#dean winchester x ofc ansley
waywardnerd67 · 6 years
The Believer & The Skeptic: Chap. 7 - Vice Versa
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Summary: As Dean is still recovering from his injuries, Ansley comes to a big decision of how to approach her feelings for him. At the same time, Dean has made his own decisions on how to deal with his feelings for her. Will they be able to find a balance between them? Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Ansley Novak (OFC) Pairing: Dean x Ansley (OFC) Warnings: Fluff Word Count: 3187 A/N: Sorry I am a little late with this chapter. The song Ansley sings in this chapter is called “I Do Not Belong” by Kutless. As always this is unbeta so all mistakes are mine. Likes, comments and reblogs are splendid and I will love you doubly for them! Enjoy!
Catch up here: The Believe & The Skeptic Masterlist
It had been two weeks since being back at the Bunker and Dean was starting to act like his normal self again. Ansley had noticed a few changes since being back in Kansas with Dean. He was not drinking as much anymore and he would not fly off the handle as fast.
A couple of nights they stayed up and he would ask her about different things in the Bible. He asked her to read some of her favorite verses and what her favorite book in it was. Where she loved answering Dean’s questions she was in the middle of a faith crisis herself.
Chuck’s words kept flying around in her head, “If two consenting adults want to show their love for each other physically then they should. Have a drink to celebrate or relax is wonderful. Too many people are trying to be perfect and missing out on living life.”
Ansley was in her room looking through the clothes in her closet thinking about how she had lived her life. She took out the only shirt she kept from her wild days as a reminder of why she changed her ways. She slipped off her t-shirt and put on the halter top its royal blue color making her eyes stand out. Her shoulders and upper back were exposed and the front dipped down to wear you could see her bra at the right aligns.
Every curve she had was shown off in this shirt making her feel sexy and good about herself. Ansley heard a low whistle behind her and she quickly turned around seeing Sam standing in her doorway. “Wow, Ansley you look great in that top. You may actually kill Dean if he saw you in that.”
She felt her cheeks burning and suddenly felt incredibly naked in that shirt. She nervously chuckled, “My only shirt from my crazy days before everything changed. I forgot I even had it…” she trailed off looking back at the mirror hanging on her closet door.
Sam walked in sitting down on her bed. “When I ran off to Stanford, I tried to do a one-eighty and change everything from what I was. After Dean came to get me from college and I lost my girlfriend, Jessica, I threw myself back into the hunter’s life. After thirteen years you know what I have learned?”
Ansley turned around shaking her head as Sam smiled, “The only way I could make it this far was to find a balance between the two. I could still be studious, smart, caring and sympathetic while hunting monsters to save the world. The same goes for you, Ansley. You can still be a woman of faith who loves God and lives by her morals while also enjoying life. Just something for you to think about.” Sam stood up and Ansley hugged him.
“Thank you, Sam.” She felt his chest rumble as he laughed softly. She let go of him as he smiled down at her and then left her room.
From that moment, Ansley slowly started making a few changes in her life. She had order herself some new clothes, a few books she had been interested in reading and found a church nearby that had online sermons she could watch from the Bunker. She kept up with her daily Bible readings and her morning devotional always feeling rejuvenated and inspired after reading them.
She was in the library reading one of the books she had ordered when Dean came walking in with his laptop. Ansley had her legs stretched out her feet resting in another chair. She decided to wear one of her new outfits she had ordered even if all she ever did was lounge around the Bunker. She had on a pair of denim short shorts and a black racerback tank with a pair of Converse on.
Ansley looked over the top of her book catching Dean staring at her from over the top of his laptop. She smirked liking the attention she was getting from him the last couple of days. She had helped Dean wash his car and had gotten into a bit of a water fight with him. That night she dreamt of how his wet t-shirt cling to his chest and stomach. How his hair fell over his forehead and the sound of his laughter woul bring utter joy into her heart.
They had watched a movie in his room and she scooted closer to him. She bent her knee and rested it on his thigh as he rested his arm on the headboard of his bed. He would joke with her more now and a couple of nights they had stayed up talking until the early morning hours. There was one thing bothering her though and she was hoping to fix it that afternoon.
“Dean, do you think we could take a drive today. I’m getting cabin fever in here and I would love to see the sun again.” Ansley asked setting her book down.
Dean looked up shrugging, “Sure anywhere particular you want to go too?” She smiled biting her lip.
“Glen Elder State Park. I read there is a lake there and I would love to go have lunch there.” Ansley got up and looked over Dean’s shoulder as he looked up the park.
It was only forty minutes from the Bunker and Ansley reached over pointing to the spot she wanted to see. “I was thinking here.”
She watched as Dean’s green eyes slowly looked up to her meeting her own blue eyes. He swallowed hard and nodded, “O-Okay, how about me leave within the hour.”
She leaned down and kissed his cheek, “Great! I will go make us some lunch to take with us.” She bounced off to the kitchen feeling victorious as her plan was put into motion.
Ansley was waiting by the Impala with a picnic basket filled with food and the brothers’ green cooler filled with beer and water bottles. Ansley had looked up the temperature for the afternoon seeing it would be a record breaking day which work more in favor of her plan being successful. She was leaning against the car when Dean walked in the garage with a reluctant Sam behind him.
She looked curiously at Sam and then to Dean. “I thought maybe Sam could use a break from researching the demon and get some sun as well. Is that alright?”
Ansley put on her best smile trying to not show her disappointment. “Of course, I would love to hang out with both of you.”
Dean smiled opening his door, “Great! Let’s get going then.”
Sam opened the back door for Ansley giving her an apologetic look. She touched his forearm and smiled softly at him. Hoping he could tell she was truly okay with him coming. As they drove to the lake, Ansley thought out how to carry out her plan with Sam there and decided that nothing had changed. She was going to continue what she had planned and start enjoying her life.
They pulled into the small empty parking lot of a more secluded area of the lake. Sam and Dean grabbed the cooler as Ansley grabbed her small bag and the picnic basket following them down to a grassy area by the lake. Dean laid out the blanket her had in the trunk out onto the ground and they all settled onto it.
Ansley put her sunglasses on and watched as the boys took off their flannels leaving them in basic t-shirts. She gave an over dramatic gasp, “You guys took off your flannels. You’re practically naked in front of me.”
She pretended to shield her eyes and peeked between her fingers causing Sam and Dean both to laugh. Ansley leaned back on her elbows stretching her body out enjoying the warmth of the sun on her skin. She sat up grabbing the sunscreen from her bag and applying it to all the areas she could reach. She glanced over to Dean knowing her could not see her eyes and saw him watching every move she made.
She smirked, “Hey Dean, could you put some on my back please?” Ansley handed him the sunscreen and scooted over in front of him. She placed herself in between his long legs and watched as Sam tried not to laugh.
She shivered when Dean first placed his hands on her shoulders then she moved her head to one side enjoying Dean’s hands rubbing her shoulders and upper back. Ansley rolled her head forward, “That feels really good.” She moaned.
Dean’s hands paused going rigid while Sam’s laughter filled the air. “I-I think you’re all covered.” Dean stuttered as she moved back to her spot on the blanket shrugging.
“Thanks.” She muttered starting to doubt her whole plan.
As they all ate lunch she watched as the calm small waves coming up on shore from boats in the far-off distance. Sam and Dean were talking about something she had no idea about but she was enjoying hearing Dean’s deep raspy voice. Ansley looked at her phone seeing it was getting to be around dinner time and if she was going to do what she planned on doing then she had better do it now.
She stood up stretching and kicking off her shoes catching the guys attention. She started walking down towards the lake and heard Dean call out, “Ansley? What are you doing?”
She turned around at the edge of the lake smiling up at him. As she unbuttoned her shorts Sam and Dean’s eyes went wide, “I’m warm and I want to cool off. No better way than jumping into a lake.”
She let her shorts drop to the ground revealing her black boyshort panties. Dean’s jaw dropped as Sam looked away and she pulled her tank over her head showing off her plain black bra. “You guys should live a little and join me.” She called out as turned around and walked into the lake.
She noticed a dock further down and swam over to it pulling herself up on it. She looked over seeing Dean standing up and watching her as Sam had laid down on the blanket with his arm over his eyes. “Come on Dean! Swim with me.” She yelled as she ran and jumped off the dock into the lake.
