mistershr1mp · 3 months
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THE DAZINE IS OFFICIALLY OUT FOR RELEASE!!!! After months of planning, drawing, and fighting for my life it's now accessible to the public. This project was originally to release the 19th of June, but due to social media blackout and personal reasons I chose to postpone it until the week after. I'm sincerely sorry for the wait and appreciate the patience.
A special thank you to both Care and harlequi.nz for participating in this project! Their preferred social medias are linked in the gumroad for the project, as well as listed on the contributors page.
I tried my absolute best to give something that celebrates Dazai. He's an incredibly special character to me (to my own detriment lol) and I'm happy to be able to do something for him that anyone can take a look at and (hopefully) enjoy. There's also some pay what you can digital rewards that are optional ($5 minimum). I know a lot of people are in financial straits right now, but I wanted to try to somewhat donate to a good cause on behalf of the project. All donations will be going towards Palestinian families gofundmes through Operation Olive Branch. I will make a separate post detailing the process of how I'll be donating said money sometime soon, and there will be some monetary donation made by me on behalf of the project regardless.
GET THE DAZINE TODAY!: https://shrimptextpura.gumroad.com/l/dazine?_gl=1w70rk_gaODE1ODY2OTU5LjE3MTkzMjg5NDA._ga_6LJN6D94N6*MTcxOTUyOTk5Ny4zLjEuMTcxOTUzMDg0NC4wLjAuMA.. GET SOME CUTE REWARDS FOR A GOOD CAUSE!: https://shrimptextpura.gumroad.com/l/dazineplus?_gl=1118jyiv_gaODE1ODY2OTU5LjE3MTkzMjg5NDA._ga_6LJN6D94N6*MTcxOTUyOTk5Ny4zLjEuMTcxOTUzMDg4OS4wLjAuMA..
Happy belated Birthday Dazai! :)
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mistershr1mp · 5 months
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SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW OPEN!!!!! 5/8/24 - 6/8/24 !!! Please participate!!!! Yay!!!!! Link on this post and on the Dazine carrd!!!
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mistershr1mp · 3 months
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MY DIGITAL REWARDS R JUST ABOUT DONE YEAHHH !!!! Here are some previews of the icons and the paper doll! Printables will have two doll bases and nearly 30 different pieces and accessories to customize! :3 here’s just one example of the outfits you can make
APPROX ONE WEEK UNTIL SUBMISSIONS END!!! Thank you for the submissions so far!!!!
If you would like to submit you have a few options!
EMAIL: please submit all of the information listed below
Preferred credit name + handles
Email to send digital rewards and final project to if it is different from the email your submission is sent from
Any spoiler or content warnings
A Google drive link to your work AND/OR the file attached to the email
Reminder that previously created works AND new content for the project are welcome!! Feel free to submit any older art, writing, whatever you may want to :)
I’m going to be on my sigma grindset for the next week, I’m very excited to put this project together and share it!!!
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mistershr1mp · 5 months
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HERE IT IS!!!! The Accessible FAQ for the Dazine Project!!!! All of this info is on the site but I wanted to put it straight on the platforms it’s being advertised on.
INTEREST POLLS R OPEN!!! they’re open until submissions close, but I really especially want to get a good gauge of what digital rewards people would want!!!!!! Link here!!!!
Interactions appreciated <3 I just want as many people to participate as possible!!!!
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mistershr1mp · 4 months
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I OPENED AN ENTIRE DISCORD FOR THE DAZINE!!! (Guy that is very casual and normal)
After some feedback and some thought I decided that maybe social media alone may not be the most accessible means of communication, so I decided to make a discord for the project!!!! This will be a catch all for all the info you may need as well as (hopefully) a place to chat :)
Here’s the link! Please feel free to share w anyone who may want to participate
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mistershr1mp · 3 months
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It has come to my attention that starting today 06/16 there is a social media blackout for Palestine happening until the 22nd. These blackouts include not promoting personal projects and fan related media to a minimum. It would feel counter intuitive for me to promote the projects release during this as the digital reward funding will be going towards various mutual aid requests. This means that I will be postponing the completion and release of it.
The projected updated release date will be the following week. I’m not willing to take away from a very important manner just to be on time for a fictional characters birthday. I apologize for any confusion, as well as having to announce this on the first day of the blackout as I was only aware of it just now.
Submissions will also be extended until 06/23/2024!
Submission form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNnDDwHWRDSVxaUcYhy9y3hwKPuiCdEyUP1x5_WcMRu7-JDA/viewform
Be sure to include credit name, social media, email for digital rewards, and any spoilers and content warnings! The form above has all size and text requirements you may be curious about but feel free to send me a message or email for any clarifications.
Watch out here for various resources and crowd funding initiatives I’ll be reposting! Thanks everyone !!!
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mistershr1mp · 4 months
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THE COVER IS FINALLY FINISHED SEVEN GRUELING HOURS LATER!!! Here is a tiny preview of the cover above. Closer to release I’ll most likely go in and deal w finishing details but it is FINISHED! :3
Creation period for my digital rewards has started! The most voted on rewards were paper dolls, and phone wallpapers! I will be contributing the paper dolls as well as some extra icons! Care is graciously making the phone wallpapers.
I’m ngl yall I am in fact a lot busier than previously expected, so don’t anticipate new art from me other than commissions and previews for this zine until the zines release! I also have a few announcements later on for other projects I’ll be apart of so look out for that.
Dazine carrd: dazineinfo.carrd.co
Submission form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNnDDwHWRDSVxaUcYhy9y3hwKPuiCdEyUP1x5_WcMRu7-JDA/viewform
For those who’d like to email submissions: [email protected]
Join the discord! (Optional): https://discord.gg/vW4CBbcF
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mistershr1mp · 3 months
To all 60 of you beautiful people I’m so scared of the release of this project bc I fear everyone may hate it lmaooooooooo. I worked hard on it and tried to make as much art as I could but life hits you fast when you’re just a crazy girl like me. If you guys hate it don’t tell me, but I genuinely hope you enjoy at least the work that other contributors put forward!!!! :)
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mistershr1mp · 3 months
Dazine soon!!!! Just waiting for a few more things and then it will be published :) sorry for the wait yall, life comes at you fast.
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mistershr1mp · 4 months
ZINE DISCORD HAS BEEN MADE! Will release with link tomorrow :)
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mistershr1mp · 4 months
There’s been some questions about other ways for correspondence for the Dazine. I’ve been considering a discord server, however I’m just ironing out my concerns with having a server full of people of all ages. Not to assume the absolute worst of anyone’s intentions, but as an adult I just would like to be mindful of the private environment (even tho messages are private as well). There is interest in a more concise way to contact so I will be creating one meticulously!!! Link will be posted within the next few days.
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