#david dobrik dad imagines
tw1nklet03s · 2 years
heyyy. long time no see!!
ik ik, ive been M.I.A for over a month. but! that’s just case ive been going through stuff and i’m kinda stuck on what to write.
so saying that! my requests are open. so feel free to comment or message me something you would like me to write!!
people i will accept requests for:
- rafe cameron
- colby brock
- rowan laslow
- drew starkey
- jj maybank
- grayson dolan
- david dobrik
- ilya fedorovich
- jeff wittek
- chris sturniolo
categories i will accept
- smut
- fluff
- angst
- or you could combine two!
- or all three!!!!
- dad imagines
things i won’t write about
- cheating
- abusive boyfriend
- r@pe
- sa
ok that’s all. love yous and take care of yourselves x
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isthisthingeven0n · 6 years
arising suspicions : d.d
this was 100% adorable and is 100% fluff. I combined this request from earlier today with one from a few days ago, so I hope you enjoy :) (ya’ll wanted more david as a dad, so you got what you wished for)
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Sitting on the toilet seat I stare directly at the stick in complete shock. “Fuck.” I mumble to myself as the results tell me what I had anticipated all along. I’m pregnant. 
I hear a small knock on the door and David pops his head through the wooden panels. “Are you alright?” He nervously asks as he licks his lips before kneeling down in front of me, just about keeping the results out of his view. “Well?” A small smile forms on his face that eases my nerves. 
Sighing I close my eyes as I turn it around, showing it to him and hearing the room fall silent. “I’m pregnant.” I state with little emotion as they all swirl around my brain, all lost in the sea of what is happening. 
Hesitantly I lift my head up and open my eyes. As I see his face, a bright smile across his face I let out a watery laugh, covering my mouth before I choke a sob. David shuffles closer and takes the pregnancy test in his fingertips. “We’re pregnant, hi baby.” He places his hand on my stomach, rubbing circles delicately on my skin. “Oh my god.” He sniffs and wipes his eyes. “We’re going to be parents.” He half laughs as we both sit there in complete shock and awe of what the future will hold. 
It’s been a few weeks since we found out I’m pregnant, but we don’t want anyone finding out just yet. We know what’ll happen if they find out, plus David will want to make it into some elaborate video like Josh did. Not that I can blame him, this is pretty big news.
“So, what’re you thinking of for today?” Scott asks all of us as we all sit around. 
I glance over to David who brings me closer to him as I lie on my back, the pregnancy symptoms have already been getting progressively worse. 
Shrugging my shoulders the others start suggesting ideas. “How about we use the paintball gun and play some game?” Zane suggests as he reaches down and picks it up. 
He spins it around, pointing it at all of us and David defensively stands up and blocks Zane from my view. “Outside only guys.” David sternly states and I catch Carly and Kristen share a look. 
“Since when?” Jonah chimes in and I reach out and pull David’s sleeve and shake my head. 
“No worries guys. David’s not been sleeping great.” I explain as I try to get off of the sofa effortlessly despite the aching in my back. “Come on Zane, you can have your fun outside.” I pat his back as I take the gun from his grip and we all walk outside. 
Everyone starts filming for their vlogs as Scott suggests a Christmas themed version of a game they played ages ago. This time they’d be dressed as Elves whilst David would be Santa. The Elves would have to get items into the bucket and once they did Santa would stop gifting the Elves their ‘presents.’ 
I sat outside with Carly and Erin whilst they got ready. “How come you’re not being our sexy Mrs Claus, eh?” Erin nudges me and I laugh lightly. 
“Trust me I’m not feeling that sexy these days.” I state, my mind casting back to violently vomiting most mornings whilst David rubs my back and force feeds me crackers to help. 
The doors open and we see the boys all filing out. I hold up David’s camera, knowing he’ll appreciate these clips for some slow mo action shots later when it comes to editing. 
All of them follow behind David who holds the paintball gun up high. For now Scott, Todd, Jonah and Zane keep their heads up high as they carry Santa sacks full of random objects.
“You ready boys?” Carly calls out as they all take their positions around the garden. 
They make some nervous noises as David stands in the middle of the garden with a blindfold around the top of his head. “You might wanna go inside baby.” He mumbles to me and I shake my head. 
“I’ll stand right next to you, or behind you. I won’t be in the firing line that way.” I say, trying not to cause any alarm as to why I’m not around. “Everythings fine.” I whisper to him as I see the concern arising in his eyes. 
Shrugging his shoulders he lowers the blindfold and I tighten it for him before standing directly behind him. 
And then the madness commences. 
A mixture of screams and swears sound from the four of them as their Elf outfits slowly become spotted with orange and regret from willingly signing up for the game. 
Zane pushes Toddy towards the pool as he quickly runs up the bucket and drops in a Dildo before lifting his arms up proudly. “I did it baby!” He shouts and David quickly turns, firing directly at him. “Fuck you David!” He screams out in pain before heading inside and standing behind the glass. 
Soon after the others slowly file out or find a hiding spot, and the game comes to a close. 
David lifts the blindfold up and has a bright smile on his face. “How’d I do?” He excitedly asks as the guys all emerge and stand in a line. “Holy shit.” David comments as the guys reveal the puncture wounds and forming bruises on their skin. 
“You know David if I were pregnant a shot here would’ve killed the baby.” Toddy comments and I feel a shiver go through my spine. 
I glance down and see David’s fists clenching, and I quickly intervene. “Best get outta the elf costumes if you hope to return them or get the paint out?” I suggest and they all murmur in agreement. 
David drops the gun and turns to face me. “Imagine if that was you though? I don’t think it’s safe for you to be around whilst these kind of pranks are happening, Y/n.” He takes me in his arms and hugs me tightly. 
Closing my eyes I sigh. “I can fend for myself Dav-”
Over the top of my voice, I hear a loud laugh coming from towards the back door. “Oh revenge is sweet, Dobrik.” 
Quickly I turn my head and suddenly I feel an intense pain spreading through my left thigh. “MOTHERFUCKER!” I scream loudly as David grips onto me as I yell. “Zane?!” I glare over to him and sit down on the ground, seeing a large splatter of Orange drip down my leg. 
As I lift my head up I see David storming over to Zane, his fists clenched tightly. “Zane what the fuck?” David angrily states as he shoves Zane and he drops the paintball gun. 
I force myself to stand and Scotty runs over, helping me to my feet. “David! I’m fine.” I yell, but I can tell he’s not listening. 
“Come on dude, I didn’t mean to hit Y/n, I was aiming for you.” Zane says, a nervous laugh sounding from him as he looks around at all of us, wondering if this is some prank. 
“No, I don’t think it’s funny dude. Get the fuck out of here. She could’ve been seriously hurt!” He shouts right in Zane’s face and I run over, pulling him away from Zane. 
“Dave,” I take a hold of his face, resting my hands on his cheeks. “we’re fine.” I say in a hushed tone and his fists ease as does his jaw. “We’re all okay, it was an accident.” I tell him and he weakly nods. 
“Wait, we’re fine?” Kristen calls out and I silently swear to myself. “Wait, no.” She starts, unable to finish her sentence. 
Turning around I look at all of them. Kristen and Scott share a look and his mouth drops open. “Holy fuck.” He laughs. “You’re pregnant?” He states and the others all look at me blankly. 
“No she’s not.” Toddy states and looks at the two of us. “No, you can’t be.” 
I glance up at David who looks down at me. “Yeah, we’re having a baby.” He says sweetly as he rests his hand on my stomach. “And no, none of you get dibs on being Godparents or having them named after you!” 
I quietly laugh as they all start bombarding us with questions, giving name suggestions and planning ahead. “Guess this is it now?” I ask David who nods, a big grin on his face.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
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daddydaviddobrik · 4 years
You and Davids daughter being scared of your baby bump
When you both told her about you being pregnant she understood at least that’s what you guys thought.
When you first started showing Ava was a little confused but she didn’t say much. But when you started growing more she got more scared. You were only 5 months but the size still scared her.
