#deaf logan
icarusredwings · 5 days
An average night with Wade Wilson is catching him awake at 2 in the morning making pudding while he vigorously mixes brownie batter.
"What are you doing? It's 2 in the morning!"
"Making pudding."
"Because I lost control of my life and they yell when I sleep"
"Who the fuck is they??"
"I cant tell you. Theyll get you."
"Whos gonna get me?"
"You don't wanna know!!"
and then the same man up at 6 am screaming Will Wood word for word at the top of his lungs while fully suited up and burning your eggs.
"🎶Take my tea with formaldehyde for my feminine side since the day that I died. While I whittle my bones until I'm brittle- Am I pretty now?
For some reason, I find myself lost in what you think of me and too confused to choose who I should be and now you've got me thinking-
I wish I could be a girl! And that way you'd wish I could be your girlfriend! Boyfriend, am I pretty enough to lie to?🎶"
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tokillamockingbird427 · 5 months
Feel like Hesh is the kinda guy to blare music in his headphones while he works (The overhead actual headphone type and not just earbuds) and he cannot hear shit when he's like that. He is LOCKED IN on that shit and going wherever his playlist takes him. Phone on DND and everything.
Logan will throw shit at him to get his attention but a majority of the time he leaves him alone until Hesh is done "Meditating"
Hesh has a tiny scar on his forehead from when Logan misjudged how hard he needed to throw a book and the corner caught him.
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duckyduckposting · 4 days
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Patton Hates Arguments (DarkSides Family AU)
Just thinking about young Patton. What if he hates when people argue and yell? Like it makes him cry. Just imagine that.
Patton enjoyers, you're about to hate me for this.
Trigger/Content Warning: yelling (I guess?), mention of vague past trauma, panic attack (descriptive), parental guilt (idk if this counts??)
Let's say Roman and Logan are visiting at like, Logan's house or something
Emile and Patton are still around middle school age, and Remy is still 17
So age order for the kids would go: Remy, Patton, Emile
Anyway, Logan and Roman butt heads often, so they sometimes argue and/or get in heated debates (they always calm down and apologize if needed afterwards tho)
So yeah, let's say Remy is playing a video game with Pat and Em
It's like, idk Minecraft or something that doesn't require sound to play good on
They're in the living room cause the kids wanted to chill on the couch
And yeah, they're chilling but they can hear the adults in the kitchen talking about whatever
Then it gets heated between the adults, and it escalates to drama and slight yelling
It's not exactly an argument, more like a heated debate, but the kids don't know that
And Em & Pat don't know the difference yet
Remy is kinda uncomfortable but puts his gaming headphones on so he can't hear it
And Emile is basically deaf so ze can't hear it either way and is just happily playing the game
But Patton CAN hear it
And it's loud and things are getting louder
He's just really scared because yelling usually means someone is gonna hurt someone else (in his mind, due to vague past trauma), and he hates when people get hurt
So now he's kinda shaky and he wants to cry
He tries to focus on the game and push his fear away so the others don't get worried
But poor preteen Pat is just so f*cking scared and as it gets more heated and louder, the fear turns into terror
And now Pat can't even play the game cause he's shaking so bad and he can't focus on whatever is in front of him
All he thinks is just it's too loud, so loud, anger anger anger, bad bad bad
At some point he drops his controller (they're playing on an Xbox or something), but he doesn't even notice it besides flinching at the thud it makes when it hits the ground
And it's like he's blind cause he can't see anything, so blurry, is he crying? When did he start crying?
He just balls up on the couch and tries to hide away from the loud
By this point, Remy and Emile notice the terrified Patton next to them, and are immediately concerned, and they paused their game so they can help out Pat and Remy takes off his headphones to assess the situation
Emile doesn't know what to do cause ze doesn't know what's happening to Pat and simply looks at Remy cause ze is so lost
Remy realizes that Pat is having a panic attack, and now he's clutching his ears to try to block out the noise, and his little hands are digging moons into his skin, and Jesus Pat it's gonna be okay, stop that, you'll hurt yourself
Remy is doing what he knows to help calm Pat down, like whisper encouragement and help him breathe again
Remy realizes the cause of it and looks at the adults in the kitchen, who are still very loud, and is just so PISSED cause Pat hates the yelling
Remy shows Emile how to just keep Pat safe, like he gestures to zem to just sit with zir brother and be near him in case he needs a hug, and Em understands and sits close to zir brother and just rubs his shoulder soothingly (which let's Pat know someone is there, which helps a little)
And now Remy is practically storming into the kitchen and the dads notice like "Remy, what's wrong? Why do you look so pissed??" and also "You okay, Toffee Bean?" and their previous debate/yelling gets halted as Remy their attention
And Remy is NOT having this bs because Pat is still panicking on the couch
And he refrains from raising his voice cause he doesn't wanna scare Pat
He's like "You two are being f*cking b*tches, that's what's wrong. You're scaring Patton, stop being loud."
Which, admittedly, neither parent knew how loud they got nor did they expect to hear Remy cussing them out
Some parental guilt enters the adults' veins, Roman knows yelling makes Remy uncomfy and he apologizes to his son, but Logan feels extra sh*tty cause Pat is his kid and he SCARED his kid and omg what has he done?
But then them three hear this horrible loud sob from the living room couch
And yep, that's Patton, and it breaks their hearts cause he's still panicking and Emile can only do so much
Roman is like "I really am sorry, my dearest toffee." and Remy just sighs like "I don't really care. All I care about right now is helping Patton feel better." cause yeah yelling makes him uncomfortable, but it gave Patton a literal panic attack
then they all go to the couch, Logan already being there as soon as he heard his son sob like that
and Emile looks very helpless but is leaning against zir brother and refusing to move away from him cause Pat is still very panicky
Roman kinda stands awkwardly to the side with Remy, he wants to help but Remy stops him like "He needs a little space." so they two just stand there in case they're needed
Logan is kneeling in front of his son and is collecting all the knowledge he knows to help Pat, but he admittedly doesn't know a whole lot
so he looks to his other kid then to the two drama queens standing by
he desperately needs help so he can help his son and he feels so useless and bad and guilty for not knowing what to do (it's his job to know, it's his son. why can't he just be a good parent? why did he let things escalate like this?? it's his fault) [not actually his fault per se, he didn't realize how scary the loudness was to Pat]
Roman helps out like "try to get him to breathe. remind him that he's safe and that you're there, and that it's okay." and Logan listens and does that and faces back to Pat
Logan is like "Buddy, it's okay. You're safe, I'm here. You're okay." and thank god Roman knows how to do this sh*t for whatever reason cause it helps a little bit
and Patton grips his ears slightly less, but he still hasn't really processed the lack of loud quite yet
and Logan realizes that
and so he's like "Hey, there's no more loud. All quiet now, I promise. You're safe." and he keeps talking in a soft voice to his son and the others try to remain as calm/quiet as possible to help Pat calm down
Pat isn't exactly there but he hears the words no more loud and that calms him down further
Logan grabs Pat's hands gently and takes them from his ears, rubbing soothing circles on his little knuckles
and now Pat can hear the quiet
and can hear Logan when he says "Time to breathe, okay? I need you to breathe with me."
Pat tries but it's really hard cause his lungs feel like they're shrinking
Remy mutters about a breathing exercise and Logan gives him this very thankful look
Remy is like "try breathing in for four, okay? in for four, hold for seven, out for eight. try that." (Roman gives his son a sympathetic look cause he still feels a little guilty about making Remy feel uncomfy but Remy ignores him for now, focusing on Patton)
Logan is like "Listen to Remy, buddy. Breathe in for four, okay?"
and yeah, Logan and Remy help Patton through a breathing exercise
and Emile still hasn't let go and is literally hugging one of Pat's arms as a way to comfort him (it's working)
and after getting him to breathe again and is shaking a lot less, Patton holds his arms out to Logan cause he just wants a hug
and Logan immediately embraces him, hugging/holding him tightly as a few of his own tears from his eyes
and Emile joins in the hug
Remy gives a sad smile and wakes away, no longer needing to help cause Pat is okay now
and Roman is a little worried cause Remy is doing this nervous stim he does (rubbing his arm) when he's bothered by something, so he follows him over to check on him
and Logan is stroking Patton's hair and mumbling apologies cause the way the yelling scared Patton is burned into his brain and it was so f*cking frightening/terrifying seeing his son like that
and Pat stumbles over his words cause his voice is still shaky from his attack, but he's like "Papa, I- I'm okay. I'm ok- ay." cause he hates how Logan is sad n stuff
and Emile doesn't know what's being said (daily reminder: ze is deaf), so ze just hugs Pat tighter and keeps an eye on zir brother and dad
Logan feels his heart squeeze cause Patton is calling him Papa and he just loves his kid so much (both of his kids are everything to him)
and yeah, Logan is like: "I love you so much, Patton. Okay? Always remember that. I didn't mean to scare you." and Patton is like "I know. You'd never want to hurt me." and that just brings all the love between this little family still half on the couch and half on the floor, hugging their hearts out
and yep, they three calm down and decide on watching a little movie for a bit, kinda forgetting about Roman and Remy for a moment
Speaking of which: Remy is rubbing his arm nervously and kinda pacing a little in the kitchen cause his thoughts are racing (he says yelling only makes him uncomfy 'a little bit' but in reality, it also scares him to some degree, though not as bad as Patton)
he's trying to push his discomfort away and absentmindedly starts scratching his arm through his jacket sleeve
he almost doesn't notice his dad walking in, wearing a worried look on his face at the sight of Remy's pacing
That is, until Roman takes his hand that's scratching his sleeve and looks up at him
He shifts nervously in his spot and looks away, still feeling a bit anxious, his mind telling him to stop being dramatic it's fine Patton has it worse don't be so emotional
Roman is like "Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry for upsetting you, dearest. I didn't mean to scare you or make you uncomfortable. Neither of us realized how loud we were being."
And then Remy looks at him with this scared and teary look, and immediately hugs Roman
Roman kisses the top of his head lightly and repeats encouraging words, brushing a hand through his hair and just holding him close
After a few moments of comfort, Remy feels better enough to separate from him and mumbles something about "Can we just go home? Please?"
And Roman nods, holding Remy's hand as a sign of reassurance that he's there
And then they mutter goodbyes to Logan and the kids, and they all wave goodbye
So yeah, Roman and Remy leave, picking up a tub of ice-cream for them to share and decide to have a movie night as well
They binge-watch a funny drama and eat ice cream, snuggling on the couch with fuzzy blanket and dressed in comfy pajamas
And now things are okay, cause though the parents slipped up, they made sure to remind their kids that they're loved (no matter the mistakes made)
And yus, now they all have a good sleep to recover from the emotional day
Took me forever cause I forgot about this one, but here it is! Let me know if ya want a taglist or something for this au.
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phantommermaidqueen · 2 years
Happy birthday to @gummy-goat-galaxy who is amazing and everybody should follow. Who also opened my eyes to this ship/ the concept if fembb
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Did a big oops and used a fineliner way too thick and was too stubborn to switch
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Winter Wonderland is Overrated
For the 2022 @sanderssidesgiftxchange this is my present to @artist-hope  
I hope you enjoy <3
Snow gently fell onto the ground, covering the ground in a white blanket. Except for the parts that were brown with dirt as cars drove by on the slushy roads, and the yellow area by the lamp post where people walked their dogs. 
“I’m gonna freeze to death.” 
“Hallmark movies got my hopes up,” Remus signed, pouting as he walked alongside his boyfriend. Having grown up in Florida, he hadn’t experienced snow before. So when Logan asked if he wanted to join him and his family for the holidays in Colorado, Remus jumped at the chance. Quality time with his hunky nerd, meeting his maybe future in-laws, AND getting to finally experience snow? Yes, please!
He had some regrets now.
“You should never trust movies,” Logan signed back, his shoulders shaking in a way that told Remus that he was chuckling. Or maybe he was as cold as Remus was. 
A smirk stretched on Logan’s lips and Remus knew for a fact that he was definitely laughing at him that time. 
“You laugh as I perish? Have I been dating a serial killer? I knew you were too hot to be true.” 
He grinned as his boyfriend shook his head in exasperation. “How could-” 
Gravity changed course in a blink of an eye and Remus felt his stomach flip. A hand grabbed hold of his arm, but it only slowed the sudden descent and changed course slightly.  
Snow was not as soft as it looked.
Remus gasped at the impact of the cold against his neck as he blinked up at the gray sky. It took him a solid minute, or maybe it was merely ten seconds, before he noticed Logan patting him down and trying to get his attention. “-okay?” He blinked again, looking at the other’s hands. “Are you okay?” Another blink before he nodded. Logan’s shoulders sagged but a frown rested on his lips. Remus wanted to kiss it away.
“Fuck snow,” he finally signed. “What is it even good for?” Logan shook his head at him, his lips moving as he did so. Probably talking to himself. His nerdy wolverine was pretty good about using his hands when he was actually talking to Remus. 
“You’re the one that wanted to go for a walk.” Remus stuck his tongue out at the fact. A snowflake fell on it and it just tasted like cold water. Yuck. “Let’s go home.” Yeah, that sounded good. With a huff, he tried to sit up. His puffy jacket made it difficult, so Logan grabbed hold of his hands and helped hoist him up. The snow that clung to his head from the landing slid down into the back of his collar. He yelped and jumped from the shock.
Fuck, that’s freezing! Now he understood fully why it was such a dick move in movies to put snow down someone’s shirt. He shivered and shimmied, trying to somehow get the snow out. But all it did was melt away and make him wet in a totally not fun way. He wiggled his hands free from his boyfriend’s grasp, whose brows were furrowed in concern, so that he could complain. “Fuck snow.” The furrow was gone, a sign that Logan deemed he was well enough. “Next year, your family can just come visit us. Or no visitors and instead we just have some hot and heavy-”
Logan grabbed his hands again, face red as holly berries. His glare made Remus giggle. It also made his blood heat up, but it seemed that was a fact he’d have to keep to himself since his hands were occupied. Since he couldn’t sign, he decided to go about the next best course of action.
The cold air had made Logan’s lips chapped, the texture rougher than it usually was when they kissed. It was kind of fun, getting the new experience. Like having their first kiss all over again. When it came to an end, Logan’s face was even more red and he let go of his hold in order to speak. “Your mustache is cold.” Remus snickered at that.
“Help me warm it up,” he suggested, wiggling his brows as he grinned. Logan shook his head but obliged all the same with his pretty red cheeks. Remus didn’t know if his mustache was actually getting warmer or not, but other parts of him were. That was, until a gust of wind blew by. Breaking the kiss, Remus threw his hands up in irritation before moving them quickly.  “No. Time to go. Go go go go go.” He began to stomp his feet, ready to return to the safety of indoor heating, when Logan grabbed his arm and pointed in a different direction. Wrong way, whoops.
He was pretty sure Logan was laughing at him again, but Remus was too cold to care. He shivered and huffed, wrapping his arms around himself. His nose felt runny. It was terrible. 
A sudden downpour of snow landed on their heads from a branch that grew too heavy. 
A hand grabbed his arm and tugged it free from his wrap, making him pout as he turned his head to glare at his nerd. Logan however, simply slid his hand down so that his gloved fingers could lace with his. The action made his insides feel all gooey. His pout turned into a grin, goofy and wide. He pressed in closer to the other and hummed happily.
Alright, he could concede that walking hand in hand in the snow was romantic at the very least. 
He took it back. Fuck snow.
Inside was better. So much better.
Why the hell would anyone want to go outside?
Remus wiggled in his dry pajamas and slipper socks, wrapping himself up in a soft, fuzzy blanket. He curled into Logan on the couch, seeking all the warmth he could. The vibrations of his boyfriend’s relatives moving and talking made for a lively beat. Though they didn’t compare to Logan’s lovely heartbeat. That was his favorite.
Well, second favorite. His favorite favorite was the vibrations of when Logan was co-
“You’re making that face,” was Logan’s answer.
A pinch on his arm halted that line of thought. Blinking, he turned to look at his boyfriend who was frowning at him. He grinned innocently but the other bought none of it, rolling his eyes behind those cute geeky glasses. They were a little steamed up still from coming in from the cold. Remus wanted to steam them up more.
Another pinch and he huffed. “What?” he signed.
“What face?” Logan grumbled something, the vibrations rumbling from his chest and into Remus’ side. 
“A face you shouldn’t make with everyone around.” Remus grinned maniacally. “Behave.”
“But you make me not want to.” He batted his eyes at the other, but Logan pushed at his face and he cackled. The air pressure changed and he blinked as Logan’s mother made her way over. Her lips moved, her vibrations softer from the distance. Logan’s hands moved after a moment of her speaking, translating for Remus what she was talking about.
“She wants to know how our walk was.” Ah a dilemma. Did Remus use total honesty, that Logan would or would not actually tell her he said, or be polite since this was his would-be mother-in-law? 
