#dazai hnnnnnng
chuuminn · 20 days
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omfg, you know what dazai loves to overstimulate you.
he just thinks you look so cute squirming and whining beneath him. if he’s feeling kind he might even tell you so ! he’d make sure to drag his lips up the length of your neck he leans in close, cooing about how your tears might be the most beautiful sight in existence.
it would have been sweet if it wasn't followed by a mean sharp bite, adding to the collection of purple and blue marks that litter your neck and chest.
"i knowww. 'sa lot isn't it, pretty thing." he'd pout in mock sympathy, condescention dripping from his tongue. "but you can take more, can't you?"
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rosalinesurvived · 5 months
I think another reason why I don’t like or trust Natsume is highkey lowkey because Fukuzawa did not agree to the whole Tripartide Plan beforehand. He didnt agree to becoming the opposite to the Mafia, something that could’ve been fatal for them both, Natsume decided that for him.
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God knows how Mori met Natsume or why he decided that a murderous underground doctor with that ability was the perfect person to overthrow the notoriously dangerous Mafia but it wasn’t Mori’s plan.
Fukuzawa and Ranpo had their detective thing before they met Natsume and it was him that directed Fukuzawa to Mori. I’m of the opinion that Fukuzawa didn’t know that Natsume and Mori were planning for the latter to because the PM head until later on when Yosano comes into the picture when Mori’s already a member of the mafia.
In the chapter/flashback above he’s a quack doctor, 4 years after the Great War ends he’s officially in the Mafia, the ADA is official and Fukuzawa knows about the Tripartide, but he fiercely opposes the immortal regiment idea.
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Sidenote: Somebody told Fukuzawa about Yosano’s whereabouts and what Mori was going to do with her. It was Mori who got her out of the room, it was Fukuzawa and Ranpo who intercepted them on the roof. Might’ve been Fukuchi, but that’s not been revealed and now he’s dead. My money’s on Taneda
Can you fucking imagine going to someone for a permission slip to run your detective business and the dude up and decides that you and your sixteen year old are the *perfect* people to oppose the Mafia in quasi-alignment with the government (who you previously killed for???)?????
Its likely that Natsume sent Fukuzawa to Mori bc he wanted the future ADA president and the future PM boss to have some idea of each other’s bloodlusts, strengths, personalities, convictions. But that makes him even shadier because its clear he knows Fukuzawa’s assassin past and whatever’s up with Mori. Also, why? Why make them go through the fake kidnapping thing together? Unless he was trying to forge some bond that would make it hard for them to go at each other’s throats in the future, eg: when Fukuzawa learns what Mori plans to use Yosano for. Because a diamond polishes a diamond.
The whole Tripartite Plan makes it so that the ADA, the government and the PM are in a permanent standstill because none of them can kill the other for fear of what would come next and Natsume executed it perfectly and shoved it onto Mori and Fukuzawa, the latter of whom this came straight out of left-wing and hit him like a freight train
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