#davian lain
whumpwillow · 1 year
Hazeshift 14 | villain whump
This is a series! masterlist    
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ummmm yeah here ya go
{ Chapter summary: Haze, delirious, shows him images with his powers of what happened to him at Lisle’s hands }
warnings: past torture, unreality, hospital setting, low self worth, imposter syndrome
Two Davians. Two Davians.
Haze’s mind spun trying to work out why this was important. He knew somehow that it was, but couldn’t figure out why.
He felt lightheaded. Every part of his body buzzed with pain. That wasn’t unusual. He felt hot and sticky, and it took him a bit to remember that it was blood. He was being beaten. By Davian. Or Davians. Was that why there were two now? Because the first one was tired so the second came to take his place?
His fears seemed to prove true for an instant as he saw one of the Davian’s move closer to him with alarming speed, running toward him. That Davian punched the other one, sending him flying backwards and crashing into the far wall. Haze watched, stunned, as the man who’d been beating him just moments prior became nothing more than a ragdoll on the floor.
This new Davian crouched down at Haze’s side and threaded his fingers through his bloody hair. He didn’t tear or rip or pull, but held him gently, resting Haze’s head in his lap.
Ah, so this was another one of those peaceful visions.
He must have had his fill of pain and his mind had conjured up this image to comfort him, just like Davian giving him the apples. The blankets. Holding him like he was now, stroking his bloody cheeks with his thumbs, caressing him like he was something precious and breakable.
Haze tried to smile, split lips pulling back to reveal bloodied teeth. His eyes became glazed and unfocused and he saw Davian’s own lips moving, saying something but making no sound. Haze couldn’t tell what the words meant, even if the world seemed to play out in slow-motion. Davian’s mouth moved and made words, but all Haze could hear was ringing in his ears. He tried to focus on the shape of Davian’s lips, what they were trying to say, but all he got from that was how he’d never really taken a chance to look at them and realize how beautiful they were.
Davian looked down at the villain in his lap, heart thumping so hard against his ribcage he thought it might break. The sting of his fist from punching Lisle was negligible, incomparable to the hot blood that slicked over his fingers as he touched Haze. He reached out slowly at first, disbelieving of the battered figure that lay on the floor in front of him was the man who had lain in his bed with him just yesterday.
The Haze now was practically unrecognizable from that man. He lay near-motionless on the ground, covered in blood, his arms out at his sides and one of them bent at an unnatural angle. His hair was mussed and matted, wet and sticky, and his eyes had glazed over and now stared right through him. What scared him the most was the smile—sharp and bitter, like nothing he’d ever seen before, it was plastered over Haze’s face with blood-stained teeth and malice. So much malice.
Davian would’ve thought the man dead if it weren’t for the subtle rise and fall of his chest, the unstable rhythm of his hitching breaths.
He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream.
Why did this have to happen? He’d told Haze that he was safe. That he’d be safe here. He was supposed to be safe.
He gathered Haze into his lap, running a hand through his hair. Was horrified when it came away red. He shivered along with the villain he held, who’s expression hadn’t changed.
“Hey, Haze, Haze, wake up. It’s me. It’s me, Davian.”
Not Lisle.
He’d seen Lisle on the ground, straddling his former torturer’s hips, beating him to a pulp. More accurately, he’d seen himself doing it, the shape-shifted form of himself Haze's tormentor wore. He knew who it was without having to think—he knew all of Lisle’s tricks with shapeshifting from the academy.
Or at least, he thought he did.
Lisle had shifted into Davian himself to beat up Haze…he’d taken on the guise of the one person Haze found safe and desecrated it. A pressure built up in Davian’s chest that he couldn’t seem to get rid of.
Why did this have to happen?
He brushed the back of his hand over Haze’s cheek. “Hey, Haze. It’s okay. You’re alright. You’re safe—sa-fe—”
Davian couldn’t even get the words out. He inhaled sharply in the middle of it, his breath catching in his throat. His eyes burned and soon he felt hot tears escape them, only to land on the unchanging face of the villain he held in his lap.
He wasn’t safe. He was hurt. Davian had failed him, he failed to protect him, he lied lied lied—
Fucking useless, you are! There you go, screwing it all up again, a nasty voice in the back of his mind told him.
Davian was used to it by now, always whispering to him during missions what a failure he was. How he didn’t deserve to be known as the city’s greatest hero. That he was a fraud.
But this wasn’t about him.
So why couldn’t he stop crying?
Through the bleary haze of tears, Davian didn’t notice the smoke building up in the room until it was too late. He tried to cover his mouth, but he knew that would do no good, for this was not real smoke, not the kind from fires or those blasted cigarettes Lisle wouldn’t stop buying. This was the kind that didn’t rise or fall and didn’t blow away in the wind. The kind that brought with it not coughing fits but visions of disaster and torment.
