#day 6-celebrity/famous au
dreamersparacosm · 1 year
austin butler - clumsy
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warnings ; none
prompt ; in which your celebrity crush causes you to become a flustered, blubbering mess.
a/n ; a little something fun i wrote during the fall but never published! it’s basically anxious!reader and honestly how I imagine myself reacting to meeting aus so enjoy xoxo
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Okay, don’t panic.
Do not panic.
It’s just a man. A man with blonde, curly locks, blue eyes, over 6 feet tall… but still, a man. Nothing special. You could probably find ten of him walking down Rodeo Drive.
Except that’s probably not true either.
It is Austin Butler, after all.
You hike the tail of your dress higher as you descend up the stairs to the red carpet, inhaling as much oxygen as possible to tame your nerves. It does nothing for you beside provide a placebo effect of calmness. Your publicist, Jane, stands next to you with her eyebrows furrowed in permanent worry, a crinkle she’s had since the day she took you on. “[Y/N], did you get a chance to look at your seating arrangement?”
“Uh, no, not yet,” You respond slowly, wincing slightly as you brace yourself for her reaction. She sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose before turning towards you.
“You know what, that’s fine, sweets. Just go stand on the carpet so we can take these pictures,” She goes back to her clipboard full of tedious things like timing and interviewers and stupid seating arrangements, and you’re trying to stay focused, but how can you do that when Austin Butler is standing 8 feet away from you, posing on the red carpet?
You’re pretty sure you’re drooling.
Whoever keeps leaving his shirts unbuttoned is a menace to society and needs to be locked away for endangerment to the general public.
This whole idiotic schoolgirl crush began relatively long ago, when he was still deeply in love with Vanessa Hudgens and playing a teen heartthrob on The Carrie Diaries. You weren’t even famous at that point, just a mediocre commercial actress trying to get her big break. Once you finally booked your first big role, the crush faded away (only the tiniest amount) but that all came crashing down like an avalanche when you saw Elvis with your best friend.
They probably could’ve posted the entire movie on a porn website and made the same amount of money. And, thus, your crush ensued, full throttle and invading your every thought at the worst moments. Including this one.
Jane kicks the back of your leg, cursing under her breath as you tear your eyes away from him. You’re not new to this scene, you’ve been in major leading roles and you’ve been nominated for Oscars. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that at your core, you are a complete and utter mess. A klutz. A loser with some money in the bank.
So, you take the pictures, with not too many mistakes as you expected, just a few shots of you blinking while smiling. You’re sure they’ll end up on Twitter where your fans will laugh about it while saying how much they love you.
This part always goes by fast. It’s camera flashes, smiles that are strained under the bright lights, talks with interviewers that always go far longer than expected, and then before you know it, you’re being ushered into a tight room with celebrities you had only dreamed of seeing in real life. Jane is glued to your side as you wait for your turn to enter the theater.
Despite the cool temperature of Los Angeles, you’re somehow drenched in sweat. You’ve done this before, you know that. But that doesn’t stop your entire body from going into fight or flight mode, teetering towards flight.
“What’s the hold up?” You hear a female’s voice yell out, and you almost think it’s Jane before you hear her chuckle beside you.
“Speak that truth. I am so sick of these fucking Oscars dimwits wasting my time,” Jane says loudly enough for the girl to hear it, and before you know it, they’re enthralled in a full-blown conversation. If you weren’t trying to fan your armpit sweat, you might’ve joined.
Maybe it’s a good idea to find out where you’re sitting. Probably will need to know that before you enter. You can only assume they’ll sit you next to your last co-star, Timothee Chalamet. What a delight that would be (and that’s not sarcasm, he always smells like cashmere and some type of forest.)
You turn your body slightly, eyeing Jane and the girl she’s talking to. She’s a redhead, also wearing a suit and clearly another publicist that has been in the position for far too long to enjoy it.
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice a male figure standing next to the redhead. Hm. A black suit. Your eyes trail over his body, a soft black lace shirt that is half-unbuttoned peeking over the hem. How nice. You love that look on men.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
Your body freezes. Mouth runs dry. Sweat shrivels back up into your body only to start forming at impossible speeds. Heart palpates so quickly you think you might be going into cardiac arrest.
In front of you, is Austin Butler. And he completely, totally, entirely, caught you checking out his entire body, head to toe.
There’s a smirk on his face that is undeniably directed towards you, eyes glimmering with amusement. You can’t even believe that you’re looking directly at him. He can’t be real, he has to be a figment of your imagination.
“Come here often?”
You did not just speak.
No, you didn’t. That couldn’t have been real. That couldn’t have been what you just said. After years of dreaming about this moment, that can’t have been what your brain and tongue agreed on.
He chuckles, a deep one that rumbles through his chest, and says, “I try not to make it a habit. You?”
You entangle your fingers with each other, hoping the sweat that has gathered on them just slides right off. “Me either. Trying to cut down on my presence and all that.”
He raises his eyebrows quizzically, that soft smile that curves upon his lips widening a little, “Well, can’t say the Oscars is the best place to do that.”
“Yes, well…” You trail off. Thoughts empty. Brain just a shallow void with nothing but dirty, filthy fantasies about him floating around. Oh god, get a grip.
And he should end the conversation right there, then back around and not acknowledge the weird girl who clearly hasn’t had enough media training. But, he doesn’t. Instead, he sticks out his hand for you to shake, and says, “I’m Austin. Austin Butler.”
“I know,” You say almost immediately. His facial expression contorts into something unreadable, and your lips flap again to try and salvage the rest of your dignity. “I’m [Y/N].”
You shake his hand, praying to some otherworldly creature above that he won’t feel the sweat on your hands. It’s a little weird, when you touch his hand. Feels like you’re envisioning yourself with him, like you’re some kind of wizard that can tell it won’t be the last time you see him. It feels a little like something out of a rom-com, with the electricity zap and the sounds of your hearts beating erratically.
You both pull your hands away, smiling to the ground. You really, really, really hope he’ll keep talking to you.
“Nervous?” He asks, taking note of the way your thumbs twiddle and the sidestep you keep doing with your heels.
“A little. Kinda. Maybe,” You let out a sigh of relief. “I’m not really the most organized.”
“Hm. Well, I’m sure you’ll be great,” His grin widens just enough to show off his pearly white teeth that glimmer under the remaining sunlight that California has to offer.
“Thanks,” You smile back. “How about you? Nervous?”
“Always,” He responds, almost taken aback by the transparency he’s having with another celebrity. He’s never had a conversation about nerves, never felt validated enough by someone to open up about the fear that comes along with being at this level of fame. “It’s my first Oscars.”
“Right,” You say, “Well, I’ve been to a few, and honestly, I’ll let you in on a secret. Even Leonardo DiCaprio shits himself a little when the nominees are announced.”
He lets out a laugh, a real one, one that sounds like all good things in the world and you would be more than happy to capture it in a jar and keep it on your bedside forever. “Somehow, I don’t doubt that,” He switches gears, shifting his body around a little. “What afterparty are you going to?”
It’s a simple question, one you’ve been asked numerous times by other people in the industry. It usually offers a sense of dominance over who got the better invite. “Er, yes, that would be a question for my lovely publicist, Jane, because I don’t have a rat’s ass idea of where I’m supposed to go.”
He laughs. Again. Part of you is enthralled, part of you is confused as to why he thinks you’re a comedy show. Maybe he thinks you’re a joke. Yes, that makes good sense. “That honestly makes me feel better because I don’t really know where I’m going either,” He admits.
“Are you kidding?” You ask incredulously. “You look like that and you don’t know where you’re going? I think the President of the Academy Awards has a personal invite waiting for you.”
Okay, maybe you shouldn’t have said that. But really, it has to be blamed on the fact that there are a swarm of murderous bees flying around in your stomach that are making you feel woozy.
His cheeks turn a crimson glow, “Like that?”
“Oh, you know…” You trail, slowly laughing to brush off the fact that you basically just admitted your undying love to him. “Just…. That’s a great black shirt. I’m gonna buy one for my brother.”
His lips curve upwards a little more, blue eyes sparkling like little oceans. “Thanks. And, you know, you don’t look bad yourself.”
You blink twice. Did he just say that?
Before you even whip up a flirty comment, or even a funny one that’ll have him doubling over in laughter and proposing to you by tonight, you feel Jane gripping your forearm tightly. “Stop dicking around, [Y/N]. We need to go in.”
“Right, yes, totally,” You smile awkwardly over to Austin, and he returns it. You feel soft and warm and glowy inside, like you might levitate off the floor.
And then you really are levitating off the floor, because your feet miss the step and you’re falling before you even have a chance to stop yourself. Your arm extends to try and delay your inevitable fall, but it doesn’t work and you’re really sprawled out. Immediately, Jane rushes down to try and drag you up, hurriedly asking if you’re okay.
You nod slightly, balancing yourself on your knees. Thankfully, you think the vast majority of people have entered the theater and missed out on your embarrassment of epic proportions.
Well, maybe not everyone.
Suddenly, like a light peeking from beyond the clouds, you see an outstretched hand to your right. It’s tan, a male’s hand for sure. You look up to see who could possibly be nice enough to help you up. Maybe it’s God telling you it’s time to pass away.
It’s Austin. And he has a really worried look on his face that you’re shocked by, but his expression falters once he sees the look on your face. You’re smiling, a real big goofy one, because it’s so ridiculous and he’s so ridiculous and you’re pretty sure one of your heels is broken.
You place your hand in his, and his other hand wraps around your waist to help you up and steady yourself against him. Once you’re finally standing, he grins, leaning into your ear, “Remember, even Leonardo DiCaprio shits himself at the table.”
You don’t even realize his arm is still wrapped around your waist until you notice the absence of it. You giggle lightly, biting your lip. “Of course. And I think I saw Brad Pitt throw up in the bathroom last year.”
“Austin, we gotta go,” His publicist grabs his hand, and you feel a pang of disappointment. You almost think he does too, his blue eyes turning grayish as he looks back at her.
“Right,” He clears his throat. “Well, good luck tonight, [Y/N]. I hope you win.”
“You too,” The smile on your face is probably permanently tattooed on. You feel Jane’s hand on your back, slowly moving you away from him although your feet beg to stay.
“Oh, and [Y/N]?” You turn back around to face him, “Big fan of your work.”
With that, he turns away with his publicist to go and find his seat amongst the crowd. You watch him disappear, an indescribable feeling washing over your entire body. You’re also being whisked away to your table, greeted by familiar faces and friends. But it’s pretty clear that’s not the reason why you’re smiling.
Some part of your brain decides on one thing: this won’t be the last time you see him.
You decide that you like California. Not a whole lot, but enough to make you sign a contract for a new film. Normally, you believe that Los Angeles and all its surrounding cities are a dreadful structure that encapsulates all the worst features of privileged Southern California lifestyle. But the food is undeniably tasty, and your new apartment is decorated with high ceilings and well-lit rooms, so you’ll make do. You’ll be filming in sunny Calabasas, where the houses are painted a perfect shade of white, where time stills a little and every cloud is just the right amount of fluffy.
The Oscar’s had came and went, and you won, to no one’s surprise but your own. With that accomplishment came offers. People really, truly wanted to work with you, and although it baffled you, Jane was having the time of her life coordinating auditions and interviews.
Everything was truly perfect.
You flip through the pages of your fresh script, your manicured nails turning through the warm pages, the black ink bleeding onto the sheets. Jane sits across from you, feverishly scribbling something, negotiating your pay for your new film. She’ll deliver. In the end, she always does.
She hangs up her call, sighing from relief. You’re about to ask her how it went, if you got the price you wanted, before her phone blares again with that god awful ringtone she refuses to change. She answers it, a cheerful tone in her voice, “Kate? So good to hear from you! What’s going on?”
You tune out of her conversation, focusing your eyes back on the mass of paper in front of you. A new story to be told. A new character to embody. A new chapter of your life. It’s all very emotional and sappy and you almost want to cry tears of happiness, but you’ll save that for later, once you get home and crack open a bottle of wine.
You hear Jane place her phone down, and your eyes flicker back up to her. There’s an expression on her face that’s unreadable, and you’re unsure of how to process it. Oh, no. If you didn’t get the price you wanted, that would suck. Or, maybe you did and she’s just unsure on how to process emotion. You always thought she was a robot.
“I just had the weirdest phone call,” She finally speaks, scratching her forehead quizzically.
“What’s up?” You ask mindlessly, certain she’s going to tell you something personal like her cousin getting married to a farmer.
“That was Austin Butler’s publicist. She said he’s been asking about you since the Oscars.”
There’s no fucking way. She’s pranking you. Any second now, Ashton Kutcher is going to pop out behind the doorframe and say “You’ve been Punk’d!” and then maybe he’ll also bring out Austin to further your embarrassment.
“Excuse me?” You blink.
“Yeah,” She seems just as baffled as you are. “She said he’s been trying to find a way to get in contact with you, but turns out, you guys don’t have a lot of mutual friends.”
Well, that makes sense.
She continues on, “Anyway, she gave me his number and then said he wants to ask you on a date. So, do with that what you will.”
She unlocks her phone, slides it across the table to you, and you see a phone number typed into her notes. Your hand trembles as you pick up the iPhone, copying the number into your own contacts. You feel woozy, just like you did on that red carpet, just like you did the moment you locked eyes with him.
“Right, well,” You clear your throat. “I’ll just step outside and call him real quick.”
She nods, raising one eyebrow. There’s a small grin that appears on her lips, a knowing one, and you slide out the door into the hallway.
You don’t know what comes over you, or what demon compels you, but you click the number. You hear the ring. There’s a pause. Your heart drops as you think that he might not answer.
And then you hear him. His voice.
“Uh, h-hi. Hi. This is, um, [Y/N]. Your publicist gave me your number.”
It almost sounds ridiculous.
“[Y/N]. You know, I’ve been trying to get ahold of you but turns out you’re not an easy person to reach,” You can hear the smile in his voice.
“Well, you know me and my presence. All time low,” You say sarcastically, and he chuckles.
“Right. Well, congratulations on your win. Very well-deserved,” His voice is deeper than you remember. There’s a slight desire that pools between your legs for a moment before you snap yourself back into reality.
“You too. Some would call it the performance of the year,” And you can’t even believe it’s happening. You’re really flirting with him.
