wingfierce · 4 years
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  “   surprised y’  requested to speak to me personally  ,  shigaraki.   ”    words are earnest and straightforward  ,  not a single punch held back.   if he were too casual he’s sure red flags would fly.  he’s painted himself as a man of chuckles and quick quips  ...  it’s exactly what he’ll give shigaraki.  hawks has worked too hard to get to this point to let it crumble in his hands.   “   dare i ask   ,  a simple chat or something more  ?   ”
@dcayng​​ gets the bird !
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rashamonarchive1 · 4 years
❝ you’re good – but you’re not as good as you could be. ❞ :)
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“  better than you though, yes?  --  shigaraki tomura,  you’d do better to keep your ability a mystery to those who’d use it against you.  i wonder how useful you’d be without your appendages attached, i’m almost curious to find out. wouldn’t it be quite the anecdote if i ended your pitiful little resistance before it even began?  i know my boss would love to hear it.  ”   the silent dog chatters his warning, a caustic edge to his subdued fervor. possessed fabrics snaking around his frame as amusement garners a joyless smirk. akutagawa has every intention to offend, dropping a rock in the well to hear its depth. 
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deathnon · 4 years
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@dcayng​ sent:  ha ... i'll be going now.
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     “   i thought the league had a bit more pride than that.  guess i was wrong.   ”
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allmortal · 4 years
👻  /  @dcayng​.
a single stalk in a maze of corn, izuku sways with the majority, a husk among the devout masses. sensei whispers something in his ear, a threatening affirmation that this is his destiny. as lazarus rises from his pit, izuku unburies his shallow grave. what is my purpose? to protect the gilded king, to crush his enemies at his whim, to answer his beck and call. sensei says: this is why you have been created, this is why you are still alive.
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“  shigaraki-san ... it’s very nice to meet you,  ”  unnaturally formal, he struggles to conjure a speck of excitement for something he deems grim. eyes nervously stuck to his bright red shoes out of respect. “  i’ve been enlisted to serve you, i hope that i will be adequate enough,  ”  he bows ever so slightly under the scrutinous gaze of his cruel teacher. he wishes kurogiri hadn’t left the room before their fated meeting, he wishes he weren’t the lone rabbit in a room full of starving wolves. wishing has never brought him anything but disappointment.
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duoplicitous · 4 years
They’d managed to find someone in the former MLA with a healing quirk, which solved the issue of Twice’s broken arms. He wasn’t exactly thrilled with the idea that they would be all chummy and rubbing elbows with the likes of Skeptic, the man who had inflicted so much physical and emotional harm upon Jin. He wouldn’t have been surprised if the longhaired freak was the one who’d cut off Giran’s fingers (he still didn’t know who the offender was, specifically speaking).
They had been living it up thanks to the Detnerat CEO’s bank account, enjoying fine cuisine, as well as new costumes and support items. Even Gigantor, or whatever his name was, acknowledged that the Boss was the rightful heir to All for One’s legacy. Everything was coming up roses for them, all those months spent scrounging and scraping the bottom of the barrel finally seemed to be over. There was even a new prosthetic arm in the works for Mister Compress, though he had a more than adequate replacement to tide him over until it was finished. 
Being given a title wasn’t something he was used to, especially such a long one, but the fact that he could use his Quirk to it’s full potential was more than enough. Now he could finally do something for his friends and comrades, protect and defend them to the very best of his ability. The power and sudden respect was pleasant, but his own worth to the former League of Villains- now Paranormal Liberation Front- had increased dramatically. Whatever ways he could be of use and aid the young leader, that was what made him happy and gave him self-worth. Not being able to mass produce the Quirk-Killer bullets had been such a disappointing admission to make when he wanted, needed to do something good for everyone to further their goals.
Was he glad that he now knew he wasn’t a mere copy? Yes. But that revelation shouldn’t have come at the cost of getting little sister Toga hurt in the process. In his worst nightmares, he could still hear the ‘crik crik crik’ noises her neck had made as they’d twisted her head around like a bottle cap- a second more and she might have died. Someone had to pay for that, someone had to take responsibility for hurting his family. The fact that they hadn’t rounded the big wigs of the cultist movement together for a mass torture session was beyond him, but they’d all needed medical attention by the time Re-destro had finally conceded to Shigaraki. Maybe all he needed to do was remind everybody of what they’d lost in the process, though the only person who even seemed remotely happy that the gap-toothed broker yet lived was himself.
