theauthorlives · 2 years
Hina has literally spent millennia being a responsible leader and role-model for the gods. She has little concept of the idea of letting loose and having fun, bar time she spent interacting with the God of Play, and even that was more an outsider’s perspective.
As a human, she has less responsibility in the evenings. Instinct drove her to have the B&B-esque refuge for those who need it, but most nights are quiet, and her hobbies are likewise. She likes to read, knit, and complete jigsaw puzzles.
During the day, when she is completing her godly duties, she walks paths brimming with natural life. It’s tranquil and secluded. The animals do not mind the god that appears in their midst, as she has never caused them harm.
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theauthorlives · 2 years
A slightly nervous Aster has left a gift out for a certain god. A small box, wrapped in pastel yellow paper. Within it, is a necklace ! A delicate golden chain, with a sun - shaped pendant hung from it. There’s no note, but the tiny marking of a star atop the box is enough of a symbol.
[ - deity ! aster , @fearlesscxptain ! ]
The box was noticed upon her return. Her husband had already departed, so it was unlikely to be from him as it was left at the door. Why would he put it there? Instead, it must be an offering. The small box was lifted and brought inside where she could unwrap it at the table.
A star marking on the top... Surely that must be a hint that it's from Aster. But why would they drop it off without talking to her? Were they busy? It was not something to dwell on, she decided as she opened the box to reveal the jewellery.
The necklace was beautiful. The gold glimmered in the light, and her eyes were drawn to the elegant pendant that served as the focal point. So much work was put into this to make it truly unique.
"Hm?" Day hummed as she noticed the way it glistened. The sun was not a plain piece of metal. Rather, there was a sheen to it... As though stardust was poured over it before anything could cool down.
The daytime could never be accompanied by the stars, but this would be a perfect alternate. It was said that the sun shone brighter that winter's day when she next emerged to complete her duties.
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theauthorlives · 2 years
Daycanon: Gold
Every god is decorated with a colour of some sort, in the form of markings that are on their skin like tattoos. How they appear and function vary from one to another.
For Day, they appear subtly. Gold starts on her ears and traces along her jawline. It is smooth to the touch, as though someone had gilded part of her skin. When she smiles or expresses positive emotion, it gives a little glow.
The markings would immediately blow her cover if walking amongst humans, so she used her powers to conceal them. However, a god must show their colour somehow, and it moved to her eyes. As though wearing contacts, they changed from dark brown to a golden-amber. It is fortunate, as it unintentionally adds one more layer to the disguise, but it also makes for a dramatic revelation when the gold fades and returns to its normal place.
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theauthorlives · 2 years
△ Do you miss Nyx?
Triangle Truth
The disguised God of Day slows her dusting at the question. It was fitting, really. With all the memorabilia dedicated to the sun and daylight in her home, it was unusual to have a glass sphere the size of a baseball containing a starry night sky swirled into it. A small and discreet ornament that could be overlooked, Hina supposed it was an inevitable question.
"It would be ideal if I could say 'one, no' and finishing dusting this shelf. Things cannot be that simple." Hina lifts it gently with both hands to contemplate it. You notice how it shimmers when the light hits it just right. "It's a nine, but the answer is not as simple as you think. My understanding is that you ask me that question in relation to missing having him in the house. That version of the question would be a five. In all our time together, we didn't have many opportunities. One of us will always be needed at any time. It isn't like we could ask Chronos to visit just so we could spend a stilled moment together." They were a newer god. By the time she arrived, it was already too late to. "It is strange to not have someone here for those moments when I return, but I have begun to adjust accordingly to that. A life of solitude is not far from the life I lived.
However, I interpret your question as whether I miss the being that he is. He was not always like this, and I am ashamed to admit I didn't notice the change until it was too late. He used to care more about everything. He used to smile at me when he returned. Our moments together were brief, but the connection we shared made up for that lost time. He had the energy and confidence to share the love for the two of us when I was unable to make the first move."
The ornament is returned to its stand. "But I am no fool. He'll never be like that again. Even if he didn't betray me, he made his intentions very clear when we were last together. The god I loved died a long time ago. I don't think he will ever be who I remember again."
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theauthorlives · 2 years
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Day / Hina
A god dresses like the sun. Her outfits always have a glimmer of gold to them, but never much detail. They are simple and eye-catching, emphasising her slim frame and straight posture. The golden marks that start at her ears and trace her jawline only emphasise the radiance she exudes; yet she is never brash or loud in personality about it.
A fugitive doesn't take the same risks. Wearing gold would betray her, but cool colours don't suit her (in her eyes). Instead, she picks muted tones. Browns, creams, greys. Anything to make her blend in. The only gold she will allow herself to wear are earrings, but many women wear them.
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theauthorlives · 2 years
I have literally watched six hours of footage, completed a further two hours of reading, and spent a chunk of today writing instead of making queues, but the God of Day has been officially added to the roster. You can read about her here (or here if on mobile).
By default, her setting will be after the gods concluded their council meeting. Once morning rose, she fled to the human world and hides there to complete her duties, disguised as a young woman named Hina who offers shelter (similar to a B&B) in her home when evening falls. This will not only allow for the opportunity for better interactions, but it will allow her to actually make friends for the first time ever.
If interacting with her before this meeting, she can be referred to as ‘Day’ or ‘A.materasu’.
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