#dazzling pink precure!
mahou-furbies · 3 months
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Adorkastock Draw Everything June 2024, day 15: DPPC.
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phyllidaluna · 2 years
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Last art of the year is gift art for @mahou-furbies who is always so generous her art!
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beerdraws · 2 months
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Artfight attack on Cure Magenta, who belongs to @mahou-furbies!
I wanted to draw something with a bit more action!
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tobbyandri · 9 months
Some stuff that you might like y'all!! 💖💖
This are just some backstory, or something that happened on the present or some stuff but I hope y'all like it.... First of all I just wanna say I'm still a newbie when it comes to writing novels, and Second english isn't my first language so there will be some stuff that there's grammatical errors so I hope y'all understand! 💖💖💖
Far away from earth, in the other universe there's a planet that's just like earth where people live but this place is different cause this planet full of magic the Star Scape Planet, in this planet there's a kingdom called Starlight Palace, where the King and Queen of this planet live, the planet was was full of laughter and joy, happiness was in the air, until....
Thunder rumbling in the skies, scream and cry of many civilians are heard, building been destroyed fire spread like wildfire, civilian hurry to run but they were blocked, "Unigorga!!" A roar coming from the huge monster, and civilians are more scared than ever.
In the mountain near the palace something hit the ground and smoke of dusk is covering it, when it vanished two girls are fighting, every strike of their movement lighting strikes, the two girls are Cure Stardust and Empress Nine, the two of them got push by their hit to each other and the both of their feet are sliding to the ground.
"You should've just handed over those precious items and the fairy, Stardust. None of this would've happened." Nine broke the silent.
Stardust, looked at Nine with anger and said "I won't let you use the power for darkness, Void! You're going down!"
The battle continues, punches and kicks echoing in the air. Stardust continued, "You're selfish, Nine! You're not getting your hands on the magic of Starlight Scape!"
Void scoffed, "Selfish? Stardust, you're the one ruining everything with your stubbornness. Hand it over, or I'll take it by force!"
The intense fight are still on, a clash of wills and powers. Each word, each strike, fueled the tension between Nine and Stardust.
Stardust was taking a beating, she was now on the ground kneeling, but she wasn't giving in. Nine, looming over her, shouted, "All I asked for was those Starlight Brooches and that little fairy! You're being stubborn! HAND THEM OVER!"
Stardust, eyes fixed on the ground, clenched her fist. In a quiet yet fierce voice, she muttered, "I won't let you taint the magic of Starlight Scape with darkness." With a sudden burst of anger, she launched herself at Void, catching her off guard.
"I told you, Nine! This is for everyone who believes in the light!" Stardust yelled, landing blow after blow on Nine. The air crackled with the intensity of their clash, each hit echoing the atmosphere.
As Stardust unleashed a powerful spell, "STARDUST PRECURE BLOOMING STAR SLASH!" she cried, a radiant burst of energy hit Nine. The attack was swift and dazzling, slashing through the darkness that surrounded her. Nine, now lying on the ground, seemed unconscious and defeated.
With a determined gaze, Stardust flew into the sky and heading towards the damaged palace. The voice on the air feels like loneliness and uncomfortable, Stardust flew into the sky with a single tear coming out of her eyes, she wipe it off and soars faster.
Stardust was now in the damaged palace and looks at the surrounding, looking around is heartbreaking because it's all tearing to pieces, she was now heading to the large door but before she went inside she looked around if someone's following her.
She has now entered the room and the inside has three large pillars with three shining lights Pink, Green, and Yellow, and something is also flying.
"Stella" Stardust said with a calm voice and the thing that is flying named Stella beams a smile and went to Stardust arms, Stardust gave it a tight hug and Stella giggled.
Stella is a star fairy, she's an actual star with a halo in its upper cone, Stella is a female and she has blue eyes, "I'm glad you're okay, and safe" Stardust broke the comfortable silent between them and let go each other.
Stella were swirling were swirling around and made a glow while giggling, "I'm okay and safe because you're there for me-lala" Stella said, with those words Stardust's smile faded and looked at Stella with Teary eyes and that made Stella confused.
"Stardust-lala? Are you okay-lala?" Stella said to Stardust and flew to her front, "Stella, I need your help" Stardust said while wiping it's teary eyes, Stella made a question mark look, and said "What-lala?"
Stardust hold Stella and said "I need you to find the remaining precure" Stardust looked at Stella with some serious gaze.
"Oh? Do Stardust need help-lala? " Stella said to Stardust and she nodded with a force smile in her smile, Stella flew and looked at Stardust, "Don't worry-lala I'll find them-lala, leave it to Stella-lala! " Stella glow and that made Stardust smiled.
Stardust prepared Stella for her journey she put the three Starlight Brooch in a box, Stella touched it and the box vanished and turns her Stella's body glows again.
