#dean winchester x pluse sized you
jawritter · 2 years
My Brother’s Keeper
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Chapter 2
Summary: Y/N, Sam’s roommate, so far have a pretty good thing going. Both work and function around one another well. What happens when his big brother comes down for the holidays with his mysterious past, mixed with Sam’s own mysterious previous life? Can Y/N and the grumpy older brother find a way to get along? Or will it be a not so happy holidays at the Winchester house?
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus Sized!Reader x Sam
Word Count: 2682
Prompt: Reunion
Written for: @spnchristmasbingo​
Rating: Mature (because of future chapters, this story is 18 + only, and not fit for minor consumption.)
Warnings: Angst, self-hating reader. Brief mentions of past bullying. 
A/N: This is the first Christmas fic I have written in a long time! You guys will get this one real time, and I hope to finish it before New Years! Fingers crossed! Anyways, This fic is unbeta’d, so all mistakes are my won! Feedback is golden! My work is 18+ only! No minors! Thanks so much for reading!
Main Masterlist
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Y/N leaned heavily against the entryway that separated the mostly open floor plan of the kitchen and dining room with a heavy sigh. Off somewhere in the background, the TV played in the corner now instead of Pandora, having received an update on her phone about a possible upcoming snow storm she thought it best to see what the actual news might have to say. With their house guest with them, they might need some extra supplies to see them through the holidays, especially if Dean ends up having to stay longer because of the weather. Still, she wasn’t even really paying attention to it right now. All she could think about was the metal note that she made to herself to assign, Sam as well as herself, daily chores so that it didn’t get that bad again. 
She was exhausted, but she did have to admit that she felt accomplished. If a stranger looked around at this place, they might think that Sam and Y/N might actually have their life together, instead of the custerfuck of work and barely meeting at the dinner table most days. Which, she guessed, was the point of spending the whole day cleaning for some guy that all she could do was pray that he wouldn’t be a giant dick bag and was at least as descent of a guy as Sam had portrayed him to be. From the one picture she’d seen of him, he looked like every big bag of dicks that she went to high school with that did nothing but gain gratification of some sort by making her life a living hell. 
Shaking herself, she pushed herself off of the wall, and made her way over to the TV to turn it off, her anxiety was really too high to deal with any sound, and besides, Dean would probably be there any moment. It was too late to go and fix herself up, so she settled on making her way into the kitchen to go and fix herself, and Dean some coffee if he wanted it. It was fucking cold out, and honestly, if he didn’t drink Coffee for some reason, she had no problem finishing the pot for herself. 
She was trying her best to trust Sam, and not judge Dean before the man even pulled up in the driveway, because as Sam’s friend, she felt that she at least owed Dean the benefit of the doubt. If Dean had practically raised Sam, and Sam had turned out to be as nice of a guy as he was, that surely had to count for something, and besides, never judge a book by its cover. At least, that’s what she kept retorting to herself as she bustled around the kitchen making coffee. 
She hated this side of herself. This anxious, self-conscious, insecure mess that she was. It wasn’t as if it were bad enough, she didn’t really have all that much going for her in the looks department, but years of bullying through high school and collage had left their mark into adulthood, and even though she was damn near 32 years old now, and all those guys that harassed her shouldn’t have held any importance to her life now she still carried the baggage. It had affected her so much that she’d only had one real boyfriend, and it turned out that he was just using her to get a position at the company she’d been a secretary for at the time. She had thought at the time, he was the one, so needless to say, she hadn’t exactly had all that great of a track record with men… well ever. 
She had just pressed brew on the coffee machine, when a loud knock sounded at the front door, jolting her back from her traumatic past to an equally unsettling reality. Dean was here. 
“You’re an adult for fucks sakes Y/N get it together, he’s not here to spend time with you, he doesn’t care that you’re here, he’s just here to see Sam, that’s all,” she whispered to herself as she forced her sock clad feet to shuffle along the freshly mopped hardwood floor towards the front door, and the impressive shadow of the man that stood through the window. 
This must have been what Scrooge felt like every time it was time for a new ghost to come calling. 
Another loud knock sounded at the door, and she took a deep breath before reaching out and opening it to reveal the greenest eyes she’d ever seen, sat in a stern, but somehow boyishly freckle dusted face and military cut. He was even more handsome than she’d seen in the pictures, with the years of lines around his eyes that barely peeked back at her, but she assumed if he were to smile, or even laugh, it would make them even more defined, and himself somehow even more beautiful. 
