#david teeger
the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 9 months
by Ben Cohen
South African Jews reacted with outrage on Friday after the country’s governing body for the sport of cricket stripped the Jewish captain of the U-19 national team of his role, citing the “risk of conflict or even violence” as the reason.
Cricket South Africa (CSA) announced that David Teeger, who is Jewish, would no longer captain the side just one week before the opening of the U-19 Cricket World Cup, when teams from 16 nations will compete in South Africa for the sport’s top prize.
In a statement released on Friday, CSA said that its security team had advised “that protests related to the war in Gaza can be anticipated at the venues for the tournament.”
It added that such protests would likely focus on Teeger — an observant Jew and resident of Johannesburg who made his professional cricket debut in 2023, scoring an impressive 51 runs for the South Africa Emerging Players side against North Cape. Teeger was only appointed to the captaincy of the U-19 team last month.
The targeting of Teeger could result “in conflict or even violence between rival groups of protestors,” CSA said. Invoking its “duty to safeguard the interests and safety of all those involved in the World Cup,” it said that Teeger had been “relieved of the captaincy … in the best interests of the players, the U-19 team, and David himself.” Teeger would “remain an important and active member of the team and we wish him and the team every success in the tournament,” CSA concluded.
CSA’s decision — against the background of rising antisemitism in South Africa, widespread support for Hamas in the wake of its Oct. 7 pogrom in Israel, and the charge of “genocide” brought by South Africa against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) — provoked fury in South Africa’s Jewish community.
Prof. Karen Milner, chair of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD), told The Algemeiner that CSA’s decision was “an outrageous act of antisemitism.”
“There is no basis for this decision, other than the fact that Teeger is Jewish,” Milner said. “It is shameful that CSA is embarking on a path that is dangerously reminiscent of Nazi Germany, when Jews were actively discriminated against, including among sporting clubs.” She stressed that the SAJBD “would do everything in its power to fight against this vicious prejudice.”
In a separate statement, the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) said it would be calling on the International Cricket Council (ICC), the sport’s global governing body, “to investigate the CSA’s blatant act of discrimination.”
“The ANC [ruling African National Congress] government’s political hostility to Israel and its friendship with Hamas has created a climate in which it is entirely acceptable to target a sportsman because he is proudly Jewish,” the SAZF stated.
Among those expressing sympathy for Teeger on social media was three-time MLB All-Star Kevin Youkilis. “Heart goes out to this young Jewish man,” Youkilis posted on X/Twitter. “The ‘security risk’ excuse is bullshit.”
Former Boston Red Sox star Youkilis also referred to a speech that Teeger made just weeks after the Hamas pogrom, delivered after he received the “Rising Star” Award at a Jewish community ceremony. Teeger paid tribute to the Israeli military, saying, “Yes, I’ve been [given] this award, and yes, I’m now the Rising Star, but the true rising stars are the young soldiers in Israel.” He went on to dedicate the award to “the State of Israel and every single soldier fighting so that we can live and thrive in the diaspora.”
Teeger was being “punished for showing gratitude to the State of Israel,” Youkilis commented.
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matan4il · 9 months
Daily update post:
Today, people in Israel are really loving Germany. If you're wondering why, it's related to SA's lawsuit against Israel at the ICJ. While the US, the UK and Canada all said that SA's accusation against Israel is baseless, Germany is actually putting its money where its mouth is. Instead of just saying the accusation is not rooted in reality, Germany has asked to join the lawsuit as a third party on Israel's side, protesting the misuse of the convention for the prevention and punishment of genocide. For the record, in the wake of the Holocaust, Israel was one of the countries pushing for the adoption of this convention, and one of the first to sign it. It's unbelievable poetic justice, that it's the Germans now coming to the defence of the Jewish state.
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Yesterday, an independent Palestinian terrorist attack was carried out, one Israeli was injured, 3 terrorists were eliminated as they were breaking into a Jewish community. The man who was injured had identifies the cuts in the barbed wire fence, was hit by bullets, but was able to alert Israeli security forces, who stopped the attack. Two of the terrorists were 16 years old, the third was 19 years old. Firearms, knives and an axe were found on them. Here's CCTV footage of them while they were breaking into the community:
As the international coalition's forces have moved from defensive to offensive measures against the Houthis (the Iranian funded terrorists from Yemen), Israel is preparing for possible retribution carried out against our people, especially the southern city of Eilat.
The Israeli hostages in Gaza have not had their medications for 99 days. The Red Cross has refused to take these meds from the families, saying that while Hamas doesn't allow it, they can't pass anything to the hostages anyway. Now there's talk about Qatar possibly forcing Hamas to allow it, maybe as a part of some deal. We'll see. There's a lot of cases where reports from Qatar say Hamas have agreed to this or that (mostly in terms of agreeing to a new hostage deal), and then it turns out it was just the Qataris' suggestions to Hamas, being reported as if Hamas had accepted them. Against this backdrop, the Palestinian Red Crescent has reported it continues to provide ambulatory, mobile medical services to Palestinians who can't make it to hospitals, including giving them their meds.