"Stella, I'm counting on you, be careful out there and be sa-" Stardust was cut by a slamming door, she looked at the door and they keep on banging, Stardust grabbed Stella and ran they were heading to another door and when Stardust opened it the large door also opened and a lot of Nike's army started charging.
The door that Stardust opened has nothing but only stars but when you look closely there's a planet far away and it was earth.
"Stella, always remember that I love you and Stella has a special place on Stardust heart" Stardust said and slowly letting Stella go, Stardust smiled at her and she was now pulled by some soldiers, but she was still looking to Stella and Stella only.
"Stardust... " Stella said while looking at Stardust and her mouth moved saying "Save Us.... " she said, she said....
I was now wide awake and the alarm clock started ringing, my face was seating and it's like I'm loss of breath, I turned off my alarm clock and went to the side of my bed, I took a heavy sigh and stood up.
"Oof, what a dream!! " I said and started doing some stretching, I went to the window to open up the curtains and when I opened them it was a bright sunny day.
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bubblemahouhub · 4 years
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@mahou-furbies I was the one who asked about fanfancures! I present Cure Fuchsia!
I imagine she’s more down to earth like Tsubomi and Nodoka
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narwhal-art-space · 4 years
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Simple Chibi Commission batch for @mahou-furbies
Her fancure team Dazzling Pink Precure!
So much Pink! I had so much drawing them 
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merryfortune · 3 years
Get Well Soon
Ship: Chiyu/Shindoine
Fandom: Healin’ Good PreCure
Word Count: 2.4k
Tags: Canon Divergence, Enemies to Lovers, Redemption Arc, Minor or Implied Relationships
Synopsis: Unrequited feelings are a disease and it sure is going around a lot lately.
   She wasn’t sure when reality had slapped her in the face, but it had and it had hard.
   It had even left its mark. Again, she wasn’t really sure when it had. Or maybe it had every time and she had been so quick with the blush of denial; she never noticed the pink in her cheeks that wasn’t rouge.
   But, at long last and overdue, Shindoine was finally ready to face the facts. King Byougen was not in love with her.
   She was madly in love with him, but he did not feel the same way. She was nothing but a nuisance to him. Nothing at all to him. Just another replaceable soldier but he was the one to have named her. To have first called her by Shindoine and when he had spoken that name, she had swooned. To be given meaning and identity and purpose but for what? To be just another token in a losing war?
   It was awful. Made Shindoine’s heart twist and turn and knot.
   She had listened to that wretched thing for so long in the place of advice more down to Earth, stemming from the likes of Guwaiwaru and Daruizen. Shindoine sighed and suddenly nothing mattered to her. Not the shimmer on her eyelids nor the lipstick that she used; her nails seemed blunt despite having been treated this morning.
   Even with all the gloom and misery around her, the bubbling and magmic world of one so thoroughly and endlessly undermined, wasn’t quite good enough for the heavy feelings that Shindoine wallowed in. If she was going to feel sorry for herself, she needed somewhere which wasn’t here because here had nothing but pebbles to kick and no one at all to bully.
   Somehow being hit with the I told you so from either of her fellow Generals hurt more than the actual revelation that her feelings towards King Byougen were useless.
   So, to the Human World it was.
   But it wasn’t the same.
   When she was on the rampage before, it had been done in the name of love and there was nothing more invigorating than that. And no, the irony wasn’t lost on Shindoine. She was at her peak, physically, mentally, and emotionally, when she was in love. Doing it all for her precious King Byougen. All healthy and refreshed. Disgusting. Now she only had pity and other pathetic feelings for that Shindoine she had been before she had accepted the reality rather than making herself up with make-up and denial.
   It was so much rosier back then. Even if back then was mere hours ago, really.
   Shindoine looked around. She hardly knew where she was, just walking around in a daze. Sulky and depressed. Worst still, she was ignored. Or at least she thought she was ignored. She was certainly doing a lot of ignoring as she heavied herself with all the different ways that she could negatively self-talk about herself and her stupid, unrequited love.
   But looking up, blinking, getting dazzled by the sunlight, she had to squint but Shindoine was almost certain she knew this place. That she had been here before. The stony steps; the wooden building, and a very, very subtle and well-hidden smell of sulfur.
   She growled to herself as she let another terrible realisation dawn on her. This was where the blue, water-themed Pretty Cure hailed from. Cure Fontaine. Shindoine could feel her skin crawl but for some reason, it didn’t repel her. Rather, it further attracted her to this building.
   It could be fun to wreck. To rend it with all her angst and loathing. Slipping inside undetected wasn’t too hard, either. Shindoine looked around. It was different to a lot of the other human dwellings that she had been inside of. That a vastly different style, to it. The bamboo on the flooring, the layout that had a natural flow to it. It seemed older. She didn’t necessarily dislike it as she explored it for an idea of something to infect with a Nano Byougen.
   Only, she didn’t end up doing that. She ended up in its backyard with nothing speaking to her with inspiration. Not in a destructive way at least. Shindoine found herself mildly intrigued by the hot springs. It had been a long day and the warmth was pleasing to her skin. It was gentle; not like the harsh, raking warmth of her home world.
