#day6 jae writings
misswoozi · 1 year
Day6 + wax play?
Maaaaan... I've always always thought Jae would be into wax play.
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briankang · 6 months
ok since y'all are ok with it i can finally let this out like. i've always actually been pretty lenient with jae and tried to give him a lot of grace because he was going through a lot but after the concert the other night i've decided if i ever see him it's on fucking sight because. what do you mean wonpil on nye of 2021 (when jae announced his leave) said on bubble he didn't want to do things to ruin day6's reputation and didn't want to do things to make my days ashamed. what do you mean he took on 132 schedules in less than 3 months because he wanted to keep day6's name alive. what do you mean brian had things lined up from the minute he got out to do the same thing and was to the point where he was scheduling his day in by the minute and practicing his bass IN THE CAR.
because that means you're telling me they thought jae would be there to keep the name alive, to be there for them, and he just...fucking left them there to deal with it themselves? AND was creating issues to bring a bad name to them? that means you're telling me he left them to fend for themselves and the group and they all thought their careers were OVER and the show they did in before pandemic was like...it for them because of it? that they were struggling so badly and overburdened themselves that they couldn't even hide it from one another and bringing it up made them CRY on stage as sungjin THANKED THEM because he felt so much guilt for them having to ALL while having his own issues and was struggling????? that they all waited to sing zombie together and would refuse to sing it until then and jae's ass just...did it himself AND HE DIDN'T EVEN WRITE ON THE DAMN THING????????
and this is all while jae's fans will sit there and go after brian for daring to be on a fucking twitch stream to promote his album and mock him and say (derogatory) he's just the perfect golden boy because that was jae's thing/site and jyp didn't let him do THAT!!! huh. i wonder why!!!! like cry me a fucking river dude!!!!!!! if i see his little gamer ass out in the streets it's on SIGHT i cannot FATHOM doing that to people i supposedly care about. then again i suppose that's not new considering how sungjin used to get upset bc he'd be gaming loud as FUCK at god knows what hours while they were all trying to sleep and even bought him SOUNDPROOF PANELING and jae still made a shitty remark about it on a stream about being told to be quiet in his own house LIKE YOU HAD ROOMMATES YOU SHARED A WALL WITH THAT MAN!!!! ohhh my god. anyways. my grace giving period is over i hope he continues to flop forever
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multiphandomunnies · 3 months
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s.o has a piercing/tattoo
crush is a cancer
crush is a pisces
child’s first word is “appa”
crush is a leo
crush is an aries
s.o is in a band
s.o has a big family
s.o writes poetry
gf is sensitive around her time of the month
gf is a solo artist
gf is a capricorn
buying a ring too small
it wasn’t bad at all
the best news
giggles and candy canes
you’re an angel
young k
cotton candy kisses
i’m not sure
didn’t expect this
not as planned
you never knew
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kwanisms · 2 years
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Idk if anyone wants to know or if anyone is still waiting for it but I finally (finally) finished Wonwoo's part for Tales from Camp. Yeah, I know it's been years lmao trust me. It's been agonizing for me not having this done. But if anyone wants to be tagged, please let me know. I started this series before I started making taglists but I do want to tag anyone who has been looking forward to this or just wants to read some good old fashion Wonwoo smut.
Just send me an ask or DM if you wanna be tagged.
Side note: the sequel to Did You Hear That? is coming, too. I've been working on it as well. I'm also going to finally finish the last piece for the Bet with Shownu, so if you've been waiting for that, please know it's also coming.
More announcements under the cut.
I wanna start by saying sorry I haven't been updating Hiraeth. I've been working on these other, much older pieces but updates with Hiraeth will resume shortly. I've been job hunting like crazy.
Once I finish the last part of the Bet, I will no longer be actively writing for Monsta X. I haven't kept up with the boys since Wonho left the group. I will still write if something comes up and works for one of the members but I won't be actively writing pieces for them. The same goes for EXO, got7, and BTS except for a series that is part of my Colonization Project. Space Sweepers will be the last BTS series I actively write.
The groups that I will be continuing to write for are:
Stray Kids
Day6 (minus Jae. He will be moved to the soloist list)
NCT dream
I'd also like to announce that I'm going to start writing for Super Junior as they have a serious lack of content. I won't be writing for Ryeowook since he's in a public relationship. I also won't be writing for Siwon or Shindong for personal reasons. I've already written something for Yesung and I have a story planned for Heechul and Leeteuk but it's not high on my list right now.
Another announcement is that I'm going to start taking requests again but please note that getting them out will not be my priority. My series will come first and requests will come second. I miss interacting with you guys and I'd really like to bring interaction back. Whether it's hard thought, soft thoughts, not kpop related, etc. I just ask that you keep your messages kind and free of politics, religion, etc. This is my safe space and I'd like for it to be safe for others as well.
Finally, I'm going to be remaking my masterlists in the coming weeks and they will probably go up after the first of the year as the holidays are always so hectic. I will be making a priority list at the end of this post so you can see what my priority pieces are.
