one looked at him like he was nuts, but before he could say anything else, the shorter (but still really tall) one found himself walking towards you. "Dude, what the hell?" His buddy was following him to your booth.
"Hey. Hi. Um, can I sit here?" Real smooth, dipshit, he thought to himself. You looked up at the man speaking to you, not really registering what he said. This man was a spitting image of Jensen Ackles. In fact, they could be twins. However the man standing in front of you had his flannel sleeves rolled up enough for you to see a tattoo sleeve and a myriad of scars peppering his skin. The man who appeared behind this man looked exactly like Jared Padalecki. "Am I being punked?" you asked. The two men look at each other and sit down in your booth, facing you. They look intrigued, waiting for you to keep talking.
"I wouldn't really say 'punked,' but I really had some fun with this one." A dude appeared out of nowhere, sitting next to you, looking like Richard Speight, Jr. Okay, what the actual fuck.
"Gabriel? What the fuck are you doing here?" the guy who looked like Jared asked. Okay, we got Sam, Dean, Gabriel...what's next? Cas? You look out the window to see the Impala and your stomach flips.
"Listen, I don't have a lot of time for you bozos, so pay attention and don't interrupt. Y/N, this is Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean, this is Y/N. Yes, like the show Supernatural, I know, whoop-de-do, let's get to the juicy parts, alright?" Gabriel looks almost irritated with his little speech.
"What the hell is going on?" Sam's patience was wearing thin already.
"What did I say about interrupting? You're a bad listener. As I was saying, Y/N comes from another universe. Dean, I'm sure you're quite familiar. Y/N, you get the gist of it, but it's not exactly like the CW show. This is more real-life, nitty gritty, not at all rated PG-13. There's a lot of shit from the show that didn't happen in this universe. The writing really went to shit after Kripke left, but that's just my opinion. I digress. Y/N and Dean are soulmates, don't ask me how they ended up in different universes, I'm just here to fix it. So boom, problem solved, have fun figuring all this shit out." Gabriel acted bored but seemed to be amused by this situation.
Your head was spinning. Supernatural. Real life. Alternate universe. Soulmates? You stared down your coffee cup as you tried to wrap your head around the situation. It was hard when the entire time, you could feel Dean staring at you. He hasn't taken his eyes off you since he walked into the diner. You thought they were attractive on the show, but in real like they're so gorgeous, it's intimidating.
"Why would you do Dean a favor like that? What do you get out of it?" Sam asked. "Nothing from you ever comes out of the kindness of your heart."
"Listen bud, I just know what's gotta happen and I do it. Any other questions?"
"Hold on! You said parts of the TV show didn't happen in this universe. Which parts?" You had to know - Rowena, Crowley, Chuck, Leviathan - was all of this real now?
"Just the dumb parts. All of season 7 basically. That weird attachment Dean had with the Darkness even though she was a kid for a while, creepy if you ask me. The whole Darkness thing never happened, don't know if it will in the future though. The Men of Letters are alive and thriving, Sam and Dean actually work for them as hunters. I don't know kid I'm sure you'll figure it all out." His answer placated you for now. It was still too much for your brain to process. You're sure you'll have lots of questions come up as the day progresses. You turn to thank him, but he's already gone. That leaves you alone in a booth with Sam and Dean Winchester.
Chapter 2
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To the Ends of the Earth Part 21
Pairings: Gabriel x Reader
Rating: Mature
Summary:  AU Supernatural. Gabriel is tired of Micahel and Raphael’s constant interfering and dictating what’s best for him. Little do they know that he’s been sneaking to earth to fall in love with you. When he convinces you to run away with him, all hell is about to break loose.
Link to Part 20
1 week later…
You lay with Gabriel on the couch snuggled against his side as some tv show played unnoticed in the background. Halfway through, whatever show it was, you closed your eyes and snuggled further against Gabriel. He placed one of his hands over yours that you had laid on his chest. Neither of you had said much in a while but the quiet cuddling was enough.
The last week had thankfully calmed down. Dean had slowly accepted that you were pregnant. You were positive that Dean had tracked Chuck down and threatened him real good about keeping you alive. When he came home Dean seemed to be in a lot better of a mood. You could only assume that threatening Chuck would bring that level of happiness.
