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woozyhere · 5 months ago
LOVE YA BABES, LOVE YA: @dead-blondie
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"Y'wanna 'nother beer, babydoll?" He's already four bottles deep, but that ain't stopping him from grabbing another. Without prompting, and regardless of her response, Stu grabs a bottle for Tatum as well, shoving the bottle into her hands shortly after with a toothy grin.
"I was thinkin' we watch Christine tonight. Kinda fuckin' dumb, ain't nothin' scary about a killer car but, y'know-" He leans forward over the back of the sofa, nosing in her hair and kissing her temple. "We're not gonna be watching it anyway, huh."
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finaldisorder · 8 months ago
🍔————— closed starter: @dead-blondie
These crime scenes all wound up the same, and although it could get repetitive and Shaggy knew all these ghosts and monsters were usually people in masks - (he can't say always after everything he had been through on Spooky Island and in the Monster Hive) - he still found himself more often than not shaking in his worn-out sneakers with an equally shaky Great Dane in his arms. This particular case had been an easier one - closer to home and they had police support this time.
Which was a rarity, as most departments didn't like to associate themselves with Mystery Inc.
Shaggy has just finished shaking the hand of the Deputy on call, smiling broadly at being complimented on a job well done. Usually, they were all called bumbling idiots, so the change of pace was nice to hear and feel. Turning to Scooby with a bright grin, he waits for the Deputy to turn his back before he fist pumps, eyes shut and body immediately breaking into an on-the-spot little dance.
It takes Scooby calling his name a couple of times, tugging on his shirt, and eventually finally giving up and physically turning Shaggy around - to face probably the prettiest girl he had ever laid eyes on. Shaggy stops dancing immediately, giggling to himself shyly and glancing at the rest of the gang; they seem busy, speaking to the officers and whatever media has shown up, so Shaggy has no excuse. No hiding himself in embarrassment now!
"Uh, like... so. Wow." Dang, she's pretty. He's tongue-tied. He can see Scooby roll his eyes from his peripherals. "Hi."
Riveting conversationalist, Norville Rogers.
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onebigerror · 4 months ago
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@dead-blondie closed starter for tamryn & tatum
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“hold on i’m coming!” tamryn called out as she ran down the stairs towards the front door. god she hoped it wasn’t randy. he was obsessed with her and stu was doing nothing to discourage it. in fact he was doing everything to encourage it. it was not fucking happening. she was both happy and sad to see tatum standing there with bags of videos and snacks in blockbuster bags. happy because it wasn’t randy. sad because she knew what this meant. stu wasn’t there again. he was blowing off date night once again. poor fucking tatum. she deserved better than this.
“uh…hey. fucking thank god your not randy. he’s been hounding me constantly to go on a date with him. it's one thousand percent never happening just so you know.” she made a gagging gesture. “but…um…date night right?” why did she always have to be the one to break the heart of her idiot brothers girlfriend. a girlfriend that was way too good for him. “stu’s not here. he just took off with billy about twenty minutes ago.” this was awkward as always. “but you know what, tat. screw him.” she reached out and took the other blondes arm linking it through her own. “let’s just have date night without him. you get the macher that won’t ever stand you up tonight. how does that sound?” she led the way into the living room.
“what did you rent? oooh! did you get popcorn and candy?” it would be nice to have some company that night anyway since she didn’t have many friends of her own. stu’s friends were her friends and being that she was a year younger none of them really spent any one on one time with her. stu had billy and billy was with sidney. erin was always up billy’s ass. stu was with tatum when he wasn’t standing her up. the only one that seemed to want her company was nasty randy. it just sucked. "This will be so cool. Promise." Maybe for her. Tatum probably wasn't looking forward to spending the whole evening with her boyfriends younger sister.