When she came back up giggling she noticed Dean’s body was tense and full of worry. “Ansley, I don’t think you should be in there. Let’s go back to the Bunker and watch a movie or something.”
From everything she had seen of him and heard of from Sam and Castiel she knew this was out of character for him. Suddenly, she felt incredibly foolish and embarrassed as she swam her way back to the dock. Dean ran over with her clothes in his hands and reached down helping her up onto it.
They stood closely together for a moment as she watched Dean’s hands trail down her arms and then he turned his back to her. She felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach and she quickly put her clothes back on. She started walking quickly to the blanket and gathered her things.
Ansley was biting the inside of her cheeks to keep the sob burning in her chest from escaping. Her hands were shaking from all the emotions building up inside of her and Sam reached over squeezing her hand. Before he could say anything, she shook her head and grabbed her things heading for the Impala. She did not wait for them and got in the backseat.
The brothers put everything in the trunk and as Dean got in the car he looked back handing her his flannel, “You’re shivering, I thought you may want this.”
Ansley stubbornly shook her head. “No thank you.” She said turned her head to look out her window.
He laid the shirt on the back of the front seat and started the car. For forty minutes, there was nothing but low rumble of the Impala and wind blowing through the windows. The three of them did not say a single word the whole way back to the Bunker. As soon as Dean turned off the car, Ansley got out heading to her room. She passed Castiel who said something but she was focused on getting to her room.
Once inside she shut the door dropping everything in her hands and falling face first into her pillow. That is when she let out the agonizing sob she had held back. Tears flowed like a waterfall down her cheeks and she curled up into the tightest ball she could.
She heard a knock on her door but said nothing. Ansley prayed silently that a hole would just open so she could fall in burying herself from the embarrassment she was drown in. She heard her door open and shut not bothering to look and see who was coming in her room. “Ansley, what is wrong?” she heard Castiel ask.
“Please leave me alone, Castiel.” She whispered as he sat down on her bed.
“You know, I have all of Jimmy’s memories still. If I close my eyes, I can see all the times he comforted you when you were upset. He listened to you, telling you that everything would be okay and he was always here for you. I know I’m not him, but I could also be all those things for you if you like.” Castiel said softly.
Ansley sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck burying her head into his shoulder. She started crying as he held her rubbing her back. “I believe I’ve seen people in movies do this. Is it correct?” He asked as she chucked wiping her eyes.
“Yes, Castiel it was correct and thank you.” She sat back onto her bed as he smiled getting up.
“You’re welcome and please call me Cas.” She nodded as he left her room.
Ansley had grabbed her headphones and was listening to worship music instantly making her feel better. She grabbed her Bible laying it on her bed and it opened randomly to a page. One verse was highlighted, Romans 12:2 saying, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Ansley reread the verse several times and then a song came on her playlist that reaffirmed that God was trying to say something to her. She unplugged her headphones turning her phone up louder and began to sing.
“I look around and I feel like, thing's changed and I don't know why.  And every day that passes by I feel so far away. I can see in the distance, You have the rest of me. I put my trust in you, as I look beyond today. It's all becoming clear.” She looked down rereading the verse again as she sang the chorus.
“I do not belong in a world of broken pieces. I was meant to be in the arms of Your redemption. I am moving on to the place of Your perfection. Cause I do not belong.” When she looked up she saw Dean standing in her doorway.
She turned down her music, “Hey Dean.” She said feeling her cheeks burning again.
“Hey. Is it alright if I come in and talk?” He asked as she nodded.
Dean walked in shutting her door and grabbing her desk chair to sit on. “You have a beautiful voice.” He said as she smiled softly.
“Thank you. What did you want to talk about?” She asked the embarrassment from earlier flooding her body again.
He nervously ran his hand through his hair. “I think we have got some signals mixed here and I want to clear the air.”
Ansley nodded and waited for him to speak first. She had already been embarrassed enough for one day. “Soulmates or not, I like you a lot. You’re gorgeous, smart, sarcastic and funny. You’re able to hold your ground against anyone and you’re incredibly brave.”
Ansley snickered seeing Dean’s cheeks turn pink. “Okay, then why do I get the distinct impression that you want nothing to do with me?” She asked as his eyes snapped up at her.
“You think that? Really?” His bewilderment surprised her slightly.
“Dean, I was practically naked in front of you today. I flirted with you and tried to get you to go swimming with me fully knowing you would have to strip down to your boxers to do so. I haven’t been this up front with a man since before I became the good little church girl. You didn’t make one move on me at all which from all reports is out of character for you. So, yeah at the lake this afternoon I figured you wanted nothing to do with me. Which led to me being utterly embarrassed about throwing myself at you.” She did not mean to unload on him but all of her feelings came rushing out of her mouth.
Dean gawked at her as she hugged her knees to her chest. “That… I wasn’t… well crap,” he took a deep breath and moved to sit next to her on her bed, “I’ve been trying to clean up my act for you.”
His admission caused her jaw to slack slightly. “What? Why?” She asked.
He turned towards her, “I’m not exactly an altar boy or anything. I’ve done a lot of wrong and someone as good as you, deserves to be with someone who at least tries to be good. I decided when I got out of the hospital that I would start cleaning up my act. To make myself worthier of you.”
Ansley started laughing and she saw the hurt on Dean’s face. “Oh Dean, I’m not laughing at you at all. When you came home from the hospital I also made a decision that I wanted to live more of my life in order to enjoy it. I don’t want to waste what little time I have on this earth missing out on the chance to be with a man who is amazing. I bought clothes that were more like what I wore before I began going to church and was trying to get a reaction out of you to see if I could become the type of woman you would like.”
Dean took Ansley’s hand in his and chuckled. “So, we basically both decided to change completely for the other one and it back fired royally.”
Ansley nodded swinging her legs over her bed scooting next to Dean. He put his arm around her shoulders and she leaned her head on his shoulder. “Okay, let’s start over. This time let’s set up what we’re both comfortable with and if that conversation goes well then maybe you can take me out on a date.”
Dean laughed kissing the top of her head, “Sounds good to me, pretty girl.”
If you enjoyed this story then check out my Masterlist!
My Nerd Herd: @waywardbaby @waywardrose13 @carryonmywaywardcaptain @ladywinchester1967 @dwgrl1903 @akshi8278 @ericaprice2008 @mirandaaustin93 @spnbaby-67 @time-travel-bouqet @1967-essentialghoul @weirdoblogger69 @dean-winchesters-bacon @jensenyourdeanisshowing @destielhoneybee @-lovepeacenhope- @destiel745 @carribear31 @srsllydunnodoncare @whimsicalrobots @starstruckzonkoperatorbat @adoptdontshoppets @mrswhozeewhatsis
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waywardnerd67 · 6 years
The Believer & The Skeptic: Chap. 5 - The Queen Will See You Now
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Summary: The Winchesters and Castiel search for Ansley frantically. They are contacted by the new ruler of Hell a demon named Lucy who has Ansley. Before they can come up with a plan, Dean makes a rash decision to get Ansley back. Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel and Ansley Novak (OFC) Pairing: Dean x Ansley (OFC) - Eventually Warnings: Angst Word Count: 2341 A/N: Things are looking grim for Dean and Ansley... As always this is unbeta so all mistakes are mine. Likes, comments and reblogs are splendid and I will love you doubly for them! Enjoy!
“Dean! Help me!” Ansley screamed as he was trying to get up. “DEAN!” she cried out then Dean watched as the woman hit her over the head.
“Ansley!” He shouted as the woman handed her off to a larger man.
“Nuh-uh, Winchester. Where do you think you’re going?” She held out her hand pinning him against the wall.
He could feel blood running down the side of his face. He struggled against the force holding him as she stepped in front of him. She was around the same height as Ansley with long dark brown hair and amber eyes that turned black.
“What do you want with her?” He said through his gritted teeth.
“I want her and you to never see each other again. I want her to feel the pain that one day her daughter will inflict on me.” The woman grabbed Dean’s jaw as she looked into his eyes. “I want her to bleed.”
She started to walk away from him as he asked, “Who are you? You’re not just some punk demon.”
Her laughter filled his ears as her hold on him got tighter. “I’m Lucy and I’m the Queen of Hell.” She walked out of the room as Dean hit the floor scrambling to get up.