“Thank you,” He says so softly, so charming. He’s always grateful and humble, and it makes you even more attracted to him. If that’s even possible at this point. “So, do you think there’s a chance you would allow me to take you out to dinner? Somewhere lowkey, you know, for your presence and all?”
The question is so unbelievable that you can’t even take it in. You make a few sounds, splutter over your words and trip over them like you did your own two feet at the Oscars. Your heartbeat travels up to your eardrum, pounding with every ounce of blood that travels through you. “U-uh, umm… well, you know, let me go ahead and check my schedule.” There’s a pause. You cover the reciever and scream a silent yell into the void, jumping a few feet high.
Clearing your throat, you say, “Hm. Seems like I’m free tomorrow.”
“You can’t do tonight?”
The question takes you aback. Surely, he can’t be asking that because he wants to see you. “Oh, why? Are you leaving California tomorrow?”
“Not at all,” You hear him shuffle. “I just really want to take you out.”
“Right, yes, of course.” You let his question hang in the air. You know your answer, but you like letting him think there’s a possibility you might reject him.
“I am free tonight.”
“Great,” His voice is upbeat, a newfound excitement peeking through. “Well, text me your address. I’ll send a car to pick you up.”
“Yup, totally. Super duper cool. Looking really forward to it,” You babble on, pacing the hallway you’ve trapped yourself in.
He lets out a low laugh, “Me too. I’ll see you tonight. Bye, [Y/N].”
You say your goodbyes, leaning against the wall for stability before you collapse into a puddle. Later, a janitor might come to find your lifeless body glued to the wall. Cause of death? Man built like a Greek god asks woman on date.
But, everything is fine. You’ll somehow make it.
There’s a ridiculous feeling in your heart, a warmth that spreads to your toes and fingers. Now, everything is perfect.
masterlist + request
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qc-wiggles · 8 months
they say write what you know and what i know is academic stress and yearbook pain. so anyways it's a yearbook club au!!!!
supervising teachers: gertrude and leitner. they become uncontactable like a week into the project (do they die? do they resign? tim has a running theory that they eloped.)
elias: head of yearbook club. dips unexpectedly in the middle of the entire thing (something about an optical surgery) and forces jon to take over. his dad paid for the adobe subscription they’re using 
rosie: treasurer, she’s very efficient, they’ve probably exchanged like 3 emails in total and she’s gotten everything funded. knows well enough to stay out of the dumpster fire that is yearbook production otherwise
jon: de facto head of yearbook club. thinks it should have gone to sasha instead. hes a bit incompetent but plans like it’s doomsday the next week so they are always in a wealth of excel sheets. writer, editor
tim: joined partly because he wanted an excuse to get out of football fixtures. also because he is 1 out of jons 3 friends including his ex and jon asked him. he has a tiktok. marketing, editor
sasha: joined partly to impress gertrude (she’s looking for her to write her letter of recommendation as head girl in sixth form). also because she is 1 out of jons 3 friends including his ex and jon asked her. she still uses livejournal. designer, writer
gerry: sixth form, occasionally helps out with networking at gertrude’s behest. tim is a bit starstruck over him. he saves their asses many, many times
melanie and georgie: got unofficially roped in as photographers. why you ask? manuela dominguez may have the cutting edge cameras but she is simply too scary to approach. melanie has a youtube channel that all the girls and tim are apparently subscribed to. 
martin: there is not one single picture of him. apparently he didn’t turn up for photo day, neither was he involved in any school events. even the people who have shared half-remembered facts about him seem to forget about him when questioned a second time. where did he go?
it’s the month before the yearbook is due to be sent in for production, and the team have discovered numerous issues with the draft: pictures of random people keep getting swapped over like they’ve been photoshopped, some pages are illegible and distorted unless they are physically written out in hand and scanned, one paragraph is a leitner. and nobody can find martin blackwood so they can get his picture in the yearbook. what will they do.
annabelle cane: current head girl
mikaele salesa: somehow knows literally everyone, involved in the funding of yearbook production
mike crew: uneasy alliance with gerry in their pursuit of jurgen leitner 
oliver banks: had a mental breakdown sometime during his gcses but hes fine now
david from research: nobody says it to his face but he has genuinely the most atrocious clothing choice in the entire school apart from michael shelley, and even then michael shelley makes work
grifter’s bone: the band of the school, except no one actually knows anyone who’s part of it. their shows are legendarily terrible. manuela says ambulances were phoned. 
daisy and basira: prefects, currently invested in making sure yearbook club remains LEGAL and not STALKING ANY STAFF OR STUDENTS, JON
jmag: principal. boo. what a creep
julia montauk: apparently her dad went to jail. but who is she living with now? i don’t know, manuela told me. how does manuela know? julia told her in a sleepover during year 6. and she’s telling other people? wow. that’s messed up. is that old guy her grandpa? why does he carry a rifle around
jared hopworth: prejudiced gymbro, but importantly, NOT a homophobe.
the admiral: what else needs to be said
agnes montague (campus celebrity from literally decades ago) (her relationship with jack barnabas is mythicised)
jude perry (allegedly caused some fire-related, agnes-related events)
edwin burroughs (allegedly commited atrocities during one year’s christmas dinner)
jane prentiss (left for uni a year ago, allegedly brought many live organisms onto campus) (keeps talking about this guy called jordan)
eric delano (he did WHAT to his eyes)
daedalus crew is astronomy club
breekon and hope are the manufacturers for much of the schools equipment and stationery
jon keeps finding notes from gertrude stashed in random places about yearbook difficulties its like a fun cool treasure hunt
they cant figure out where a computer they were initially using for yearbook club is from. it says ‘ushanka’ on the bottom of the display and the keys are slightly crusty
what the hell are the drama students actually up to 
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themoonitselff · 6 months
HEAR ME OUT, a Modern Mizu x Reader AU, But the reader is a famous singer? Sorry this is a little bit cheesy and idk what Mizu would be in this AU all i got is that the reader is a singer. I got this idea because i am a huge Swiftie and a huge Mizu worshipper soo lol
I got you, bestie. I like Taylor Swift too, and this request just makes my Vigilante Shit headcannons more canon. I ALREADY SAID IT, BUT I'LL DO IT AGAIN. (Don't worry I'll make it large and full of details just for you<3)
Modern! Mizu × Singer! Reader
Warnings: NOT PROOFREAD, I guess. Mizu being a cutie patootie with you.
Summary: You wrote a song for Mizu, thinking about her last relationship with the ex-principal of your University.
PD: This is headcannons+mini-fanfic, I'll do my best. <3 (let's pretend that I'm not a fan of Reputation and Midnight)
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Let's start really slow before we get to the juicy point(you can scroll to the end if you don't want to read aaall of this). Mizu would be studying Civil/Mechanical Engineering (don't know how to say it in English). And the University she's in is one of the best of the country, so the campus would be huge, and it would have a lot of buildings and areas, she does the mobthly payment on her own, and she also has a little help on her dad when she's too busy with her part time job.
She has an amazing music taste, The Weeknd, Lana Del Rey, Laufey, she listens to Pop, Rock, Alternatives and ofc Arctic Monkeys. She also listens to you, but only the popular ones, since you're not like a big deal for her. (SHE REALLY LIKES YOU IN SECRET)
But then, she heard that you were moving to this state just to finish your career since you're a bit busy with your musical career. She doesn't get surprised, she doesn't believe it, her reaction is just like “Oh really? That's amazing.” with sarcasm on it
It was lunch time, Mizu was eating peacefully while hearing all of the news and updates Ringo was telling her of his day, something casual, she had to adapt to his common behavior. They were on a bench, looking at the football game they had in front.
“And the teacher was sooo mad because this girl got late, and they started arguing, and— Oh! Did you heard that (y/n) is gonna study here? I'm so excited to know her! I love her music, and she's so beautiful, and...” Ringo couldn't stop talking about you, which made Mizu roll her eyes as she finishes her coffee.
“Okay, I get it Ringo.” She said, her face was neutral, not believing it.
“I think tomorrow is when she's arriving, do you think she's like in the photos?” He blushed, slightly.
“Uhm..” Mizu imagined the celebrity getting off her car and walking inside the building, then getting drowned and breaked into pieces by the fans and other people that just know her because of her looks. “If she doesn't end dead, maybe.”
The same night, she stalked your account, your biography in Wikipedia and EVERYTHING, basically.. She realized that Ringo wasn't lying, it was on the news, everyone knew it. That's when her heart went on the floor because if you were gonna transfer into this University, it meant: a massive crowd of people wanting to get inside. “Ewww, people” She thought.
It didn't looked like, but she was kickin' her feet and giggling of excitement, the fact that you would be near to her, makes her sick.
The next day, she did what she didn't do every day. She brushed her hair, took a bath after 6 days of focusing on studying, put on the best hoodie she got from Akemi, her favorite pair of shoes, everything. But acted like nothing happened, like she wasn't screaming inside to see you.
“Why are you dressed like that?” Taigen asked, as he looked at Mizu's persona, who was really... Pretty, not like other days.
“Like what?” She replied, her eyes were looking for you in the University alley's, but you were not there.
“Like you're gonna fuck with someone.”
“I don't know what you're talking about.” Then she chopped his bangs off.
She did know what Taigen was talking about.
The night came and everyone was in their dorms, in the whole day, the only thing that people was talking about was you. It made her sick, like, c'mon you're just a singer, what's the matter?
Then, she hears someone knocking her door, she gets up from the couch and goes to open it, her lazy was all on her body
“Wha-?” She didn't finished, her jaw falled onto the floor, surprised.
It was you. (Y/n) the Music Industry. Her heartbeat went fast, her hands started trembling and flickering, her beautiful blue eyes opened like plates, it was impossible.
“Hello! They told me this is my dorm, and I have to share it with.. You. ” You showed the card and the directions, gently, with a sweet smile on your face. “Your name is Mizu, right?”
Mizu was still in shock, but recovered fast, she went to her natural face again and nodded. “Yes, what's yours?”
“(y/n), nice to meet you!” You took your bags and entered with confidence. “Uhm- I thought you would scream and go wild, but happily you did not.. So, if you don't know, I'm a Popstar, and I work with music, so I hope it doesn't disturb you.”
Mizu just closed the door, slowly, watching you get inside and getting comfortable, her mouth slightly opened. “No.. not at all.”
Now that you're roommates, she has to deal with Ringo and Akemi fangirling about you all the time and asking Mizu if they can take pictures with you. It pisses her off because you're just a human... And because she feels like she's the only one that can do that(possesive and protective)
She's normal about it on the outside, but fangirls too in the inside. Not like you imagined.
As the times goes on, she introduces you to her friend group (Akemi, Ringo, and the fool of Taigen)
They're nice to you and you always hangout together, it's like a dream come true to Ringo, that is like a bodyguard to you, he's always protecting you and making sure you're okay... And asks you to sign his albums and photocards and the whole merchandising.
You start getting more connected with Mizu, and shes now the only one who knows all of your exes, your future albums, your songs and why you wrote them, it's like Mizu and you are besties. Best friends.
Mizu didn't knew when, but she was falling in love with you.
She loved your eyes, your body, your voice, she loves when she hears your voice echoing in your room, she loves hearing you okay the guitar, she loves the fact that she's so important to you, she loves how shy you get with your fans, she loves you. She does.
And you do too. You love how good she is with you, you love that she sees you as a person and not as a singer. You love her eyes, you love her silence, you love cuddling with her, you love how she priories you over everything. She's the best for you.
One day, she told you about this guy that was her fiance, two years ago, He was the Principal of the University but now was just the teacher of Veterinary medicine. How dumb.
You were mad. You could not believe what he put her through. You were in her bed, hugging her as she was on her knees in front of you, crying and getting vulnerable with you, for the first time ever, her eyes were crystalized in tears, her nose was reddish and her face was so warm and weak, your fingers were cleaning her tears rolling through her cheeks, while you saw her lips moving and telling you everything.
It was a mix of “Omg Mizu is so sexy when she cries” and “I want to kill that motherfucker” vibes.
You could do nothing about it... But making a song.
You worked day and night, wrote the lyrics, made the rythm, you did everything just to make it sound sexy but angry at the same time, like the vibes you felt when comforting her. Because let's be honest, she's too good for a man, she needs something better.
She needs a woman.
When you got summer vacations, you published the song, and made a concert in a Stadium.
That day was a bit stressful, there was TOO MUCH people in the campus, your suit was too tight, your make up felt heavy, but you were not leaving this.
You sang a few songs before the main could be presented, Mizu was in the VIP zone with her friends, she was excited to be there, to admire you.
“Picture me, thick as thieves with your ex-wife.” You cooed, you left hand was on a chair and the other holding the mic, your boot tracing an oval in the floor, and the flashes were pointing at you, it was your peak.
“And she looks so pretty. ” Your body turned a bit at the side, your leg stumped so hard on the chair anyone could hear it “Driving in your Benz.”
“Lately she's been dressing for revenge.” Then, your free hand passed through your body from your chest to your mount venus, your expression was the same of an orgasm, you let out a little moan, seductively, the public went crazy, screaming and getting wild.
From mizu's pov, when you released the new album, she listened to all of the songs, and played them on streaming apps everytime she could.
When she heard this one, she immediately downloaded it, it became her favorite, she never told you, but she was loving it.
But, listening close to the lyrics she realized You were talking about her and what she told you.
She would be shock first, then a bit angry because you took her situation just to make money, to see it like “Omg so (y/n) made this for me”
She felt harder for you.
When she was watching you at the stage, she couldn't stop feeling a warm spot on her core, her cheeks getting hot and her lip getting bitten.
You looked really good in that suit, it made you look sensual.
After the show, Mizu went on backstage and hugged you so hard, then, you both looked into each other's eyes, connecting souls, Mizu was so focused on you, your body, your face, your escense. She was honestly in love with the idea of you.
Relationship Headcannons.
When she confesses to you, she does it in a casual moment.
Just imagine the two of you super cozy in the couch, watching a movie, then, you make visual contact, and then kiss.
She wouldn't say “Im in love with you”. But she'd let you know, cause' when you know, you know.
She would give you a bouquet of flowers with a “I want to be your girlfriend” note. When you receive it, you'll nod at her and kiss her passionately, your heart going faster.
Since then, you wouldn't use your bedroom to sleep anymore, you would sleep with her every night, and every night is kissing and cuddling, if not, hugging and laughing, if not, just smiling at you, but Mizu is not letting you go anywhere.
She's too obsessive with you, to the point she would know when do you poop and when you get hungry.