“It was an experience,” he decided and Logan translated. “It was my first time in snow.” 
“Did you have fun?” That was certainly a question. One that needed an answer. Future mom-in-law was not making it easy for him. 
“I’m frozen as fuck but your son is helping thaw me out.” She laughed at that, or whatever it was that Logan said instead if he didn’t actually translate, and patted his knee. 
“There’s cocoa in the kitchen if you want some.” He scrambled out of his blanket prison, feeling the laughter in the air as he did so, and hurried off towards the kitchen. 
A tap to his shoulder took his attention away from his drink, though it didn’t stop him from consuming it, and he turned his gaze back to Logan. “Better?” he asked and Remus nodded. He held the mug out for the other to try and grinned as he was met with a raised brow. Still, Logan obliged the silent offer, and took the mug from him. When Logan was done trying it, Remus began to laugh. 
A kettle on the stovetop awaited him, filled with boiled water that was ready to pour into a mug of powdery chocolate. The packets themselves were in their little box next to some clean mugs that had been brought down from the cupboards. He grabbed the one that had to have been Logan’s, it was space themed, and made himself a cup of the hot beverage. It helped warm his hands up nicely.
With a little skip in his step, he returned back to the couch and wiggled back into his place beside Logan while his boyfriend continued to chat with his mother. He blew into the cup to cool the drink down a little before taking a sip. A happy gurgle bubbled in the back of his throat and he took another sip. That’s the ticket, he thought, feeling himself get warmed up from the inside. Whoever invented cocoa was a genius. 
He would.
“We match!” he signed eagerly, before pointing at the other’s lips. The cocoa had given Logan a mustache of sorts and it was hilarious. Before his boyfriend could do anything about it, he leaned in and licked a portion of it off. The air moved with whatever sound Logan had made and Remus laughed again. He took off before his boyfriend could scold him for doing such a thing for all his family to see, sacrificing his precious cocoa to delay Logan from reacting quick enough.
It didn’t stop him nearly long enough and Logan was soon hot on his heels, better at maneuvering around his childhood home, and the relatives that filled it, than Remus was. Soon those surprisingly strong arms wrapped around his waist and lifted him up. He squealed at the action, kicking his legs and cackling as Logan dragged him off. The cackling died off when he realized they were heading for the door. He wouldn’t-
Remus gasped as the cold air hit him once more, now without the protective layers of his stupid puffy coat. “Sorry! Sorry!” he signed frantically, though he wasn’t sure if Logan could see. His feet dangled over the porch steps, where the threat of snow felt far too real. Then he was being moved to where the little swing rested on the far end. Logan released him right in front of it before turning him around and lightly pushing him to sit in it. The second his ass was on the cushion, Logan’s lips were on his. He sighed into it, relief filling him that his boyfriend was not about to be so cruel as to drop him into the snow.
He should have paid better attention though, because as they walked back to the door, Logan swiped some snow off the porch banister and pressed it against his neck. Remus shrieked while Logan dashed back inside.
When the kiss broke, Logan glared at him. “Behave.”
“No promises.” Remus grinned. Logan rolled his eyes and gestured for Remus to come back inside. He didn’t need to be told twice.
“So how was your trip to the in-laws?” Remus huffed at his brother’s question, giving a shrug. “Come on! Tell me!” 
“Fuck snow,” he responded, a phrase he had gotten familiar with during his stay. “The movies lie.” 
“Oh don’t be such a baby.” He glared at Roman and flipped him off. “Real mature.” He lifted up his other hand to give the same gesture. “Wooooooow.” 
“Seriously though, snow is the worst. I don’t see what the excitement is about. The only good thing is getting to cuddle with Logan and I don't need snow for that.”
“So I take it you won’t go next year?” Remus frowned and gave another shrug. 
“Well,” he signed, “I gotta keep up a good impression with the in-laws. And they have the fancy cocoa.”
“Fancy cocoa? Marry this boy.”
“If I’m lucky, he’ll put a ring on it.” Remus hummed thoughtfully. “But seriously, fuck snow.”
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reverse-moon · 2 years
Today is World Deaf Day, so I wanted to write. Thanks to @typically-untypical for helping me with the plot with no context.
Pairing: Intrulogical (Remus x Logan)
Context: Remus, for once, doesn't acknowledge Logan when he speaks. After a lot more work, they end up in a conversation where Remus explains something very surprising.
"Remus? You're up this early?" Logan asked, blinking at the creative side in what normally was his seat. Not that it bugged him- it was just shocking.
What was more shocking was Remus didn't respond. "Hello? Remus?"
No headphones... So he isn't listening to music. Strange.
Logan set his mug down on the table behind him, making a little bit more of a commotion than he liked. "Remus."
Still no response. Logan frowned, starting to make food. He noticed Remus seemed to notice the smell but still didn't acknowledge any words he spoke.
After around five minutes of attempting to just speak to get attention, he huffed in frustration and slammed a plastic plate of food down on the table in front of Remus. Which seemed to get the others attention as he jumped and looked at Logan dumbfoundedly.
"I see I now have your attention." Logan growled. No verbal response, but Remus seemed confused. "Don't try and pull that dumb act. You aren't Roman."
Still no verbal response, but Remus did have an answer. Just in the form of what seemed to be frantic handwaving. Logan wasn't familiar with ASL or other forms of sign language, however he did catch the sign for "sorry" and "deaf".
"I... Supposed it's okay. But what about deafness?" He sighed.
Remus squinted, then pulled his phone out and tapped on an app he never really used.
I'm deaf, sorry. Can you look at me and speak slowly? Or just text me.
Logan was surprised to hear a text to speech app in use. But more so, he was surprised to hear it say Remus was deaf. Before he could respond, Roman and Janus came down the the stairs, tapping Remus' shoulder and signing things to him. Logan swore he caught "careful" but only because Roman was also mouthing the words. He watched Remus sign thank you, then get handed little things before the snake and prince went off different directions.
"Wh-" Logan was confused, but watched Remus put the small things in his ear, clicking a button then sighing.
"And now I have some hearing." Remus grumbled, his voice vaguely different than normal. The Duke turned to the teacher. "Sorry. My stupid hearing aids broke yesterday after a training session with Ro, so Jan and he had to fix them. They might be cranky since they spent all night together."
"You're deaf? How have I know known this?" Logan asked, frowning a little. "I was to assume we were close."
"We are!" Remus assured. "I promise! Heck, Patton doesn't know either! Oly reason Jan and Virgin know is because they are- were... Dark Sides. Roman knows because he's my brother." Remus sighed. "I didn't know how to bring it up. I would've told ya sooner if I was good at personal shit."
Logan moved closer. "I see. So those 'earbuds' you always wear..."
"My hearing aids." Remus confirmed. "Normally I'm on top of the bullshit for them but training makes it harder." He pulled Logan into his lap, chuckling a little when the Logical Side blushed a little. "Besides. The rare times I don't wear them, you all are talking directly to me so I can read your lips. Or your texting."
Logan cleared his throat. "Ah." He had many other questions, though he was sure most were rude. Well, rude for normal people.
"Go on, interrogate me, teach." Remus laughed.
Logan sighed. "Do... You know how this occurred?"
Remus hummed, a dopey smile on his face. "Pretty sure I've been this way since the split. Romans a little deaf, but nothing bad enough to need a hearing aid or assistance. It's why he's so loud though!"
Logan nodded. "I see. And, I'm sure you've not thought of this... Or whatever. But can you not self-actualize yourself to... Not be deaf?"
Remus blinked. "I have tried. Not that I mind it, but it's not possible." He shrugged. "It's like Janus being half snake. It's just who I am." Remus squinted. "You need your glasses to see and Thomas doesn't need glasses, so you don't get to really say shit about self-actualization about making yourself '1000% healthy', by the way."
Logan blushed again. "I'm aware. It was more of a research question!" He said. "Though, I'm aware how ablest that sounded. Apologies."
Remus smiled. "I'm not mad. Just saying."
Logan sighed. "I'm... Not well aquatinted with this disability. I need to study up on it." He said, moreso to himself. "As well as I should study ASL and other sign languages should something happened again."
Remus' eyes lit up and he kissed Logan. "You are the fucking best dork nerd boyfriend ever!"
Logan blushed harder once again. "I'm only trying to bring more equality to the table."
And yet, there was something new to this relationship. A door to more personal topics had been opened, and both were happy to be able to trust their partner with those things... Even if they were going to stay in that proverbial closet longer.
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virgils-screams · 2 years
Me And You | Dukexiety
Virgil may seem ooc, so may Remus! I wrote this like a month ago-
Remus is too tired to be disturbing- lol
There are no TW! - Wow  am I right?
High school au, Janus is deaf, cause I could.
Could be read as platonic, not proof read.
Virgil pulls out his phone to text Remus for his whereabouts, they had promised to go to the park after school but for some reason Remus had disappeared.
Sighing he scrolls through his contacts selecting Remus, when a grunt took his attention, he looked up and saw the gym doors open, with light pouring through, and like a cheesy chick-flic moment he peaked in.
In the center of the room Remus was wrestling another classmate. Ah, he forgot about his practice. He scanned the area quickly to see the other wrestlers watching intently as Remus had put a hold on his opponent, the coach signalling he had won moments later. The loser got up and glared at him as he rounded Remus to sit with who Virgil now assumed were other unlucky losers.
Virgil debated leaving and waiting for him out side so he wouldn't seem like a perv, and he was about to walk away too if it weren't for the coach calling up Janus.
Janus had a grin on his face as he stood opposite of Remus, he signed something to him before getting in position. Remus chuckled out "you wish" before also getting set.
Virgil saw Remus' eyes drift to him for a second, and Virgil ducked out from the door way immediately hearing an 'oof' and cheering shortly after.
"Great job, Janus!" One of the bystanders shouted.
... Oops, did he cause that?
Virgil scurried out of the school and opted to wait at his car and play on his phone.
"And hello to you too, Rem."
Remus rolled his eyes at him pushing him out of the way of the passenger door. "You cost me a perfect practice."
He hummed in acknowledgement going around to the drivers seat.
"One could argue you were fated to lose anyway, Janus almost always beats your ass."
He could almost feel the eye roll from Remus.
"Yeah, Almost! I had a chance if it wasn't for this strangely attractive pervert watching us fight."
Virgil pulled out of the parking lot only offering an amused smirk.
The drive to the park was relatively quiet besides the low hum from the radio as Remus switched from staring at his phone and looking out the window. His eyelids getting heavier by the minute.
"Hey, you dozing off there?" Virgil pushed his shoulder lightly.
"Mmh- hey!" The car swerved a bit when Remus shoved back.
"Alright, calm down," he sighed looking briefly at Remus, taking in his appearance. "You sure you don't wanna just head to your place? You seem pretty tired."
Remus shook his head sitting up in an effort to make himself more awake. "No, no, I wanna go to the park, I promised I would-" he was cut short with a yawn, glaring at Virgil when he laughed.
"C'mon, Rem, we can go to the park tomorrow,"
Remus watched in annoyance as Virgil turned down a road that lead the opposite direction of the park, momentarily contemplating grabbing the wheel.
"It's not like I'm gonna get any sleep anyway. My brothers are bringing friends over." He huffed.
"Well, then we'll go to my place, it's not like you haven't stayed over before."
Remus hummed distractedly, looking back out the window.
"Aight, we're here."
Remus all but drug himself into Virgils room, ignoring the snickers from Virgil.
"The twins will freak when they find you here." He commented setting his stuff on his desk then collapsing onto his bed.
Remus smiled fondly at the mention of them and got onto the bed with him.
"Your brothers are so sweet, I can't wait to be charged enough to play with them." He sighed closing his eyes when he got settled.
"Hm" the tv turned on to a show he couldn't give a rats ass about, but it lulled him to sleep nonetheless, along with the quick taps on Virgils laptop next to him.
Virgil was so focused on his work as he typed away for an assignment that was due Monday that he didn't register the snores coming from beside him and only realized Remus was asleep when he turned and threw an arm into his laptop, which, not that anyone would know, scared the bejesus out if Virgil.
"Holy shit-" his right hand clutching his chest where his heart would be, turning to Remus' sleeping form.
"If you broke it, youre paying."
He muttered turning back to his laptop, he carefully pulled it from under Romans arm and surveyed the damage. "Oh, that's not so bad you only," his voice raised slightly in a panic as he continued, "erased half of my work!? Dammit!" He sighed carding his hand through his hair, he set his laptop to the side and just laid back watching the tv as he conveniently forgot about his work. Soon after falling asleep.
His phone alarm woke him up, he tried to sit up but when he couldn't he started to panic, even more so when the grip tightened around him tried to move again.
A tired groaning noise caused him to look to his side, a sleeping Remus hugging onto him like a koala bear.
"Ah.. That explains the- yeah" a sigh of relief escaped his lips as he carefully reached for his phone trying to not wake Remus.
When he finally managed to turn off his alarm he relaxed back into the bed, Remus now snuggling closer into him.
The warmth and the comfortability of it all quickly made him fall asleep again, damn, Remus was like a heater.
"REMUS IS HERE!!" The twins, Patton and Thomas yelled in unison, promptly jumping onto them.
"He-hey you guys-"
They squealed bouncing on the bed slowly but surely pushing Virgil off. Rude.
"Boys! Boys do you want ice cream?" Virgil hissed out trying to get the boys to quiet down.
They stopped immediately, turning to him with a gasp. "I'll get you some if you beat me down stairs."
In a moments notice they scrambled of the bed racing down stairs. Virgil chuckled lightly getting up to follow them, only turning back at the doorway to make sure Remus was still asleep.
Sure enough he was sprawled out on Virgils bed snoring away. Virgil rolled his eyes closing the door behind him, only Remus could sleep through such an attack, "weirdo." Virgil whispered fondly before the soft click of the door shutting was heard, leaving Remus to rest peacefully.
Hope you enjoyed💜
Words: 1070
A/N: yes, I know Janus is deaf and cannot hear Remus say 'you wish', but, I wrote it with lip reading in mind. Thank you.
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ddejavvu · 2 days
thinking about mean logan spitting whiskey into your mouth while fucking you
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Don't Swallow - Logan Howlett x Reader
send me mean!logan requests!
contents/warnings: smut, minors dni, mean!logan, drinking, don't like don't read.
i know i overuse this picture as a header but idc idc idc it's my fave he's so sexy and mean
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Not even a pillow can muffle the sounds flowing freely and wantonly from your throat, your moans of 'Logan- Logan!' filling the bedroom and surely travelling through its thin walls.
"Quiet." Logan hisses, muscles flexing as he slows his thrusts momentarily, "Shit, Al's blind, not deaf. We don't need the whole neighborhood to know you're getting your shit rocked, honey."
"No- no Logan please!" You gush, clawing at his biceps, "Please go faster, I- don't stop please!"
"I'm not," He grunts gruffly, swapping the pillow in your face for his large palm, "But you gotta calm down, sweetheart."
"I- I can't." You gasp beneath his hand, words muffled by his palm as Logan's impressive length reaching spots inside of you that you didn't even know existed, "Fuck, Logan please, I need- harder, or- hnngh! Faster! More, please- more!"
"Shut-" Logan growls, hand clamping harder over your mouth and cutting off your cries. He reaches for a bottle of whiskey on his nightstand, mangling the cap off with his teeth and taking a swig. When his mouth is full and tingling with the hearty liquid he leans down and replaces his hand with his mouth, lips pressing against yours forcefully. Your mouth is still open in a muffled moan and Logan spits the liquid down your throat, making you choke and close your mouth to avoid spraying it everywhere as you cough on it.
"Shut up," He urges, voice barely more than a gravelly snarl, "Keep that in there until you cum, it'll shut you up. Don't swallow, or I'll make you take more. Got it?"
You can barely nod, eyes streaming with tears from your irritated throat as your cheeks bulge with whiskey.
"Good." He grunts, lunging to lick spilled liquor off of your skin where it dribbles down your chin. His saliva is hot and wet on your face and it makes you yearn to open your mouth and invite him inside, but you'll keep the whiskey secure because Logan told you to.
"Fuck, 'finally shut you up." He scoffs, lips turning up in a smirk as he tastes the whiskey off of your skin, "Remind me to buy you a gag for next time you're tryin' to scream my name."