He ran down to the entrance of Ansley’s apartment building and saw Castiel fighting off two demons as a black van drove away. Dean picked up an angel blade on the ground and stabbed one of the demons in the back as Castiel stabbed the other one in the chest.
“Dean, are you alright?” He asked.
Dean shook his head, “No. No, I’m not alright. Ansley just got kidnap by some demon claiming to be the Queen of Hell. Come on, we need to get back to the Bunker now.”
They both got in the car as Dean called Sam to tell him what happened. The drive back the Bunker was quiet as Dean kept thinking about what Ansley could be going through. If only he had stayed away like he originally planned then maybe none of this would have happened.
“Dean, you know there is nothing you could have done.” Hearing Castiel’s words made his jaw clenched as he swallowed down the anger desperate to escape his body.
“I could have stayed away from her. I could have never admitted that I’m drawn to her. That I want to be with her.” He glanced over to Castiel who was looking worried and upset.
“That would not have changed anything. The demon would have still come for her. Did the demon say anything?” Dean told him everything the demon had said gripping the steering wheel.
“She talked about Ansley having a daughter?” Dean nodded glancing over to see Castiel looking panicked.
“What is it, Cas?” His friend was concentrating as if going through files inside his head.
“There are few creatures that can time travel or see into the future. I think we need to contact Billie.” A cold chill went down Dean’s spine thinking about summoning her.
“Death? Really?” he asked as Castiel nodded as the hit the city line of Lebanon.
Once they were all in the Bunker, they gather all the ingredients to summon Death. Sam recited the incantation and threw a lit match into the bowl.
“Winchesters. You do know how much I hate be plucked out of my reading room.” Billie said standing in front of them dressed from head to toe in black.
“Hey Billie, you’re looking good. Being Death is really suiting you well.” Dean rambled as she glared at him.
“What do you want?” she asked sitting down at the large wooden table kicking her thigh-high boots on the table.
“We need to know if one of your Reapers has been passing information on to a demon named Lucy?” Castiel explained as Billie raised an eyebrow in curiosity.
“Yes, I had a Reaper who decided to make a few deals with Lucy on the side. I took care of him though. Why?” she asked narrowing her eyes specifically at Dean.
Dean looked to Castiel and then to Sam before sitting across from Billie. “Lucy has taken someone special to me and she is going to torture her. I need to know everything or anything to help me get her back.” Billie swung her feet off the table smirking at Dean as she turned facing him.
“Lucy has kidnapped Ansley Novak. Wow, the stones of that demon. I’m kind of impress.” Dean bit the inside of his cheeks to keep from growling.
“Will you help me?” He asked his voice straining.
Billie sat back thinking for a moment before answering. “Lucy is running hell from an abandoned hotel in Watertown, New York. I’m sure that is where she will have Ansley.” Billie stood up walking towards the Bunker door.
“Wait, I have another question for you?” Dean said as Billie slowly turned around.
She smirked, “You want to know about your daughter. Yes Dean, you and Ansley will one day have a daughter. She will grow up to become a strong hunter and vessel.”
Dean felt his heart drop, “Vessel?”
Billie nodded smiling. “Yes, a perfect vessel for Michael and unlike her father she will say yes in order to save the world. She will be feared and respected by many. Her first kill will be Lucy that is if you can save Ansley. Good luck.” With that Billie vanished as Dean felt as if her would be sick.
“Dean, are you okay?” Sam asked as Dean put his head in his hands.
A million thoughts were running through his mind but one stood out amount all of them. He looked up to his brother and best friend shaking his head adamantly. “There is no way in hell I am letting Michael anywhere near my daughter. It won’t happen, Sammy.”
Sam nodded walking around to his side placing a hand on his shoulder. “I know Dean, but right now we just need to focus on getting Ansley back. Come on, we need to get to New York.” Dean nodded trying to focus on Ansley, but everything Billie had told him cloud his mind.
The three of them made the twenty-one hours trip only stopping for food or to switch drivers. There was only one abandoned hotel just on the outskirts of Watertown that was boarded up and signs of condemnation posted all around it.
“This must be it.” Dean said driving past it slowly.
“Yes, it is heavily warded against angels.” Castiel stated.
Sam sighed as Dean drove down a few blocks parking the Impala. “I guess Sam and I will go first to clear the warding then you can come in.”
Castiel nodded as Sam look apprehensive about his plan. “We should wait, and gather more information before walking in there. We have no idea how she could have the place guarded or anything. I say we do a little digging and then come up with a safer plan.”
Dean shook his head, “No we go in there now. Kill any demons that get in our way and get Ansley out of there.”
Dean felt Castiel’s hand on his shoulder, “I think Sam is right especially if I cannot get in there. It is safer for Ansley if we have a well thought out plan.”
Dean let out a frustrated sigh as he started the car. “Fine.” He drove to the nearest motel.
Sam and Castiel had decided to go to the diner down the street from the motel for food. Dean wanted to stay back and look through the information that had found out on Lucy. Ten minutes after they had left, Dean’s phone rang.
“Yeah?” He answered then sat straight up hearing Lucy’s familiar voice.
“Hey there Winchester, I hear you are in my neck of the woods. Could I invite you over for some torturing and screaming?” She laughed at her own joke.
Her snarky tone irritated him, “Sure Lucy. I would love to come and drive my angel blade into your heart.”
She laughed as he stood up grabbing his keys thankful Sam and Castiel had decided to walk. Lucy’s cheerily tone fueled his anger. “Awe, your words hit me in all the right places. My door is open so come on over. We are overdue for a chat and I’m sure you’re curious about how Ansley is holding up.”
Dean’s heart broke when he heard Ansley’s whimpering, “Dean, don’t…“ was all he heard before Lucy was on the phone again.
“Tick-tock Winchester.” He heard the click and was out the door. For a moment he thought about getting Sam and Castiel but drove off knowing they would only try to talk him out of going. He had to get Ansley and if he could kill Lucy.
Dean was walking through the abandoned lobby of the hotel his angel blade tucked in his sleeve in case any demons came out from the shadows. It was quiet inside the hotel, a little too quiet for his liking as he made his way to a large banquet room.
“Mr. Winchester.” He whirled around dropping his blade and pointing it to a man who would tower over Sam even. “No need for that, Mr. Winchester. The Queen will see you now.” He said motioning towards a small hallway just on the side of the banquet room.
As Dean followed the demon to another small banquet room he saw Lucy sitting on embellished high back chair. She was surrounded by various demons and then Dean saw Ansley hearing a soft gasp escape his lips. She was kneeling off to the side of Lucy ripped down to her panties and bra. Ansley’s porcelain skin was marked all over with welts, cuts and bruises. Her head hung low with her black hair blocking her face completely. The longer he looked at her the angrier he was getting. Red, hot rage was running through his veins and he looked to the source of that rage sitting joyfully in her chair.
“I’m so glad you could join us, Dean. I truly wanted you here to see all that I have in store for your precious Ansley.” Lucy stood up taking off her black leather jacket revealing a black form fitting tank top.
“I’m going to kill you.” His voice was low, steady and threatening.
Lucy’s laughter fueled the fury bottling up inside him. “I know you won’t. You’ve never been able to kill the one who sits at the throne. Crowley, Lucifer, Asmodeus. None of them died at your hand and I won’t either.”
Lucy was standing beside Ansley and pulled her head up by her hair. Dean went to move but felt two demons grab a hold of his arms. “Sorry Dean, can’t have you ruining my fun. Have a set, relax for a while and enjoy the show.”
Dean was shoved down into a chair as the demons held him down. Blood streamed down Ansley’s face and her lip was bleeding dripping down her chin. He watched as Lucy smacked her across the face and hearing Ansley scream out reached down into a primal protectiveness Dean did not know he had. He growled and broke free from the demons holding him.
Luckily, he was prepared by having a second angel blade tucked in the side of his jacket. He stabbed the first demon easily as the second one flung him across the room. He got up a little shaky and had no time to think as demons were coming after him. A group of five to six demons took him down kicking, punching and even biting him to keep him on the ground.
After a couple of minutes his body was numb to it all and that is when an alarm went off. The sprinkler system started spraying water everywhere with the demons were burning and screaming. They all started to scatter as Dean saw Sam and Castiel running in. Castiel went up to Dean who was trying to get up to get to Ansley.
