#dd. dd.
espejomonastico · 27 days
Quilapayún: Ronda del Ausente (1979).
Paloma San Basilio & Quilapayún: ¿Dónde está el que yo quiero? (de la Sinfonía de los Tres Tiempos de América, compuesta por Luis Advis) (1988).
Hoy es el Día Internacional de la y el Detenido Desaparecido.
Toda la justicia, toda la verdad, nunca jamás el olvido.
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consumebread · 5 months
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ando666detonao · 2 years
don't you ever read a piece of fanfiction so good you just
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dashboarddiaries · 3 months
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it's the 10 YEAR anniversary of the most amazing event EVER! *explodes like a confetti cannon*
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that's right, tumbeasts, Dashcon happened TEN YEARS ago!!!!!
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if you're new here and don't know what that is, LET ME LEARN YOU A THING:
Dashcon was an event just for US. for the freaks, the weirdos, the fangirls. it had cosplayers and fanfic writers and a BALLPIT. And--
[a comical *thunk* as lauren hits her imposter over the head with a shovel]
jesus, guys, sorry about that. something went wrong with my hybrid cloning/time machine.
ANYWAY. Dashcon happened 10 years ago this weekend and @overchers and I have episodes for this very occasion!
we talked to two brave Tumblr employees who were there:
and who also had amazing pictures to share, that we posted on the internet for the very first time!
and THEN we talked to Lochlan, the Tumblr user who started it all:
(transcripts for those episodes here and here)
so we've got dashcon coverage from both sides! get the inside scoop and relive the glory days.
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