Sam didn't mention the fact that his brother was some walking version of a Greek God!
“Hey, uhm… I don’t know if I have the right house,” Dean said, clearing his throat and fuck if his deep voice didn’t make fucking chill bumps rise up on her arms that she quickly crossed. “I’m Dean Winchester, I’m looking for my brother Sam Winchester’s house?” 
She didn't miss the way his eyes traveled over her body as he spoke, and she automatically took a self-conscious step back. 
"You, uhm, you got the right house," Y/N stuttered. "I'm Y/N, Sam's roommate, he told me you were coming."
She took a step back so that Dean could come inside, but he froze at the door with an old, green duffle bag over his shoulder, and a somewhat cautious look on his face. 
"Listen, I hope it's okay, but I brought my dog with me. I don't like leaving him behind when I travel," Dean confessed before looking over his shoulder to whistled for a medium sized, shaggily adorable dog to come trotting dutifully to his incredibly attractive owner's side. 
"Oh," Y/N blinked in surprise. "I'm sure Sam doesn't mind. Come on in, it's freezing out there."
This time, Dean stepped inside, sidestepping Y/N in the threshold of the door with a glance as he looked cautiously around the freshly cleaned house, while Y/N closed the door tightly behind him. 
"So, uhm… Do I just take the couch or…?" Dean questioned as Y/N turned around to face her, his four-legged friend already trotting off in the kitchen to lay under the kitchen table. 
"No," Y/N quickly corrected. "Sam has the guest room just down the hallway there across from my room all set up for you," she blurted out quickly, then regretted the overshare immediately. Like Dean really gave two fucks that the guest room was across from her room.
"Uhh, cool," he said, giving another clear of his throat. She wondered if she was irritating him, and that's why he kept doing that. God he was so hard to read! 
"Miracle, come on boy," he called over his shoulder with a whistle and a quick pat of his leg. 
His companion wasted no time in scurrying to his feet and following his owner to the guest room Y/N had indicated, but Y/N really saw none of that, because she was too stuck on the broadness of the man. He was tall, admittedly not as tall as Sam, maybe he would be had he not been adorably bow legged, but honestly, it was the shoulder to waist ratio that had her dumb founded on the spot as they disappeared, and the guest room door closed behind him, shaking her from the drooling mess that this man suddenly made her become. 
“Fuck Y/N! Get it together!” Y/N angrily whispered to herself. Her own behavior towards this man made her cheeks flush red with embarrassment. She honestly never acted this way towards any man in her life! The behavior was completely out of character for her. It wasn’t something she did, ogle after attractive men. Honestly, she usually hid from them, not wanting to fall victim to what would surely be hateful remarks, and disgusted stares. 
“But in all fairness, you’ve never encountered Adonis walking in the flesh before either have you?” The not so subtle little voice whispered inside her head where her continuous once was, and honestly, she made a reminder to mentally kick herself later as the aroma of warm coffee filtered into the living room where she was still standing, making her feet travel towards the inviting odor, which she guessed was better than standing in the middle of the floor like an idiot. 
She couldn’t help the inescapable feeling that this Christmas for her might be the worst one yet. 
She was so steeped in her own self-loathing, that she did not hear her abnormally attractive house guest wonder into the kitchen where she was as she made her cup of coffee, until the deep clearing of his voice made her jump as she turned around to be astounded once more as if it were the first time by the same astonishing green eyes. 
“Do you mind if I—” he stated unsure, gesturing at the coffee maker behind her right shoulder, and Y/N quickly scurried out of his way. 
“Oh, sure, of course, make yourself at home,” she blubbered out maybe a little too quickly, but he was nice enough to not call her out on her awkwardness, and she appreciated the effort.  It’s not like he had to be nice to her. She was just the roommate after all. 
She moved herself over to the small kitchen table that they had in the corner of the old kitchen setting, and settled herself down with her cup of coffee, because to be honest, he made her feel a little weak in the knees, and that scared the hell out of her. 
Dean made quick work of pouring himself a large, black cup of coffee, and came to sit down across from her at the table, which nearly made her fall out of her seat at the sheer shock that he was sitting anywhere near her at all. 
“So,” he stated as he took a long swig of the hot liquid from his glass as if they had been old buddies for years that needed to catch up, and not complete strangers that they were. “How did you meet Sammy, he’s pretty tight lipped when it comes to shit. He doesn’t tell me anything anymore. I didn’t even know you existed until a week ago.”
Y/N blushed deeply, forcing herself to look away from Dean, even though she really didn’t want to. Honestly, she could stare for hours at the man and never get bored. 