“Daddy?” She looked up at david as she was cuddled into his side as he was editing.
“Yes princess?” He looked down at her and she had a frown on her face.
“Is mommy gonna explode? I don’t want her to explode” her voice was a little shaky.
“What do you mean Bub?” He shut the laptop giving her his full attention.
“Mommy’s belly..” is all she had to say and david smiled at her.
“Mommy’s not gonna explode sweetheart, baby brother is in mommy’s belly” he explained and watched her face scrunch up.
“M...mommy’s belly?” He nodded and Ava nodded her head along.
“So mama’s gonna be okay?” He kissed her head and rubbed her back as she asked
“Yes baby mommy’s gonna be completely fine. I promise” he tells her and she held out her pinky to him.
“Pinky pwomis” she says and his heart swelled as she tried to say ‘promise’.
He linked his pinky with hers saying “pinky promise”
That was about a hour ago. Now you were home and Ava was now cuddled by your side. She was in the stage where she was fairly obsessed with both of you. She had to be with David or either you by all times.
You felt the baby kick and your hand immediately went to it. “Av’s can I see your hand?” You asked and she nodded holding her hand out to you.
You put her hand on your belly and the baby kicked again and Ava pulled her hand away quickly and looked at you with widened eyes.
You saw tears start to fall from her face and you instantly felt bad. “Mamas gonna die” she cried out.
“No honey that’s baby saying hi! I’m not dying” you tell her wiping her tears away.
“Baby is saying hi?” She asked sniffing and you nodded.
“I’m okay I promise sweetheart” you ran your hands through her hair as she nodded.
You started kissing all over her face til she started giggling. You could swear you felt your heart grow 3x as big at how cute your daughter was
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mrsdobrik · 4 years
Husband David trying to convince that it’s time for you to try getting preganant and you’re a little hesitant. He’s annoyed/angry but you ultimately decided that is what you do want.
Hey love! I hope you like this! I changed it around a bit because it didn’t sit well with me that he would get angry or annoyed because I feel like he would be (as he should) respectful of your choice. 💕💕💕
It was a quiet and peaceful evening in which the living room smelled like take out and the only light in the room came from the movie the newlyweds where kind of watching as they cuddled on the couch. 
“Oh my god! Look at that baby!! It’s so adorable!!” Y/n cooed at the screen. 
“Our babies will be cuter than that” David smiled running his long fingers through her hair. “In fact, I think they would be so pretty that we should start making one right now.” 
“Stop” Y/n giggled. “You don’t really mean that” 
“I do” Said David getting serious. “I’ve been wanting to bring it up for a while actually, I just didn’t know how and I didn’t want you to feel pressured. But, I mean, we are married now and I love you more than anything in this world, we can definitely afford it so... why not?”
“Dave... I love you... and I definitely want to have kids with you someday but... I’m not sure I’m ready for that. We are both so young and we have so much time ahead of ourselves... I just thought we would maybe wait a few more years before...” Y/n mumbled. 
“Years?!” David exclaimed, his disappointment noticeable in his voice. “I... I thought maybe you would say a few months, maybe a year but... I know we are young and all...” 
“I... I need to think about it. We can’t make this decision lightly. If we decide to start a family there is no going back Dave. We are both at the peak of our careers, how would we even handle a kid? I don’t want to stop working and for me it’s not the same as it is for you...” Y/n muttered. 
“I know... It’s fine... I guess I just thought... it doesn’t matter. I just can’t wait to have kids with you but we have so much time a little longer won’t hurt. And I wouldn’t want you doing this if you are not 100% sure. It’s a big step and I get what you are saying. I’m sure will make a beautiful baby when you are ready” Dave said a sad smile on his lips. 
Y/n smiled sadly at her husband, it pained her to disappoint him but it was to big of a decision to just make on a whim and she wasn’t entirely sure they were ready for it. Still, over the next few weeks the thought of having a baby with him kept popping up in her mind. Of course she wouldn’t mention it to Dave since she didn’t want to get his hopes up, but the more she thought about it the more she warmed up to the idea. 
It was the little things that started making her feel maybe she had been rash to say no, that maybe they were ready. It was how empty the house would feel during the mornings, how sweet and loving David was not only to her but to every kid he ever met, it was that feeling that warmed her up when she saw a mother with a little baby on the streets or a cute onesie while out shopping. 
About two months after they had first discussed it Y/n gathered up the courage and while David and her where driving around in the car she looked at him, smiling and laced her fingers with his. He looked at her, prompted by her sweet gesture and beamed. 
“I want to talk to you about something.” She said softly. 
“Shoot” Dave gave his usual reply. 
“I’ve been thinking about it long and hard and I think we are ready... for a baby” 
David just looked at her for a short moment, trying to decide if she was being serious. “Really?”
“Yeah” She giggled. “I...I love you and I would want nothing more than to have a baby with you. Of course we’ll have to plan for it and sort through how things are actually going to work but... the more I think about it the more I can’t wait to have a little David keeping us up all night” Her eyes started watering and she could see a few tears playing at the corners of David’s eyes too. He stopped the car and looked at her once again. 
“Deadass?” He asked as more tears started falling down his face. 
“Deadass” She smiled. 
She couldn’t even react before David had pulled her into a tight embrace and started kissing her passionately. 
“I love you so much. I promise I’ll be the best dad ever. I promise I’ll make you and our kid happy. Thank you, thank you, thank you” He whispered excitedly against her lips. 
“I know you will, you already do” She muttered back before going back in for another kiss. 
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mrs-dobrik · 4 years
Come to bed
David Dobrik
Words: 769 😎
Warning: n/a
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“Dave, lovie, come to bed please.” You sighed as you rested a hand on his shoulder as you stood behind him. Dragging your hand up and ruffling his hair sweetly as you water for an answer.
“Babe I’m nearly done editing, go to bed, I’ll come soon.” You sighed again as you walked back to the bedroom and started getting ready for bed. You had already showered and even did a face mask but it was starting to become too late for you, knowing that even though you were in quarantine you would still be woken up at six by your daughter Lexi.
You walked back into the living room before getting into bed to say good night to David. You walked up, standing in front of him, he pulled his attention away from the vlog slowly and then faced you with a cheesy smile “Your pajamas look sexy,” You playfully scoff “What!” He chuckled.
“Goodnight.” You mumbled as you leant down and gave him a kiss. Him kissing you more as you tried to pull away. “Night night my bubba.” He gave you one last peck, “I love you.” He sang as you walked back to the bedroom, returning the statement.You climbed into bed, making sure the door was shut before turning the lights off.
David stayed up for forty more minutes, only having to make a thumbnail before he went to the room to join you. He was busy rewatching the vlog one last time before he would start the thumbnail when a movement from the hallway caught his eye. He lowered the lid of the laptop finding Lexi stood in the hallway, hugging her blanket to her shoulder she sniffled with tears welling in her eyes, “Daddy.” She whined with a tear running down her cheek.
“Hey princess, come here,” he cooed placing the laptop down next to him. She rushed over to him and climbed on the couch quickly as he held onto her back helping her up, “What’s wrong princess, why you crying.” He asked as he pulled her in, hugging her to his chest.
“I had a scary dream,” she sniffled and wiped her nose off on his shirt- the joys of being a dad.
“Oh no, that’s not good,” he kissed her head, “What happened in your dream.”
She pouted and twirled her finger around a curl of his hair, “That you and mommy got eaten by monsters.” She said with sniffles as she threatened to cry again.
“Aw my girl.” He cooed and bounced her in his lap, “We fine, Mommy is in the bed sleeping and Daddy is right here, nothings going to happen to us.” She nodded her head against his chest still twirling a finger around the small curls behind his neck.
“You wanna go back to bed?” He mumbled after a minute or two, she shook her head no as she got scared to go back to her room alone again. David sighed and looked over to his laptop deciding that he’ll make a thumbnail tomorrow morning instead. “Then I suppose we’ll have to join mommy for a sleepover huh?” He smiled as she looked up at him with excitement.