   So, she indulged herself. She deserved it, after all. It had been a horrible past few hours and walking around aimlessly in her high heels had done a number on the soles of her feet so she sat down at the rocks. She took off her shoes, took off her pantyhose too and she tried dipping her toes in the water.
   Shindoine could have melted when she broke the tranquil meniscus of the water. She shivered and she sighed. It was wonderful as she let herself go deeper; her toes grazing the scrubbed down bottom of the hot springs. It was soft but still had a rocky feel; it was fun texture. For the first time in hours, Shindoine smiled to herself and she drank in her surrounds. How quiet it was; that hidden smell of sulfur. Oh, it was perfect.
   It could have been perfect.
   It was perfect, very much so, right up until the moment when she heard a clatter behind her. Something dropped in surprise, buckets and brooms and that sort of thing.
   Shindoine turned her head with a scowl. She saw a familiar face that she couldn’t quite place but she knew her luck, even if she didn’t know this girl as that girl was undoubtedly Cure Fontaine, even if she wasn’t in her big, plucky dress and the like. She smiled awkwardly.
   “My apologies,” she began and Shindoine was almost about to tell her to save it before she continued, “I didn’t realise that we had a guest.”
   She then bent down to pick up what she had dropped - and it had been exactly what Shindoine had thought, a bucket and a mop. Shindoine glared. Pouted, too, chewing the inside of her cheek.
   “I can leave, too, if you would prefer privacy. I don’t want to disturb someone whilst they are soaking.” she said.
   “If its you, I don’t mind.” Shindoine said. “We can call a truce for today, Fontaine, I’m not bothered enough to go on a rampage today.”
   “Oh, dear…” she murmured, and she set aside her cleaning supplies.
   Shindoine groaned to herself. Now she had gone and done it. She had a feeling that this was about to be more bothersome than conjuring a Megabyougen and trying to destroy the place. And yet, she didn’t try to do that. To throw dirt in the face of that truce and instead let the Pretty Cure sit down next to her. Her feet dipping into the water and all as she held onto her apron, a look of concern on her face.
   It made Shindoine sick to her stomach. The way this girl could just give her a break like this. If it was the other way around, Shindoine knew that she would be merciless. One of the Pretty Cure having a bad day? There wouldn’t be another opportunity like it but the moment she, the villainess and arch-nemesis of this very girl has a bad day?
   She sits down with her and makes the most soft-eyed expressions. It revolted Shindoine as she tried to look away from said soft-eyed expressions. She was too pretty, that girl. It irked Shindoine.
   She sat down next to her and straightened up her apron that she wore and looked up to Shindoine and said, “You can call me Chiyu, if you like.”
  Shindoine very much did not like that but she did anyway.
  “What’s got you so down, hm? Do you want to talk about it?” Chiyu asked.
  Shindoine very much did not want to talk about it with Chiyu but she did anyway. In a small, uncertain voice, she admitted to this Pretty Cure what the troubles with her bubbles were, making ripples in the water with her foot, Shindoine very simply explained herself, “He’s not in love with me.”
  Chiyu’s expression all but shattered. That soft look in her blue eyes hardened, turned almost icy and if Shindoine didn’t know any better, she would say that Chiyu empathesied very much with her crisis.
  And sure enough, she did, she mumbled back, “I know the feeling.”
  “Oh please,” Shindoine huffed, flicking water about, “as if. Who in the world would turn down you? Me? I can understand. Who would want a no-good villainess around, only useful as cannon fodder, no different to the other two dweebs I hang out with but you? Beautiful, brilliant Pretty Cure who always saves the day? Yeah right, girlie, you are yanking my chain so knock it off.”
  “No, really,” Chiyu insisted, “I know the feeling and you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. You are beautiful and brilliant in your own right, Shindoine, you always give your all. Its admirable, even if, er, yes you are trying to destroy the planet but, um, perhaps if you are intruding on a party of two… Then yes, you would get turned down.”
  Shindoine gasped. “No way.” she exclaimed.
  Chiyu nodded and she twiddled her thumbs, “Yes way.” She mumbled.
  “Pinkie and Yellow, huh?” Shindoine teased.
  “Yes, it seems they have coupled up but knowing they are exclusive does little to quell the crush I have on Nodoka regardless.” Chiyu murmured.
  “Here’s to us then.” Shindoine murmured.
  “Here’s to us.” Chiyu echoed back.
  They were both quiet for a moment. Letting on the hot springs make almost imperceptible noises for them until, eventually, they both had to do something. To move, to make a sound. They both turned their heads at just the right time to catch the other doing the same and there was a genuine understanding of pity and grief of being unrequited between them.
  Chiyu smiled, sympathetic. “You’re not too bad when you’re not trying to destroy the world.”
  “Gee, thanks.” Shindoine sarcastically replied. “You’re not too bad either, when you’re not trying to save the world.”