An updates and wips list will also be coming soon so keep an eye out for that please and as always, thank you so much for all the support you've given me since I started this blog. I've met some amazing people and made some even better friends and I'm so grateful to each oand every one of you that has stuck around this long. You all are so amazing and wonderful people and I'm so glad to have met and interacted with all of you. ♥️
Until the next post, ~𝐤。
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Priority List
Tales from Camp: Are You Scared? - Wonwoo × reader
Did You See That? - Jihoon × reader
To the Sky - Seonghwa × oc
Under Your Skin - Changbin × reader
Petrichor - Bang Chan × reader
Jam the Ice - Hyunjin × oc
The Colonization Project - multiple pairings
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chiveburger · 2 years
I still love day6 so much... I often think of them very fondly and wonpil’s solo especially was probably one of the most memorable and touching comebacks I’ve ever witnessed. all the steps day6 took to be where they are, and all the success they’ve amassed is an accumulation of all their hard work, sincerity towards music and loyalty towards one another. however people want to write about them, about jae, won’t change how this group has left their mark in my life and in music in general. I liked them when they were struggling with self doubt, on the grind every single day, and watched them step by step hit milestones they thought they’d never reach. any my day that spent years with day6 would’ve felt how palpable their presence was, and till this day I still thank the force that drove me to them. I don’t think I will ever forget day6, as five. even when they group is indulging in solo activities or not currently active, they will always occupy space in my heart and their music and relationship will always continue to touch me for years to come.
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fuckedurbias · 2 years
hihii,, im sorry its been so long, being an adult is hard ;-; i had an almost finished fic on my old laptop, i just keep forgetting to transfer it to my new one (adhd things).
i just kinda wanted to update on who i won’t b writing anything for moving forward. a lot of members have left groups that i have on here, some of them i will continue to write for, so if they’re not named in this post, assume i will keep writing for them, even if not in their respective groups anymore. PLEASE RESPECT MY DECISIONS WHETHER U STILL LIKE THESE PPL OR NOT, harrassing me & trying to change my mind will not work i assure u.
jae from day6 - i unfortunately have lost too much respect for him to keep stanning, i unstanned a while ago and don’t see myself returning. this is rlly sad for me, as i saw him live & met him a couple times, he rlly did so much for me but his actions have continued to disappointed me to the point where i just can’t bring myself to love him anymore. i will keep past works on here of course, but all submissions for him & any that i get in future, will be deleted. please respect my decision.
lucas nct - even if you think he’s innocent or whatever, please respect my decision to not write about him or stan him anymore. i really used to adore him but as a victim of similar situations myself i can’t bring myself to try and write about him or stan him when his actions (real or not) really hurt me.
goes without saying that i will only write skz ot8, and i will also unfortunately not continue to write for to1, no hard feelings, just lost interest after most of the group left. chan also lost my respect & i don’t rlly like him anymore :/ i will keep my past works up, but nothing will be added.
however, i will be adding ph1 to my list of groups to send stuff for, after seeing them live at hallyupopfest in sydney, i am smitten.
thank u for supporting me even if i’m so inactive now ;-; i will try to get thru my submissions!! pls b patient
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rainytypology · 2 years
*based on my opinion and cognitive functions. May change later.*
*Also I am aware they have talked about their types, but they most likely used the 16personalities site or something similar. The results are often very inaccurate from there.*
Explanation of functions
Sungjin: ENFJ (Fe - Ni - Se - Ti)
Fe (Extroverted Feeling) is concerned with the feelings and values of others. Sungjin uses his Fe to lead the group in a caring, harmonious way. He's a pretty patient person, always intently listening to the members (and may be why he's usually quiet on variety shows and such; he wants to let his members speak and listen to them fully). He always takes other's words and opinions into consideration, he seems to gain reassurance talking to others.
Ni (Introverted Intuition) is focused on one's own personal insights and future goals. Sungjin always does what he wants to do, he's not very conventional and/or conformative. He has admitted that he and the members used to argue over the direction of their music as Sungjin wanted their music to suit his style. However, he still decided to just go with what the whole group wanted in the end (Fe). His goal in the end is for DAY6 to be one of the biggest bands in the world, which is probably why he doesn't linger too much in wins and current popularity; he wants to keep going and going.
Se (Extroverted Sensing) uses our 5 senses to process the world and details. Fe - Se makes him in tune to the environment and people, he's always aware and makes sure to pay attention.
Ti (Introverted Thinking) is a very analytical function that picks apart details to find consistencies and build own system. It seems like he has too much doubt in himself sometimes and needs a lot of reassurance.
Young K: ENTP (Ne - Ti - Fe - Si)
Ne (Extroverted Intuition) is focused on making external connections and seeing patterns, seeing many possibilities and ideas. Although he gets a bit nervous at times, Young K still is a go getter for opportunities. He tries to keep a positive mindset to overcome challenges, trusting that his future self would be able to be improve it. He had many questions as he was working on his album - what he wanted to say, how he wanted to express himself, just why in general. He's definitely got the Ne creativity.
Ti makes Brian quite witty and quick minded, especially with the help of his Ne (him being slightly mischevious and pranking the members sometimes lol).
Fe is actually pretty well developed, Brian overall is a nicely balanced ENTP. He gains inspiration from other's life stories and emotions to write music and knows when he's accidentally offended someone. Still, he is pretty selective about which deep emotions he shows publicly. He connects well and easily with others, which can be shown with him having a radio show.
Si (Introverted Sensing) uses past experiences for possible solutions for present and future problems. Sleeps a lot, loses things here and there, just overall trouble with simple daily tasks sometimes lol.
Wonpil: INFP (Fi - Ne - Si - Te)
Fi (Introverted Feeling) is concerned with one's own feelings, morals, and values. Wonpil isn't too concerned about what others think, eventually splitting from the "cool" image that was placed onto him at debut to be his quirky self. He has also stated he doesn't really care if people see DAY6 as idols or as a rock band. He's very soft around his members but can be guarded when he's not with them (very typical of Fi since it's such a private function). He expresses himself the most through the way he writes and creates music.
Ne - The way he describes each member's voice, especially Sungjin's lol. ' “Young K’s is like red wine. There’s both a sexy and steady feeling. I’ve liked Jae’s voice since he was on ‘K-pop Star’ so I was so fascinated when he joined our team. His voice is the one I want most. Sungjin’s is like rice soup. [His voice] is very concentrated.” ' (Allure magazine interview). Often mentions how DAY6 is constantly experimenting to try to exhibit their color more.
