#deadpool vs wolvering imagine
ijustwanttobegolden · 1 month
You can be the boss, daddy.
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Don't be fooled by the title. This is an innocent slow burn of a fiction with a hint of sweetness and a slight hint of sexiness. A sprinkle of cuteness here and a sprinkle of Hugh just being a sexy hardworking actor and father there and a sprinkle of you being hired to live with him and take care of his children and him Just completely FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOU.
this story will eventually involve dancing and singing with Hugh to Taylor Swift.
A double date with Ryan Reynolds and Blake lively
Slight sexual references
(This is only part one. The pilot shall we say. So don't get too excited... or disappointed...)
Much love, hugs and kisses angels 🤍
Nanny. The job title didn't seem all that Glamorous.. If anything thing it made you sound dated and ugly unlike your best girls. Beauty therapist. Photographer. Fashion coordinator. You? A nanny. Why was 'fake mother goddess' or 'mama angel' not a thing? Because let's face it, you were absolutely gorgeous 'goddess' like and kind and soft like an angel. You were qualified to care for children to the highest standard possible, registered to take on any parenting duties professionally. Technically a fake parent or again fake mama goddess (if it could be a thing) but unfortunately you withhold the title Nanny because that was your job, Nannying. 
You hadn't long started out, not really looking for any long term commitment so recently you settled for families who only wanted short term childcare then off you were onto the next. Now it was back into your interview phase, this time looking for something more permanent, something more meaningful and fuffiling with a higher pay. This is where rich families come into play. So many perks.. expenses all paid for, a roof over your head, money you could save and save and save and all while doing a job you loved. (Untill you were ready to live up to your ultimate dream job in future)
It was back to the interview process through your trusted high end private and professional agency and you was sick of all the same shit.  All interviews played out the same. A quick face time chat on either teams or zoom only to end up disappointed. The parents would sit and ask questions for a while while You sat innocently with your sweetest smile, answering politely and accordingly. You were the most patient person but what a complete waste of precious time! Every interview this week was the same and all that never went any further because as the agency woman kindly explained 'they wasn't sure because you only qualified a year ago and are looking for someone with more experience' or the best one 'so sorry honey, They were looking for someone more old and the last thing the wife wants is a young and attractive nanny around the house. We get the request quite often, It's an insecurity thing' 
You roll your eyes every time and giggle in amusement at the wife thing. Kind of sad they would feel threatened to have a hot nanny around the house, I suppose you could blame porn I guess. 
You tapped at your little office desk eagerly, eyes fixated on the MacBook screen before you. Your leg bounced nervously. The last zoom call in your sqedual today. You read over your notes beside you, neatly written in a baby pink book with the quote 'trust the timing of your life' In gold on the front. It was a quote you always swore by. 
'Always trust the timing of your life' and 'trust in the universe, the universe has got a plan for you'
The amount of ex boyfriends who thought you were crazy. 
'well look at me now' you muttered under your breath. 'independent woman and all that' 
"Well that was actually a good answer to the first question I was planning to ask" a deep Australian accent spilling from the speakers of your MacBook.
With your eyes wide, you throw yourself back slightly in your seat, taken back from the unexpected voice. The realization hit that the parent who you could potentially work for is on the other end and witnesed your ramblings and now you feel shocked, stupid, unprepared and nevervous all at once. 
"Oh gosh hi.. umm.. um.."
You shot a glance at your notes one last time to take rememberence of his name quickly. 
"Mr Jackman" 
Your eyes focused on the blurred screen.. why did the connection have to play up now out of all times? 
"Oh it's Hugh, You don't have to call me Mr Jackman. It's nice to meet you y/n although I can't really see you at the moment. The connecton is not the best where I am right now"
"And where are you right now Hugh?" 
You mentally face palmed. That was too abrupt and forward and would you class that as unprofessional? Probably. 
"I'm currently backstage at a talkshow and so luckily my manager has managed to squeeze some time in for our interview.. I'm so full up this week but I need to sort my childcare situation out ASAP but I shouldn't really rush into it, it's kind of a big thing but I'm kind of up to my neck right now.. and sorry that was way too much information and it probably sounds stressful and now I've probably put you off but I was so impressed with your documentation and you sound really really lovely and good and professional and suited for my children" 
Although you couldn't see the man, you sensed a chaotic smile during his ramblings. He sounded charming, sweet, funny, honest. You had a good vibe off the way he sounded, so rushed yet so happy, so stressed but so excited.