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celestiamour · 2 months
‧₊˚✧ ❛[ newfangled technology ]❜
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ft. logan howlett x f! reader — xmen, marvel
╰₊✧ logan finds your vibrator and discovers a wonder of modern technology┊1k words
contains: smut!! dom logan & sub reader┊implied age gap, established relationship, vibrators, overstimulation & mentioned multiple orgasms, receiving oral
➤ author's note: first logan smut!! i’m a bit burnt out of writing it actually so idk if there will be more, but i couldn’t let this idea go <3
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logan likes to believe that he understands modern technology for the most part even though you can often hear him muttering curses under his breath at the stupid machine that isn’t working. if most parents and grandparents are struggling to figure it all out, you can bet that this two-hundred-year-old mutant does. it feels like yesterday when people were using rotary phones in their homes, then hand-held flip-phones, and now smartphones that could show you anything you could dream of at the tap of a button— he feels as though the world is growing much faster than an old man like him can keep up with too many gadgets for too many different purposes getting too many upgrades.
any attempts to get him to understand the internet fail for the most part, so he uses his own phone for nothing other than calling, texting, photography, and occasionally googling some sort of questions. he finds advertisements about the latest devices annoying, but he’s very appreciative of motorcycles, kitchen appliances, and other simple machines that make life so much easier compared to his time.
he’s learning about new tech every week, new and pre-existing, both ones which make him wonder if he should get it for himself or ones which make him furrow his brow at the fact that such a thing actually exists. tonight is one of the times when he has both reactions, but more than anything, an intense curiosity had been ignited in his soul.
you asked him to look for something in your bedroom drawers, something that he can’t recall at the moment after he found something that piqued his attention: an egg-shaped item coated in pink medical-grade silicone neatly hidden under layers of clothing and tightly wrapped in a bag. it was tiny in his massive hand and he didn’t have the foggiest idea what it was or what it was made for until you walked in to see what was taking so long, hearing you gasp and turning his head to find you covering your face with your hands looking absolutely mortified. you struggled to stop yourself from stuttering when you had to explain to him what it was, a sex toy that you bought sometime in the first year of college and buried once you got together since it was no longer needed. it was the only one you’ve ever bought and you’ve honestly forgotten about it until now without any idea of how he would react.
while you were humiliated about it, you could see a sparkle of intrigue in his eyes which quickly led to finding yourself in bed with your clothing removed and his new discovery against your aching cunt. it wasn’t difficult to figure out how to change the intensity of the vibrations with a press of a button, but did he need to put it at the highest setting when you’ve practically lost feeling in your legs at this point? it felt so strange at first now that you’re so accustomed to him pleasuring you personally, yet that foreign sense melted away with the familiar memory of taking care of your needs when lonely— except now you had your handsome lover holding it for you with your hands gripping the sheets instead. 
he’s amused at how such a small little thing was so powerful in reducing you to a moaning mess as it pulls another orgasm from your spent body, feeling his neglected cock twitch with every blissful moan past your lips louder than the humming of the toy. you mutter something along the lines of asking him not to stare out of embarrassment, but it all falls on deaf ears since the view that he has is downright mesmerizing, watching intently as he presses it into your puffy folds with a focus on your sensitive clit. all the while, he’s holding your legs open to stop you from closing them instinctively when it felt like too much, his large hand being a comforting weight on your thigh as you squirm in place.
your body trembled in sync with the pulsating toy, walls barely able to clench around the head of the vibrator while leaking like a faucet and dripping all over logan’s fingers. “it’s too much-!!” you whined, throwing your head back into the pillows with glossy eyes and drool starting to seep out the corner of your mouth from the electricity coursing through your veins. it’s surprising that you were even able to utter a coherent phrase when your brain had essentially been turned to mush.
“you can give me one more, can’t you doll?” there’s a hint of sadism in his voice detectable to even your ecstasy-fogged mind where you knew that he was getting off on your reactions alone, an arrogant smirk plastered across his handsome face that was so slappable and sexy. he can almost feel himself drooling too, craving a taste of the sweet nectar making a mess everywhere. “such a desperate and needy little thing,” he tutted, observing your greedy pussy trying to pull the vibrator deeper within you. “go on, cum for me.”
as if his words commanded your body, the tight coil twisting in your abdomen finally snapped, making you writhe and cry out in relief. your heart was pounding in your chest and you gasped for air, feeling sweaty and exhausted as that must have been your third or fourth climax. you stared at him through half-lidded eyes trying to determine if he had had enough of using the vibrator for torturous pleasure until he suddenly pulled you closer to him to bury his face into your soaked heat. he just needed a taste of you, to lick you clean and make you tug on his hair.
watching you become undone when he doesn’t even need to lift a finger seemed to awaken something in him… it’s definitely a piece of modern technology that he would like to invest in, he plans to buy more of different types, shapes, and sizes to try out on you (the definition of “spectacular, give me fourteen of them right now”).
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dawnwriterimagines · 2 months
September Morning
Summary: Recalling the last day he'd held you.
If you liked this would you Buy me a Coffee?
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A September morning it had been.
He remembers the sudden change of pace in the mansion, the school year was starting, students would be lining up in the halls for the start of the semester.
You had been so looking forward to returning to teaching, to your students.
Planning and setting up a curriculum, a classroom, that they'd never get to see.
It was a September morning...
Logan had kissed you that morning.
But, not in the way he should've. Not in the way he wished he had.
It was swift, a tight-lipped peck on the forehead per your bitter request. You had to practically beg him to show you a hint of romance these days, he'd been pulling himself away from you at the time. Feigning uninterest in your relationship, in you.
But, it hadn't been true.
His feelings for you could never be explained in words, 'Love' felt too simple, too modest, so he never said it. But, that had been it. He was in love, devastatingly so. Night and Day. Dreams and daydreams. Even his nightmares, spiraling images of mayhem that would silence with your presence. Every thought, every moment, every breath seemed to be dedicated just to you.
And it made the future a terror in his mind.
He's lived decades, over a century, through wars, torture, plagues and lovers. Nothing in his life ever lasted, especially nothing good.
Though this was his longest relationship, and you shared a healing factor that contributed to you living since the 1890s while appearing as a woman in her late 20s. Naturally, he looked forward to many more years with you, decades and decades of breathless love, a hundred lifetimes.
But, Logan was a disease. A plague on anything good that came his way. One day, he'd always come to destroy the beautiful things he loved so much.
And he didn't want that to be you.
So, thinking it was the best thing for you, for the both of them in the long run, he slowly, agonizingly stretched the bonds of your relationship. He stopped kissing you unless you asked, stopped touching you unless you begged, stopped eating with you at breakfast, stopped embracing you, indulging you, loving you in the way you needed. He stopped everything, but slowly, so slowly.
Logan couldn't help himself, he wanted it all to last. But, it couldn't.
When he caught himself slipping, staring at you a little too long, kissing you a bit too fiercely, he'd curse himself. Dig his claws into his skin, piercing the flesh and tearing a scream from his lungs.
It was to protect you.
His feelings couldn't get in the way of you being safe from him. From the bad luck that followed him up from hell, that clung to his form and wrapped around anything to close.
It was a September morning when he was confronted by you.
"Logan," you took his wrist as he tried to part from you. "What's wrong?" you wondered, sadly.
He doesn't turn to face you, keeping his eye on the bedroom door, leaving you, he had to leave. If he stayed any longer... "Don't do this again, nothing's wrong."
"Of course, there is," you pulled at his hand, trying to pull him back. Back to you. "There's been something wrong for a long while, just tell me. Tell me and we can figure it out."
"Tell you what?" Logan coldly glanced back at you. "Haven't I told you enough?"
"You haven't told me anything," you frowned, staring right back. "This, whatever you're doing, isn't saying anything. I don't want you to walk away. I need you to talk to me."
He rips his wrist from your grip, forcefully, turning fully to face you, nostrils flaring but it doesn't faze you. You've handled the wolverine's temper before, hell your relationship used to be malicious before it became romantic. "Then you must be deaf," he says. "I think I've been more than clear. Any person with sense would've gotten it by now. Or maybe you're not as smart as I thought."
"Don't do that," Jaw tensing, your eyes narrow at your lover. "Don't be a child. Just say it. Tell me how you feel instead of pushing me away to make it easier on yourself."
"If you don't know by now," he spoke, he took a breath as he struggled to say much else. "I haven't been showing you clearly."
At that, you quiet a bit. Eyes flickering around his face for the truth, face falling, hurt evident in your expression, his heart hurts at the look, but he masks his agony as best as he knows.
Logan was physically stiffening up, fists clenched up, jaw clicking, he wasn't ready to confront this with you. He never even wanted it to end, he thought it'd be easier. So, he doesn't say anything, fighting with himself, expression twisting with his rampant thoughts.
"Logan," your painful expression nearly breaks him. You open your mouth, but your words come out in a stuttered whisper before falling quiet again. You're lost, confused.
"I don't understand. I...I thought we'd...found each other. Didn't we? Find each other," you murmured. "In all this pain, and grief, I found you, Logan..." the crack in your voice makes him turn away, a grimace along his face, a wince at your words.
Though you hadn't lived as long as him, you'd faced a century of hardship, decades of loneliness, death and vulnerability, you'd known no concept of safety until the X-Men. Until him.
Found through the rubble, you'd pulled each other out of, it was easy to fall in love. Promises of forever and beyond even that. Promises of together through the end of time, through the end of the world. Logan Howlett had confessed his love a thousand times over without saying a word, and you'd believed him like he held every precious ounce of trust in his hands.
You take his hand now, your eyes filling with tears as he stayed silent, your thumb running along his knuckles, he lets you. "Tell me you found me," as you cried, he takes your face in his hands, bridging the gap between you. Your first tear runs down his fingers, he wipes them away. "Tell me you love me..."
Logan Howlett speaks a truth he's regretted throughout his life afterwards, a moment that would plague his dreams for the rest of his life. "Have I ever before?" he wondered simply.
Instantly you're out of his arms, stumbling back away as if he'd burned you. Your eyes are wide, they dart away from him, your shoulders dropping as you come to the terrible conclusion, he was right. Logan had never said he'd loved you.
Logan's eyes burn, his fingers curling in on themselves and his chest hurts too much to take a breath. He wants to take it all back. Beg on his knees for forgiveness. He'd do anything. Jump through fire, fall in a pit of snakes, fight an army, snatch as many souls from hell that he needed to get back into your arms.
But, this was the plan. This was how it had to be.
Every word meant to sting, to burn and brandish you in a way that destroys your love for Logan Howlett.
Pulling himself away from this room before he can face your tears for another moment, he turns the knob to the door, opening and closing it behind him.
Stomping down the hallway, fighting every step as he could smell, hear, practically taste the sobs that tore from your throat as he leaves.
He nearly collapses as he takes the corner, his hand pressing into the side wall to steady himself. His heart in his ears, breathing harshly as his eyes redden and sting with unshed tears.
"Logan?" Scott sounds from behind him, questioning. "Everything alright?"
His rival, his friend, puts his hand on his shoulder, but it's shrugged off immediately. "Fine," Logan says without turning. Continuing down the hallway and away from him.
Scott makes a face, confused, before turning to Jean, who follows him out of their room. She notices Logan turning the next corner down to the stairs, "What's going on?"
"No idea," Scott sighs. "Just Logan being his usual self."
At the sound of a motorcycle driving away from the driveway, he glances out of the side window of the manor, frowning deeply as he watches Logan speed away.
Jean hums, amused. "Surprised?"
"Never," Scott says, before perking up as he hears your crying down the hallway. "Or maybe I am. Is that (y/n)?"
Jean's face falls, she steps out into the hall, walking slowly over to your room. Your crying louder this time, she rushes over to the room. "(Y/n)!" she knocks hurriedly, before bursting inside. Holding you instantly as you collapse to the floor, your hands covering your face, you hiccup, allowing Jean to hold you tight. "Hey, hey, what happened, what's going on?"
Scott comes up to the open doorway, confused, worried. But, he opts for giving the women their privacy, closing the door a crack, before reaching for his phone and texting Logan.
This was unlike Logan. Well, upsetting you was unlike him, not being an asshole, that was completely like him.
But, he knew how much Logan loved you, never saying so much as a tease that would indirectly upset you. Logan was smitten for years, unable to even put his feelings into words without going flustered. Something was wrong.
Angrily typing, Scott sends the text to his teammate, before perking up in surprise as a subtle beep rings out in the hall. He walks around the corner, down the hallway, and notices a phone laying on the edge of the steps, Logan's phone. He frowns. "Shit."
He sighs then, walking back around the hall. Running into Ororo, the weather goddess's brows are furrowed in worry. "What's going on with Logan? He looked upset, what happened?"
"You should see (Y/n)," Scott breathes, disappointed. Ororo's eyes widen at the news. "I've never seen them like this."
"Oh my," she frowns, before a streak of light passes by the window, nearly blinding them both.
"Jeez, what the hell," Scott turns, putting his hand up as the light gets brighter. Is that the afternoon sun?
But, it's not the sun. It's humming...like metal vibrating against the glass.
The light eases and the two mutants stare in horror. A sentinel, giant in size, it's eye peaking into the X-Manor, it's glowing red eye catching sight of the two of them immediately.
"SCOTT!" Jean screams.
He and Ororo spin around as a beam of light tears through the hallway, through the walls, through the glass. Tearing apart the building as a rush of power obliterates everything, a green blast of fiery energy coursing through the bricks.
"JEAN!" Scott bellows. "(Y/N)!"
You, with Jean in tow in your arms, flying through the chaos, dirt and scorching heat searing through your skin, having narrowly avoided the beam. Jean casting a telepathic shield as you both ram through the side wall and away from the sentinel shooting from the northside of the building. "Go, go, go!"
Ororo takes Scott's hand, the two of them lifted by the winds and hurtling out of the window as the radiating beam tears through where they were last standing.
Jean and you following, a sentinel chasing after the two of you, you glance backwards as you force gravity to propel you forwards and towards the tree line. Your swollen eyes widen in horror as the chest of a sentinel pops open, falling down to meet you and Jean. The metal tendrils bursting through and wrapping around your ankle, quickly you let go of a surprised Jean.
She screams as she falls before hurriedly catching herself, as she carefully lands on the grass below, rolling down to safety. A dirty smear of soot along her face, she looks up, watching to her terror as you're swallowed inside of a sentinel, it's tendrils wrapping around your body and pulling you inside of it's trap.
You scream as the doors slam shut, hand extending outwards. Out towards the road, out towards Logan.
Jean's hands immediately rise upwards, desperately, "No, no!" she cries, but then the inside becomes engulfed in flames, you scream in agony in the air as your prison of metal suffocates you in a sudden rush of fire. "NOOO!" Jean screams, the violent light of a burning flame fills her eyes as she sobs out in horror.
The sentinel crashes downwards toward the far tree line with you buried in its casket, Jean's telepathic pull interrupted at the sheer weight of it's fall. She rushes down, running desperately, but the northside sentinel crashes down in front of her, it's beam of light rushing down on her.
Ororo with tears in her angry eyes pulls the winds down and towards Jean, pushing her out of the way of the lethal attack. She then pulls lightning from the sky, storm clouds rolling in, rain falling from them, a sudden strike of electricity collides with the large sentinel. It jerks, it's metal shuddering and loosening, but it then turns to her, it's beam whistling through the air.
She flies up, avoiding it. Then past the sentinel, pulling lightning from the clouds, she desperately strikes at the sentinel balled up by the tree line that burns with fire with you inside. With a cry, she brings it down, splintering its shell. But then, before her eyes, the metal changes in texture, from a dented metal, to a rocky surface of stone.
Fire spills out, and she can hear your weakened vocals crying for help.
Ororo wails like a vengeful spirit, bringing down the wrath of the storm down on the shield of the sentinel. But, without warning, a large hand of a sentinel swings toward her, knocking the weather goddess out of the sky. "Ah!"
Scott rips his glasses off his face, beams of concussive force springing from them and knocking the giant robot back a few feet, it's hand coming up to block the attach. The beam wearing down on it's metal, but it comes closer and closer.
With a rageful cry, his beams become larger, nearly covering the giant being, it stumbles back, the ground rumbling with each forced step back.
Jean lifts herself up, a telepathic push shoving the sentinel over before it can restart its beam to attack Scott. "Rah!" the sentinel lands on its back, nearly blowing them all back with the force of it.
As the sentinel falls, the rest of the X-Men emerge from the manor, Hank and Charles guiding the students out of the building and towards the field, away from the chaos.
Without wasting a second, the X-Men rush down the tree line, to the sentinel that's captured you, no noise escapes the trap. Jean telepathically tears into the metal, the sentinel's regenerative body fighting against her wishes. Forcing the metal to open, a terrible heat pouring out of the cracks, no one can get close enough, your crumbling hand falling out limply.
Jean screams.
Ororo cries. "No!"
Scott curses, hands coming up and over his head, horrified. "Oh God!"
Another streak of light tears through the field, rushing up towards them all this time, a violent beam of energy destroying everything. They turn, but it's too late.
Logan turns his glass, watching as the liquid swishes and shifts with every move.
Sitting in a local pub in the city, he sighed heavily to himself. He can't stop thinking of your face, how you looked when he said all those things, when he gave you lives that he'd forced you to believe.
He beats his forehead with his fist, grimacing miserably, as he sat there, taking another swig of his beer. "Fucking idiot," he curses himself.
Why did he have to ruin that? Every good thing. Ruined.
Why did he have to do this to himself?
