#deadass the first time it smacked into the glass door behind me and today it fucking was circling like im dead meat already
temperate-rainforest · 3 months
I don't know what's haunting more to know: that the silent generation Will One Day be forever silent, or that for the large part, the greatest generation and many others are already silent.. and that will happen to all of us, someday.
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goldenjaguarr · 6 years
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A/N: I don’t own any of those pics except for the Fenty one lol, so creds to the owners; always thought Erik would be into his girl having cute nails and shit, I dunno; feedback is welcome
Warning(s): cussing? lol, long for no reason
“I️ know you not about to touch me with ya nails lookin’ like that.” Your boyfriend Erik lightly pushed you away from your straddling position on his front. You just came out of the shower and tried to love up on him, trying to kiss him but opted to cream up instead at his rejection.
“Seriously?” You pouted and spread your hands out in front of you. Your set was four weeks old and in his opinion “very outgrown” and it irritated him. It was a pet peeve of his as he loved to see your nails all filed and manicured to perfection so you (and sometimes him) made it a priority to get a new set every two weeks. Due to working overtime for the last two weeks, you never got a chance to get them done but you made sure to have a clear schedule this Saturday and made an appointment with your nail tech Tash. She always got you right and Erik was in love with how she always had your set on point.
“I️ really don’t know why you’re trippin’. I️ have an appointment in a few hours.” You finished rubbing the lotion into your skin and pushed off of you guys shared king bed and made your way to the closet dropping your towel.
“Ion care. Told ya ass not to take that shift and get ya shit right but nah. Acting like you need the money and shit.” He muttered the last sentence but you heard him anyway.
You snapped your head to his shirtless form as he lay there feigning innocence with his hand on his scarred chest and his other scrolling through his phone.
“Wanna remind me what illegal activities it is you do for work again Erik? Regular folk like me exist. Asshole.” You made sure to say it loud and clear with emphasis.
He peered up at you in irritation at the mention of his job and your adjectives of choice. “Watch ya’ mouth babe. This ain’t what you want. Why you always gotta throw that shit in my face?” Erik was off of the bed now and making his way to you as you pulled on some underwear.
“Why you always gotta throw my grind in my face huh?” You inquired back and turned to face him and he had his arms crossed over his bare chest towering over your five foot frame.
“I️ didn’t mean it that way and you know it.” He took a step closer and you took a step back.
“I’m not doing this with you right now,” you made a move to get a sundress from your side of the closet but Erik stopped you by picking you up.
“Erik!” You cried out as he slung you over his shoulder like you weighed nothing. He gently threw you on the bed and pinned your arms down at your sides.
“Drop the attitude or I’ll drop it for you,” he sneered at you gritting his teeth making his golds glint but you just rolled your eyes.
“Get your heavy ass off of me,” you tried to move your hands and wiggle out from underneath him but he had you down.
“Not until you drop the ‘tude. Rude ass,” he bit at your chest but you didn’t react not wanting to give in.
“Deadass? Aight then,” he moved your hands above your head and held them down with his left and used the right to brush at your sides. “You really gonna make me do this?” You didn’t answer but instead tried to move again only making him hold you down tighter. “One last chance,” he said but you continued to ignore him.
“Cool,” he said and started running his fingers up and down your sides. You were extremely ticklish and you knew you should’ve gave in as soon as he pinned you down but damn it what he said was fucked up. You bit your lip as he dug his fingers into your sides a bit more and you let out a squeak. He wiggled his fingers faster and you couldn’t help but burst into a fit of giggles. Erik wasn’t upset at all if he was being honest, he just wanted to see you suffer and, not that he would ever admit it, hear you laugh.
“Wait, wait,” you cried between the laughs and tears forming in your eyes. “Erik please! I️ give okay,” you cried out and gasped. He stopped immediately at your surrender and you sucked in a breath. He still had your arms in a tight hold above your head and you sighed. He inched up above your body and pecked your lips. “Still don’t want you touchin’ me,” he pecked you one more time before releasing you and going into the bathroom.