Si - Seems to look into past experiences occassionally to compare to the present, e.g looking back on their debut and see how much they've grown musically
Te (Extroverted Thinking) is focused on being fair and objective in order to make efficient decisions. He doesn't mind taking on challenges and pursuing what he wants.
Dowoon: ISFP (Fi - Se - Ni - Te)
Fi - Has said he likes to be different and purposely does/chooses things that are different from others. Individuality is usually pretty important to many Fi users.
Se - Observes people physically and makes assumptions based on what he sees. E.g first impression upon seeing Young K was noticing how sharp his features were, which made him think he was cool but scary. He has a few mishaps e.g breaking his drum sticks, tapping a wine glass too hard and breaking it, etc.
Ni - Having Ni tertiary, he has a vague idea of where his life path will go. He has said it himself he doesn't know where his road will take him, but he will continue to walk it. He seems more comfortable living in the moment.
Te - Picking up the drums and trying new things in general (Se) to get over his shyness and awkwardness...which still didn't really work lol. Still, he does try his best even when he lacks the confidence in his abilities sometimes.
Analysis masterlist
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kyufessions · 1 year
groups + people i would write for:
txt • ateez • seventeen • xdinary heroes • victon • the boyz • verivery • cix • p1harmony • itzy • xeed • le sserafim • red velvet • tan • justb • trendz • n.flying • day6 • twice • billie • everglow • nct dream • kingdom • aespa • nct 127 • stray kids • oneus • a.c.e • wei • ab6ix • e’last • yena • wayv • woodz • aleXa + ask if you’d like me to write about a group not listed and i will let you know if i am comfy with the request
groups + people i would not write for:
felix, bangchan, jisung, hyunjin skz • heochan former victon • ravn former oneus • wendy red velvet • giselle aespa • lia itzy • mamamoo • mcnd • tempest • treasure • kwj • jae former day6 • minors • minghao, hoshi, dk seventeen • nsfw only, p1harmony
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sunnygiggless · 2 years
Intro Post ✨
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hello! you can call me sunny! here’s some facts about me:
pronouns: they/he
age: 20
current interests: kpop, markiplier, overwatch, and writing
kpop ults: ateez, alexa, txt, rolling quartz, day6, itzy, xdinary heroes
you may know me as my previous @ sunny-from-elysium ! long story short this is my new account and i hope you find your way back <3
i have a writing blog!! @sunnysnotebook
this is generally a sfw blog, HOWEVER, sometimes i will read something that is nsfw and give it a reblog because supporting writers on tumblr is important. i will be tagging nsfw content as such if you would like to filter that out. you are welcome to still follow just take care of yourselves <3
DNI Info:
do not interact if:
you are uncomfortable with me being 20
you are hateful in any way (that being anything from racist/homophobic/transphobic to just hating on people for what they enjoy)
eaj apologist/eaj anti (jae from day6)
lucas/xuxi anti
other than that, enjoy your stay~ ✨
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
hiiiii could i request 38, 40 and 49 with day6 jae? i love ur work so much, ur so versatile in who u write for and what u write too😭 an absolute icon, keep it up and i hope ur doing well 🫶
Hey hey hey!
Thank you so much Anon! Messages like this really keep me going! It’s always amazing to know that people enjoy my stuff, especially when I struggle with someone of these scenarios to make sure they’re good enough to post <3
Here’s the link to your request, my love <3
Colour me selfish
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misswoozi · 2 years
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We've got a Pacific Rim TXT AU with Yeonkai as Jaeger pilots and Beomgyu as a fightmaster with a crush.
We've also got a DnD-style fantasy AU for Day6 starring monk!Sungjin, wizard!Jae, fighter!YoungK, druid!Wonpil and bard!Dowoon reluctantly trying to save the world (with a love triangle for good measure)
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briankang · 2 years
tay I would love to hear ur thoughts on skz twice and JYPE ur thoughts r always fascinating 🫶
LMAO ok i have. many actually so here we go
mostly all of my thoughts boil down to not being surprised that twice renewed (early! at that. they had months to do so) and how i wouldn't be surprised if skz did the same thing
i think we're all still really burned by how jyp treated got7 (which was not good!) and day6 (i know jae is on like. thin fucking ice w/ everyone but he was done insanely bad) but i think overall everyone needs to realize something and that it's skz are not got7 or day6. if anything, skz are probably the most favored bg of jyp lmao. they're treated pretty well and it's based solely in my opinion in the fact that chan is sort of the golden jyp child (he gets called jyp's son for a reason!!). jyp (the man and company) clearly has 100% trust in what chan can do and what skz can do. it's why he put together 3racha, it's why he lets them have full creative control, it's why he let chan put together skz himself and not the company to begin with. got7 did not have any of those privileges (even if they worked on songs, it most certainly was not like skz has from the beginning). this isn't to say the company hasn't made mistakes (putting minho on that goddamn roof for that thunderous performance recently comes to mind......lmao) but as a whole it's been a pretty decent going considering imo. even with hyunjin's temporary hiatus, i consider that lucky in the grand scheme. we could've seen him evaporate into the air like some other companies have done and never gotten an answer or seen him again. they had him take a break, and he came back better than ever.
i know everyone's really stressed that the boys are so busy right now (i do imagine they'll get a break soon btw), but i think we need to keep two things in mind in that a) they're in the middle of their contract, and are RAPIDLY gaining an audience. this will arguably be their busiest time no matter what. but b) the "world" at large has basically said we're "coming out" of a pandemic, so every event that was put off for two years is suddenly being squished together. tours, isac, appearances. again, it's not an excuse and in a more perfect world is more spaced out, but everyone's racing to get back to "normalcy" in some form, so it all feels very pushed together. imo there will probably be a real decent break in october or so, but that's just based on assumption, i think they'll probably get a few small ones in between too, especially with holidays coming up and whatnot.