“We uhm… We met through work actually. I was a secretary at the firm he’d just started to work at a few years back,” she admitted, and she felt the air in the room shift dramatically, making her eyes drift back up to Dean’s stare, which had suddenly turned hard. Cold even. 
“You mean the two of you have been together for years, and he hadn’t even bothered to mention anything at all about it to me,” he questioned, and the thick rumble of his voice made her shrink down a little in her chair, but the surprise that he thought that that Sam and herself where ‘together’, was something she hadn’t expected, nor did she understand. 
“What? No, We’re not, ya know, ‘together’ like that,” she corrected quickly. “We’re just friends. Sam did know a lot of people when he moved down here, and we worked a lot together while he was at the firm I was working at. I didn’t move in here until Covid layoff took a toll on the office I was still at about six months ago, and Sam let me move in here when I lost my apartment, other than that, we’re just friends.”
Dean slouched a little in his seat, almost like a kicked dog or someone that had overstepped and was regretting it. 
“I’m sorry,” he said after a moment. “I assumed you were— Look, Sam and I have had our share of communication troubles in the past, and when he called me to see if I wanted to come down for Christmas this year, I assumed he’d at least be here, and I thought this was his coward ass way of trying to tell me he had a girlfriend or something, because when Sam gets a girlfriend, well, let’s just say I don’t hear from him after that.” 
She made a mental note to kick Sam’s ass when he got home. She knew that Dean was telling the truth, and honestly, she’d experienced Sam’s lack of communication herself, as well as lived through a few girlfriends, she knew what it felt like to be ignored, but never on the level Dean seemed to have experienced. 
“Wait,” she said after a moment’s thought, “I thought that he said YOU were the one that wanted to come down and see him because of your roommate and a girl or something like that?” she questioned, and Dean snorted in disgust as took a drink from his mug in front of him. 
“That what he told you?” he questioned, shaking his head. “Well sweetheart, I don’t have a roommate, and he is the one who called me and apparently couldn’t even have the decency to take time off work to be here when I got here.”
“I’m sorry, I told him the same thing, you know, that you are coming to see him, not sit here with me,” she stood a little too harshly maybe, and but she was irritated, not with Dean, but Sam. 
“I’m sorry,” Dean apologized again, and she hated that she made him feel that he had to keep apologizing to her. None of this was his fault, it was Sam’s. “I shouldn’t have dumped all that on you. My issues with my little brother shouldn’t be something you’ve been dragged into. Besides, I don’t mind spending time with you, honestly, I would have just been alone for Christmas anyway, besides Miracle that is.”
Three things stung her in that sentence. First, she was better than being alone with a dog, noted. Second, Sam is gonna have some serious ass kissing to do, because she had a feeling that this man that had put so much of his life into raising him had spent way too much time alone. Third, the look on his handsome face didn’t belong there. It just didn’t. He was too handsome to look that alone, that down, she knew that feeling well. But people like him, they were never alone. Pretty people always had people around them. Didn’t they? 
Miracle trotted into the kitchen to sit dutifully by his master’s side, and she smiled as she looked down at the light sandy colored, adorable creature. 
“Is he a service dog?” she questioned, attempting to lighten the mood. Dean smiled down at his friend, reaching to scratch him behind his floppy ear. 
“No, but I honestly never thought about it. He’d make a good one.”
Just then, the front door opened and closed loudly, announcing the younger Winchester’s return. 
“Well sweetheart, are you ready for the Winchester’s happy family Christmas reunion?” Dean announced sarcastically. 
Y/N snorted into her cup. Honestly, she was liking Dean a little too much for her liking, and she was pretty mad at Sam, so whatever he said to Sam, she was probably gonna side with him. Roommate be damned. 
“It’s feeling like a warm family sitcom already,” she jests, and Dean tossed his head back to laugh a full body laugh that she so desperately wanted to see more of. God he was gorgeous when he laughed. 
“Some twisted version of Christmas with the Fockers maybe,” he agreed, as he stood to go face his baby brother for the first time in what was probably years…
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Chapter 3 HERE!!!
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Jensen and Dean’s Babes
217 notes · View notes
jawritter · 4 years
Request: May I request a Dean Winchester x plus size reader where the reader is very shy and she at a bar and some dirt bags are picking on her about her shortness and weight and dean stands up for her? Some smut and fluff ?? Also want to say you are a bop of a writer my love! ✨💕🥰❤️
Word Count: 2961
Warnings: Some angst I guess, language, hint of insecure reader, mean drunks at bar, SMUT, unprotected smut, oral (female receiving), I think that’s about it...