“Asshole,” you murmured.
“Fuck you say,” he called out.
“Nothing,” you yelled back.
“That’s what I️ thought!”
You waited until you heard the shower turn on to pull on your sundress and slip out quickly without saying goodbye much to his dismay.
You were a few minutes away from the mall to kill time and hit some of the sales when he called you for the fifth time.
“Yes Erik,” you answered for the first time. “Left without saying shit and you ignoring my calls and texts. Fuck wrong with you girl?” His yelling blasted from the speaker and you huffed. “Sorry,” you said shortly and you heard him smack his teeth. “That’s all you got to say? You still mad at what I️ said? Is that what this is about?” You pulled into a parking space and sighed. “Bye Erik,” you pressed the end call button despite his protests.
You quickly combed out your brows and filled them in lightly seeing as you left the house before doing any makeup. You dusted some highlighter on your face and finally made your way into the mall shutting off your phone. You wanted him to apologize first and if this was the way it had to be, then so be it, petty or not.
While you were shopping, Erik was preparing for an arms deal and you ghosting him didn’t ease his mood.
His right hand, Ty, noticed he was particularly off and gave him a nudge.
“What nigga?” Erik scowled at him.
“What’s up with you? What shit got you tight now,” he questioned him.
Erik stared at him incredulously. “I️ know you did not just ask me that shit. Mind your fucking business. What you need to do is get to work my nigga.” He looked back down at his phone and smirked to himself as he sent you one last warning text but it didn’t deliver. He gripped his phone tighter and stood up. “Aight! Let’s wrap this shit up!” He barked out the order and watched every one shuffle to get everything into place.
You pulled into a parking space at your nail salon and got out. You decided to turn your phone back on but ignored all of the notifications rushing in. You caught sight of the last text he sent basically saying how he was coming to your appointment if you didn’t answer. You scoffed at his bluff. Erik at a nail salon? That’s a sight for sore eyes you thought and walked into the small shop.
He wasn’t far behind and a few minutes later he pulled up staring at the business in disgust.
“This really where you want me to drop you off?” Ty was staring at the glowing pink sign that simply said “Nails” with a questionable look. After work, Erik told him to drop him off at your nail salons address instead of home.
“Didn’t I️ say to mind ya damn business fool?” Erik didn’t wait for a response and got out of the car making sure to slam the door extra hard.
He saw your tiny silhouette through the frosted glass and hesitantly walked in. His eyes started scanning your body as soon as he walked in the building. You were wearing his favorite sundress because this one in particular, a bright yellow, nothing in your opinion that was too special, showed off your assets perfectly. He likes how it contrasts with your brown skin and makes your cleavage pop just the right amount, how it shows off your waist and growing hips. He especially loved when you wore your hair in a pineapple bun with a matching yellow hair tie or just down like today, with matching yellow hair clips. The boy was just smitten for you in that yellow sundress. So he immediately softened at the sight of you. Any anger he felt melted away and it turned into regret for being irrational earlier.
You were too caught up with the endless choices of nail polish in front of you to notice that someone had walked in the front door. You went to grab at a royal purple color but smelled a familiar musk amidst the strong chemical scent and straightened up. You whipped around and came face to chest with someone much taller than you.
Your eyes went down to his black combat boots, trailing up his black jeans and white muscle tee that put his keloid scars on display all the way to his short dreads that fell in front of his forehead and you finally looked into his eyes behind his gold rimmed glasses.
“Erik,” you said tightly and looked into his big brown eyes.
“Lil mama,” he said lowly. He looked at your glossed lips and the golden highlight that was dusted on your cheeks and nose before settling on your angry gaze.
You crossed your arms and tapped your foot. “Well? What you want?” Your impatience was evident and he groaned; he knew you were waiting for an apology.
