#dc huntake
tinka-tank · 5 months
do u have any huntake headcanons 😁😁
Sorry this is such a late response I had a very busy day and then had a beach day today so yayyyyy
Which actually got me to think about one thing I thought of and that's that Huntake would love beach dates like
- Beach Dates 🏖 🌊
I really take the greetings to heart and in one greeting Jake spoke about his dream date I believe ? (Correct me if I'm wrong) and how it was at the beach and I know they'd end up there on a date...
Like Hunter needs 84 pounds of sunscreen on him and I know Jake would gladly apply sunscreen on him, which probably makes me think Hunter would like to play beach games like volleyball with Jake, but probably has to be under the shade for a bit watching Jake run around and in Hunters head its all in slow motion to take in all the glory
I think of simple things, them on a blanket preferably a magenta one... eating sandwiches they packed with small laughs since there's definitely some sand in the sandwiches from all the shit they got up to... THE SUNSETS... WATCHING THE SUNSET W SMALL SMILES WHEN THEY TURN TO FACE EACH OTHER
- Jake is more cleanly 🧹🧺
What I mean is this:
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I like to think Hunters a bit more messier... probably sleeps on an air mattress or a mattress with no bed frame and shirts lying around.. and I think Jake would tweak out if he saw a roach living there and need to clean everything somehow... there's only so much mess he can tolerate the mess, but it makes for cleaning days and excuses for Jake to come over often to see him
- Jobless Brokeass (me) Hunter, Employed Jake 👔📋
Hunter gives off employed, like he went to college w no job just vibes and I always hced as Jake coming from a family with a businessman father or something like that, a more stern family that doesn't tend to understand his emotions and paranoia, so I think Jake is more likely to pick up jobs to make money and to feel fulfilled in someway despite Miriam having the damn mil...
Things like Hunter getting bored of being at home and watching movies and he gets up and goes to wherever Jake works to bother him and ask about his day, sweet things that show to Jake that Hunter cares in his own way
But like also the thought of Jake doing professional only fans or mlm schemes appeals to me so Hunter is probably behind the camera recording and taking photos bc at the end of the day the money means Jake will buy Hunter a new album or plushie
But also ALSO I do like the idea of Jake in a corporate job and starting off as a secretary that sees way too much and is on the phone with Hunter a lot to someone working higher up later... I can forsee Jake in his office and Hunter coming in for his lunch break to eat with him
- (controversial) Big Spoon Jake, Little Spoon Hunter 🥄 💕
This might be controversial to some in our unruly society, but I don't think muscular or buff or taller = top... I really think Hunter would enjoy being snuggled and being treated sweetly and enjoy just. No arguing and no bickering... no problems... just the sweet, tender embrace of the person he loves... and I know Jake ass probably possessive asf and would provide that sweet, strong hug or cuddle to make Hunter feel at home with him... the love Jake can provide with his sweetness is not just verbal or mental, but can be physical. We've seen how sweet Jake can be in canon with Tom and I know he wouldn't leave Hunter feeling any worse
- (more in line w my hcs) Jake helps Hunter with fashion and sewing 🛍🪡
I have a hc of Hunter doing drag so naturally he'd need certain outfits made and I think he isn't rich soooo he probably complained about having no resources and in my eyes Jake probably has experience with sewing and is good at it OR he isn't that good but TRIES to learn more for Hunter... I really like the idea of Hunter wanting to perform something but thinking he can't due to having no outfit and at the last minute Jake surprises him with the custom outfit... you can't tell me Jake wouldn't be that mf dedicated to some shit... he's really intense as is
Like imagine him hand beading an outfit, purposely remeasuring Hunter often just to feel him again... like I know they'd end up having matching outfits at some point...
- Hunter loves to do karaoke 🎤 🎶
Why his ass always singing Lady Gaga songs in greetings. I know his ass wants to sing the entirety of Artpop and will 💯% make Jake watch him and sometimes participate in duets... this also ties into my drag hc thing because Jake getting to remake certain Gaga outfits for Hunter is real...
Hunter is muscular SOMEHOW and Jake appears to be athletic in some way and his fit kind of suggests it unless he fucking robbed someone which I wouldn't put past him... anyways
Hunter getting Jake into new sports and activities !! Imagine them trying out things like frisbee or soccer, dates at parks avidly being an annoying gay couple... if they took on boxing I can imagine Jake getting too intense and accidentally clobbering him or the coach... one punch = k.o. type shit 😭 but them trying tennis too or some other crap and if they suck ass at it they say oh well and get some food...
E yeah I think that's all I can think of FOR NOW bc my mind is kinda empty but TRUST I thought of more before
I would've added a Miriam hc in here but I have a tough time deciding if she'd like Hunter or want him dead
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disventurecamptakes · 2 months
Mod Jake what are your DC ships?
I have a lot lol. Rn I’ve been really into Jakeden, both platonically and romantically. I also loved season one Tomjake, and Jaiden is growing on me a lot since I’ve been rewatching season two for the first time in a year— side note, we do not talk enough about how great James’ character arc was in season two, easily one of my favorite redemption arcs ever. I also like Jamesjake a bit, and Huntake is cool too depending on how it’s written. Karolill has never interacted in canon but I really love the idea of them bonding over their love for nature and Karol becoming softer for Lill, while Lill learns to stand up for herself because of Karol. Gabellie is cute, I wish they had a little more angst in canon but I do like them. Pre-episode 14 Conniyalec is really good as well and I like Tessally too, I wish season two focused more on their relationship rather than their relationships with Hunter— this also goes for Ashally but with Jake, ignore than man’s problems and yuri out please. I also liked Grettby (Gabbrett??) and Tessellie, and this might be controversial but if Yul was written better (ie, not racist and given a better motive) I would kinda like Kaiyul as well. Oh and I also enjoy Lakeggy and Tremily.
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I hate huntake more than anything only because I feel like it’s one big slap in the face to ally. Like yeah great idea ship her bf with the guy who was hostile to her and borderline bullied her for daring to be friends with Ashley.
literally 😭😭 but also this is probably not the blog to tell this to, i promote rewrite ideas for dc rather than hot takes!!! /lh
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tinka-tank · 6 months
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