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fxntasmagoria · 7 months ago
"for what it's worth, i really enjoyed the kiss and i wouldn't mind doing that again sometime." || For Butters
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Butters couldn't help the smile that pulled on his lips. " You mean it?" He asked. Sure he had a girlfriend in the past but she lived in Canada. He really didn't have the best luck with girls. Hell his parents even had a bet on him to come out. "I enjoyed it too. Maybe we can go on a date this weekend?"
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woozyhere · 7 months ago
"Well, maybe I wanted to keep it in the family." He snorts a laugh, smiling playfully. "Y'know, see if everyone in the gene pool has a great ass." Stu leans dramatically, back bowing in a position that looks uncomfortable so he can act up the idea of checking her out. "I'll check out your dad's ass too, I don't care. Scientific research. I need multiple test subjects."
His hands go easily when Tatum moves them — Stu is docile with her. Gentle, though knows her strength. It's why he's able to pick her up and swing her around as often as he does, but he's still gentle. He does what he's told, he follows her actions, and damn — he can't get enough of her sometimes. This was pretty thrilling. He saw why Billy snuck into Sidney's room all the time now.
The boy wastes zero time in kissing his way along her neck and jaw when he's granted better access. He's a regular Gomez Addams; can't get enough of his lips on her skin. Sometimes he licks, long stripes up along the length of her throat, but not tonight — not yet anyway. "Mmh, well I know what I want to do, but it wasn't really planned." A few more slow, lazy kisses up the side of her neck, and just before he's about to part his lips and nip at the fair flesh there, her hands on his hips stutters him.
Leaning his face back a bit with a pout at the interruption, he sucks in a breath to ask 'what' but he's cut off before he can start with a hand on his mouth. Stu fights every single urge to not poke his tongue out and lick her palm, as he often does with Billy when he pulls the same stunt; but he's obedient tonight. He listens, he shuts up, and he damn near trips all over his feet when he's shuffled into the closet.
Silently, Stu stares at her wide-eyed and curious as she bites out at him, brows lifted and a pout threatening his features once more — until she leans in to kiss him, cup his face and treat him well. Stu loved that. He loved when she gave the cutesy treatment. There was such a stark contrast as to how she treated him versus how Billy did. He chalked it up to her being a soft girl — but he knows Tatum well enough to know she could be soft, but she was mostly fierce.
Leaning against the corner of the closet, ear pressed up to the wall to listen for any conversation, Stu tries to keep his breathing and shuffling as dead silent as possible; he manages, but the distraction was far too much, and he leans down to pick up varying items that were misplaced on the floor to idly play with. He distracts himself with a bra, of course, because he's immature and bored all locked up in there!
Continued from here || @woozyhere
'His girl.' A light smirk fell over her lips at Stu's words, sometimes he really truly actually knew what words to say. Especially if he wanted to keep her happy. Considering the saying 'happy wife, happy life' did not exclude girlfriends either. Sure as hell did not exclude Tatum, she was far too assertive for any of that, and she was aware of it too.
Though a playful eyeroll was made when Stu informed her about witnessing her brothers private moments. "Well maybe you should have thought about the rooms before climbing which ever one you want. What would have happened if my parents were home and you climbed through theirs?" Raising her hand to pull down Stu's hands back to his sides. "I'm telling you now it would be worse than Doofus catching you." She emphasised with a scoff.
All the impending feelings of disapproval washed away like footprints in the sand upon feeling the males lips on her skin, breaking into a toothy grin and a couple light giggles. Playfully swatting at the man's side in responce to his sweet talk and affection, but her head moved a couple centimetres to the side, all for Stu's access. "Oh yeah? Was this impromptu or were you planning something?"
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Within a couple seconds the blonde had perked up slightly, her hands quickly moving to his hips to push him back a little. "Wait-Stu." She got out in a hushed whisper, pulling back. Her hand coming up to cup over Stu's mouth before he could even question her, keep him quiet while she could listen out.