Knocking on the door to the conference hall (fancy!) where Shigaraki’s throne of sorts sat at the head of a raised platform, Jin poked his head inside the expansive room to check if Boss Man was present and accounted for.
“Your dark eminence, sir-” he called out, mimicking the now cowed Yotsubashi’s voice and rubbing his hands together in a mocking impersonation of the fallen leader.
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wingcdhero · 5 years
        @dcayng​ / continued from here. 
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      he’d expected this, of course. hawks wasn’t a fool, despite the facade he liked to present. he knew what he was doing, and what he was risking too, but he moved in the moment. so much of what he does is impulse and, while this was no different, he can’t find it in him to regret it entirely. tenko’s wrath be damned. “ --- or what ?? ” he says, after a beat of silence so palatable with tension that he can taste it. “ you’re not my boss anymore. i’m not one of your pawns. ” nevermind that he’d interfered with a league mission, apparently. nevermind that his own anxiety and adrenaline were still spiked so high he could feel it vibrating in his feathers. he shouldn’t have this conversation right now. they’re both too keyed up. and yet. 
     “ i died to get away from people treating me like a puppet. telling me what to do. ” he shrugs his coat off his shoulders, let’s it fall in a pile on the floor. he won’t look at tenko. not yet. “ i told you, already. i won’t be involved. what i do isn’t up to you and it’ll happen again. ” finally, he turns, taking a few short strides to close the distance between them until he’s close enough to reach out. takes tenko’s wrist in his hand and brings the palm up to his face. so close, but not touching. “ so what, tenko, will you do ?? kill me ?? ”
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patient00 · 4 years
@dcayng   said   :    “ you’re being awfully quiet. ”
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 𝒈𝒂𝒛𝒆   𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒂𝒕𝒔   𝒖𝒑𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒅   slowly   ,   eyelids   blinking   on   repeat   :   his   silence   and   nonresponse   is   more   a   reply   than   any   words   could   ever   possibly   be   .   lavenders   match   crimson   unflinchingly   and   without   feeling   ;   he   merely   stares   and   expects   shigaraki   to   stare   back   .   his   lips   purse   .   “   i   watched   the   news   this   morning   ,   “   he   elects   to   say   instead   of   a   proper   answer   .   “   i   can’t   say   i’m   particularly   surprised   your   name   popped   up   .   i’m   not   stupid   :   i   know   who   you   are   .   and   i   know   you’re   not   stupid   either   :   you   know   who   i   am   ,   and   what   i   do   .   and   you   know   i   can’t   kick   you   out   of   my   clinic   ,   but   ,   “   his   eyes   narrowly   minutely   ,   an   act   of   expression   seldom   seen   on   his   face   .   blink   and   you’ll   miss   it   .   “   i’m   not   sure   i   want   you   in   my   house   anymore   .   “
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melonpans · 5 years
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" ten - chan. " as always, she's soft spoken when she makes herself known, careful not to startle the too jumpy child. a fond smile is at her lips and she squats until they're eye level. " would you like to help me with some breakfast ?? we can make some pancakes. " she's practiced plenty since the last disaster, okay. " we can go out somewhere too, if you'd rather. " a hand comes to rest on his head, gentle ruffling of his soft, newly lightened locks. " you have a doctor's appointment today, remember ?? how do you feel ?? " she wonders if it seems like she's done nothing but inundate the poor boy with therapy and quirk doctors and regular physicians, but goodness - he's been through enough to need it. still, she'd hate for him to get too overwhelmed and not tell her. it's hard trying to gauge by the day how he may be, but the trauma is so extensive...goodness, she can't think on that so early this morning. put on a smile, nana !! you've got a grandson who is counting on you.
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wingedwax · 4 years
thoughts are elsewhere, judging by the way his eyes are half-lidded and glazed over. however, gaze remains fixed on shouhei, happening to be in his direct line of sight. subconsciously copying him without realizing it. his tongue poking out and in periodically. brow furrowed in concentration.
    these meetings are mind numbing. he really only attends them as of late when he has nothing better to do or if he’s particularly concerned about whatever this little troupe is cooking up. he’s not a hero anymore, not even alive to the general public, but it doesn’t stop him from minimizing causalities where he can. instinct, maybe. or perhaps he’s just incapable of keeping his nose out of things that tenko would say don’t concern him to begin with. 