Your first dates are private and in public just holding hands.
When you make it official, you let a paparazzi take a picture of you sitting in Mizu's legs while kissing, her hand on your ass.
Or maybe, it would be like the Kylie Kenner and Travis photo, where you're kissing at a party or sum place and Mizu realizes someone's taking a picture, so she does the middle finger thing.
Anyways, your relationship is hugely healthy, she's always working on making you feel relaxed and fine.
She also learns how to play guitar just to help you with your songs (like in Enchanted from Taylor Swift or Brooklyn Baby from LDR)
She's too private when it comes to arguments and problems. She's not letting anyone in your relationship, she always solve it when you're home.
She's always marking territory, with a hand on your waist or holding your hand. If she feels jealous she'll kiss you right there.
Mizu is the type of girlfriend that loves to talk to you with the eyes since she's bad at talking, be prepared for that.
Sometimes she will not be in the best mood. Mizu can avoid you for days and getting more distant if you insist on asking her why. She needs her space too.
If you're patient and stay by her side without being too dependient, you'll have her head over heels.
Always supporting you on the stage.
Always taking care of you and protecting you.
Always loving you.
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makeitmingi · 1 year
Cause Baby You’re My Muse [Chapter 1]
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Genre: Romance, Idol!AU, Music, Slight angst
Pairing: Mingi x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Producer!Reader, IdolLyricist!Mingi, IdolProducer!Hongjoong, Idol!Seonghwa, Idol!Yunho, Idol!Wooyoung, Idol!San, Idol!Yeosang, Idol!Jongho, cameo(s) by other celebrities
Summary: You always preferred producing underground, having an unknown face and governed by your own rules. But when you start freelancing for idol groups, you say goodbye to your lone wolf lifestyle as you learn to work with idol producers and lyricists.
Word count: 3.2K
Your phone vibrating against your desk was what caught your attention. Otherwise, with your headphones on, you wouldn’t have heard it. You reached over to turn it off, eyes widening when you saw the time.
“Shoot! I’m gonna be late!” You shot out of your chair and went to the bathroom. Honestly, you did not plan on pulling an all-nighter. But after you were finally able to get some beats to work, you wanted to ride that high and continue working. 
“What to wear? What to wear?” You knew you should have planned your outfit last night. In the end, you wore a hoodie, some wide jeans and a beanie, plain and simple.
“Ah... What do I need?” You stood in front of your desk, mind blanking out due to the unexpected rush to leave the house.
“Laptop, keyboard, iPad, headphones... Notebook, pen...” You swiped off whatever you could carry and dumped them into your duffel bag. There was no time to neatly arrange everything. 
“Which bus was it again?” Scratching your head, you tried to find the instructions on your phone. Thankfully, when you finally found out the route, the bus came rather quickly. You sat down and pulled a mask on.
‘Eden! Sorry, I might be a bit late. Got a little lost and was working all night... - Indigo’
‘No worries. We’ll be in studio 1. - Eden’
You sighed as you read the message. This was not the image you wanted to give on your first day at work. You wanted to maintain a professional image, not one that is tardy and not put together. 
KQ Entertainment
Looking up at the sign, you gulped and adjusted your mask before going in. The security guy at the counter looked at you. He raised an eyebrow, taking in your appearance. You wouldn’t blame him for being suspicious. You looked ordinary, not like someone who would work at an entertainment company. Slowly, you slid your pass over to him. 
“Go ahead.” He nodded to the lifts after approving of your comapny pass. Luckily you had all the access things you needed, collected the day you signed the contract two weeks ago. 
“Studio... 1!” You found the door you were looking for. Before entering, you took a deep breath, gulping as you raised a hand to knock. 
“Eden. Hey.” You smiled behind your mask and wrapped your arms around him. Eden chuckled, reciprocating the hug and even lifting you up slightly. He pulled away and patted your head, leading you into the studio 
“Sorry, I’m late. I didn’t even know the sun had risen while I was working.” You rubbed the back of your neck. 
“Don’t worry about it. It happens to the best of us.” Eden laughed. 
As you stood there, Eden introduced you to the 6 others in the room, also known as members of ‘Edenary’. All producers of different calibre brought in by Eden himself. 
“Nice to meet you, you can call me Indigo.” You bowed and introduced yourself to them after they told you their names. Eden had briefed everyone prior, about your want for personal privacy. So you go by your producer name ‘Indigo’ and you wear a mask to hide the lower half of your face.
“We all know who you are. The famous ghost producer.” Maddox reaches out to shake your hand. 
“Yeah, honestly when Eden said he invited you to join us, we thought he was joking...” Jangmoon scoffed, making Eden roll his eyes. 
“Please, I still have a lot to learn. I look forward to working with all of you and learning new things to improve.” You shyly bowed to them. You’ve only ever exclusively worked underground.
“I heard you only recently started working with idols though. Are you leaving the underground scene?” Oliv asked.
“No, not leaving. I just wanted more exposure. My recent works with idols is all through a ghost network so no one really know me.” You explained. 
“But your name is famous, Indigo. We’re happy to have you onboard.” 
“Like I said, Indigo isn’t going to join Edenary. She is here as a freelancer, to add some new creativity and difference to our music sound. But we’re still a team that works and collaborates together, okay? I’ve already told Hongjoong to come later to meet her after his schedule.” Eden said.
“Yes, boss.” The 6 saluted jokingly and you followed suit with a small giggle. Eden scoffed, already used to the antics of the 6. You waved to them and bowed again as you followed Eden out of the big studio. 
“So studio 1 is where all the big recordings and main meetings happen. I’ll take you to your private studio.” He informed.
“Oh, right. Thank you.” You followed him down the hallway, past a lot of doors.
“So this is the producers’ floor. After you settle in, I’ll give you a tour of the rest of the building.” Eden smiled. 
“This is yours. It has the basic equipment from the brand you told me you use. I got what I could get within the budget. Feel free to add your own stuff to the set up and customise the studio to your liking.” He opened the door.
“Wow.” You were in awe. You were grateful there was some equipment so you wouldn’t have to ferry equipment back and forth.
“So the couch is a pullout like you’ve requested for. The other furniture like table, chairs, cabinets will be paid for by the company. Just put together a list and send it over to me.” 
“Thank you so much, Eden.” You bowed. 
“No need to keep thanking me. I think you have a lot of talent to offer, Indigo. One of the members of the idol group we mainly produce for, Ateez, will come introduce himself to you later. He is the leader or captain actually, name is Hongjoong. He works with us during production a lot so it’s good to meet him and get a feel for his style.” Eden said. 
“Captain?” You tilted your head in confusion. 
“It’s their concept. Pirate ship plus not wanting to follow other groups and have a leader. So they call him captain.” Eden explained with a laugh.
“Got it. Captain, not leader. I’ll be here until then.” You said. 
“If you need anything, I am in Studio 2. Oh and don’t forget to password lock your door.” He informed and left you to give you some time to settle down and set up. 
“Can’t believe I’m actually here.” You shook your head in disbelief. Never would you have expected yourself to be here, working with other people. 
Unzipping your duffel bag, you placed all the equipment you brought on the desk, in a set up that was similar to the one you had at home. It was how you worked the best and comfortably. 
“Monitors, here and here. Speakers will have to be pushed back.” You roughly sketched how you would want you full set up to look like.
“I’ll bring my equiliser... Sound mixer...” Also, you made a list on what extra equipment you would want to bring in. 
“Let’s see... What was I working on?” Putting your headphones on, you started working. Since it was getting a bit hard to breathe and you were alone, you pulled your mask down to your chin as you worked. 
Indigo, the alias name you had chosen for yourself from the time you started working. You worked with rappers and singers that mainly operated underground. Only recently you’ve been giving your works to idol groups but no one has actually met you before. You were known as the ‘ghost producer’.
But Eden reached out, giving you a shot at producing “above ground” for idol groups, where you can learn and earn a lot more. All while maintaining your privacy. So you accepted. 
“Huh? Coming!” You pulled your mask up and went to the door. Eden stood there with a very good looking male. 
Besides his handsome face, it was like looking in a mirror. He had blue hair, the colour matching your peekaboo dyed hair. He also had multiple piercings on his ears like yours.
“Indigo, this is Hongjoong. He is the captain of Ateez. Hongjoong, this is Indigo. Our new producer.” Eden introduced.
“Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Hongjoong. I am a big fan and look forward to working with you.” He seemed to hesitate reaching out to shake your hand so he opted to bow politely instead. 
“Hi, Hongjoong. Likewise. You can call me Indigo.” You held your hand out to him and he smiled before slipping his hand into yours to shake it.
“Please, come in. I only have a couch so I apologise.” You invited them in. 
“I need to go meet the big boss. Hongjoong, you stay and get to know our new producer, okay? Take care of her. Actually, you guys kind of look alike now that I look at it.” Eden noted. You scoffed playfully and rolled your eyes as Eden left. Hongjoong’s eyes widened as he cleared his throat. You still invited him in, closing the door behind him. 
“Your blue is like mine.” You said, lifting the upper layer of your hair up to reveal the bright blue underneath that matched Hongjoong. He nodded his head with a smile, fingers going to touch the ends of his blue hair. 
“So, Eden says you produce too?” You asked.
“Yes. I’m usually part of the producing team for my group but I still have much to learn.” He explained, taking a seat on the couch while you wheeled your chair over to sit. 
“Does your entire group produce? Sorry if I’m asking a lot. I just want to know what to expect.” You rubbed the back of your neck.
“No worries at all. Hmm, they don’t really produce. But they do partake in lyric writing. I’ll introduce you to them the next time we have group practice.” 
“Alright. And you can ask me questions too, by the way...” You chuckled.
“Do you always wear a mask?” He outrightly asked. You had expected it, a lot of people ask why you wear a mask and why you want to keep your identity a secret when you could gain fame. 
“Yes, it’s more a security thing. I appreciate the privacy, helps to separate my private and personal life. Maybe one day you’ll know what I look like.” You joked.
“Why did you want to work with Eden hyung or an entertainment company? The underground would be perfect for privacy.” 
“Exposure and experience. I’ve never really worked with a team, I’ve never worked outside of my underground studio. It’s usually me sending my works to others to use; whether it is lyrics or beats or melodies. And working with idols is different compared to the underground scene.” You explained.
“That makes sense. I noticed your name in the credits for a lot of recent songs. I would say expectations are also different. There is a lot more... creative freedom and liberty underground.” He stated.
“You’ve worked underground before?”
“A little... When I was still in school. It was how I met most of Edenary. But it was mainly to learn before I signed to KQ.” He said.
“That’s cool. It would be interesting to work with a team. I can’t be a lone wolf forever, right?” There was some bitterness to the part of your statement. Hongjoong nodded his head with a comforting smile. 
As you and Hongjoong talked, you surprisingly grew comfortable around him quickly, letting your guard down a little. He reminded you of a protective older brother, kind and patient.
“Well, I hope I am able to creatively add to the process, rather than burden the team.” You chuckled.
“Nonsense, I think you’re very talented.” He smiled kindly. 
“I’m looking forward to meet the other members of your team. So I can get to know all your individual styles, as well as the cohesive style of Ateez.” You smiled, wheeling yourself back to your desk to grab your phone.
“Am I not enough for you? That you need to meet my other members.” He feigned hurt, putting a hand over his heart. You shook your hands in quick denial to the point where you actually dropped your device. But Hongjoong was quick, bending down to pick it up for you. He brushed the screen to inspect it for any damage. 
“I was kidding.” He laughed as he held out the device.
“Thank you.” You received it with a small bow of your head. Hongjoong couldn’t help but reach out to pat your head, eyes full of adoration. Only when he realised what he was doing then he pulled away.
“I am so sorry. That was way out of line. I just... never had a sister before and... I don’t even know what I’m saying.” He stuttered.
“Don’t worry about it. I don’t have any brothers but it’s weird that I kind of feel like you are one.” You blushed. 
“It’s instinctive for me. Once you get to know my group, you will understand why I have to play to role of older brother, mother and father.” He joked.  
“Are they that chaotic?” 
“I always tell people that when you look at them as 5 year olds, you won’t feel so overwhelmed...” He rubbed the back of his neck, his ears turning slightly red at the tips. You laughed along with him. 
Speaking to Hongjoong was like speaking to a friend, not a celebrity. He was humble, down to earth and relaxed. There wasn’t a point where he made you feel awkward or uncomfortable. Even when talking about producing, he never showed off his knowledge or experience. 
“Once I get more equipment here, it’ll be an easier space for me to work in. But I ran a little later this morning when coming here so I grabbed what I could.” You told him.
“You work at night?” 
“I find it more productive to work at night. Lesser distractions and night is when underground performances usually happen.” You explained.
“What genre do you usually work on?” Hongjoong asked. You thought about it for a while before wheeling yourself over to your desk. You waved him over and he stood up, walking to stand beside you.
“This is what I was working on last night. The reason I was late.” You told him, playing the recording for him. 
“I’m trying different genres now, try to cater to the style of the artist I’m working with. So this is a softer R&B melody.” You explained to him, hiding your nerves.
“I like it. The flow is really nice.” Hongjoong bopped his head to the beat, fingers lightly drumming against the desk. You let out a mental sigh of relief, glad that he liked it considering he was one of the main people you would be working with from now on. But you kept all your emotions and reactions internal, maintaining a stoic face.
“Our style so far has been mainly EDM trap with dark hip hop... with dance-style anthemic songs from time to time. We try to dabble in multiple genres to show our range.” Hongjoong said.
“I’m looking forward to seeing that.” You nodded.
“Here, I’ll give you my number.” Hongjoong said. You handed him your phone and he typed your number, dropping himself a missed call to have your number.
“I have to go now but I’ll see you around.” He waved. You walked him to the door, waving to him as he left. 
You checked your phone and realised that you had been talking to Hongjoong for close to 4 hours. You went to use the washroom and when you came back, you saw a paper bag right at the doorstep.
‘Eden hyung said you hadn’t eaten since you were speaking with me. Make sure to eat. And welcome to KQ! - Captain Hongjoong’
Inside the bag, there was street food like tteokbokki, two kinds of kimbap and some fried snacks. You sent him a thank you text before breaking your chopsticks to begin eating. You ate at your desk since it was the only table you had at the moment. 
“Let’s see... Ateez music video.” You searched for something to watch while eating. You were probably the most unprepared newbie ever, not even doing research on the group that you’re going to work with. 