i can't remember what the post said exactly or where i saw it but i did want to clarify that 3racha don't own their songs, not fully. they have the production and writing credits, sure, but they don't own them, and certainly not their masters. they're still being published under jyp with the jyp entertainment name, attached to the name stray kids, which as of now they don't own. actually owning your songs and masters is a HELL of a legal thing, speaking from experience of going through this as a swiftie. unless the boys have a specific contract saying they own all the rights, those still belong to jyp, unless they can one day buy them or sign some sort of agreement. song copyright and ownership and masters are an insane legal thing that personally i don't see them persuing, at least not right now. i know got7 made it seem p easy but jayb had to do so much work to get that business and legal wise lmao.
as for their future at jyp, i would 100% not be surprised if they renewed at the end of contract (we still have like. years to go but personally it would surprise me). skz basically have every resource at their disposal while still getting to make THEIR music, there's really no reason to. chan especially i think has a lot of loyalty to jyp (he talks so highly of jyp himself and of the company and their staff and has always admired everyone there, i'd be kinda shocked if he ever leaves tbh LMAO), and i honestly cannot see the boys splitting up. i think they'll be very much in a twice situation (which a lot of people were surprised about?? it wasn't a shock to me tbh lmao. twice are the jyp golden girls and mostly have no reason to leave, and now that their initial contract is up they're getting to relax a little, while still doing what they love with each other) and if they did leave it'd be after a 3 year renewal to finish out 10 years. honestly i could see them just being like 2pm and just sort of always there tbh LMAO. that's just me though!
anyways those are my. thoughts. i don't think think they're v popular though but this is just what i've Gleaned. i think it's better to stay optimistic and look at things a bit more big picture so that there's not so much stress about everything. i realize this post comes probably across as a company apologist (don't worry if jyp burned to the ground today i would celebrate LOUDLY) but i morseo think after seeing other companies skz have a p decent hand dealt to them rn, all things considered. a lot of what everyone's upset about isn't even specific to jyp, it's an idol culture/celebrity/industry standards thing, but i think it's easier to try and pinpoint it there, when really they're things that are just sort of rampant (and should be addressed and fixed but that takes time and a change in...everything so! who knows! i think things are better now than they have been though, if only a little).
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daysswithyou · 5 years
Jae - Warm my heart
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Characters: Jae x You
Genre: angst (if you squint) fluff, just pure fluff to fuel my day6 soft hours
Words: 2.3k
Description: When the cold winter turns unexpectedly sweeter and warmer
Staring out of the window of your 9th floor dormitory room with a wistful smile painted on your lips, you let your eyes wander along the white winter wonderland below you; the snow falling from the skies above completely changing the landscape before you. It formed a powdery carpet on ground, and turned the fern trees from green to white. You watched the snow fall onto the ground in a mesmerising manner, and for a moment you got so lost in your thoughts that you almost forgot about your family.
Family – what a bittersweet word for you this year.
Usually by this time of the year, you would be at your grandparent’s home either found in the kitchen helping prepare the family dinner, or out in the front yard playing with your younger siblings. This time of the year, it was usually a time filled with warmth and laughter for you but this year… things were different.
Your family had run into some financial difficulties and between funding your university education and paying for your grandparent’s medical bills, your parents could not afford a plane ticket home for you. With air fares pushed sky high during the holiday season, it was nearly impossible for you to go back home for the new year. You tried saving for your own plane ticket home but it still wasn’t enough after paying for your dormitory fees and living expenses. Alas, you came to accept that it’ll be a quiet New Year this year for you on the campus grounds, with all your friends’ home for the holidays.
It wasn’t the first time that you had spent the New Year away from home; the last time was during your second year of high school where a school field trip over winter break saw you counting down in front of Taipei 101 surrounded by friends and teachers.
But that was then, and this was now. You willingly went on the Taiwan field trip, self-assured with the knowledge that you’ll be seeing your family within 48 hours. But this time round, the wait before you could see your loved ones seemed endless. And to make matters worse, the quietness surrounding you amplified the loneliness in your heart and you could feel your chest involuntarily tighten as tears welled up in your eyes. Burying your face in your hands as you tucked your knees closer to your chest, you let your tears fall onto your sleeves, not caring if they got stained.
Between your tears and watching the snow outside your window, you missed the first knock on your door. You brushed it off as a figment of your imagination – who would be knocking on your door on New Year’s Eve? Everyone had long gone home for the celebration and festivities, there was no one left on campus!
The second knock came seconds later, and this time, you were sure that you were not imagining it. So you got up, wiped your tears and opened the door and the figure standing before you left you speechless.
Park Jaehyung – what was he doing here at this hour?
Sweet Jae was a fellow student like you in the same year. You had met him at the beginning of the academic year through a compulsory module you both had to take. A few conversations, meals and a project later, you had become friends with him. He would occasionally drop by the school library where you worked and that’s when you had your precious 5 minutes conversations with him as you checked out his books. You’ll occasionally drop one another texts just to make sure that the other party is sane and alive but showing up at your doorstep like this? It’s not something you expected Jae to do and to seeing him in flesh just cemented your shock even more.
You didn’t move until Jae waved a hand in your face.
“Y/N? You there?”
“Oh yes! Jae! What brings you here? Shouldn’t you be home…?”
“Well, I was… but I’m here now…I mean- I shouldn’t turn up unannounced but I called and you didn’t pick up so I decided to just drive here to pick you up.”