Was Dean happy about you being pregnant…no. Something told you that your eldest brother wouldn’t be happy until the baby was born and you were alive.
Gabriel also wasn’t saying much about the baby-to-be. While you didn’t expect him to be excited, you wished he would “open up.” The best that you could assume was your lover would be like Dean. While he wasn’t as on edge as Dean was, you could still sense Gabriel’s nervousness. His eyes were always on you now. He seemed to be watching every move that you made while being totally prepared to smite whatever could harm you in the slightest.
“Maye that is his love language when it comes to the baby?”
That was the best thought that you could formulate. Gabriel had told you a few days prior that he could sense the baby’s heartbeat. The look in his eyes when he said those words and how he stroked his fingers over your still flat stomach gave you some hope as to his feelings.
Minus, the baby on the way, everything else with Gabriel was just like usual. You were thankful for that at least. If Gabriel turned off the love supply, you would have totally fallen apart. From the brief bit of the baby book that you had read (until you got to the part about birthing pictures and nearly vomited) apparently, a woman’s sex drive was supposed to increase.
“…Yep, that’s happening.”
“How are you feeling?”
Gabriel asked softly, pulling you from your thoughts. He originally didn’t want to wake you but the quiet of the room was beginning to drive him nuts. Gabriel wouldn’t say it but his anxiety went into near overdrive whenever you were quiet for long periods. Yes, he was able to check you over at any time but hearing your voice seemed to make all of his worries go away. You yawned snuggling further into his side instantly making the worry within Gabriel vanish.
“Fine. My stomach hurts a bit but I suppose that I should get used to that.”
Gabriel put a finger to your head and the sick feeling instantly vanished. He gave you a sheepish little smirk before moving to kiss your forehead.
“I guess that will be a benefit of having a baby with me. I can make all of the nasty…side effects go away.”
“That will be definitely useful.”
You replied before yawning again. Gabriel moved to stroke a hand down your back toward the waistband of your jeans.
“Before you get too comfortable…”
He started but stopped suddenly and sat up. You gave him a curious frown as Amelia came running in with a small box in her hand. It took all you had to stop yourself from smirking at the annoyed expression on Gabriel’s face. If Dean were in the room, you were 100% positive that mentions of being “cock blocked” would have come up.
“Hi, shorty. What do you have there?”
You asked, sitting up. Amelia was nearly bouncing up and down. Gabriel raised an eyebrow before smirking. The little girl reminded him so much of you it felt as if he was looking into a mirror.
“Uncle Dean got me a guinea pig! I named her Snickerdoodle!”
You instantly looked up to Dean as he stepped into the room with a shit-eating grin on his face. He gave you a small shrug before you turned back to your niece who had fished the petrified-looking animal out of the box.
“Oh, that’s nice. She’s lovely, sweetie. Does your daddy know about Snickerdoodle?”
Amelia shook her head and shoved some of her dark hair out of her face.
“I see. Maybe you should…oh look there’s Sam now.”
Sam automatically sighed. He hated that tone. He knew “that” tone. Something was up and something told him that it involved him somehow.
“I love conversations that start like this.”
Amelia ran over to Sam nearly hopping up and down with delight.
“Uncle Dean got me a guinea pig!”
Sam automatically scowled at Dean. This was the last thing that he wanted to get involved with too. Between a pregnant sister who would be giving birth to an archangel’s baby, his own child, dealing with Michael, and all of the other kinks involved with being a Winchester…Sam just didn’t have a “guinea pig” in him.
“Uh huh…he did, did he? Amelia…guinea pigs are…”
Sam tried to think of the right word. He looked up at Gabriel.
Gabriel suggested, earning a scowl from both Sam and yourself. He only gave you a little shrug as Sam knelt down to Amelia.
“Sweetie, guinea pigs are a lot of work. Uncle Dean, Aunt Y/n, and I are really busy…I’m not sure if this is a good idea. Uncle Dean and I are gone a lot and Aunty Y/n is about to have a baby soon…”
Amelia gave Sam a pouty frown.
“I can do it. I am 5 whole years old.”
Dean made his way over to Gabriel with a smirk.
“This is your first real lesson on being a parent…how to cave.”
