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teamperfectworld · 3 months ago
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YOU'RE the reason our highways are a tangled mess of blood and chrome
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rabbit-spl · 8 months ago
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D-CAR Magazine "Spo-Com Project" Honda Civic (EK4) circa mid-2004
As with most magazine project cars, updates on this thing were routine and thorough. Hope to post more about this one soon!! Source: D-CAR 04/2005
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moomoorare · 1 year ago
Phasmo later :D
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reubyocs · 1 year ago
Casino Heist - OPEN RP
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Your muse has been invited by Lester to work alongside Val and Pete. Your target? The vault tucked away in the depths of the Diamond Casino and Resort.
Only a two simple rules here:
+ No overpowered muses. This strictly means characters that will "evade" all the security because "they're invisible" or "can walk through walls". Things along those lines.
+ For each reply, if the opportunity arises, you can only take out TWO guards.
That's it!~ If you have any questions, please feel free to shoot me an ask or message me! :)
If you're interested in taking on the Heist, click the Keep Reading tab to start! :)
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A set of two trios sat in a basement hidden away neatly underneath an arcade. One trio consisted of a hacker, car guy and a weapons guy. They were talking amongst themselves about previous jobs they've taken on over the years. On the other side of the room, the other trio consisted of Pete, who was busy testing earpieces, Lester- the heist manager, and of course- Val, who was snoring in his chair. 
Lester looked at his watch and sighed, getting up from his chair with the help of the table. 
"Okay, they'll be here in a moment." Lester speaks, grabbing his walking cane from the back of his chair and whacking the sleeping Val with his cane. Val is startled awake, sitting upright immediately as he looks around the basement. Pete lets out a quiet laugh as his brother whines. 
A young woman guides [your muse] into the basement. The other trio watch your muse as she brings [your muse] to Lester.
"Ah, welcome." Lester speaks, making his way over to greet the new member. He holds his hand out for a handshake. As he goes to speak again, he’s abruptly cut off by Pete.
"If you know us already. You don't." Pete speaks up, not looking up from his laptop. "Codenames only from here on out."
"Right right. Well, I'm Long John Teabag, or LJT for short." Lester speaks as he finally shakes [your muse]’s hand. He then gestures to Pete who is still focused on the earpieces. 
"This is Doomsday." Doomsday remains expressionless and just grunts in response. However, if you're a certain other "Doomy" person, you can bet he's smirking. "He's my assistant coordinator. He'll be watching police scanners and managing your team."
"And your heist buddy, V." V excitedly smiles back at his new co-worker, waving at them. Doomsday hands over an earpiece to V. He takes it from his hand gently, examining it briefly before putting it into his ear. Doomsday then holds one out for [your muse] to take.
"Oh and that." LJT points to Avon, who's sitting there in the corner of the room. He's plugged into a wall socket but is clearly listening to everything that's going on. There's a giant crack stretching from his jaw to under his right eye.  "That's Avon. He doesn't need a codename, but he'll be communicating with you too."
Having introduced the main crew, LJT takes the opportunity to look up at [your muse]. "Well, since V is used to the layout of the Casino and has studied their security. You can choose which way you get in and out." V's eyes light up with excitement when he hears this.
"What a great way to be introduced into heisting! Wish you gave me that opportunity when I robbed this place the first time." V smiles as he throws his legs up onto the table before him. "Well well! Welcome to the crew! Run them through their choices then creepy ol' LJT."
"Okay… well." LJT speaks as he gestures for them to follow him. He's slow as he makes his way over to the whiteboard. There's lists of equipment, photos of the cash tucked away in a vault and numerous other tidbits scribbled on the board. He uses his cane to tap on the whiteboard. "We have three options, so listen up:" 
He points to a photo of a staff lobby, there's innocent staff and heavily armoured security crew in the photo. "We could go in Silent and Sneaky, this'll require you both to be stealthy. Don't get seen by the guards while getting in and out of the casino. We get the cash and then we're done. It'll require you to take out some guards along the way, but it's certainly smooth sailing permitted you aren't seen." He lets out a little laugh, followed by a quiet sigh.