  Chiyu laughed.
  “That makes you laugh?” Shindoine asked.
  “Well, um, not really. I prefer puns, actually.” Chiyu admitted.
  Now Shindoine was laughing and quite raucously at that. She closed her eyes to it and she tried to imagine Chiyu having a real belly ache over something as stupid as that. Stupider still, she couldn’t think of one to test and when she opened her eyes, Shindoine was caught off guard by how beautiful Chiyu looked in the sunglitter bouncing off the still waters, sitting prim and proper. All whilst emanating this sincerity that almost made Shindoine want to switch sides.
  She was just so lost. She couldn’t bring herself to destroy the world for someone who would just destroy her, so she looked longingly onto this girl and she felt almost refreshed. There was a wondering, it lived within the glint of the sunlight and the water of the hot springs, and she took that chance.
  Shindoine kissed Chiyu on the lips. Surprising her.
  Chiyu was too stunned to kiss back but she couldn’t deny there wasn’t a fizzle to it either. She could feel the skin on her lips literally burn off the longer that Shindoine kissed her. The taste was rancid, but she could feel the kind passion behind it.
  Shindoine, meanwhile, sighed into the kiss. Where it was hurting Chiyu, it was healing her. Chiyu’s lips were soft and wet; vaguely tasting of cleanly mint and once upon a time, Shindoine would have been disgusted by that. Right now, in this mid-afternoon moment, it intrigued her. It was all part of the experience as she took this foray into the light and when she broke back, she moaned.
  There were burns and blisters on Chiyu’s lips. She instinctively tried to cover up her mouth, now wounded but it just made her seem cuter. Shindoine smiled to herself. She thought they were just the right shade of red tinged with pus; she tilted her head to the side and Chiyu felt flustered by her stare and just how fond it was.
  “I’m still not sure what to do with myself but… I like you at the very least.” Shindoine said. She then got up abruptly, she flipped her long hair off her back and generally fussed. “I best be going.”
  “Okay then,” Chiyu replied, feeling a little stood up, being kissed and ghosted in one fell swoop, “but will I see you soon?”
  “I hope so. If I don’t try and destroy this world, the others will and those two are losers so.” Shindoine murmured.
  “I see…” Chiyu murmured, downhearted.
  Beginning to walk away from Chiyu, scared of leaving what she was literally created to do despite her apprehensions of her usefulness unto it, Shindoine added, “Healin’ goodbye… That’s what you guys say, yes? Well, I’m feelin’ it, at least a little bit, and its strangely not that bothersome or tiresome.”
  Shindoine had no idea if she was giving Chiyu false hope of some redemption in those words. All she wanted was love. Love to infect her and to infect others with love and with those marks on Chiyu’s lips, Shindoine had certainly accomplished something like that.
  “I’m glad so, um, get well soon.” Chiyu said, chipper despite her hesitance which dipped into over-confidence because she was making a joke. Her laughter was proof of that even if it made Shindoine roll her eyes.
  Chiyu’s demeanour was so bright that Shindoine was glad she had her back turned but she could feel how bright they were. It unsettled her; it made her skin crackle and blister no different to her kiss unto Chiyu because even thoigh bleach was cleansing, it was still a poison.
  Shindoine smiled. She disappeared soon after, but she did take Chiyu’s bidding her farewell in good, amused heart. She wanted to get well soon as well as unrequited love was a disease. Though, having said that, she wasn’t too sure what that made her kindling with Chiyu because it didn’t feel like sickness, but it wasn’t a cure either but it was a middle ground that maybe Shindoine could get used to.
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fancuries · 4 years
A young-looking, pink-haired girl strides onto the stage. She adjusts the mic with a steely glare to the audience, then speaks.
“Hello, all. My name is Ishikawa Mitsuko, also known as Cure Video of Live! Precure. With me is Ambassador Cinnamon and her compatriots.” Four bunny-like fairies wave hello, and the pink one speaks.
“We’re here to talk about design! Look at us, for example…” the fairies float upstage, and the Cure speaks again.
“These four are fairies, yes, but look at their colors and the shapes. They are designed creatures, meant to exude a certain feeling.” She looks at the audience again. “Tonight, we are graced by the presence of some Cures who exude a feeling of power and control. ‘Coolness’, as we call it. The nominees for Coolest Design for a Cure are…” She takes out a notebook and reads from it.
“Pocket Monsters Precure!’s Cure Sunrise, Rewind Precure!’s Cure Cyber, Game On Precure!’s fanfancure Cure Elite, Stardust Pretty Cure’s Cure Meteor, Reach Out!! Precure’s Cure Lumens, Roar! Mighty Dragon Precure’s Cure Alchemy, Dazzling Pretty Cure’s Cure Champion, Toychest Pretty Cure!’s Cure Fantasy, Dreamy Aspiration Precure’s Cure Entity, and Loyal Aid Precure’s Cure Copper.”