“An-Ansley. Go.” He choked out as his head spun.
“This isn’t over Winchesters! You all will die now.” Was the last thing her heard before passing out from all the pain he felt coming from his body.
Ansley woke up in the hospital with Castiel by her side. “Cas…” She said just above a whisper. Her throat felt like it was on fire and had gurgle sand.
“Ansley, I am so glad you are awake. I will go get Sam and your doctor.” Before she could say anything else he was out the door.
A few moments later, her doctor along with Castiel and Sam came into her room. After checking her from head to toe, the doctor said she could be released today but needed to take it easy for the next week to make sure none of her stitches came out. Once the doctor had left she looked up to Sam and Castiel worriedly.
“Where is Dean?” The two men looked at one another and then back at her. Sam sat on the side of her bed and she noticed the large bags under his eyes.
“The demons beat him severally. They had to do emergency surgery for internal bleeding.” Ansley felt the panic spread throughout her as Sam grabbed a hold of her hand. “He will pull through, but the main concern is the swelling on his brain. He is in a coma right now but the doctors are hopefully since the swelling is going down.”
Ansley felt tears running down her face as she whispered, “It’s all my fault.”
Sam shook his head. “You are not to blame for any of this. I know Dean better than anyone and he will pull through.”
Ansley nodded as she turned on her side facing away from them the heavy guilt on her chest pinning her to the bed. Ansley was released the next day and she went straight to Dean’s room never leaving his bedside for days. She hardly ate or drank anything just keeping constant vigil at his side. On the seventh day, there was a knock on the door as a man came walking in.    
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My Nerd Herd: @waywardbaby @waywardrose13 @carryonmywaywardcaptain @anotherwaywardsister @ladywinchester1967 @dwgrl1903 @akshi8278 @ericaprice2008 @mirandaaustin93 @spnbaby-67 @time-travel-bouqet @1967-essentialghoul @weirdoblogger69 @dean-winchesters-bacon @jensenyourdeanisshowing @destielhoneybee @-lovepeacenhope- @destiel745 @carribear31 @srsllydunnodoncare @whimsicalrobots @starstruckzonkoperatorbat
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waywardnerd67 · 6 years
The Believer & The Skeptic: Chap. 2 - A Believer’s Heart
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Summary: Ansley has a hard time dealing with the obvious pull she has towards Dean and he to her during their week together while she is working Vacation Bible School. They find out why they are drawn to one another causing Dean to lash out. Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Ansley Novak (OFC) Pairing: Dean x Ansley (OFC) - Eventually Warnings: Fluff/Angst Word Count: 2813 A/N: As always this is unbeta so all mistakes are mine. Likes, comments and reblogs are splendid and I will love you doubly for them! Enjoy!
Over the next two days Ansley had many visitors from her church family including many of her co-workers. When the last wave of visitors left Dean sat next to her, “Do church goers always do this for people who are in the hospital?” He asked. She nodded handing him a plate of brownies her middle school small group baked her. “Pretty much, at least at my church they do. If someone is sick, had a baby or just in need of some company. We circle around them to help out.” Dean bit into one of the brownies and groaned, “Mmm, these are good. Well at least there is one benefit of going to church.” Ansley sighed choosing not to comment on his remark. There was something about his lack of faith that affected her more than anyone else. Usually, she could shrug it off but with Dean her heart would sink to the pit of her stomach.
“So, what can I expect over this next week?” Dean asked kicking his feet up on her bed. “Well, we hold a different kind of VBS than traditional churches. We hold a sports camp for the kids. They have a morning and afternoon message then they split off into individual sports and that’s it.” Dean shrugged, “Doesn’t sound so bad or churchy. So, what sport are you helping with?” She smiled, “Baseball. I played softball throughout high school and college so I stuck with a sport I’m good at unless they needed me somewhere else. Last year, I helped with cheerleading which was an eye-opening experience.” She noticed Dean’s eyes looking over her smirking. “I could see you as a cheerleader.” She felt her cheeks flare up and she averted her eyes from his. “Sorry, but I was never a cheerleader. Trying to wrangle eight First Grader girls with pom-poms was enough for me.” Dean chuckled as his phone rang.
Ansley watched him as he got up answering it. “Yeah?” He listened for a while and she watched as his body tensed up. “Are you sure, Sam?” he asked then sighed, “Alright. Well get back here then and we will come up with a plan.” He listened a moment longer and then ended the call. He ran his hand through his short dirty blond hair as he turned to look at her. “Dean, what is it?” She asked knowing whatever the call was about was not good. “Sam and Cas went to the police station to look over the evidence from your attack.” She nodded as he stood near her bed. “They found sulfur on your clothes which means we’re dealing with a demon.” Ansley felt panic rising within her, “Demon?” Dean nodded as he looked at her and he sat down on her bed. “Hey, don’t worry we won’t let anything happen to you. Sam, Cas and I we have dealt with more demons than we can count. Everything will be okay.” He reassured her as he placed his hand on top of hers.
The moment they touched it felt like an electrical current running up her arm and they both flinched. Quickly withdrawing their hands, they looked up at one another wide eyed. Dean chuckled nervously, “Must be static build up, sorry.” She laughed apprehensively rubbing her hand. She knew he was trying to ease the awkwardness between them but she could not shake the feelings bubbling inside of her. She never felt attracted to anyone the way she was feeling towards Dean. She felt uneasy about it and wished she had her Bible to read through. “Hey Dean?” He looked over to her raising an eyebrow questioningly. “Do you think Sam or Castiel could get my Bible for me? It should have been in my bag the police officers took.” She watched as Dean got up and picked up her bag from the floor, “They brought it in with you from the ambulance.” She smiled as he handed it to her and she took out her Bible. She ran her fingers over the tan leather cover and sighed contently.
She looked up at Dean who was watching her curiously. “Do you want to see it? I promise it won’t catch fire or anything.” Dean chuckled as she held it out to him. He sat down as he took it from her. His fingers hesitantly flipped over the tabs her had marking each book of the Bible. He flipped it open and it naturally opened to her favorite verse which was highlighted, notes written next to it and special mementos in the crease of the binding. “I’ve never seen a Bible writing in and highlighted before. You did this?” She nodded smiling proudly, “My Pastor always says if your Bible isn’t falling apart then you’re not using it enough. That verse is my favorite and is what I like to call my life verse.” He tilted his head to one side. “How do you what verse it is open too?” He picked up the Bible so she could not see the words and she sat up a little straighter. “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” She recited as he looked up at her stunned as she laughed. “I have read that verse so many times throughout my life that my Bible always just naturally opens to it.” She explained as he nodded slowly handing it back to her.
When she was released from the hospital, Dean and Sam helped her get back to her apartment. Having Dean inside her home was oddly comforting to her even if he looked completely uncomfortable being there. Her apartment was modest and simple with pictures of her family and church friends all around. “Please, have a seat and make yourselves at home.” Ansley went into her room to set her things down and when she walked back out she could not help laughing. Dean, Sam and Castiel were all sitting on her couch as if they were three kids in a room filled with breakables. “Guys, you have to loosen up a little. Would you like something to drink? I have soda, juice or water.” Sam got up walking towards her kitchen. “Water is fine. I’ll help you.” Dean scoffed, “Don’t happen to have any whiskey or something…” he muttered. Ansley walked back out with Sam who was holding two water bottles. She set a glass tumbler in front of Dean as he looked up at her stunned. “What? I don’t have anything against drinking. Everything in moderation.” He smirked up at her as he finally relaxed taking a sip of the amber liquor.
“Ansley, Cas is going to stay here tonight and we will take shifts guarding you until we can get back to the Bunker.” She looked nervously up to the three of them biting her lip. “What is it?” Castiel asked concern filling his voice. “I don’t mind Castiel staying especially since he looks like my brother, however, Sam and Dean you two… I mean….” She did not want to sound rude telling the brothers they could not stay the night in her apartment. “Just say it, Ansley.” Sam said as she sighed. “I have never had the opposite sex stay the night. I have certain boundaries and one of them is that.” Dean leaned forward resting her arms on his knees. “Ansley, we’re not asking to sleep in the same bed with you. This is for your safety.” 