"No it's okay" you softly resured "Mr Jackman.. I mean.. Hugh"  you giggled (so unprofessional, right? Or are you just overthinking) 
"Is there anything else you would like to ask besides now knowing I'm an independent woman?" The nervous joke referring back to the start of the zoom call was unnecessary. Your heart was racing at this point, scared to mess the interview up but it was interesting. It seemed a little different, Not just because the screen was gittering out from the bad connection or the fact that the man is backstage at a talkshow (interesting) or because of your words just slipping out of your mouth and embarrassingly getting caught off guard. No, it was different because it made a change from a snobby couple nit picking at you with the wifes face painted of jealousy and hatred as if you were snow white and she was the wicked witch. Nah, screw jealously and insecuritiy, the annoying rich family who wouldn't even value you as their nanny. Let's hope this guy was divorced with a job fixing cars or something...
"Hmmm, I'm so sorry, I haven't really prepped much for this...and I haven't got long before I get called out.. this is me at the moment.. HECTIC! I have a really demanding job and busy schedule.. its just not possible to bring my children up on my own and how can I do that when I'm constantly busy, a parent with full custody but can hardly parent! Would you believe that?" 
Your heart sank at his honest words, practically pouring his heart out to you and you could tell it was broken. Whatever the situation it was draining him and he was under a lot of pressure right now and you could suddenly sense it, even behind a screen.
"Hugh.. this is what I'm here for and this is exactly why you are doing this and there is nothing wrong with that. You clearly care by hiring a nanny to help support and raise your children for when you need to do what you got to do which provides for them and I'm sure you are an amazing parent! You clearly are by doing this for them, knowing you can provide them with that extra care and support, it will be good for them" 
You wasn't sure how long he had left untill he was called away but you couldn't help but reassure him with a lengthy moral support talk. You showered through your caring and supportive demeanor and professionalism which earned bonus points for you for sure.
"Honesty that means a lot to me it really does.. thank you y/n, you are an angel! before I get called away I just want to quickly say that I need someone who I can trust, someone who's young because my kids will definitely keep you on your toes, you know.. someone that can keep up with them.. take really good care of them as if they were their own and support them while I'm away. I really think you would be the perfect nanny but obviously we will arrange a trial week or a real meeting or something and see how things go.. that's if me and my little cubs suit best for you and that you could commit to it of course" 
He sounded almost breathless now and you couldnt tell if it was nervousness, excitement or both.
"Of course Hugh! I'm happy to look more into the information my agency has sent about you and we can go from there. I'll need to wait to get a confirmation from my agency for things to move forward since you would need to confirm with them if you were interested or no..."
And just like that the zoom call ended. 
You snapped back in your chair almost shocked and now disheartened.
Was it the connection? Did he have to go? Did he end it deliberately only showing a slight interest just to be nice. So much overthinking. Maybe it was just the connection.. maybe he had to go and didn't have time to say good bye. That was enough shitty interviews for one day. You slammed the MacBook screen down harshly with a sigh. Bed time it was. 
All night you were tossing and turning, over analyzing the last interview with the very chaotic Aussie on the other end. You even thought of getting up recent talk shows on your phone to see if you could find this Mr hugh Jackman.. he seemed to have a familiar ring to his name but you were never the one to obsess over any celebrities so you wouldnt have known any different if you seen him. He was definitely rich and he was definitely famous for something.. either way you wasn't sure what had happened during the interview and you wasn't sure if you would be hearing of this Hugh Jackman again. Tossing and turning losing sleep over it all was a complete waste of time if you had known that in fact the meeting got cut off due to poor connection and that Hugh got called at that point anyway! the poor man screwing his face in concern between the laptop and the backstage staff trying to usher him on stage. "Damn" he called out frustrated and jogged on to begin his talkshow, a mental note in his head to get in touch with the agency asap to accept the next steps and offering you the nannying job. 
The tables turned when It lead to a restless night for hugh also. Tossing and turning and overthinking the way you did, he couldn't shake the impression of coming across as rude due to the sudden end of the zoom call which in his defence wasn't his fault but how were you to know that?  He had a good feeling about you and he was sad to lose the chance of you potentially becoming his childrens nanny. First impressions are everything and you was everything in such a short amount of time. He just had a good feeling...
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ijustwanttobegolden · 28 days
You can be the boss, daddy.
Part Two
An expected phone call from Hugh and flirty friends. A new chapter begins.
Warnings: none.
Read part one Here
"Hugh Jackman!... You mean like the Hugh Jackman!!!"
You nod slowly looking at your best friend from across the table as if she was crazy, feeling slightly worried.
