#dbd evan macmillan
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nereeitor · 4 months ago
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Matándole a sentones? Wtf
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luciferhollow · 9 months ago
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Trapper with mimi Myers in Hooked on you
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dayz-ina-daze · 1 month ago
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Haven’t been drawing much, admittedly, BUT I did take a crack at unmasking the Trapper from a game I’ve been obsessed with recently…
So: sketchy Evan + references!
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undinoble · 6 months ago
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The most adorable commission I did for @singledwightsinyourarea of their Dwight and Evan Macmillan
It was a pleasure drawing Evanfield for you <3
If you want one of your own, you can find my commission prices or Dead By Daylight YCHs!
You can also support me on Ko-Fi!
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woorehem · 1 year ago
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Happy birthday, Michael!!! I love you <3333 ... and bonus with a very big eclair ^^
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theteasnake · 4 months ago
Can someone explain to me what happened to Evan's hair? He had hair before he was yoinked by the Entity.
Did she take it as punishment for not doing a good job? Just like, "You're undeserving of your hair" and just made him bald?
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Why is he bald in the game???
What happened to his hair?!
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metalichotchoco · 4 months ago
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The first in the entity’s grasp but the persevere
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risk-it-4-biscuits · 5 months ago
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Sketchy Evan Macmillan in a vest, posted it cause I liked how I drew his expression
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erofanart · 2 years ago
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My boi Evan getting such a cute cosmetic! Let’s go! Plus with a unique mori on top of that. This kinda reminds me of Evan’s lore, him drawing his father in a bear suit regarding the “bear killings”. I wonder if this is tied to that. If so, then I’m happy they’re diving deeper into his past.��
“Last, but certainly not least, we have an Outfit that we at Behaviour Interactive hold close to heart. Channel your own inner Naughty Bear with a Legendary Outfit for The Trapper, which comes complete with a unique Mori.“ 
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snowsupply · 6 months ago
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Animated that one scene from Prey but with Trapper
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somecrimsondream · 6 months ago
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No Frank please...No...
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luciferhollow · 1 month ago
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i redraw my favorite Bioshock poster!! Evan Macmillan like Big Daddy from Bioshock!!
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slashthrashandcrash · 6 months ago
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other killers: [have to be tortured or manipulated by the entity to do its bidding]
ghostface: weeeeeeeeee yay yahoo!!!!!!!!! :D yippee!!!!!!!!!!
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undinoble · 7 months ago
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Trapper got his first prize!! >:)
Commission for the sweet @sarfiaholic 💖 thank you so much for commissioning me!!
If you want one of your own, you can find The Trapper YCH and Other DBD Characters as well!!
You can also support me on Ko-Fi!
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woorehem · 2 years ago
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"We are of the same blood"
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theteasnake · 5 months ago
Killer Cat Cafe
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I'll probably do more than these, I just wrote this late at night and need a stopping point.
Danny Johnson
Definitely a black cat with green eyes and white markings on his face. He's also got stripes that can only be seen in certain lighting.
He spends a lot of his time sitting up high and watching the customers. If he's not doing that, he's sitting in front of the tv, meowing until someone puts a horror movie on.
He's an attention whore and doesn't care about what others want. Oh? You want to leave? No, you're not. He's sitting on your lap now. This your food? No, it's not. It's his now.
He's one of the more popular cats because of how vocal he is and how friendly he seems. Even when he acts out, it's seen as adorable and causes people to take their phones out to film.
Will pose and stop anything to pose when someone whips out their phone.
Constantly making biscuits, especially on his favorite fabrics. He will claw anything he doesn't like tho, including customer's clothes.
He bites. And he bites hard. It's how he shows love.
He's got a scar on his face and a bit of his ear missing. There's more scars on his body, but his fur hides it.
He's a short hair but somehow has the thickest hair imaginable and sheds so much.
He was found sitting outside a bunch of people's windows, watching them.
Michael Myers
A cream burmese. He looks like any normal cat, but there's something... off with his eyes.
Due to his skittish behavior and aggressive nature, he's not allowed to be around guests. He's kept in a room with Max and a tv that's playing cartoons.
Only lets a small group of people touch him, otherwise you're getting bit.
Someone wearing a white coat of any kind and he's gonna make sure you walk out with a chunk missing.
Just make sure the tv is playing his favorites and his bowl is filled with food and he'll maybe not attack anyone.
After store hours, he can found with Danny and Amanda, purring away and half sleeping while the other two are fighting by him.
He tends to hide his face in paper bags. It got to the point that a special one with holes for his eyes and ears were made. Otherwise he would be stuck bumping into walls and almost getting a concussion.
Needs to be groomed. He demands to be groomed. Otherwise he will throw a fit. He hates shedding everywhere and the feeling of loose hair on him.
Grooms himself whenever someone dared to touch him. He'll even glare at them as he cleans the spot he was touched.
His previous owners magical died and he ended up in a shelter before he was taken to the Cafe.
Max Thompson Jr.
Lykoi cat with black tuffs of fur and some scaring.