This was Haze’s power.
Davian only had a moment to glance down at Haze’s wrist and the broken armband that had been restraining his powers thus far—evidently damaged in the scene Lisle had caused. After that, the smoke wrapped around him, obscuring his vision until it warped into something else entirely.
Haze sat in his cell, his body curled in on itself. Unhealed wounds wept with fresh blood, though he made no move to fix them. A voice came from behind. Haze turned around.
Then came the salt crystals. Rough, gritty, and coarse, Lisle rubbed it into the lashes on Haze’s back, tearing into them with his hands with a bitter callousness Davian never expected to see from his friend. An awful chill had settled over the man as he tortured the villain, a smile cresting on his face.
You broke faster than I did.
Lisle’s words. Teasing, mocking, vindicated.
He wondered for how long this had been happening, how long Davian had let this happen. Davian sucked in a breath, only filling himself up with more of the vision-smoke. Distantly, he figured it didn’t matter. All that really mattered was what the smoke showed him—how clueless he’d been. How blind.
Haze wasn’t the villain here.
Lisle was.
The smoke shifted again. The air grew thicker and Davian struggled to breathe. He pitched forward, trying desperately to get air into his lungs, but it was only visions. Memories.
The smoke settled and Davian could breathe again.
He was in the hospital room. The visions overlayed itself with where Davian presently sat in reality, though the unconscious body of Lisle that Davian had punched was not lying on the floor in the corner as he realistically should be. No, the vision-Lisle stood by Haze’s bedside, while Haze himself looked up with fearful eyes. Cali was there as well, standing on the other side of the bed. She held out her hands and asked Lisle for confirmation, to which he replied with words that sounded so wrong to Davian’s own ears, but seemed to convince Cali of his goals and her assumed purpose.
Davian realized what they were going to do. He knew what Haze had suffered at the hands of the vigilante Sorrowborn, he knew what this would do to him. Lisle knew it all and intended to use Haze’s greatest fear, his greatest pain, against him. For revenge.
Davian tried to move. He made to leap up and stop the scene from happening, but his body wouldn’t obey. He was trapped, motionless, helpless as he could only watch as Haze thrashed under Cali's power as she sent jolts of electricity into his body. Worse than being tazed, worse even than if he were to stick a fork in an electric socket, the shock tore through the man’s body without mercy.
Davian screamed for them to stop, but the vision never wavered. Haze begged in the same voice as Davian was now, and neither of them could do a thing.
The smoke dissipated and Davian sucked in a breath. He was back in the hospital room, the real one this time, with everything where it had been moments prior. Lisle still lay unconscious to the side, but Davian couldn’t even look at him right now. He didn’t even know what to think about his former friend, the same man he’d gone to the academy with, studied together, laughed together, saved innocent lives together with.
And Haze.
The villain. The monster. The lackey for a group of people so evil that it couldn’t be put into words.
The injured boy. The fragile thing. the one who had been wronged so thoroughly and by so many people. Including himself.
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laoirei-pages · 4 months
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Interview w/ My Soulmates!
Wawancara adalah percakapan terstruktur dimana salah satu partisipan mengajukan pertanyaan dan partisipan lainnya memberikan jawaban. Dalam bahasa umum, kata "wawancara" mengacu pada percakapan empat mata antara pewawancara dan orang yang diwawancarai.
Tapi, wawancara di sini adalah wawancara untuk saling mengenal Soulmates satu sama lain. Aku udah menyiapkan beberapa pertanyaan untuk Soulmates dan juga jawaban dari mereka. Berikut adalah hasil dari wawancara tersebut. 📃
A. Akhir-akhir ini, kamu lagi suka ngapain aja kalau lagi ada waktu senggang?
B. Kamu punya nicknames dari member / fans nggak? Kalau punya, sebutin dong apa itu nicknamesnya.
C. Makanan kesukaan yang sampai kapanpun itu kamu nggak akan bosan makannya meskipun dalam porsi yang banyak.
D. Lagu yang akhir-akhir ini kamu suka dengerin apa? Soalnya, mau aku masukin ke dalam playlist aku, nih. (Boleh sebutin lebih dari satu, ya.)
E. Selama sebulan menjadi Soulmates, ada kegiatan/misi yang udah pernah kita jalani di retainyouth yang paling kamu sukai dengan misi itu nggak?