Hurriedly shuffling Stu into a closet once she could confirm footsteps. Honestly, Stu was just lucky she didn't have time to tape his mouth shut since she absolutely would have, no hesitation about it. "Keep your mouth shut." She quipped, dropping her hand from his mouth to cup his cheeks and pull him in a quick kiss to sooth over the snap, granted she didn't even know if Dewey was coming to her room but she wasn't ready to take any chances. She could care less about Dewey finding out, it was the risk of being snitched on, as she left Stu's side to engage in pointless conversing with her brother.
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woozyhere · 8 months ago
♧ - slap my muse’s hand away from something they shouldn’t touch
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"Fuck, babe - " He's quick to intervene, head shaking frantically and smacking the back of her hand with perhaps a little more strength than he'd intended... but he panicked and didn't know what else to do in the moment. Immediately, Stu reaches for the hand he had just slapped, bringing it to his mouth so he can kiss it a few times in apology.
She had reached for his knife; the knife. He had it on display in his room, sure, but the only person he let touch it was Billy. That Buck 120 knew Stu as intimately as he knew the knife, but the last thing he wanted was to contaminate it with Tatum's finger prints. You know... least something go wrong in the future. It was unlikely. The boys had been plotting and planning for better over a year now, but one could never know.
"I just sharpened it." Another kiss to the back of her hand, he gives her the biggest puppy dog eyes he can muster - and who can resist those baby blues? "M'sorry, baby. Didn't mean to hurt you. But that knife coulda really done some damage. Just gotta be careful."
One more kiss to the back of her hand, and he pulls her in to kiss her lips, offering a side-smirk after pulling away. "Think it's totally adorable you're interested, but let's not play with that one, 'kay?"
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woozyhere · 7 months ago
[IGNORE] The sender ignores the receiver completely, using it as a punishment.
The one thing he can't handle is being ignored. Chalk it up to neglect - his parents being away so often on business trips and vacations, his elder sister being the good child, not that Stu was bad! Not at home, at least. Maybe he was a bit strange. Maybe he wasn't as driven and didn't have the same etiquettes that Leslie had. The same manners. The same interests. Stu was a good boy as far as his mother was concerned, but lately he had been a bad boy and Tatum was making sure he damn well knew it.
"Baby, please." The whimper in his tone is unmistakable. It's one usually reserved for the bedroom, a pitched, whiny beg. They started on the sofa, movie long forgotten and volume down to a gentle muffle - even if the movie had been blasting loud, Stu's attention would be solely on Tatum. He's on his knees now, perched on the floor between her legs and hands rested on his thighs in pretty submission.
"Baby, look at me. Tate- babe, look at me. Kiss me. Touch me." There's that whimper again, hands lifting to hover near her calves, but he doesn't dare touch. She's in charge right now, evident by the position he takes with her just because of a little cold shouldering. "Please."
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woozyhere · 7 months ago
"I love you."
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"C'mere." Pulling her into his lap swiftly, Stu sets his beer bottle aside just as fast so he can give the blonde all of his attention. A playful smile takes him then, maneuvering her so he can lean in and smother her face with some kisses.
One last kiss, and he leans back to stare down at her; there's fondness there, definitely. Maybe it unnerves him a little just how much he really does love her. A thick swallow, and he heaves a great sigh of content. "I love you too, baby."
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woozyhere · 7 months ago
"I hate you."
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"Aw, baby." He's purring; the pet name dripping in lyrical honey, though gravel laces his tone. Stu is more open with Tatum now. Since the discovery, since she saw through him and to the festering darkness beneath that sweet puppy boyfriend persona, the boy doesn't pitch his tone. He had always been known for being rather macabre and strange, but Tatum knew the truth now.
He has her by the wrist, tightly though not enough to leave any marks. The fingers of that hand loosen, trail up the length of her arm gently and rest in the crook of her neck and shoulder. His thumb runs along her jaw, and it could be mistaken for a lover's touch if he didn't shift his hand to grip her by the jaw a moment after; force her to keep eye contact. Stu leans down to kiss her forehead lightly with a smirk. "You don't hate me. You hate that you like it all so much."