“Hyung, where are yo- OH MY GOSH!” You were startled by someone just opening the door, turning around in shock. Seeing someone there, you scrambled for your mask but it had dropped to the ground.
“Oh my! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know anyone was in here!” The male was flustered, bowing repeatedly.
“It’s fine. Please close the door.” You waved him off behind you. You heard the door close and you bent down to pick up your mask, putting it on. After that, you stood up and poked your head out to see if the guy was still there.
“Hello?” You called out but he must have ran off after the shock. 
“Everything alright, Indigo? I heard a shout.” Maddox also emerged from his studio, a concerned look on his face.
“Oh, yes. Sorry for disturbing. Someone just entered my studio, we scared each other and he must have ran off. I think he wasn’t expecting someone to be in the studio.” You smiled.
“Ah, we thought everyone already knew that you were going to be working in studio 8. Sorry about that.” He apologised. You shook your head.
“I guess this just means I should be introducing myself to everyone.” You giggled. He laughed and nodded his head. Since he made sure you were fine and safe, he went back to his studio. You did the same, making sure to lock the door now as you returned to your food. Now at least people would have to ring the doorbell before coming in. 
You huffed, chewing on the tip of your chopstick. Maybe it was one of Hongjoong’s group members, you didn’t really see his face clearly. You hoped that at the same time, he didn’t see your face. 
"Well, it can’t be helped.” You sighed and finished up your food, wanting to get back to work right away. 
As you continued to work on the same melody, you couldn’t help but hear Hongjoong’s fingers drumming against your desk. 
“Maybe...” You opened up the composition page and tested out adding a light drum to the background, similar to the rhythm that Hongjoong had when he tapped on your table. 
“No, this wasn’t it. What was it?” You clicked your tongue in annoyance, trying different variations of it. After some experimentation, you played it back. 
“Finally!” You threw your head back with a big, victorious smile. It sounded like a nice remix version. Maybe this was a sign that things were going to work out well for you here. 
Series Masterlist
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evanbuckleyrecs · 29 days
Buddie AUs under 20k part 2
Part 2 to the earlier rec list!
Over the waves (under your spell) by my_hopless_opus
14,9K, rated E
What if in season 6, Bobby and Athena don't cancel their honeymoon trip, but decide to give away their tickets to another couple? Hen & Karen are busy and Chimney & Maddie are still figuring out their stuff, that leaves only Buck and Eddie.
The only condition is that they have to pretend to be a couple during the whole trip.
How hard can that be?
Buddie fake dating fic
(Spoilers: There's only one bed)
Spousal secrets and celebrity crushes by AshwinMeird
9,3K, rated G
Eddie joined the 118 and Hen learned plenty about his husband and son through endless stories, but she knew almost nothing about Buck. Then a movie being filmed not far from the station starts to become very relevant to her life.
Five times Hen was confused about Eddie's husband and One time it all made sense.
You smiled and it was the most beautiful thing that I'd ever seen by wafflesofdoom
13,5K, rated G
Eddie had always loved coffee. From the moment his parents had deemed him old enough to drink it, he’d loved coffee – he loved the smell, the taste, and most of all, he loved the process of making it. So, it was inevitable that'd he'd end up in Los Angeles, and take over Diaz's Café from his grandmother.
He just never imagined he'd meet the love of his life while doing it.
or, a 911-style ode to the classic coffee shop au trope.
He never thinks about me (except when I'm on tv) by heartbeatdiaz
18,1K, rated M
"I have been in love, yes." He says after the most torturous of seconds.
"Would you mind expanding on that?"
Buck hesitates for a few seconds and then Eddie sees the exact moment he decides 'fuck it' as he straightens in his seat.
"There was this guy in high school. He was my best friend."
Hold on.
Eddie freezes.
Is Buck— Is Buck talking about him?
In which Eddie finds out years later that his unrequited feelings for his high school best friend were not actually unrequited, Buck is stupidly famous now and they pine.
They get there in the end, they just need to get their timing right.
Inspired by the prompt: “you’re famous and just got asked if you were ever in love this should be good– WAIT WHAT."
All that's left to find (is peace of mind) by agustmoons
8,3K, not rated
A still warm kernel thumps lightly against Buck’s temple and it’s his last straw. “What the fuck is your problem, Han?” He demands, rounding on the paramedic currently tucked away in an armchair, popcorn bowl balanced precariously on his chest and knees.
“Your dumb, grumpy face. What’s got you all wound up, anyways? You look like someone took a shit in your cereal this morning.” Chim says, waving a hand in his direction.
Eddie's deployed and Buck is /handling it/. He's not freaking out, definitely not.
Well, he wasn't. Until his contact with Eddie is cut off and he's left alone, wondering what could have happened.
Taking smoke with my coffee by UisceOneLove
3,9K, Rated G
"Order for Firefighter Diaz!"
Eddie knows that coffee runs have typically been deemed a Probie task. He did plenty of them when Bobby first recruited him to the 118. So, tradition dictates that it's supposed ot be Ravi getting them.
But Eddie gets to have a lot of nice things for himself. The things that make even his worst call days just a smidge better.
If anyone (Hen) is interrogating him for details, it's definitely the coffee he's referring to.
"I'm not in my gear, Buck," Eddie tells the barista when he approaches the counter.
The smile he looks forward to is waiting for him courtesy of the barista that makes even Eddie have to tip his head back a little bit to make eye contact. "Yeah," Buck drawls as he pushes the tray of coffee towards him, "but you're still on duty."
Mr. Buckley's after hours detention by aresaphrodites
11,4K, rated M
It’s not like Eddie Diaz planned on this. Really, there was no scenario in his mind where he would ever be bringing his son’s teacher a freaking goody basket to class; a homemade goody basket, no less. Then again, Christopher has never had a teacher quite like Evan Buckley.
Lucky streak by 2manyboys
8,6k, rated E
A massive tsunami hits the Santa Monica Pier; Eddie has an instant connection with a firefighter from another station.
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a-random-pillow · 5 months
Ace Attorney, Steel Samuri AU
This is a re-telling of the AA story but with SI-FI elements based off Steel Samuri.
Since there isn't much Steel Samuri lore in AA, I'm going to have to make some up!
Long ago there was an old race of aliens, they don't really matter to the story but what does matter is the fact that they made the Samurai Suits. The Samurai Suits were left on earth for reasons and now new aliens are coming to feed of the power of the suits and earth by proxy. So, The Samuri have to rise to face these new threats, face hardships and accidently become celebrities.
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Poor Greggy, he gets zero hours of sleep and managed to acquire a little baby who is probably a little alien. Becoming one of the few people capable of defending earth was a terrible choice for his health. The Steel Samuri is world famous and so Gregory has to also deal with hiding his identity, Clark Kent but with 1000x more walking disaster energy.
Fast Forward to Mile’s middle school days, guess which kid finds a Samuri Suit? Well, he isn't the only one who finds a Suit! Meet the Five Signal Samuri!
Red, The Brains (Miles Edgeworth)
Orange, The Jokester (Larry Butz)
Blue, The Second in Command (Phoenix Wright)
Pink, The Heart (Maya Fay)
Purple, The Leader (Mia Fay)
They have no clue about each other identities, even the sisters but they are all very close friends! They go on wacky adventures together and learn valuable lessons with occasional help for the older Samurai.
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Oh dear, don't forget the Karma Samurai, he hates it when people don't give him attention. Can you guess who it is? (Manfred, we all know it’s Manfred)
Things go wrong when the Steel Samurai realizes that the Karma Samurai is faking monster attacks for fame. The Karma Samurai doesn’t want his secret told to the others so he attacks the Steel Samurai and loses, badly. The Steel Samurai thinks he killed the Karma Samurai and leaves, but shock Manfred is not dead. Karma heads back to Germany and licks his wounds and focuses on his lawyer career and child. Then Manfred meets Gregory, the defense attorney and feels a odd sense of DeJa'Vu.
Note, The Steel Samurai dose not tell the others what happened with the Karma Samurai because they are already traumatized enough and some of them really looked up to Karma.
Back in court Manfred gets the plenty commits DL-6.
While later he realizes that Gregory was the steel Samurai because of very specific scars listed in his autopsy report. Soon after Miles moves in with the Von Karmas he realizes Miles is the red signal Samurai because of the boys mannerisms and the fact that the red just showed up in Germany.
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Miles isn't having a good time, Manfred revels himself to be the Karma Samuri and lies that the Steel Samurai attacked him because he was too popular (Miles doesn't know his dad is/was the Steel Samurai). Also Manfred says he was crippled by the Steel Samurai, which he why he doesn't fight any more (Actually because of the DL-6 Bullet) So now Miles is being trained as a Samurai and Prosecutor. Franziska is also being trained to take up the Karma Samurai mantel one day, they go flying togther a lot.
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Nothing much changes in the Daliah/Early Ace Attorney area expect Mia is even more stressed because she still has to manage the Signal Samurai, minus the only other one with common sense. Oh and the Signal Samurai are now Earth's main protection since Karma and Steel disappeared.
Unfortunately Mia would still die since she didn't have her suit, but her chase would be much easier to solve since she knocked out most of Red White's teeth, and nearly broke his jaw form a single punch. Red White had surprise and a weapon is the main argument for why he could win but there is a strong argument that Mia should have survived.
At the end of Turnabout Goodbyes, after Manfred has all is lies exposed, he dawns his Karma Samurai suit on last time to try and tries to destroy the courthouse and probably the city. Unfortunately for him he transformed in front of ALL OF THE SIGNAL SAMURAI! Manfred doesn't stand a chance, especially with their teamwork being on point for the trial. After Manfred is dealt with the Signal Samurai have a moment to process all the identity reveals that just happened.
They are all upset, excited and shocked to find out the truth but resolve to make themselves a proper team again, even without Mia. Of course, after taking that picture, Mia reminds them that she is really gone.
That's all I got for now, feel free to ask me anything if you have questions. <3
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nashuriweek · 1 year
Nashuri Week 2023
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Welcome to the first ever Nashuri week taking place July 24-30 to celebrate Princess Shuri the Black Panther & Namor of Talokan/K’uk’ulkan the Feathered Serpent God!
Here are the prompts in full detail:
Day 1: Canon Divergence/Alternate Universe - It could’ve been different and now is your time to show how! Rewrite or redraw a scene that could’ve changed everything. Maybe Namor and Shuri travel to different timelines or through the multiverse! The possibilities are endless!
Day 2: Fluff/Angst - Do you have an idea in mind of the most heartwarming fluff, or the most heartbreaking angst when it comes to Nashuri? This is the day to bring it to life! 
Day 3: Soulmates/Gods & Goddesses - Do you believe in a string of fate that ties two souls together, or there could only be one true love that’s written in the stars? Perhaps you’ve always related Namor and Shuri to Hades and Persephone or other gods & goddesses. On this day, we would love to see your soulmate or god & goddess interpretation! 
Day 4: Historical / Supernatural - Let’s travel back in time! Do you want Namor and Shuri in a Game of Thrones type-setting? Nashuri falling in love at a famous music festival during the 70s/80s?  A nun falling for a vampire? A witch casting spells on the one who did her wrong? Show us your best historical/supernatural AU on this day! 
Day 5: Dystopian/Zombie Apocalypse- Are Namor and Shuri going to work together to find a cure, or battling it out for survival? What does the world look like above or below the sea after devastation? We can’t wait to see what kind of apocalypse you put Namor and Shuri up against! 
Day 6: Fairy Tale Retelling - Little Red Riding Hood, Beauty and the Beast, the Little Mermaid, the Princess and the Frog…think of your favorite fairytale and remix it with Nashuri! 
Day 7: Free Choice - You decide! Any prompt or idea you have of your own that you wish to do is welcomed as long as the main focus is Nashuri! 
All types of fan works welcomed! Art, fanfiction, edits, playlists, podcasts, aesthetics, etc.! All work must be new and created for this event specifically, so no reposting older work! 
Fan work  must focus on the couple Nashuri (Namor and Shuri). Other pairings are allowed, but Nashuri MUST be the focus. 
Fan work must be tagged with #nashuriweek and also @nashuriweek on both here and Twitter in order to be reblogged/retweeted! We want to include you but we have to be able to see you so don’t forget!
Tag appropriately! If your fan work includes heavy themes, make sure you tag everything it includes! 
All languages are welcome! We want everyone to feel included!
Ship & let ship! Don’t like it? Do not interact! It’s not that hard to be kind to others. This is a fun event for the Nashuri fandom and we want to keep it that way. Immediate blocking will be done to those causing issues for others. 
We will see you in July! Have fun with it and if there are any questions, message us here on Tumblr or on Twitter!
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tyrs-right-hand · 5 months
Leokumi Week Story Ideas
I was going to write a short story for each day of Leokumi Week this year, but unfortunately after coming up with the story ideas I haven’t had time to actually write anything!
But I was pretty happy with the ideas, so instead I’m just going to list them all here. I might still expand on them in the future… it just won’t be happening this week lol. I hope other people can have fun with them!
Day 1 - Winter: Leo is kidnapped in the dead of winter, and the assassins attempt to kill him by binding him and throwing him into an iced-over lake. He is rescued by Takumi, a merman who entered the lake via an opening to the sea, but is now trapped due to the ice and a blockage in the river system that connects the lake to the sea.
Day 2 - Celebrity AU: Leo tries to pick up the cute guy he just met at a bar; the guy seems interested, but he keeps giving Leo weird signals. Takumi, the bassist of a famous band, is used to being hit on by fans every time he goes out; he normally doesn’t reciprocate, but he’s intrigued when he realises this guy has no fucking clue who he is.
Day 3 - Angels and Demons: Takumi is assigned to Leo as his guardian angel. This turns out to be horrendous for his stress levels, because Leo is really into black magic, and keeps trying to sell his soul to demons for more power.
Day 4 - Strategy: Leo wants to court Takumi but is incapable of doing it like a normal fucking person. He comes up with a full play-by-play strategy for securing a date. It goes about as well as you’d think.
Day 5 - Accessory: Leo, a biologist, befriends Takumi, the eccentric but kind surfer who hangs out on the beach Leo has been conducting research on. Turns out, Takumi is not a surfer but a selkie. And Leo has no fucking clue and just thinks the fur Takumi has on him at all times is a weird accessory.
Day 6 - Nostalgia: Leo and Takumi were childhood friends but lost touch years ago. They run into each other as adults while out clubbing, where Takumi tries to pick Leo up without realising who he is.