Gabriel’s amber eyes rolled over to Dean.
“If you give my child one of those rats, I may smite you.”
Dean quickly moved away from Gabriel shaking his head.
“Tough crowd.”
You rolled your eyes at Dean and Gabriel before turning back to Amelia who was clearly happy with her new furry friend. Her little face showed nothing but pure joy. You couldn’t help but smile at her. Ever since Amelia had moved into the bunker, you took extra care to find little things to bring her joy with. Something told you that Dean used the same excuse to bring Snickerdoodle home.
“Would you two get a room?”
You muttered before kneeling down next to Amelia.
“You really like her don’t you?”
Amelia nodded.
“Yes, aunty. She has a wiggly nose.”
Amelia then attempted to make her nose wiggle like the guinea pig that was nestled in her arms. Again, you couldn’t help but smile. You noticed a small smile grace Gabriel’s face too. You knew that he would never admit it but Amelia had grown on him. Whether it be the fact that she reminded the archangel so much of you as a child or Amelia just had her “own little way” you knew that Gabriel liked her presence.
You turned your attention to Sam, who still looked less than amused with Snickerdoodle’s arrival. Taking a breath, you leaned closer to Amelia.
“Maybe we can talk your daddy into letting Snickerdoodle stay. I can help you look after her.”
Amelia immediately squealed before nearly throwing the poor guinea pig up in the air with joy. You quickly reached out and wrapped your hands around Snickerdoodle and gave Sam a small smile. He groaned and shook his head.
“Fine. She can stay but I better not smell anything.”
Amelia nodded and wrapped her arms around Sam’s legs squealing about how he was the best daddy ever.
“What about me? I’m the one that bought the thing.”
Dean grumbled. Amelia quickly went over to Dean and gave him the same attention.
“I am winning that world’s okayest uncle cup.”
Dean said with a smirk as Cas stepped in. The frown on his face told you that something wasn’t well in the world. Standing up you inched closer to him as he muttered something to Gabriel.
Gabriel turned to you. The cutesy moment with the guinea pig was now shot to hell. He hated even mentioning Cas’ news to you.
“What is it?”
You asked softly. Gabriel sighed.
“My father is here with yet another surprise.”
Both Sam and Dean groaned, mirroring Gabriel’s reaction. You too felt a feeling of dread wash over you. While Chuck’s last visit brought you news of the baby…it also brought a feeling of darkness over the bunker that hadn’t 100% washed away.
“Oh boy this day just keeps getting better.”
You commented before turning to Jack.
“Jack, can you stay in here with Amelia?”
Jack eagerly nodded before sitting down beside Amelia, who clearly didn’t care about the business of adults at the moment.
You turned to follow your brothers and Gabriel into the library where Chuck stood with a smile on his face.
“I thought I would come back…”
Gabriel wrapped a hand around yours, keeping his eyes locked on Chuck.
“Please tell us that you aren’t here to bring more good news. We are worried enough about what you brought last time.”
Dean said. He knew that he would never stand a chance against Chuck but he could put his thoughts on matters out there. What Chuck did with said thoughts and opinions was up to him.
Chuck, meanwhile, felt his smile fade. Everyone was looking at him as if he would be declaring that the world would be ending. Gabriel was watching him with a cold frown.
“Gabriel, you can stop frowning. I haven’t brought anything bad…not really…”
“Forgive me for not trusting you.”
Gabriel said in a low cold tone.
You whispered, squeezing his hand. The last thing that you wanted to witness was Gabriel and Chuck having some kind of epic showdown.
“It's okay, Y/n. Nothing bad is going to happen. I’m actually here with a special surprise for you…well…I suppose for Sam and Dean too.”
Sam winced while Dean mumbled something about “that last time Chuck gave them a surprise it was resulting in you becoming some kind of fucked up science experiment.”
You bit your lip, not even daring to look at Chuck.
“You know, Chuck, you have really given us enough surprises. I mean…we have met our quota…maybe you should go…bless…someone else?”
Chuck smiled, shrugging.
“I was thinking about the predicament that you are in. Yeah, you have your brothers. While that’s special, you deserve to have your father in your life.”
You felt your mouth drop as John stepped out from behind Chuck.