Ansley looked down at her hands resting in her lap. The fact she was even considering it was strange to her, but she knew in her heart she needs to stand her ground. “I’m sorry. I know you all think that it is ridiculous but I must insist on it.” Dean let out a frustrated sigh as Sam looked over to him. “Wouldn’t be the first time we stayed in the Impala outside someone’s home to protect them.” Ansley chuckled as Sam smiled softly, “Occupational perk.” He joked as Dean downed the rest of his drink. “Well, let’s get going Sam. We have research to do. Cas, if anything happens call us.” Dean and Sam both got up as Ansley followed them to the door. Dean walked out without so much a word or glance towards Ansley as Sam just gently squeezed her shoulder following his brother out.
As she closed her door she sighed leaning against it. As she walked back in she curled up in her favorite chair as Castiel stared at her inquiringly. “Ansley, may I ask you a question?” She nodded looking over to him still unnerved that he looked just like her brother. “What are you feeling right now?” She gave him an unsure look as she thought for a moment. “I’m feeling frustrated, disappointed and confused. Why?” Castiel stood up squinted his eyes as he began to chant in a language she did not recognize. Suddenly, a man appeared completely naked and hugging Castiel. “What the heck?!” she yelled out as Castiel grimaced. The man put him down as Ansley tried to look anywhere but at the man standing naked in her living room. “Castiel! It’s been so long since I last saw you.” Castiel sighed, “Cupid, what are you doing here?” Ansley looked to Castiel in disbelief, “Cupid?” He nodded to her as the man smiled proudly.
“I’m fulfilling my orders. Even if Heaven is a mess right now God left us a long list of people who must be together.” Ansley and Castiel looked at one another and stepped back from each other. “You do not mean…” Cupid shook his head adamantly, “No sillies. That would be awkward. Ansley and Dean are important soulmates. A top priority that they get together quite like John and Mary Winchester.” Ansley felt her mouth gap open slightly as Castiel asked, “Are you sure? Why is it so important for them to be together?” Cupid smiled as he walked around her living room. “The Winchester lineage has to continue and the fate of the world we rest in Ansley and Dean’s offspring specifically. From them great warriors will be born to fight against evil and fight for Heaven.” Ansley felt like the room was spinning and she put her hands in her head. “I think… I think I need to go lie down.” She mumbled as Castiel helped her to her room. As soon as she laid down and closed her eyes flashed of Dean flew by. His gorgeous face, strong arms, and the overwhelming feeling of comfort she felt.
Ansley woke up hearing loud voices from her living room. She got out of bed standing near her door listening. “What the hell does that mean?” Dean yelled as someone shushed him, “Dean keep your voice down. Ansley is still sleeping.” She heard him groan loudly. “Dean, I know this is all strange for you…” Dean scoffed, “Strange? Downright unbelievable and never going to happen is more like it. Soulmates, Cas? Really?” Ansley did not understand why hearing Dean reject the crazy notion of them belonging together made her so upset. Tears were blurring her vision and she felt as if her heart was breaking. Ansley walked out as all three of them looked over to her. She kept her head down quickly making her way to the kitchen for a glass of water. She gripped the edge of her counter willing her emotions to calm down. “Ansley?” She turned around seeing Castiel standing there his eyes fill with concern. “I’m fine. I just needed some water and then I will you all to finish your conversation.” She filled a glass with tap water and as she made her way towards Castiel he stopped her. “This conversation involves you as well.” She slipped past him shaking her head. As she walked past Sam and Dean to her room shutting the door.
The next day was the first day of VBS and she woke up early to make sure she could get there before anyone else. She walked out to her living room seeing it empty and breathed a sigh of relief. She looked out her window and down to the street below seeing the Winchesters’ car. She sighed making her way to the kitchen. Making a small breakfast and drinking some juice she grabbed her devotional book to help her focus on what was important for today. Her mind being flooded with feelings for a man was odd for her and she did not like it. She was in the middle of reading when her front door opened. “Ansley?” Hearing his husky voice sent shivers down her body. “In the kitchen.” She called out and Dean appeared in the doorway leaning against it. She glanced up at him wearing jeans and a plaid shirt without a jacket. “Good morning, Dean. Would you like some coffee?” She said as he nodded sitting down.
She got up starting her coffee maker and then resumed reading her devotional book. The tension between them was thick enough to cut with a knife. Dean helped himself when the coffee was done and she felt him glancing over her shoulder. “Whatcha reading?” She held up her book so he could read the cover and then set it back down. “Oh. Religious stuff. Is that all you read?” Ansley sighed closing the book knowing she would not be able to concentrate with him here. “No, I read other books. It is a devotional book which helps me to refocus my thoughts. I’m slightly distracted and I need to be focus this week.” 
She watched as Dean smirked which made her suddenly angry at him. It was infuriating how one man could make her feel so much. “I’m going to go get ready.” She said suddenly getting up and taking her things to her room. An hour later, she came out of her room dressed and ready to leave. She pulled her long black hair into a messy bun and was slipping on her shoes when she noticed Dean staring at her. “What?” she asked as he looked away. “Nothing, just seem normal now.” She rolled her eyes, “I am normal Dean. I’m a normal woman, with normal thoughts and likes. I just happen to have faith and love God as well. Can we go?” He pursed his lips nodding.
The week past by in a blur. Dean had come to church with her every day during VBS. He would stand off to the side wherever she went and on the last day a few of her middle school girls who volunteered went up to him hugging him. “Thank you, Dean for protecting Ansley. She is our favorite leader and we are praying for you both.” He awkwardly hugged them back smiling down at them. “You’re, uh welcome.” He said as his cheeks turned pink. “Come on girls.” Ansley called out as she smiled up at Dean. They never spoke of what Cupid had told Castiel about them and their future. Dean spending the week with at church had provided many great talks between them about religion, faith and morals.
Friday after VBS, Ansley had a meeting with her Pastor about taking time off. “How are doing Ansley?” he asked as they sat down. “I’m healing well. However, there is still some danger with the person being out there still.” Her Pastor nodded as she explained taking a leave of absence until the person was brought in. “I have some extended family in Kansas that I would like to stay with until the person is caught.” He handed her some tissues as she wiped away tears falling down her cheeks. To leave her church family and her small group was devastating for her. Everything she had known was in this small town and now she was having to leave it behind. 
“I think that is a good idea. Where in Kansas?” She sniffled, “Lebanon, Kansas.” She whispered. “I will reach out and suggest some churches for you to consider. Remember God has a plan for you and even if it seems dark now it will turn out to be for your best interest. Connect within a church while you’re out there and take your time to heal emotionally through God’s word. He’ll guide you down the right path. We will find someone temporary for you here and take all the time you need off.” Ansley smiled taking a deep breath and nodding. They ended their meeting with a prayer and Ansley met Dean outside in the parking lot. “Everything okay?” He asked as she noted his concern look. She nodded as she got into his Impala wiping her face one last time as he got in and pulled away from the only life she had ever known.          
My Nerd Herd: @waywardbaby @waywardrose13 @carryonmywaywardcaptain @akshi8278 @ladywinchester1967 @ericaprice2008 @mirandaaustin93 @spnbaby-67 @dwgrl1903 @time-travel-bouqet @1967-essentialghoul @weirdoblogger69
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waywardnerd67 · 6 years
The Believer & The Skeptic: Chap. 3 - The Skeptic’s Denial
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Summary: As Ansley is settling in at the Bunker Dean decides it is best he try to drive her away from the idea of being with him in any kind of way. After finding out she overheard a conversation he had with Sam, Ansley’s response causes Dean and Castiel to have a heart to heart about his true feelings. Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Ansley Novak (OFC) Pairing: Dean x Ansley (OFC) - Eventually Warnings: Angst/Fluff Word Count: 3114 A/N: You will notice at the end of this chapter a reference to a YA book that has also been referenced in SPN. Yes, I did buy and read this series of books. Yes, I did see all the movies. No, I will not apologize for liking them because I think reading of any kind should be celebrated. As always this is unbeta so all mistakes are mine. Likes, comments and reblogs are splendid and I will love you doubly for them! Enjoy!