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woozyhere · 7 months ago
wild ill Tatum has appeared to steal your sweater :))
"Babe," He struggles only slightly as his sweater is tugged off of him, bright blues staring at her wide-eyed as he points in a random direction. "I have like fifty sweaters, you needed the one I'm wearing?"
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But it's playful, he isn't angry. After a moment, his expression softens, hand that had been pointing shifting to card through her hair. "Aw, my poor sick lil baby." Kiss; he leans in to kiss her cheek. "Got the sniffles? Does my sweater help?"
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woozyhere · 8 months ago
🎧 + 💿
send 🎧 for a playlist based off our muse's vibes
send 💿 for a mixed tape made by my muse for yours
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woozyhere · 8 months ago
"What are you going to do? Spank me?"
(Tatum would say that, eessshhh, with an eye roll too)
Flirting Sentences, Vol. 3
There's a movie to be made and a plan to hash out down the line, but it didn't mean Stu couldn't still have fun. Billy got to have all his fun with Sidney (Stu definitely wasn't glaring at his best friend's gal earlier before the other couple left and if anyone asked, he'd claim that he'd been zoned out and hadn't noticed), so Stu got to have all his fun with Tatum.
Not that it was a hardship, not by any stretch.
He did genuinely like Tatum. The blonde matched his energy in ways not any of his ex-girlfriend's had been able to, and although she gave Princess vibes, she certainly didn't expect any Princess treatment. He gave it anyway, but he was a bit of a bitch for her on any good day. Tatum wore the pants between them, and Stu was fucking there for it. Toxic masculinity aside, Stu often let Tatum take the lead in many situations, but now? After some beer and heavy bong tokes?
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"Oh, yeah?" Stu grips her loosely, wrapping an arm around her shoulders to tug her close and nearly in his lap. He pulls his face closer, hovering his mouth over hers but not quite kissing her - his free hand smooths down her side and over her hip, pausing there to splay his fingers wide and grip her at the waist. "Don't test me. I'll tan your ass, baby." A playful swat is given to her rear, one brow lifting in challenge. "Don't think I won't throw you over my knee and welt that pretty ass, Sweets."
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woozyhere · 8 months ago
🔪 ————— @dead-blondie
Romeo and Juliet style, Stu thinks it's probably something a romantic and good boyfriend would do. He's done it enough times with Billy, crawling through windows or breaking in the back door uninvited, so it couldn't be so difficult to do it with Tatum, right? He's hoping, for a better lack of tact, that the outcome will at least be the same. Kissing, hands in hair, hot breath, muffled noises least anyone hear —
It's never really been an easy task, climbing through windows. Especially with how gangly and awkward he was. He hadn't quite grown into all his limbs yet, so swinging lanky legs up into the barely open window and using his weight and all his strength to open the window further and haul himself through it was some effort, he'll have you know!
So, imagine his surprise when his victory of finally rolling through the window was cut short and replaced with panic.
It takes him a moment to assess the situation the second his back hits the floor, one foot flailing up awkwardly as he attempts to right himself quickly - but everything is off. The room isn't decorated to suit Tatum and her vibe. The bed is in the wrong section, the room seems a bit smaller, and there's a man standing in the middle of it with one foot in his jeans and the other leg lifted, bent at the knee.
Deputy fucking Dookie, on the case, it seemed.
Scrambling from his spot on the floor, it would have made far more sense for Stu to go out the way he came in, but in his mad dash to avoid a hit, grab, or punch, Stu throws himself out of Dewey's room and down the hall a bit toward Tatum's. He throws the door open to her room, tripping over his own feet and nearly face planting - but he catches his balance, righting himself quickly in order to slam her door shut and lean his entire weight against it.
He doesn't hear Dewey coming, but that didn't mean he wasn't loading up to come hunt him down, or something.