She exhales and surveys the crowd. “I will admit, these are some… cool-looking Precures. Now… there is nothing left to do but to announce the winner. Which one of you has the envelope?” The purple fairy floats up with an envelope, nodding. The girl takes it, and gently tears it open. “Our winner is… a tie! The award goes to Cure Meteor and Cure Cyber both! Congratulations, it was well deserved.”
[Ishikawa Mitsuko / Cure Video and Live! Precure belong to MellowDrama]
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shibasparklez · 4 years
for the magical girl asks, 1,2,5,6,7! (whichever ones of those you would like to do if its too much!) (citrus-selfinserts)
Thank you sosososososo much omg @citrus-selfinserts you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to answer these for!! 💕💕💕💕
What would your color scheme be?
Pastel pink!!! Soooo much pink. Also some white and maybe a little periwinkle?
Would you have any sort of theme or gimmick?
Snow/ice! My dress has glittery snowflakes on the skirt and sleeves!
What would your transformation be like?
I’m going along with the Star Twinkle Precure line of thinking for the transformation. Or Precure in general since their transformations are much longer and more dazzling! Each part of my outfit would appear in a puff of sparkles. I’m thinking that I would be spinning around in a glittery pink void, with a puffy cloud letting sparkling snowflakes fall on my dress. As I spin around singing a little song of course! I also want a ribbon in the middle of my dress to be wrapped around me like a present during the winter holidays! Oh, and I would for sure strike a cute pose at the end!
Would you work alone, in a duo, or in a team?
I’m all for working in a team!
Would you have any sort of familiar/companion?
Yes! I’m thinking that my favorite plushie Cupcake would come to life and be by my side! She’s a pastel pink bunny build a bear who usually wears pajamas, but I think she would be in a similar dress after I transform (or maybe just have a cute ribbon on!).
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precuredaily · 6 years
Precure Day 054
Episode: Futari wa Precure Max Heart 05 - “A dazzling entrance! Her name is Shiny Luminous!” Date watched: 14 July 2018 Original air date: 6 March 2005 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Wr7KqQM
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After coming in contact with Hikari, Porun awakens with a new form, the Touch Commune.
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With his power, she transforms into Shiny Luminous! Her design is similar to Black and White but also different, to set her apart as a different entity. She wears a pink dress with white trim, a white stripe down the middle, dark pink stripes to border the two swaths of color, a white band around her chest, and the outfit has pink shoulder pads like Black and White’s but pointier. The skirt of the dress cuts up in the middle of the hem in a ^ shape, similar to how Black’s skirt is divided but the seam is much lower, about mid-thigh. She wears white arm and leg warmers with pink boots that have a dark pink soles. She has a gold sash around her waist that centers in a puch to hold the Touch Commune. Unlike Black and White’s pouches, it sits right in the middle as opposed to off to one side. On her chest is a white bow with a red heart-shaped brooch, and her hair, now split into two large pigtails, is tied with two bows of the same color. Red heart gems are also on the backs of her hands and the knees of her leg warmers.
Hikari’s roll call is “Sparkling Life, Shiny Luminous! Heart of Light and Stones of Light, for them all to become one!” Humorously, after she has finished this she immediately questions what she just said.
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A blooming Precure tradition
Cure Black and White are a little confused by what’s just happened, and so is Circulas, but he says whatever and attacks her. Surprised, Shiny Luminous jumps out of the way but, not used to her new strength, overshoots the jump and lands on her rear.
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Black and White quickly rush to her side to make sure she’s okay, and chastise Circulas for involving her in their fight. They attack him but he swats them away with a burst of energy. The two sides trade blows with Hikari unsure what to do until Circulas revives the Zakenna, and the now-trio runs away from it. Porun advises them all to combine their powers, so Luminous instinctively summons her weapon, the Shiny Baton, which is actually shaped like a heart, casts the fighting duo in a rainbow, they chant some new lines, and then a rainbow heart appears in front of them as Luminous holds out her baton and they call out the attack: Extreme Luminario! Take a look.
The Zakenna dissolves into Gomenna, which Luminous isn’t sure what to make of, and Circulas retreats. Off to the side, Wisdom and Elder realize that Hikari is the Life of the Queen, and also realize that Circulas’s power represents a threat to the Garden of Light, so they have to return there. They do so before they can even say goodbye to the cures.
After the fight, everybody goes their separate ways, and everybody, including HIkari, wonders what just happened and what it means going forward. Seekun informs the duo that Hikari is the Queen’s life, and Circulas muses over Luminous. He comments that she’s something different from the Legendary Warriros but vows to wipe out any threats to the growing darkness. The next day on the way to school, or from school, it’s unclear, Nagisa and Honoka meet up with Hikari to ask her if she’s the Queen. She has no idea what this even means and admits that while the fairies seem familiar, she doesn’t know what to do with any of this knowledge.