A/N: As always all mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is golden! Hope you all enjoy this one!!
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You had no idea why you agreed to come out again with Dean and Sam tonight.
It was always the same.... 
Dean would find him a little whore to spend his night with, and Sam would either find himself something to blow off some steam with, or sit at his laptop looking for another case to keep them busy with, because you all seemed addicted to the hunt as much as the next guy, and you were all at your best when you were killing things that shouldn't be allowed to exist. And you would sit alone at the bar, miserable, and avoiding other human contact as much  as possible.
It's what you expected anyway.
So when Dean threw baby into park you were out of the car, and heading into the bar without so much as looking at the brothers. Heading straight for the bar to order the strongest whatever they had. 
If you had to go home alone tonight, you'd at least get drunk enough to sleep without the nightmares.
To your surprise though Dean came, and slipped onto the barstool next to you, ordering a shot and a beer for the both of you before you could even get the bartender's attention. You looked at him strangely, and he caught it before you could even fix your face.
"What?" He asked you, as he threw back the shot the bartender slipped to him. Green eyes dancing with mischief as he looked at you.
"You're not going to start looking for tonight's lucky lady?" You asked him, and he chuckled a little next to you. 
"Na, not tonight." He said, brushing off your concern as he pulled his beer bottle to his perfect lips, and took a long deep drink.
"Think I'd rather hang out with you." He said, giving you a wink that, even though you'd never admit to anyone, made your knees weak. 
Dean had always had a soft spot in your heart, but you were too shy to ever admit to him that you had a crush on him, and plus he was way out of your league.
He was tall, strong, and gorgeous.
You were overweight, with more than a few extra pounds in places that made you feel self conscious on your best day, and to top it off you were short. Barely breaking 4'9. 
Sam often teased you that you still legally should be riding in a car seat. 
Dean never really teased you all that much about your height or your weight, sure he still teased you, but he had enough common sense to know what seemed to get under your skin, and he respectfully avoided any topic that made you uncomfortable.
Dean had just ordered the drinks when two guys came up, and sat down on the oposite side of you, The large, stupid, and obviously drunk one that smelled strongly of whiskey leered at you like your very presents disgusted him to his utter core. 
"Hey Roy?" The large smelly guy that honestly looked like his name could have been Lurch said to the much smaller guy that was just as drunk, maybe more so than he was sitting beside him. "When the fuck did they start letting whales into the bar? This one looks like she should be in a display take at the aquarium. Better call PETA and tell them they're missing their prized whale!" Lurch slurred, and Roy burst into a fit of laughter. 
You tried to make yourself as small as you could on your stool, trying to not even look at these two dirt bags that seemed to be sent by Crowley himself to torment you, Dean hadn't heard them because the music was so loud, and he was busy paying for your drinks, but when he turned he noticed the red sheen of your checks and furrowed his eyebrows at you questioningly. 
"What's wrong Y/N/N?" He asks, handing you a beer, and turning to face you fully.
He didn't have long to be confused, because before you could even answer Lurch spoke up again.
"Oh don't tell me you're trying to get with him Shammo, he's way out of your league!" Roy fell into another fit of laughter, and you looked down at your beer bottle, a tear slipping past your defenses in spite of yourself. 
Dean said nothing just got up from his bar stool and went over to stand in front of Lurch, a look of pure murder on his face, one that reminded you of his Demon days when Sam had dragged him back into the bunker and cured him.
"What's wrong pretty boy?" Lurch said, and that was all it took. Dean swung, landing a hit right to his jaw, knocking him cold off of the bar stool. 
Roy took off running towards the exit as fast as he could. Leaving his fat, smelly friend on the ground in front of Dean. 
Dean turned around to you, cupping your face in his hands, and looking you over. "You okay sweetheart?" He asks you, genuinely concerned. 
You were humiliated, embarrassed, and you could literally feel the whole bar staring at the three of you, seeing as Sam joined Dean on his left side, taking a look at Lurch still laying on the ground groaning.
"I'm fine Dean." You said, trying to pull away from him, but he wouldn't let you, instead he laced your hand in his, gave Lurch there another kick with his steel toe boot clad foot, started toward the exit with you in tow,  Sam said nothing, just followed along like this was nothing, but a normal Saturday night for Dean.
Dean opened the back seat door for you, and you climbed in. Grateful to be away from those two idiots, and that grimmy ass bar that seemed to be full of douchebags, Sam got in along with Dean, and the three of you made a short, but silent drive back to the bunker. 