Day 7 - Free Day: Leo, a dragon, kidnaps a human prince when his older sister dares him to. He plans on letting the prince go immediately after he’s proven he actually kidnapped someone. Takumi, however, decides he likes living with a dragon way better than he liked being a prince. Now Leo has to fight all these knights that keep turning up to save the prince.
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Hi! It's time for another fanfiction... And if you love crimes/solving crimes and a little hard detective Work this is the perfect one.🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️
Also, to see how Helen Hope B and mister detective Void meet for the first time click on this fanfiction as well:
This is set 6 months before detective Void got his mask, so he is an ordinary detective here.
Warning:If you hate/dislike snakes you better not read this!
This is actually the third part, the second i didn't wrote it yet 😅
I plan to make at least 10 fanfictions, they are not conan to the real detective Void lore, but for me they are because itis set in the same Universe...
The fourth part name is: The other side of the mirror
This fiction is set a month and 4 days later after the actually lore.
P. S:This fanfiction took the life out of me, lmao 🤣🤣🤣😅 Thank you for your support, you are the best sweet slice of cake!
Hope you like it!
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Title number: A box full of snakes-619
Fanfiction class:Euclid
Summary: 🐍🐍🐍👀Helen Hope B finds herself in a very strange case with none other than our favorite detective Void... 👀🐍🐍🐍
Disclaimer:I don't own detective Void, he is not my original character!! Find this cute original character on Youtube!!
The event was better than he hoped it It was the 15th anniversary of the company, a world-famous company, every guest had a good time, he was an old man at 62 years old with lots of responsibilities, one if his important guest madame Rossiya with her fiance mr Berliini, she was a lovely lady of about 47 years and he was the new director of a major Austrian bank just invited him at their table, they wanted to make a generous donation for the greenhouse where the exotic plants were keept, she was impressed by their colors and beauty, something worth conserve for the future.
Mr Greenmark also had been looking for him for sometime by now, the new reporters arrived and they wanted an exclusive report,it Was the moment everybody celebrate with a bath of confetti but in the moment the ceiling opened a male body not older than 49 years dropped, the wires nearly behead it...lt was a scene noone was gonna forget about too soon.
Three days later after the incident Mr Williard decided to open the tourist resort, 514 guests were invited all over the world, they have just received an operating permit from the emergency authorities, so all he had left to do Was to check the food, the lights if they were in the right position and of course the great speech which he wrote and rewritte all over again.
"Why so nervous old friend?"
Mr Greenmark was the second after Mr Williard in the great business, they have known each other since they were in their 30th.
Later that day the guests arrived, everyone were so excited, the good music, the lights, the atmosphere, some of them decided they will return again, the other already made up their mind to spend their honeymoon there, everything went well then it was time for the great speach however Mr Williard couldn't find his business partner Mr Greenmark anywhere and he made a gesture toward some staff to make a little search while he made his way to the microphone.
"Welcome to the Hazel willow tourist resort and also one of the largest laboratory where the anti-venom is prepared, we have a large range of anti-venom from at least 1471 species... The laboratory name is Lady-in-white such a beauty, and i am your host Mr Williard W. Monarch, my grandfather was a butterfly specialist, did his research on them all his life, clearly i choose something more dangerous. Enjoy your stay! I am ready to answer all your questions!"
"Sir, mister Greenmark is dead, sir in the west wing of the greenhouse...It's too horrible!"
Everybody turned their heads at the maiden that just come in while some of them gasped or returned a shocked gaze upon mr Williard, some of them even started to gossh, it was something neither of them would forget too soon.
"Poor fellow, being buried in a pile of venomous snakes... Now that is what we call a venomous karma death... All the bad blood between in and out you see...Well, till the police arrives we better check out our rooms for snakes and lock ourselves in them..."
"I agree, who knows who will become the next victim, poor mr Greenmark, rest in peace!"
People talked and gave opinions, that was everything you could heard in the next three hours, it was getting late and the luxury event waan't luxurious anymore after the macabre incident, yes, that is how they put it...Mr Williard was affected the most, two murders in the same place in such a short time, the police still investigated the other one, what a bad luck.
"Is everybody ready, well i would like to say a few words, now i know some of you are concern about all those snakes bites but we guarantee we are trying our best to control the situation, no snake can enter the resort, please don't panic. Now lot's of you asked me why this is happening well my opinion is that because of the hot sunny weather, the climate change, the rainy and dryness, snakes are active pradatory if they find food much easier they build their muscular mass, they shade more often and that creates a need for reproduction, with optimal conditions.The female snake can lay 20 to 60 eggs, in the wild the eggs don't usually survive so that is one of the reason of such many eggs, some of the eggs are infertile those are named slugs... Now it's time to identify some types of snakes like the coral snake, we have the picture in the left corner as you can see, the king Cobra on the right, you can see the beautiful head, magrove snake in the middle. "
"Mr Williard, may we have a moment... Your snake presentation was fascinating but i would like to know more about those snake accident..."
"Such a shame indeed, me and my good friends put a lot of efforts in this company, to be attacked by those creatures... What on Earth is going on?Imagine being bitten by a snake and then ended up hung, who would do such a thing and why?"
"Do you have a greenhouse, sir?"
"Oh yes, is where we keep some of the most rare flower species, my mother loved them, we are trying to protect them by giving them what they need, i am afraid that the ground quality had dropped in the past years. We need to be prepared for anything as humans. "
Helen was in her light blue dress, she looked for any sign of a potential anomaly on the guests that were coming, the heels was killing her, even if it was an elegant event she wish to have brought a pair of sneakers. It was some few moments later that she felt a hand on her shoulder, turning around Hope had found an interesting familiar face, this time he Was wearing a dark light mask which made her was sad a little, Hope considered the color of detective eyes very beautiful and unique, she couldn't understand why would detective Void choose to hide it.
"And what are you doing here? With another SCPs bussiness? This place is the last place i would expected to see SCP foundation members. "
Hope was taken back a little, the detective voice was a little cold and dark, that was strange for her, it was like he was there with her but still he was not.
She didn't wanted to make a scene, yes Hope was a little hurt, but it's not like she would actually admit it, It had to be diplomatic, the diplomacy was always the key to success.
"Look, i don't know why you are acting like a jerk, but not really...Well, yes, sort off... We intercepted some strange calls from this center being attacked by snakes..."
"Is that all? Is there something more about it and you won't tell me just because it is a foundation thing to do, who is the jerk now?"
"Why are you acting like this? You know very well if some objects are involve in this, how dangerous it can get... Clearly, you mister detective can't keep away from these anomalies..."
"It's nice to see how much you care!"
"I don't like it when people are getting hurt, i am trying to change something for the better..."
"You don't make such a good job..."
"Look forward mister detective, what do you see, those people are afraid, to think this all started two months ago when first Mr Williard found a strange gift box on his desk and when he opened it, it had sheded snake skin along with an actual dead venomous snake in it. Of course you don't have to believe me you can ask him in person. "
"Well, it's the moment we all have been looking for, before we end this i want to thank you all for all of your support even in those hard dark moments, on your seat you will find a box that is a gift from our company to you, dear guests, together we made a better year. I felt honored to be here with you today."
As everybody was preparing to open their gifts, looking at the box detective Void had a feeling about that, something told him to stay away from ot and his reflections kicked in.
"Wait a second, do not open the box! Hope the boxes now! "
Hope throw her gift box as well, the others were confused and some people started to scream, they could hear some kind of hiss coming and the first thing they thought was it might be a bomb.
"Those are taipan snakes, they are native from Australia."
"You know those snakes well, maybe we can work together, can i see the Laboratory where they recolt the venom from the snakes?"
The next day even When everybody took their breakfast the tension remain thick, the police told the Witnesses to remain in the building as if one or more of them could be the culprit behind all of those acts, they woldn't have been surprised even if they found a snake in their pot of tea.
"Chef inspector Daniel Sunrise and this is my young sergeant Jaxon, we are here to investigate the strange case of the snakes, we need your statement as well as your fingerprints, in this case everybody is a suspect, we are just doing our duty if you may follow us."
"Great, just great, please mister detective Void tell me you had worked with the police in the past... Now we have them on our tail too, great so freaky great. I am so tempted to use amnestics on them after all this is over, they could put us in the jail for something we didn't do...Oh, fuckk my life double it! "
"Hope don't be so drastic the police is not the problem here, we just need to be careful not to arouse suspicions, as far as they know we are cousins and that is all."
Detective Void and Hope could see that it was more to this story so they put aside the whatever Was going on and tried to work as a team, they both were mature enough, plus Hope felt much better with a familiar face, since she wasn't used to work alone, that and too many strangers.
"If you may take a seat, this should be quick, we still have 303 suspects to check them so first question is where were you at 8:21 pm this Tuesday?"
"I was with mister Gorenje talking about the big event that night unfortunately that was postponed because of the discovery and my cousin was waiting his turn for the karaoke number, you can ask our host, Mr Williard."
"Seems fine till now, let us see some ID cards, huh interesting seems like we have a private detective here, I swear that all detectives have this nature that anywhere they go, they will find a mysterious case."
"I would like to offer my assistance in this delicate situation."
"Fine by me, just don't mess up the scene, let us handle it and if you find anything let us know after all this is an official police department business not some detective work.Come on, send the next ones on the list, you two are free to go for now!"
"Ok, i am gonna put myself together! We have to work together to end this nightmare, like i said before those people are afraid, mr Williard is one of the nice people i have meet, always making sure others get their anti-venom if their life are in danger even if they can not afford it."
"Seems like I will take this case, with 4 murders in such a short time and 3 more victims, the police sure are not enough."
"Ahem, you won't be alone mister detective Void, i will help too, i always wanted to work with a detective in secret that is... I sincerely would love to."
"Fine by me, but no SCP foundation business...Also are you saying this only to make yourself feel a little better and find courage? "
"Is not like i can call them, if it's not an anomaly they don't care speaking between you and me and to answer your second question, it is an yes, snakes scares me."
"Great... Now lets find mr Williard office, somethong tells me that he is there, did he mentioned anything about the office?"
"Mr Williard i will take the case, along side with Ms Bright here, we will try to make everything in our power to find the culprit and help the police catch them."
"First thing first this has security cameras, right? I will go and see what the cameras caught and you Hope, i have a list of question s you may address of guests and stuff around here, maybe they saw something."
Thry have been searching and asking question for about an hour and 45 minutes till they finally meet again.
"Well, what did you find out, mister detective Void? Had any luck?"
"Well, not so much, it made me think that whoever is behind this knows well this place, but i found something interesting in mr Greenmark death. You see, mr Greenmark was all alone at the moment when it happened, noone was around but somehow he stumble upon a wire, i suppose it was a bit dark maybe he did not see it and the venomous snakes falls upon him."
"That is crazy indeed, maybe we did not find anything else because the police took the rest already, anyway i also found something interesting."
"I doubt chef inspector Sunrise would leave such an important evidence behind, so what have you found?"
"First Mr Williard and Mr Grinschmoire, the man who was the second death, had an argument two days before, a maid named Sylvia heard them and told the receptionist about it. Unfortunately, Sylvia has been missing for some time, everybody thinks she is sick or that she has left after the second murder..."
"That is strange, maybe Mr Williard hides something from us, he told us there was no trouble at all... And for this maid i wonder why nobody thought she could be dead as well till now?"
"Maybe we should call off today, mister detective Void, i'm tired from all this detective work...Hope you don't mind it but with so many snakes around here i'm feeling much safer with you."
"You can stay, it's not like i can make you leave in the first place, i will read all the answers and organize notes about everything we know so far."
"Goodnight and thank you!"
Even so, the truth was that Helen forgot to take a room, she though that she didn't need it in the first place, nearly almost 3 days without sleep, she just tried to be busy as a bee just to forget about something, anyway if she knows something about men Was that they have big egos.
"Good morning, ready for a new day? I woke up with this feeling which tells me that we are gonna find the last piece of clue to end it today, can not wait. "
"I just spoke with mr Williard, we have a new clue where we can search, i added to my agenda, are you ready for a trip Hope?"
while they were going detective Void saw a white-yellow substancs powder on a top of a rock, it was the same one found in the laboratory were some snakes were held captive, it was indeed odd to find it there since those snakes were caught in the opposite direction away from the place they were.
The door to the cottage was unlocked, but it was more like someone forcing entry, Scratch marks were present on the wooden door. So entering the cottage the two of them begone to search for anything usefull that may had lead them closer to the truth.
While searching detective Void tripped over a ditch almost would have fallen too if he didn't grab the first thing he could get his hands on, slowly revealing a nice nest full of eggs.
"Those eggs are tall, big and heavy, wonder which bird lays them?"
But he did not have time to find the answer When Hope started to speak, by the sound of her voice the detective notice she Was afraid of something.
"Mister detective, there is an anaconda... A 15 feet long life anaconda...Ahh!"
Her heart skip a beat, Hope was paralyzed by fear, the sharp snake tongue hissing at her and the huge opening mouth revealing its sharp fangs was a nightmare before her, she felt like a mouse.
Mister detective Void could see only the half of the body of the giant anaconda, the anaconda was in the position to strike probably it compare Hope with a heavy meal.
Before she knew it, Hope felt on a pile of something, the anaconda head look at her from above but the window Was too small for such a large body shape.
Helen couldn't open her eyes she still Was afraid, of course dealing with anomalies Was much easier for Hope, they have the technology and there were people she could count on, plus an anaconda that long could eat you in a second and you should know better than to provoke such a large snake.
"Am i dead? Am i in a belly of an anaconda?"
She did not dared to open her eyes yet till she felt a hand on her check, the detective wanted to make sure Hope was still alive and to assure her that there were no snakes near her, he sigh as for someone who was kissing the danger almost everyday Hope sure Was more pale than usual.
"No silly, you just passed out, come on, that anaconda won't bother anyone ever again!"
Hope slowly opened her eyes, finally he thought, they could move on, still she wanted to know What was hiding behind the pile on which she had landed.
A mountain of boxes beautifully arranged they were in front of them, and the detective knew, the only question remain Who brought them there?
"Well, at least we know what happened to the gifts that were suppose to be given, are you alright?"
Hope yawned, Who would have known that the cases were so energy-consuming, she looked at detective Void, clearly something was with him but she couldn't figure it out and it's not like they spoke about it. The poor detective must have been shocked too, that snake had been something she was sure they won't forget soon.