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I have to say I like how Hikari isn’t magically blessed with knowledge of her former life. She doesn’t know what to do in the fight, she doesn’t know how to react to possibly being the reincarnation of the Queen of Light, she just wants to live her life. She is very much a distinct person from the Queen.
Unfortunately, darkness looms again. Circulas confronts the trio by the riverside, making a point to go for Hikari specifically, and Nagisa and Honoka are temporarily distracted trying to protect her so they can’t transform. When Porun gets hit by one of Circulas’s blasts, however, Hikari catches him and the elder girls scold Circulas for involving innocent parties, before transforming to fight him, and Hikari follows suit. Here’s Shiny Luminous’s transformation while we’re on the subject.
With Black and White taking a protective stance in front of Luminous, they warn Circulas that they’ll fight him off no matter how many times he attacks, and he retorts that he’ll come back until they’re destroyed. The two sides prepare to fight, and they freeze frame to end the episode.
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With Hikari’s identity more or less resolved, and her powers awakened, the initial mystery of the show is now resolved. Not that it was much of a mystery to begin with, but hey, I’m not five years old. The girls have questions for her but she doesn’t have the answers they want, so there’s plenty more time for exploration and character growth. Hikari doesn’t seem entirely sure what to do with her powers but she wants to protect Porun and herself, and that’s commendable. Some may wonder why she’s Shiny Luminous and not Cure Yellow or Cure Luminous. Her powers are very different from the main duo, she mainly serves in a supporting position on the team, enhancing attacks and stalling enemies rather than engaging in physical combat herself. The original idea of the creators was that Precures were only ordinary girls, so that children could see themselves in these positions, and since HIkari is part of a deity, she doesn’t meet that criteria. Given that our current season has a superpowered android as a Pretty Cure, it’s clear to see that this idea fell by the wayside when staff changed, which is why Shiny Luminous and Milky Rose are the only such characters in the franchise, so enjoy this piece of history. It was a great introduction episode and a nice climax to several episodes of buildup.
Also I’ve noticed a running gag, if you can call it that, in the Dark Mansion. Each episode, Hikaru (the boy, I can’t remember if I gave his name yet) will be playing with a new toy and running around the mansion with it while the butler Zakenna chase him, and this usually transitions to Circulas saying something expository.
I took a LOT of screenshots of this one, so be sure to take a look in the gallery, and take a look at the new version of the banner with Shiny Luminous unmasked!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 0. No Arienai today.
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mahou-furbies · 2 months
Dunno if you’ve been asked this yet, but about your Dazzling Pink series, do you think you’ll one day show us what the girls’ old team members are? (the ones that got captured) Or at least have any ideas for them?
I would absolutely want to! I have the team composition thought of for some of them (like personalities and colour distribution), but haven't drawn anything yet. I'm even unsure about their visual themes; originally it was based on their names (like Cure Coral was from an ocean-based team), but then I gave up on that and decided that the original teams could just be whatever, so it's all up in the air. Also ages ago I was skeptical on the possibility that the original teams had some sort of gimmick character, such as a fairy turned into a Cure, because I thought it would complicate the lore too much, but now it's more like sure let's go all out.
Story-wise even the existence of the old teams would be like a 1/3 season spoiler reveal, but let's be fair given the pace this project has been progressing it's unlikely I'll ever manage to even start publishing the story in any form so I might as well just post the character profiles if I ever do manage to draw them. And obviously I've talked about it so anyone who knows their DPPC lore already knows anyway.
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Chapter 3: Trouble at the Boardwalk! I Believe in You!
"We have a new student in our class, starting today." Mr. Barton tucked his reading glasses into his shirt pocket, offering a smile to Kailani as she stood before the class; Naomi and Fae were seated near the back, where Fae nodded eagerly and Naomi gave Kailani a thumbs up. Kailani took a breath, then offered a wide smile to the class.
"I'm Kailani, from Alola! I'm excited to be here!" She moved her hands in an arc, in the traditional Alolan greeting. "A-lo-la!"
 "You can take a seat over by the window," Mr. Barton offered, gesturing toward a window seat situated in the center. Kailani nodded and sat down, looking behind her at Fae, while Naomi waved from the back. "Kailani, we're just starting a new unit on ancient folklore; there's not much catching up to do for you."
"Yes, sir." Kailani retrieved the textbook she had been given from her bag, when a surprised "Eep!" came from her bag. She flinched in alarm, as the class looked over.
"Is something wrong? Did you forget your book?"
"N-no! Not at all! Everything's fine!" Kailani laughed sheepishly, before squinting at the interior of her bag, where Rotomi had hidden in the corner and was now being prodded by Kailani's pencil box.
 "What are you doing in my bag, Rotomi!?" Kailani asked as she sat outside during lunch period. Raichu sat on the nearby fountain, munching on a poffin.
"I tried living inside your pokedex, but your rotom is--" 
 "There's--bzzt--only room for one here!" Rotom buzzed in annoyance.
"Rotom, you have to share for now!" Kailani scolded it.