"Or, we have some fun with it and we go with The Big Con route." LJT points to a photo of two people in armoured security uniforms. On closer inspection, it becomes clear that it is actually a photo of V and one of his friends. "It's like your standard movie heist. You wear disguises, blend in, take the cash and head out all without being seen. We've got a few options for outfits; like security deposit outfits, pest control and even garbage staff. You have to change outfits when you leave, so your escape outfit will be a NOOSE outfit or a fireman's outfit. If you can’t find the outfits, then you exit in whatever you came in."
"And finally, the Aggressive route." LJT taps aggressively on a photograph of a series of guns. "That means you go in guns blazing, every person for themselves. You take explosives and blow up the vault rather than using anything silent like a laser. This is more like a suicide mission, but V pulled it off once before so he does know what he's doing."
V winks at [your muse] as he continues to rock back and forth in his chair. Doomsday is too focused on his computer to be paying attention anything going on, and Avon? He's just sitting there patiently.
"So, what will it be?" LJT asks, making his way over to the table to hear [your muse]’s decision. "Which route interests you the most?"
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reubyocs · 1 year ago
With the all clear from Payday, V drives the van into the carpark. There's this soft, excited smile on his face as he steers the vehicle towards the down ramp. On the side of the wall, closest to the casino, there's a steel garage door. V attempts to line up the van with the card scanner, but finds he's a little too far away. With a sigh, V unbuckles his seatbelt and leans out of the window, swiping his access card on the scanner.
"Here we go!" V sings as the garage doors begin to roll up. Slowly, he rolls the van into the concrete corridor. A light just inside the tunnel goes red, indicating that the van needs to stop. Gently, V brings the van to a halt, waiting on permission to proceed.
"Okay. You're there to drop chips off." Doomsday speaks over the earpiece. There's the loud squeaking of the garage door behind them that's now starting to roll down. "Your PIN is 61923037. Remember that. 61923037. Over." V begins to mouth the numbers to himself, hoping to commit them to memory.
"Roger that Doomsday. Over." Now that the garage doors have rolled down behind them, the green light goes on, signalling to V that he can continue his way down the weird, twisting tunnel. "This is the easy bit, just act chill when we get to this first mantrap." V speaks as he reaches the end of the tunnel. There's a room with two armed guards standing there. They begin to gesture for V to drive the van into the mantrap.
"Hello there!" V speaks cheerfully as looks out of his drivers side window. "Just here to drop off some chips." One of the men does a loop around the van, checking to see if there's anything out of place. Fortunately, everything is in order.
"Yep. We got you here on the list." Speaks the other man, who's examining his clipboard. The man who did the loop around the van, is watching Payday rather closely. V notices this, feeling an unease build in his stomach. After a moment of silence, the man looks back up to V. "We need your PIN to confirm your delivery." V smiles, preparing to recite the number.
"Of course. It's 61923037." V speaks with great confidence. The guard checks over his list, repeating the number to himself.
"Alright, go on through. Park in Bay 6 and head down to the vault. I'll let them know you're on the way." The doors ahead of them began to slide open, allowing the van to proceed. Following the guards instructions, V pulls into Bay 6,
"When you two get out the van and head down to the vault. Try and make some normal conversation with each other." LJT speaks. "It'll make you look like you're both good with each other and stop the guards from wondering if you're a bit sus." V nods, as though he thinks LJT can see him.
"Alright. We'll grab the duffle bags from the back of the van and we'll go down the stairs." V speaks to Payday as he pops open his door, hopping down to the ground with a quiet thud. Again, the man who had been staring at Payday continues to do that, but from a distance. V notices this as he makes his way to the back, attempting to make a note on their appearance. Now's not the time to relay this information to the gang in the arcade. However, now is the time to sound like normal, non-thief like people.
"Dude, I found this really great Japanese restaurant a few days ago." V speaks as he slips his own duffle bag onto his shoulder. There's the sound of chips shifting from one side of the bag to the other. "They make such a great gyudon. That's my favourite comfort food. Whats your favourite food?" While he is genuinely interested in what Payday's favourite food is, he also knows he has to remain serious.
Whenever Payday is ready with her duffle bag, he'll guide her over to the stairwell.
It's difficult for Thursday to say what constitutes as "recently" when time flows so wonkily in the offices. She ends up saying, "Hmm, yeah, I'd say it's been fairly recently. Probably within the last couple months or something like that, haha. Been busy since having the baby so it's hard for me to keep track of things like what day it is anymore."