“Oh shit.”
Dean muttered while John gave the three of you an exhausted smile. He didn’t seem to notice or care to notice how freaked out the three of you look.
“My kids.”
John was in front of you before you knew it. He looked down at you with a smile before pulling you into a hug. Standing motionless, you couldn’t remember the last time that John had actually hugged you. John was never the “touchy-feely” kind of father so this was totally out of your element.
“Y/n, sweetheart, look how much you have grown up.”
John turned to Sam and Dean following the same lead. Both of your brothers looked beyond uncomfortable too as John made what would typically sound like a heart felt sentiment.
“Dad, you’re alive…and here.”
Dean choked out as John hugged him. John nodded before turning to say something kind to Chuck but the man was nowhere to be found.
“Yeah, I am. I think I got another chance and I am so glad to see the three of you. The three of you stuck together…just like you should have.”
Sam cleared his throat.
“It wouldn’t be any other way.”
John turned back to you. The last time that he had seen you, you were just a young teenager. Now here you stood, a grown woman. John’s eyes landed on Gabriel.
“Who are you?”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow. He knew this was about to be a shit show.
Of course, it's a shit show. Anytime my father shows up it's a blasted shit show! Now, look what he’s gone and done.
Gabriel said his name very matter-of-factly. He didn’t really feel like getting in an all-out brawl with John Winchester of you but something told you that it would happen very soon.
John, meanwhile, narrowed his eyes on Gabriel. While he expected that you, at some point, would choose a lover…he wasn’t expecting it to be now. Granted, part of him expected to come back and you still be a young girl.
“The two of you are together?”
You nodded, stepping closer to Gabriel.
“Yes, dad, we are. I’m assuming the guy that brought you here didn’t explain anything to you?”
John frowned, his eyebrows knitting together.
“What is there to talk about? I’m alive again.”
You groaned, mentally cursing Chuck under your breath. Of course, Chuck didn’t tell John Winchester the “truth” of everything going on in his children’s lives.
“Oh, there is a lot to talk about. Come on, we all need to go have a little chat.”
You replied. Meeting Sam and Dean’s eyes, you knew that this wasn’t about to be pretty.
“Dad, do you have a gun on you?”
You asked casually. John nodded. He thought this was a weird question but decided to go with it.
“Yeah, why?”
You shook your head.
“Put it on safety.”
John looked a little confused before following you into a dining room. You motioned to a seat.
“Sit down. We have a lot to talk about.”
John quietly did as he was told. His attention went back to Gabriel who was still frowning at him. Something about the way the man was looking at him made John on edge and he didn’t like it. There wasn’t something quite right with the man at your side. All of John’s hunter instincts were going on edge as he realized Gabriel wasn’t blinking.
“Yeah, I think we do, kiddo.”
John replied as Sam and Dean sat down. You didn’t even know where to start. Never in a million years did you think that you would have to explain yourself to your father ever again. When John was killed, you decide that would be the end of that…boy was you wrong!
“Dad, in the time that you have been gone…we have been through a lot. I mean like a hell of a lot. Sam, Dean, and I have gone through things that you probably wouldn’t believe…”
“Oh, I can believe a lot.”
John commented. You blinked a few times as John continued talking.
“Just tell me what it is. The three of you know that I don’t like…”
You held a hand up.
“Okay, we are in the middle of a second apocalypse. The archangel Michael is wreaking havoc in our lives. The three of us have dealt with the forces of heaven and hell, more monsters than you would care to believe, the British men of letters…I’m sure I am leaving a lot out.”
John blinked, looking totally stunned. He didn’t exactly expect to hear all of that.
“Are you joking?”
You weren't quite sure but for some reason, you started laughing. The last thing that you really wanted was to argue with your father about what you had really done over the past few years. John didn’t know the hell that the three of you had gone through over the years. You did. Sam and Dean did. John did not.
“No dad, I’m not joking. Oh, there’s more. Dean and I are dating angels and I’m pregnant.”
Gabriel stared at you with his mouth open. He honestly expected you to tell John a little more gently but no. You just threw that on him like a wet blanket.
Gabriel said with a smirk on his face as John turned to him. It made sense! It all made sense now. John now could see why Gabriel wasn’t blinking in addition to the cold distant expression on his face.
