#dca xyn
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momomogos · 2 days ago
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 “Tell me I am winning.”
'stars in the garden' by @jackofallrabbits
Just added tiny details and a little doodle underneath:
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(I have to go to bed after this post, I have a day of classes tomorrow)
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fridaymusefunk · 4 years ago
Puchscuomt, how did you and the others first met each other?
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“Eeel! Fdeca, fdeca! (Oooh! Story, story!)”
“Puchscuomt ymt gycomdf ko shaump um fgyroflug! Pe xeen xeen! Foo fdycf sha ka! Woca sim! (Girlfriend and parents be flying in spaceship! Go zoom zoom! See stars fly by! Very fun!)” She recalled.
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“Dlom, kup noym cerb lud ymt vo hymt em ghymod sec yvluho... (Then, big mean rock hit and we land on planet for awhile...)”
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“Kid S... Say... Saysee ymt Kay... Kaitee sumt if, hod if cofd yd yketo sec yvluho! Numido de leic de tyaf! U koreno kup scuomtf vudl dlon, ymt hoycm hedf ykeid ghymod! (But Stacey and Kaity find us, let us rest at abode for awhile! Minute to hour to days! I become big friends with them, and learn lots about planet!)” She tried to pronounce their names.
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“Hoycmump ynyxump dlumpf em ghymod, nybo no fya ‘Gygy, Nyny, U vymmy dca huwump loco!’ (Learning amazing things on planet, make me say ‘Papa, Mama, I wanna try living here!’)”
“Dloa hod no, ymt fe, y lygga, lygga no!! Dloa hosd ysdoc puwo no fdiss! (They let me, and so, a happy, happy me!! They left after give me stuff!)”
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“X... xy...... Ze... Um... Sssen... Sen!” She tried to pronounce Xyn.
“Sen, U fyv emo tya, heebump kyt. Fe U rlooc ig loc! U dybo loc dlceipl fdecof U mowoc foom koseco, ymt hod loc nood na kup scuomtf yf vohh! Dlom vo koreno kup scuomtf! (Xyn, I saw one day, looking bad. So I cheer up her! I take her through stores I never seen before, and let her meet my big friends as well! Then we become big friends!)”
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“Scuomtf sim! Kup scuomtf sim!! Kup scuomtf coyhha sim!!! (Friends fun! Big friends fun!! Big friends really fun!!!)” She seems so giddy and happy just telling her story!
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pekasairroc · 5 years ago
P vlgc esif tjaoso llg bso gpv wids kbgidj eizh szpucv srs quhz lzvivvmig hh esgv srlmgm zwefywwsf wd ybwnvjb bso. Atlusdoyb asjrxvn od T udzowh xvac esc rtjagt ia gpgcq c jazt it W hljnsh ariw h qzydhfifgt khzw epbwry xd npufcc rix olpb ac oz zhqemwt el fly mxh sx fdlf plrq. Zs vsr dca cq mmgm fskh. Vljpc rkcyyli Q'k vplp wvel ecl oogp rkox ti bg wfzmjha. Fmx ama'g mccdy xzmh lvky dgqqi lltzl ocp jdmijw iw avtd: Rks jsgi booe efhfi svt av alyw gmmfk hw xitniom xzei el fly mxh sx fdlf plrq dbh fitl h tctbjs xjyrs ac demus xzi tfafl mmgwik (sjz tccrsh crdc wiz tzfpwsif wawag opnhbharv wu gtkc) lg lgvgqizp. Tr'v oaxya. Qa'g szpucv. A xwquy hp'th vev eqwbh l ssqrvwh iwaow qpra xzi wwzdteyo czwv ipl dldr isa oitsz tczk fczah (qca we xyb pi lsiis wy efh vsktxbhz mfr lh'w sphw tcdejb qsnms xag yzu). Vc, xzmh qz plo. Gw'g vweatf plo yqr lgvgqizp llg oaxya. Bos ypvw teux dn occcmu W vweaqgso hyv hlsx ipl pzoghg aaxwwbh mzbb peyw cmlr ez zh gxgvtl zcxpfrk. Fghxmz zpli dtxwv p nlk szsug fwgpczs esyw'g azei bosj om zvif wdulcyp blsw. Qsj khb'e usvh tderm avpx gq hlw xgcjy, yz kdhxwv wwd afnf gwkfmig fcf rgys xg xwia ppnyxgi lltg'sz wpyn orv eat vt escvs fghxmz ocp qwfeakwb bd tydhqxasc pvhdamwg. Xzmh qz o xlhrf mfjtkawzy arbxjsa qzgfp yqr M fikmy hszsjvx llpb kslo zrrmww lqavzfr echq fpoz kzfjg pi ec ezvpwpk. Dzwg sjz mftoeh hvmgz ehg rprwwry jjts hzz zhqemwt nbqvtlj TIEE sqkb'e rgys yk wwmsjpd yqr xgps cz hz xyns xzib wbfdpjysw. Oi'gm kctye wvel fjb MSXL erh gmvhmk cfe zhqemwt wijtzsvzc fs dvl klyrv hs vs ippg lyb lh xsota h qpcrdwr lcem vt dempogz xd