Meanwhile, SA is proving once more that anti-Zionism is the new antisemitism, because it is being used to hurt Jews worldwide, by removing the Jewish captain, David Teeger, from the national cricket team under the excuse that there are anti-Israel protests against him.
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Blinken says that Saudi Arabia is still interested in normalization (meaning, a peace agreement) with Israel. I'm going to be honest, I don't think it's a coincidence that it took the Saudis this long to say it. If Israel had folded, and stopped its war against Hamas, I suspect the Saudis would have taken this to mean that Israel is not strong enough to be an ally against Iran. The fact that the war continues, despite international pressure to stop (and effectively surrender to Iranian-funded Hamas), gives moderate Arab states hope that an alliance with Israel against Iran won't fail them and crumble at the first sign of trouble. I believe that's something that hasn't been talked about enough, how moderate Arab countries have been watching this war with Hamas, and how destructive it would be, if Hamas would have won. And any scenario where Hamas still exists and rules Gaza, even in a limited capacity, would be understood as their victory.
Jewish students at Harvard are suing the university for its longstanding failure to fight antisemitism, including in allowing antisemitic material to be taught in class. This is a reminder that the issue was never Claudine Gay specifically, there's a much bigger problem at hand in Harvard and other western universities, and her resignation is just the first step. I'm glad Jewish students are taking this initiative, to force Harvard to take more steps.
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The Israeli Air Force has drawn this imitation of the yellow ribbon, worn as a part of the call to release the Israeli hostages, in the skies of Gaza (pic taken from inside southern Israel):
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This is 71 years old Uri ben Tzvi.
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I got to watch an interview with him. Uri survived the Hamas massacre on Oct 7 at kibbutz Be'eri, he and his wife hid together for hours, including 3.5 hours during which terrorists were rampaging through their home. Two hours later, they were saved thanks to their son, an IDF officer in an elite unit, who managed to make it out of his own home, and join security forces. But Uri recounted how almost any noise makes him jump now, and how almost all of his age group was wiped out. When he goes to the dining hall (kibbutzim are communal, everyone eats meals together), his friends that he used to sit with are no longer there. He insisted that Oct 7 was a kind of Holocaust, as Jewish kids were once again hiding in closets, terrified for their lives.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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lettersfromthelevant · 8 months
So... the sports scene seems to be doing great, huh?
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They suspended Russia, the country that initiated the invasion and killed civilians, while allowing Ukraine - the country invaded and attacked - to compete. However, Israel is also attacked and invaded with over a thousand of our civilians brutalized and we're the ones to get banned now? Okay. "Safety concerns" my ass.
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The sports scene is becoming increasingly hostile to Jews and Israelis, which is nothing new. We've seen hostility such as this before, with the most notable occasion being Hitler's ban on Jews in the Olympics. The excuse for banning us this time around is "safety concerns." A transparently bullshit claim that can be seen through just by looking at these same organizations' reactions to Russia and Ukraine. As I mentioned earlier:
They suspended Russia, the country that initiated the invasion and killed civilians, while allowing Ukraine - the country invaded and attacked - to compete. However, Israel is also attacked and invaded with over a thousand of our civilians brutalized and we're the ones to get banned now? Okay. "Safety concerns" my ass.
The rock climbing ban is particularly egregious because it highlights a trend that has been present since the Munich Massacre in 1972. They claim our safety is paramount to them, but when our lives are actively endangered they do nothing to actually protect us. They erase us from public life because it's easier for Jews to just not exist than it is for gentiles to unlearn and prevent antisemitism. They are not interested in doing the work to ensure our inclusion and safety, as demonstrated by the appallingly awful German response to the Israeli Olympics team being taken hostage.
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Israelis are intimately familiar with security concerns due to terrorism. What confounds me is the complete apathy and lack of interest in improvement that the rest of the world shows when our lives are threatened. The Munich Massacre marked a turning point in how Israel conducts counter terrorism and national security, but the rest of the world clearly didn't care enough to change. On the contrary, they seemed actively invested in preventing us from securing our safety. The U.S. actually warned the man who orchestrated the attack that Mossad agents were after him. Not-so-fun-fact, did you know that the CIA were best buddies with the PLO?
Clearly, gentile society has drawn an invisible line in the sand and if Jews cross it we are excluded and browbeaten. Things might not be as severe as they were during Hitler's tyranny, but the climate might be shifting in that direction again. This incident is not sports, but has the potential of crossing over: Iceland has threatened to pull out of Eurovision unless Israel is banned from competing. They aren't citing security concerns as their reasoning. Instead, they are fully stating that they are politically opposed to Israel fighting against Hamas and that it goes against Icelandic values.
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Apparently, the innocent Israeli lives lost are not important enough for Iceland. I wonder how they would react if a terrorist organization invaded their country, mass raped and slaughtered 1,200+ people, and then kidnapped hundreds more. This is the standard Jews are held to. We are banned when we defend ourselves.