The image of your phone screen lighting up in your peripheral vision flashes through your mind and you mentally berate yourself for missing his call.
“I’m sorry, I was busy with something just now…”
“It’s alright Y/N. But may I?”
He gestured towards your apartment and for the second time that day, you mentally berated yourself for being so muddled.
“I’m so sorry Jae gosh…but please do!”
You opened the door wider and shifted your body to make space for him to enter and you closed the door before turning to face him.
“What brings you here, Jae?”
Upon hearing your question, Jae’s cheeks became dusted with pink and all of a sudden, his fingers became a more interesting subject than your face.
“Erm…actually…well, you know… it’s New Year’s Eve…and I know that you’re spending it alone this year…and Ididn’twantthat so I decided to ask my parents if I could invite you over for dinner and theysaidyessoirusheddownandhereiam.”
Jae may have rushed the last part of his sentence but only having to travel through the small space between the both of you, each word sounded crystal clear to you and your heart swelled at the thought of someone bothering to remember you; especially more so when they’re supposed to be busy with family and friends.
You paused for a moment to catch your breath before calling for his attention again.
“Jae, are you really inviting me to your family dinner?”
Jae’s neck snapped when he heard your voice and the words left his mouth before he could even process them.
“Yes. Yes I am.”
“Ok then just wait out here for a little while? I’ll change into something more presentable before we go.”
“Ok Y/N.”
You gave Jae a soft smile before retreating into your room so of course, you miss the small smile that lights up his face and his soft whisper into the air that said, “You already look perfect Y/N.”
The 20 minutes ride was supposed to be short but it felt like an eternity to you – probably because you were nervous. But it made no sense to be nervous! You and Jae weren’t dating so it wasn’t like you were on your way to meet your future in-laws! But the bundle of nerves jumping around in your stomach weren’t going away and it must have shown on your face because you felt Jae give your hand a reassuring squeeze the moment he pulled over.
“Don’t worry about it Y/N. No one is this household is going to give you a hard time.”
“I’ll try to not worry about it.”
The moment you saw his family, you knew that your fears were unfounded and all feelings of nervousness were banished from your mind. His entire family has enveloped you in a warm hug even before you had set foot into the house before whisking you away from Jae and towards the dining table. For the rest of the evening, his family treated you like one of their own, piling up your plate high with food and engaging you in their conversation. Being the attentive guy that he was, you saw Jae checking on you from time to time and each time, your smile got a little wider and your gestures bigger; proof that you were slowly easing into the conversation and truly enjoying yourself. You were happy, so Jae felt reassured. He couldn’t voice it out loud but oh, how he wished that every family gathering for him would be exactly like this.
At the end of dinner, both you and Jae had offered to do the dishes but were promptly banished from the kitchen by his mother, stating that both of you should be out on a pretty winter night like this. So with nothing to do and nowhere else to go, both of you headed outside, and stepped into the winter wonderland.
“Did my family scare you just now? Sorry about that, they can be enthusiastic sometimes. Wait, scratch that. I meant overly enthusiastic.”
“It’s alright Jae, I loved it. It feels really nice to be able to spend the holidays with someone instead of being alone and I was greeted so warmly. My heart is full right now thanks to you so thank you very much for that!”
In your attempt to be funny, you grabbed onto Jae’s hand with both of yours before giving his a mock 90 degree bow and you could hear Jae’s chuckle from above you – but it was short lived. Jae’s laughter ceased abruptly and you could feel your hand being turned around by his larger ones.
“Why are your hands so cold…”
“Because it’s winter…? And also I have poor blood circulation so that makes matters worse.”
You let out a laugh in an attempt to lighten the mood but the crease on Jae’s forehead was not leaving. He looked genuinely worried and it was scary, because you’ve never seen Jae this serious before. The frown on his face deepened as he gnawed on his lower lip and it was only erased after he spotted the convenience store right behind you.
“Wait here, I’ll be back in 5 minutes!”
Jae then took off like a lightning bolt into the store and got swallowed up by the racks. It had only been seconds since his hands left yours, but you would be lying if you said you didn’t miss his touch and warmth already.
True to his word, Jae reappeared in front of you in 5 minutes; right down to the second – this time round with a hot pack in hand.
“Here, take this. Your hands are deathly cold and I’m really worried so please use this. It works wonders, I promise.”
“Oh! You really didn’t have to but…thank you.”
You were too shy to do anything much except to give Jae a soft smile; it was one that simply lifted up the corners of your lips but it was already enough to make Jae’s heart skip a beat.
Continuing to walk along the streets, the hot pack was indeed starting to warm up your hands but it still wasn’t enough. From the corner of his eye, Jae caught you blowing your breath into your hands. It seemed like a simple act but it took Jae a few heart-pounding moments before he mustered up your courage to do it.
Without another word, Jae dug out his hands from his pockets and opened his palm towards you’re your eyes widened at what he was suggesting but you immediately caught on the drift. No doubt, you were shy – your face was most likely bursting into a million colours now and your heart was beating so quickly you were afraid that Jae could hear it. You’ve never held hands with Jae before and somehow, the idea was both thrilling and terrifying. However, thoughts of his soft, warm hands from before won over and lacing your fingers with his, Jae immediately stuffed your intertwined hands into his coat pocket.
“What’s this all of a sudden?”
“I call it the Accelerated heat warming method – invented by yours truly. The additional body heat from me should warm up your hands faster.”
Jae then gave your hand a small squeeze and this time round, it was your turn to blush pink. Though Jae was not faring much better by himself; with that goofy grin spreading over his face.
Jae deliberately drove slowly back to your apartment just to delay the inevitable goodbye but still, both of you found yourself in front of your apartment soon.