   speaking of. honeyed eyes lift to the man sitting across from him. redestro had dutifully given him head of this modern and twisted round table. everything and everyone comes full circle to him – and shouhei is incredibly amused to think for a man so all powerful and revered now, he seems even less engaged than any of them. the look in his eyes is far away, not in any sort of deep thought, and while seemingly fixated on shou himself, it’s obvious tenko’s actual focus is elsewhere. 
     shou is confused, initially. brows furrowed, his gaze drops to himself and then back to tenko a few times. nothing on his shirt or coat. his wings were tucked away behind him. no scandalous reading material to show off. he hums quietly to himself, pensive, and his tongue creeps out. his piercing clicks against his teeth lightly, drags over his bottom lip and — oh. oh. quite suddenly, shouhei realizes just what’s got so much of tenko’s concentration. he sees the mirrored actions, the way the other man’s own tongue trails a path like his and ghosts over teeth like his own piercing had. 
     he’s copying him. his quirks. the little ticks he’s accustomed to since getting his piercing years ago. it’s second nature for shouhei by now. he likes the way it sounds and how it reverberates in his head when he drags his tongue over teeth. likes to see the shine of the ball when it brushes over his lip. something to be said about bird attributes there, surely, which is why it leaves him absolutely delighted to realize that tenko is copying him. picking up those little habits and making them his own. a grin that is equal parts fond and mischievous threatens to overwhelm him. shouhei leans forward, rapt with attention, and tucks his chin in his hand. his eyes lock with tenko’s dark ones. he’s been caught in the action, without even realizing it.
   slow and deliberate with his actions now, his tongue peeks out the corner of his lips. curls when he opens his mouth slightly, the piercing standing out tenfold, and it’s bordering disruptive when he lets it click against his teeth this time around. but he wants tenko to come back to him, realize where they are and just what he’s doing. he wonders about the look on his face, if maybe it’ll fluster him some, or just frustrate him to be caught at all. 
   all the same to shouhei, really – because he’s got a world of teasing to do now that he’s made this little realization. tenko will know no peace for awhile.
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wingfierce · 4 years
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@dcayng​ sent:  “  loneliness is a slow and cruel poison. ”
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     WHAT WAS THE POINT OF SUCH WORDS  ?  the bird can’t help but wonder as they peer at the corpse-man.  loneliness.  poison.  were the two words interchangeable  :  did they shake hands before engulfing the soul  ?   it feels too philosophical to hear  ,  but then again  ,  shigaraki did have a knack for saying things that knock you off kilter.  he might not have a hand wrapped ‘pon hawks’ throat  ,  but his words felt like strangulation enough.  if the golden boy was more honest ,  he’d rather deal with a tyrant than this.  putting deep thought towards something described as a  pillar of evil  derailed too many conceptions.  was this man suddenly a dog able to creep behind the bars of the cage within his head  ?  to stare  (  cold  ,  razor sharp  )  at neglected emotions.  hawks shouldn’t be surprised  ,  isn’t really  ,  but the abject disorientation of being picked apart by a motif of death chills to the bone.
which scares you more  ,  hero ?  being picked apart or picking apart yourself  ?  you already know the answer.
careful consideration of his words makes him pause as gloved fingers stroke at the stray hairs on his chin.  they’ve grown thicker than he’s let them in the past.  hasn’t had the energy to maintain it to a stubble                he snaps back on track  ,  sharp eyes narrowing at shigaraki before he hums.   “    surely it varies person to person.  some choose to be alone  ,  you know   ?    ”   hawks offers with a wave of his hand  ,  placing the other hand on his hip.  the nonchalant gestures are calculated to hide the growing hole in his chest.  loneliness.  slow and cruel.  the more he thought about it and offered his counters  ,  the more the weight behind his ribs grew.  its festered for years  ,  but will a slow poisoning catch up to the fastest man ?      
    “   besides  ,  what even defines loneliness ?  ain’t always  absence  of others.  some people feel alone in a crowded room of people they know                       but ‘m sure you already knew ‘bout that.    ”    there’s an unprecedented challenge in his voice.   it’s as if he’s trying to question why they’re on this topic  :  why he’s wasting time on tangents of shigraki’s that’re pointless.  yet again he knows better  ...  nothing is  ever  truly fruitless here in the shadows.  it’s all carefully etched erratically sometimes  ,  sure  ,  but never without a promise for fruit.  
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crepitvs-a · 5 years
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i  defeated  clown  school
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h-toga · 5 years
♡ + style / clothing ! and also ♡ + family !
(੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡
style / clothing headcanon
toga is a very feminine person who loves warm colors like pink and red in all shades however do prefer practicality over style is she has to such as her mask in her villain outfit , that aside she prefers not to show much skin in the clothes she wears preferring to stay comfortable as well as warm.
style wise she is between pastel goth && yami kawaii fashion liking cute pastels with slightly morbid details 
family headcanon
the only family she has in her eyes is the league , people who has accepted her for who she is and respecting her. for her biological one all she has is bitter memories of being shamed for who she was , simply throwing her in others hands to be ‘ fixed ‘
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wingcdhero · 5 years
         @dcayng​ // closed. 
         it’s been exactly three hours, twenty-six minutes, and sixteen seconds since hawks latched tight on to shigaraki’s arm and refused to ( or rather physically could not ) budge. he thinks they’re both used to it by now, to a degree, and he doesn’t know how to feel about it ; no matter who shigaraki was to him before, he shouldn’t let him get so close. he shouldn’t be so complacent. it’s just -- hard, especially when they’re like this: shoulder to shoulder, lights dimmed except for the bright glow of the console in shigaraki’s hand. silence shadows them, but it’s not awkward. it’s comfortable, relaxing. hawks knows the tension has slowly seeped from him. one of his fingers move, just a small twitch, but the grip hasn’t loosened too much yet. 
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         “ tenko. ” he’s uncharacteristically somber, “ doesn’t it bother you ?? i mean, you don’t - ” his brow furrows, tongue clicking as he considers, “ you tolerate me, but you don’t like me, right ?? so why bother ?? ” and maybe that’s not fair. they’ve gotten relatively closer now that the truth has been aired, but even then, hawks can’t get a read on the other man. he can’t tell what goes through his mind. not like when they were kids, when he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt what tenko had on his thoughts. 
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patient00 · 4 years
@dcayng   said   :    ☎ kjfhgkhg do it
 name   :   ?   flatmate   ?
 ringtone   :   default   .
 picture   :   it’s   a   picture   of   a   heap   of   blankets   with   a   human   shape   underneath   .
 last   text   received   :   i’m   coming   .
 last   text   sent   :   i   made   pancakes   this   morning   ,   please   help   yourself   when   you   wake   up   .   syrup   is   in   the   pantry   .   i   made   extras   ,   so   take   them   to   your   friends   if   you’d   like   .
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duoplicitous · 5 years
[Continued from HERE.]
          a heavy silence permeates the air as shigaraki considers the apology,   memory churning.   runs through it like a scene selection in his mind   /   empty,   vacant stare fixated on the other but not really seeing him. let him down. had twice done that?   head leans to the side slowly,   mess of curls falling across his eyes.      “  i don’t recall you doing that. ”       dry voice breaks through the noiselessness,   gaze refocusing on the older man.
The lack of swift admonishment is almost more excruciating than the nights he’s spent agonizing over his mistakes. Big Sis Mag. Compress. At least Compress was still alive, but the prosthetic they’d managed to outfit him with wasn’t ideal. 
He’d been taken in by Chisaki’s pretty words and sophisticated demeanor, like a fish circling a juicy piece of bait. Lead the shark back to his friends and couldn’t do anything to stop the bloodbath that had followed.
He couldn’t stand it. The way they’d been living, it was so beneath a man like Shigaraki and yet he had endured it for their sake. If only he’d been smarter, then maybe things wouldn’t have taken such a sharp turn. Sure, they had money and allies now, but it had come at a price.
“I should have gotten more involved when you sent me and Toga-chan to the Shie. If I had managed to gather more information on those bullets, then I could have copied them for sure. But I didn’t even think about it until it was too late. We could have had another ace up our sleeve, right? Then maybe...” he trailed off, glancing at the portion of his leader’s hand that had been crushed in Re-Destro’s grip.
I was hard with one broken arm, but Jin managed to kneel directly on the ground and bow his head in apology, near grinding his scarred forehead against the floor in regret and self-directed frustration.
“I need to take responsibility... Please-”
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veroxina · 4 years
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“        if   you   just   wait   a   fucking   second   i’ll   explain   why   i’m   here,    tomura.        ”        should    she    be    doing    this   ?     of   course   not.     especially   in   a   time   where   every   move   of   hers   was   watched   and   she   could   be   considered   a   traitor.        ”        are   you   tenko   ?        “
@dcayng​​   <3′d.
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