"Just a little dizzy, probably from that snake..."
"Put your hand around my shoulder mister detective, let me carry you, we come together, we leave together...ok?Just try to relax, you are too tense."
They reached the resort, mr Williard was waiting together with Karina also there was another police car near, they have been waiting for them.
"Do you need anything, water, are you hungry? I will speak with Mr Williard myself, promise me you will stay here."
"Incredible, an anaconda this tall takes some years and if they have enough food, what happened to the eggs? We can not let such a gene pass, having more anaconda like this it will destroy the eco-sistem."
"Yes, i know, we also found the gift boxes discarded and covered with an old blanket, we didn't found much i'm afraid.
Helen was in one of the dead point, if the detective was right this was the moment they finally catch the one responsable for the unfortunately incidents. It wasn't long before a shadow appear, it was fast, Hope had begun the chase...for her it Was now or never.
She had both of her guns with her, the suspect would have no escape from her, she was determined When she heard a bottle break, and initially thought it was detective Void.
"Well, what do we have here, i will take that... Do you recognize this remainder of broken shard, miss? I will only ask you once, judging by your face, I know you do so let's hear it! "
"I recognize it because i was in the kitchen before, but only because my detective cousin haven't a proper meal and i was worried for him! I told the Head chef if he could make some dumplings for detective Void, it was there when i saw the package with sealed champagne bottles to be given to Mr Williard guests in that evening. "
"How convenient that you just see these bottles, the same bottle with which my sergeant was hit in the head. What i am saying is that you both are liars, do you even know your so called detective cousin name, miss?"
"My name is Simon Angelo Smith, and my cousin Helen Hope Bright doesn't use my name when i do the whole detective work, please stop with this, you are on the wrong track here if you think she has anything to do with this attack!"
"That would make a cute story for children but i'm afraid the facts prove otherwise, hands behind your back miss, you are arrested!"
"Let her go, you have more important things like your sergeant laying bleeding on the floor."
"Hands up you, in the corner right now!I am the one who gives the order here, back in the corner."
"This situation is geting out of control, mister detective..."
They watched for more few seconds, there was when Hope used the B class amnestics on the inspector and his Sergeant, after they left the sergeant on the Infirmary, they put the inspector on a chair somewhere else for when he was going to wake up and left him there.
"There is nothing amnestics can't resolve, now the 24 hours are gone. So glad i have them with me."
Hope and detective Void decided to tell everything they know to Mr Williard, the poor old man was waiting for news like hot bread, the mam understood them and give them the keys.
As they split up again later that night Helen saw something moving, it was big and looked heavy, plus some pleople in uniform but trying to get closer another trap net full of snakes falls on her, lucky Hope knew exactly about it but the sound it made caught unwanted attention which forced her to flee from there.
"Mister detective Void, i saw something... Ah...Ugh, also i think one of the snakes bite me, i can not feel my leg anymore..."
The detective caught her, leaving Hope gently to the ground, then he took the out station he had at hand while trying to make sure the venom wouldn't spread any faster, mister Williard and a team of medics soon arrived after, Hope attempted to make some jokes, she didn't wanted to put more salt on the wound.
"Obviously for someone who got bitten by a venomous snake you are pretty chilling and vibing... Glad to see you are not the type who would scream their lungs out!" One of the paramedics said as a joke, it was nice to see someone agreeing with her, slowly turning her head in detective Void direction.
"See mister detective Void, i told you i am a tough cookie, not made of sugar...And why should i scream when i know everything will be fine, after all i have the best detective i could ever ask for right next to me and a dedicated rescue team!"
After a while only detective Void and mr Williard remain, the detective carefully planned the next move, he was very focus looking straight at the door, maybe it was time to put an end to this whole saga.
Mister Williard looked at the detective, him and the girl risked so much for the sake of his business and for the lives of the others, he had to encourage the young man somehow but didn't know how.
"It's lovely to see how much faith she has in you, as a young couple I assume...Don't worry we will keep an eye close to her, Hope is in good hand, now you can go and finish what you want to do."
Those words took him back, he slowly took two steps back, couldn't believe what he was hearing... Sure, he and Hope Were a little closer after all they have been through but a couple, the answer was simple: no.
"Am I that obvious?"
"It's just an old man thought, i used to be very protective of my sweetheart as well when i was young.When we, men, find the right person for us we don't know where is left and where is right anymore!"
"Alright, i am going to work on some paper, you know hospital related, don't move around too much, let the anti-venom do it's job and drink lots of liquid..." The nurse slowly put her hand on Hope left shoulder, encouraging Hope, while she left, Helen moved her head to the window, knowing the detective she couldn't stop being worried at what he might do all alone with the" vipers".
"Please be careful mister detective Void, don't get hurt!"
Detective Void enters the room, somehow he knows exactly what to expect, he didn't know how, he just did, the room colors gave him a headache and the smell of perfume, it wasn't like an ordinary criminal case where the walls were old and smelly with some visible mold.
"l must say i have found our marriage boring at one point, he was always looking at young women, do you know how boring that was? Even when it was our anniversary he couldn't take off his eyes of some maid ass or chest, made me sick...Tell me detective what would have been the point if we got divorced? why shouldn't i have all his money and even have more money from those sales? Elegance lies in snakeskin, shoes, coats, hats, purses, Wallets, i could have rule the world, me a woman, a fresh widow which doesn't give a penny for that weak pig cheater!"
"You bribe your husband and Mr Williard economic agent to do your dirty work just so you could eliminate him later. After you got what you wanted you left those papers in one of Mr Williard books as a clue for the police to find it later, so that they would thought he is the one responsable. Two birds with one stones!"
"Exactly detective and if you were smart enough, you would have left things just the way they are."
"Well, it turns out there's nothing more to say then..."
"Exactly. Goodbye detective!"
"What a wonderful terrifying experience we had, right mister detective? Also thank you for saving me again, i just can't keep my little tail out of trouble, don't I? So, um...would you like to meet more? It's not like you keep yourself out of the whole anomaly situations anyway..."
It's been a week since the police arrested Mrs Grinschmoire and the whole operation shut down, Hope felt better and she just finished her entire report of course without mention the detective, she knows Matei and Vivienne would not let her go that easy especially after she was bitten but Helen could live with that.
Chef inspector Sunrise and some other police fellow found the suspect in the middle of the room, her gun was five meters thrown away from Mrs Grinschmoire as she was on her knee looking like a crazy old lady, nobody could find an explanation, they also found a confesion voice recording type along side with money and a large snakeskin clothing range, soon after they found the rest of accomplices, unfortunately Sylvia was found dead.
"Speak for yourself, Hope i am busy..."
"Well, i tried, what can i say more? Just, try not to get yourself killed, alright? Hope we meet again, i can't wait for it, so much fun when you are around..."
"Before we take a different path again I feel like there is something else you want to say to me, your expression gives you away, so what is it?"
"I...Mister detective would you like to go and see... The next time we meet each other maybe we could go together and...Damn, it's much harder to say what i want to say... Look ok, since you like so much to... All those SCPs thing, maybe one day we could make a visit to this lovely place which is a SCP, it has an incredible view..."
"I have one question first:why me?"
"Because just don't ask, i don't have an aswer, i just want to show you the good part of the scps not only the bad one..."
"I will think about it and don't worry if i accept i will let you know after all i am a detective and i always have my ways."
"I would never thought the other way anyway, mister detective Void, till then take care, hope i will see you soon!"
They shook hands and then the door closed behind the detective, he had done well for now, sure never doubt himself ever again maybe after all this detective Void will find the right path to find what he has lost.
The end!
The simple drawing without text:
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dragonridernoobie · 22 days
if I search up papyrus x reader one more time and find only aus or sans x readers with a hint of papyrus I will go crazy. Could you write about how Papyrus (original) would react to you coming home with a cold? How he would take care of the reader and stuff?
Hell ya, I can agree, there should be more papyrus but I will try my best, I hope you like it!
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Papyrus X SickReader
After returning home, papyrus would greet you normally.
Hugs, kisses, and tell you everything he did today.
He will also make sure dinner was ready by the time you got home.
(Don't worry the food is eatable)
You two have been dating for years and he knows you pretty well.
He noticed somthing was up when you where slow at eating you're food.
He would ask and ask intel you say you aren't feeling well.
He would go super caring mode and pick you up, carry you to you're bedroom and put you in bed.
He would tell you to remain there so he can bring his famous soup.
Once he returns, he would help you eat if you where to weak.
He would be spot on with the medicine.
Like, he would wake you up at 2am to take the medicine again since it's been exactly 6 hours.
He would not let you leave the bed unless you needed the restroom.
I can see him putting up bone walls if you even dared to move around while sick.
He would do everything and more.
Once you are better, he will celebrate with his famous spegettie.
But....what if the roles where Reversed?????? >_>
I think you would noticed somthing was up with papyrus after a few days of taking of you when you where sick.
He would be less energetic and actally lost his appetite for spegettie.
You would corner him and make him confess what's up.
He would tell you he wasent feeling well but not to worry.
Lies, you drag his ass to bed and keep him there.
You would take his temperature, make him soup, make him take his medicine, make sure he was comfortable, everything.
You would not forbid him to move.
He might be energetic but he needs to rest.
You will force this by guarding the bed with a pillow.
Hitting him everytime he tries to get up.
You don't believe his bullshit story of hik needing the restroom.
At one point, he probably tried calling his brother for help and said you where keeping him hostage.
When sans figured out the real deal, he would just leave, saying "ya, my brother needs some rest"
Traitor- papyrus
He would take his medicine on time since you can't stay up 24 hours to make sure.
He loves you even more.
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nocompromise-noregrets · 10 months
Writers' Month 2023 Masterlist
Thank you as always to the mods of @writersmonth, one of my favourite events, to everyone who prompted me this year, and to everyone who kudos'd, commented, liked and reblogged!
1 blossom and on an island - An Outcrop of Rocks and Grass for @spiced-wine-fic - Rings of Power, Bronwyn and Arondir spot a potential settling place.
2. camping - and we will carry on - Hobbit, modern reincarnation AU, Bard takes the kids camping, in the hope that the place he found last time will help them recover from their loss.
3. festival - She's So Fine - Hobbit, modern heavy metal AU, Sigrid isn't quite sure what she's doing when she invites the rest of Thranduil's band back to their campsite, after Thranduil's dragged her da off into the darkness, especially because Thranduil's bass player is the most beautiful woman she's ever laid eyes on.
4. memories - Everything We Have Learned for @verecunda and @glorf1ndel - LotR/Hobbit, part of My Heart Is An Empty Vessel, Legolas and his father begin to talk about his mother at long last.
5. sun and poolside - Summer Sun - King Arthur (2004), one uncomfortably hot day, the people of the fortress take a trip north of the Wall.
6. surf - Ride the Waves for @antares0606 and @bae-owyn - LotR, part of A Little Piece of the Sea, Imrahil tells Legolas of a popular pastime among the young (and not-so-young) of Dol Amroth.
7. in the mountains - A Silver Ribbon and the Sea for @spiced-wine-fic - Rings of Power, Bronwyn on the journey to Pelargir.
8. fishing - One of Us - Fishermen's Friends, Morgan joins Jim on the boat one morning, and they figure out his place in the band.
9. warmth and home for the summer - Fresh Water for @spiced-wine-fic - Rings of Power, Bronwyn, Arondir and Theo investigate the island across the bay from Pelargir.
10. sandcastle and lifeguard AU - Unpredictable for @eowyn7023 - Hobbit, Sigrid meets a very nice lifeguard when Tilda gets into trouble swimming in the Long Lake.
11. sweat - Like A World Ending - Peaky Blinders, Arthur Shelby never came home from France, not in any of the ways that matter.
12. lemonade and band AU - Walk of Shame for @scary-grace - Hobbit, modern heavy metal AU, Bard hadn’t been looking forward to doing the walk of shame back to the campsite from Thranduil’s tour bus, but having company does take some of the edge off it - although given that the company is his eldest daughter, he isn’t entirely certain how to feel about it.
13. fan and cruise ship - A Fan for the Stage for @myeaglesong - Hobbit, modern heavy metal AU, Thranduil's band is booked on a metal cruise, and Bard and co are invited along.
14. bonfire - A Talisman for @redeemer46 - Hobbit, part of My Heart Is An Empty Vessel, Thranduil has never quite been able to understand why the people of Dale kept the Midsummer bonfire as part of their celebrations, after what happened to their old home.
15. blue and neighbourhood barbecue - Better Late Than Never for @antares0606 - Hobbit, part of the modern AU A Kiss In The Cold And Dark, at a street party for the coronation, Thranduil gets to know some of Bard's friends, and makes a decision.
16. energy - Ash and Dust for @piyo-13 - LotR, the twins are so tired of their endless quest for revenge, but they can't admit it to each other, and they can't stop.
17. at a wedding - Court Etiquette for @inthecrevicesofmycrispytoes - Hobbit, Thranduil is very bored at the wedding of Thorin Oakenshield and Bilbo Baggins, but then he meets the new King of Dale, who has never been to one of these events before.
18. restaurant AU - Mr Underhill's Finest Seafood Specialities for CyanSoul on AO3 - LotR/Hobbit, Frodo is flustered to realise that famous food critic Thorin Oakenshield has booked a table at his Uncle Bilbo's seafood restaurant. Not nearly as flustered as his Uncle Bilbo, though, it turns out.
19. cloud, Passing Shadow - LotR, the twins take a moment to rest, after the end of the War of the Ring.
20. fireworks - A Rain of Coloured Stars for @myeaglesong - LotR, on the slopes of Mount Doom, Frodo has a brief, bright memory of home, before the Ring came into his life and changed it beyond repair.
21. hammock - Outwitted - LotR, the twins have a habit of hogging Glorfindel's hammock, but Glorfindel doesn't really mind all that much.
22. human/non-human AU - Rewilding for CyanSoul on AO3 - LotR, modern merpeople AU, Faramir, recovering from the loss of his brother and his father in the wake of Eye-Corp's failed attempt to ruin their seaside home with a giant golf course and marina, meets a strange woman swimming in the sea near his uncle's island home... (CyanSoul tells me this is the first mermaid!Éowyn fic on AO3! :D )
23. storm and in the woods - always played a part for @scary-grace and @spiced-wine-fic - Hobbit, modern reincarnation AU, Thranduil watches Bard's children exploring the ruins of his home, and marvels at how alike they are to their predecessors, how much he has missed them.