“What? A nigga can’t surprise his girl at the nail shop?” You stepped back and laughed without humor.
“Seriously? As usual. You can leave Erik. I️ don’t need the company.” You said rolling your neck and you watched him grit his teeth. Neck rolling pissed him off but he wasn’t here to argue.
He bobbed his head for a few moments before the apology eventually tumbled out. “Sorry,” he basically mouthed. You tucked your hair behind your ears and raised your eyebrows. “Come again. I️ ain’t catch that.”
He balled his fists. “I️ said sorry lil girl,” he barked it out this time but backed down when he saw you recoil. “I’m sorry. What I️ said was outta pocket. I️ respect that you gotta hustle going and ain’t dependent on a nigga. I️ just miss you at home baby,” it rolled out and you felt a weight lift off your shoulder as did he.
You sighed and wrapped your arms around his torso and he followed suit, caressing the back of your head to grip your curls. “I️ forgive you. And I️ won’t take anymore late shifts either,” you said into his hard chest. He sighed in relief. One thing Erik hated was when the person he trusted and loved the most was mad at him but he was glad you forgave him.
You leaned your head up and he pressed his lips to yours. You pulled away and he pressed his forehead to your own. “We good?” He held you a little tighter as if you were going anywhere. “We good,” you said and turned in his grasp. He wrapped his hands around your chest and nuzzled his face into your neck making you laugh. You made a move to grab the purple polish again but he stopped you.
“Nah, not that one,” he said and you smacked your teeth.
“Erik,” you whined. “I️t took me forever to pick that out,” you pouted.
He only laughed. “I️ don’t care,” he said and leaned closer to your ear so only you could hear. “Besides, I️ think I️ have the right to pick what color is gonna be wrapped around my dick tonight,” he said breathily and you closed your eyes as you grew hot at his words.
“Stop being nasty nigga. We not the only people in here,” you opened your eyes back up to see if anyone was paying you guys any attention.
“You think I’m playin’,” he said and released you to study the bottles of polish lined up on the wall.
He passed the primary and pastel colors and went to the glitters, golds, and holos. You playfully rolled your eyes at how he immediately went for the flashy.
He studied them and picked up a gold glitter and walked back to you but stopped to look at other polish colors. He looked at the shades of white and picked up a snow white one and brought it over to you. “I️ want this one on your ring finger and the white on the rest of ‘em,” he said confidently like he knew what he was talking about. You folded your arms. “That’s fine I️ guess.” You shrugged. You walked back to the waiting area and sat with him briefly before your nail artist called you back.
“Hey Tash,” you hugged her and she gave you an air kiss. “Hey hun,” she said uninterested as she looked behind you at Erik. “Is that him,” she whispered.
Prior to, Erik never stepped foot into the salon and the two of you had been together for almost two years now. Not to mention you never really showed pictures of the two of you. It was mainly a privacy thing.
“Yeah girl. That’s my man,” you said looking at him type away on his phone. She whistled. “That’s not just a man. That’s an upgrade.” You smirked thinking about how she was right. They may have started off rocky but Erik was definitely an upgrade from her last relationship.
“What we going for today?” The both of you sat across from each other and she took your hands to drill away at the old acrylic on top of them.
“I️ don’t know. He’s in charge today,” Erik had shoved his phone back in his pocket and pulled up his own chair and sat close to you.
“Aight so, I️ want all her nails white except for the ring fingers but I️ do want them to have some of that design shit. You know what I’m sayin’?” Tash was gazing at him but Erik was ignoring her. “Yeah,” she said and tore her eyes away from him.
“You picking the shape too baby?” He furrowed his eyebrows at your question having not thought about that.
“Uh, that long rectangular square shape you get sometimes,” he said firmly and Tash gave a nod. You giggled.
“Fuck you laughing at,” he said and nipped at your neck. “Nothing. You should just come with me more often,” you said as he draped his arm over your shoulders and snorted. “We’ll see.”