"Babe, I fucked up." He stage whispers, blues flicking about the room quickly before finally landing on the blonde. He smiles lightly at her upon finally seeing her, one arm shifting from behind his back to present to her ... a wilted, broken-stemmed flower from the garden bed of her neighbor, ta-da — !!
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"Is Boss Hogg gonna come fuck me up, or do you think I shocked him enough into believing he hallucinated?" His small smile grows to a toothy grin, though he remains leaned against the door ( just in case ). "I crawled through his window ... thought it was yours."
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woozyhere · 7 months ago
She's swatted and hit at him before - this was nothing new. She had bitten out at him, barked out at him, they had had little spats in broad daylight, but Stu just assumed that's how relationships worked. He'd never really had any other kind. He and Billy often barked at each other, or spat sarcastic comments. Billy would snarl, snap jaws, froth at the mouth like a rabid cur, and Tatum often used claws. Casey had been a sweet girl, but that's what Stu didn't like. He liked a challenge. He liked a chase. He liked the drama.
So when Tatum follows him, snarls out more comments, begins throwing his sweaters at him, Stu is grinning. He's all teeth, a Cheshire cat watching her grow further unhinged - knowing he was the cause of it. It made him shift on his feet, a bubble of breathy laughter escaping him as he dodged the clothes that were thrown his way. He braces himself for the vocoder to be chucked at him as well, but she tightens her grip, and for a single second, Stu swallows thickly and stares at it with a crease of his brow.
Billy was going to fucking kill him if this was how people found out about what they'd done.
"Babe, what?" He laughs again, though it's strained, finally stepping into a pair of sweatpants so he's slightly less vulnerable, and are his hands shaking? Perhaps a little. "Of course I respect you, baby. Why would yh- okay, okay, whoa, hey." The gun in Tatum's hand finally makes things very real for him. The costume and voice changer he can make up any old story with. He collected knives, and he was a hunter, but his rifles were in a gun locker in the garage. And nobody used a pistol for shooting game. "Tatum, put the gun do- Tatum!"
Stu follows suit quickly, a ramble of 'babe, baby please, babe it's fine, babe will you listen to me?' in his wake, and before she can make it to the stairs, the boy is on her - she's not listening and it's starting to piss him off, and although his patience is generally unparalleled, he's scared that this would put a wrench in his production. He and Billy had a schedule to follow, you see, a storyboard. Their movie couldn't end part way through.
He reaches out to try and grab her by the waist, a little more rough with her than he normally is should he be successful in his grab. If he does have her, he spins them and shoves - slightly more rough than he normally would - pinning her to the wall with one hand on the base of her throat at her collarbone and the other hand reaching for the gun to try and wrestle it out of her hand. Once she's still, he releases her neck, sliding his hand down the length of her arm so he can grab the vocoder from her - he tuts gently, shushing her if she refuses.
"You're startin' to piss me off a lil bit, babe." He grumbles out, wrenching the vocoder from her hand and pulling in a deep inhale. "Talkin' about me bein' disrespectful, and you're the one goin' through my shit. Give me the fuckin' gun, Tate." A growl, and he pulls his hand up between them, clicking the vocoder on with a smirk spreading, malicious and cruel. "I'd be careful if I were you, pretty girl." Spoken through the small white box, his voice autotuned and static.
Continue from here || @woozyhere
Tatum's brows raised in her already outraged state, the tone from the male worsening her anger. "Excuse me." She spat, swatting and whacking frustratedly as Stu reached out to touch her, the fight or flight instinct hitting in heavy now. She may have been completely over reacting or miss reading the situation, but her trust was bad enough, and with the recent events hinting at secretive behaviour from her boyfriend, she took it as disrespect towards her.
A sharp huff of angered disbelief escaped her glossy lips while watching Stu shrug it off and brush past her. A silence dawned on her; the very same silence that was caused when the blonde was fuming, right before she would blow. "Are you demented?" She grumbled through gritted teeth, her legs hurriedly chasing after him in a way to prove she was nowhere near done talking to him about this.