He stood up, carrying Lexi on his hip as he stopped by the kitchen first to grab some water. She lay her head on his shoulder, almost falling asleep on the spot. He then got to the bedroom, walking over to the bed and laying her down before he closed the door and snuck into bed next to her.
You woke up from the movement in the bed, turning to face David’s side you were met with your two loves getting settled into bed. “Hey you two,” you cooed in a raspy, sleepy voice. “What you doing here, you cutie.” You asked your daughter as David smiled and opened his arms further for you. Scooting closer, you wrap yourself up in David’s arm and pressed kisses to your daughter’s head.
Lexi giggled and David answered you, “She’s protecting us from the scary monsters.”
You chuckled at him, “Oh I see.” You kisses her forehead and lifted your head up to kiss David too.
“Daddy said we could have a sleepover with you,” she said with a tired smile.
“Hmm, so daddy will come to bed when you ask huh?” You gave David a look, making him sigh and roll his eyes playfully.
You looked at your daughter as she started falling asleep, David pressed a kiss on both of your heads, “Goodnight my pretty girls.” He smiled and squeezed you both a little tighter to him.
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i8jisoo · 4 years
Can you make one where you are pregnant and the vlogsquad make some jokes about your pregnancy but you are too sentimal and David protect and defend you? Pleasee
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃 𝐃𝐎𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐊  ⇉  just a joke
warnings ➢ insecurity & pregnancy, ps i dont write 4 david anymore and i dont support him anymore thanks
you had had your fair share of little comments about your weight gain or on your appearance now that you were having a baby, but you always had your friends to defend you on your weight or whatever it was the internet was ridiculing you on. you also had your boyfriend, david to always cheer you up and he never usually was constantly online and checking on what people had to say on your relationship, that was until he was soon to become a father. so when he heard the first time that the internet was talking about the mother of his child, he had to put an end to it.
it was a normal day, a little bit less normal now that the days were counting down to the arrival of your baby, david had invited some friends over as per usual, wanting to record but not wanting to leave you at home alone. he was very cautious now, skipping out on the crazy stunts and other shit he used to do in his backyard or infront. david now followed you around the house constantly, even going to the bathroom or kitchen with you, sitting on the counter or outside of the door. you had probably heard the phrase ‘anything you need?’ about a thousand times as soon as he got home from the first ever ultrasound with you.
now zane, heath, along with toddy, jason, josh, and erin were on your couch, sitting around a chatting. natalie of course would be coming back after she did some things for david and grabbed some diapers and bottles, as david had begged her to get some more since he was still convinced he wasn’t prepared after stocking up on fifteen boxers or diapers. as well as the thirty bottles that had been sanitized, left in a seperate drying rack since he pressed that bottles and your dishes should not be together. after carly had a wild night out drinking with bruce until dawn, he decided that it’d be best to let the two stay home and sober up together. they were all chatting and trying to come up with ideas for the vlog, david recording those bits too so just in case something funny was to come up, he would catch it and be able to put it in. it started to get a bit stuffy in the room, your arms pulling off the hoodie and david helping you with it before he pulled you back closer into him. you fixed the bottom of your shirt, piping up at heath’s voice.
“that reminds me of the baby, she just looked so small underneath the hoodie! then when you take it off it’s like, wow.” heath comments, jason chuckling at the comment and agreeing. “not such a little baby huh?” jason pokes at david, “gonna be like lugging around a watermelon.” david smiling awkwardly in response at the sudden topic of his child, you brushed off the comments as best you could, trying to stay calm as you knew that the camera was on.
heath hit zane’s shoulder, “just imagine us trying to hold david’s son for the first time and he’s like huge, like just look at her. that’s obviously gonna be a big baby, i bet it’s a good ten pound baby. was your mom this big when she was gonna have you david? weren’t you a chubby baby?” heath questions, your smile dropping and david’s arm pulling back from your shoulders. you felt a little insecure, suddenly feeling even worse. you let out a shaky breath, nodding. “i’m gonna use the bathroom, i’ll be back.” you murmur, david helping you up and quickly taking back his spot on the couch, letting his eyes linger while you make your way to the bathroom.
a few tears make it’s way down your face, looking at your weathered appearance as the pregnancy definitely did make you tired and more worn out, but unable to sleep due to the bump resting on your back and the kicks or hiccups your little baby was giving you constantly. david was there for it all, helping you do small little things that reminded you that these long months are worth it all.
“heath, why would you say that?” david started, already reaching for the camera to turning it off and fumbling with the camera’s power button. “she’s pregnant dude, not cool. i’d never say that shit about mariah if she was pregnant.” he rants, running a hand through his hair while tossing the camera onto the empty space next to him. “it was just a joke david, i didn’t expect her to take it serious.” heath stutters out, david rolling his eyes. “you know she’s fucking insecure heath and you’re an asshole for that. you too jason, i would never talk about your kids.” he leans back in his spot, stopping at the sound of the bathroom door. he gets up before you make your way down the hallway, already hurrying to you. he reaches you, taking a few steps in the hallway before he takes you back to your shared bedroom. david takes your hands, helping you lower yourself onto the bed. he smiles, making your heart melt.
“hope you weren’t too upset over what heath and jason were saying, but if you were, wanna know what you’re doing?” he murmurs, giving you a second to pretend to guess and you giving him a shrug. “you’re giving me a baby, that’s the best thing i could’ve asked for. i never thought coming over here, i’d find fame, or friends, let alone a girlfriend and a baby. never thought i’d start a family, but somehow you made that change, for that i’m eternally grateful.” he says, already seeing the glassy look in your eyes that he saw when he surprised you in earlier years. “besides, you’re incredibly cute when you waddle around, or when you post on instagram, i think all those photos with you and your bump are the best ones.” he finishes, pulling up your shirt and pressing a kiss to the stretched skin.
“and you, you need to come out. right now.” he demands, mock anger. david pulling you in for a hug and kiss, hearing your small laugh and your arms at the nape of his neck, he knew that this life was destined for him.
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dirtydobrik · 5 years
two pink lines - d.d.
plot: you and david are dating and you find out you’re pregnant. you reach out to jason for some much needed advice before telling david 
requested: yes! Could you do one where the reader finds out she is pregnant and it's David's but they art married yet and there young so she freaks out and goes to Jason for advice because he is a big father figure to the reader and has kids? (Also I really love your work and hope you have fun writing this!)
author’s note: hi! this was requested anonymously so hopefully it was something similar to what you wanted. if you want to send in a request for an imagine, send me a message! i am super behind on requests right now but i have a few pieces in progress that i am working on. i am hopefully back to posting daily as i am trying to get caught up. 
this picture gives off major boyfriend vibes + i’m obsessed
word count: 1840
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Your hands trembled as you set David's camera down on the bathroom counter and hit record. Your heart was racing and you were beyond nervous. "Okay, here's the thing. I was supposed to get my period two weeks ago and I haven't gotten it. I know there are various different reasons for a missed period, but I've been feeling sick for the last few days and I don't know guys. I just have this gut feeling that I think I might be pregnant, so I'm going to take a pregnancy test just in case," you explained, your voice in a low whisper even though you were alone at David's house. You tore open the packaging to the pregnancy test you had picked up earlier today and read over the instructions to make sure you did it right. You thought about how you should have David here with you, but you didn't want to pull him away from work if it was nothing but a scare.
You set a timer and flipped the test over to hide the results. You started pacing around the bathroom, the nerves in full force as you wondered how David would react. You two were still so young and had your entire lives ahead of you.
To make matters worse, you and David hadn't ever really talked about the future of your relationship. You'd joke about being together forever, but you had never sat down and had a serious conversation about talking about getting married or starting a family. You didn't know if David wanted to have kids, let alone have them with you.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by the alarm on your phone blaring.
"Okay, guys. Moment of truth," you sighed, your hands shaking as you grabbed the test. Two pink lines. "Holy shit," you muttered, tears forming in your eyes. "I'm going to be a mom," you exclaimed, wiping away your tears as you slowly turned the pregnancy test to show the camera.