24. summer - Climbing Upwards for @spiced-wine-fic - Rings of Power, Bronwyn and Arondir, in their first full summer on the island, contemplate the future, and Arondir gives their new settlement a name.
25. relax and at a concert - floating high above for @eowyn7023 - Hobbit, modern heavy metal AU, Sigrid, at a really sensational rock show, takes a moment to drift off, thinking of how great her life is just now.
26. found - the tale as it is told for Anon (if you have an AO3 please let me know, I'd love to make this a gift to you!) - LotR, Imrahil tells Legolas how Dol Amroth was founded and named.
27. on the beach - a treaty of friendship and love for @verecunda - LotR, part of A Little Piece of the Sea, Legolas has a conversation with Imrahil's grandson Alphros, and another with Lothíriel, about Imrahil's sons' disdain for him.
28. bright and mythological AU - Restoration for CyanSoul on AO3 and Anon on here (if you have an AO3 please let me know, I'd love to make this a gift to you!) - LotR, modern merpeople AU, Faramir adjusts to having a mermaid for a - well, 'girlfriend' isn't the right word, and he's still not quite sure what is.
29. fireflies and at a cabin - Honey-Cakes and Mead for @sallysavestheday - LotR/Silmarillion, Glorfindel and Ecthelion, reunited, pass a quiet evening in Valinor.
30. happy and children - little sunshine for Anon (if you have an AO3 please let me know, I'd love to make this a gift to you!) - LotR/Hobbit, Thranduil and little Legolas encounter a deer and her fawn, and Thranduil learns that there is still happiness in his world, although his wife is gone.
31. fall and at a hotel - Another Night in Room 305 - Hobbit, modern AU, Bard has to go home at the end of his conference, but hopefully he and Thranduil will be able to stay in touch…
31 fics for 31 days, 38,483 words (phew!) - back next year!
Next from me: Innumerable Stars 2023, and a fic whose premise came to me in a dream. :D
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pollyna · 2 years
Flufftober 2022
I promised myself no angst for a couple of days, like not at all, so let's try this lol
These are just prompts, i can't promise i'm going to write a single story past this point, considering that it was supposed to be for october and not november but who knows.🤷🏻‍♀️ 
1. Wearing Each Other’s Clothes: It's starts with a shirt with a dumb print on and it doesn't really ends anywhere. (Goose/Slider, sharing clothes during the years);
2. "You’ve told your parents?": To my granma 'lie, but yeah. I told her. (Halo/Phoenix, Nat's granma and her sweet tea are the reason Callie doesn't want to come back);
3. Thick as Thieves: Penny knows them all and Sarah loves to gossip. (Penny Benjiamin & Sarah Kazansky, forties are the new twenty and all the shit none of them believes in);
4. Supporting Silly Quirks/Hobbies: Mickey likes to collect the smallest action figures of his favourite characters. 'Ben likes spending the day walking around. It's a win win. (Fanboy/Payback, 'Ben has to remember Mickey to put sunscreen on at least four times during the day, it always gets a kiss after);
5. "Oh no, you’re a Morning Person!": Neil is a morning person, Bob is really not. (Bob&Omaha, how to work around a new queer platonic relationship and make your partner stay in bed after six);
6. Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights: Amelia loves fairy lights, and Charlie knows the perfect place and what to buy her for her birthday (Charlie & Amelia; charliepenny implied);
7. Movie Marathon: Ice likes sci-fi, Slider never saw one. The cinema, three streets from the Academy, offers the perfect opportunity to remedy that. Mother Goose offers caramel popcorn and witty comments. (Iceman & Slider & Goose, academy era)
8. Shooting Stars: Carole takes Bradley to see the stars when neither of them can sleep (Carole & Bradley)
9. Game Day (Sports): they can't decide which one is the best time, in normal times, but when the Navy is playing? all hands on deck and fuck the Army ('86 class and their barbecue)
10. Love Language: Learning ASL is probably more complicated than all the math he does when he's flying. But the way his husband smiles at him when he sings back good morning makes all the work feel like a walk in the park (Icema/Maverick; post-cancer arc);
11. Poetry, Art, Music, Craft: Fritz likes to paint, and a small gallery decided to expose some of them, the daggers put their best clothes to go and see it. (Fritz & the daggers; they are the bestest of friends; found family);
12. "You kept this?": Mav puts his scarf around Ice's neck during a deployment in the middle of ocean because Tom forgot his. Twenty years later, Mav finds the scarf again, in on of his husband's drawers. (Iceman/Maverick).
13. Secret Family Recipe: Ice teaches him how to make his famous pie which becomes Bradley's comfort food. (Iceman & Rooster; father-son relationship);
14. Truth or Dare/20 Questions:
15. Accidents don't just happen accidentally: Warlock is always sitting in the seat to Bernie's right. Doesn't matter how full or empty the class is (Warlock/Hondo; au- university);
16. "I hate you" – "I love you too": Cyclone would like to not be part of it, but apparently he had to assist to the strangest love declaration of the world (Hangman/Rooster; poor Cy);
17. Animal Shelter: the story of how Hollywood and Wolfman ended up adopting a turtle. (Hollywood/Wolfman, retold by Sunny because it's funnier this way);
18. Soulmate AU: They don't need to look down to know they found each other (Iceman/Maverick; enemies to lovers);
19. Hot Chocolate: Carole likes to treat herself with a cup of hot chocolate sometimes. She likes even more to share it with Goose and Slider. (Carole/Goose/Slider; domesticity; good days to celebrate);
20. Bedtime Stories: Chipper as the wildest bedtime stories for Bradley and Goose doesn't know where he takes them (Chipper & baby Bradley; Goose);
21. Kiss for Good Luck: 2011 and Mav is going to fly away in less than thirty seconds. Tom takes the first step and says "i'm going to kiss you for good luck", Mav laughs and kisses him a second time. (Iceman/Maverick; first public kiss after the DADT was repealed);
22. "Have you heard?":
23. POV Outsider: Charlie is sorely confused by the scene in front of her. (Slider/Goose/Carole; they're dancing together, ain't that complicated lol);
24. All the Hugs: Javy is the one who gives the best hugs, but sometimes Javy needs to be hugged too. (Coyote & The Daggers; they're going to hug all javy's problems away);
25. First Dance: The song is cheesy and Nat's cheeks hurt for how much she's smiling (Phoenix/Halo; just married).
26. Blankets: Logan takes a particular blanket with him everywhere he goes and doesn't share it with anyone. Than Brigham, his posh name and his even posher callsign, comes around and Yale just pass it like it's nothing. (Yale/Harvard; cuddling);
27. Reunion: They meet in the middle of sky, Mav on his plane, Ice, Carole and Goose on a cloud. It feels like getting home (canon top gun: maverick; while going down mav sees them all and spends time with them; mav&goose&carole; mav&ice);
28. Picnic: Sunny invites Chip out for a picnic, and they end up sharing their lunch with a dog (Sunny/Chip; a cute doggo);
29. Leaves: Javy's mom has an impressive collection of leaves crown with Jack and Javy's name on. (Hangman & Coyote; childhood friendship; Javy's mom)
30. Dear Diary: , today I saw the most beautiful man on the face of the Earth with the worst moustache someone could have ever thought about. (Carole/Goose; first meeting)
31. A Sweet Treat: Halloween is his favourite holiday for two reasons: his uncles' crazy costumes and candies! (baby goose+ flyboy uncles)
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lire-casander · 2 years
forever in a second too short (home is a heartbeat)
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here it is! my contribution to @911lsbb! i hope you're ready for a ride! chapters will be posted once a day for twelve days. are you ready?
on ao3
chapter #1: intro — on tumblr
chapter #2: first verse — on tumblr
chapter #3: first pre-chorus — on tumblr
chapter #4: first chorus — on tumblr
chapter #5: second verse — on tumblr
chapter #6: second pre-chorus — on tumblr
chapter #7: second chorus — on tumblr
chapter #8: solo — on tumblr
chapter #9: bridge — on tumblr
chapter #10: third pre-chorus — on tumblr
chapter #11: third chorus — on tumblr
chapter #12: outro — on tumblr
pairings: tk strand/carlos reyes, judd ryder/grace ryder, nancy gillian/mateo chavez, paul strickland/marjan marwani
characters: tk strand, carlos reyes, jonah, owen strand, enzo, judd ryder, grace ryder, nancy gillian, tommy vega, mateo chavez, paul strickland, marjan marwani, izzie vega, evie vega, gabriel reyes, andrea reyes, mitchell, alex, original child characters, original characters
warnings: alternate universe — au, alternate universe — with kids, alternate universe — future fic, alternate universe — school teacher, alternate universe — celebrity, alternate universe — movie, alternate universe — marry me (2022), vaguely inspired by the movie, angst, fluff, cheating (not between tarlos), past/reference drug addiction, grief, references to sister act 2, mentions of death, mentions of accidents, breakup, emotional hurt/comfort, fake dating, more tags to be added
disclaimer: the opinions expressed by certain characters in this work of fiction are not shared by the author.  
rating: teen and up audiences
summary: tk strand is a famous singer who’s about to marry his beau alex fletcher onstage in front of around twenty million fans. carlos reyes is a teacher whose whole live revolves around his twelve-year-old daughter and his classes. when tk’s wedding ceremony goes south because of a video of alex cheating on tk with his assistant, their lives become a tangled mess. as they wade through life together by a whim of fate, carlos and tk learn to move forward from a past that haunts them both and into a future that could be everything they wanted it to be, if they just allowed themselves to be happy.
fun facts about writing this fic!
i’ve used transcripts for both the movie and some episodes of the show. here you have the links!
* marry me
* 911 lone star s01e01
* 911 lone star s01e03
* 911 lone star s01e10
* 911 lone star s02e04
* 911 lone star s02e14
* 911 lone star s03e02
* 911 lone star s03e04
* 911 lone star s03e07
* 911 lone star s03e08
* 911 lone star s03e18
the duet song tk dedicates to carlos is an english adaptation of ricky martin and reik’s a veces bien y a veces mal. official video and lyrics can be found here. translation/adaptation made by yours truly.
the time difference between nyc and tokyo is 14 hours, meaning that it’s almost always tomorrow in japan, just like jonah says.
some of this was inspired by @dangermagnetstrand’s post  
marriages don’t need to be registered in nyc unless the marriage license has been issued by one of their offices.  
the monastery of leyre exists, and it’s located in navarra (spain). you can visit its webpage here. 
there is a playlist that i kept adding to while writing this fic. if you want to, you can listen to it here.
thank you end notes: this wouldn’t have been possible without the help and support and hand-holding of some amazing people in my life. please take a seat and grab some tissues, because the emotional fest begins right here!
vicky (@tarlos-spain) → ¿qué puedo decir? si no hubiera sido por tu idea de montar un big bang esta historia nunca habría nacido. sin ti, la última parte de esta historia sería muy diferente, y lo sabes; necesitaba una idea para acabar la historia de la mejor manera posible, y tú estabas ahí cuando yo buscaba a alguien que me quitara la idea de la cabeza… aunque lo que pasó fue que no solo no me la quitaste de la cabeza: ¡la hiciste crecer! muchas gracias por tu apoyo, por escucharme cuando necesitaba desahogarme y por estar siempre ahí.
martina → non so cosa dire, davvero. incontrarti quest'anno è stata una di quelle cose che non mi aspettavo ma che mi hanno piacevolmente sorpreso, e sono così grata a vicki per essere entrata nella mia vita e averti portata con sé. lavorare con te alla grafica di questa fic è stato un piacere; poter contare su di te al di là del fandom è una benedizione. grazie mille per essere ciò che sei e per aver condiviso il tuo talento con me!
noxy (@noxsoulmate) → you’re a beautiful soul, my dear friend. you offering to help me with this monster was a nice surprise, because i for once wasn’t planning on asking for help. you know i love to try things without help, and sometimes that’s not good. you were there when this fic hit a low point halfway through writing it, and you helped me back on my feet and encouraged me to keep writing it. without you, without your help and your support and your strength, this wouldn’t be what it is today, and for that (and for you) i am forever grateful.
holly (@morganaspendragonss) -> you truly are the pain to my angst. i love how much you love angst and pain in fiction, and i love how you always encourage me to write angstier fics. you also demand a fix-it from me, which is always good because then you have the full experience. i wouldn’t have finished this without your support and your help during the last stretch. you are a wonderful soul and i am so happy to have had the privilege of meeting you 
ll (@doublel27) → thanks for the cheering and the enthusiasm when you learned what this was! your support through all the wip wednesdays and six sentence sundays has been epic! but also epic was your hand-holding when i wanted to give up and leave this project aside because of a rocky middle… you’re an amazing friend.
brit (@moviegeek03) → thank you so much for your endless support, for your words of encouragement and for your editing when it seemed like i was translating straight from spanish into english. and special thanks for your hand-holding during the worst part of writing this, when halfway through it and with 20k+ written i was faced with whether to keep writing it or leave it. i wouldn’t have made this without you.
melo (@meloingly) → there are no words, my dear friend. you’ve always been by my side, ready to cheer me on and call me on my bluff whenever i said i couldn’t do something. you’ve always got an unwavering faith in me, and it’s thanks to you that i keep writing. i would have stopped if i hadn’t had you right at the other side of the screen, telling me that my writing was worth it. that i was worth it. thank you for always being your amazing self.
jillian (@marjansmarwani) → thank you so much for your input on schools in ny and how jonah and leyre could attend the same school while keeping carlos as jonah’s teacher and the advisor for the math team. i’m so glad you could help me and guide me through this particular issue within the fic.
ashley (@alilypea) → i don’t know what to say. you’re just this amazing human being who i am lucky enough to call soulmate. i hope you know that your support means a lot to me, and that your hand-holding while i wrote this (or, more accurately, word-vomited this story into a gdoc) has saved me from scraping the whole story more than once. you saying that my words are good is the highest praise of them all.
antania (@dangermagnetstrand) → thank you very much for the post that started it all! without it, i would have never even thought about writing a story about a singer-songwriter and his lovely boyfriend.
dani (@daniela-bella), jenny (@alidravana), ej (@ravens-words), alice (@aliceschuyler), jenny (@laelipoo) & ac (@breannacasey) → thank you so much for helping me with little details such as news stations and names of songwriters and for listening to me when i ranted about writing a monster, and also for the sprints! half of this wouldn’t have been done without those sprints! you’re definitely the best cheerleaders i could have ever asked for!
jesco0307, didou180386 and the rest of my faithful readers → thank you so much for reading, leaving kudos, commenting and subscribing to this monster! it fills my heart with so much love and amazement. you’re the best!