“You’re an angel and she’s pregnant?”
Gabriel nodded.
“That is what she said.”
John shook his head.
“I don’t believe it.”
Gabriel waited a moment before snapping his fingers and disappearing. The room was silent before Gabriel turned up beside you.
“Do you know anyone else that can do that because I sure as hell don’t?”
John jumped up, knocking the chair that he was sitting in over.
“Holy shit! You are an angel!”
Gabriel nodded.
“Yep, not just an angel. I’m an archangel. I warn you, human, don’t make move near her or I will smite you back to where you came from.”
John snarled.
“Get away from my daughter.”
Gabriel shook his head before freezing John where he stood.
“I can’t do that.”
John growled before turning his attention to Sam and Dean.
“You two just let this happen? I told the two of you to watch your sister! Letting her get knocked up by a rouge archangel isn’t part of keeping an eye on her.”
You, meanwhile, suddenly remembered your voice.
“Hold on a minute, dad. You don’t get to come here and start things like this. Sam and Dean did everything that they were supposed to and more. You are my father. You should have been there for us and you weren’t! Don’t you dare give me shit about being on hunts either. It shouldn’t have been Dean’s job to look after Sam and me the way he did. He was our mother and father more than you ever were. He didn’t get to be a kid. I’m my own damn person and make my own decisions. Sam, Dean, and I look out for each other but they don’t tell me what to do and you aren’t either. Chuck may have brought you back but you aren’t going to come in here and order us around. For once, we have our lives figured out and we are just fine with it.”
You turned and walked from the room without another word. Gabriel, turned back to John for a moment.
“It’s so lovely to see that you are still the same human that you were years ago. Excuse me, my wife needs me.”
Gabriel put extra emphasis on the word “wife.” He knew it would antagonize John all the more and he didn’t care….
@amelie-black @jessyballet @knreidy1 @acciosiriusblack @siriuslyceleste @georgeweasleydumbhoe @justfinishthis @coffeeaddictednymph @millies0bsimp @fific7 @rogue-nyx88 @readtomeregulus @starsvck @daddyslittlevillain @panpride @saramaple @f4iryluvy @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @missgorldafirst @buttercup-beeee @padf00ts-l0ver @goldensunshineshit @haroldpotterson @aurorasnape12 @stelleduarte @mentally-unstable-hoe @quinis @jag9000 @gugggu6gvai @yousmellllikecaca @lostarc @un-lovesherself @play-morezeppelin @ravenhood2792 @bennyberry @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @rubyroscoe1 @ad-astra-again @criminalyetminimal @lucasfilms77 @spideyxalmighty @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @summer-novak @hankypranky @deanwherescas @shitfaceddaniel-blog @sprnaturallover @knight-of-gleefulness @wontlookaway @marichromatic @mycuddlycorner @li0nh34rt @tastefullyoffensive @melaninnbarbie @untoldshortsofthefandoms
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aterimber · 2 years
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End your weekend on a good note with some new short stories!
I post new ones every 2 weeks, and have 100+ just waiting to be read!
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wishfullyeternal · 11 months
Supernatural Masterlist
Dean Winchester-
Dean x Reader- Fluff
Dean x Reader- Fight (WIP)
Dean x Reader- Fight (WIP) Pt 2
Dean x Reader- Unexpected
Dean x Reader- Mary
Dean x Reader- One Left Shoe
Dean x Reader- Running into the Trees
Dean's Flowers
Sam Winchester-
Sam x Reader- Don't Worry, I'm Used to it
Sam x Reader- I'm Sorry
Castiel x Reader- Advice
Cas x Reader- You Called?
Castiel x Reader- What is Love?