What kind of joke was his life? This one thing. He couldn't just have this one thing...
No. He remembered. He couldn't.
He took another drink, waiting for the kick. He sighs at the burn in his throat that he waits to numb his thoughts to silence.
Against his better judgement, Logan takes out his wallet, realizing he'd forgotten his phone. He opens it, eyes softening at the picture of you he kept there, pulling it out, it was folded to block him out of the picture.
He held a little smile, letting you pull him to your face so you both were smushed together for a happy little photo. He recalled the day as it being the moment he knew he wanted to spend every waking moment with you, it was also the day he realized his selfish faults for dragging you into the mess of his life. But, dammit he wanted you so bad, he wanted to keep you, to love you as you loved him, eternally.
He couldn't have that.
Logan Howlett was destined never to have that again, he had decided.
But....the thing is he could've. Right?
He thought to himself, you weren't an average woman, you were an X-Man, an immortal so it seemed. You were no normal woman that he'd lose to time or disasters.
He could have you for decades more, a century longer. A millennia if you both were lucky.
Who else could say that? Just you. Just the two of you, really.
And he's been so desperate to ruin that...for fears that may never come true.
Logan thoughtfully puts his glass down, glancing around as he thinks to himself, what an idiot he was.
He bursts from his seat, a newfound purpose in himself, a revelation that he hadn't had before. He could be happy with you, as long as he protected you, as long as he loved you, as long as he left behind that plague that followed him. Leaving it behind in that stool, tearing himself from the darkness that followed him constantly, he thought only of you.
The things he'd make up for. The moments he'd never taken with you. The days he'd cherish with you. The life you could build together.
But, first, he had to apologize. And fuck, did he have a lot to apologize for.
As Logan's leaving the pub, the news turns on, a broadcast that makes him stop at the door.
"Breaking News, Charles Xavier's school for gifted youngsters, a home for wayward mutants in upstate new york, has been attacked as of 6 p.m. tonight, so far there's been 14 casualties and counting..." as the news anchor speaks, all attention going to Logan at the news. His eyes widening at the helicopter view of the manor ripped to shreds, smoke traveling up the ruined building. A sentinel striking down on the land.
"No," he breathes. "No, no!" Logan rushes out of the pub, to his motorcycle, revving the engine and driving off.
Arriving at the institute, driving straight into the smoke filled land, strands of flame, burned fields and falling embers from the crumbling manor. Logan looks around, blood running cold as he runs through the field, finding the bodies of his students, bodies broken or just their limbs seared right off from the beams.
He finds Scott, his eyes staring open into the sky, this glasses broken, but his eyes don't light up with red energy as they would've. He's gone.
Then Jean. A few paces away from Scott. Blood in her hair, reaching out for her husband. Gone.
He doesn't find Ororo until he finds Hank. The both of them dead next to one another, he cradles her in his arms, leaning over her.
"(Y/n)," he gasps out, sick to his stomach. He cries out again. "(Y/n)!"
His voice echoes in the silent, crackling field. The sentinels having gone, the carnage remaining.
A creak of metal falling apart makes him turn quickly, rushing to the noise, the smoke is heavy here, embers flying to the sky.
Creaking metal splits, a sentinel he realizes, but it'd been burned through the inside out, charred.
A body falls out of the crack, hitting the grass as it crumbles.
His grief moves him first, rushing over, "Oh my god, oh my god," he repeats to himself as he runs. "(Y/N)!" Logan screams.
Dropping down in front of his lover, your skin cracked and burned to charcoal, hardened to the touch, beneath the skin, he can still see the flames that scorch beneath. And yet your eyes still find him.
He takes you in his arms, feeling as your body begins to crumble away. "No, no, no, what's happening?" he shudders as he realizes you're not healing. "No, why aren't you--why aren't you healing?" he takes your face in his hands, gentler this time than he had this morning, than he had any day. "Why aren't you healing, baby?"
He looks closely, your body's sustained blasts from explosions, beams, you've walked through flames before. What's going on?
Logan shakes his head. "Why--" he doesn't known what to do. "Come on, come on, please. You've gotta heal, darlin'. Come on."
Your heavy-lidded eyes just stare at him, you breathe subtly, hardly a breath at all.
Tears run freely down Logan's face this time. "I lied," he began quickly. "I had found you before I knew I loved you. I found you in my dreams and in my thoughts before I slept, I found you in every moment of every day, (Y/n), please," he admitted to his love. Eyes flickering around to see if her body would finally start regenerating as it always had, but you continued to crumble and crack. "Please. Please, (y/n), please," he sobbed.
A hiss of steam runs off your face, your tears sizzle away on your skin as they leave you. Your eyes closing briefly as Logan puts your forehead to his, "I love you in every moment," he hiccupped. "Of every day, of every hour," he gasps out as he feels your hand dragging up to his wrist. He takes your hand, it's fragile, cracking beneath the weight of his touch and the effort to move.
"I love you..." you speak with your last breath, sparing it for him.
"I love you," he cried, reaching down, kissing your lips.
He feels your hand crumble to dust in his hands, your legs in his lap lose weight as they follow in the same way. As your lips fall apart, he kisses your forehead, unable to open his eyes to watch as you fall away.
Logan breathes in a painful breath, heart breaking as he can't feel you in his arms any long. Squeezing the remains of you in his fists, he inhales deeply, a stutter of an agonizing sound, he cries as he finds the strength to open his eyes.
Nothing left of his lover, nothing left of you, but the embers that flies in the air, the ashes at his feet.
"Oh god," he cried, bringing himself down to the ground, fisting his hands in your ashes. He shakes violently, weeping into your remains, before sitting up and wailing into the air, a scream ripping through his lungs, tearing at his vocals.
The terrible sound could be heard miles away from the destroyed manor.
Years later, Logan sits at a pub. Taking another shot of whiskey.
"Another," he requests.
"No more," the bartender says to him, frowning with a look of disgust. "You know you're not welcome here."
Logan glances up, jaw tightening before sighing, fists unclenching. "Just one more and I'm outta here."
Reluctantly the bartender pours him another.
And then suddenly, a red suited merc jumps out of a portal, clumsily flipping off the pool table and spinning over towards the empty stool next to Logan.
Part 2 coming soon.
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coweye · 29 days
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Just Logan
The worst Logan part ii
Logan Howlett x Reader!Loganverse| smut | 10k words
Summary: You return from the void ready to navigate your new reality with the not-quite-love-of-your life. Second Part to worst Logan.
Warning: Mentions of drugs, Canon Typical Violence, gratuitous Laura paternal love. smut, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, assplay mentioned.
AN: Fair warning my loves - this hasn’t been proof read… unless you’re reading this after the 26th August! I’m currently posting this on my phone at an airport 💖 I love you all so much and can’t express how much your love for my stories has meant to me!
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Achilles once said “I would recognize you in total darkness, were you mute and I deaf. I would recognize you in another lifetime entirely, in different bodies, different times. and I would love you in all of this, until the very last star in the sky burnt out into oblivion."
For seven excruciating years you’d been without him. 
Eventually, time had dulled the ache, made it so you forgot what it was to have another hold you through the night, to make you feel safe and loved. Love was like a drug; one you had unknowingly spent the past half a decade weaning yourself from.
Then he appeared; ‘The worst Logan’ as Wade had not-so-affectionately dubbed him, and in one fell swoop undid years of hard work. He came and reminded you just how fucking good drugs were - that motherfucker was class-A narcotics and he was addictive as hell.
By mid morning you were already desperate for another hit, your eyes searching for him around every corner.  Part of you was afraid you had gotten him all wrong, that perhaps you didn’t know this man as well as you thought you did. Though at the last second Logan had shown up, unfolding him from the boot of the Honda and joining the fray, every inch the hero he insisted he wasn’t. 
You and Laura sliced a path through your enemies, side by side, the two of you moved in perfect synchronisation. In the years since his death, she had taken Logan’s position in your formation, and now the two of you fought together as naturally as breathing. 
Logan couldn’t help but watch the two of you together for a moment, though after a knife to the ribs as reward for his lack of awareness, he shakes his head free from the indulgence of his ready-made-family and returns to the task at hand, carving his way through the enemy to get to Cassandra. 
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 It had been a hard-won battle, though Laura had been extraordinary. You, yourself had been outmatched with the Juggernaut, only in a position to bend the light keeping yourself from sight as you inflicted shallow cuts with your blades along his arms and torso creating confusion and pain that allowed Laura to find her openings.
Your girl sliced through his Achilles bringing him to his knees before she ended his life with four claws through his chest. 
In your eyes, as she stared down Goliath her soft features melted into a renaissance painting. A woman in her own right, overflowing with untold power, those shades making her look every inch the badass motherfucker you knew she was.
You can’t help your untimely realisation that your daughter has grown into a formidable woman as you propel her through the air with bubbles of psionic energy to deliver the helmet to her not-quite-father and Wade.   
The brief moment of triumph as you overcome Cassandra’s men is followed in quick succession by the sobering loss of Logan for a second time, as he leaps through the golden shimmering portal.
It had been the plan all along, and yet you couldn’t quite account for the stone in your stomach weighing you down at the realisation he is gone yet again.
Laura’s deep brown eyes, all too often full of difficult emotions, are hidden behind the colourful sunglasses, though you can tell from the fall in her shoulders that your girl feels the same grief. She had held out childlike hope that the two of you would stay with him despite his earlier brush off and you are far too ashamed to admit you had been harbouring similar hopes.
To have gotten him back for a single day only to lose him again, for you it is painful. For her, it must be torment.
So, you put a pin in your pain for now. Loss is an old friend, one that will no doubt visit in the dead of night when sleep inevitably evades you, but Laura needs you.
Swallowing your grief deep down, you begin by tucking her wild dark hair back behind her ears and with the bone of your knuckle you wipe an errant splatter of blood from her brow.
Around you, your team bask in the defeat of Cassandra and her people, yet the two of you mourn losing yet another Logan.
“The time we had with him was a gift.” You whisper to her. The second you touch her palm with your finger tips; her claws instantaneously retract. You interlock your fingers with her own bloodied ones. 
For a moment the two of you stand together like this, coming to terms with the loss. It doesn’t destroy you the same way North Dakota had, but it has certainly taken the air from your lungs. 
“What now?” Laura asks, burying her emotions, more like Logan than you care to admit.  
“Now we find a way to get back home, Cassandra’s not hunting us anymore, maybe we can-“
“Miss Y/LN, Miss- “At the sound of an unfamiliar voice your head whips round and you are armed with a knife before you even make the decision and from the telltale ‘snikt’ behind you so is Laura.
 “Holster your weapons.” The agent shouts as the group of forgotten heroes turn their gaze on the TVA squad who have appeared from the orange glowing doorway. “You have been offered a pardon on order of the time variance authority - please come with us.”
 Laura steps forward, though you place a steady hand on her shoulder stopping her in her tracks. “The last time we trusted you people, we ended up in this dump.” You shout across the gulf that the agents have left between you. 
When has anything in life been this easy?
 “Mr Howlett and Mr Wilson saved the multiverse. All they have asked in return is for a second chance for the people who helped them do it.”
Whilst remaining utterly compelling it still feels far too good to be true. You look at your daughter; she pushes her sunglasses to the top of her head and nods once. She’s not a little girl anymore and she wants to go through the damn doorway.  With little in the way of options you decide with a deep sigh to be an optimist, which is how you end up in Wade Wilson’s apartment.
Five people (six if you include Dogpool) living in a two-bedroom apartment was …  to put it lightly, snug. Wade being the secret gentleman he was, offered up his room to you and Laura.
Nights he didn’t spend at Vanessa’s were spent sharing a bed with Al, much to her delight, which left Logan sleeping on the couch.
Logan: This Logan was nothing short of an enigma to you. 
The two of you had been friendly, smiling and laughing, sitting together at the party Wade had thrown to celebrate saving the universe.
It felt good, easy even to joke with him and Laura. You had felt like a real family as you sandwiched the young girl between the two of you, taking it in turns to make her laugh.
When she had abandoned the two of you to talk with Yukio and Ellie,  you had fallen into comfortable companionable silence. The simple fact of the matter was that you didn’t have much in the way of small talk, all of your talk was massive talk. A mountain you’d soon have to overcome, but neither of you wanted to break the spell.
So, you simply enjoyed each other’s company and when your knee knocked against his under the table, you didn’t bother pulling back. Instead, when he didn’t immediately recoil, you left it there pressed against the warm muscle. 
This casual touching was new to both of you and you were drunk on it, occasionally you’d brush his plaid covered bicep as you leaned across to stroke the monstrosity that was Mary Poppins or you’d brush your fingers against his with a smile when you handed him a fresh beer.  
It’s fair to say, you are both black belts at emotional avoidance. 
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Her abandoned airbed, more electrical tape than plastic at this point, lies deflated in the corner of the bedroom, dual holes from slender claws having led to its untimely end.
With a sigh you rise, stretching your aching back. 
Wincing as it cracks from contorting on the edge of the double mattress- even in the goddamned void, you’d had more personal space than this.
Sparing a glance at the alarm clock on the bedside table, you see it’s 6:23am. In a vain hope you just listen to the sounds of the quiet apartment, no one else has awoken yet. You sigh with relief, desperate for some alone time, after living for a week with everyone underfoot. 
Closing the bedroom door behind you as silently as possible, you tiptoe with bare feet with the honest intention of going to the kitchen for some coffee.
Only you’re sidetracked by the man sprawled across the sofa looking like he was carved from goddamn marble.
The blanket is wrapped around his plentiful jean covered thighs as his bare size twelves extend comically over the arm of the sofa. Logan’s thick, veined and extremely bare arm hangs off of the leather cushion, whilst the other clutches a pillow under his head. Logan is wearing a white vest that leaves very little to the imagination, so much so you’re unable to help the flashback of stroking the abs you know linger below the almost transparent white cotton. You’re unsure how long you stand there, but it can’t be more than 30-seconds before his eyes wearily blink open, startling you.
“Paint a picture, it’ll last longer, Bub.” When he speaks, his voice is even thicker than usual with sleep, it’s like honey on gravel and it makes your skin tingle.
“Uh-” You’re lost for words after being caught ogling the sleeping man. All you can do is a quick apology as you carry on through to the kitchen.
When you’re safe from view, you slap palm to your forehead - Why? Why couldn’t you for once in your life just be smooth? 
The second you're out from under his searing gaze a million infinitely suaver responses flood your mind. ‘Don’t mind if I do.’ ‘Don’t tempt me.’ 
You’re nearly (Y/A+7 years) old, not the idiot girl that pined after the unattainable bad boy of the mansion. For the love of all that’s holy; two different versions of that man have been inside of you, and you ran away!
You’re pacing in front of the fridge when you hear his body slide against the leather of the couch. Honestly, you’re praying for the void to swallow you back up as you try to act casual, filling the coffee machine with water.
“Good Morning, Logan.” You reply though you can’t quite meet his eyes as you flick the switch for the drip to begin. 
“Back on the couch - Eh, I was just kiddin’ around, Bub.” He scratches his neck awkwardly.
“Oh. I, uh, I know.” You reply, finally meeting his eyes. Those hazel eyes stop you in your tracks as they scan your face for any trace of emotion. He’s as out of his depth as you are, and that thought alone calms you. “I’m sorry, If i’ve been strange the past few days… I thought…I just assumed I would never make it out of the void and I was there for months and uh-”
“Bub… y/n... I don’t hold you to what happened that night.”
“What?” You narrow your brows in confusion, you were only going to talk about the uncomfortable adjustment period to regular life.  
“You were vulnerable, I look like your guy. I get it.” His voice is still deep and he’s trying to be so understanding and noble, you can’t help as you reach out and grab his bare wrist, your forefinger can't even meet your thumb as you hold onto his thick warm flesh.
“Logan, no that’s not what I meant at all. I-” 
“-Mornin’ love birds! Don’t let me stop ya’ from takin’ care of that mornin’ wood, just getting some delicious nectar of the gods.” Wade comes from the bedroom wearing Al’s lilac dressing gown and what looks suspiciously like the older woman’s pyjamas, riding far too high up his shins to be his own for the much taller man. Wade leans against the counter next to you and the coffee machine, burying himself in the neck of the dressing gown and looking pointedly at your hand around Logan’s wrist and whispers. “Pretend I’m not even here.”
“God give me strength, Wade.”  Somewhere along the way, Logan’s rage with the mouth has dampened to the point there’s no real threat behind the warning.
As there’s probably about a few teaspoons of coffee in the machine, every fresh drop plinks against the glass jug only enhancing the newfound silence in the kitchen.
“Good Morning, Wade.” You sigh finally, rubbing your thumb against the hair covered flesh of Logan’s wrist in a promise as you try to use your eyes to communicate; we will discuss this. 
“Honestly, I’m not even here. Just go back to staring longingly at each other, talk amongst yourselves.”