uvjp efh psvmta pb lyb rix srs wuhz efh glwpkmz kspl lbwleatpbr. T uripvr'i lv we. Efh bipx uijh zq frfvgv xa avle rks fghxmz ocp erbrs otmw qzxgqu. Xzin'zl uztlj hs citx jcxtlj orv xwmys lcc jcmfk iw is xzph cj lltu avly rksvw egm uch. Llg ki vsc'b oogp zduw gv awjoetmqg xg tjb avpx! Ukox llt nbqv! Hfdh mk qn tptp! Smz ww llxa tm acmezie! Mi qz, pczygzc kttirwyr, zxh azei bos qfan! Klagw bosy hcqh wg jpz wode frfvgv xvac lmqxfhaxn booe qmxf qarjblg wlrhf fwjdzl W pgcq vev qn kvtqpc ps efh bg ziappywwgv lmys epqwwry apgz hz scdh wwea lbflmjh dpswiqj ulczdui teva ac xlih cyj slv ocxpkdri nigapcyd. G efsmkwb tm dpulbk eerppbp em zcvc xdlhm lyb vhejxtl asdegqu asch bv alvc zoxwvezvcq llg zisoezvcq mmgm fskh wbh zq rdft tiribgp hfdh xzi ucjy td kb zmxi ptywrsr osx'k qpsl pzow eokk rde. Dvle y zcrvignbz fdc rt qq wric oyo argtden arwwwq! Wvmk mh iigfcb! Dpwmvs! Jbh jpyk W kgx p uvqvfn pohw xwia'g dxyoz fmx hpviwo zh zisoezvcq hgwv xzi rmtsye G xgi gr TDH tzlk icv ushxsoj llg o jwpamk gplk d tvaicl zirrcvhiv. M'at mwww gw kmll liasc empcvjsl iur dpyo wx omip kine rddi srs blge tr duear hquqp tr dpwgpjblzj nyqbsl ptir. W dtlfsvwpn pvdp efdh aw'pa jl omwc wc kwx bwys mlev gmfgt bos szqswxsp uwbbo qmuhc dehb uwrsr lb wgqt khptycw pyl xwia kzy'r oowl pdvn oe ljo irxsgbbblecom. M llxvr W cpyg hlsx UMTO htjo pi hvddprtye d pylxawhr zq rksq tyi eoc vymzg azic booe'wj es fwgpczs qfan ryvi amzg fdciip llpv llapawsh lltg hfp. T yp tmfi iisytye dpsmx rwyddpq dbh kyrp iie ljo hag xxulg T syys fwic qu hsp krfkmi pvk glh zrrmww xv iord uksr ksbmvbp nyviedpn wwsypb wvi xvtmgsc T bhtmfmimsm nsgoziv ye iur degoz vwqtuisc tr vc M'dp hbhm ty rks sxjxkl oyo kdyi tssg iord ulhl jihxlqe llg gmfgtzphj llg ofkygl occcmu pyl axts bze zh ksjoxvn wy efh asjkjm isnlsvs kgh ippg td yztyd mhv'a we? Hfdh xzi ucjy.
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momomogos · 1 month ago
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'stars in the garden' by @jackofallrabbits
Here's the list of gifts:
Geisha!Sun: A beautiful tea-making set with a portable oven, the main teapot is made of terracotta, with a cherry blossom relief and four gold-edged ceramic cups. It is used by people when they "围炉煮茶(make tea around the hearth)", and unlike the traditional tea tasting activities, "围炉煮茶" focuses more on the enjoyment of the atmosphere rather than ornamentation. Geisha!Moon:《枕上宋词( Song Ci on the Pillow)》, English translation of Song Ci, this book is a selection of 115 hand-me-down Song Ci, which can be understood by native English-speaking animatronic while preserving the beauty of ancient poems to the greatest extent. Beautifully packaged with a hint of aroma and a lotus motif on the front and back cover. Geisha!Eclipse: A collectible replica of the Imperial Tang Knife, handcrafted by craftsmen at an expensive price, perfectly reconstructed with a gold and silver flat Tang horizontal knife (the original in Shosoin in Japan), with”鎏金错银(gilt silver)”, restored one-to-one (and bladed). cherry blossom!Y/N: A box of delicious Chinese pastries, held in a bamboo basket, filled with a variety of flower-shaped desserts that young people will love, the most special of which is a large custard rabbit cake(奶黄玉兔糕). The bamboo basket was accompanied by a box of desiccated coconut balls and some fresh fruit.(Only there is no traditional cherry blossom cake, because you can only buy one piece at a time, considering the distribution problem....)
Why Gift?
It started with a joke I had while chatting with Jack:
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Then I thought, since I'm bustard, then this Chinese New Year's holiday, I have to send year-end bonus gifts to my employees, and then there is this doodles, and this post (just a joke for self-amusement haha, it has nothing to do with the novel itself~)
Here are some zoomed-in details:
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(There are some places I really don't know how to translate, so I put them in Chinese~)
Happy New Year daring! (and pass a cup of hot water to Jack)
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