The topic about the trophy is one she can discuss a whole lot easier, though. Her eyes light up and she starts gesturing a lot more with her hands, her overall demeanor becoming more animated. "This casino sounds really stupid, V! If you've robbed it multiple times and here you come again, haha! They should like, keep all their money in an off-site location or something. But then I suppose you'd probably figure out where that is and break into there too. You're like a rat, clever little guy, who always knows how to break into things. Or a raccoon! Raccoons are super clever. They're always figuring out how to get into everybody's trash - except we aren't stealing trash, but you get my point."
It seems kinda ridiculous for Thursday to be sitting there laughing up a storm when she's about to go pull off a heist with a bunch of criminals... but at the same time, it doesn't feel ridiculous to her at all. The real ridiculous thing was spending her life following rules and being a goodie two-shoes, thinking if she ever did anything wrong she'd be in big trouble and would never be able to fix it and would be forever trying to pay back some kind of invisible debt against... who, she didn't even know, against her parents, against the law, against God, whoever, it just made her afraid to break out and do anything.
Well. Laughing about what trophy to make someone for repeatedly robbing the same casino is a lot more fun than chaining yourself to an 8-5 job where your soul slowly gets sucked out through companywide meetings, pizza parties, and emails from scummy coworkers.
"Here's what I propose," she continues, giggling, her eyes star bright with joy. "You get one of those big glass-cut stars. No. Swarovski crystal. A giant like, foot-tall block of Swarovski crystal cut in the shape of a star, super sparkly, super shiny, kinda see-through, and the base is covered in even more Swarovski crystals, smaller ones that really make it pop. And naturally there has to be a gold plate on there somewhere, right? Gotta have a solid gold plate on there, whatever the best karat rating is - I don't know much about karats and gold except that it's gold, okay, so, a gold plate, and that's where we boast your Achievement of Bettin' Man: Stole More Than I Ever Won At Casinos or something like that, or something like You Can Either Win Some or Lose Some or Steal it All, ehehehehe. Some silly catch phrase, you know? Eh- Hey that's really rude, people should really figure out better ways of directing their anger than flipping off random people on the highway who may or may not be packing heat, you know what I'm saying? Hehe. Anyway. Those are some ideas! So keep your eyes peeled for something like it to appear in your mailbox once this is all done."
She's still in the middle off giggling when the call comes in, and then she quiets down in a hurry and tries her very best to put on her most serious face, which for her just makes her look constipated.
She gives V a little salute. "Yes sir, I've got it. And absolutely, I'm 100% in this. You guys are my team now! You trusted me to be here, and I'm gonna carry through with my end of things. Let's do this!"
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saigonlocalstravel · 1 year ago
Saigon Locals Travel & Transport is a local travel company based in Saigon City, Vietnam. We offer Saigon Group Tours, Saigon Private Tours. Besides that, we also provide transfer service by private car, limousine…
What Saigon Locals do
1. Sharing the beauty of locals' daily life. 2. Offering Saigon, Dalat, Nha Trang, Mui Ne, and Quy Nhon tours and surrounding cities by the locals. 3. Private car transfer in Saigon, Dalat, Nha Trang, Mui Ne, Quy Nhon, Vietnam. 4. Vietnam model rental service for photography tours. 5. English-speaking tour guide rental service. 6. Suggest the best destinations to meet your need for your photo tour style. 7. Off-private car transfers in Southern Vietnam by luxury limousine Dcars.
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shxwstxpper · 1 year ago
(I’m mars on @probably-ancient-evil btw :3)
how about YOU get pokaitho’d. BITCH. /affectionate /platonic
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each piece of Kai art fuels my autism
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mini-games · 2 years ago
Revernantt og rats rvenea of tats akice reverant brint sbnaut then ame rwvwebabt eats we fintess in the dcar in the nonasrt waje revweant of rays cane by fkrce of heavjbg hes the revrmerabt ofbratgs saved and fakkeb sc cakk bin reverant tk the heavens wr can rjn for the aneachy ckme wbck eevenant of rats sanctift tbe kart cknvk bes the revenent of rats call hkm
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duytanlimousine · 15 days ago
Thuê Xe Limousine 9 Chỗ Đà Nẵng: Uy Tín, Chuyên Nghiệp, Giá Tốt Nhất!