“Fu-” Logan starts, his nose flaring at the man beside you, his finite patience already slipping.  
“Incoming.” Wade sings-song lowly, as he drops his head onto your shoulder.
“What are we all doing in the kitchen?” Laura asks through a yawn, her bed head innately ridiculous standing up on all sides - probably from a night spent tossing and turning, kneeing you in the spine. When Logan tears his wrist away from your hand it stings a little, but you understand, the last thing Laura needs in her life is more confusion.
“There’s a line for the coffee, kiddo.” Logan gives her a look that's somewhere between a smile and a grimace. The man’s sharp edges were slowly being worn away again and he was really trying with his daughter, though a tiny growl leaves the young woman at his words.
“She’s not a morning person.” Is the only answer you have for him when he looks your way both confused and quite frankly a little frightened as your daughter takes the first cup of coffee and returns to her room slamming the door behind her with her foot.  
“Teenagers, huh? Whatcha’ gonna’ do with them?” Wade sighs, still leaning his head on your shoulder having made no effort to stop the queue jumper.
Logan gives Wade a meaningful look and tilts his head towards the door, which the man currently invading your personal space bubble continues to ignore. 
There’s something about Wade you can’t find it in yourself to be annoyed by. 
Those years on the run with Charles, Logan and Caliban had been so hopeless, so void of laughter, that the man with the constant jokes puts you at ease, makes your heart feel lighter. Wade makes you smile which has been a rare commodity in recent years.
Perhaps it's the fact he makes the world feel a little lighter that makes you so willing to tolerate the overly familiar head on your shoulder. 
The two men are having a silent conversation, as you stare at the fridge awkwardly.
“I…uh… I think I’ll jump in the shower.” You detangle yourself from Wade and place a meaningful hand on Logan's arm. “Talk later?”
He looks to your hand, and then to your face and simply nods. 
Only, you don’t end up talking later, because after your shower, you return to your bedroom hell bent on getting dressed and heading out into the city for the day to get some distance before you start your new job tomorrow.
That’s when you find Laura twisting her hands and waiting for you. The second you close the door behind you, she stands.
“You alright, bug?” You ask, giving her the opening she so desperately needs. 
“I, um, have some news.” She can barely meet your eyes, a trait you’re sorry to say she’s picked up from you. 
“Yeah?” You prompt, taking her hand in yours.
“I want to join the X-Men.” Your mouth opens involuntarily to reply, but no words can find their way up your throat; you’re irrevocably thrown. 
In the years since the devastation Charles had wrought on the manor, you hadn’t been able to muster the strength to return to West Chester.
“I know, you might not be sold on the idea but I want to use my powers for good, I don’t want to get a normal job - not that the coffee shop isn’t great for you - but I’m-”
“It’s great, Laura.” Your voice sounds wrong even to your ears. “I’ll do my best to get used to being back in the Mansion-”
“No.” You can tell it slips out, she honestly doesn’t mean it to. “I … I, uh, want to join the X-Men, me. I want to go alone.”
“Oh.” You can’t help the deflated sound of your voice, you hadn’t foreseen your daughter breaking up with you when you woke up this morning.
“No, mamá,” She takes your hand in hers, desperate to fix it. “I love you and I can’t ever repay-”
“No, Laura.” You tell her. She looks terrified before you rush to finish. “You don’t ever have to repay me. You are fucking magnificent, so you go be an X-Man. I love you so much.” 
She wraps her arms around your middle, buries her face in your  shoulder and squeezes, she's just as tall as you are now at nineteen years old and fuck if it doesn’t break your goddamn heart.. “If you get yourself hurt with those do gooders, I’ll fucking kill you.”
After dressing and many more tearful hugs as the two of you talk logistics, it's decided she’d be heading over to the mansion in the morning. 
You start work and so does she.
Your heart drops when you hear she’s put off telling you for the past five days, ever since she’d had the offer from Ellie and Yukio at the party. 
Later that evening telling Logan goes, well, about as well as you might expect.
“No.” He growls furiously. “Absolutely, no fuckin’ way.”
“Logan-” You try.
“You agreed to this?” He’s blind to reason as he turns on you. Al and Wade both sit in the living room, having called an ‘urgent family meeting’. 
“I for one think it's a great idea! - not that we haven’t loved having-” One look from Logan does what you had up until this very moment thought impossible and shuts Wade up. 
“Logan, she’s an adult - she wants to join them. We should be supportive.”
“Supportive?!” He’s incredulous as he laughs harshly, voice utterly brimming with condescension when he continues. “You forgettin’ what happened there, huh, bub? You and I are the fuckin’ sole survivors - Last of the class! How's your Storm doing? Your Hank? Your Scott? Oh wait, their all fuckin’ dead!”
Your Logan never spoke to you this way. Never directed that fire within him at you, it's unfair, the comparison, you know this but your brain is misfiring with shock. 
Had your Logan ever truly cared about anything this much when you’d been together in those dark days? Had all the fight truly left him back then? Had the two of you just ended up together out of mere convenience?
When you don’t reply, he just stares your way, his nose flared still utterly furious, at you, your betrayal, at Laura, at this situation he’s not emotionally equipped to deal with. This Logan’s shoulders are squared like he’s preparing to go a few rounds with you and not in a sexy way. 
It's not a situation you’re entirely sure you’ve been in before; you’ve never been his enemy.  So you’re not sure how to approach this cornered animal, ready to swipe out at you in his fear. 
“If I didn’t go to that school, I never would’ve met any of you. I would be back in Y/H/T (your hometown) and I’d be lesser for it.” 
It utterly disarms him, he’d clearly been prepared for harsh words to combat his own.
Pacing like a tiger locked in a cage, he finally sighs rubbing his forehead irritability. Logan turns, grabbing his leather jacket making the doorframe shake as he slams it after himself. 
“I think he’s secretly happy for you, Laura.” Wade’s voice is light and full of sarcasm.
“That went just about as well as to be expected.” Al huffs from her position at her side as she takes Laura’s hand in her own. “I’m sorry, Sweetie. He’ll come round to the idea.”
“Yes, he fucking will.” Seeing your daughter's face crumble as he storms off like a child is apparently your breaking point.
You follow after him, though as you’re a grown adult in charge of her emotions you simply allow the door to close behind you.
“Haha! - She’s gonna beat the shit outta’ him! Its gonna’ be like 454 when she-” You hear Wade cackle as you take off.
It doesn’t take long to find him, you know the man better than you know yourself, though it does certainly help that he’s predictable as shit.
The closest bar to the apartment is where he’s pulled up a stool, his nose flares the second he smells you.
“I mean it this time, I’m not looking for damn company.”
You ignore him, just as you did the time before. 
“Two Corona’s please.”
“I don’t drink that shit.” he huffs. “Corona and a Blue Ribbon.”
It shouldn’t hit you the way it does. 
Just like before, this miniscule insignificant difference, it utterly devastates you.  
A simple fact; his favourite beer. The drink he ordered at every bar he entered without fail - is suddenly, without warning, repulsive to him. 
It just serves to remind you that the man slouched on the bar stool beside you is a complete stranger wearing the face of your dead lover.
Perhaps your Logan drank it simply because he didn’t want to hurt your feelings? 
Had he hated it all along? 
Did he only drink it because you did? 
Maybe the beer is a pertinent metaphor for your entire life.
He only drank the beer because it was there, just like he only fell for you because there was no one better around. 
Your mind is moving a mile a minute, you’re only bought out of your spiral by a bottle being placed down in front of you.
Shaking your head, you will yourself to calm down. After a few centering breaths, Logan is looking your way. 
“Thought you were comin’ to give me a talkin’ to.”
It's funny, in a way, your spiral actually has calmed you, reminded you that this isn’t your Logan. 
He’s a different man with his own set of wounds, trying to navigate this awful situation just like you are. 
“I was going to. You were a dick to her back there.” You sigh, taking a sip of your beer. “Then I remembered everything… everything you’ve lost and I thought maybe I could just cut you some slack this time.”
“That's generous.” He shakes his head, sipping his own beer. “This whole things a fuckin’ mess.”
You can’t help but agree with a nod. 
The two of you sit in silence, which would appear to be the norm these days, you have so much to say to one another, yet you can’t seem to find the words. 
Speaking to him, finding out more of the things that are different about him, terrifies you.
Little do you know, Logan is fighting a similar battle.
He hates the weight of your gaze, how it seems to hold the expectation of the great man you’d lost with every glance, it's a constant reminder how short he falls of the anchor being this world lost. 
“Where am I in your world?” You ask the question you’ve had on your mind since meeting him. He knows almost everything about you, and yet you know so little.
“Dead.” He sighs rubbing at his eyes. “With the rest of them.”
“Did we ever?” He looks your way sharply at this question, then gives a harsh shake of his head. 
It hurts a little to know you were always in the background for him - it's difficult to think of a world where you always loved him from afar, never getting to feel his skin on yours. 
“I mean - you’d have had to pay attention to someone other than her for that to happen, I guess.”
“How the fuck’-” He growls voice filled with a new emotion, one you’re not quite familiar with. Bemusement? Disbelief?  “-has this turned into me being the bad guy for not noticing you?” 
“Eh - you were a real asshole upstairs.” Smirking, you take another sip of your drink. “Question for a question? - Take it in turns?”
“I don’t wanna’ know anythin’ about your world.” He snaps, turning his head back, though you can see him watching you in the mirror beside the booze. 
It's like a countdown, you watch him battle his volatile emotions. 
5, 4, 3 , 2, 1.
“Fine.” He grunts into his beer bottle. “How’d they die?”
That throws you, you’d expected how’d we meet? What happened to Charles? Instead he hits you with that straight out the gate.
“Uh - Charles had started showing signs of a degenerative brain disease. I mean,  he was old, prone to seizures. We were desperate to find a way to control them. We were blind… to the reality of the situation.” You take a sip, resting your forehead on your hand as your eyes ache and threaten to water, this was the first time you’d ever discussed this out loud.. “Then, he had a fucking grand mal … it … it wiped out everyone within a 100,000 foot radius.” 
Unable to help it, you pick at the skin around your thumb. “It was… devastating. He killed them all. All the kids in their classrooms, our friends and family. Not even Jean could stop him.”
“He… he killed Jean?”
You're a little ashamed of the flare of jealousy at his devastation about the woman you’d always come second to. But you push that deep down, it's not the time nor place.
“How’d you survive?” He questions. 
“I was away. I’d heard of a neurosurgeon in Germany, he was developing… Well, it doesn’t matter now. But I was away, whilst everyone I cared about died.” 
You’d never had a need to speak of it, Logan had lived it alongside you - there was something cathartic about saying it all out loud. You wipe at your cheek as you gulp down the last of your drink, a heavy stone weighing your stomach now. 
“Your turn.” Logan’s voice is deep in thought as gestures to the bartender for another. He’s extending an olive branch, a kindness in the face of your vulnerability. 
You think about it for a moment, what you’d like to know. 
“We were friends at least?”
“Oh yeah, we were the best of friends, Bub. You were… uh … a lil’ younger back there, never really looked at you that way.” He scratches at his bearded chin, he’s avoiding looking your way again, uncomfortable sharing these parts of himself. “You… uh… you were gonna have pups with Pete.”
“With Maximoff?!” You squeak disbelieving, whilst taking a sip of your beer prompting a coughing fit to end them all, as you gasp for air. 
Logan sighs, slamming his open palm between your shoulder blades. He rubs the spot he just hit in a circle pattern, reminding you somewhat of the last time he drew circles.
“I had a baby with Peter?” You push your hair back from your face. “...That's why he used to stare at me … y’know there was one time…” 
You smile fondly recounting a time you caught him staring creepily across your classroom before you remember that sweet silver haired kid in your memories is dead. The smile drops from your face in an instant; you didn’t have children with him because he’s six feet under. 
“No. You were pregnant when….” He grunts, his voice has a raw edge to it. For two people constantly at odds, your souls were in the same state of flux, continually aching for vastly different reasons, yet at the root, the same cause. 
The two of you sit in silence for a moment or two, you’re processing the fact that you almost had kids with Quicksilver and he’s no doubt regretting ever playing this game.
The game. 
“It's your turn.”
“This is why she shouldn’t join them, everyone we know is dead.” Logan has had enough of the game as he sighs, rubbing at his eyes. “Being a goddamn hero gets you killed.”
“Logan.” You touch the back of the hand currently gripping the beer bottle neck like it owes him money. “She’s strong, stronger than me. Laura is you in every way that counts. She’s ridiculously stubborn, headstrong - even when she’s wrong - and she has a kind heart. She wants to use those gifts you’ve given her for good. How can you stand in the way of that?” 
Logan’s hand flips over, his warm callused fingers coming to link around your own. 
“The kind heart is all you, bub.” 
The beers have loosened your tongue, made your anxieties seem a little further away.
“I don’t know. You have your moments.” His fingers dance along your palm, stroking the broken planes.
The two of you enjoy this easy intimacy you’d been forming over the past few days. 
“How’d we get together?” Those instruments of death you’ve seen take countless lives, glide over the soft skin of your wrist. Your eyes, usually so afraid to meet his, can’t leave their hazel captivity as you process his blunt question
“Oh, uh…” Tucking your hair behind your ear with your free hand, your eyes dart to his fingers still drifting across your flesh.
“Don’t get shy on me now, bub.” He smirks, though his heart’s not in it. 
That asshole. 
Taking a deep gulp of your third beer, you rely on the liquid courage, before raising your eyes back to his.
“One night. It was a few days after everything, we had finally got a sedative for Charles. We had a moment to take stock of everything we’d lost. You … uh … he came to me and … he cried. The first time I’d seen it.” His hand pulls back, but you can’t help it, you refuse to release your hold. You don’t want to lose this connection. Your thumb dips, rubbing at his knuckle, at the joint where his claws always caused the bone to ache. “I held him and he kissed me, it was messy. It was desperate but I think we both needed to feel something that wasn’t grief.” 
“And I thought I was special… ” His voice holds sarcasm though you can tell the sentiment behind it is anything but humorous.
“You are special to me.”
“Yeah.” His voice is dismissive, like he doesn’t believe what you’re saying.
“You are.”
“I look like the guy who’s special to you, darlin’. I’m not him, as much as you may wish I am. Hell I wish I was.” He has snatched his hand away as he slams cash down on the bar.
Logan has started the short walk back to the apartment, cutting through the alley.
He’s hurt, burying it deep beneath the rage. His anger is an old friend. One he’s comfortable confronting.
“I’m done with your stupid games. I’m done with it all. Haven’t you got the memo? I’m the worst Logan.”
“I’m so fucking sick of that! You’re so goddamn cruel to yourself.” You cry out at his leather covered shoulders, that in itself seems to stop him in his tracks. The Y/N from his world was a mousy wallflower through and through, nothing he’d seen from this world led him to believe you were any different and yet his ears weren’t deceiving him. “I loved my Logan - I fucking adored him. Yes, sometimes it's hard to separate the two of you, but I care for you.”
He stands motionless in the alley as you bare your soul. 
“I’ve known you for a week. I can’t love you the same because you’re not the same person, not entirely, but my soul knows yours. You’re Logan.” You’ve closed the distance but he still wont turn around and perhaps that's what makes it easier to say the things you’ve been desperate to say for days. “I look in your eyes and I feel safe, when you touch me everything feels like it's going to be okay. You’re not the worst, you’re not the best. You’re Logan; you’re just Logan.”
Logan is on you instantly, silencing your words with a scorching kiss. It's the kind you see in movies, desperate, filled to the brim with passion, usually taking place in the rain.
His hands find your lower back, pulling you to him as your wrap your arms around his neck, making sure he can’t escape from your grasp, as he growls and pushes you against the brick wall. 
Your nose aches from the pressure of his cheek pressed against it as he devours your mouth with his own. He is claiming your mouth with a week of pent up emotions. He grips your thigh, hiking your leg up around his waist, pressing the hardened bulge of his jeans against your core. 
“Mom? … Logan?” 
There in the street light Laura is illuminated. Her face gives nothing away, she may as well be wearing those sunglasses for all you can garner from her expression. 
“Hey Love! - I.. We…uh-” Logan slowly releases your thigh, slyly adjusting his jeans in an attempt to hide his erection. You do your best to stand in front of the -ahem- sizeable bulge. 
“How's it going?” You ask with a faux air of casualness as you place your hands on your hips, though your voice has a weird edge.
“Pretty good. How’s it going for you?” Her own voice has a coy little smile to it, which puts you at ease just a little. 
“Great, I’m great. Logan? You great?”
“Great.” He grunts behind you. 
“Great! - Everyone’s … great.” 
The three of you stand in silence for a second or two, processing what's just happened or perhaps trying to decide if great is still a real word.
“You’re so weird.” Laura snorts. “For the record I’m happy that you both pulled your heads out of your asses.”
“Kid-” You and Logan speak in sync. Your eyes lock as you both try and decide how the other was going to finish that sentence.