Can't be alone and will cry and wail until someone finds him.
Constantly shaking and looks like he's two seconds from crying.
You have to dress him up in sweaters to keep him warm. He doesn't mind it, he actually likes them and even have favorites. He also likes being dressed up in costumes.
He's kept away from guests since he's not a 'conventionally' cute cat. And the poor guy has already been through enough. He's only allowed out if there's a worker to keep close to him.
Don't take him near a tub. Ever. You have to clean him with a wash cloth and a buck by your side.
He likes his cartoons, especially the super hero ones.
He is given special treatment due to his good behavior and background. By both the workers and other cats.
Amanda and Evan will let Max cuddle up to them for warmth.
He likes Christmas. Scratch that, he loves Christmas! He gets to wear cute ugly sweaters and is gifted new toys and clothes. He very much enjoys the pampering and attention.
He is the sweetest cat in the cafe. As long as you show him respect, he'll let you do anything to him.
Loves to be pet while making biscuits, it's an important ingredient.
Dresses up as Superman each Halloween.
He's very small compared to the others due to malnourishment, but he's doing his best to gain some weight.
He was abused and abandoned by his previous owners due to his gene mutation causing his hair loss. He would've died if he wasn't taken to the cafe.
American bobtail. Her coat is mainly black and white with specks of brown and tan.
She has a pile of stuffed animals. Don't touch her bunny one tho, she's very protective over it.
She takes care of any kittens that pass through the cafe. Or at least she tries. For some reason the workers keep taking them away from her.
She's very popular among the female guests. Probably because she attempts to castrate any male guest that tries to get close to her.
Loves belly rubs. Like a lot. Give her belly rubs and treats and she loves you for life.
She often tries to bring dead animals into the cafe. Because of that, she's banned from the outdoors.
She's very playful. She'll give customers toys for them to throw for her. She has so much energy and needs to run it off some how.
She's very peculiar when it comes to food. Always making sure everyone else has enough, and waiting until everyone is finished before she eats her food.
She purrs loud. Very, very loud. And hard.
She likes children, always going to them first and watching them like a hawk. Making sure they're not hurt, that they eat, and that they're happy. She'll punish the parents if the kids ever look upset or unsatisfied.
She goes feral during winter and runs away, but returns when spring is around the corner. She's chipped so the workers aren't worried about it.
She was found in the forest with a bunny plush. It's assumed she was abandoned there until they found a cabin that was owned by a woman, who sadly passed away.
Amanda Young
Orange Scottish fold with yellow eyes.
She's very reserve, preferring to stay up high and away from people. Tho, it seems she has warmed up to a doctor and his photographer boyfriend. There's also a cop she absolutely hates.
She likes to wear stylish collars, especially anything red or pig-related.
Hisses very often and swipes at guests if they suddenly touch her.
Very skittish and shouldn't be left unsupervised, or else she will end up purposefully injuring herself.
Tends to let Anna just lay on top of her. She likes the warmth and pressure.
Blankets. She loves blankets. Especially laying underneath them. And she needs to cuddle with someone in order to sleep, or else she will stay up all night.
Constantly play fighting with Danny.
Anna gave her a pig plush from her pile.
She often stares out windows, like she's grieving.
Very protective over Max. Will cut a bitch if they're talking shit about him.
She was found in a warehouse, lying by a cancer patient that died from blood loss due to a slash in his throat.
Evan MacMillan
Norwegian forest cat. He's mainly tan and white with some brown.
He's just... tired. Constantly tired. He was the first cat taken in and is the mascot of the cafe. Which makes him quite popular, but he's tired and exhausted.
He likes being alone, only really liking one person to see him at a time. He has own little corner with a single table and chair for his single guest.
He's too tired to fight anyone and just opts to going into Michael's and Max's room whenever people aren't following his rules. He won't come out for the rest of the day.
Constantly grooms himself and ends up with hairballs, so others have to rush to the brush before he accidentally consumes too much fur. Cause he will cough up a hairball into a guest's food if he doesn't like them.
Holds grudges. If he decides to not like you suddenly, he won't ever like you for the rest of his life. Ever.
He gets dirty very easily, and he hates it. He will yowl and scream by the bathtub until he is bathed.
Danny keeps trying to make biscuits on him. He gave up trying to avoid Danny after the third time it happened. Eventually, he learned that he didn't mind and somewhat enjoys it. Danny is annoying, but he's interesting company.
Likes to chew on bones and loves bone broth. Especially chicken bone broth. He also likes beef stew. Any soup dish that has meat is his favorite, basically.
He's not very playful or active, he mainly just lazes around in his cat bed, taking naps or watching the birds fly around outside.
His previous owner has shown up a few times, and each time he has to kicked out and Evan is nowhere to be seen for the rest of the day. At some point, a worker finally found him under a cabinet. How did he end up there considering his size and how small the space is? No one knows. It was a hassle to pull him out tho.
He was taken from his previous owner due to his owner's mental stability starting to fall apart and he had to be taken into a nursing home. Evan couldn't go with him, so he was given to the cafe.
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