dearkaelsman · 5 months
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All is right in the world.
//Well, almost. We could still have that original dub cast of Gundam SEED, but my heart is SO full at official Dearka and Miriallia art.
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makicheeseroll · 9 years
Seriously I still don't get it. NOT ONCE did they show Dearka or Miriallia thinking or having flashbacks about each other. I want to rip my screen
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taisetsunabara-blog · 11 years
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The real reason behind why Dearka and Miriallia's relationship became unsuccessful in GS/D. Nah, just kidding  XD (still laughing so hard at this strip)
Disclaimer: Original Raw scans aren't mine
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tar-celebrian · 11 years
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An elite ZAFT Commander and a Captain stood near a car. The Commander had his back turned, apparently discussing with a small man, who seemed sympathetic. It was only within a few meters that Miriallia realized what was happening. She nearly tripped and thanked God that it was not the case. A few extra seconds. She had a few extra seconds to act as if nothing had happened, as if she had always known. "You will save the head of the young Commander who has been assigned to this challenging mission." The phrase turned over and over again in her mind. Miriallia could not think about something else. She heard again her own answer. "Poor man. I truly pity him." It was impossible. Why him? As in a dream she heard Captain Takamura stand guard and say in a loud voice:
- Commander Elthman. Here is the journalist from The Hawk.
Un commandant et un capitaine se tenaient près d'une voiture. Le commandant leur tournait le dos, visiblement en pleine discussion avec un homme plus petit que lui, à l'allure sympathique. Ce ne fut qu'à quelques mètres que Miriallia comprit ce qui lui arrivait. Elle faillit trébucher et remercia le ciel que ce ne fût pas le cas. Une poignée de secondes. Elle avait une poignée de secondes pour faire comme si de rien n'était, comme si elle l'avait toujours su. « Tu sauveras la tête du jeune commandant qui vient d'être affecté à cette difficile mission ». La phrase d'Emma tournait encore et encore dans son esprit. Miriallia n'arrivait pas à penser à autre chose. Elle entendait en écho sa propre réponse. « Pauvre homme. Je le plains sincèrement ». C'était impossible. Pourquoi lui ? Comme dans un rêve, elle entendit le capitaine Takamura se mettre au garde-à-vous, puis dire d'une voix forte :
- Commandant Elthman. Voici la journaliste de L'épervier.
Extrait de CE 75: Chroniques et monuments
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dearkaelsman · 4 years
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//*Casually incorporates fanart into assignments*
Re-coloured my favourite drawing thus far in Illustrator. It was a pain, but those lines are so clean and nice.
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dearkaelsman · 4 years
“So you’re my future groom? You’re not what I expected at all.”
"What - you thought I'd be scary or unusual?" Dearka Elsman raised an eyebrow, mischief dancing in his eyes and a smirk playing on his lips. "Isn't that what Naturals say about Coordinators?"
He set the book he was reading aside, standing to greet the woman who was to become his wife in a few months time as part of a pilot initiative to address both the growing fertility problem on the PLANTS with Coordinators, and animosity and discrimination between Coordinators and Naturals.
Dearka, a proud ZAFT soldier and veteran of both Bloody Valentine wars, had his doubts the initiative would work based on what he'd seen on the battlefield. However, as it was his own father's brainchild (thanks Dad), he'd been volunteered to be the very first to marry a Natural.
He wasn't thrilled, but he'd known for some time that if he ever wanted a family, he'd likely end up in an arranged marriage. How much different could one be to a Natural?
His looked over the woman before him, buttoning the top button of his grey blazer (his parents advised against wearing his uniform), before holding out his hand to shake hers.
"You're not what I expected either - you're cute, for a former Earth Alliance soldier."
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dearkaelsman · 4 years
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//I think I’m done with this? Pretty happy with it overall. Coordinators seem to take after their moms, so the baby looks more like Miriallia, but I think she’d develop more of a tan as she grew older, and definitely has Dearka’s eyes.
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dearkaelsman · 4 years
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//I’m here for domesticated Dad!Dearka.
My personal headcanon is any daughter of his would absolutely LOVE “Uncle Yzak” to pieces despite his gruff exterior.
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dearkaelsman · 4 years
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by  りとる | pixiv
Whisking away Mrs. Elsman ;)
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dearkaelsman · 4 years
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晶 | pixiv
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dearkaelsman · 4 years
I may be OK with a Gundam SEED movie coming out now despite my anti-re-dub stance IF and only IF DeaMiri becomes a thing again.
You can’t tell me that Miriallia doesn’t make Dearka a better person, he helps her get over Tolle, and it would be HUGE to have a Coordinator-Natural relationship in the show where a) the guy actually shows some interest in the girl he’s with (because Athrun shows like 0 interest in ANY of the girls after him). b) The relationship consists of a Natural who’s not related to a Coordinator, and is basically just Athrun settling for Fem!Kira because Kira hooks up with his former fiancee  c) We’ve seen Coordinators on Orb, but now lets see Naturals living on PLANT. d) Imagine Yzak dealing with Dearka having a girlfriend that’s a Natural and the shenanigans that would happen.
You know what, just make the whole movie a spinoff with Yzak and Dearka as the main characters and cameos of everyone else because they got ripped of in Destiny.
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dearkaelsman · 4 years
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by  りとる | pixiv
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dearkaelsman · 4 years
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by  りとる | pixiv
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dearkaelsman · 4 years
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by  りとる | pixiv
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dearkaelsman · 4 years
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by  りとる | pixiv
“You do know that’s my shirt, right?”
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dearkaelsman · 4 years
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by ラン | pixiv
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