“Laura - me and your Mom… uh… things are complicated… and we don’t want to drag you into this.” Logan, the man of very few words, has managed to find them. You’re stunned into silence as he takes control of a conversation… about feelings… with his daughter.
This is not any Logan that you know.
Laura looks to you, waiting for your seal of approval on the message.  
“I know how confusing things are already, Bug.” You close the distance between the two of you, linking your fingers with hers.  “Me and your dad, we’re working through some things.”
You notice Logan’s shoulders setting straighter at his new title, like a welcome weight has been placed upon them. She nods at your words, smiling devilishly.
“It was just a matter of time, Mama. He has a staring problem.”
“No, I fuckin’ don’t.” He growls from behind you both. Your heart feels lighter than it has in a decade as the two of you cackle at his defensive response.
He digs his hands into his pockets glaring your way, though it has no heat whatsoever behind it, in fact he looks like he’s fighting a smile.
With your hand still firmly in Laura’s you pull her back towards the apartment, linking your arm through Logan’s warm, thick leather clad one. He doesn’t take your hand, but he also doesn’t pull away as the three of you walk back to the house. 
“Can we get pizza? - For emotional trauma?” She questions.
“Baby, I’ll buy you all the pizza in New York.” You reply rolling your eyes.
“Not with fuckin’ pineapple on.” Logan groans.
“Pineapple on pizza is objectively delicious!” Laura defends from her place on your otherside, she pulls on your hand still hanging between the two of you. “Back me up.”
“I will always have your back … but…. pineapple on pizza is in fact a crime against humanity.” 
Logan lets out a guffaw of victory, as Laura snarls his way. You take a mental picture, the warmth in your chest, bracketed in by your two favourite people in the world. Life is good.
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Laura leaves the next morning. 
It is a difficult pill to swallow, after seven years by her side. You can’t quite make the leap to take her to the mansion, it's something she understands. So when you embrace her at the doorway after Ellie reassures you for the 30th time she’ll look out for her, you find it hard to let go.
There hasn’t been a day you’ve been without her since you first met the scrawny 12-year old in Mexico. Laura is an extension of you, like your heart is on the outside of your body and you’re not ready for your heart to go to West Chester without you being there to protect it. 
At that moment you understand why she needs this independence, she’s 19 years old. She needs her own life, to experience everything it has to offer but that doesn’t make letting go any easier.
“You call if you need anything, anything at all.” You tell her as you push her hair behind her ears. “Don’t stay up too late but also don’t go to bed too early to make friends but make sure you get plenty of sleep.”
“I will get the perfect amount of sleep, don’t worry.” She grabs your wrists, removing your hands from her hair.
“Okay, okay. Sorry.” You sigh, your anxiety is eating away at your stomach. She’s not the vulnerable child being hunted anymore, you try to remind yourself. “If you need me-”
“-If you need us. We’ll be there.” Logan cuts you off, interjecting his own amendment. 
In a show of affection you’re not quite expecting, he hugs the girl. It's somewhat awkward and clumsy, the two have known each other for a week, but when they pull back, you can see the gesture was all that really mattered.
He hands her her backpack, which she throws one strap over her shoulder. The two smile at each other in their silent language, both such quiet souls. 
When she turns back to you, you ask. “We can walk you down?”
“Stay here? It’s easier this way.” She looks so small as she pleads with you.
Taking mercy on her, you nod. 
“Okay.” Waving you watch her turn for the door. You don’t expect however when she turns back and barrels into your chest for a final time, burying her face in your neck.
“I love you, Mama.” She whispers, you can’t help it as your eyes water. You wrap your arms around her, squeezing her tightly to your chest. 
“I love you. You are my world.” You know she needs you to let her go for her to be able to walk through that door. So with a deep inhale of her hair for the road, you pull back gathering your strength. You pull her other strap onto her shoulder and push her hair back from her face. You wipe her tears from her cheeks and give her the biggest smile you can muster, despite your teary eyes and broken voice. “Give them hell, baby.”
Laura nods, giving her own matching teary smile. Her back straightens and her shoulders square as she follows Yukio and Ellie down the hall. The duo waving at you as they descend down the stairs.
You’re so busy watching your world disappear down the hall you barely feel the heavy warm hand wrap around your shoulder in comfort. You melt into Logan’s side as your heart shatters.
You wait for him to leave in a hurry, only he does the last thing you expect of the Wolverine. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you to his chest. You close your eyes as the tears begin to fall against your will. 
Logan strokes your back. He doesn’t offer any words of comfort, but he doesn’t need to, his presence alone is enough.
His trimmed beard, bristles against your hair as he places a kiss on the top of your head, burying his nose in your hair as he holds you. 
It's hard to say how long the two of you stand there like that. Only when your body stops shaking do you finally look up through tear streamed eyes.  Logan looks down at you, his face is lined with concern. 
“You good?”
“I will be.” Your voice is broken from crying. “I-”
“I know, Bub.” He smiles your way, one you’ve not seen, perhaps ever.
It's soft, sympathetic but filled with adoration. He pushes the strand of hair, now sodden with tears, back behind your ear. His finger lingers on the curve of the bone for a moment or two before he pulls back. 
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Things change when Laura leaves. Not massively, and not entirely for the worst.
You and Logan had started sharing the bed, not like that (unfortunately), but sleeping next to one another. It was comfier than the sofa and his body curled around yours made you sleep a hell of a lot more soundly. Suddenly years of insomnia were cured by his muscled warmth curled around you like a safety blanket.
He never made a move to further it, even if you had once or twice tried to entice him by grinding your backside against his morning wood. The man was nothing if not resilient as he rolled away, grunting.
The two of you had been getting to know one another, you had resolved to treat him like a whole new man. This revelation meant that their differences weren’t such a blow anymore, you didn’t actively compare the two of them as much.
You had created a clear picket line in your head and it seemed to be working. They were two different versions of the same man, each with their own merits and disadvantages. 
They weren’t to be compared.
The two of you had started a ritual of movie nights, evenings where you’d sit a little too close on the couch and pretend it wasn’t happening. He’d share a blanket he knew he didn’t need just to get close to you. It was a little uncomfortable when Wade asked to come under the blanket but you enjoyed the time spent with the clown,  
In fact, your favourite night had been when you, Wade and Al had all sat down to watch the Notebook - the movie Logan point blank refused watch.
Yes, the movie he objected to so strongly, then proceeded to watch from behind the couch, standing awkwardly on the threshold of the lounge. Where he lingered for the first half an hour pretending to have no interest in it. 
When the end credits came around he was back under the blanket with you and Wade, utterly refusing to admit that he’d cried. 
That argument with Wade had gotten heated and he’d put three little tears in your blanket, but it was one of your fondest memories in this apartment. 
It had been three weeks now. Only two of them had been spent hunting for a room that you could afford on a barista’s salary, which was the only job you were qualified for after dropping off the planet for the past ten years.
Colossus had offered you your old teaching position though you didn’t want to cramp Laura’s style and you didn’t think you could face stepping foot back in that mansion, too many of your ghosts lingered there. The same could be said for Logan, though he had found much better paying work at St Margarets.
He and Wade did odd jobs, merc work to pay the rent. They killed bad guys and got paid for it, and boy they got paid a hell of a lot more than you.
The coffee shop below Wade’s apartment, or waking hell, as you’d come to know it was your slice of a regular life; trying to push your circle peg into a triangle hole.
Its a 24-hour coffee shop, cause who doesn’t need caffeine at 3am? Tch. New York. You’re leaning on the counter a million miles away, contemplating if the graveyard shifts are worth the illusion of paying your way when Logan makes up most of your share of the rent anyway.
Your singular customer is a young guy typing away on his laptop, desperately trying to finish what looks like a college essay. He’s eleven espressos in and has been here since before your shift started at 5pm. You haven’t been told if you can cut someone off, but surely that much caffeine must count as overserving. 
The bell above the door tingles loudly, the warm lights illuminate his red mask. 
“Hey angel baby!” He comes to the counter, pretending to read the board as if he hasn’t been here a million times before.
“Hi Wade.” You smile tiredly at the man. “What’cha want? It's on the house!”
“Ooooh, gimme’ a Caramel Macchiato but hit me with like 6 shots espresso, extra caramel and don’t skimp on the whipped cream - I like to call this the don't stop til dawn.”
“Your insides must be a mess.” You shake your head and get to making his drink. 
“How’s the soul crushing service industry treating ya?” He asks, leaning one hand on the counter.
“It’s okay. A little boring, but not so bad, nobody's shooting at me.” You motion downwards with your eyes to the fresh bullet holes in his red suit.
“Ha! Yeahhh. But it's good old fashioned fun, beating guys to a pulp, saving kids from trees, taking candy from cats.” You roll your eyes at the man. “But they say, if you love your job you never work a day in your life! And boy, I love my job.”
You're steaming the milk when he speaks up again, shouting loudly over the machine. “You should come and work with me and Logi Bear. He’s 10% less of an old grumpy fuck when you’re around.”
He’s still shouting when the machine quietens, making your cringe a little as the kid looks your way. This isn’t the first time Wade’s broached the subject with you.
“I get you wanna move out, we love having you, but I get that Al’s old lady smell can get sorta’ overwhelming after a while.”
“Wade.” You sigh, admonishing his jokes about the lady who you’ve grown to care for in the past month. “If you didn’t live in a two bed, I’d love to stay, but it's just too small and I want you to have your bedroom back. I hate feeling like a burden.”
You secure the lid to his drink when its finally complete. “One heart attack in a cup.” 
“My favourite.” His mask contorts around the eyes showing his smile. “Oh Wolvie’s upstairs in bad shape. Something took a fuckin’ chunk outta him.”
“What the fuck Wade?! Why didn’t you lead with that?” You’re pulling off your apron and halfway around the counter before you remember your shift isn’t over for another hour.  
“Cause’ then you wouldn’t have made my fast juice.”
Ah fuck it.
“Don’t steal the cash register.” You warn the kid looking your way. “He’ll hunt you down and beat the crap out of you.”
Wade waves at the kid behind you, he has his macchiato in one hand and baby knife in his other for special effect. The kid gives a look of ‘Jeez’ before returning to his work.
“You coming?” You ask when your almost half way through the door.
“Nah - saving innocents makes me hungy. Fork hands has his healing factor. He'll be fine.” Wade replies dismissively.
Huffing you turn on your heel and practically run to the apartment. 
A chunk out of him? 
Logan's healing factor was significantly better without the adamantium poisoning but surely he could die. In an instant you’re back in North Dakota, holding his hand as he fades away. 
Your breath is heavy as you take the steps two at a time. 
Not again. 
The door is thrown open and instead of chaos you find the lights dimmed, candles all over the apartment and there Logan stands in a new plaid buttondown and his finest wranglers. He’s holding a bouquet of sunflowers in those veined hands you love so much. It's like something out of a Danielle Steel novel and you utterly melt.
The panic that had clutched your heart recedes. Your anxiety releases its grip on you. 
“You’re not hurt?” 
“No, bub. I’m fine. Sorry for the clown. He offered to help and I…”
You shake your head and smile at him, hesitantly you take a step forward. When you’re close enough he hands them your way. “I have it on good authority, they’re your favourites.”
“They are.”
“I wanna give you what you deserve, sweetheart.” He starts, it's like he’s rehearsed it in his head. Little do you know it's all his thought about for the past three weeks. “You deserve more than a romp in the woods, or an alley.” 
He seems to cringe at this before continuing.
“I’m not like the other guy. He was a goddamn anchor being, hero through and through from what I hear about him. I’m angry, I kill people and I drink too goddamn much, but when you look at me, I feel like I could be him.” For the first time, it is him that takes your hand in his much larger one. “Do you know how jealous of that asshole I am, Bub? That he got you first? That he got to have your uncomplicated love. If you’d been older in my timeline, I would've’ met you first, I wouldn’t have looked twice at another and I’d have fallen for you the second you looked up at me from beneath those eyelashes, how could I not when everything about you is so easy to love?” 
You’ve always been a crier, and this is no different. The man is stamping down every single one of your insecurities, reassuring you as you go. Making you feel more loved then you’ve ever felt before.
“I adore you. From your crappy cooking-”
“Your porny books you think I don’t see, to the way you cry at movies, how much you love our daughter. I fuckin’ love you Y/N. Its messy and complicated, I’m not sure if you could-”
In a total role reversal it is you who cuts him off, grabbing his face in your palms and dragging his face down to yours. Your mouths join for the first time in weeks, it is hot and full of desire and love. It's like the two of you are releasing all of your tension into this kiss, finally the air has been cleared and it's rejuvenating. 
You press your forehead to his, gasping for breath as his kisses steal the air from your lungs.
“Lo, I guarantee every version of me loves you, even if you were too blind to see it in your world.” 
“You were a married woman in my world, bub.”
You gasp theatrically. “Adulturerer.”
“You’ve spent too much time with that fuckin’ idiot.” He kisses your lips, though you don’t let it turn into anything deeper, as you pull back rubbing your nose against his. 
“tch… stop.” He groans, grabbing your ass pulling you into his bulge, you bite his lip with a giggle. “Why do you have these lined up?”
He never gets his answer as he picks you up, wrapping your legs around his back and carries you through to the bedroom. You pull away from his mouth, looking over to the set dinner table.
“The food… you went to all that effort!” He is kissing your neck, nipping and lathering the bites with his tongue. 
“Can’t cook for shit, darlin’. It’s take out, we can heat it up. I’m hungry for your fuckin’ sweet cunt right now. “
Your lower stomach clenches at his positively filthy words, you join your lips back to his. His teeth nip at your lip as he plunges his tongue into your mouth, running the tip along your teeth. 
Before there had been need, but now, you’re both desperate. You’ve had a mere taste of what the other has to offer and now you’ve starved yourself for months. 
“Not gonna’ last long on the first, darlin’.” He groans into your mouth as your hand works its way into his pants. He is eager as he throws you back onto the bed and is already working at peeling your black jeans down your legs. “Those fuckin’ shorts you sleep in, fuck. I’ve been dreamin’ about buryin’ myself in ya’ for weeks.”
“Please, Lo.” You’re not sure what you’re already begging for but you are desperate. You’re left in your uniform tee and panties, as he slowly unbuttons his button down, slowly revealing the white undershirt beneath. You’ve never found collarbones particularly attractive, but the tanned skin stretched across his is quite frankly delectable. 
You pull your shirt over your head, all too eager to be rid of the reminder of the job you should by all rights be at right now. Your bra is quick to follow.
“Those gorgeous tits, been thinking of these every fucking night.” You groan at his admission. He himself is shirtless, you have half a mind to return the same complement as your hands brush against his perfectly sculpted pecs. 
This man was the perfect specimen, it was unfair, t shirts should be outlawed for him. He grabs the waistband of your panties. 
‘Snikt’ and a rip sound and you are utterly bare before him, laying across Wade’s bed. 
Those gorgeous strong hands trace the planes of your body, circling your nipples before his mouth takes their place. 
He groans as his hands descend to your core. “All this for me? I’m gonna’ fuckin’ slide in, Baby.” 
And he does, two fingers push through your tight slick opening, three weeks of foreplay have left you soaking wet and wanting. How can you live with a man who looks the way he does, who consistently works out in the living room shirtless and not have the ocean in your panties. 
It seems Logan has had all he can take as he slides a third finger in, pumping it in and out of you, rubbing at your clit with his thumb. Gasping you grab at your sheets desperate to anchor yourself. 
He kisses up your breast, lavishing your chest in kisses and bites. Never enough to leave a mark but just enough to excite you. 
When he’s at your neck he leans in, whispering into your ear. “I’m gonna fuckin’ ruin that pussy.”
You can’t help it, maybe you’re a whore for this man, but you don’t fucking care. Your legs part even further on the bed.
“Please, Logan. I need you to fuck me.”
He grins savagely, pushing his already undone belt and jeans down his hips. He’s back up and claiming your mouth, your legs wrapped around his ass, pulling you down to him before he knows it. 
One hand is bearing his weight as the other disappears, he lines himself up at your entrance, the head of his cock breaching your folds. He’s thick, thicker than you remember, but there isn’t any discomfort this time. He settles for a moment, his forehead against yours. His mouth dips to join your lips, his tongue lashing out and fucking your mouth as his hips leap forward spearing you on his cock. The bed creaks with the power of his hips as he fucks you hard into the matress. 
Skin slapping on skin is all that can be heard as he readjusts onto his knees, he’s desperate to be as deep as possible and you need the same thing. 
“I know, darlin’.” He grabs your waist, lifting you as if you weigh nothing at all and flips you over. Suddenly you’re astride him, your knees either side of his hips as his head rests in the pillows. 
His eyes are distracted by your tits as he smirks, happy with the view. 
You ache for him, so you reach down, lining his thick purple headed member with your core before you sink down in one stroke, his extended groan absolutely wrecks you as his big hands come to rest on the meat of your hips. 