You felt horrible. You felt bad that you were the reason Dean caused a scene at the bar, you felt bad that Sam and Dean didn't get to blow off steam like they had wanted to after a long hunt, and you felt bad that once again, you didn't seem to measure up enough. 
Lurch wasn't wrong. You have always been a little overweight, shy, and you are definitely short. That was just stating the obvious. Even though it did bother you, what bothered you even more than that was he was right about one thing for sure. Dean was out of your league, and even an idiot like that could tell it.
You did everything you could not to burst into tears in the back seat of the car, and ignoring the pair of green eyes that were shifting constantly from the road to the back seat, and when mercifully Dean pulled up into the Bunker's garage, you were out of the car before he could even put it in park and heading towards your room. 
You couldn't face Dean, and you didn't feel like an awkward 'chin up' talk from Sam that he would try to do. You just wanted to go to your room and cry.
Which is apparently all you would ever be...
You weren't in your room long before a light knock sounded through the mostly quiet room.
"Sweetheart? Can I come in?" Dean said softly. When you didn't answer him, and just continued to stare at the wall he let himself in, closing your door behind him. Slipping on the bed behind you, the bed dipping under his weight slightly.
You thought if you just ignored him he'd go away, but Dean was persistent, and your silence only made him more persistent. So he slipped under the covers behind you, and like he had every right to be there, slipping his arm around you, pulling your back to his strong chest. 
"Don't worry about what those dicks said y/n/n. Those drunk ass wipes wouldn't know what a real woman was if one walked up, and slapped them in the face." Dean said, running his fingers through your hair. 
Dean had never been this close to you before. Usually he would just knock at your door and tell you that dinner was ready, or that they had another case. Every once in a while he would ask you come watch a movie in the Dean cave with him, but never had he been this....intimate... with you, and it had your heart fluttering in your chest in spite of the tears that you were trying to wipe away from your face before Dean could see them.
"It's okay Dean," You said, ignoring the way you hated your voice after you'd been crying. "It's not like I'm not used to it. Men do that shit to me all the time, always have, that's why I don't go out with you guys very often, and it's not like what he said wasn't true." 
Dean huffed in frustration, wrapping his arm around you tighter, and then flipping you over quickly to face him as if you weighed nothing at all. Surprising you for a moment. His piercing green eyes stared into yours. Softer than you had ever seen them. Those little lines that you loved so much showing more today than they usually did.
"Baby girl NOTHING those dicks said at that bar was true, Sam told me he heard what they said to you, and was making his way over there when I turned around and noticed them. Your are not fat, you don't belong in an aquarium, those idiots were just pissed because they thought that you were with me, and some people are just so fucking misserable with their own lives that they try and do everything that they can in order to make everyone else as misserable as they are."
Dean brushed your check with his thumb. Wiping away stray tears that were still falling down your face.
"Your beautiful, your smart, you funny, you put up with our shit like no one else has even been able to before, you are not fat, your perfect, your a woman, your curves make you even more beautiful, just because your short doesn't mean shit. You could still kick my ass if you wanted to, and I've seen you take out freaks twice your size." Leaning down before you could say anything else Dean brushed his lips softly over yours, before capturing your lips in his, his mouth dominating yours quickly, his tongue sliding through your lips and gliding over your tongue in a slow but building give and take that had your toes curling. His strong arms wrapped around you, holding you tight against him, rolling you over as if it were nothing, hovering on top of you.  Breaking the kiss and leaving you breathless.
"Shush." He said, putting a finger to your lips. Let me show you just how fucking gorgeous you are to me.
You sat there in wide eyed in disbelief at the man smirking above you as he sat up just long enough to rid himself of his top layers of clothing, then quickly coming back down to hover over you. Placing chaste kissing to your lips and all over your face. Making you giggle and blush all at the same time.
Dean's lips found yours in a deep, needy, passionate kiss, as his hands explored your body, riding you of your clothing as he went. Only breaking the kiss long enough to pull your shirt from your body, and throw it on the floor with all the rest of your clothes. Leaving you in just your bra, which he made quick work of getting rid of. 
Every little touch, every little trail his fingers made over your skin seemed to wake up something deep inside of you that you had never experienced before. A need, a burning fire, one that started as a smolder, but was quickly bringing to burn out of control.