"Yes, exactly what is this?" The blonde ordered with a hard gaze, lifting up the monitor, her heart thumming in her ribcage. A distraction and fear she was ignoring; at least for now. Taking a breath to try and compose herself, she wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, truly. But maybe Dewey was right, and it was exactly that conflicted thought process that left her every action pushing her to act more unreasonably. Such as chucking whatever in reach at him; usually the sweaters.
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Upon stopping her swatting, only because the rest weren't close to her. Hesitating to throw the vocoder, ultimately deciding against such an act, not because it was made of a harsher material but because it seemed....useful. Her fingers wrapping tighter around it. "Shut up. Just shut the fuck up. You're really pissing me off now Stu."
"You just take the piss all the fucking time." Scoffs and eye roll galore. He was trying to divert the conversation and she picked up on that really quick. "You don't respect me at all, you're a dick." She glared, crouching down to grab the handle of the pistol, regardless of whether the safety was on, it was aimed upwards. "A fucking gun? And if you even dare to try and tell me I'm overreacting my boot will be so far up your ass, you understand?"
Raising to her feet, her mind raced, refusing to let any tears fall due to this bringing up much more than just Stu having suspicious items locked away while their town was a shit show murder case, her emotions tettering on overwhelming, not far off at all from striking Stu. That's what brought her back to reality, she had to leave. Or get to a phone. To unwind. There was no way she was letting him wind her up, she needed to gather her thoughts and get back to it, because she was starting to bumble and get emotional. Leaving Stu in his room.
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woozyhere · 8 months ago
Something about Jamie Lee Curtis' tits always got him sweating. At least that's what he'd told Tatum as a joke, flinching immediately after just in case she swung out to smack him for his comments. In reality, the AC unit in the house was just on the fritz and he was a growing boy! Maybe he was a bit too hot from the blanket they'd had over them while watching their flick, or maybe he was sweating over her being in his lap the whole time, who knows.
What he did know was he needed a shower desperately, and Tatum had been over enough times to know his place inside and out. He excuses himself to shower - takes a full twenty minutes before he actually goes to shower because he's decided that a shower would feel phenomenally better after a couple of bong rips, and then makes his way to the bathroom with a parting kiss to Tatum's forehead.
He's totally zoned out, singing to himself quietly when the pounding on the door pulls him out of it. He parts his lips to respond, but she's yelling again and this time it sounds a little more frantic - angry. Stu shuts the shower off quickly, only a small drip of panic setting in. The only time he expected to hear this level of panic from her was later - much later. When Billy was around. When they followed through with their plan. A chill runs through him - maybe Billy changed his mind and decided to re-arrange the scene schedule.
Wrapping a towel around his waist and nearly slipping on the wet floor when he steps out, Stu throws the door to the bathroom open quickly, dripping wet and towel clinging for dear life around his hips. "What, babe!?" He barks the words, maybe a little more aggressive than intended, but he's in panic mode and he's already reached out to grab her shoulders, looking behind her frantically for any sign of Billy. Seeing the coast is relatively clear, Stu leans back a little to catch her eye - but she's damn mad and she's got something in her hand.
She has the vocoder in her hand.
His heart skips a beat physically in fear - the stuttered pounding makes him drop one hand off her shoulder to place open-palmed on his chest above his heart. The air punches from his lungs, the exhale shaking and anxious. He'll play it off as relief that she's safe and well, and not the panic attack edging him. "Fuck, babe. You scared the shit outta me. Thought there was an emergency." He side-steps past her, making his way toward his room - his face falls into a fearful frown the second his back is turned to her, mouthing curses to himself silently as he walks briskly.
Entering his room to see sweaters thrown about, the black fabric to the side and open floorboard makes him hold his breath - but he pretends not to notice right away, only forcing a playful laugh and stepping over some of his sweaters. "Whatcha got, anyway? What is that?" He glances over his shoulder and then to her hand where she holds the voice modulator, bright and curious smile on his face despite the fact it's forced with everything in him.