Castiel x Reader- Tired
Gabriel x Reader
Gabriel x Reader- Crushing
Gabriel x Reader- Comfort
Gabriel x Reader- Wings
Crowley x Reader- Comfort
Crowley x Reader- Wings
Crowley x Reader- Awkward Cuddles
Crowley x Reader- Healing Your Wings My Dear
Crowley x Reader- Never a Hugger
Crowley x Reader- Hellhound
Crowley x Reader- Betrayal
Crowley x Reader- Control
Lucifer x Reader- Lucifer ��� Love
Chuck x Reader- You're a God Too
Chuck x Reader- Afraid
Chuck x Reader- I'll Love You
Samandriel- Cuddles
Jack x Reader- Confused
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Gabriel x fem reader, lots of comforting cuddles pls! If possible, something about her being overwhelmed/overstimulated/triggered and Gabriel comforting and reassuring her
I’ve Got You - [ Gabriel ]
Summary: Gabriel offers you some comfort and some cuddles when life just gets to be too much to bear
Word Count: 1758
Warnings: female!reader, fluff, comforting, talk of being overwhelmed and overstimulated
A/N: i hope this was okay, i’ve never really written for Gabriel before so hopefully this seemed like him… and I hope it was what you were after in terms of being comforted and reassured
Masterlist | Gabriel Masterlist
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You never usually skipped out on a hunt. Never usually stayed by yourself in the bunker, as despite what you knew about the world and despite it being the safest place in said world, it could feel a little creepy at times. Well actually it felt creepy all the time and there was that mysterious dripping noise that you could never seem to be able find where it was coming from. But even still, you stayed behind.
Sam and Dean had left hours ago on some hunt involving a werewolf or a vampire, you didn’t know and frankly you didn’t care. Jack and Cas were on a hunt of their own too, a little ghost problem, nothing too big for the still new to hunting nephilim. But you? Well you just needed a break. You just needed a little while to yourself, to get your head on straight and try to relax a little. You’d never felt this overwhelmed, never felt so overstimulated with the goings on around you.
It was all getting to be too much lately, between getting locked up for months for trying to kill the president, who was actually Lucifer, but you try telling that to the secret service without getting thrown in a padded cell for the rest of your life. To ending up in a parallel world, one where you came face to face with an alternate version of the man you called your father. One who had no idea who you were as you didn’t exist in that world.
Let’s not even get into the whole alternate Michael situation… You were still reeling from that but at least now it was over. It was all finally over. All the battles and the stress, but to you… To you it felt like it was just starting as now that you were alone, now that you had a second to actually think for yourself, you felt the weight of the last few months come crashing down on your shoulders. And hard.
You’d never felt like this before, not to this extent anyway. You knew you shouldn’t be alone but you couldn’t talk to Sam and Dean about this, not when you still felt so embarrassed from the last time you fell into one of these episodes. Castiel didn't understand you and Jack… bless him, he tried to help but the kid was technically only three years old so the most he could offer you was a hug and a pat to the head, one where he whispered ‘It’s all going to be okay’. Something you wanted to believe but couldn’t bring yourself to actually do.
You didn’t think it was ever going to be okay, not when you hadn’t seen the one person, the one angel, you needed to see most in this world. It had been weeks since you last saw Gabriel, since he returned to Heaven to restore some order amongst those left and truthfully, you needed him. You’d never needed him more which is why the second you found yourself on the brink of falling over the edge, you prayed to him.
It didn’t take more than five seconds for that flutter of wings to fill your bedroom and the second you heard it, the second you felt the slight puff of air against your skin, you very nearly started crying.
“Gabriel.” You whispered, your heart warming over the mere sight of him as you slid off your bed, falling against his chest the very second your feet hit the cold ground, needing to feel his heart beat beneath him.
“Hey, hot stuff.” He greeted, placing a soft kiss atop your head as his arms engulfed you, holding you tighter than ever as you simply clung to him, finding that you were unable to stop your lips from rising just a little over his pet name for you, the one he always used as he did often say there was nothing hotter to him than you. “You doing okay?”
“Not really.” You mumbled against his chest, your fingers gripping his shirt tightly as though you were afraid he’d be taken away from you again. It’s been too long since you last saw him and you’d be damned if you allowed him to leave you again so soon.
Gabriel leaned back, making you straighten as he came to hold your face in his hands, his thumbs drawing slow circles on your skin. It was funny how a simple touch from him, mixed with that look on his face, the one that showed you that you were the only thing he truly cared about, could make you feel so much better than you’d done a second ago.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Gabriel asked softly, feeling your hands land atop his forearms, your gaze dropping to the floor before he gently drew your head back up. The second your eyes landed back on his, your lip started trembling, your stomach knotted together and you could already feel the pressure on your chest, as though someone was sitting on it, stopping the air from getting to your lungs.