You wished David was here for this.
You turned the camera off and the reality of the situation sunk in. You were going to be a mom and David was going to be a dad and you two weren't anywhere close to being ready to be parents.
You leaned against the wall, your legs giving out as you slid slowly down until you were sitting on the floor. Your breathing was heavy and tears streamed down your face. You didn’t know how to react. You were freaking out. You needed to tell David.
You wished he was here with you for this. You should've called him and had him come home or you should've waited until he was home. You needed him here with him.
You reached for your phone, with every intention of calling David, but your fingers hovered over his name. Instead of hitting call, you scrolled further down your contacts and called Jason. He would know how to handle this situation, he has two kids already. Not to mention the fact that he was sort of a father figure to you since you moved out to LA. He knew how to handle stressful situations and he would be understanding and supportive.
When he answered, you asked him to meet you at a coffee shop a few blocks from David's as soon as possible, telling him that you needed to talk to him about something important. He agreed, not asking any questions about what you had to tell him.
It took you awhile to pull yourself together. But no matter how hard you tried, your eyes stayed red and puffy. Your stomach was in knots on the drive to the coffee shop, hoping and praying that Jason wouldn’t freak out and say you and David were irresponsible for letting this happen. You needed him to understand because you were worried that no one else would if he didn’t.
Jason was waiting outside when you arrived and you had him follow you into a table in the corner.
"What's going on?" he asked, a concerned look on his face. Of course he knew something was wrong right away, he could always tell when something wasn't right, it must be a sixth sense you get when you become a parent. But it definitely didn't help that your eyes were red and puffy from crying.
"I need to tell you something," you hesitated. "And I need you to not be mad about it."
"You can tell me anything. You know that," Jason reassured you, shooting you a sympathetic smile. He was worried about what you were about to say, and you wondered if you should be telling him this before talking to David.
"I'm pregnant," you whispered in a hoarse voice, giving him a look that meant you were being completely serious.
Jason's eyes widened and he stared at you in shook. You squeezed your eyes shut and nodded, trying not to cry. Your heart was pounding and your hands were shaking. You felt like you couldn’t breathe as you waited for Jason to say something.
"Congratulations, holy shit." He stood up and walked to the other side of the table to give you a hug. "Why would be mad?"
You felt a weight lift off of your chest and you could finally breathe again. "Because we're both so young and we aren’t married yet," you sighed, answering him honestly. You felt embarrassed saying it out loud, like you were admitting that getting pregnant was a reckless mistake.
"Did you tell David yet?" he asked. You shook your head.
"No, I just found out. I don’t know how he's going to react and I'm terrified. Like, he's so young and so successful and what if this is a wrench in his plans? What if this ruins everything we have? I'm seriously freaking out," you rambled.  
"Everything is going to be fine, I promise."
"How do you know that?" You were trying to keep yourself together since you were in public, but you were on the verge of tears. You were scared and nervous and anxious and you had no clue how to process this. "I mean this is a completely different situation from when you had kids."
"I know," Jason said.
"But you're still a dad and I trust you. And I don’t know, Jase. I just need some advice."
"What do you want to know?"
"I don’t know, everything?" you sighed. You were still freaking out. You've always wanted to be a mom but you were having doubts about everything now, including your relationship with David. "How do I raise a child? What if I'm a terrible mom and my baby hates me? What if David doesn't want to have a kid yet? I mean Dave and I aren’t married and we're both so young, what if things between us don't work out? What if he thinks I got pregnant to make sure we stay together?" You had questions about everything and you just listed them off, Jason listening carefully. He didn’t seem nearly as stressed or as worried as you did.
"Hey, no, enough with the 'what ifs'," Jason cut you off. He took a sip of his coffee before continuing. "You're going to be just fine. It's totally normal to be scared. I mean, this is life changing news. But I know you and I know David and I have total faith that you two are going to be great parents. David isn't going to go anywhere. I can promise you that. Everything is going to be alright. Trust me."
"Thanks, Jase. I needed someone besides myself to tell me that everything was going to be fine," you said with a small smile. The conversation had calmed your nerves about being pregnant and made you feel better about telling David.
"Look, you aren’t ever going to have all the answers, but there's nothing wrong with asking for help if you need it. I'll always be here to talk and I know all of our other friends will be too. You and David are going to be great parents and I promise that it's going to okay."
You thanked him for being a great friend and for being so supportive before heading back to David.
You fell asleep on the couch while watching Netflix and waiting for David to get home. You heard footsteps down the hall and Natalie's voice carried into the living room. Her and David rounded the corner and you opened your eyes, still feeling tired.
David came over and gave you a quick peck. "How are you feeling, babe?" he asked.
"I'm still a little nauseous," you admitted.
"I'll have Natalie run out to pick some things up," he said, curling up beside you and sending a text to Natalie.
You rested your head on his chest, your eyelids heavy as you drifted back to sleep.
"Babe, have you seen my camera?" David shouted from in the guest bedroom, waking you up.
He walked out of the room and stood in the hallway when you didn’t answer. "Babe?" he repeated, watching you rub your eyes to wake yourself up. "Sorry, I didn't realize you were still sleeping."
"It's okay, bub. What's up?" you asked, sitting up on the couch.
"Have you seen my camera? I need to film tonight and I can’t find it anywhere. I thought I left it on the desk in my room or in the guest room but it's not there."
Your heart stopped. Shit. You had left it on the counter in the bathroom with the positive pregnancy test still in the sink.This wasn't how you planned to tell him at all.
You took a deep breath and walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
"Do you have to film tonight?" you pouted, not wanting him to leave you. "I just haven't seen you all day and I don't want you gone all night too."
David couldn't argue with that, and a few minutes later, you were in his bed cuddling. After a few minute of being next to him, you rolled over to face him and looked up at him.
"Dave, can we talk?" Your heart was pounding and your mind was racing. You ran your fingers through his hair as he opened one eye.
"Of course, babe. What do you want to talk about?"
"I need to tell you something," you said in a serious tone and David's eyes shot open.
"Okay," David said slowly, his voice unsteady.
You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out.
"Babe, you're scaring me. What's going on?"
"I'm pregnant." It came out barely audible and you thought David didn't hear you because he just stared at you for a few moments. But when you saw that his eyes were watering, you knew he heard you.
"Really?" he whispered, and you nodded.
"We're having a baby, David." You let a small laugh and ran your thumb across his cheek to wipe away his tears.
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starkeyboy · 5 years
it’s okay to give up ° jw
angsty, I’m sorry!
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Jeff walked into the hospital as if it was a routine. The desk lady knowing who he was and just nods when he walks in. Jeff always went to the vending machines, grabbing two waters. One for him. And one for you. It’s been about month since they put you in a reduced coma. Seeing if anything would work. If you would move. Or even twitch a finger. Anything to see if you were in function.
It’s been a month since Jeff saw your eyes. And your nose twitch every so often. Or the blush on your cheeks. Jeff always complimented you whenever he had the chance to. And that chance was every second of the day.
“Have I told you that you look beautiful, like you look absolutely amazing,” Jeff teases me. I blush and looked at him with rosy cheeks.
“It’s not like I hear it every second of the day, Jeff.” He only leaned over and kissed me softly. Looking into my eyes.
“I just love you, that’s why.”
Jeff always held your hand when he was sitting next to you. Always made sure he was paying attention to your movements. If you would just have one.
Jeff thought back to the day he found you. You were on the ground of the crowded streets. Blood beside you. You were looking up at him, trying to find your breath. You could only talk to him in a low whisper. Telling him to come closer.
“If I don’t make it...” i said, shaking. My fingers coming up to his hair. His soft brown hair. He pulled away from me and shook his head, tears in his eyes.
“You’re gonna make it baby, I know it. Don’t give up. Please.” I nodded and more tears fall.
“I love you so much Jeff. But sometimes if you’ve been trying too hard. You just have to.” I tried to get my breath back. “I’ll only give up when you want me to.”