Dean, Sam, Castiel and Ansley piled into the Impala leaving Pontiac in the rearview mirror. After several hours of driving, Dean decided he needed a break stopping in the small town of St. Joseph Missouri. They pulled into a diner open all day and night for some food. As soon as they were seated the waitress in her low-cut shirt and chest falling out started flirting with him. Happy for the distraction of everything that had happened over the past week he threw out some of his best lines. He noticed out of the corner of his eye Ansley rolling her eyes.
“Hot damn…” He muttered watching their waitress walk away her ass swaying side to side in her tight black pants. Dean noticed Castiel looking over to Ansley sympathetically and the narrowed his eyes at him. Dean shrugged not understanding why Ansley being upset was his fault.
When their waitress return passing out all their food she leaned down whispering in Dean’s ear. “I have a fifteen minute break now. Think you could help me relax a little?”
Dean’s eyed went wide for a moment and she walked away. Anxiously, he waited a couple minutes and excused himself saying he needed to use the restroom. As he walked back, the waitress pulled him into the woman’s restroom.
“Hi sweetheart.” He said as she pawed at his shirt.
She pressed her body against him as she moaned against his lips. She smelled like French fries and fruity perfume. Dean pushed her up onto the counter top as she wrapped her legs around his waist. His hand went up into her blonde hair as his lips trailed down her neck. She giggled and then a small gasp left her lips as the door opened. Dean turned to see a stunned Ansley standing there.
“Do you mind?” the waitress said as Ansley’s cheeks turned bright red and she immediately left the restroom. Dean tried to shake her look out of his head but was unsuccessful.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I have to go check on my friend.” He said quickly kissing her cheek and leaving the restroom. He faintly heard her call him a jerk and saw Castiel outside talking to Ansley by the Impala.
“What the hell happened?” Sam asked as Dean sat down next to him.
“Ansley, may have seen me with the waitress.” Dean watched as Sam rolled his eyes and then handed him a napkin.
“I can see the evidence all over your face. You know you could be a little more respectful and not hit on women in front of her.” Sam said as Dean wiped off the bright red lipstick from his face.
He scoffed, “Why does she care? It’s not like we’re in a relationship or anything. Just because some dick Cupid says were ‘meant to be’ doesn’t make it so Sammy. I make my own decisions for my life and there’s in no way in hell I would ever be with some naïve Christian chick.” Dean saw Sam trying to motion for him to shut up.
Turning around he saw Ansley and Castiel standing there having heard what he said. Ansley walked back outside as Castiel gritted his teeth, glaring at Dean and then following after her. Dean sighed as he put money for their meals and a large tip on the table.
“Crap.” He muttered standing up as Sam stood up next to him.
“Good job pissing her off.” Said Sam as Dean watched as Ansley slammed the back door after getting in and Castiel getting in next to her.
After a few hours, Dean finally pulled into the Bunker garage. “Home sweet home.” He said as he looked back at Castiel and Ansley.
She was sleeping against his shoulder peacefully and Dean felt his heart beat increase. Castiel woke her up and she rubbed her eyes sleepily.
Sam grabbed her bags carrying them to a room down the hall from his, “You can stay in this room. Anything you may need just let us know.”
Dean stood next to Sam as she sat on the bed. “I just want to be alone for now, thank you.” She said laying down as Sam closed her door. Shaking his head at Dean, he went into his own room as Dean huffed taking his things to his own room.
Castiel knocking before entering Dean’s room. “Dean, could we talk?”
Dean sighed as he started unpacking his bag. “Is this about Ansley?” He glanced over seeing Castiel nodded. “Then no, we can’t. I’m not talking about this anymore Cas and I’m not going to stop being me because it makes her uncomfortable.”
Castiel walked to the other side of his bed across from him. “Dean, this is more than just being soulmates. You can feel the natural pull towards her. You want to be with her as she does with you. You are drawn to one another even without Cupid’s help. What happens to the both of you if you ignore this?”
Dean threw his shirt down on the bed frustrated. “I don’t know Cas. We both probably end up miserable like every other person on this god forsaken earth. Despise the obvious differences of why we would not work out, it is weird that she is your vessel’s sister which makes her kind of like your sister. She looks just like you and it is weird for me to even think of her that way.”
Castiel sighed, “I know you like making your own future but sometimes it is best to let fate have her way. You could both die of broken hearts did you know that?”
Dean looked up at Castiel shaking his head. “Really?” He nodded as Dean sat down on his bed, “It’s better for her to die of a broken heart than to be with me and die because she can be used by monsters to get to me. At least if I die from a broken heart then so be it. There are worse ways to die, but I will not put her in harm’s way.”
Dean shifted himself on his bed so he could look over to Castiel who was staring at him frustrated. “So, you’re just being stubborn and ignoring what your heart wants.”
Dean nodded as he chuckled, “That is what I do best, Cas. Now can I finish unpacking in peace?” He asked looking up as Castiel threw his hands up and walked out of his room without another word. Dean walked over slamming his door shut irritated with the whole situation. He threw his duffle on the floor and laid down on his bed with a huff.
For the next few weeks, things around the Bunker were stressful. None of them could find a lead on the demon after Ansley. Any demon they would interrogate would not say anything resulting in Dean using the Demon Blade on them. Dean felt his fuse getting shorter and shorter with each passing day. On top of that, he made it a point to avoid Ansley at all costs. He would not speak to her unless she asked him something first. He knew he was being a dick to her even though she was being incredibly nice to him.
He kept telling himself that it was for the better to push her away even if it was getting harder to do as she kept persisting to be nice. After another dead-end lead, Dean and Sam walked into the Bunker with a delicious smell flooding the Bunker.
“Hi guys, I thought I would cook us some dinner and I made dessert as well.” Dean looked at the table filled with baked chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, gravy and not one pie but two.
“Sammy, this is what Heaven looks like.” Dean whispered as Sam chuckled at him.
After the guys washed up they sat down to eat with Ansley. Dean was about to dig in when Sam elbowed him in the rib. “What?” he hissed as Sam nodded over to Ansley.
She had her chin pressed to her chest with her eyes closed and her long raven hair curtaining around her face. Her hands were folded in her lap as she quietly prayed. Dean looked to see Sam bowing his head as well and scoffed, “Just because she is praying doesn’t mean we have too. I’m starving now so I’m digging in.”
Dean started to scoop food onto his plate as Sam rolled his eyes. “Sam, it’s okay. I’m used to people not waiting for me to pray. I’m totally okay if you two started eating while I’m praying for our food.” She said as she began to grab food herself.
They ate mostly in silence except for Dean’s appreciative moans and praises for her cooking. When everyone was done, Ansley started to clear the dishes but Sam stopped her.
“Ansley, we’ll clean up. You cooked so we’ll clean.” She smiled brightly up to Sam and nodded walking over to her normal reading chair.
Dean followed Sam into the kitchen both carrying dishes. “It was nice of Ansley to cook for us, don’t you think?” Sam asked him as he set the dishes in the sink.
“Yeah, I guess. Her pie was amazing!” He sighed thinking of the two pieces of cherry pie he had.
“Yes, it was amazing. Maybe now you can stop being a complete jerk to her and get to know her. She is incredibly smart and witty.” Sam handed him a dish to dry.
“Jeez, not you too. Look, it’s like I told Cas it’s better for me to stay away from her. Bad enough she is being dragged into this life by some punk-ass demon but to get involved with me would be worse. Better to just show her my true colors so she goes running to the hills from me.” Sam stopped washing was a moment.
“Yes, because that is obviously working since you’ve been a dick the whole time she has been here and we came home to a homecooked meal and pie. Great job, genius.” Sam snapped at him.
Dean turned towards Sam leaning against the counter. “Look the sooner we get her out of here the better. She can go back to trying to save people through the power of Jesus and I can go back to drinking and hooking up with gorgeous chicks just like life is supposed to be. Traveling in Baby, hunting monster and happy endings.” Dean clicked his tongue smirking as Sam sighed annoyed.
“You’re ridiculous. Here,” Sam handed him a dish as Dean shrugged starting to hum to himself.
The guys were sitting in the library trying to find any connections to Ansley and why demons would be after her. “I wonder if we are looking at this from the wrong angle.” Sam commented as Dean looked up at him.
“Meaning?” Dean asked.
Sam closed his laptop leaning his elbows on the wooden table. “What if it’s not just Ansley but you and Ansley that they demon wants to take out?”