You rest your hands on his amply hair covered chest, using his pecs as leverage before you raise your hips before slamming back down and bottoming him out. 
He’s so deep inside you, the tip of him must be brushing your goddamn cervix as you raise yourself once more, until he almost slips out before meeting his hips once more. 
Logan’s strength never fails to surprise you as his hands follow your lead yet help lift you through the manoeuvre. 
You’re bouncing on his cock, quick rise and fall sporadically grinding your clit deliciously into his pelvis. 
Logan feels fucking amazing inside of you, maybe its been the buildup of weeks but you find yourself heading towards the dive faster than ever before. 
“Ride my cock,sweetheart. That’s it, make yourself feel good.”
Gasping at his words and the change of position as he sits up, wrapping his arms around you and claiming your mouth. The second you find the angle that feels amazing against your clit, you hit it again and again, grinding hard against him.
“Lo - I’m gonna … I’m gonna -” You crash before you can get the words out, your toes curl by his knees and your whole body seizes in ecstasy. The world feels right as the stars appear behind your eyes.
The world stopped for you for a moment but not for Logan. He has bought his knees up and is pistoning his hips into your contorting body. He’s holding you against him, groaning into your neck as he continues to fuck your clenching pussy relentlessly.
“Oh fuck … your so fucking tight. Fucking perfect cunt- made - for - me.” He growls into your neck, but you’re too cock drunk to hear it properly, as he frantically thrusts his powerful hips up and into you. 
“Where? ” He pulls back, never slowing his hips as he grabs your cheeks with one hand. Your sweat laden face, vacant and looking back at him, your cunt hasn’t stopped clenching around him as he plunders your depths, his voice is strained as he asks again  “Darlin’...you gotta … tell me … where?”
“...inside, Lo. Please come inside me…” Your so overstimulated, you could cry.  The sound of his balls slapping against skin as he thrusts upwards deep inside of you, whilst he pulls your body down. He’s so fucking deep inside of you, your pussy squelching from a mixture of precum and your arousal.
With another string of lewd words he’s coming hard, Logan’s head has fallen back against the headboard exposing the thick chords of muscle, you can't help sinking your teeth into it, you dip your hand and rub at your clit clumsily, you’re so fucking overstimulated from watching him you follow him over the precipice once more, giving him an insanely tight sheath to come in. 
“That’s it, take it all, sweetheart” He groans as he continues to slowly pump his seed deep within you
Gasping you fall slack in his arms, your bones are jelly and your muscles ache, you really are a pillow princess. 
“Still with me?” You manage to nod your clammy forehead against his pec, you currently have your cheek squished against. He chuckles, as he lies back against the pillows, leaving his cock still inside of you, you can feel him leaking out of you as he softens a little, recovering for what you imagine will be another enthusiastic round if history is a teacher. 
You are utterly fucked out as you lie on his chest, listening to his breath with his cum slowly leaking from your abused hole. 
The two of you have never needed words, you lie against his chest, the hands you adore so much, come out to stroke your hair.
Rubbing soothingly at your scalp before running his calloused fingers through the locks and repeating. 
When you’ve finally gathered enough strength you lean on your hands, looking up at him.
“Welcome back, bub.”
“Hello.” You smile shyly, like you hadn’t just sunk your canines into his neck whilst wantonly riding his cock to oblivion. 
“You okay?” He asks, his hand rising to stroke your swollen bottom lip.
“Someone fucked me brain dead - but yeah, I’m good.” You smirk, nipping at his thumb.
He grins wolfishly and chuckles with his whole body, the movement causes his cock to move inside of you. Slowly you feel him hardening once more.
“You can still talk, Darlin’. Means I haven’t done my job properly.” The predatory gaze in his eyes excites and scares you in equal parts. Though you’re probably asking for trouble when you take his thumb back in your mouth. 
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It's light outside when you finally have to tap out. 
Your pussy is aching, your ass is stinging from the new sensation, your jaw throbs and your entire body is boneless. 
You can’t quite catch your breath and your cunt is leaking so much cum, that you’re probably 10% Logan at this point. 
The Wolverine has utterly devoured you, making up for three weeks of torment in one night. Though he’s not all bad as he feeds you noodles from chopsticks as you lay on his muscled hair laden thighs. 
When Logan had suggested food, you’d had to stop him from eating Wontons from your belly button as none of your holes were currently operational. 
The two of you have dressed, though that is a strong use of the word as you’re wearing only his button down and him only his underwear. 
You’re lazing on the couch watching reruns of Friends as your bed sorely needs fresh sheets and a new base. Poor Wade, you’d have to replace it before you move out. Like he could read your mind, Logan begins. 
“I found a new place, its nothing fancy but its got four walls and no roommates.” You smile at him around your mouthful of noodles as he takes his own bite.
Sitting up you smile. “That’s great news, Lo.”
“I uh- wanted to see, if you’d wanna come with me.”
You can’t help your grin. 
I am currently posting this at the airport before my flight. I love you all! 💖
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loonylupinblack3 · 1 month
Heyy! I absolutely adore your work and I was wondering if I could make a request? A Logan x reader fic where they’re out at a bar and the reader is on the shy side, so when Logan steps aside and a sleazy man tries to get handsy with her, she doesn’t really know what to do. Logan steps in though, protective and fuming. Hope this makes sense!
If not, no worries at all and I hope you have a wonderful day, love!! 💗💗
My Hero
Pairing: Logan Howlett x Reader
Warnings: sleazy man being sleazy, the blatant ignorance of consent, small amount of violence, swearing
Word count: 2k
A/N: hope you enjoy anon <3
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You hated big social events. They were your worst nightmare. You hated the amount of people everywhere and the talking and the strangers and all of it. You much preferred one on one, with people you knew and trusted. 
Social events just made you uncomfortable. You couldn’t act like other people could. You weren’t easy to talk to or excited to meet strangers. You were awkward and your words came out stilted. You needed a script to follow when speaking to people, and any straying from that script left you vulnerable, confused and scared.
So safe to say these social outings the X men insisted on having weren’t your thing. They claimed it would improve team relationships by completing fun activities together, yet everyone had decided getting drunk at a club was the best fun activity.
You were strongly opposed but it was mandatory, so with incredible reluctance you let your boyfriend drag you to the club, promising to spend the whole night with you and not have a single drink.
Knowing Logan, that was a big promise, and also knowing him as your boyfriend, you knew he’d keep his word. He knew how uncomfortable you got in big groups of people, and he enjoyed the idea of helping you, of being the reason you could bear it.
When you arrived a feeling of dread washed over you, thudding music coming from the warehouse-looking building, and fractures of bright light escaping through the cracks of the door. Logan put his arm around your waist, pulling you close, and you revelled in the safety you felt from it, sticking close as you entered the club.
Loud noise immediately assaulted your senses, and you scrunched up your face as your ears screamed in protest. The music was blaring through speakers dotted all over the room, blasting you to near deafness.
You moved closer to Logan, the man tightening his grip on you. “You alright?”
His voice, barely heard over the loud music, was still a huge relief to you, your beating heart easing slightly. You shrugged your shoulders. “I’m not dying.”
He laughed at your words, his body shaking in the process. You smiled, as you always did whenever you made Logan smile or laugh, a small sense of pride flaring inside you. The good feeling helped you push forward, finding a seat at the bar. Logan sat right next to you as he said he would, and when the bartender inquired what drinks you both wanted he settled for soft drinks for both of you.
You smiled into your hands, feeling slightly giddy that he kept his word even though you knew he was going to. It was something about him deciding not to drink on one of his only nights out because it would better comfort you that made you so delighted.
Logan gently pried your hands away from your face with a smirk. “If I’m not drinking tonight you may as well let me reap the rewards for it. I wanna see that pretty smile of yours.”
Of course those words only made your smile widened, heat rushing to your cheeks at the compliment, and Logan stared with unwavering focus, a smug smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
“You’re insufferable,” you mumbled, looking away.
Logan chuckled, hands snaking to your waist. “You know you love me.”
Unable to resist you turned to look at him, eyes gazing at his features, memorising every blemish on his skin. “Yeah, I do.”
Logan grinned widely at your confession, though you’ve said those words many times before. He just seemed to get a sense of satisfaction every time you spoke them, a reminder that you really did love him, and that you were his.
The sounds of commotion took your attention away, and you heard Scott’s raised voice but couldn’t spot him through the crowd, nor decipher what he was saying. Logan’s brows creased in concern and he looked like he wanted to go check it out, but loyalty to you and his promise to stay by your side stilled his restless body.
“Go,” you urged him, knowing he wanted to check up on his friend. “I’ll be fine here for a few minutes.”
He hesitated still, loyalty to two different people warring inside him. At your sincere expression, however, he leaned in close, pressing a kiss to your forehead and whispering a promise of returning soon before he disappeared into the crowd.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, turning back to the bar and staring at your brightly coloured fizzy drink, though you didn’t take a sip. You hoped Logan would be back soon, for though all your talk of being able to handle yourself you still felt vulnerable and alone, even in a room packed full of people.
“All alone there Missy?”
Your head whipped to the side to the source of the question, finding a man much older than you leaning on the bar, eyeing you appreciatively. 
You shifted about nervously, swallowing thickly. You hated talking to strangers. “Um, no, I have a few friends here.”
The man raised his eyebrows, making a show of looking around the bar before zeroing back on you. “So then where are they?”
You felt uncomfortable that he was still talking to you and pathetically shrugged your shoulders. “They said they’d be back soon.”
The man nodded, humming slightly before sidling closer to you. As you were seated you couldn’t very well move away, but you longed to when you smelt the alcoholic tang on the man’s breath.
“The name’s Hiram,” he spoke, using a hand to ruffle his hair slightly.
You thought he looked ridiculous.
“Y/n,” you murmured quietly instead, because you weren’t sure what else to say.
The man, Hiram, seemed to take that as an invitation to move closer, his breath in your face and hand on your shoulder. You tried to lightly shake it off but he had a vice grip, fingers uncomfortably digging into your skin.
“Why don’t we leave this place Y/n?” he offered, hand trailing to your lower back.
You were extremely uncomfortable as of this moment and was grasping for something to say to make the man leave you alone.
“Please let go of me,” was your meek response, feeling both foolish and defenceless.
The man scoffed, hand moving to hold your arm in a tight grip. “Listen Y/n, let’s just have some fun ‘kay? You don’t need to make it a big deal.”
You ignored him, tugging your arm out of his hand and sliding off the stool, intending to search for Logan. The man was fast though, his slimy arm wrapping around your waist and jerking you towards him. 
An icky, sickly feeling overtook you, the overwhelming sense of fear flooding your senses. You didn’t want this grimy man’s hands on you and certainly didn’t want his revolting breath in your face. You wanted to be home curled up on your bed with a book in hand, your boyfriend’s arms wrapped around you and his chin resting gently on your head as he read over your shoulder.
This was not what you wanted, but you’d told him that and he’d ignored it so you didn’t know what you were supposed to do now.
“Please, leave me alone-” you pleaded, desperately trying to tug yourself away from him.
He groaned like you were the one being difficult, tightening his grip on your waist to the point it was painful. “It won’t even be for that long-”
“She said leave her alone.”
Relief bloomed in your chest, even with the dirty man’s fingers still digging into your flesh. Hiram turned to look over his shoulder, eyes widened slightly at the sight of Logan towering over him, a white fury in his eyes.
He didn’t bow out immediately, however, which took guts, because a lesser man would have taken one glance at the fuming look on Logan’s face and bolted.
“C’mon man, just having some fun,” Hiram laughed, hand sliding lower down your waist.
Logan noted the movement, his jaw clicking as he stared at Hiram like he was his next meal. “You get the fuck away from her or I’ll make you.”
The man scoffed, taking a step forward, and then suddenly was on the floor, a cry of pain coming from his lips as he cradled his now broken nose. Logan moved forward, stepping on the man’s fingers as he did so, a sickening crack accompanying the action, before he was in front of you and wrapping you up in his arms.
“M’so sorry Bub,” he murmured. “I shouldn’t have left you alone.”
You shook your head but was grateful he was here, burrowing your head into his chest in an attempt to escape it all. “Can we go home?”
Logan was already leading you to the exit. “Of course. The others’ll understand.”
You were grateful as Logan drove you home, but you couldn’t get the feeling of the man’s grimy hands off you. You felt dirty, tainted, like he’d wiped mud on you and you needed to clean it off. Logan noticed your unease as you entered your shared room, and inquired gently as to what the matter was.
When you confessed your feelings, describing the awful ickiness crawling up your arms, and the phantom touch of the man’s hands imprinted upon your skin, Logan gently took your hand and led you to the bathroom, where he started filling the bathtub full of warm water, adding the strawberry essence you liked so much. He beckoned you to get into the tub and you did gently, taking each piece of clothing off and feeling the man’s hold more deeply, like he was still touching you beneath your clothes. 
It made you want to cry as you sat in the tub, knees to your chest. That was until you felt Logan’s hands, marred from centuries of violence, rub your skin with the softest touch, soap coating his fingers. The realisation that he was washing you, delicately cleaning every spot of your skin with his hands, was too much to bear and the tears started falling, but Logan just kissed them all away as he continued cleaning you.
Bit by bit he cleaned you off, making sure no part of you was untouched, wiping the man away from your body. You felt relief and an undying amount of love and gratitude for the man before you. It was hard to imagine him as the formidable Wolverine, because right now he was caring for you with such gentleness you were putty in his hands.
Fully cleaned off, the man’s hold a distant memory, Logan dried you off and dressed you in one of his shirts, knowing you felt safe with your body swamped in his clothes. He then gently carried you bridal style into your bedroom, holding you with a softness you hadn’t known he possessed.
He tucked you in the sheets, made sure you were the utmost comfortable before sliding in beside you, immediately pulling you to him, your back to his chest, and just holding you. You couldn’t have asked for a better moment, and gratefully melted into his embrace, feeling the safest you had all night.
“I love you Sweatheart,” he murmured into your hair, pressing a kiss to prove his words.
A delightful shiver ran down your spine at the action and you sighed in contentment, moving further into his embrace. Things were now as they should be, the two of you wrapped up in each other as the night slowly crept by. In the morning you’d wake up to your head in the crook of Logan’s neck like it always ended up, your limbs tangled together and breathing in sync.
For now though you let your eyes droop, a smile on your lips as you whispered, “I love you too.”
Logan held you a bit tighter after the words, a desperate feeling of love and awe overcoming him, and gently brushed your hair as you fell asleep, before he eventually followed suit, with you in his arms like you were supposed to be.
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tojisun · 25 days
lalalalala bf!logan fucking reader n letting his friend wade watch :D
kicking my feet n twirling my hair while reading this hhh // cw: v rambly (bcuz its in wade’s pov); voyeurism; smut; hinted age gap between logan n f!reader // divider by @/plutism
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it starts off like this—
“s’not how y’pick up women, big mouth,” logan murmured, his voice coming out in stilted grunts. wade, still in his suit, sighed and dramatically turned to his friend, because the sacred not-so-corpse is his friend even if logan denies it, and pointed baby knife at him. the pretty girl took that chance to run away with a chirped, ‘bye mr. wolverine sir!’ like wade wasn’t right there, wooing her with his magic words.
“and how would you know?” he asked because last he checked logan was single and emotionally unavailable.
he watched as logan downed the rest of his whiskey, adams apple bobbing in a painfully sexy way, before replying, “cuz i have the sweetest darlin’ waitin’ for me at home.”
fucking what.
logan brings him ‘home’; home apparently happens to be a little flat sitting in the outskirts of the city. the building is newer than wade’s apartment complex, and it sure as hell smells better too. the walls are all white and high-ceiling, and the elevator even had quiet music playing in the background. it was such an awkward ride up to the tenth floor because he’s sure he and logan are not exactly the target tenants of this place, but logan had a fob to get in so clearly they’re not in the wrong building.
he checks himself out in the elevator mirror, noting the parts in his costume that he needs to deal with, before the quiet ding wakes him up from his thoughts. logan leads the two of them deeper into the complex, bypassing apartment doors until they get to the one on the far side of the east wing.
logan punches in the code, and wade hums throughout, teasingly asking if logan was the sugar baby because there’s no way he’s the one paying for this flat. logan ignores him, grumbling every now and then, but he’s more subdued and achingly patient. it’s fucking bizarre if wade is being honest but then they’re inside the flat—pretty greens and browns, and just utterly so homey—and logan’s yelling a name. socked feet pad against the floor, before a body rounds the hallway and into their vantage point.
for the record, wade knows that no one will ever be as beautiful as vanessa. like, he’s a hundred-percent confident in that. but this pretty bird that jumped into logan’s arms, all giggly and beaming, comes close.