“It’s just…” You began, your breath hitching as you tried to speak. As you struggled to get any air into your body.
Gabriel led you to the bed, sitting on the edge beside you as he took you hand in his, his thumb gently stroking across your palm, in slow, easy, strokes so that you could breathe along with each one. It took a second for you to find the rhythm, to ease yourself back into reality now that he was here with you, but nevertheless you did.
“That’s it, love. Just breathe.” Gabriel said soothingly, watching the slow rise of your chest as you focused on your breathing before you finally found your voice.
“I’m sorry… It’s just- Everything lately… It’s all been so much.” You whispered, wiping at your eyes as a few lone tears escaped them. “Between that prison…” You spat, thinking back to those months you spent all alone in a cement cell with nothing to do and no one to speak to. Literally on the verge of going crazy. “And-And the whole alternate world… Seeing Bobby again but not our Bobby. Not my Bobby… I just… I can’t take it anymore. It’s just all too much.”
“Come here.” Gabriel’s arms opened, allowing you to fall into them again as you cried quietly, needing to get all your emotions out before you burst. “That’s it darlin’, let it all out.” His hand gently stroked your hair, his other rubbed comforting circles on your back as he held you. Comforted you. Allowed you to cry for as long as you needed.
“You know…” He began, even his voice being a comfort to you. “I’ve been around for a very long time. A very, very long time. I’ve seen more presidents than I can count. Seen more Kings and Queens than you can even imagine. But the one thing I’ve never seen my whole life, is someone as strong as you…
“You’ve been through Hell, literally. You’ve been through so much crap, some of which I put you through myself and I’ll never be able to fix that. Never be able to apologise enough for the things I put you through…
“But what I can do is tell you that you’ve got this… You’re the strongest person I know and if anyone can handle this, it's you. And on days where you think you can’t? Well, lucky for you… That’s what I’m here for. Because I’ve got you too. You aren’t alone, darlin’. For as long as I’m alive you’ll never be alone… If all you need is a hug, or someone to talk to… Someone to complain about Sam or Dean to…” He continued, making you chuckle a little as you did sometimes call him just to complain. “Or even a little something else.” He added, gently poking your side which had you arch it away from him.
It wouldn’t take a degree in rocket science to know what he meant by that.
“Whatever it may be… All you need to do is pray and I’ll be here. For as long as you need me to be.” He said softly, placing a kiss on your head before you finally looked up at him with red rimmed eyes. He leaned down, pressing his lips gently against your forehead, feeling the tension leave your body beneath him before he pulled back.
“I love you.” You whispered, one final tear rolling down your cheek which Gabriel quickly wiped away, bringing his hand to rest on your cheek.
“I love you too, hot stuff.” He said with a smile, a different smile to that which he usually sported. This smile was for you. The one that only you got to see in moments like this, when the two of you were at your most vulnerable with each other. “Do you need anything? Bubble bath? Foot massage?”
“I just want you to hold me.” You said quietly, fiddling with your fingers as you didn’t want to come across pathetic.
“Alrighty… If that’s what you want, then you bet your sweet ass I’ll hold you.” He replied, kissing your forehead once again before he simply clicked his fingers, having you changed into your favourite pyjamas without you so much as having to stand up.
Honestly, you were still jealous over his ability to do that… It would save you so much time if you had the power to do it yourself.
“Hop on in.” Gabriel gestured to the bed, which was made up in your favourite sheets, your favourite stuffed animal waiting for you by your fluffy pillow. You happily shuffled back, sliding beneath the warm covers where Gabriel joined you the second your head hit the pillow.
You moved towards him, nestling yourself up against him as your head came to lie upon his chest, one arm draping around you and his other took hold of your hand, bringing it to his lips to place a kiss against your knuckles. You breathed in, taking in his signature scent which was enough to allow you to feel the stress leave your body. All your thoughts settled, nothing but this moment right here present inside your head.
Most people had a favourite place, whether it be that perfect spot by a lake, or at the beach, perhaps at Disneyland. But yours? Your favourite place, your most treasured and special place to be, was right here… In the arms of your archangel.
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