Dean looked up at him confused, “What do you mean?”
Sam looked through his notepad that he always took notes in. “Cupid said that your and Ansley’s children would be great warriors, born to fight against evil and fight for Heaven. What if that is why they are trying to take out Ansley to prevent you two getting together?”
Dean snickered as he closed the book he was looking in. “Then the demon and I are on the same page for once. Why would some random demon care about making sure we never have kids?”
Sam shrugged, “I don’t but it’s the best lead we have. I’m going to see what Ansley thinks about this.” Sam got up as Dean kicked his feet up on the table and not to long after he heard Sam yell out, “Dean! Ansley is gone.” Dean looked over to Sam who was holding a note from her.
“Sam, I can see I am a burden here. I am going to go back home where I belong. Even if my life is in danger I trust in God to protect me when I need it. I also trust that if it is my time to go then so be it. Thank you for being there for me and I truly enjoyed getting to know you. -Ansley.” Sam read her note out loud looking up at Dean.
His body filled with panic as he pulled out his phone. “Cas, hey Ansley has left the Bunker. I’m going to start making my way toward Pontiac could you meet me there?” Dean said.
He heard Castiel sighed, “Yes, of course.”
Dean heard Castiel end the call and started towards his room with Sam following him. “You stay here and find out everything on Ansley Novak. Go back in the Novak family as far back as you can and see if anything connects to all of this. I will let you know once I get to Pontiac.”
Sam nodded, “Be careful and watch your back.” Dean nodded as they split off Sam heading to the library and Dean to the garage.
When Dean arrived at Ansley apartment building Castiel was waiting outside for him leaning against his truck. “Hello Dean.” He said.
Dean walked up to him, “Have you been waiting long?”
Castiel shook his head as he stopped Dean from going inside. “We need to talk alone before we go up there.”
Dean raised his eyebrow questioningly, “We can talk after we take Ansley back to the Bunker. Now come on.” Castiel stopped him again standing toe to toe with Dean.
“What the hell is going on Cas?” He asked as Castiel started walking towards a little restaurant next to Ansley’s apartment building. Dean sighed following him inside and they were seated at a table. Dean ordered some food and a beer as Castiel waited for the waiter to leave before speaking.
“I talked with Ansley before you arrived. Asked her why she left so suddenly and she had the most interesting answers.” His sarcastic tone annoyed him.
Dean rolled his eyes as he took a long drink of his beer. “And? What was her reasonings for leaving?” He asked looking over to Castiel seeing the angel’s eyes filled with fury. For a moment, Dean was afraid of his friend and what he might do.
Castiel took a deep breath, “You. She could not take you hating her anymore. She tried to put into practice what she had learned in Sunday School and through her entire walk of faith that if you’re being persecuted that you love your persecutor. She tried being nice and pulling her part around the Bunker. Doing your laundry, cooking and never once asked for gratitude from you. She did it out of the kindness of her heart while you, what did she quote you saying, ‘the sooner you get her out of there the better’.”
Dean looked down at the table, shame bubbling up inside of him. He had not meant for her to hear him say that. Their waiter brought Dean’s food over and he stared down at his burger for a moment, “I didn’t intentionally hurt her and you know that Cas.”
He heard Castiel sigh and looked up seeing him nod. “I do know that. I also know that you acting like this is out of character for you. I am your friend and I am here for you.”
Dean took a bite of his burger deciding if he wanted to tell him what had been on his mind for the last few weeks. He finished off his beer signaling the waiter to bring him another one.
“I felt connected to her from the moment I stepped into her hospital room. I thought maybe it was just because she was connected to you in a way and that makes her family in my eyes just like Claire.” He paused while the waiter dropped off another beer. “Whenever she is around all the anxiety, the worry, the constant ominous end of the world pain is gone and I feel like I could float away. Her happiness and joy is contagious. My heart races when I think about her and my stomach feels like it is doing somersaults when I see her.” A smile slowly spread across his lips thinking about her sitting in the library reading a book or her Bible. She would always drag her hair over one shoulders and twirl it while she read.
“I don’t understand. If you feel this way then why are you being so mean to her?” Castiel asked bewildered.
Dean ran his hand through his hair, “The thought of Ansley getting hurt or worse renders me useless. This sense of protectiveness I have for her is how I feel if Sam or you would get hurt. I would move heaven and earth to save her. Being with me, she is guaranteed to get taken by some evil son of bitch and used against me. I can’t… I won’t risk her life just so I can have a little happiness in mine. Not to mention, she deserves a normal life. A better life…” he mumbled the last part and Castiel put his hand on Dean’s shoulder.
His blue eyes were filled with sadness as he spoke, “After all this time, you still feel you are unworthy of happiness and goodness.” Dean pursed his lips into a thin line biting back the words that wanted to flow out of him. “Dean, all you have done for this world and all that you have sacrificed. You and Sam both deserve to be happy and you both have goodness within you. You know what else I think?”
Dean shrugged leaning back in his seat as Castiel continued, “That you are not the only one who has an opinion on this whole situation. Before you make decisions affecting both of you maybe you should talk with her first to see what she thinks.”
Dean smirked at Castiel letting out a chuckle, “Since when do you know anything about relationships?”
Castiel tilted his head slightly as Dean finished his burger. “I have been listening to books on my phone while driving. Some of them have been about relationships like I just listened to Twilight and it is similar to you and Ansley’s situation.”
Dean coughed slightly choking on his last bite and took a drink of his beer. “You’re listening to Twilight?” Dean asked a little disgusted at the thought of sparkly vampires.
Castiel nodded, “Yes, it has been extremely interesting.” Dean nodded snickering as the waiter brought over their bill.
My Nerd Herd: @waywardbaby @waywardrose13 @carryonmywaywardcaptain @anotherwaywardsister @ladywinchester1967 @dwgrl1903 @akshi8278 @ericaprice2008 @mirandaaustin93 @spnbaby-67 @time-travel-bouqet @1967-essentialghoul @weirdoblogger69 @dean-winchesters-bacon @jensenyourdeanisshowing @destielhoneybee @-lovepeacenhope- @destiel745 @carribear31
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waywardnerd67 · 6 years
The Believer & The Skeptic: Chap. 1 - Shaken Faith
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Summary: As Ansley Novak is walking home from church she is attacked and left for dead in an alley. She starts to pray and is answered by someone she believed to be dead. Ansley finds out the truth about her brother Jimmy finally. Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel and Ansley Novak (OFC) Pairing: Dean x Ansley (OFC) - Eventually Warnings: Fluff Word Count: 2089 A/N: Here we go! We’ve never heard about Jimmy’s family outside of Amelia and Claire which made me curious to explore this. Since I like writing soulmate fics I thought how would it be for Cas’s vessel’s little sister to be the soulmate to Dean. Presto! The Believer and The Skeptic is born! I hope you all enjoy it. As always this is unbeta so all mistakes are mine. Likes, comments and reblogs are splendid and I will love you doubly for them! Enjoy!
Ansley Novak waited for her computer to shut down before getting up from her desk. She looked around the office of First Christian Church making sure everything was ready for tomorrow morning. Once her computer was powered down she grabbed her bag and locked the doors as she left for the evening. Ansley had not meant to work so late but she knew Pastor Stephen would appreciate having everything done in the morning. Since she lived only a few blocks away she usually walked especially during the summer enjoying the warm nights. Pontiac was a small town in Illinois and there were not a lot of traffic or people out pass eight o’clock. She was halfway home when she felt like someone was behind her. She glanced over her shoulder and saw no one. She stopped for a moment taking a deep breath and then continued to walk.
Suddenly, she was hit from behind falling to the ground harshly. Ansley tried to get back up but whoever was behind her hit on her back and she let out a scream. “HELP ME!” She heard the person attacking her growl, “Shut your dumb mouth or I’ll make this even worse for you.” The person kicked her repeatedly in the stomach and Ansley curled into a tight ball. “Lord, please send me help. Please anyone… I need help. I’m going to die. Please…” She chanted in her mind as the person rolled her over onto her back. Ansley could only make out a dark color hoodie and a petite frame gasping as she realized it was a woman attacking her. “Please, stop…” she muttered as the woman hovered over her. “My goodness you’re pathetic.” She spat at her Ansley watched as her foot came across her head connecting with a resounding crack and everything went black.