Bạn muốn tận hưởng chuyến đi "chanh sả" tại Đà Nẵng? Dịch vụ thuê xe limousine 9 chỗ Đà Nẵng chính là lựa chọn hoàn hảo, mang đến sự thoải mái và đẳng cấp. Với Duy Tân Limousine, trải nghiệm sang trọng không còn là điều xa xỉ!
Vì sao nên chọn thuê xe limousine 9 chỗ tại Đà Nẵng?
Tiện nghi và sang trọng: Ghế da cao cấp, nội thất hiện đại (màn hình, âm thanh, wifi), không gian riêng tư.
Phù hợp nhóm đông: Lý tưởng cho gia đình, bạn bè, đồng nghiệp, giúp mọi người di chuyển cùng nhau tiện lợi và tiết kiệm.
Thể hiện đẳng cấp: Thuê xe limousine 9 chỗ Đà Nẵng tạo ấn tượng chuyên nghiệp, nâng tầm trải nghiệm.
Linh hoạt, tiện lợi: Thuê theo giờ, ngày, chuyến; đón trả tận nơi; lái xe chuyên nghiệp lo mọi việc.
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Bảng giá thuê xe limousine 9 chỗ Đà NẵngSTTLỊCH TRÌNH9 SEAT DCAR LIMOUSINE (VNĐ)9 SEAT DCAR SOLATI (VNĐ)1City Đà Nẵng (100km/12h)2.300.0002.800.0002Đón/Tiễn sân bay (trung tâm thành phố, phạm vi biển)900.0001.200.0003Sân bay – Hội An1.200.0001.500.000Giá thuê xe limousine 9 chỗ tại Đà Nẵng phụ thuộc vào loại xe, thời gian thuê, quãng đường...
Duy Tân Limousine có ưu đãi cho khách hàng thân thiết, đặt sớm.
Giá trên đã bao gồm VAT.
Quá giờ, vượt km tính phí. Liên hệ để biết thêm.
Khi nào bạn nên thuê xe limousine 9 chỗ ở Đà Nẵng?
Du lịch gia đình, nhóm bạn: Khám phá Mỹ Khê, Sơn Trà, Bà Nà Hills dễ dàng, thoải mái.
Công tác, hội nghị, sự kiện: Đón tiếp đối tác chuyên nghiệp, di chuyển nhanh chóng.
Đón tiễn sân bay: Thoải mái sau chuyến bay dài, gây ấn tượng tốt.
Lễ hội, cưới hỏi: Sang trọng, lịch sự, thuận tiện cho gia đình.
Duy Tân Limousine - Địa chỉ thuê xe limousine 9 chỗ Đà Nẵng uy tín, chuyên nghiệp
Duy Tân Limousine tự hào là đơn vị hàng đầu cho thuê xe limousine, cam kết:
Đội xe đời mới (từ 2024 trở lên).
Đa dạng dòng xe (9-16 chỗ).
Nội thất sang trọng, tiện nghi cao cấp.
Lái xe chuyên nghiệp, tận tâm.
Giá cả cạnh tranh, minh bạch.
Bảo hiểm hành trình.
Dịch vụ đa dạng, linh hoạt.
Hỗ trợ 24/7.
Quy trình thuê xe limousine 9 chỗ tại Duy Tân Limousine
Lựa chọn xe: dtltrip.com hoặc 0833.199.239
Đặt xe: Cung cấp thông tin, chờ xác nhận (5-10 phút).
Lưu ý: CMND/CCCD, kiểm tra xe, đọc kỹ hợp đồng, liên hệ để biết thêm dịch vụ.
Các dòng xe của Duy Tân Limousine
Dcar Limousine: Thiết kế sang trọng, nội thất hạng nhất, tiện nghi đỉnh cao (ghế massage, màn hình LCD, wifi...).
Solati Limousine: Kiểu dáng hiện đại, không gian rộng rãi, tiện nghi đầy đủ.