"Find it a--bzzt--lamp or something!"
"Then I wouldn't be able to stay with Kailani! She's a legendary Precure; I need to stay close by!"
"Alright, you two," Kailani sighed, "Settle down. We'll figure something out later."
 A new voice spoke. "Who are you talking to?"
"Eep!" Kailani yelped, spinning around to see Fae and Naomi staring at her. "N-nothing! Just thinking out loud!" 
Naomi laughed. "Hah, I do that too, sometimes. Anyway, mind if we join you?"
"Not at all! Have a seat!" Kailani replied nervously.
The three girls soon sat on the fountain beside Raichu. Fae removed a pokeball from her bag and released her Clefairy, who instantly set to jogging in place.
"Your Clefairy's rather...athletic," Kailani observed, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah...she's a handful, sometimes, but she was one of my first pokemon," Fae admitted. "She likes fighting physically, but honestly, I think she's much better with special attacks. Once I find that balance that makes both of us happy, I'll evolve her. I have a moonstone I'm saving just for that." As she explained this, there seemed to be a sparkle in her eye.
"That's really thinking ahead," Kailani remarked, "I wish I had thought of that with Raichu. He sort of...evolved by accident."
"By accident?" Naomi leaned over to look at her, taking a bite of her sandwich.
"Well, last year we were playing around in my room, back when he was just a Pikachu...like Fae, I was saving a thunderstone, in my jewelry box. Well, we started playing a little too roughly, and he knocked over my jewelry box..." Naomi burst out laughing.
"So it landed on him and he evolved!?"
"Exactly..." Kailani scratched the back of her head sheepishly. "But it's fine. He's still one of my little buddies--nothing's changed about that!" She pat Raichu's head, as he let out a happy sound and leaned into her hand.
Fae smiled as she watched. "It's always refreshing to see the bonds between people and pokemon like this...I mean, sure, you see it all the time, but when you specifically pay attention to it..."
"I get what you mean," Kailani nodded. "It's just seeing love in action."
"Love shows itself in so many different ways depending on the person," Fae mused, "It's almost impossible to generalize the idea of love."
"There you go again, getting poetic," Naomi teased and poked Fae's cheek, as the school bell was heard. "Oh!"
"That's our cue," Kailani said as the trio hurriedly put their lunches away.
"Hey, you guys want to go out to the boardwalk after class?" Fae asked, "Kailani, have you been there?"
"No, I haven't!"
"You guys have fun," Naomi replied, "But I've got my own plans with some other friends, so I'll meet you for dinner, okay?"
"Okay!" Kailani and Fae agreed, then shared a smile with each other. 
"Isn't it good?" Fae beamed as Kailani took a bite of some shaved ice.
"It's amazing! You were right about sitrus flavor, Fae."
"Hee...." Fae giggled. "You look like someone who enjoys fruity flavors, so I thought that would be perfect."
Kailani looked down at Clefairy, who was eating a pokepuff and humming. "Is Clefairy your only pokemon?"
"Is Raichu yours?"
"Huh? No, I swap them out regularly. I get why that's kind of a dumb question, though," Kailani laughed sheepishly.
"Clefairy's just my oldest friend, and she likes being around people and pokemon," Fae replied, "I hate to deny her a chance to be social."
"I get it." Kailani agreed. "Hey, you know what? I'll take out Brionne! Then she can make another friend!"
"Oh! I've never seen a Brionne up close!"
"Here we go!" Kailani tossed the pokeball casually, as the skirted, seal-like pokemon emerged and clapped her fins together eagerly. Fae's eyes seemed to sparkle in delight as Brionne and Clefairy sized each other up."She's so pretty! I can't believe it! I want to put ribbons in her fur and decorate her!"
Kailani laughed. "If she'll let you, be my guest!" However, she paused, as she felt Rotomi shifting around in her bag. While Fae was distracted by Brionne, Kailani opened her bag and peered in. "What is it? Need more air?"
Kailani whispered. "I can sense it...the same negative energy from that last nega-evolution!"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive!"
A rumble shook the boardwalk, as both Kailani and Fae looked up. "What was that!?" Fae exclaimed, as smug laughter filled the air.
"That's right, Nega-Evolution! Feed off everyone's fear and despair!"
The voice came from a girl in her late teens--tan-skinned, dark-haired with multicolor streaks in the front. She shouldered a metal bat, and was ordering around a large, hulking beast in the distance.
"What's going on!?" Fae gasped.
"It's another Team Dysphoria member!" Rotomi burst out of Kailani's bag. Fae yelped in alarm.
"A rotom!?"
"Now's not the time!"
"Eh?" The teen looked over and gave a smug grin. "Hey there, lil' fairy! It's your lucky day! Boss man doesn't care about you anymore! What he cares about is this world!" She spread her arms out.
"The name's Entropy! An admin of Team Dysphoria! And I'm here to bring the house down--in every sense of the word!"