"You are telling me that you are going to be working for him, living with him and looking after his children? Hey sign me up to this nannying job! You've just bagged a hot rich single actor! Waaaaayyyy better then just some boring rich family where the dad is unavailable"
You rolled your eyes but amused none the less.
"This isn't a hook up agency!"
"I'm sorry but there's no way I'd be going into that job without getting some from the.."
" (YBFN!!!) Stop that is disgusting! That would be so unprofessional and never gonna happen!"
"Well, you know the girl I used to work with?"
To that you replied with a clueless expression and another shake of your head.
She leaned in closer over the coffee table for two as if she were about to exchange some serious confidential information.
"Well she got into the nannying business and managed to bag a single rich dad too and she ended up marrying him sooooo.. what does that tell you!" She winked with a mischievous giggle then her face fell serious. "Honestly.. and now she's living her best life"
"So Hugh is an actor.. and how do you know this?" You question, trying to calm the racing anxiety that has suddenly bubbled over during your coffee date catch up with your bestie.
Her eyes widen at you and she almost chokes on her caramel iced latte.
"Are you serious? He's only in like every popular movie ever! And in my favourite movie ever!"
You stare clueless. She rolls her eyes.
"The greatest showman! You know that's my favourite film!"
You whine and shrug your shoulders at her with puppy dog eyes.
"You know I'm not one for movies and celebrities"
"Oh stop being a pick me girl" she teased, flicking her straw at you.
When the Coffee date catch up reaches its end you say your goodbyes before rushing home to check some emails. No phone call. No luck. No new emails too Which was unusual. Maybe it wasn't just Hugh that gave up on you but the whole agency.
A girl's night was something you haven't craved for a while but when things weren't going your way the urge would suddenly creep up.
Suddenly as if possessed, your fingers automatically reach for your phone and danced over the screen to tap onto the girl gang group chat when suddenly...
'unknown number'
"Hello?" You answered in a high-pitched tone. Anxiety spiked at who it may be.
"Hey is this the lovely 'y/n'?"
Your heart pounded in your chest, excitement rushing rough your veins. That deep Australian accent. You smiled.
"Is this Hugh?"
"How did you guess? Not like I have an obvious accent or anything" he chuckled.
You nervously started fiddling with a near by pen, your pink note book in eye sight in case you needed it.
"So I managed to get your number through the agency to arrange a day that we could meet, did you look through my paper work?"
"I did this early afternoon.. though I wasn't sure if it was worth looking because I hadn't had any confirmation with my agency.. or you.." you hesitated.
It went quiet for a moment and you could of swore he swore in absolute defeat and frustration.
"I am so so sorry y/n. You are referring back to the sudden end to the zoom call last night"
You nodded but didn't speak, a wash of relief uplifting you into a much more relaxed mood.
"So how do you feel about the job? Would you like to take things further?"
"Of course! I've checked your paperwork.. a single father with full custody of his two children lily and Alex ages five and seven. You have a demanding sqedual working as an actor and need to travel a lot for work so you are looking for full time childcare. Your home is based in the hills of LA where I will have my own private room and use of facilities. My routine involves taking the children to school, encourage activities, cook for them, bath them, bed them, teach them and all the fun stuff. I may be co-parentinng with you at times or I may be alone with them while you are away but that's what DBS checks are for right" you breathed out with a smile.
"Yes certainly!" Hugh chuckled. "Do you think you are willing to commit to all of that?"
He was nervous, his heart tight in his chest. You being so young he wasn't sure if a long term full commitment nannying job would be something you were looking for but little did he know it was exactly what you were looking for. It was perfect.
"100 percent Hugh! I am willing to take on the job role if you like me of course and that the children will be happy and settled with me.. I guess we will have to see how the trial slash transitioning week goes"
"Amazing! I will arrange some dates with you as soon as possible.. Me and my crazy cubs will look forward to meeting you!"
And with that your heart raced. A new exciting chapter in your life was just about to start...
It wasn't long before you agreed a date and now the days began leading up quickly to your trial/transition week in the hills of LA with your potential new family. The anxiety yet excitment was unreal and you had to celebrate/prepare with your girls the evening before the big start date because who knows when you would be seeing them again. If things went well you wouldn't be seeing them for a long time, so this pamper night celebration sleepover.. a farewell party if you will.
You sat crossed leg in silk pajamas, a glass of rose wine in one hand and pizza in the other. Your girls all sat around in similar silk nightwear, stuffing pizza, texting, drinking, glancing now and then at the marvel movie that was playing in the background. Your living room had always been cozy, especially with the girls around but you couldn't wait to have constant company in a living room that was probably 10 times the size of this one.