Một số hình ảnh các dòng xe của Duy Tân Limousine:
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Lịch trình phổ biến:
City Tour Đà Nẵng
Đà Nẵng - Hội An
Đà Nẵng - Bà Nà Hills
Đà Nẵng - Huế
Duy Tân Limousine - Hơn Cả Một Chuyến Đi, Đó Là Sự Trải Nghiệm!
Liên hệ ngay để được tư vấn và nhận ưu đãi hấp dẫn nhất khi thuê xe limousine 9 chỗ Đà Nẵng:
Địa chỉ: 477 Đoàn Khuê, Phường Khuê Mỹ, Quận Ngũ Hành Sơn, Thành phố Đà Nẵng
Điện thoại: 0833 199 239
Website: dtltrip.com
Facebook: fb.com/limousine.duytan
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understeerking · 2 months ago
With RE Amemiya celebrating its 50th anniversary, I wanted to share one of my favorite builds from them—a collaboration with Art Factory. This FD features a GT300-style widebody, giving it an aggressive, race-ready presence. It’s like a Super GT car for the street! I’ve also included some extra scans from the 2005 RE Cannonball Run meet at Daikoku.
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sonhailimousine · 20 days ago
Đặt vé Xe Limousine Hà Nội Hạ Long từ nhà xe Sơn Hải
Bước vào hành trình từ Hà Nội đến Hạ Long cùng Sơn Hải Limousine, bạn không chỉ đơn thuần di chuyển, mà đang trải nghiệm một chuyến du ngoạn đích thực trên những chiếc Dcar Limousine VIP đẳng cấp. Được nâng cấp từ dòng Hyundai Solati, mỗi chiếc xe là một không gian di động sang trọng, nơi sự thoải mái và tiện nghi được đặt lên hàng đầu.
Dọc theo tuyến đường cao tốc, bạn sẽ được chiêm ngưỡng cảnh quan tuyệt đẹp của vùng đồng bằng Bắc Bộ, trước khi tiến vào kỳ quan thiên nhiên thế giới Vịnh Hạ Long. Không gian nội thất rộng rãi, ghế da êm ái, hệ thống giải trí đa phương tiện hiện đại, cùng Wi-Fi tốc độ cao, sẽ biến mỗi phút giây trên xe trở thành một trải nghiệm thư giãn tuyệt vời.
Xem chi tiết tại: https://sonhailimousine.com/xe-limousine-ha-noi-ha-long/
Thông tin liên hệ:
Hotline: 1900 299 951 - 0934 666 668
Website: https://sonhailimousine.com/
Địa chỉ: 167 Minh Khai, Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội
Hashtags: #xelimousinehanoihalong #Sonhailimousine #dichvuxelimousine
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vantaismove · 1 month ago
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whitebeard5314 · 3 months ago
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dixere · 3 months ago
Bảng Giá Thuê Xe Dcar Limousine Cao Cấp[Mới Nhất 2024]
Hiện nay nhu cầu thuê xe dcar limousine hiện đang được rất nhiều khách hàng và các doanh nghiệp quan tâm. Nếu bạn đang có nhu cầu thuê xe dcar limousine, thì hãy cùng DIXERE tìm hiểu về bảng giá thuê xe dcar limousine mới nhất, qua bài viết dưới đây nhé.
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Xem thêm: https://dixere.vn/dcar-limousine.html
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reubyocs · 1 year ago
V's rather excited by Nightwolf exposing his belly, a bigger smile forming on his face as he gently runs his hand over his belly. Is this weird? Is this technically him giving a big burly guy a tummy rub? Whatever, this doesn't matter. He stops giving Nightwolf a pat and stands up from his spot.
As this goes on, Doomsday has helped lift LJT off the floor and assisted him in getting back into the nearest chair. Doomsday is still prepared to attack if Nightwolf lashes out at V, but it's clear that won't happen. LJT is still spooked by Nightwolf's form, keeping his eyes on him.
Then, of course, Nightwolf shifts back into his human form. Which immediately creeps out LJT and Doomsday. V however, is unbothered by this.
