fanfictionslayer · 11 years
Like Daughter, Like Mother - a Buffy fanfiction by me
Rated: Fiction K - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,819 - Reviews: 8 Published: 05-04-09 - Status: Complete Chapter 1. "Dawn comes with me." Buffy felt that should be Dawn's decision, but she wasn't about to argue with her mother. They were both better off away from Sunnydale. Buffy had tried to send Dawn away with Xander only to come home and find Xander nursing a migraine and then she received a kick to the shins from Dawn. "Mom! No, I want to fight." Joyce wasn't going to accept any argument. "Dawn pack a bag. I want you nowhere near Sunnydale in case..." She faltered. Buffy looked sad for a moment before her "General" face came back. Joyce has taken to naming the various sides of her eldest daughter's characters. There was her "baby" "the slayer" and "General Buffy", as in 'sir, yes sir' General. Being responsible for the lives of so many girls had forced Buffy to adapt yet again and "General Buffy" was born. She was compassionate but remained as emotionally detached from the potential slayers as she could, knowing many would die. Joyce had been there through it all and watched, sometimes in amazement and sometimes with caution, but always with pride, as Buffy overcame every hurdle the First Evil had put in her path. Joyce could see Dawn was about to argue again but she had no more energy to argue. She didn't want to leave any of her children to face whatever Fate had in store for them. Joyce thought back on everything that had happened since moving to Sunnydale as Dawn and Buffy argued. When she first moved to Sunnydale Joyce had opened her gallery and led a fairly happy life with her daughters despite the constant danger. She had dated and fallen in love, been placed under spells and even kidnapped. She had died of cancer and was mysteriously brought back to not long after Buffy had been. She had left Sunnydale before on Buffy's request when the Mayor was going to ascend but she hadn't felt the sense of dread she felt about leaving this time. She just knew something was going to be different this time... something big was in store for Joyce Summers. The more she thought about it the more sure she felt. Coming back to the present Joyce decided she would rather be with both her daughters in the fight. "We're staying. We're going to fight." Silence. Everyone was looking at her. Only Kennedy's facial expression showed anything other than confusion, she looked impressed. Buffy spoke first, her voice pleading. "Mom you can't..." "No Buffy! This is the right thing to do. You can't ask me to leave you behind, not this time. We're Summers' women, we'll be Summers until we die and if that's tomorrow than by whatever higher powers are out there we'll be together!" Dawn sprung into her mothers arms and hugged her tightly. Joyce returned the embrace. Buffy looked on longingly. Buffy seemed to deflate and she quickly joined Dawn in embracing their mum. "You better not die." "I won't sweetie." "Oh!" Squealed Anya who also joined the embrace. The night passed and the next day found the extended Scooby Gang marching through the front doors of Sunnydale High. **** "Oh" **** Buffy stood with all the potentials looking down on the Ubervamps. "Come on Willow." **** "... my..." **** Joyce was in the atrium with Xander and Dawn. Xander was fidgeting and Dawn was scolding him for making her nervous. Joyce however felt an odd anticipation. **** "...Goddess." **** "These guys are dust." **** "Mom, are you okay?" Dawn ran to Joyce who was propping herself up against the wall. Dawn gasped when she looked into Joyce's eyes, something in her mum's eyes made Dawn uncomfortable. "Mom?" "I'm okay sweetie. Just a head rush I think." Joyce stood up straight and inspected the cross bow she was holding. Xander and Dawn shared a look. "I feel..." **** In the Hellmouth the battle had begun. The potentials-turned-slayers fought valiantly for their lives but could not keep all the Ubers from escaping up into the school. **** Dawn's head snapped to the doorway to the atrium. "I think I heard something. I think they're coming." Behind her Joyce was swatting Xander's hand away. "I'm fine really. I feel great." Xander looked unsure, he didn't want Buffy's mum to die on his watch. "I feel strong." She whispered to herself. "Get into position," said Joyce. Thundering footsteps could be heard in the hallway. "Here we go," said Dawn. Mother and daughter looked into each others eyes each trying to convey all their love for the other. In poured the Ubervamps and Xander sprang forward swinging his sword. He was overwhelmed but Dawn sprung to his rescue. The vamp exploded. One down, thought Joyce. She let a bolt fly from the cross bow, her aim was perfect considering today was her first time using one. Dawn and Xander were back on their feet and parrying sword strikes. More vamps filled the room a couple pulled Xander away. Dawn lunged for a rope and pulled, uncovering the skylight letting the suns power dispense the vamps. A vamp charged at Joyce who gave up trying to arm the crossbow and when the beasts' clawed hand swiped forward at head height she suddenly knew to duck. She suddenly knew a lot of things. Like when to block, jab, smash the cross bow in its face, kick its side, pull back and surge forward with all her might pushing the beast in the chest. Dawn and Xander looked on in astonishment as the Ubervamp was knocked off it's feet and into the the corner of the room. Six feet away. Xander and Dawn shared a look both thinking the same thing... slayer. The Ubervamp was on its feet again in moments. Dawn reacted as she might with Buffy. "Mom!" Dawn tossed her sword at Joyce who spun, catching the sword and spinning back to cut off the vamp's head. Dust drifted down behind Joyce, twinkling in the sunlight. Dawn and Xander looked on in stunned amazement forgetting the Ubervamps. "Mommy?" www.fanfiction.net/s/5040536/1/Like-Daughter-Like-Mother
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