“you’re home!” you cheer, your lips curled into the softest of smiles as you look at logan, blind and deaf to wade’s presence in the face of your lover.
wade watches as logan hums, nuzzling his face on yours. the two of you breathe each other in, like you are familiarizing yourselves with the other’s scent, and wade would have been fine with just being a spectator—logan had clearly already forgotten about him with the way his greedy hands began pawing at your ass—but then you’re fluttering your eyes open and accidentally locking them with wade’s.
a yell bubbles from your throat, spilling raggedly. you try to jump off logan’s arms, shyness encroaching in, but he isn’t budging. instead, thick arms pull you ever so closer, pressing your front flush to his own, until you feel his warmth seeping through your shirt.
“won’t you grant me somethin’, bub?” logan murmurs, his eyes glinting dangerously.
you flick your eyes back to wade, watching as the… vigilante? raises his hands and wiggles his fingers to you in greeting. a pinch on your ass cheek makes you squeak, and you look back to logan with a pout because—“wh’d’ya want?”
logan does this little crooning laugh before murmuring something to you. you freeze in his arms, lips parting in surprise, and wade so dearly wants to know what else did logan say for your shock to melt into something contemplative, before your lips purse in your mulling interest.
“okay,” you whisper, breathily.
logan chuckles and presses a kiss on your temple. “thank you, sweet girl.”
“uhm, what exactly is going on here?” wade finally asks, tired of being left out but neither the pretty bird nor his friend give him a reply. wade was ready to go complaining but then logan sends him a wolfish—heh—grin and tilts his head in invitation.
wade feels like his mind and his cock would explode anytime soon.
this is the third time you’ve cum and logan has yet to actually fuck you with his dick. he’s coaxed your orgasms out, all high-pitched and squeaky, with just his fingers and the whispered croons of something so achingly sweet it almost feels odd that they’re uttered while he’s spreading you with his fingers.
wade didn’t even know what the hell was happening—remaining clueless while he followed you and logan into the cutesy little room—until you were stripped off your shirt and pants, and left with nothing but your matching lingerie set. it’s pink and made of lace, and is pretty against your skin, and wade wonders if you actually walk around with that every chance or if you knew logan was going to visit.
either way, wade’s cock is straining in his boxers ever since logan made you lick his fingers—“lap a’them well, baby, oth’wise it’s gon’ hurt.”—before plunging them in your cunt. the first orgasm was a quiet thrill, the room swelling with unsaid words past your muffled moans because no one wanted to break the moment.
the second one was more intense, with logan’s fingers now drenched and your pussy leaking. the squelch was pornographic, and wade’s ears tingled at every wet shlop, but then logan began to be louder. bolder. meaner.
“y’don’t piss yerself like this when’s jus’ me,” he grunted, lifting a thick brow up in question. it pulled out an embarrassed whine from you, before you hid your face underneath your arm at the implication that being watched made you wetter.
being acknowledged mid-fingering had wade jumping, his blood thrumming downwards, and he had to stab his thigh with a dagger to stop himself from interrupting because logan had shot him a sneer—a demand that wade be patient—before turning to you again, his free hand pulling your arm away.
“look at me, bub. wan’ see you when you cum,” he rumbled, before nuzzling kisses over your trembling lips.
now bare and exposed again, wade saw the exact moment logan’s fingers hit somewhere delicious because your mouth fell for a soundless moan, your body rising from the bed, locking, legs shaking, before a spray gushed out of your cunt.
it was so utterly beautiful, it had wade whimpering, aching himself, but he’s ignored once again with logan leaning down to kiss you filthy. it’s all tongue and teeth, and maws snapping at each other in some weird sexual battle, until spit and breaths were vividly being exchanged.
logan pulled his fingers out, and wade had to twist the knife he’s buried on his thigh to ground himself into silence, but it was futile—he so wanted to lick logan’s fingers clean; to suckle every juice until those digits were glistening with just his spit and no longer your essence, not when wade was done with logan’s hand. but logan was selfish, and he swallowed his own fingers, lapping at every ridges like a man starved.
it honest to god looked awful and disgusting, but wade’s too far gone in his lust to even judge because he would’ve done the same too.
the third orgasm was more quiet and less life-changing, and wade understands why it was rushed and contained—it was the final foreplay, one that logan had just dragged on to punish wade, he’s sure. it was the last tease because now, you’re going to be rewarded.
logan shifts the two of you on the bed, changing angles and manhandling your body until you’re on your front, ass up and presenting to logan. wade watches, hands twitching from where they’re currently gripping the handles of his chair, as logan mounts you.
it looks like a mating act. it’s animalistic and ragged—logan humping his cock between your ass cheeks, grunting to himself, until he’s finally lining up his cock to your sweet hole. there was a moment when they both froze, hesitating, and wade must have made some sort of noise because two pairs of eyes snapped in his way instantly.
he didn’t even realize that logan’s arranged for you to be facing wade, and something about the conscious inclusion of wade within this intimate act makes him whimper-y and less… chirpy. hell, he’s yet to even pipe up and comment, too busy trying not to jizz inside his boxers because he’s certain that logan would kick him out after this and no one in their right mind wants to trek home with drying spunk in their boxers.
a shrill keen tears him away from his thoughts, and he snaps his head up, greedily devouring the vision you and logan make. and you two make a mean porno—you’ve got wade wistfully sighing at the way you go cross-eyed at the slow plunge of logan’s cock in your pussy. it’s not like wade can blame you; he’s seen the sheer girth of his friend, and you’re an honest to god champ for taking all that in.
no wonder logan’s fingered you to three orgasms because that cock is humongous. wade’s sure he can even pitch wolverine’s dick as the next international threat to the avengers because who the hell allowed logan to have that dong? it’s fucked how the sacred corpse also gets to have a sacred dick.
but wade continues to watch, enamoured, as logan uses your body as his personal fucktoy—his big hands grip your waist, dimpling your skin, before using the purchase as leverage for him to rut and hump and drill.
god, there’s so much drilling. you scream, unable to compartmentalize the gravity of your pleasure, leaving you to scramble for purchase amidst your sobs. you claw at the sheets, fisting them until they’re a rumpled mess, because your pleasure is so much bigger than you’ve expected, and it is so much better than you remembered.
it’s been a while since logan’s fucked you, and while he’s teased you for being so horny with deadpool watching, you can say the fucking same to logan. this is the first he’s fucked you like a man possessed—all beastly and overwhelming; ruining you like he’s never had his fill.
it’s so good and it’s too much, and wade’s now fucking his fist, watching raptly, and you want to put on a good show. you want to—
“y’really love bein’ watched, huh bub?” logan mockingly coos, his voice a pitch quiet so that he won’t be overheard by your visitor. you don’t even remember replying, with your mind struggling to match the pace and the intensity of the pleasure that logan pumped into you.
all you remembered was the: fuckfuckfuckfuck— i’m cumming! i’m cumming—
shit? shitshitshit.
wade tightens his fist around his cock, matching the pace logan’s set. it was fast and brutal, and the kevlar of his suit feels odd against the oversensitive head, but he continues to leak, his cock rubbed raw with twist of his fist, losing himself to the ringing moans because shit—wade wants to fuck you so bad.
y’think logan’s gonna allow him a taste?
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this is so rambly and not fleshed out well but i had fun writing it!! thank u sm for the ask 😭🫶🏼
pt 02 of some sorts
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tourturestarradio · 1 month
“𝐈’𝐦 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞, 𝐈’𝐦 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐯 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐫.’”
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☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
Prompt: Deadpool/Wade Wilson x kind reader x Wolverine/Logan Howlet, Y/n had a bad day, Logan offers to relieve some stress but you both were interrupted by Wade.
Warnings:, p in v, oral (reader receiving), riding, fingering, finger sucking, Wade and Logan bickering, sex toy used, annoyed reader
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮
You looked at the snarky man in front of you “sir I’m sorry but…” the man shouted over you “for the last time lady my daughter’s wedding is tomorrow! I need these cupcakes!” You dropped your head clenching your fists. 
“Sir please stop shouting, I know you need those cupcakes but you never placed an order for them I’m sorry” you sighed, the male pointed a finger at you “you can just whip up a couple before tomorrow or are you too fucking dumb to do that as well!” You could feel your eyes water as he continued to spit insults at you. 
“I-I’m sorry sir, but..but I can’t I have a ton of other orders to d-do…” you muttered quickly wiping away your tears “you bitch god you’re useless-“ “hey!” The man turned around looking to see who was talking.
Logan stood there with a mean scowl “better watch your fucking tone when you’re talking to my woman.” He stated gruffly, you wiped away your tears seeing as the male stared at him “this pathetic bitch is your girl?” Logan punched the male in the face before grabbing his collar in an instant his blade was held up to his neck “you deaf you dumb fuck?” 
You hurried from behind the counter stopping him “Logan! It’s fine, it’s fine just let him go please…” the man looked frightened, Logan kept him his eyes trained on him “Logan please this day has been hard enough.” You stated, reluctantly he let go.
The man scrambled to get away from Logan. You sighed “thank you…I’ll be leaving in a bit” you hummed, Logan looked at you “you can’t just leave now?” You shook your head “I’ll be fine, and I’ll be home soon.” You sighed rubbing the back of your neck.
Logan kisses the top of your head then left “I was coming to pick you up, walk you home so you didn’t have to worry about dicks like that ” you nodded “and thanks for that but I’ll be okay” you smiled. 
He looked at you “…fine…” he left leaving you to get back to work. 
You walked to Wade’s and Logan’s shared apartment knocking slowly you waited for him to answer the door. When he opened the door you practically jumped on him, he caught you his hands holding your back.
He felt you press your lips against his feverishly, he kisses back of course but after a few seconds he pulled away “Logan…please…please take care of me” you whined today was a terrible day you needed your day to end right or you were going to pop a blood vessel.
Logan tilted his head “that bad huh, want me to make it better?” You nodded your head “don’t worry I’ve got you sweetheart” in an instant he had lifted you off the ground hooking his arms under your legs as he pressed a heated kiss to your lips. 
Placing you down onto the bed you slid off your clothes as Logan did the same “never seen you so needy before” he smirked, you were left in your underwear and bra “just fuck me already” you whined, Logan’s eyes dragged across your body “hopefully these weren’t your favorite set” he commented one of his claws dragging up your leg making you shiver and start to close your legs. 
His larger hand stopped you “keep these nice and open for me sweetheart” his blade dragged against your underwear cutting them off of you, he did the same with your bra. Retracting his blade he ducked his head down between your legs, and just like that you felt all your problems melt away as his tongue flicked against your folds. 
Your hands instantly went to his hair gripping it tightly, “ngh, feels so…good” your thighs squeezed around his head “more….more please!” Your hips grind against his face, you gasped in delight as you felt him push two fingers into your dripping pussy. 
Your moans grew louder as Logan worked wonders on you his ego growing bigger upon hearing you moan his name like it was the only thing you knew, but he didn’t want you to just get off on him eating you out so after a few seconds he pulled away  causing you to whine in frustration. 
Logan placed one last kiss to your dripping g heat “come on I’ve got something much better for you” he hummed, carefully undoing his belt buckle you licked your lips seeing just how hard he was. Your hands grabbed his shoulders “wanna…wanna ride” you groaned, he raised a brow “oh do you?” You nodded again. 
He cupped your cheek “come baby use your words” his thumb dragged across your bottom lip, your tongue peeked through your lips as you took it in your mouth making eye contact with him. He groaned “fuck, the things you do to me”
“Please, Logan…please. I wanna ride you…please” you begged, a smirk grew on his face as he flipped you both over so you were on top of him. 
You hovered above his cock a lust filled look in your eyes. Sinking down onto his cock you squeezed your eyes shut “fuck…so big ah” you moaned, you stayed in place for a moment before slowly bouncing up and down. 
Logan held your hips low groans left his mouth, “that’s it baby, fuck eyes on me” you felt on top of the world right now as Logan rubbed your hips “so good!” Bouncing up and down you grabbed his hand placing it on your breast. Logan let you use him as you please, he want to make you feel good without that annoying fuck in his ear.
He pinched your pierced nipple causing you to clench around him “fuck…so good…you make me feel so good!” You moaned tossing your head back. 
Logan smirked “yeah?” You nodded your head rapidly “yes! Yes!” Your nails scratched down his chest “fuck you’re hot when you do that!” You both froze looking over to the doorway seeing Wade standing there “wow where was my invite? Just gonna have all the fun without me how cruel” he said placing his hand over his heart.
Logan rolled his eyes “you gotta be fucking kidding.” He huffed, Wade came over “what come on peanut I can make her feel good too!” Logan clicked his tongue “yeah but not as good.” You deadpanned your high starting to where off. 
“Oh yeah sure, I’ll have you know! I made her cum four times with only my tongue! You haven’t made her cum once as far as I can tell” he stated crossing his arms, Logan carefully pulled you off of him “yeah fuckin right we were doing just fine before your dumbass ruined everything.” Logan huffed you sat there growing annoyed.
‘Are you fucking kidding me?’ You thought to yourself watch as they argued. Standing up you slid on one of Logan’s shirt that was laying around and got up “and I’m sure the readers would agree I’m better than you! I mean look at the likes and repost I get compared to you!” Logan scoffed “the fuck are you talking about?!” 
You were usually so sweet when they started to argue like this, calmly defusing the situation but you were just to over it.
“Will you both just shut your fucking mouths?” They both hushed looked at you “Jesus Christ, I don’t like either of you right now cause you’re both acting like fucking dickwads. I mean complaining who fucks me better are you kidding me?!” You grabbed your things and left the room Wade quick to follow you as Logan got on his clothes as fast as he could.
“Wait, wait, wait where are you going!” You opened the front door walking out into the hallway “home.” You slammed the door causing the two men to sigh in disappointment “you’re a fucking idiot.” Logan huffed.
Walking into your apartment you went into your room going into your closet, moving aside some folded clothes and shoes you grabbed a box opening it you grabbed the biggest one you saw “guess there is a use to you after all” grabbing the bottle of lube you shut the box and hid it back in your closet.
“A least you can treat me good without any repercussions.” You hummed.
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮
A/n: *amazing caption*
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You didn't have hair like Jean. Or that fiery look in your eyes. Your skin wasn't smooth, and you were full of flaws only Logan refused to see. You weren't used to being second. Of course, you had been second for tests in the mansion or second in the bonding activities. Professor x encouraged everyone to play despite their exhausted groans, and you've played video games where you've come second to Ororo or Scott.
But never had you thought you'd be second to Logan.
There were people who had warned you. That Logan was not ready for another relationship. But you refused to see the signs in his struggles, and despite all that you had heard of the love he had for Jean, you still loved him.
Now, sitting out in the grass crying to the sound of the crickets, you regretted your decision to love another chance. He swore up and down, left and right, that he didn't love her anymore.
But a blind man could see it. A deaf woman could hear it. And a fool could do both with ease.
You were-are-a fool for Logan. You were a massive fool for him, and you had been since you played eyes on him. Every night you'd go to bed dreaming of him and every morning you dressed to impress him and get his adoration. But no matter what you did, he still looked at Jean and soon you began to lose the hope you once had.
And every night as you dreamed of him, he was dreaming of her.
"YOU THINK IM SOME KIND OF FOOL?!" You spat, pointing sharply at Logan.
Defensively, he scowled and slammed his hands down on the dining table, Chittering the plates and forks.
"WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!" His voice boomed in the walls of the house.
"WITH ME?!" You exclaimed, your lip quivering. "YOU ARE THE PROBLEM LOGAN!"
He threw his hands by his head acting defeated. "Yeah, right, because it's never your fault, is it?" He scoffed.
Never my fault. Right. But when he woke up one night and stabbed me because he thought I had kidnapped Jean, that was my fault. When he wakes up to breakfast in the morning but it Wasn't Jean that had cooked it. That's also my fault.
It's always my fault
To an outsider, it may have looked like you were screaming blue murder, weeping to the man who killed your lover. And you might have said to certain extent, the outsider is right.
"You were never there for me! Not once!"
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. After the months and months of longing and weeping, long nights of screaming and horror within you, moments when you couldn't bear to be without Logan and moments when you didn't even want to think of him. Some nights spent holding him while he sobbed her name. Hers
"Fuck you logan" you spat venom "I tried to be there for you I really did. I really fucking tried. But you are a coward. You refused to let me help you and when you asked me for help it was always for me to put on her perfume"
You almost threw up. Gripping the wood of the table as you leant on it, wood chips splintering your nails felt softer than loving Logan.
"You are so selfish!" He boomed."You are a pathetic, cowardly woman! All I want is your help!"
You slowly got off the table, with all your strength you walked for the door. "Oh your gonna leave now?!" Logan hissed
You turnt to face him. "I was really hoping I would see the best in you logan, I was really hoping that one day we could have had a family, and loved them as our own. Now I see that if we had children, while I loved them as ours, you'd loved them as yours and jean's, and I can't have that. I can't live like this. Goodbye logan. I hope I made loving me worth your time"
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