He never left your side when they transferred you. Never wanting to leave your side. David and the group would visit often but soon stop after a while.
Jeff looked at you and noticed how long it’s been. Not a week. Not a few days. A month. If it went any longer, he knew you couldn’t do it anymore. Jeff leaned over and grabbed your hand. Wanting at least a tug. A squeeze. Anything to know if you can hear him. Nothing.
“I love you so much baby,” he still said aloud. The doctor behind him leaving shortly once he heard him talk to you. “I just want you to know that it’s okay. I’m here when you’re ready. I’m here when you give up. But I remember you on the ground, telling me that you’ll only give up if I tell you to. And baby I don’t want to say this. If I do say it then I feel like I’m killing you myself. And I’ll want to be put behind bars because I need you baby. I want you in my life. I need you in my life. But y/n. It’s been too long. You worked so hard and I’m sorry. I need you but I think you need to rest. To not try. To sleep. So baby, I’m telling you.” He tried to finished and he felt a slight grip on his hand. He looked down at your hand. Your pale hand. He had faith in that second, that you would make it. But he knew deep down in his heart that this was your strongest point. Your way of saying good bye.
“Give up baby,” he said softly. You hand getting tighter. He looked at you and got up to kiss you softly. When he pulled away he saw a lonely tear fall down slowly. He kissed it away and went to your ear.
“I love you so much baby girl. I’ll see you soon.” Was all he said before your hand lightened and the beeping sound stopping into one long beep. Never stopping. Indicating that you did it. You fought. And you made it. You survived. Now it’s your time to go live a better life. Somewhere more safe. And somewhere where you can look over Jeff. And protect him. Never leaving his side.
I looked at him as he kissed me softly. Touching my lips with my fingers. Wiping my tear from my eye as he did to.
“I love you so much baby girl. I’ll see you soon.”
“I love you too Jeff.”
Give me you feedback!!! Comment!
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zanesgirlfriend · 5 years
Congratulations | David Dobrik
Requested by anonymous: Hi! I’m the anon who requested a part 2 to ‘ ‘little clickbait onesie’ a while back. You said you’d be open to writing more dad David and I was wondering if you could write some sort of dad David fic, maybe with twins, or whatever you feel like? Thanks again for your time and writing!
A/N: My best friend graduated high school today and I'm so incredibly proud of her so I kinda made this as an homage to her :)
David and y/n sat in the bleachers of the high school gym, sweating but still holding hands regardless. They couldn't help but converse about how long and boring graduations are. Other than an excuse to have a party, graduations are a great time to think back on everything that lead there.
David couldn't help but remember the day he found out y/n was pregnant. He was still doing vlogs then, and y/n surprised him with a tiny pair of baby shoes and said "Congratulations!" He remembered sobbing at the thought that something so incredible was happening.
He sobbed even harder at the gender reveal. He'd always wanted a little girl, and the fact that he would soon have one made him crazy. He was so excited. Even more "Congratulations!" filled the couples ears.
He remembered begging y/n to name their daughter "dino nuggets" or whatever other crazy names popped into his head. A tear came to his eye as they picked a beautiful name. He still called their daughter "dino nuggets" regardless of her actual name.
David's heart sped up as he turned on his camera at 4am. Y/n's water broke. They were in the hospital for two days, crying and celebrating as their daughter was born. The nurse wrapped her up and placed her on y/n's chest. "Congratulations." Her words were soft and heartfelt, genuinely happy for the new parents.
He remembered changing her for the first time. He had no idea what he was doing, but he filmed it all. The clip of her peeing all over him went viral. "Congratulations, you just got peed on!" Y/n laughed as she walked into the nursery.
"She just threw up on my head, didn't she?" David squinted as the baby puke dripped off the ends of his hair. He gripped her tiny baby hands tighter before bringing her off of his shoulders. "Congrats to me, I guess."
He told the tiny baby "Congrats!" as she took her first steps. He said it through tears. The happy smile on her face as she waddled towards him overwhelmed him.
His vlogs slowed down as she reached kindergarten, but he didn't mind. Him and his fans were coming to a peaceful end to crazy vlogs and a happy start of family vlogs. His daughter loved to help him with videos and be a part of his job, and he couldn't be happier.
The older she got, the better his life was. They were best friends, him and little dino nuggets. He had the best wife one could all for, and the best daughter to go along with it.
She hit puberty. David didn't understand what she was going through. What was going through her head along with all the hormones. She slammed her bedroom door in his face for the first time ever. "What was that about?" He asked y/n. She chuckled.
"You're now the father of a teenager. Congratulations."
Eighteen years of her life had lead to this day, and he didn't regret a single moment.
They heard her name and watched their beautiful daughter walk across the stage. He couldn't help but stand up and scream.
"That's my dino nuggets!" His hands cupped his mouth and his voice traveled across the bleachers and down toward the stage. She looked up and him and smiled.
After the ceremony their small family shared a group hug. David's hands stayed on her shoulders and he looked her up and down. He looked at her cap and gown, her tassle, her beautiful face that everyone said looked like y/n, but he thought looked more like himself.
"I'm so proud of you." He held back tears once again. "Congratulations."
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lettherosesgrow · 5 years
stop 🥺🥺🥺
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isthisthingeven0n · 5 years
down to earth : d.d
brief summary: your birthday is coming up in a few days, but with your new baby the last thing you want to do is celebrate. but with the help of natalie, she ensures that you and david make the most of your birthday
word count: 1.4k requested: yes by a sweet ass anon and i am loving daddy david ugh the fluff warnings: none that i’m aware of? but if there are any do let me know!
* masterlistin’ / masterlistin’ 2.0
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it isn’t me. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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It was your birthday in three days. Normally, this was something you spent weeks leading up to it counting down the days, waiting to celebrate with everyone. You loved your birthday because it was a chance to bring everyone together and that you got spoilt by those who love you- this was always an added bonus. 
Yet, this year it was the last thing on your mind. The thought of organising a party for everyone to attend with enough time to contemplate those who couldn’t make a certain date was exhausting. You could barely organise time with David to eat dinner as a family, let alone a birthday celebration. 
“David!” You yell through the house as your little girl bounces on your hip, gargling to herself as you wipe her mouth once more. “David!” You repeat, wandering from her bedroom as you stand at the top of the stairs.
Quickly moving through the kitchen, David slides across the wooden floorboards and stops at the bottom of the stairs. He smiles breathlessly at you both, seeing a heavy frown lining your lips.
“Everything okay?” He nervously questions, twirling his wedding ring around his finger as you let out a tired sigh. 
“No,” You admit. “Elsie has been sick again over our bedding.” 
Sighing to himself he nods before walking up the stairs toward you both. “Want me to clean it?” He mutters, watching as you shake your head. “Here,” He takes Elsie in his arms, smiling brightly to her. “Hi, baby!” He beams to his daughter as she giggles in his arms. 
“I’ll just clean it up.” You comment as you struggle to keep your eyes open as you walk back into your bedroom, yawning as you go. 
As David walks down the stairs with Elsie in his arms, his phone starts ringing. “Oh sh-” He looks down as his daughter furrows her brows together, just like her Mom. “Sugar.” He finishes, giving her a shy smile before setting her down in her high chair. 
Grabbing his phone he looks at the caller ID before picking it up. 
“Ugh, thank god you answered.” Natalie huffs loudly down the phone line.
“Hi to you too Nat.” David mumbles, looking over as Elsie stares aimlessly outside at the front garden. “What’s up?” 
On the other end, Natalie turns her head to see Zane nodding encouragingly. “Well, we were just wondering if you planned anything for Y/n’s birthday?” She asks and David shuts his eyes tightly, swearing under his breath. 
“I erm, I kinda forgot.” He admits, rubbing his eyes from tiredness and irritation. 
Natalie shakes her head to herself before reaching for her laptop. “You guys have a six month old baby,” She reminds him, knowing sometimes he forgets that he’s too hard on himself. “I doubt Y/n is even fussed about it.” 