"And what the Hell happened in here? Atomic Tatum bomb went off in here with my sweaters, or what?" Another chuckle, and he turns back around to dig through his dresser for sweats and a t-shirt. He doesn't dress quite yet - his mind is reeling. He takes his time to look through clothes. He comes up with fifty different options to avoid this whole situation or manipulate it to his advantage. Stu settles on a couple in particular: seduce her, fuck her, clean up when she falls asleep and find a new hiding spot so he can gaslight her in the morning, or straight up kill her himself.
Swallowing hard, Stu finally turns around, playing fingertips at the edge of his towel at his hips. "You coulda joined me in the shower, you know. If you were cold, baby. Want me to warm you up now?" Cue sly smirk, quirked brow, flirting... a distraction from the obvious shit-storm that is most likely to come his way with Tatum's discovery.
Plotted starter for @woozyhere
It all started with a harmless hang out, in which Tatum was expecting to have to sit through whatever horror flick, it was the same old recycled crap to her. Some gore, and tits. There were a few movies she could get on board with, but they had to have a certain interesting storyline to it. Besides her complaining, she'd still happily oblige and watch them though-that is if nothing else peaked or stole her interest over the television.
As soon as Tatum was left alone for Stu to pop in the shower, she headed of into Stu's bedroom for an extra layer of warmth, having knowing the layout of Stu's house like the back of her hand, she could have walked there blindfolded. Nose scrunching up as she flicked through the options she had, getting wound up simply because they all would clash with her outfit. And if that didn't wind her up, the floorboard she hit her foot on was bound to do the trick, cursing to herself in discomfort.
It caught her attention at least, crouching down to analyse the pesky floorboard herself, too curious for her own good. Huh? Seemed pretty loose to her, like it was lifted up and placed down on multiple occasions. So, that was exactly what she did. Turning it over, black material being the first thing she could make out, lifting it up and out of the way. Seeming to be some kind of cloak. That's when she came face to face with the mask staring right back at her, leaving the blonde playfully rolling her eyes with a scoff. That was Stu alright. Having some kind of replica outfit, probably for some fun, she noticed some of the guys in school had the same. Oh well, Tatum truly didn't mind, or care.........As long as he kept the thing away from Sidney.
But something wasn't adding up to her, Stu was shameless, he wouldn't just hide something he would find absolutely hilarious to show off. That's what she gathered from him anyway. That's when her hand came back under the floorboard, in hopes to find something else. Pretty confident of her; to rummage through a teenage boys secret hiding area. Was that....? Was that some kind of monitor?
Which brings her to present time, kneeled at Stu's closet, his sweaters, jackets, anything of the like sprawled and scattered around her stuck frozen figure. The mask and voice changer in hand as she stared at the broken into floorboard. It daunted on her that this was not one of Stu's sick jokes. Christ, there was a gun, hidden no less, which made it all incredibly suspicious. Did she want to cry? Run home in terror? Give Stu a good back hander? She was, for once in her life, unsure of her own decisions. Stu couldn't, no. Sure he was incredibly insensitive but she defended him everytime in that he never means any harm from his annoying, yet to some extent mundane shenanigans.
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Before she could even control or put her thoughts together, she found herself getting up to her feet, blinking back any unknown tears and swallowing the lump in her throat. Simply unaware she had started getting emotional, storming to the bathroom in which she heard the shower run, pounding on the door, the voice changer in the other hand. "Stu! Hurry up and get your ass out here. Now!" Her tone coming out as sharp snaps, regardless of the now spiked and heightened adrenaline and fear. This felt like an utter nightmare, unfortunately for her, this boiled her blood, and she had trouble keeping her temper in check, especially when a certain special brunette was no doubt affected by it. "I swear to God Stu, cut that shower short before I break open the door myself."
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