The way his tongue danced with yours, the way his hands lingered on your thighs longer than most men you had been with ever did. The way he worshiped your body, trailing kisses over your stomach and between the valley of your beast. Teasing you as before finally coming up to take your nipples into his mouth, giving each the same attention until you were arching your back to get close to him. His hands never left your body.
All the insecurities, and the mean words you had heard all your life seemed to finally be melting away. Dean treated you like you were some precious treasure to him. He never said anything about your thighs being too thick, or your stomach not being flat and perfect.
His green eyes were hooded and dark with lust like you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever laid eyes on.
Sliding down your body, never making eye contact with you, throwing your legs over his broad shoulders he all but growled at your glistening folds exposed to him. 
"So fucking perfect baby." He said, his voice deep and thick, making a deep shutter run down your spin before he ran his tongue through your slick folds. A deep moan fell from your lips as he growled deep in his throat. 
"Fuck sweetheart." He said, before devowering your sex like a starving man having his last mean, and God did the man know what the fuck he was doing. Most men didn't bother to go down on you, they were only worried about getting themselves off and leaving, Dean though, Dean seemed intent on making you cum before he even got started.
Your legs trembling at every lick and suck of his sinful mouth hand you all but panting above him. That familiar burn building in your abdomen. The coil threatened to snap, and when he added two thick fingers into you and curled them, hitting that spot most men never found perfectly, that was it. You fell apart around him. Your walls clinch down on his fingers. 
Dean slowed his administrations, but didn't stop. Working you through your release and lapping up everything you had to give him.
When  Dean finally crawled up your body and hovered over you, his thick leaking erection lay heavy against your inner thigh as he rutted himself against you, desperately needing some sort of friction.
"You okay baby girl." He asked, and you nodded before he began peppering your face with little kisses before his lips found yours again. When he was sure you were ready and your hands started to explore his large shoulders and back he made himself ready at your dripping entrance.  Sliding himself in slowly. Stretching you and filling with inch by glorious inch. When he was finally fully seated inside your tight heat he burned his head in your shoulder, kissing your neck and nibbling on your skin there, making your walls clench around him and he hadn't even started moving yet. 
A deep moan falling from his lips as your walls fluttered around him. He stayed still until you rolled your hips against him. Letting him know  you were ready for him to move. 
Pulling himself almost all the way out of you before sliding back in. Setting a deep steady rhythm. His tip hitting that same spot deep inside of you over and over again, and the drag of his manhood over your silk walls had both of you barrelling towards your end before you knew what was happening. Every time he was fully seated inside you a deep moan would fall from his lips. Sweat shining on skin in the dim light of your room as you held onto his shoulders, his body rocking into yours at the same slow, but deep pace. 
You could feel that familiar coil tightening again, and your walls were already fluttering around him. Dean seemed to be just as close as you, his hips beginning to stutter and his pace getting faster and more erratic.
His lips found yours again as he stilled deep inside of you, his warm seed coating your walls, throwing you over the edge with him, your walls clamping down around him as he swallowed your moans, slowly rocking his hips into yours, helping you both ride out your orgasms as long as possible until he finally stopped. Rolling off of you carefully,  and pulling you into his chest. His breaths still came in short bursts as his lips found the top of your forehead.
"You have no idea how long I wanted to do that." He said, his voice quiet and ragged from your previous activities.
You buried your face in his neck, not knowing what to say until he lifted your chin with his fingers again.
"Now I don't want my girl to ever get upset over what some dick bag says at a bar because he's never had a real woman in his life and doesn't get to see what I see. Your beautiful Y/N/N, and now your mine, there's not getting rid of me. I'm going to spend the rest of our lives, no matter how short they may be, showing you everyday just how gorgeous you really are." 
His lips found yours again in a kiss that made your toes curl, and his arms tightened their hold around you. 
You were his, something you never thought you would be, but yet here you were, safe and warm in his strong arms. 'His girl' as he kept calling you, telling you over and over again how beautiful you were, until you maybe, just maybe started to believe him yourself.....
Tag List: @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @aflamboyanceofgays @deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ 
422 notes · View notes
jawritter · 4 years
One Hell Of A Thank You...
Request: Can I request a Dean Winchester x plus size reader, where the reader is really quirky and dorky and goes on a date but turns out her date is a vampire and kidnapped her and dean saves her and falls in love with her, maybe some angst, fluff, and smut 💕
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warning: Smut, unprotected sex, oral (female receiving), Angst, Fluff, hint at insecure reader, hint of body image issues. 
Word Count: 1994
A/N: As always all mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is golden! Hope you guys enjoy this one!