"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Kailani pulled out her Cure Compact. "Fae, run for it!"
"Right! C'mon, Clefairy!"
As Fae had turned to run, she saw Clefairy had refused to move, clenching her little fists and glaring at the oncoming monster. Stampeding toward the group was a nega-evolved raticate, its fur jagged and fangs razor sharp. A spiked flail had grown on the end of its tail, and its claws ripped into the boardwalk as it ran.
"There's no way you can fight that thing!" Fae exclaimed. Kailani cursed internally, desperate to get Fae away so she could transform. Clefairy stood her ground, eyes narrowed.
"You....refuse to run!?"
"...I..." Fae nodded. "Fine. Let's fight!"
"Oh for the love of...!" Kailani gave up on stalling.
"Precure! I choose you!" 
As Kailani transformed into Cure Sunrise, Fae looked over in shock, then shook her head, facing the oncoming foe.
"NEGA-RATICAAAATE!" The Nega-Raticate shrieked, swinging its tail. Clefairy caught it mid-swing, skidding against the ground as it tried to stand firm.
"No way!" Entropy yelped. "It caught it!?"
"My Clefairy doesn't run away! And neither will I!" Fae declared, as she clenched her fists and swallowed down her nervousness.
"You can't win against a nega-evolution!" Cure Sunrise jumped up and kneed the monster in the nose. "This is no normal pokemon battle!"
"What even are you doing!?" Fae replied, "You're physically fighting it!?"
"It's the only way! Long story short, I'm trying to turn this raticate back to normal!"
Nega-Raticate irritably yanked its tail from Clefairy's grip and swung it at Cure Sunrise, who caught it, but was sent flying into a building. Brionne recognized the Precure as her master, and hurriedly set to shooting water at Nega-Raticate's backside to distract it. Nega-Raticate turned and went to head butt Brionne, when Clefairy caught his head, squealing from the power.
"Clefairy! Use dazzling gleam!" Fae cried.
"Clefairy!" Clefairy used the attack to blind Nega-Raticate, while Cure Sunrise extricated herself from the building and jump-kicked it toward the nearby beach. "This is unbelievable..." Fae whispered. "But...but I won't give up! Not on Kailani, and not on Clefairy!"
The world seemed to stop around her. She found herself in a glimmering, opalescent void, a fine mist coating the ground. "H-hello?" She called.
"Mew!" Fae jumped in alarm, when a pink creature floated from behind to face her. Playfully, it floated in a few curious circles around Fae, before stopping in front of her, tipping its head.
She gasped. "Mew!? The legendary Mew!?"
"Mew, mew!"
Mew did a somersault in the air; when it righted itself, it was holding a pink and purple compact. A pink stone appeared in Fae's hand.
"What is this...? Are these for me?"
"Mew!" Mew extended the compact to her. Fae took it, and felt a new energy rise up. 
She had to do something. For Kailani. For Clefairy. For everyone.
"Precure! I! Choose! You!"
When the flash cleared, Fae floated to her feet, clad in white and pink, her hair now in a pink sideways ponytail.
"Fae...?" Cure Sunrise murmured, breathlessly. Rotomi was flitting about excitedly, squealing in delight.
“She’s a Precure! We found another Precure!”
Fae narrowed her eyes, then dusted off her skirt and gazed toward the monstrous pokemon in resolve. "The feeling of dreams come true...Cure Wish!"
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precuregremlin · 6 years
Potential PreCure names
Pink - Cure Spring, Shimmer, or Dazzle
Blue - Cure Pounce
Yellow - Cure Royal or Cure Major
Green - Cure Flip
Purple - Cure Stitch or Cure Twirl
I’ve also got a common design element that somewhere on their outfit is the mirror logo of the season. On Pink it’s on her brooch, Blue has it on her wrist, Yellow in her crown, Green as a pin on his bandana, and Purple as a charm on her bracelet. Plus, you know, the image color and all. That helps.
The bag that contains their kira kira shiny thing is probably white and green to reflect mirrors are slightly green when you get down to it. Haven’t decided the kira kira MacGuffin yet but we’ll get there.
Yay progress avoiding doing other things!
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mahou-furbies · 11 months
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Alright, here is a new character for DPPC! She is one of the villains. Though the demon look was an unintentional result of wanting the fantasy land people have some other feature than just pointy ears, so now they have horns (and sharp teeth because sharp teeth are an A+ design element). Still not sure about the design, but she has been in my drafts for two years and blocking all other process so I thought it's better to finally have at least something done so I can move forward.
She doesn't have a name yet so I'll have to hit up some fantasy name generators now.
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mahou-furbies · 1 year
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Adorkastock Draw Everything June 2023, day 10: dppc.
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mahou-furbies · 3 months
The females of most bird-of-paradise species are usually a drab brown/grey! Trans bird mascot?
I'm not really sure what's going to happen with the mascot, since his colour scheme has been subject to change ever since I first coloured him. But we'll see!
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