“Cas, would you bring me a beer on your way through?” Dean Winchester called out as he heard his best friend groan from the kitchen. Dean chuckled as his brother, Sam, shook his head disapproving, “What?” Dean asked shrugging as Castiel walked into the Men of Letter’s library and Dean heard the breaking of glass. He and Sam snapped their heads up seeing Castiel grasping his head. “What is it, Cas?” Sam asked as they both rushed over to him. “I… I need to go now.” Castiel stated as he rushed towards the Bunker’s door. “Hold up, now just wait a minute Cas. What is going on?” Dean asked grabbing Castiel’s shoulder. The angel’s expression was worried as he sighed, “My vessel, Jimmy, has a little sister and I just overheard on angel radio that she was attacked. She is currently at St. James Medical Center in critical condition. For some reason, this has the angels worried so I need to go and check on her.” Dean nodded as he looked to Sam having a silent conversation. “Okay then. We’ll go with you then.” Castiel looked from Dean to Sam and nodded.
The three of them made the nine and half hours’ drive to Pontiac. Dean kept an eye on his friend from the rearview mirror. Castiel continually checked angel radio for any updates and then would look out the window concern a permanent fixture on his face. By the time they got to the hospital it was six in the morning and Dean was exhausted. “Cas, you go in and see how she is doing. Sam and I will find a motel nearby and get a few hours of shut eye and then check in with you. Okay?” Castiel nodded getting out of the car. Dean found a motel not too far from the hospital getting a room for a few nights. “Did you know Cas’s vessel had a sister?” Sam asked as they walked inside the room. Dean shook his head, “No, I actually never thought about Jimmy having any family except for Amelia and Claire. Do you think we should call Claire?” Sam shrugged as they both flopped down onto their beds. “I really don’t know what to do about this. Not exactly in our wheel house or anything.” Dean chuckled and soon after they both drifted to sleep.
Around lunch time, Dean and Sam made their way back to the hospital. As they were walking up they spotted Castiel sitting outside. “Is everything okay?” Sam asked as Castiel nodded, “Ansley will be okay. She is sleeping currently. I did not want to distress her by seeing Jimmy’s face. I do not know how much she knows about Jimmy and his death.” Sam nodded as Dean sat down on the bench with Castiel. “Good idea, Cas.” Castiel sighed as he stood up, “I’m hoping with you two there that maybe she will be more understanding.” Dean shrugged leaning back kicking his feet out. “Well then, let’s go up there so we can talk to her when she wakes up. The three of them went up to the floor Ansley was on and waited outside her room for her to wake up. When she did, Dean and Sam went in after her doctor said it was okay.
Ansley’s head was pounding as she slowly opened her eyes. Her doctor came in checking her vitals and wounds. “You’re healing well, Miss Novak. In a couple of days, you we can release you, but we want to make sure the swelling on your brain stays down. There are some gentlemen outside that would like to visit with you. Are you feeling up to that?” Ansley sat up and nodded as her doctor left her room. She ran her fingers through her long black hair trying to get the knots out of it. When she heard the door open two incredibly tall and large men walked in. “Hi, Ansley, right?” She nodded as the taller and leaner of the two sat in the chair next to her bed. “My name is Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean.” He pointed to the man behind him. “We were wondering if you remember anything from your attack?” Sam asked as she rubbed her forehead.
“I don’t remember much. It was a woman wearing a dark hoodie and she came from behind me knocking me down. After that she just kept hitting and kicking me until she kicked me across the head.” Sam nodded, “Well we’re going to help find whoever did this to you. We have someone here to see you, but we need to ask you a few questions that may seem strange.” She looked over to Sam and slowly nodded. Dean walked towards the end of her bed. There was something about him that drew her attention towards him. Normally, she never noticed men unless they approached her, but Dean was different. He was attractive, strong and unlike every man to ever approach her. “What do you know about your brother, Jimmy’s disappearance?” His voice was husky and soothing as she instantly felt relaxed.
She shrugged, “It was over eight years ago. I know that everyone said he went crazy saying he was possessed by an angel. Amelia went crazy looking for him and then no one ever heard from her or my niece Claire again. I don’t know what really happened to him.” Dean looked uncomfortable as she talked about it making her curious, “Why? Does this have to do with whoever attacked me?” She heard the door open and gasped as her older brother walked into the room. “Jimmy?” she whispered as he looked down at her sadness in his deep blue eyes. “I’m sorry Ansley, but I am not your brother. My name is Castiel and I am an angel.” Her eyes went wide and she looked to Dean who was walking towards Jimmy. “Wait? You look just like Jimmy but you’re an angel? What is going on?” she asked hearing her heart monitor starting to beep quicker. “Ansley, calm down and we will explain everything to you. Then if you want us to leave we will.” Sam said as she looked over to Dean. She could not explain how seeing a man she just met could calm her instantly.
Ansley took a deep breath, “Okay, Castiel?” She asked as he nodded. “Tell me everything.” Sam got up so Castiel could sit next to her. She looked from Dean to the angel marveling at him. His dark chocolate brown hair was disheveled and he slouched more than Jimmy ever did. It was his eyes though, his big, bright blue eyes that reminded her of Jimmy the most. His eyes that shined with nothing but kindness and care for others. “In order for angels to come to earth we need a vessel, a human, to agree to allow us to enter them. Eight years ago, I came to earth looking for a devout believer to be my vessel and your brother agreed to allow me to do God’s work through him.” Ansley felt tears running down her cheeks as she smiled, “That sounds like Jimmy. His faith never faltered and that what was my inspiration for my own faith.” She looked up as Dean scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Yes, Jimmy’s faith was most inspirational.” His smile reminded her of Jimmy so much. “So, what happened to Jimmy?” Castiel’s eyes casted down and she knew instantly already confirming her suspicions.
“There was going to be an epic battle between the archangel Michael and Lucifer. Jimmy sacrificed himself in order to save the world. Now he is in heaven with Amelia who sacrificed herself to save Claire when an angel tried to kill her. Claire, is a wonderful young woman who is strong and independent.” Sam handed her a book of tissues as tears streamed down her cheeks. “Jimmy and Amelia are both gone now but why do you still look like him?” Castiel smiled softly, “God. He brought me back just like this and I like to think that is because Jimmy’s memories, his faith has helped me out of some dark moment in my life.” She chuckled as she wiped her eyes. “Castiel, why come now? If this all happened so long ago why not reach out sooner?” Castiel shrugged leaning back against his chair. “Angels can communicate on wavelengths like a ham radio or tv signals. We call it angel radio and I heard about you being attacked. For some reason, the angels were extremely concerned about your safety. I’m not sure why either.”
Ansley watched as Dean gripped the footboard at the end of her bed. “See, Sam and I, we’re hunters and we kill anything that goes bump in the night. We also protect people, like yourself and we’re thinking you probably need to be protected.” Dean’s olive eyes seeing the sincerity in them and nodded. “Okay, I believe you. I have about two weeks of vacation built up and I can use it starting next Saturday.” Dean stared at her for a moment, “Why next Saturday? Sweetheart, if the angels are worried about your safety then we need to get you to the safest place on earth asap.” Castiel nodded in agreement looking as Ansley looked over to him. “Dean is right. We should get you to the Bunker as soon as you are released.” Ansley shook her head. “I’m sorry, but I can’t. Starting Monday my church is having Vacation Bible School and I am not only a leader for it but I am also an employee of the church. I have to be there, but you all are welcome to come. I can tell my Pastor that you are there to protect me from my attack.”
Dean scoffed, “Lying? Isn’t that against your beliefs?” She smiled at him laughing softly. “Yes, lying is bad. However, I’m not lying because you are there to protect me. Just because I am not telling the entirety of the story does not make it lying.” Dean stared at her in astonishment. She looked back to Castiel who was smirking, “She has a point Dean. We will stay here and protect you during your church activities. This will give me time to see why the angels are so worried about you.” Ansley clapped her hands. “Then it’s settled. Don’t worry guys my church is laid back.” She said as Sam and Dean looked to each other with annoyed glances. “Great kids and bible thumpers, my two favorite things.” Dean said rolling his eyes as Ansley gave him a pointed look. She noticed Castiel looking from the two of them strangely.      
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