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burstingsunrise · 1 year
2022 Writing Evaluation
thanks for the tag bella @clumsyclifford​! thinking about writing and stats is weird for me in a lot of ways right now but I thought this might be a nice way to try to reflect on it in a constructive way.
1. number of stories posted on ao3: 21
2. word count posted for this year: 341,517
3. fandoms i wrote for: 5sos
4. pairings: cake, muke (I know what I like)
5. story with the most kudos/bookmarks/comments: 
Kudos - for real
Comments - this city screams your name (which makes sense because chapters) but then there’s a massive drop to a ton of fics that all have about the same amount.
Bookmarks - new shapes and for real are tied
6. work i’m most proud of (and why): 
hmm. I think probably for real? It’s the longest fic I’ve ever written and one of the few this year that generally came fairly easily for me overall. i really thrive in a world where I can just describe Luke in a way that feels very true to actual Luke but also am scared of canon friends to lovers, so famous aus are a sweet spot.
And I guess maybe interlude too, because I hadn’t really done a “big” muke fic in a long time, and it was challenging, but in an overall rewarding way.
7. work i’m least proud of (and why): 
I guess I don’t often feel good about a fic before I post it these days, but there’s not necessarily one that stands out here as something I’m least proud of. 
I’ve posted a few fics this year that have just been lingering wips I managed to wrap up, and they tend to feel the most incomplete to me, like lowercases and capitals and keep these dreams. I feel like you can tell that I originally wanted more for them and just didn’t have the inspiration to make it happen.
8. share or describe a favorite review you received:
Meg read my muke! And made a meme!
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9. a time when writing was really, really hard:
It’s been hard all year. Especially the second half of it, there were multiple times I wasn’t sure I’d ever finish another fic. And I’m still kind of in that space of…I’ll keep trying to write, but I can’t guarantee anything will get done. 
I think some of that is just because after writing for the same fandom for a certain amount of time, it’s kind of hard not to just feel like you’re repeating yourself, which saps inspiration. There’s also so little engagement with fic these days that it’s hard to actually tell if your writing is any good, which makes motivation difficult for people like me who don’t write specifically for engagement but DO have a strong desire to Be Good.
That said, I’ve still managed to post a lot of content, so the way my brain is processing this isn’t necessarily in sync with reality, and that’s something I can try to be aware of and try to reframe when I get in my head about it.
Above paragraph brought to you by meg encouraging me to be positive and celebrate the work I’ve done this year.
10. a scene or character you wrote that surprised you: 
Maybe comfortable silence Luke. He really turned into something a lot more nuanced than I expected. 
that fic in general became a lot different and more than i expected. it wound up being maybe the most “real” thing i’ve ever written and ever will write.
11. a favorite excerpt of your writing: 
Oh god. um. That would require me to remember what I write. I literally have no idea. There are some scenes that stand out, like the beginning of for real when calum and luke meet for the first time at the coffee shop, and the porch scene in new shapes.
12. how did you grow as a writer this year? 
I’m not sure that I did. And I don’t mean that in a bad way necessarily. I just feel like I fell into a groove in 2022 and have not really grown but am also quite comfortable in my groove.
13. how do you hope to grow next year? 
I think to grow as a writer I need to work on my perspective in terms of what counts as “success,” what are reasonable expectations to have for myself, and learning how to be better about dealing with the times I don’t feel inspired. Figuring out how to do that in a more constructive way mentally.
And, in answering the next question, I thought of another thing - I tend to assume people don’t want to hear about my writing unless they ask directly. So I stew in things a lot. I get stuck, I get frustrated, and I feel like no one cares, so I just don’t talk about it. But when I do manage to talk about it with the right people (see below), it’s always helpful. so maybe trying to get out of my own head more and be more proactively open about my writing.
14. who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc)?
Meg @kaleidoscopeminds​. It’s meg. In so many ways. Not just in terms of supporting and encouraging my writing and helping me through sticky spots, but also being my audience. Like even if no one else reads a fic, I know meg will, and that makes it worth posting.
Aria @calumthoodshands​ has also been a key influence here by being an idea machine, always prepared with suggestions. Not to mention the moodboard she made for comfortable silence before it was finished, which ended up inspiring several scenes in the fic.
15. anything from your real life show up in your writing this year? 
there’s at least one fic that’s very specific to personal experiences in many ways, but I think generally the way real life sneaks into my fics is through little details. Things that have happened to me, things that have happened to someone I know, or just things that I talked about with someone. Like in the spirit is the direct result of a “real” conversation with meg, even if nothing in it is remotely real.
16. any new wisdom you can share with other writers? 
I think last year I talked about writing something even if it means writing out of order or jumping between docs. And I still think that’s good advice for a lot of writers.
Beyond that though…this year has been all about learning to create in an environment where it doesn’t feel like the content is really being consumed. Finding ways to be okay with sending a fic out into the world and not really knowing how it’s received. Which is something I’m still working on.
17. any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year? 
This is going to sound more negative than it is - but not really, no! I have a couple WIPs that I might at some point get inspired to finish - including podcast cake! But I have no big ideas for new fics, and I don’t have anything I’m currently working on that I feel enough strong inspiration about that I’m confident I’ll finish. 
But you never know when something will hit, and there’s something nice about the sense of possibility there.
18. tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: 
@ashtcnirwin @calumthoodshands @daydadahlias​ @crossedwiress​
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alterwriting · 1 month
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primary - on penacony - au possible - she / her
* // robin headcanons
I write Robin as a young adult in human years, around 23 to 25 years old.
For Robin, since music has evolved from her hobby into her job, she carefully tries to balance singing professionally and for herself. There had been times when singing did not bring her joy anymore, a condition she seeks to prevent from occuring again. Therefore, she kindly rejects performance requests if it feels like her schedule is overflowing; when she is alone, she mostly hums to herself instead of singing.
Being followed by reporters every single day caused some form of paranoia within her. She will always lock her door if she seeks some privacy, close the windows and shades, and check for hidden cameras. It is quite exhausting at times.
As a famous person on Penacony it is quite difficult to form proper bonds or find friends. Whereever she goes there are people asking her for autographs, for song requests, or interviews. It is like they are only seeing the songstress, not the person. This is mainly the reason why she specifically enjoys the company of people who treat her like Robin first and foremost, and not like a celebrity.
When producing a song, for Robin the most important part is the feeling she wishes to convey. Second comes the message, and only after that the commercial success. It is a privilege she can enjoy due to her already existing status and The Family's support.
She is able to play the piano, violin, cello, flute, guitar, and has minor skills on the drums and trumpet. Some insturments in her songs were also played and recorded by herself. Aside from that, she is also familiar with a couple of different types of dances, such as ballet,
Robin likes collecting songs. If traveling to a different planet, she will try to visit a town or village and collect melodies or songs. When she feels a sense of anxiety about her responsibilities, she finds listening to the songs of others very calming. It also means that she has an ever growing and already too big collection of tapes...
Her singing teachers were always very strict with her, which is the reason why she may sell herself short if met with extreme praise.
The wound she got from a bullet on Kasbelina-VIII is always well hidden under a scarf. She has a variety of colors in order to match her outfit. If it was her decision, she would not hide it, but she was asked to cover it as to not raise concern from her fans.
Although it can be fun at times, Robin doesn't really like all the work that doesn't include her singing. Posing for magazines, smiling for commercials, or the like don't really interest her. She does enjoy playing roles in movies, though.
The type of person who can hear a horror story and still draw a positive message from it. Her favorite genre are romance novels and movies, though. She is not one to fall in love easily, but she enjoys watching people feel the warmth of love.
for some references on which kind of movies she has already played in, please refer to the following examples: ref 1 | ref 2 | ref 3 | ref 4 | ref 5 | ref 6 | ref 7 | ref 8 | ref 9.
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maguro13-2 · 6 months
The Dark Beginnings ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 0 Pt.6 ~
"In the Summer of 1998..."
"Tokyo, Japan..."
[On the Way Back - Tomoko Sasaki, Yutaka Minobe]
Lain : Hey, Alice. Thank you for taking me out for dinner on my birthday. Having a meal with you would be a special treat for me. I hardly accepted my appreciation towards and I always count on your trust. After all, I am a girl who hardly recognized to get into technology and I always could use a shower or bath time as a part of my routine.
Alice : Sure, Lain. Whatever you say. We hardly recognized that all of that technology had made you alot smarter. Guess you are such a weird girl after all. Just because think you're austistic, doesn't mean one thing. How are you gonna live for yourself if anybody or anyone isn't there for you? A
Lain : Try to regain my conscious with society hanging around. I didn't bitter it just to make things better and it's good that we have ourselves in common. Just the two of us.
Alice : Yeah, just the two of us. I even kinda like that song I heard that I got you a Gunpla of your own and it's a gift. I call this one Deathscythe.
Lain : Deathscythe?
Alice : Yeah, it's the name of that robot from that smash hit series Gundam Wing, a TV-Show from 1995. You've know that show since you were a kid. Do you remember that show? You saw a guy named Duo piloting the one and only Deathscythe. He must be your dream boy to be your groom one day.
Lain : Alice, that could be sweet of me, I never thought that I would get carried and--(blushes) A-Alice, you didn't have to tell me that! I could get so nervous and I hardly to understand what love feels like! Just get don't get carried away, I only like Duo and I was not even a fan to giant machines. Although I am an interest to him.
"This is Lain Iwakura, a 14 year-old prodigy who is said to be an autistic somebody that is closer to her friends. She is one of the first characters create by Yoshitoshi Abe and is the star of her titular TV-show called Serial Experiments Lain."
"But not as autistic as may be, but she became a famous with technology and was a given a nickname of herself called The Wired Girl. But to keep everything a secret, Lain sheds her identity as the wired girl to gain information about the world by connecting to the Via Network System called LAN. Oddly enough, she became very powerful for her advantage of using technology as a genius of gathering data. Everything worked out for her secrecy until one day. Everything changed in 1998...The year that we'll never forget it."
Alice : Today that you just turned 14 this year, so I giving you something for you to celebrate.
Lain : So Alice, I was wondering if that man named Duo would ever make me as his--
Alice : Hey, what's going on? Why are the clouds covering up the setting sun? Did the weather man said anything about a storm coming in? Oh god, that's no storm that the weather man told us.
Lain : I don't think it's raining pourly. I believe that's a floating Skull coming from the clouds!
Alice : Floating skull? What floating skull?
[Skull Gang Theme - Shogo Sakai]
Necrodeus : At long last, I didn't think that the star warrior would be here on this wretched planet he call it "Earth". Must be a pristine plane for him to call it Real World AU. Very well, I shall make this planet to cover everything in Darkness starting with Japan!
Necrodeus : Impudent Fools! Hear ye mortals! You are all weaklings of this planet and shall face the wrath of Necrodeus! Come out, Star Warrior! Come out and face me like you're really made of! Go, my servants! Attack this wretched city and search the Star Warrior! We shall cover this world with the true powers of darkness itself!
(an army of the Skull Gang appears and starts terrorizing the city)
Tokyo Citizen C : Let's get out of here! (Screams in panic)
Alice : Oh no! This is bad! Really bad! Lain, come on, we gotta go!
Lain : It look so real. A floating Skull with a secpter.
Alice : Lain! Didn't you hear what I said!? We gotta go! (Grabs Lain's hand and starts running)
Lain : O-Okay!
Alice : Hurry, Lain! This way! We have to find a way and get out of here! There's too many bad guys and there attacking the city!
Lain : What about our friends? What happened to our friends!
Skullseer : (laughs Evilly) I'll enjoy making these puny earthlings, suffer!
(Policeman screaming)
Alice : Damn! Even the police are getting out of hand! There's no way that any of us have defensive weapons to defend ourselves! We're completely useless!
Skullseer : Where do you think you're going, girlies?
Alice : Oh no! We're surrounded! But I have least got a weapon to defend myself! (Holds out a bat and starts attacking the floating skulls) Lain! Stay there! I'll go for these guys!
Skullseer : You think your feeble attacks will stop me!? Ha! Not even the best kind of weapon to choose for melee and combat!
Alice : Well, it's pretty good for some self defense! This thing did come in handy!
Skullseer : (laughs Evilly) So much for a bunch of girls who stayed out as love birds, although it would be pity for you stand up against the great Necrodeus that holds the key to Darkness and wit it, all of this world shall be his new domain and he will make you humans as slaves! Now then...How about we should start with you first.
Alice : Lain! This might be a tough one. I'm not sure if I'm able to protect by defeating monstrosity, so much potential for being a hero. You may have the rights to capture me, but you have no rights to capture a girl that is autistic. She's a Genius at technology, she's one of Yoshitoshi Abe's characters!
Skullseer : Who cares! She's just a poor girl who's parents were never seen and works all alone in that building she resides. After all, she will be one of Necrodeus's first of his victims to have a girl for he so-called disabilities.
Alice : Interesting. That's not a nice thing to say to her, she's my friend and you won't have her.
Skullseer : Sorry, little lady, but we have no other choice but to destroy her now. We'll be taking the life of that Autistic girl to-*GUNFIRE RAPIDLY*
Alice : Huh? What the-?! Who or...
Man with a Black Cap : Hey, you two! This way! Follow me, quickly! *Gunfire rapidly* (the girls runs off with the young Man]
[Violent - Kenichi Tokoi]
Alice : Thank you kind sir! But why are you helping us to escape!
Man with a Black Cap : No time! You're lives are in danger and people's lives are stake! So that's why I am helping you to escape with me! You're name Lain Iwakura, right.
Lain Iwakura : Yeah and how did you know about me? Have I know you somewhere before?
Man with a Black Cap : I know. You are the girl that knew about me and I must be the guy of your dreams. I'm with the guys, and one of those guys is my best friend...Heero Yuy.
Lain Iwakura : Heero...Yuy.
(scene goes in slow motion)
Lain Iwakura : (in mind) This young man, who is he that he led us to be saved. I've known him three years before the terrible day happened. It's like I never seen him before, and I've known him when I was only eleven. That young man wearing a hat shrouded in mystery, is the one that I've chosen to become my groom and reclaim me as my bride. It's finally to see you again, Duo.
~ Prologue 6 : Mecha Boy and Wired Girl Pt.1 ~
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