“I’ll walk you up.”
“But my apartment is right there.”
“No, I want to. Besides, it’s late.”
It was honestly the lamest excuse in the rule book one could use but Jae was willing to play the fool just to see you more and make sure that you were safe. Unable to fight against him, you went up to your place with Jae beside you.
But even with both of you right outside your doorstep, it was evident that neither of you wanted to say goodbye. But someone had to do it – and you decided that it would be you.
“Thank you for tonight Jae, I really, really appreciated it.”
“You’re welcome. Wish we could have more time, but sadly…”
“All good things must come to an end.”
You then looked down at your feet, unsure of what to say next but at the same time, not wanting to leave him either.
How does one prolong time?
In such a situation, there seemed to be only one option.
“Jae, I’m still feeling a little cold. Could I get a hug?”
Silently, Jae opened his coat wide; an invitation into his arms and you semi-ran into that space before he wrapped his coat around you.
With your face pressed into the soft fabric of his turtle neck, your voice came out a little muffled but Jae could hear you nonetheless.
“What’s this new method called?”
“Let’s call it the Ultra, Accelerated heat warming method – a combination of body heat plus residual heat.”
“Sounds great to me.”
One minute passed, and then another. And another before you broke the silence.
“Ok I guess I should go…”
But Jae was unwilling to let you go, and he tightened his grip on you instead.
“Let’s just stay like that for a while more…maybe forever…”
“Well, maybe not forever…but for as long as we can.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“You’re smart, you’ll figure it out Jae. But for now, good night and thank you – for the dinner and for sending me home. Get back safely!”
Standing on your tiptoes, you gave Jae a quick peck on his cheek before disappearing inside your apartment.
Jae stood outside your apartment dumbfounded, the spot where you kissed him burning and his heart warm.
You were right. Jae was smart and Jae did decipher what you said in minutes.
All he had to do now was make it official.
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kwanisms · 1 year
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➤ Minors do not interact with me. If you are a minor or support minors being in adult spaces and potentially getting us adults in LEGAL trouble, you will be blocked and can fuck right tf off. Racists, homophobes, transphobes, and generally awful people stay the fuck away as well. You aren't welcome here.
➤ As much as I try to write gender neutral, I tend to write afab/female because it's what I know as a CIS woman, so keep that in mind. I am being more mindful when it comes to descriptors to keep skin tones, hair types/ lengths as neutral as possible. If I slip from time to time, I apologize. I keep forgetting Y/N is supposed to be "your name" and not some random person named Yin lol
➤ please note that I do write about some pretty heavy topics but all warnings will be posted with each part. It is your duty to read the warnings. You are responsible for the content you consume. Do not hold us accountable because you skipped or disregarded the warnings.
➤ Tumblr is based on a series of reblogs, not likes. Likes, while greatly appreciated, do not circulate posts and reach more audiences. Reblogs do. If you like my work, please reblog it.
➤ I firmly believe in 'you get what you give.' Hate mail will be responded to in kind. The anon feature isn't for cowards. Got something to say? Do it off anon and don't hide like a little bitch.
➤ I sometimes work 12 or 15 hour shifts. I just got accepted to go back to school so my time will be very limited. Do not ask for updates or I'll just delay posting that much longer.
➤ I will say this one time: to be added to my taglists from now going forward, refer to my pinned post for the links to my taglist form. If you have questions about the taglists, you can either send an ask or DM me directly. I'm not that scary, I promise.
I DO NOT ALLOW REPOSTS, TRANSLATIONS, OR CONTINUATIONS OF MY WORKS. If you see ANYTHING like this, please let me know. The ONLY work I've ever cross-posted was a few chapters of my first series, Crossing the Threshold, on my ao3. If you see my name, kwanisms, on any other platform, it IS me, I use that account to keep tabs on plagiarism and thieves.
©️ kwanisms // everything I post (original posts, not reblogs) belongs to me. All writing and graphics including banners, line breaks, etc. are made by me
Requests are closed!
I mainly write for seventeen, ateez, and stray kids.
I sometimes write for txt, day6, super junior, & nct.
Occasionally, I may write for bts, exo, got7, monsta x, and wonho but more often than not, they will appear as background characters.
Most of my female side characters will come either as OCs or from gg like itzy, twice, red velvet, and aespa. Depending on the series, sometimes I will add or mention idol siblings as minor characters but they will not be heavily involved in the plots. (E.G: Hannah, Lucas, Olivia, Sofia, etc.)
As I mainly write NSFW content, below are the members for each group I write for as well as who my current muses are. These are subject to change.
!!! I will NEVER write for: l*ucas. Period !!!
!!! I will never write NSFW content for Chenle, Park Jisung, Taehyun, or Hueningkai !!!
current muses: Han, Changbin, Chris Bang, Lee Know, S.coups, Hoshi, San, Yunho, Seonghwa. You will see more stuff for these idols
svt: all members
atz: all members
skz: all members
txt: choi line only (yeonjun, soobin, beomgyu)
day6: all members (Jae will not be included in further day6 projects)
suju: yesung
exo: lay, z.tao, chanyeol, baekhyun, junmyeon
➤ WILL NOT WRITE:: watersports, scat, vomit, gore fetishes. I will also not write non-con or dub-con (con non-con is fine), incest, step-cest, illegal age gaps, aged down idols, furries (mild pet play is fine). I also will not include active recreational drug use. I will reference it in some stories for backstory purposes but none of my characters will actively take part in drug use during the events of my stories. Not even marijuana. Most alcohol mentioned in my stories is either wine or soju or a cocktail or two. More may be added at my discretion.
I reserve the right to not fulfill any request for any reason.