“I think she’s forgotten too.” David lets out a dry laugh as you walk down the stairs with your arms full of washing, trailing across the floor behind you. 
“How about I sort out a cake and flowers for you, yeah?” Natalie suggests as she searches on her laptop at florists and bakeries within the area. “I doubt you’ll be awake long enough to party with us all.” She jokes and David nods along as he walks around the kitchen, standing on various toys as they squeak. 
“Yeah, we struggle past seven these days.” David yawns once again as you walk into the kitchen, forcing back your exhaustion as you smile brightly to your daughter who holds her hands up to you. 
“I’ll get it sorted, don’t you worry Dave.” Natalie tells him, smiling to herself as she can hear Elsie’s giggles in the background. “Say hi to the girls for me, yeah?” 
“I will, thanks Nat.” David hangs up shortly after, turning back to face you both as David rests his arms around your waist. “You smell like milk.” He tells you, feeling you laugh into him.
“You seriously know how to make a woman feel good, Dave.” You comment to him, raising an eyebrow. “I mean, you smell like mashed carrot and apple mixed with sick but I’m not complainin’” You add, turning to face him as you smile up at him. “Who was on the phone?” 
“Just Natalie, asking about your birthday.” He sings playfully, listening as you groan into his chest. 
“Are they planning a party or something?” You question quietly, not wanting to sound ungrateful if they are. 
David shakes his head. “Nah, they know we can’t, not just yet anyway.” He explains and you nod along. “We’re not as young as we once were.” He jokes, watching as you lift your head up.
“None of them have pushed a baby through their vagina yet.” You chuckle. “I’m sure they’d be tired if their baby kept them awake all night.” 
“I love you, you know that.” David speaks up, resting his hands on your cheeks. 
You nod, looking up at him. “Yeah, of course, you dummy.” You tell him as you lean in, kissing him softly. “And I love you too. Even if you forgot my birthday.” You whisper before turning around, lifting Elsie from her high chair and dancing through the house with her in your arms. 
Opening your eyes once more you roll over, seeing David absent from your side. 
Forcing yourself upright, you brush your hair back as you head down the stairs. “David?” You call out, wrapping your dressing gown tighter around yourself as the faint smell of coffee fills your nostrils. 
“I’m in the kitchen!” He yells back as the radio is turned up as you turn the corner, entering the kitchen with wide eyes. 
Displayed is a large vase of your favourite flowers along with a series of small wrapped presents. Elsie sits on the kitchen counter with a bow around her and a card in her grip. 
David turns away from the sink, revealing a plate of pancakes for you. “You did all this?” You question, rubbing your eyes in disbelief. 
“Well,” David shrugs his shoulders. “I had a bit of help.” 
You turn around as you see Natalie, Zane, Heath and Mariah appear from your living room holding balloons and a birthday cake. 
“You guys!” You stare at them all, covering your mouth as it falls open in surprise. “What is all this?” 
“Just because you both forgot doesn’t mean we did.” Mariah states, holding the cake out as Heath lights the candles. 
“You better make a wish baby!” Zane speaks up, smiling as Natalie chuckles whilst filming this all for David. 
Closing your eyes, you blow out the candles. 
Cheers form around you as you open your eyes, noticing David by your side with Elsie on his hip. “Happy birthday to Mommy, Elsie!” David uses his baby voice as Elsie giggles, making grabby hands to you once more. 
“Oh come to Momma.” You speak up, taking her from him as you kiss her little face, never tiring of her baby smell. “Thank you guys, this was just,” You chuckle, still struggling to form words. 
“You’re welcome, Y/n.” Natalie speaks up as you stutter over your own silences. “We’ll leave you three to enjoy the rest of the day.” She says as the other three wander to the front door, waving goodbye to you all. “Have a good day you guys.” Natalie calls out as she closes the door behind her, leaving the three of you alone once more.
“Did that actually happen or am I dreaming?” You think aloud, glancing up at David who is unable to wipe the smile from his face. 
“Yeah,” He mutters to you. “now, how about breakfast?” He suggests as you nod in response before sitting down at the counter with him and Elsie, looking forward to your perfectly relaxed birthday. 
“Oh no, Elsies popped her pants.” You comment and David rises to his feet. 
“I’ve got it, it’s your birthday after all.” David kisses your cheek as he takes Elsie upstairs, leaving you to eat breakfast.
“Huh,” You mutter to yourself. “wouldn’t mind it being my birthday more often.” 
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daddydaviddobrik · 4 years
Protective pre dad!david
Ever since you told david that you were pregnant he instantly went into protective mode. It wasn’t that bad at first but when your bump started to show he went off the rails.
“Baby I don’t think you should be eating that” you looked at the wrapper confused.
“A snickers bar? Why?” You looked at him and his face was studying on his phone.
“All the sugars in it babe, can’t be healthy for the baby right?” You rolled your eyes taking a bite from the candy bar and david glared at you.
“I think this one bar is gonna be okay dave” you giggled.
you and david were doing your nightly routine and you sat on the bed leaning against the headboard getting ready to put a brand new lotion that you just got on your bump.
“Are you seriously gonna put that on little one?” He asked. When you looked up at him he was standing on the side of the bed with his hands on his hips.
“yeah? Why shouldn’t I?” You asked.
“Uhh all the chemicals and shit in it?” He said as if it were obvious.
“Babe are you kidding?! It doesn’t seep through my skin and goes straight to the baby..it doesn’t work like that love” you giggled. He sighed sitting on the bed holding out his hand and you smiled at him squeezing some lotion on his hand.
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mrsdobrik · 4 years
Dad David doesn’t give their daughter the attention he always gives silence he’s been so busy with work and she gets really upset and sad.
As soon as David crossed the door he was jumped on by a pink cloud made of tulle, sparkles and under all that his daughter. “Daddy!” She exclaimed as she wrapped her arms tightly around his knees. He smiled and picked her up giving her a big hug. Right behind her, Y/n walked in holding Liam, their four-month-old son in her arms. She smiled at the heart-warming scene and, as David let go of little Emily, she walked up to him and planted a short peck on his lips. 
“Someone really missed you today, and I’m not just talking about princess cotton candy back there.” She smiled resting her chin on the crook of his neck for a minute. 
“I know, I really missed you all guys too! Today was crazy busy on set and filming ran late. I’m so happy to be home.” David said, one arm wrapped around his wife’s waist. 
“We are happy you are home. Dinner should be ready any time now. Would you mind?” She said passing the baby to him to go check on the food. 
As soon as Y/n disappeared into the kitchen Emily started talking but was shortly after interrupted by Liam crying. David started humming to calm the baby down, not even noticing the frown on his daughter’s face. Once the baby finally calmed down and Emily was about to start her story once again she was cut off by her mother’s voice calling them to dinner. David told Em to wash her hands and that she could tell him her story over dinner. 
A mouth watering smell took over the kitchen as Y/n placed a platter of roasted chicken in the center of the table. Their dinner routine consisted of David or Y/n feeding the baby while the other cut Emily’s food into small bites and as they tried to eat something themselves. Moments after he was done feeding Liam his phone started ringing and he had no choice but to take the call. 
As David left the room Y/n noticed Emily’s eyes were watering. “What’s wrong sweetheart?” Y/n whispered softly, her brows knitted together in a worrisome expression. 
“Why doesn’t Daddy love me anymore?” The little one started sobbing. 
“What do you mean, baby? Of course Daddy loves you!” Y/n reassured her, wrapping her free arm around her daughter. 
“No, he doesn’t. He wouldn’t even listen to my story!” 
“Sweetie, Daddy is just really busy with work. I’m sure he really wants to listen to your story but you have to be patient.” Y/n smiled at her daughter. 
“Do you promise?” Emily said, as the sobbing winded down. 
“Pinky promise” Y/n muttered, locking pinkies with her daughter. 
By the time David walked back into the kitchen the family dinner was over, Liam was a sleep in his crib and Emily had reluctantly gone to bed with the promise that her dad would go give her a goodnight kiss when he was done with work. Y/n was washing the dishes and only David’s plate, still filled with cold chicken was left on the table. 