Want more? Check out my Masterlist!!
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The room was dark and cold, everything felt damp, the faint smell of mildew made your stomach churn a little and an uneasy feeling settle deep inside your chest. Thick, heavy ropes held your arms above your head at your wrist, keeping you in the awkward sitting position that made your muscles strain.
You never thought that you would find yourself here, never in a million years. Derick seemed like a nice guy, boy where you fooled. Hell, he wasn't even human! 
You had met Derick online in a hacker chat room, you had been talking for weeks before he convinced you to meet him for dinner tonight at a local restaurant. Everything was going great..... Until it wasn't, and now you were here...
This was just your luck. 
You were never popular in high school... Always dorky and quirky... Always a little heavier than the other girls, never fitting in with the popular crowd. 
That hadn't changed much as you became an adult. 
You were still overweight by everyone else's standards, you were still dorky, you were still quirky, and most people did pay you the time of day, so you knew that no one would come looking for you, and in the very unlikely event you got out of this alive, no one would believe you. No one believes in vampires, hell, you didn't until less than an hour ago... 
Would they turn you.....
Drain you.....
You had been alone most of your life, where are you going to die alone now?
Your head was still throbbing where Derick had knocked you out in order to take you to wherever the hell you were now. A part of you just wished that they would just kill you instead of keeping you strung up like some piece of meat... Then it crossed your mind that's probably what you were to them, and you knew there were more than one of them, you could hear the footsteps moving around above you...
You don't know how long you sat there before you finally heard movement above you again and your heart felt like it was going to pound out of your chest. 
Are going to kill you?
The noises got louder and louder, people yelling, more people than you thought there would be. Loud sounds you couldn't make out hitting the floor. 
What the hell was going on up there? That didn't sound like anything you had heard since being brought here.
You breathe quicker as you could hear footsteps coming down the stairs in the basement you were tied in.
You wanted to scream, but you were too afraid to. White hot fear rolled down your spine as if someone had cracked a rather large egg on top of your head, and it was working its way down to your toes. A sickening, slick fear.  One you had never experienced before...
A thick light pierced through the darkness and landed on you, blinding you from seeing it's wielder, and for a moment they froze... Shining their light on you before they started to make their way closer to you...
"Sammy!!" The deep voice behind the light yelled towards the upstairs part of the house, followed by a rush of quick footsteps as they descended the stairs toward you. 
The man made his way over to you, putting the flashlight on the ground, a machete covered in blood in his hand. Your world was spinning... You didn't know how much longer you were going to be able to say conscious.
"Hang on sweetheart, we're going to get you out of here..." 
Were the last words you heard before everything faded to black...
The next thing you remember was the warmth of a comforter wrapped around your body, and a bed underneath you, the distinct smell of a cheap hotel hit your nose... 
Forcing your eyes open you look around the room at the stains on the walls, and the cheap hotel furniture before eyes landed on the most gorgeous pair of green eyes you had ever seen...
"Morning," his deep voice graveled out from the little couch he was sitting on in the room before making his way over to sit on the bed next to you.
"Feeling better?" he asked you, and you had to swallow really hard to make your voice work. 
"Yeah... I guess... Where am I?" you asked him, wondering if you had been saved from the vampires, only to be kidnapped again by some very hot serial killer...
"Motel 6 just outside of town... I assume by now you know those guys were vampires that had you tied in that basement." 
You nodded your head and cast your eyes anywhere but at the beautiful green eyed man sitting next to you on the bed. Afraid you'd start crying, and he'd see how big of a dork you were. After all, you had lived through in the past 48 hours, crying just seemed stupid now...
A thick calloused hand wrapped warmly around yours, pulling it closer to him, and running small circles on the back of your hand with his thumb, almost sensing you were uneasy.
"It's okay, those things are dead, they won't be bothering you anymore, but I have to ask, who  did you end up with them, sweetheart?"
Now you really were embarrassed, the thought that you were so stupid as to meet that guy for a blind date, he turned out to be worse than a serial killer.
"I... Fuck..." 
You covered your face with your hands and you felt his large hand place lightly on your knee. His thumb rubbing across the exposed skin there. 
"It's okay, tell me, how does such a pretty girl end up with a bunch of freaks like that?"
His word stopped you dead in your thought process. No one had ever called you pretty before, dork, fat ass, and a lot of other names you rather not remember, but never pretty. 
Looking up you meet his soft gaze and you swear your heart stopped beating for a moment. 