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➮ going forward, these rules will apply to all taglists (see this post for why)
»» when filling out the form, PLEASE DO NOT USE A URL BEGINNING WITH 'https://". Just put in your username with the @ symbol. And do not fill out my taglists with links or the names of my own posts. There's literally no way for me to figure out who you are or what you mean. The name/URL is your @. It's really not that difficult. And please make sure it's spelled correctly before submitting. Otherwise, I won't be able to tag you.
»» if you change your blog name at any point AFTER joining the taglist, it is up to you to notify me of any changes. I will not seek you out to fix it. That's not my responsibility, that's on you. After 10 (ten) days, you will be removed from the taglist.
»» you must have your age listed or indicated somewhere on your blog. I have to know you're over 18. Ageless blogs and minors will NOT be added to taglists and will be instead blocked with minors being added to the ever-growing blacklist.
»» you must interact with the posts you want to be tagged in. If you do not, you will be removed from the taglist and a note will be made. I'm not going to do you a solid in exchange for nothing.
»» if you have been inactive without prior notification (on your blog or made a post) for 6 (six) months, you will be removed from my taglists. Anyone on announced hiatuses will be temporarily removed from taglists (unless discussed beforehand) and will be reinstated upon return.
»» do not send asks or DMs or comment on posts to join my taglists. You must fill out the form. I have the form linked on my pinned post and after the first of the year, I will be going through and updating the links on my posts. Remember me: lily of the valley. With school, work, and other life commitments, I cannot keep track of asks and comments for taglists anymore. Please use the form.
»» blank and empty blogs will not be added. If your blog is blank, it shows me that you don't reblog and you're only here to silently read. Which is fine, but you don't get to be added to taglists if you aren't going to interact with the stuff you consume. Reblogging is the best and most important thing you can do on this website. Likes are nice but there's no algorithm on here. All liking does is save the post in your likes, it doesn't help circulate the posts. Reblogging does. Writers want actual feedback. We love that shit.
»» please make sure your visibility is on! Anyone I cannot tag will be removed if the issue is not corrected after a few days. If I cannot initially tag you, I will message the blog you attached to the form. If I do not hear back in 10 days, you will not be added.
If for whatever reason, you absolutely cannot get the form to work for you, please send me a DM or ask to be added to the taglist but please, PLEASE, specify which taglist you want to be added to and what content you want to be tagged in (sfw, nsfw, both, etc.) Only use this option if you absolutely cannot get the form to work.
Link to taglist form.
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warmau · 3 years
love languages x day6
*this post was commissioned | commissioner asked for something loving + warm.....so here is something overly cheesy indulgent and hopefully warm
acts of service 
doesn’t think twice about peeling all of the tangerines himself and sharing the halves with you without a word - just one slice for you, one slice for him
can’t leave you alone when you’re cooking or cleaning. 
you tell him he’s busy from all of the bands schedules and he should just let you do it for once but a moment later
he’s standing beside you and chopping vegetables or he’s snatching the broom from you before you can even get started
you don’t complain too much though, he does look really cute in the kitchen apron
a man of little words he literally does all of this because he wants to say he loves and appreciates you but the words don’t come out easy like they might for other members
so when you’re alone and you tell him you love him you cant really get worked up over the fact that he barely mumbles something into your hair
because he’s shy about it - but he’s not shy about getting up first and bringing the cup of coffee to you in bed
people don’t give him as much credit as they should, which frustrates you, because sungjin is the kind of boyfriend and just the kind of friend who will bend over backwards for the people he cares for
from lugging all the instruments around, helping members with suitcases, or volunteering himself for the short end of the stick in bad situations
sometimes it gets so bad you have to put your hands on his face and steady him and be like sungjin, no. the boys can handle it without you.
and he’s like but im the leader-
and youre like shhhhhhhh before i kiss you so hard you cant breath for the next five minutes
and sungjin stares at you with those big brown eyes and hes kinda like well now im just gonna say something so you do tha-oH 
you and him get like an hour alone before he has to leave on tour and it is supposed to be full of sweet words and i miss yous
and sungjin just comes in with a bag full of groceries and you’re like is that for your tour
and he’s like oh no this is some stuff that i noticed you needed from last time 
and you’re like babe you’re leaving in like thirty minutes stop thinking about things to do for me 
and he just looks at you and says; “i can’t stop, im always going to be thinking about what i can do for you.”
just another way of saying ill miss you and i love you suppose LOL
words of affirmation
will never admit it out loud but if someone isn’t telling him he’s doing a good job. he will die.
and guess who gets that job? you - the second jae fell in love with you (and he do so very clumsily) you have been hired
jae does this kind of little look over his shoulder at you whenever he does something he thinks is cool or fun and you have dated for a while so immediately you’re like 
“that was amazing come here” and he trots over with literal hearts spinning around his head (youngk gagging in the distance)
but if you miss the little beat then jae just looks like a puppy that got left out in the rain until you rush over to do damage control LOL
with work or anything like that it’s this sort of playful thing between you two
where you’re like jae you are the best at skateboarding. singing. playing guitar. all of it. and he’s like am i the best? really? and you’re like YES THE BEST
but the real affirmation he chases from you is the guarantee that you ........ love him
some people like to be close without words, some people can talk with their hands or gestures 
but jae wants it said - and you are happy to oblige 
kiss him all you want and not like he’s gonna not enjoy it but when you say something about how he makes you the happiest person on earth well some things are just better you know?
