#deadpool & woverine spoilers
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reineyday · 7 months ago
not chris evans returning to the very first role i ever loved him in and saying "FLAME ON" one more time 😭😭😭💖💖💖
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kelleyschorn · 7 years ago
Kelley Reviews: Deadpool2
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Hello and welcome to my second official review! I will be doing both book and movie reviews on this blog as well as maybe an occasional website or album review. The style in which I will be reviewing is basically what I think worked, what didn’t work, and how I think they could have done better and/or theories about the sequel if said work is part of a series. With that being said there will be SPOILERS present in this review!!! If you haven’t seen this movie, please go see it first, then come back! So without further ado, here is what I thought of Deadpool2.
I’ve been looking forward to Deadpool2 since I saw the first one back in 2016. The first Deadpool broke boundaries, the fourth wall, and had me doubled over laughing throughout. I was curious going into this one if Deadpool would become a one trick pony but I was glad to find that that wasn’t the case. I finally got around to seeing this movie on Thursday and because it was a Thursday and very last minute I ended up seeing it alone. While I still had a great experience of the movie (AND had a whole row to myself!) I would not recommend it. This is a movie best seen with best friends.
Let’s talk about that intro! Yeah they killed off his girlfriend in the very beginning but they did it in such a way that made if feel natural to the story and not random or forced. I think that if they had started us off in their apartment with the exchange of gifts and the start a family talk and then her dying, it would have felt contrived. Because they did the full circle flashback starting and ending with him exploding himself in the apartment with the added montage of him hunting down and killing baddies, the whole thing was a perfectly complete introduction into the story. Not to mention the James Bond parody that followed was so funny!
The fact that it was “a family movie”. While you could say that the first movie was equally a comedy and a superhero action film, I would say that the more emotional strains in DP2 took a bit more of a role than the comedy this time around. This worked though because it let the character become something more than he was in the first one and character growth is always a plus. One of my favorite serious moments from the movie was when Wade was telling Colossus that one of the guys who killed Vanessa got away, meaning himself.
Russel was also one of my favorite’s. His personality makes the character. The way that he is both super confident in himself and yet endearingly awkward with an added side of anger management issues makes this kid is a good match for Deadpool onscreen.
Domino was my other favorite for the movie. Her powers make for some cool moments and make her hands down the most useful (and only other living member besides Deadpool) of XForce. Though I will say that her “cosmic reason” for being there was a little lacking for me. The fact that she grew up in the Mutant Reeducation Center worked with her whole “lucky conincidence” power but then she goes in and gets the children out in a bus. The Center doesn’t get burned down or destroyed however and the rest of the team could have liberated the young mutants after their showdown with Russel and Juggernaut. Aside from that, Domino was a good character.
Deadpool himself was of course on point. Ryan Reynolds was born for this role and I love his ability to make fun of himself as Deadpool—like when he goes and shoots himself as the OG deadpool in Woverine and when he shoots himself as he holds the script for the green lantern (that was the best, green lantern was SO BAD).
The jokes of course were great as was expected. My favorites include: the bit where Wade has baby legs, every time he and Yukio see each other, every scene with blind Al, and of course, Peter.
XForce didn’t work for me as well as I wanted it to. They hyped it up so much in the trailers and then in the movie itself, all of those characters—including Peter!!—are almost immediately killed off. That was a bit disappointing albeit funny. I do wish they would have done a bit more with them though it was hilarious that they made Brad Pitt the Vanisher. I found out that he had originally auditioned for the role of Cable but because of his schedule couldn’t do it.
The other thing that was kind of weird was the fact that, since Deadpool goes back and saves Vanessa, wouldn’t that mean that the whole movie would cease to exist? Do we ignore that paradox because it’s Deadpool and Deadpool can do what he wants? Probably.
Other than that and the fact that some of the jokes fell flat and the movie as a whole wasn’t as funny as the first one, there wasn’t much fundamentally wrong with this movie. It was good, I enjoyed it, and I can’t wait to see what they do with the character next.
In an interview, Ryan Reynolds said that he’s not so sure if a Deadpool3 would work since the only way it has worked so far is take everything away from him, which they have now done twice, albeit, in two very different ways. Reynolds said, “If you’re going to do another Deadpool solo film, you’ve got to get that budget down to nothing and just swing for the fences, and break all kinds of weird barriers, and do stuff that no one else can do.”
With that being said, there is an XForce movie slated and according to my research, Deadpool will be joined by Cable, Domino, and Shatterstar. I find that last one a bit hard to believe since DP didn’t seem to save him in the end scene. I hope that we get to see more of Russel, Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (and Yukio) but we’ll have to wait and see about that.
I’d love to hear from you what you thought of Deadpool2 and what you think is to come of Wade and XForce in future movies. Leave a comment, shoot me and email, or hit me up on twitter to join the conversation!
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