"I met him in an internet chat room. I work as a hacker... He convinced me to come on a blind date with him. Men aren't usual, you know flocking to me, so anyway I agreed to go. Long story short he knocked me over the head after showing me his teeth, and then I woke up tied up in his basement." 
You looked down at your lap, not able to meet the man's gaze.
“That’s their loss, Sweetheart,” Dean said. You couldn’t help the blush that crept in over your checks.
"What's your name?" he asked softly. 
"I'm Dean."
Dean slid over closer to you, checking you for injuries and looking at your head where they'd knocked you out, his fingers lightly grazing over your neck making you shiver, his cologne surrounded you, mixed with a hint of gunpowder and whiskey. It was intoxicating, and you found yourself leaning into his touch without even thinking about it.
"You so beautiful princess. I can see why he wanted to keep you. Hell, I wouldn't mind you staying with me either, but I won't lock you in the basement. '' Dean chuckles trying to lighten the mood. His eyes stayed glued to you as you stared at each other. Moving closer and closer to one another. 
Before you knew what was happening his lips brushed against yours, softly, tentatively. Giving you plenty of room to push him away if you wanted to. The thing was you didn't want to. You didn't normally do something like this with random men, but there was something about Dean that just drew you to him. Some invisible pull that you just could shove off, and the moment his lips touched yours again it was like electricity shot through your body, waking you up in ways that you never had been.
His hands made their way around your waist and he slowly laid you down on the bed you were both sitting on. His fingers brushing under your shirt and on the bare skin of your stomach.
"You know we don't have to do this baby girl. I don't want you to think..."
In a rush of panic that this beautiful man would decide against what you had already started together, you cut him off by placing your lips to his. Neither of you seemed to be any good with words, but you knew what you felt, and felt more alive than you ever did as soon his lips touched yours, and damn it you weren't about to stop now. 
"I want to, Dean. You’re not making me do anything I don't want to do." Reaching down you grabbed your shirt and lifted it over your head. His eyes raked over your body like a starving man, and for just a moment your insecurities almost got the best of you.
"So fucking gorgeous sweetheart." He growled as he ripped his shirt from his body and threw it to the floor. 
Clothes began to fall as you both remove your layers quickly, all you could think about was the need to be with him. Feel his skin on your skin. This hands-on your body.. his lips on yours. 
His lips grazed over the skin of your shoulder as his hands explored your body and you arched into him. 
"Dean.." You whimpered, and he nodded knowingly. His calloused hands slipping down your body, finding your little bundle of nerves, and running small circles. Pulling a moan from your lips. 
His lips began to make their way down your body. Over your stomach and your thick thighs that you hated so much. He worshiped your body like no one had ever. Finding you quickly dampening folds and replacing his fingers with his tongue. You all but screamed as he slipped two thick fingers into your waiting heat, growling as your walls already fluttered around him.
Before you knew what hit you your orgasm nearly knocked you unconscious. His mouth doing things you didn't even know was possible. Sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through you. His name fell from your lips like a prayer as he worked you slowly through it.
As soon as you came down from your high Dean was hovering over you, his mouth finding yours again, giving you a taste of yourself still on his lips. 
Dean's eyes met yours against as he lined up his thick length with your center. Pumping himself a few times before he slowly presses himself in, fulling seating himself inside of your warmth with a grunt. Still for a  moment before he pulled out all the way and slowly seating himself back. Setting a  slow steady pace that was quickly gaining speed. 
Every trust he made drove you higher and higher, his mouth barely left yours as worked his body over yours. Before you knew it you could feel the coil tightening once again in your stomach, your nails digging into his shoulders, spurring him on.
"Fuck Dean. I'm..."
"I know baby I'm right there. Let go." 
With that, your walls clamped down around him, and your release washed over you as he spilled himself deep inside of you. Working you both slowly through it until you had come down completely before collapsing on top of you. Catching himself on his elbows to keep from crushing you under his weight. Even though you wouldn't have minded it. There was something so safe and secure about being there underneath him, his body caging your own. 
Finally, a chuckle left his lips as he pulled out of you slowly. Settling down on his side and pulling you into his chest. 
"All I did was kill some vamps and drag you out of a basement. That was one hell of a thank you, sweetheart." He teased you, and you playfully jabbed him in his ribs, electing the most contagious laugh you had ever heard, one that you could totally get used to hearing every day.
"You know you're stuck with me now right Dean. You're never getting rid of me."
Dean sat quietly for a moment before bringing his lips to yours. "I don't want to get rid of you, your mine now princess.."
Tag List: 
@deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming​ @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​
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