“I’m sorry Dave, we ate. It was getting pretty late for the kids” Y/n gave him a sad smile. “Do you want me to heat that up for you?” 
“No, hon, I’ll do it. I’m sorry I missed dinner, there was a problem with a guest for next week’s show and they needed my help and... I’m really sorry. I was really looking forward to having dinner with you all.” 
“I get it, Dave. You are busy, our lives have always been this way. Em, however, was pretty upset. I promised you would go kiss her goodnight so why don’t you let me heat that up for you and you go spend some time with her. She really misses you” Y/n sighed. 
“Thank you baby, you are the best. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He smiled, walking up to her and planting a sweet kiss on her cheek before heading upstairs. 
As he walked into his daughter’s room he noticed he was fighting sleep as she waited for him to go kiss her goodnight. He could feel his heart break for the little girl. 
“Hey sweetheart, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to hear your story today.” He whispered, sitting on her bed and running his long fingers through her hair. 
“That’s okay, Daddy. I really missed you today.” She yawned, leaning into his touch. 
“I know princess. I promise I’ll make it up to you tomorrow, I don’t have work so we can spend the whole day together, just the two of us, and go do something fun.”
“I like that” His daughter smiled sleepily. 
“I love you, baby” David whispered softly, kissing her goodnight before turning her light off and mutely leaving the room with a huge smile on his face. 
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feelthepainofdodick · 5 years
Love For Hire - Ch. 1 - (D.D. x Reader)
Summary: David hires you to be his fake girlfriend for a month to get the diza stans off his back. This experience is the craziest thing that has ever happened to you and the emotional consequences that ensue are something you never expected.
Notes: Hey everyone! I’m back with another series! This will be my main focus but I’ll try to keep writing imagines between chapters if I really like a concept or get a request. I’m really excited for this series and I hope yall like it. I honestly don’t know how many chapters I plan to write for this but I can for sure tell you it will be longer than my last series. Much love, Julie.
Word Count: 1479
It’s been a year since the infamous break up video between David and Liza and it felt as though the ‘diza’ stans were still in full swing. This caused David so much internal turmoil. Every time he gets frustrated by it, he goes to a friend to just talk about it and vent it out. Most times he goes to Natalie since she lives with him. Tonight was no different. David laid in Natalie’s bed talking to her about what is on his mind.
“I just don’t know what to do Nat. I’m exhausted of getting tweets or comments about Liza. Even in actual interviews for any press they still ask me about the breakup as if anything changed. What do they want me to say? That I still miss her, or I hate her, or we are actually best friends. It won’t ever end and I’m fed up with my career being surrounded around Liza. Don’t get me wrong. I love Liza but I hate that our relationship is what my career is surrounded by. I like to think I work hard. I’ve done collabs with famous people, have a podcast, went on tour last year, got to do a movie character voice over, and yet my relationship with Liza is the main point of conversation in everything. What don’t people understand that we are broken up and I don’t have all the answers on how she’s doing. Yes we are still best friends but she’s busy and I’m busy. I’m just over it.” He sighs loudly, exasperated.
Nat had heard him say the same things about this topic over and over again for months. She truly sympathized. She couldn’t imagine being with someone and have your relationship so public and beloved by so many then to break that by breaking up. Something so personal and sad for the world to see. Then the idea hit her…
“David! Okay so I have this idea but it’s a bit out there...” She says nervously.
“What is it Nat?” He questions.
“So, I’ve been reading this book lately about this girl who escorts for people with money on a monthly basis and is basically whatever she needs to be for them for an entire month.” She explains.
“What does this have to do with me?” David interrupts.
“What if you hired someone to be your fake girlfriend for a month? You have a bunch of press to do next month and she can be in the vlogs getting all the diza stans off your back.” She proposes.
“That’s crazy. If I wanted someone to be my fake girlfriend for a while why wouldn’t I just ask one of my friends to do it?” He questions.
“David. You can’t be serious? That’s such a big favor to ask one of our friends plus when you break up in a month, it’ll be the same thing all over again with whoever you choose since the fans know both of you. Also! What if this friend falls for you. You will have no control over emotional consequences. You would be paying this girl to pretend to be your girlfriend, thus you wouldn’t have to be emotionally connected to her as horrible as that sounds. It would be transnational rather than a favor.” She further explains.
Intrigued he says. “Do those sites even actually exist in real life, not just in books and movies.”
Natalie smiles. “Well, why don’t we check?” Pulling out her laptop.
David moves to sit next to Natalie looking over her shoulder as she starts looking up on google if its real. Natalie is researching different sites when David says.
“You know the more I think about it, the more I like the idea. I have a bunch of press events to do and it would be so much easier if I didn’t have to talk about Liza over and over again. VidCon is coming up, New York stuff is coming up, premieres, the teen awards, and a million other things-”
“Look! I found a legit looking site.” Natalie interrupts. David looks over Natalie’s shoulder as she makes a profile for him and starts scrolling through. She stops on you, “Oooo, she’s pretty isn’t she?” She says glancing towards David.
David sit up and looks closer towards the screen. “Yeah… Yeah she’s actually really pretty.” He smiles to himself as he stares at your picture on the screen. “Wonder why she’s on an escort site.” He casually questions.
Natalie looks over at him. “Who knows David. The girl in my book starts escorting because her dad got into some trouble with a loan shark and the loan sharks beat her dad up so he had to go to the hospital. Then the loan sharks pinned all the money on her so she has to pay it back or else they’ll kill her dad. But I can’t imagine these girls have that dramatic of stories. I’m sure she’s just paying student loans or something.” She chuckles.
David looks at Natalie wide eyed. “What the fuck are you even reading?” She shrugs. “So, should I message her?”
“Oh, shit, I don’t know-” David started to feel weird about the whole situation. “You really think it’s a good idea to hire someone to be my fake girlfriend for a month?”
“Don’t you want the diza stans off your back? And you’ll finally be able to talk about something else in interviews.” Natalie said.
David sighed. He knew Natalie was right. “Fine. You can message her but I want to sleep on it.” And with that he got up and left the room while Natalie started writing to you.
(Y/N)’s POV:
*ding ding* *new email notification* You go over to your phone to check your new email. It was from the escort site, the agency you worked for, called DiamondTimes. 
You weren’t particularly happy to have to start escorting but you were broke and needed something easy to pay the rent while you worked at some shitty deli shop that you were definitely being underpaid for. But you were trying to get an internship with any PR company so you needed to find someway to pay the rent. Times were tough but you made it through and these escort gigs were definitely a major reason you were surviving. You tried not to take the jobs where they wanted you to have sex with them unless you unbelievably desperate. Most of the time you skated by going on dates and acting like the man’s girlfriend, or if they needed companionship and just wanted to talk, or had very specific fetishes that didn’t require you to have sex with them. You had to do what you had to do.
The message from David Dobrik read-
Hi! This is Natalie David Dobrik’s assistant. We wanted to contact you to see if you would be interested in being the fake girlfriend of my boss for a month. He is a youtuber so basically you would pretend to be his girlfriend for his channel and for press events during the month. This job would include a lot of social media presence and travel. Send me a message if the idea interests you and we can facetime to talk further details!
Wow this sounds interesting. You thought to yourself. I’ve never worked on one job for an entire month. If I left my shit job for too long they would definitely fire me. Not like it would matter. They pay shit and I’d be working for this guy. And this social media thing could work for experience to get a job with a PR firm! That last thought sold you. You messaged back immediately giving Natalie your number and told her you could facetime anytime she had the chance. As you wrote the message you wondered who David Dobrik was since you didn’t watch too much YouTube.
You, incredibly quickly, got a message from an unknown number that read -
Hello! This in Natalie from the site. I know this is so quick and it’s late but if you can facetime right now that would be great!