"Let's see him, Google him, no wait does he have insta? Let's look on his Instagram" one of the girls chimed to your other friend, leaning in to her as they snuggled up on the sofa with snacks and a top up of wine. They peered over at you from the opposite side of the room with playfulness in their eyes, rosy cheeks and sneaky smiles.
You rolled your eyes at them knowing exactly who they were stalking.
"Look at him!"
"So sexy"
"Sooooo bloody handsome!"
You gave them a death glare swinging your wine.
"Honestly girls stop!"
You couldn't hold your serious face much longer and your lips rolled up into a smile.. a giggle escaping your lips (blame the wine).
"You can't tell me you don't find him attractive" one of them pointed out, holding up her phone.
The opposite sofa was too far away, her reached out arm to flash her phone didnt make the screen any more clearer and plus you were tipsy at this point.
"I can't see" you whined, squinting and leaning forward still crossed leg on the sofa opposite.
Your friend tutted and whipped her phone away.
"Omg how have you not seen him before!" Another friend spoke up.
"She Has!" Another one shouted drastically.
Everyone turned their heads with raised eyebrows. intrigued.. and so were you. A long pause occurred so she could elaborate.
"Infact you were obsessed with him. He plays wolverine in the X-Men films, you used to love him! We watched the films growing up.. remember the sleepovers we had"
You suddenly coughed and choked on the last of sip of wine. She suddenly unlocked a core memory for you and wow what an unexpected one.. your little crush on wolverine.. never really got into the X-Men films (again not a big movie person) but you remember watching bits of X-Men at almost every sleepover with y/f/n and being in love with Logan your fictional boyfriend"
"No way"
Your heart almost stopped.
"That's crazy!" You nervously laughed "yeah I remember.
"Wow that is some Wattpad fiction right there" she replied back with a giggle.
"Girls a toast!" Another chimed in suddenly while she held her wine glass proudly in the air until the other girls followed suit.
"To y/n! To y/n and her new wolverine daddy adventure! I mean her new nannying adventure! With daddy Jackman.. I mean HUGH Jackman.. you know what I mean. Good luck and all the best angel! We love you!!!"
A very tipsy and giggly toast and a silly one at that but it brought specs of tears to your eyes. This is really farewell (if things go well that it is) confidence is key and you were feeling pretty damn confident about this.
"Fairwell my girls! I love you more!!!"
"Not as much as you love wolverine"
"oh Shush! Don't ruin the moment"
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ijustwanttobegolden · 25 days
You can be the boss, daddy.
Part 3
Read part 2 Here
Today is the day where you meet Hugh and his little family for the first time. Things get a little bit nerve wracking for you both.
Warnings: none.
The man himself in the flesh was extremely handsome. You couldn't help but nearly stutter as you went to shake his hand and introduce yourself after stepping out of a private transfer right infront of his large white LA home. It was the day after your eventful farewell with the girls, a long night of sipping wine and exchanging memories, gossip and goals but luckily you were not hungover, Not in the slightest as you stood there fresh as a daisy and presentable in appropriate etire, a long flowing summer dress, a cute cropped Cardigan and half of your curled hair pulled back into a matching ribbon to the white flowing dress. You looked gorgeous or like a 'princess' as the sweet young girl described with wide eyes and a gasp of delight. Hughs daughter Lily was very happy to see you, excited in fact and was beyond in awe at you to which you flashed her your sweetest, most warmest welcoming smile.
Before shaking hughs hand you immediately, instinctively crouched down to the children's height and glanced between them both. Nerves rattling within you as you feel Hughs eyes follow you but these children were going to be your top priority and so you tried best not to let Hugh intimidate you for a minute with his handsomeness and the curiosity and interest that was radiating off him.
"You must be lily?" You smiled.
"Gosh Hugh, she's beautiful!" You added quickly in awe at her twinkling eyes, you looked up to catch a glimpse at Hugh and noticed that her eyes resembled her father's and your cheeks heated from the eye contact you made for a moment. He smiled down at you and he couldn't help but feel at ease with the interaction that was happening right now though he must admit, his heart was pounding in his chest for a moment. He knew you were somewhat attractive, the description of you and the way you sounded on the phone gave the possibility away but he was not expecting such a gorgeous young woman like yourself. He was completely taken back, completely struck by you and all of your beauty, the soft energy that poured out of you was already winning him over, certain that he could trust you within the care of his children.