"Okay, so no talking from you- but you can hear me well. I assume that's why you were a little fidgety about the earpieces- but thats okay! I'll relay any important information like changes in plans, when N.O.O.S.E arrive, things like that." V broadly smiles as he stands next to his brother, stroking his chin as he thinks about their route in and out of the casino. "If you're able to break through bulletproof glass, then we may be able to get in and out of the mantrap with little problem! No need for those stupid security passes! Well, once we're changed, I definitely think we're good to go!" V joyfully speaks as he pats Doomsday on the shoulder.
With a wave, V hurries off and disappears into the closet. Avon, who had just been sitting there curiously watching everything unfold before him, only stared at Nightwolf. He didn't speak, he didn't do anything. Doomsday sits back down at his laptop, preparing himself for his job.
A few moments later, V exits the closet dressed in a nicely fitted black suit. He looks rather clean, and you can barely tell that he's wearing a bulletproof vest underneath. To the untrained eye, he looks just like a high stakes casino player.
The garage door rattles open, letting the light from the outside flood into the space. A crusty looking sedan reverses in, rolling up to V's side. Their getaway guy gets out, placing the keys right into V's hand before hurrying over to load their car with their weapon, headpieces and duffel bags. Excitedly, he gets into the drivers seat, adjusting the car seat until he is comfortable.
"Take your time! We'll go whenever you're ready." V cheerfully speaks as he pulls his door closed.
When Nightwolf gets into the car, V will slowly roll the car out of the Arcade's basement, and begin the short drive to the Casino.
Aw man, is he seriously about to be shot here? After her just told them not to shoot him? He doesn't wanna have to deal with that. Bullets hurt, even the non-silver ones. Well, if it serves to prove a point, he'll sit there and take a few hits, but any more than that and he's outta there. He won't fight back - there's no sense in slaughtering any of these people, even if he's just given them what they asked for.
At least one of these guys is on his side, and standing in front of him. Trent considers making V move, not wanting him to get shot for no reason, but then he thinks better of it. To the others, that might look like an attack, and they might start shooting anyway. So he just sits there, wagging his tail, and otherwise remaining calm. It's a good thing that he has complete control of his mental faculties while in this form.
Trent pricks his ears up and his gaze follows V about the room, no longer concerned that Doomsday is going to shoot him. The only problem with being in this form that he can foresee is... he can't speak. He can only howl and make your typical wolf noises. He can make some gestures and communicate with body language too, but other than that, no verbal communication. He'll have to tell them that when he changes back, if they haven't deduced it on their own by then.
Speaking of which, at the mention of destroying walls, Trent flicks his gaze at the nearest wall and rolls his massive, muscular, fur-covered shoulders in a shrug. He absolutely can claw through walls, even just bust straight through them, depending on the material and how thick they are. Metal is questionable and might take more time, but your typical building wall structures? No problem.
He doesn't give any indication just yet, but his idea is he'll do everything he can to simply frighten away anyone who tries to stop them or shoot at them or get in their way. If that doesn't work, he'll disarm or handicap them. Killing will be used as a last resort, and he can make their deaths quick and relatively painless, depending on the situation. Hey, he's not perfect, and he certainly can't predict the future, but he doesn't actively wish to cause undue suffering in others.
Now, normally someone trying to pet him would annoy the crap out of him. He's really not someone's lap dog, and the only one he'd allow this from is Ophelia, however... he needs to be seen as part of the pack here. So he calmly allows it. He even lowers himself down onto the floor and rolls over onto his back, exposing his belly, a notorious weak spot for dogs and a sign of submission and trust. Hey, I'm not dangerous, see? I show you my belly, that means I trust you. Please don't shoot me. V will find Trent's fur to be deceptively soft and luxurious, despite how rough it might look. It's like a silky soft fur coat that's been freshly cleaned by clouds.
In response to V's questions, from down on the floor, Trent nods his head to show he's good with the plan. But there are things he can't do in this form, like speak, so he rolls back over and gets up and swiftly changes back into a human, everything pulling neatly back into place and leaving that shaggy-haired human and the air filled with red sparkles. "Yeah, problem is, I can't speak in that form. And no, offering me a treat doesn't work. I just can't do it. But I can still hear you, and from pretty far off, so as long as you know what you're doing, then I'll know. I'm not some mindless wild animal. I still have my thoughts and I'm still me. So. Yeah. We doing this?" he says, looking from person to person with a satisfied smile.
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blueboyinspace · 8 months ago
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