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I don't really know how to end this post, other than by saying, this is why I will always be supportive of things like the Maccabiah Games. Institutions led by Jews, for Jews, provide us with places to go when we cross the invisible line. I meant to publish this around mid-January, when the news about the climbing team broke, but I got side-tracked by antisemitism in another industry because it is infesting everything now. I completely forgot the original conclusion I had for this. I don't want to fear-monger. I'm really tired of envisioning such a bleak future for my people, but I can't help noticing how quickly things are escalating and how easily all of our supposed allies are trying to restrict us from everything, take control over our government, and dictate the future of our people for us.
We really only have each other, and it's essential we maintain the strong bonds that allow for us to persist the antisemitism constantly thrown by a world that has never forgiven us for surviving.
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 9 months
South Africa strikes yet again with more “antizionist” bullshit by expelling their Jewish captain from their cricket team.
This was never about Israel, but Jews as a whole. I urge South Africa’s Jews to leave.
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sethshead · 10 months
Before you accuse Jewish groups of fomenting censorship by calling out “from the river to the sea” for what it is, consider what “pro-Palestinian” groups have been doing for years to Jews and Israelis under the guise of BDS. Investigating a 19-year-old for hate speech because he dedicated an award to the soldiers of the Tzahal is just the tip of the iceberg. Scholars who depend for their work on contact with Israel and Palestinians have been defunded, so a bunch of theorists can fulminate with their empty rhetoric in lieu of real research. Israeli speakers disinvited and subjected to the heckler’s veto. Jewish organizations intimidated with protest and graffiti.
All this has been tolerated, perversely even defined as protected and free speech. So forgive me if I’m not sympathetic to those who now fear there might be consequences for their implicitly genocidal chants. Actually, no; I don’t really care about your forgiveness.
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cricketfun · 8 months
Watch: South Africa’s Kwena Maphaka Nails Yorkers In Match-Winning Five-For In U19 World Cup Thriller Watch: Kwena Maphaka, a 17-year-old... #usa #uk
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Watch David Teeger dismissal cuts across South African politics - Latest Politics News
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chronicroc · 7 years
rules: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better
Ι was tagged by @lillpon​. Thank you!!
i choose:
Once Upon a Time
Miraculous Ladybug
the first character you loved:
Emma Swan
Probably Adrien or Tikki
I only remember like, five-year-old me randomly falling in love with Natalie Teeger
the character you never expected to love so much:
Killian. I remember thinking absolutely nothing about him in the first episode until I realized he was Hook, then I wanted to like him but I wasn’t sure, and then the Outsider rolled around and I was in love.
Marinette, and only because I felt kind of like I was watching Dora up until the origins episodes when I suddenly realized how rad the show is.
There honestly aren’t a lot of characters you don’t at least like in this show, but while I’ve been watching it recently I’ve come to understand that Captain Stottlemeyer is a way cooler character than I remember. Either him or Trudy whose character I only came to understand like, a month ago.
the character you relate to the most:
Killian. 100%. My life hasn’t been nearly  as bad as his is, of course, but seeing his character flaws and insecurities immediately drew me to him because I was like woah man I feel that.
Plagg. I would spend my life eating cheese and not understanding the delicacy of human relationships.
Captain Stottlemeyer. He’s not my favorite character, but he’s super defensive of the main character/his friends, and I’m pretty sure I’ve said some of the things he’s said in that regard word for word.
the character you’d slap:
Gabriel Agreste.
It’s really tight between the main character for some of the actual bad things he does, or the people around him who get irritated by some of the smaller things that he does. (or one of the murderers! lol i just remembered people die in this show).
three favourite characters (in order of preference):
Killian, Emma, and either Alice or Henry
Adrien, Marinette, Tikki
Natalie, Trudy, Monk.
a character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
I was really interested in Regina’s character in s1, but by the time s4 rolled around I just didn’t care anymore.
No one really? Most of the characters in this show are pretty likeable and no one’s really done anything to change my opinion of them.
There are like, five main characters on this show. They all have problems because it’s a cable detective show, but none of them do anything to change your opinion of them dramatically.
a character you did not like at first but now do:
I didn’t like David. There was no real reason. I think I was just uninterested, but now I think he’s a fun character.
Chloe, but only vaguely. I’ve become interested in her character if only for the fact that she’s gaining some depth.
I didn’t like Sharona when I first watched, and I don’t love her now, either, but I can appreciate her importance to the narrative.
three otps:
Captain Swan, Millian, no one else really.
I’ll just say the love square because the only relationship that’s gotten any real, solid development that I can care about is between the two main characters.
Trudy and Monk is, again, really the only relationship that got enough material for me to form an opinion (which they were cute as hell). Maybe Natalie and Mitch if only for the fact that hearing anyone talk about their dead spouse is enough to make me emotional.
I’ll tag @courtorderedcake  and @aloha-4-ever if you want to + anyone else because I’m really bad at tag games :S
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sethshead · 9 months
Typical: the Jew is punished because of antisemites’ terroristic threats. Bravo, South Africa, you hypocrites.
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