when you say this stuff to him while you’re ontop of him and jae just - eyes rolling back but let’s move on
when days are really bad or jae is not in a good mood everyone has learned that the cure for him is your voice
so sungjin calls you and even if jae tries to be like IM FINE sungjin puts you on speaker and is like “please cheer him up and be as gushy as possible in front of all of us”
you: “jae you know i adore you and you’re my pumpkin pie sweeti-”
jae skidding across the table to take you off speaker: “I WILL TALK TO THEM IN THE OTHER ROOM-”
he scurries out to listen to you coo to him privately and the rest of day6 is like waiting 
and jae comes back, shining like a sunbeam until dowoon is like 
“so pumpkin pie sweetie are you feeling ok?”
jae about to fling the phone at dowoon before sungjin is like HEY-
quality time 
seems like a total homebody hermit who is like leave me be im ok living in solitude like a monk on a mountain
but the reality is that if he loves someone, and he loves you, if you two cant have that time together - he just feels wrong
like the gravity around everything else he is doing is just off centered 
and everyone can tell because it is like a raincloud just starts following him around
and also - he gets very grumpy
jae teases him and is like awwwwwww do you miss your s/o are you getting all saaaaaaaad 
and youngk is like shuttup no im not im fine
sungjin (who has a brain) is like no he’s literally going through withdrawal and then hits your number on the speed dial
he’s ok with group dates and being around the band and your other friends but there is really nothing like one on one intimacy to him
and that could literally be as innocent as sitting in the back of an empty bus, holding hands and sharing each other as pillows
to locking the bedroom door and falling over onto his sheets
tries to be slick about it though and texts you like “wanna come over?” and you’re like “oh ;)” and he’s like “........jae will be in the other room don’t lose your mind in the gutter”
but plot twist jae is not in the other room actually youngk has bribed everyone to be gone for an hour or two and you well
you pretend not to notice for your easily flustered boyfriends sake
gets the softest when you are alone ........ he puts up a front around others but if it is just you 
running your fingers through his hair and listening to him sigh happily in your neck 
that’s when the tender words like “i can’t live without you” come out
funnily enough he’ll say something so beautiful just for you to hear and when you kinda hear a similar sound lyric in day6s next album you’re like oh? was i inspiration?
youngk getting red down to his neck: NO?
wonpil begs you guys to do more PDA or something because he’s a sucker for love and sometimes he feels like you guys hold back
and youngk is like if you want to live another day-
you just hold youngk’s hand and tell wonpil not to worry, once everyone is gone and it’s just you two, it is actually quite romantic
everyone is like we cant imagine youngk being sweet
but he really is, he cherishes you so much and he needs you to himself far away from the world and all its stress
what im saying is yes he seems like he’d be like leave me alone but like dont leave the room im in and actually just stay right here in his lap
receiving gifts 
and not in a materialistic kind of way but in a “im always thinking about you” way
there is no feeling like seeing wonpil after a long time and the first thing you do after running into his arms is going “i got you something while you were away!”
and as nice as big, expensive, frilly gifts on holidays are - what wonpil really loves the most is when you drop something in his hands and tell him you noticed he needed it 
“oh, i remember you said you didn’t have anymore bandaids at the studio” “you should take sunscreen with you - here i got you some” “you’ve had that old jacket for so long, let’s go get you a new one for the winter.”
everytime you say something so casually to him, it just makes the inside of his heart burst because
you are always listening to him, observing him, thinking about his needs
and if that’s not love then. well.
you staring at a bunch of tickets and receipts in a box in wonpils room: what is this.........
wonpil: it’s from all our dates! they’re the gifts of the good memories!
you trying not to cry because he’s the cutest person on earth: o-oh
lmao jae will sometimes have to stop wonpil if they’re packing for a tour because wonpil could fit a suitcase full of stuff you’ve either given him or he got with you like
wonpil: im taking the blender. me and my love bought it at ikea three months ago
jae: im sure the hotels will have blenders...........
he attributes sentimental value to anything you touch really and wonpil can be overwhelming in all aspects of love
he likes touching you, he likes giving you uplifting words, he likes doing things for and he of course wants to spend every second with you
but something about having things that are shared
or just his because you gave it to him ............ another level
but don’t be fooled. he showers you in twice as much because he wants you to feel that same thing he feels everytime
physical touch
hand is on you. on your shoulder. on your waist. on the top of your head if need be. 
he will try to inch down from your waist when he thinks no one is looking before sungjin is grabbing him by the ear like boy - i taught you better
you: it’s fine i dont mind
dowoon: *:P intensifies* 
but really he is like an overactive puppy when it comes to you because wow you are tangible and you love him and he loves you why cant he touch you every. second. of. the. day.
the funny thing is when you first started dating it was nothing like this - dowoon can be shyer than most and so it took him close to two weeks to gather the courage to hold your hand first
but now that it is comfortable and established it’s like he cannot live without it
kisses? gotta have them, before the set. after the set. when you wake up together in the morning. before you go to sleep.
you pushing his face away like you have morning breath and he’s like i will kiss you if my life depends on it
you also have noticed that if you are in a situation together where touching would be super inappropriate or something
dowoon will find a way to make contact. he will either play with the fabric of something you’re wearing or he’ll bump your hands together when you reach for something
part of you assumes he’s just being cheeky, but the reality is that touching for dowoon does so more than any words or gifts or anything
because you cannot lie through a touch - he either feels your warmth or he doesn’t 
and when he doesn’t, life just sucks plain and simple
youngk: “jesus you’re on each other like a bad rash”
jae: “you sound jealous”
dowoon and you: “true youngk you do sound jealous.”
youngk grumbling: “young people....................”
there probably hasn’t ever been a moment where you’re ordering something at a fastfood place and dowoon is like order for me too and youre like do it yourself and hes like im busy and youre like busy doing what and hes hugging you from behind and hes like idk im busy holding my entire world now can you tell them i dont want pickles  
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[Fave HDIGH moments 13/∞] When do we get the song? 😎
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