Erik eyed all the tools that surrounded Tash until a clear container caught his eye. “Aye yo, uh, what’s that?” You noticed him pointing at her little box of nail gems and stiffened.
Tash followed his gaze and shrugged. “Oh. Little jewels and stuff. I️ should’ve mentioned it but (Y/N/N) usually doesn’t want all that lately, just the plain polish.” She placed the box closer to him.
“Hey!” You protested giving her a dirty look. “I️ ain’t plain okay? I’m on a budget.”
He opened the box and started picking through the gems. “Fuck that plain shit. You getting some bust down on ya nails this time around. When I️ said design I️ just wanted you to write my name or some dumb shit, I️ ain’t know about all of this. What else you hiding?” He glanced at Tash who stopped fiddling with your nails and pulled out some more accents and accessories.
“Erik, don’t do the most on this set you hear me?” He ignored you and spoke to Tash instead. “We switching this shit up.” He gave her a smirk and she smirked back. “Finally! I’m tired of her and these boring ass nails. Where have you been this whole time?”
“I️ know where I️ am and that’s right here and this bust down sounds expensive!” You interrupted, getting agitated at the “plain” talk.
“Eyes up. No looking at the masterpiece. And I’m paying for this so don’t say nothin’ else,” Erik snapped.
You sighed in defeat and the two of them got back to your manicure and you got into the movie playing on one of the salons flat screens.
The rest of your appointment was Erik directing and guiding Tash on the designs he wanted on each finger much to your amusement and her annoyance.
It took another hour but Tash and Erik seemed to finally be done.
“Yeah, just like that. You like that baby?” Erik’s voice broke through your trance as you tore your eyes from the movie playing on the flatscreen behind Tash and looked at your finished set. “Damn babe,” you looked at the finished set in amazement. Each finger had a different gold accented design on top of the white polish picked out by Erik. Your ring finger on your right hand is what caught your eye though as he ditched the gold glitter polish and had it painted white as well with some gold leaf flakes and a chunky gold crown gem. You were impressed that the man truly had taste.
He looked at you with a smug smirk as you kept your eyes glued to your fingers to study the manicure and you barely noticed when he pulled out his wallet and dropped a couple of hundreds in front of Tash who’s mouth dropped open. “Um- it’s honestly not that much. You don’t-,” she started to stutter out but Erik cut her off. “That’s for all the trouble and keepin’ my baby’s nails lookin’ right,” he said flashing her his dimples and grill before getting up. She just nodded at him until he turned away and nudged you under the table. You tore your eyes away from your insanely gorgeous set to look at her wide eyes. “What the fuck?” She mouthed but you just winked and got up to dry your nails.
“Thank you Tash,” you called over your shoulder. You knew slight details about Eriks work but you didn’t ask too many questions so she couldn’t either.
You sat down to dry your nails not noticing how Erik was watching as you had your attention focused on your fingers. Boy you didn’t know what was about to happen tonight.
You sat under the dryer admiring your set before he broke the silence.
“You gone put those nails to work tonight?” His question almost made you choke and you lifted your face to meet his lustful gaze.
“Stop; we’re in a public setting,” you hissed feeling your cheeks and lower region start to heat up.
Erik scoffed. “We be fucking on the side of the freeway. You ain’t shy.”
“Okay!” You slammed your hands down on the counter and got up. “Goodnight Tash!” You called out and grabbed your purse. “Bye hun! See you in a few weeks. Bye New Mans!” She replied.
You walked out of the door into the hot night and Erik followed close behind. You turned and smacked his hard chest. “I’m not bringing you here again.”
He smiled wide and laughed. “Yes you are.” He pulled you into him and gave you a long, hard kiss before breaking away.
“I️ asked you a question though. You gone put those nails to work tonight?” He repeated himself moving his soft lips against your own.
You hummed. “You know I️ always do.”
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