"Well lily, that is such a pretty name I must say! I'm 'y/n, it's so nice to meet you!"
Your eyes moved to the taller child stood next to lily, her brother Alex. Dark locks of hair like his father but more ruley and wild like a little surfer dude, how adorable.
"And you must be alex' you smile" holding out your hand for him to shake.
His unsure eyes trailed down to your hand, a quiet pause, he was hesitant to shake it.
You gave it a minute, this wasn't the first unsure child you've dealt with. It's always the older ones who are either fussy, rude or wary of their nanny but that's completely normal. Eventually you would crack them. You sensed Alex was just being a bit defensive and wary, its almost always the boys.
You changed the hand into a fist in an attempt to greet with a fist bump instead, this doesn't always work either but it's a start.
He questions it, a slight change in his facial expressions, his stance warms up a bit but again nothing.
You send him a half hearted smile, holding eye contact with a warm promise mentally between you both that eventually one day you will be friends but it's okay, it doesn't have to be today, not straight away. You slowly straighten back up to Hugh, brushing down your dress. Slight regret washed over Alex instantly as you moved away and he figeted uncomfortably on the spot. Its not that he didn't like you, after all, he's only just met you but you seemed really nice though he just wasn't prepared to warm up to the idea of a nanny yet.
Hugh shifted on the spot to break the silence, he was pleased with how calm and collected and professional you were and how Alex didn't react as badly to you as he did with past nanny's. There were always profound words and regretfully even spitting at times though he had some trouble opening up to others and adjusting. He must of taken some what of aliking to you just by this first interaction though because Hugh saw the look in his childs eyes and he knew his child well enough that deep down Alex really wanted to return the fist bump. Fist bumping was actually something he and Hugh did a lot and was his favourite greeting/goodbye, to him it was awesome you would do it too. Stubborn thing.
Hugh exchanged a hopeful yet apologetic smile although you didn't take no notice to that.. you focused on his handsome rugged features. The dark slick hair, the fine lines that crinckled while he smiled, majestic topaz eyes and the most devilish lips that curled into the most devilishly wicked and handsome smile. He was sincerely breathtaking, His pearly white matched the slick white polo Ralph loren shirt with some buttons of the buttons undone at the top, of course exposing his gorgeously tanned lightly haired pecs slightly.. okay that's enough.
"I do apologize, Alex can be quite funny when it comes to meeting new people, I promise he was excited to meet you today, they both are and we are so glad you are here 'y/n', it's so nice to finally meet you"
His hand reached out to finally shake yours, snapping you out of your gaze, his hand was all you focused on now. His hand was so big, so manly, why are you even surprised. His, hands, perfectly tan, perfectly large perfectly yummy, they were your favourite body part on a man, mostly.
You prayed to god not to be all nervously sweaty now as your small hand reached to shake his but luckily no, it was fine, and it slipped softly into his. His grip was firm and practically swallowed your small delicate hand, together Your hands moulded perfectly and the warmth made it hard to let go.
A pretty girl like you, it was extremely different for Hugh to resist the urge to lead your hand up to his mouth and greet you further with a long lingering kiss upon your delicate hand which he was sure would smell delightfully sweet from the perfume that was lingering on your pretty sundress. Lily was absolutely right, you are a princess. He quickly let go, surely these thoughts were inappropriate in some way.. you are his kids nanny after all but wow, what an impression you made on him. The eye contact didn't break while there was a long pause. The kids pulling faces between you both.
"Are you two just going to stand there and fall head over heels for each other or are you going to go inside and get everything set up like the dinner, the plans of all of the routines, and work squeduals, DOS and Donts and all things bright and beautiful" a voice called out from behind the front door.
Hugh blushes a giddy shade of pink.
"Oh sorry, that's my sister Sonya' he stutters all flustered.
"Oh wow, your gorgeous" she beams, stepping out from behind Hugh, her face lighting up.
"As you can tell, very loud, no filter"
You giggle in response and wave. "Hi Sonya"
"Don't worry, shes been staying with us for a week for a family break but she leaves tonight"
'thank God!' he mouths playfully.
The kids giggle between themselves and you look down at Alex to take in the sight of his lovely smile which has been non existent the last few minutes. It warms your heart and you flash him a sweet reassuring smile to which he blinks and relaxes his stance a bit more.
"Okay let's get set up and settled everyone! Princesses first" Hugh jumps.
He gestures to both you and Lily and her eyes sparkle when they land on you and she doesn't hesitate to grab your hand with her little one and leads you into the home excitedly, the home which was soon also to be yours too.
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