alwaysvivid · 4 years
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in which dayna gets her first win as a soloist !
mentioned––– @inkigayokoc / @eyecandys​ /@creativecompanyocs​ / @krown-bighit / @lcstboys / @sevencentral
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“our winner is…dayna with hey you!”
dayna is frozen in shock, her eyes widening as her hands flew up to cover her mouth that had fallen open at the announcement.
it felt like a dream, their cheers felt distant. this wasn’t happening , it couldn’t be happening. but as her small hands met the cold metal of the trophy that jade hands to her it all feels too real.
dayna has just gotten her first solo win.
she took the trophy , her face morphing from shock to pure unadulterated happiness. dayna bowed gratefully to jade and the rest of the hosts as her smile never wavered.
“i cant believe this is actually happening, it feels like a dream, i’m scared i’m gonna wake up at any moment,” dayna jokes making the mcs inho , jade and killian chuckle beside her as she stared fondly at the award. she was still staring wide eyed, “it hasn’t hit me yet, i-“
dayna cut herself off as she felt herself getting emotional. this was everything she had been working for since she came to korea. this was everything she had wnated since she could remember, it was her childhood dream and she did it. she made it. all those years training and stress lead up to that very moment on the inkigayo stage where she received her first ever win as a soloist. she can feel her eyes getting misty and her throat closing up but she smiles through it like she always does.
“i…wow,” she begins, taking a deep breath and shaking her head to rid herself of any impending tears and clearing it to properly piece together her speech . 
“um... thank you! thank you so so much to everyone i don’t even know where to start, oh my god!” she chuckles with a sniffle. “i want to say thank you to eye candy and sixth sense, it was an honour to even be nominated against you both, you’re so talented! also thank you inho, killian and jade for being the best mcs ever!”dayna smiles sweetly at the three mcs and the other groups.
off the side dayna hears the faint sound of girls cheering, not just any girls her girls. as she expects she sees the 4 girls she’d worked towards that moment with, her members. each of them smiling brightly and cheering her on from their spots just off stage. each other them waves excitedly at her as she cutely waves back.
“i want to thank my members who always support me and have become a family to me. i especially want to thank sora for being my production partner , none of this would even exist if i didn’t have her.” she could feel her resolve weaken as she spoke but the overwhelming pride and happiness within her managed to keep her from completely collapsing into a ball of tears. rather she was just reduced to unstoppable sniffles.
“another special thank you to the whole staff team that have been helping me!” she quickly added, “this wouldn’t be possible without them. from my outfits to makeup artists and our amazing managers, i couldn’t do it without any of them.”
dayna smiles down at the trophy once again, admiring the way her name was forever engraved within it.
“lastly brites!” she yells jumping up and down excitedly , her tears finally falling. “thank you so much, this is all thanks to you! i’m forever grateful for all you do for us. “she lifts the trophy up in the air with a smile, “we did it! i love you! “
and with that the intro music of her song HEY YOU! came on signaling the encore stage- - her encore stage!
dayna watches as the rest of vivid ran over to her whilst the rest of the performers lead off the stage. the impact of their hugs almost knocking her over as they congratulated her. sora punctuated her congratulations with a few kisses littered around daynas face as the leader laughed loudly.
she had long started crying, but her smile is still as bright and prominent as it was before . she was so thankful. seeing heeyoung, yuri, cece and sora form a circle around her as they jumped around singing along to her track reminds her just how thankful she is . she can’t help but be thankful for the little family they had created.
she is so so thankful .
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