#dean is some flavor of aromantic
iamdancingmuffin · 2 years
Hey wait,who was it that use to run an aromatic dean account. I liked that blog ...wonder if I still follow them/are they still active
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corelliaxdreaming · 3 years
WIP Meme
RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I ended up with 121 on my list (*cries* and I left out some for various reasons), and can't even comprehend having that many friends. So consider yourself tagged if you see this and wanna do the thing. Also shameless tags for @maryellencarter @virusq and @nerfherdingteleporter who encouraged me to post. :)
The vast majority of these are Star Wars of various flavors, and those that aren't are marked. For those following along at home, "rowboat" is code for Wedge/Tycho and "lifejacket" is code for Wyl/Cal. Don't ask. :P Those marked with asterisks are actually finished but not posted. Some of these have been posted to comment_fic or here on Tumblr before, but shouldn't be on AO3, and I just couldn't bother to cross reference every sinle one. Feel free to send multiples if you like.
LOE Anniversary*
Placiosexual Jordan*
Rowboat Deepthroat Safewording*
Tycho Giant Dildo*
Hoth Kisses
PaigeTallie Cuddling
CamLon cancer
Not Alone
Until Then Gives Way to Now
Cal I Love You
SonogariNasi afterlife
Inquisitor Wyl
Ghost Cal reader insert
WylSonogari reincarnation
Rogue hangout
CalWyl sex
QPR wedding
Self Insert
Rogues Lost
Nonbinary Tycho 2
Contextless Rowboat HC Bullshit
My Episode VII
The Split au
Cal project # who even knows
Hard Days and Long Nights*
agender Yaz (gen:LOCK)
Aromantic Dean (Supernatural)
aspec Cammie (gen:LOCK)
Corran and Wedge switcheroo
Exhausted Wedge
Firestorm aftermath
Isard fucking with Tycho
Ace Ezio (Assassin's Creed)*
BD-1 project*
I want to go home*
In This Together*
Limb Loss*
Night before Endor*
Rebel Redheads*
Rowboat AU Ficlets
Rowboat AU Sentences*
Shara goodbye*
The Call 2*
TychoPash post trial*
TychoPash testimony*
Big Nope
The More You Love
Tycho Shoots Wes
Dirty Talk
Ace Cal discoery
Again (I know putting a note is cheating, but this is the most innocuous name for 8k of one of the darkest AUs I've ever written)
Bad Master Kestis AU
Cal overwhelmed
Lifejacket Snowboarding
Merrin reincarnationverse
Reasons for love
Welcome to the Fray
Blanket Cuddle*
Hair gel fic*
Tycho joins the OT4
WedgeHobbie confession
Wedge sick
TychoHobbie Distraction
Like Ships in the Night
Death Star II Apocalypse
Haruka and Cheriss (SW/Sailor Moon crossover)
Hand Me Down
Bleeding Out
post I Jedi
Angsty Public Sex
Tycho and Madine
Fantasy (cw: mpreg)
Alderaan Memories
Hobbie Overstimulation
Phanan and Hobbie
PacRim Triad (Pacific Rim au)
Arranged Marriage
Ghosts of Rogues Past
You Never Looked Like a Derek
FacePhanan reincarnation meeting
Accidentally Hurt by Friend (Hell Divers)
WedgeWes Kissek
WedgeWes Reunion
Winter pregnant
President husbands assassination attempt
The Pillow Project
Single Dad Tycho
Loved and Lost
He Can't Be Mine
First I Love You
FaceTon Sleep No More*
aspec Rey and Kylo*
Rogue Squadron letters to past selves
Wedge burning TIE icon commentfic
CorranTycho Corran death AU
Corran dies while Tycho watches
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okay so since there's no oc specified and I'm a hyperfixating lil bitch, I'm gonna gush about my tps characters! (and I'm gonna tag @roughentumble just bc)
Dean: my boy!!! my first trans main character so I'm always very excited but also wary about portraying him wrong, which is a good thing I think!
Derek: bit of a bad boy rich kid cliche but with some latent psychic abilities tossed in for some flavor
Marlene: ok milf alert, I actually designed her to be the perfect blend of hot mom and nerdy librarian and the result is so much fun
Rhiannon: never grew out of her weird little girl phase, likes to talk to birds, is very fun to write dialogue for bc it's either cryptic stuff or just weird shit
Florence: the definition of a wine aunt, she's a retired ballet dancer with a fondness for red wine, pomegranates, and just being very subtly chaotic
Cordelia: oh god Cordelia, one of the first characters I designed for tps she has a very special place in my heart, she's very mature and responsible but is also the comedian of the family, she contains multitudes
Lorelai: obsessed with all things romance, the color pink, and sex. also my first aromantic character! Cordelia's "twin" sister and designed to kinda be her opposite
Elysia: probably the most adventurous of the tps fam, likes to go on road trips and long car rides, room looks like a mini desert it's so full of cacti
Sabine: astrology queen!!! she's a bit of an introvert stereotype, loves her cats and her computer and everything about space, writes her own horoscopes, gray-ace/demisexual
Laila: absolutely enamored with everything purple, especially lighter pastel shades, dyes her hair all the time typically some shade of purple, always either listening to music or playing music or singing, lots of verbal/vocal stims
Billie: collects weapons especially knives, lives in black and gold, kinda mean but only if you deserve it, stud
send 🖊+an OC
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destielrose · 7 years
Dean Winchester is Asexual
Well, maybe not asexual. But I have this theory, and maybe there's something to it.