You were a bit shocked how quickly it was all happening but you just went with it in stride. You took the facetime with Natalie. She explained the job you would be doing if you accepted it in further detail. You both even had a few laughs during the conversation. You asked a few questions. You then asked if you could sleep on it. She said of course and you ended the call.
You woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and excited. You thought, why the heck not! It pays, no sex is required, and its a new adventure in a new city! You texted back Natalie immediately saying - I’m in!
She replies quickly. OMG yay! Okay I’m booking the flight now!
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i8jisoo · 4 years
so i’m feeling sort of baby feverish and i suddenly can only write pregnancy or stuff with babies in it so please send me prompts or stuff in my ask thingy i really wanna write stuff for followers 🥺 u can be anon or ask me idc i just want stuff in my asks 🥺👉👈
i would be up to writing for
harry styles
david dobrik
michael clifford
ashton irwin
luke hemmings
calum hood
ALSO LIKE NONE OF THEM HAVE TO BE IN RELATIONSHIPS HAHA 😄 god i love those sappy lil dad!bestfriend ones and it makes me feel all smooshy inside 🥺 also cute little baby nicknames? to die 4 ok let me stop please PLEASEEE just send me different people with different ideas
pleaseee send me stuff in my asks on my profile i realllllyy wanna write dad! or pregnant!reader stuff with any one of them 🥺 they all r so soft and prob smooshy inside i just want them to all be married and have kids already 😔
also feel free to check out my masterlist with some stuff already in it 🥺 ok thanks ☺️
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dirtydobrik · 5 years
two baby girls - d.d.
this is kind of a part two to “two pink lines”, but it also works as a stand alone piece
requested: yes, i had multiple requests surrounding a pregnant reader! 1. This is my first request, Can you do an image with David where they are about to have a baby soon and David is already being and overprotective father out of EVERYTHING. Thanks so much and sorry if you already have one similar to this one. 2. Can you continue the one where she tells David she’s pregnant and it’s a few months down the road where they find out the gender and they feel the baby kick and all the emotions of them having a baby. And for another one could you have it be a few days before she’s due and she goes into labor and the reactions everyone has. and 3. Can I request a David fic where they’re pregnant with twins, but she didn’t tell David there’s two babies yet, and at the gender reveal they bring out a second cake or something for the second baby and it’s just Daddy David fluff pls Ily
word count: 1300
"Baby, be careful," David said, jumping up off the couch and helping you carry a large box inside.
"Relax," you giggled. Although you appreciated the concern, David was being just a little bit too overprotective. He hardly let you do anything remotely straining even though you were only ten weeks pregnant yet. He was a worrier and you imagined he'd be the same way as a dad.  
"I'm sorry, I just don’t want you to get hurt. And I don't want anything to happen to the baby." He placed the box down in the kitchen and pulled you in for a hug. "I missed you all day."
"I missed you too." You stood on your toes with your arms around his neck, giving him a quick peck. "The baby will be fine, Dave."
You kicked your heels off and dropped your purse on the pool table, walking in to the kitchen to make dinner. The smell of bell peppers made you feel nauseous, and you dropped the knife you were using to cut them up on to the counter and immediately ran into the bathroom. David sat down next to you, rubbing your back with one hand and pulling your hair away from your face with the other.
"You okay, bub?" he asked, and you shook your head.
"I think I'm going to go lie down for a little bit," you said. David helped you to your feet and you collapsed on to the cloud couch in the living room.
David came back with a small plate of cheese and crackers for you to eat if you felt like you could. He told you that he was reading a bunch of books on how to cope with pregnancy symptoms and he wanted to make sure he did everything he could to help you.
"Thank you." You gave him a small smile.
"So, when's the next appointment?" David asked, overly excited for the ultrasound.
"Tomorrow," you answered, and his smile fell. "What's wrong?"
"I have meetings all day and Natalie will kill me if I have her reschedule them this last minute," he pouted.
"It's just a routine check. We've already heard the heartbeat and I'll get my blood tested to find out the gender, but we're having a gender reveal, so it'll be nothing out of the ordinary," you reassured him.
Your reassurance, however, wasn't a good idea. You had called Erin to come with you for moral support since David was busy, and your jaw dropped when the ultrasound picked up two different heartbeats.
"Twins?" you asked, your voice wavering as you were on the verge of tears. The nurse pointed out both babies on the ultrasound and your heart skipped a beat.
"Holy shit, congrats," Erin exclaimed, squeezing your hand and giving you a smile.
"I'm fucking terrified," you whispered, wishing David was here with you.
"It's going to be okay," Erin reassured you, giving you a hug.
"Okay, so I can do your bloodwork to find out the gender, but since you're having twins, it may not be accurate. It can tell you if both babies will be girls or if at least one will be a boy, but there's no way to tell this early on if both are boys or if one is a boy and one is a girl," the nurse explained as she set everything up to draw your blood.
Erin took the envelope with the results since her and Carly had decided they wanted to be in charge of the gender reveal party.
A few weeks later, you and David were driving to Erin's apartment. You hadn't told anyone that you were having twins, not even David. You weren't sure what Erin's plan was, but you hoped David was excited by the news.
The apartment was decorated with different blue and pink balloons and streamers. When all of your friends and family were over, Erin came out with a cake to do the gender reveal, only for Carly to follow with a second cake.
Everyone froze and exchanged glances with each other. You watched the look of confusion on David's face as he turned to face you.
"We're having twins?" he asked in a quiet voice.
"Surprise?" You phrased it as a question instead of a statement, but you could see the smile form on David's face.
He was beaming as he pulled you in for a tight hug before quickly letting go and putting his hand on your stomach. "Sorry, I didn't mean to squish you guys," he mumbled and you rolled your eyes.
"You're ridiculous," you giggled, giving him a kiss.
"I can't believe we're having twin girls," David sighed happily, sitting down on the couch next to you.
"Speak for yourself," you groaned. You were further along in your pregnancy and every part of your body hurt. You were almost at 23 weeks and you had been feeling the babies kicking constantly. Your back was constantly in pain from the weight of the babies and you were irritable all of the time.
You felt one of the babies kick and you pulled David's hand on to your stomach to feel it for the first time. There was a dull pain in your left side and David was beaming when he felt it.
"That's one of our strong little girls," he exclaimed, and you chuckled. Watching David get excited over every part of your pregnancy made it bearable.
But David had also gotten even more overprotective since he found out you were having twins. He didn’t let you go anywhere alone and he didn’t even want you to get out of bed most days.
"David, nothing is going to happen if I go grocery shopping," you sighed. You were beyond bored being in the house all the time and you were getting antsy. "At least let me help decorate the nursery," you pouted, but he shook his head.
"Baby, you know the doctor said you're on bed rest."
"Dave, I know you think you know everything, but you are not a doctor."
"Doctor's orders," David insisted, kissing your forehead and you couldn’t argue with him anymore.
You winced in pain, feeling a sharp contraction. You were only 35 weeks, but twins were rarely ever carried to term. You let out a yelp, your fingernails digging into David's arm, waking him up.
"Is everything okay?" David asked, sitting up in bed. You shook your head and took a deep breath, preparing for another contraction. David sat beside you, helping you regulate your breathing while timing the distance between your contractions. After a while of contractions, they were coming more regularly and you and David decided to go to the hospital. Hours later, you were blessed with your two twin girls.
"You did so good," David whispered, giving you a kiss.
Later when your friends came to visit and meet the girls, all of them were in awe of your two tiny humans.
"They're so adorable," Erin cooed.
"Dave, they look just like you," Jeff said.
"Oh my god, they're so little and cute," Carly chimed in.
"They're absolutely precious, you two," Jason added. "You two are going to be amazing parents."
"I can't believe you guys have kids," Heath muttered.
"We're next, right bubba?" Mariah joked, looking at Heath.
Driving home from the hospital with the twins was the first time you had ever seen David drive carefully. David was always the one to change their diapers in the middle of the night, insisting that you stay in bed and rest, although you assumed the girls already had him whipped and he would go out of his way to keep them happy. He was a great dad already and you were excited to see him become even better.
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