Dean seems to have different thresholds that apply to sexual enjoyment. At the first level, he enjoys deeply. Things enjoyed at level one have nothing to do with Dean and are far from being actual possibilities. Here lies porn about imaginary (hentai) or exotic (Asian beauties, lesbians) subjects, as well as brash (almost off-putting?) flirtation with people he doesn't connect to emotionally.
I think Dean reserves physical sex for this first, almost autochorrisexual level of intimacy. He keeps the physical so far from the emotional that he convinces himself that sex doesn't mean anything to him. That's where he likes it.
Dean's relationships with Charlie, Benny and Sam exist at a level one, but of complete emotional, rather than physical, intimacy. Dean can be incredibly emotionally open with Charlie because she is a lesbian and the option for physical intimacy has been removed. Same with Sam because of his familial tie, but Dean can't be as vulnerable with Sam because Sam is permanent, and also because Sam is Dean's child/job/purpose. You can't be an equal with your child, and you can't connect unreservedly with a job or a purpose. Dean connects deeply with Benny, and the connection may indeed have been sexual in purgatory, but that is because purgatory is pure: free from time, free from sentiment, and free of consequences. Dean's relationship to Cas is also purer and more visible here where there is no pretending and no tomorrow. But as soon as Dean leaves purgatory, he relegates Benny and Cas back to level one.
At level two, physicality and intimacy begin to blur, and Dean gets uncomfortable. He finds himself here when other things are blurry, too: when codependency has put him in situations he might have otherwise avoided (Lisa) or when he has been tricked or drugged (the male Siren, turducken!Dean, Regarding Dean, and Yellow Fever Dean, just to name a few).
I rewatched 6x01 recently and was surprised to realize that Dean didn't want to be with Lisa. He showed up on her doorstep because it was Sam's dying wish. In 5x23, Dean canonically says that he would rather die than go try and build a life with Lisa, but his duty wins out (as it most often does) over his desires. Dean tries to make a life with Lisa and Ben. He really does. But he cannot separate the physical and the emotional with Lisa. He is too raw, and Lisa is too much what he really wants. And because a combination of physical and emotional intimacy would make Dean even more vulnerable at a time when he is already at his most exposed, he opts for a more emotional relationship with Lisa, and the physical is almost familial in flavor. Sex with Lisa is closer to eating a pint of ice cream and crying than it is to wholistic intimacy.
When Dean has his barriers ripped away when tricked, drugged, or surprised, we glimpse aspects of him that he usually keeps covered. He blushes and stammers around Doctor Sexy, Aaron, and Yellow Fever's cute deputy. He connects freely with the male siren because he is A) in a strip club and B) positive that the siren is female, and so has no need to keep his guard up.
The only time we have seen Dean reach level three intimacy, where emotional and physical coexist, is with the angel Anna. And this situation is so ripe with meta that I almost can't go on. Anna is going to die tomorrow (a situation where Dean often offers to deepen intimacy), and so the emotional stakes have been removed. She reminds him of Cas, someone with whom Dean shares a very profound connection, but is also female and less frightening than Cas in that regard. She has red hair and so is neither his type (brunette, big eyes, quirky, smart) or the type he objectifies (blonde, ditsy, and reminiscent of his mom). Anna is safe to love physically because she is female and non-triggering and safe to love emotionally because she is soft, kind, and temporary. And so Dean gives himself over completely and their love scene is so tender, and so revealing of Dean, that I can't watch it.
Dean tries to come off as hyper-heterosexual, aromantic. It's what he tells himself he is. But he is much closer to homoromantic/panromantic demisexual. He is not aromantic at all. He is so romantic he has to put considerable energy into plugging all the romantic holes at all times so that his sappy underbelly won't show.
And this is why he has trouble with Cas. Why we see Dean open up before a crisis (when there might not be another day and so the emotional stakes are low) but shut down emotionally and physically at reunions. This is why tactile!Dean doesn't go in for the long hugs with Cas, even when he has just received his greatest wish and Cas has come back from the dead. It is why their true reunions take place off-screen or maybe just inside Dean's (and our) imagination. These scenes are so tender that they are completely private.
As Dean continues to mature and grow, as his identity solidifies and unifies, we will begin to see him inching closer to level three with Cas. But Dean needs some things from Cas first: he needs to know that Castiel will stop abandoning him, and he needs to know that Cas won't reject Dean's most vulnerable and hidden parts. I think the show is providing pathways for both.
And then Dean can have what he's always desired: true love and family, at the same time and in the same place, forever.
Isn't romance dreamy?
BTW? I haven't seen 13x09 yet!!! So I have no idea if it furthers my theory. I will go watch it right now and then come back to add post-episode two cents.
@esompthin @unforth-ninawaters @elizabethrobertajones @wincestielfttfwin @mittensmorgul @amwritingmeta @tinkdw
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