1. @MlNJIQIM ( Amora J. C. )
A. Akhir-akhir ini aku lagi mood banget baca buku, udah khatam dua buku loh sehariian ini. 😎 #maafpamer
B. Ada! Hyein-ie bilang aku itu NewJeans’s official goddess. :3 aku juga dijuluki cleaning queen karena suka bersih-bersih. >__<
D. Aku lagi dengerin lagunya BTS sunbaenim yang judulnya house of cards, hold me tight sama autumn leaves. :3
E. Misi yang sekarang aku suka soalnya bikin tau tmi dari setiap soulmates! >__0
2. @hdnyujin ( Achielle )
A. Aku sekarang kalau senggang itu suka memanfaatkan waktuku dengan tiduur, kalau engga biasanya aku suka cover-cover lagu yang lagi hits sih, noonaaaa.
B. Aku biasanya dipanggil sama ZEROSE itu Yucil, bunny sama peach!
C. MALAAAATANG, tapi itu makanannya harus dibantu abangku... soalnya porsinya besar... aku gak bakal habis makan sendiri....
D. Laguku yang judulnya Sunday Ride, noona harus denger kalau misalnya noona suka yang cheerful-cheerful gitu!
E. Ini sih noonaa, aku jadi bisa ngobrol banyak sama soulmates.
3. @hanznni ( Sachi Eleonora Dominique )
A. kalau lagi liburan atau waktu luang aku suka street feeding, jogging, nonton youtube seharian, explore film & lagu bagus, coba resep masakan baru di dapur !
B. achi...? sachi aja udah suka sih. achi kayanya lebih effort. ; ] oh, bunny juga bisa, soalnya aku suka dipanggil gitu !
C. martabak telor yang ada ayam suwirnya ! enak banget demi apa. asin manis asam-nya tuh perfect sekali. ❤️
D. lagunya charli xcx ini nggak pernah aku skip dari daily listening ! 🥺 https://t.co/CgikZ75h2l
E. pas ts jadi companions ! asli seru banget jadi kak cakra. mana lucu banget samaan typing & emot sama cakra lain. 😭
4. @feonghyeon ( Arjuna Nanindra )
A. Akhir akhir ini saya lebih suka jalan jalan terus ngefoto langit cerah.
B. nicknamesnya sih gak jauh dari jeonghyeon, leejeong atau wolfpuppy.
C. Matcha! Saya suka sekali sama matcha
D. Saya dengerin lagu lagunya colde sunbaenim, salah satunya wa-r-r
E. Waktu misi cari identity saya rasa itu yang paling seru, sama gamenya winter nuna yang monopoli kalau gak salah
5. @Seongmhwa ( Nalesha Dirandra K. )
A. main RP pastinya, kebetulan lagi banyak waktu luang jadi dipake buat istirahat sama main idol-idolan. 😆
B. ddeonghwa = itu kayak versi lucunya nama aku ajaa, bunny = soalnya katanya aku mirip kelinci, mom = karena aku kayak mamanya memberku yang lain! > __ <
C. indomie no debat, rela usus buntu demi indomie. 🥺
D. aku lagi suka banget dengerin lagunya aespa yang supernova sama armageddon, terus mcr yang the world is ugly, dan engga ketinggalan laguku yang baru judulnya work!
E. aku paling suka misi yang dm-dman kayak gini sama yang mintain nama contact kemarin soalnya bisa sekalian bonding sama BFFs. > __ <
6. @Jeehyuk ( Davian Mahendra L. )
A. Akhir akhir ini, abang kalo senggang lagi suka tidur dan nonton film sama temen abang! Kamu udah nonton yang Hierarki itu belum, Laoi? Abang lagi on going nonton itu sama temen abang. Ceritanya lumayan seru!
B. Banyaaak! Jaejae, Jjack Jjack, Jack and Jack.
C. Chocolate! Kayaknya abang gak bakal bosen kalo makan chocolate terus 😭😭😭
D. Glad You Exist nya Dan+Shay! Abang udah dengerin ini dari lama dan gapernah bosen. Kalo mau versi accoustic nya juga adaa! Kalo galau gitu abang suka dengerin Thank You nya Asahi x Haruto unit sama Hold It In.
E. Sebenernya abang suka misi ini, soalnya jadi makin banyak ngobrol! Tapi durasi nya kurang lama (kode biar extend) 😭😭😭
7. @Wonyuoung ( Steffi )
A. aku lagi suka nonton drakor aja sihh sama ngobrol! ngobrol me time sama pacarku soalnyaa lagi drained bangettt akhir-akhir ini jadinya gak mood buat ngapa-ngapain!
B. princess bunny! hehehe dari mu beloved dive!
C. spicy beef?! sushis!! pokoknya semua makanan pedas sih aku gak akan bosen!!
D. aku lagi suka OTT by IVE, so let's go see the stars by BOYNEXTDOOR, cinta pertama di jam 7 lewat 12 by JKT48
E. aku paling suka pas tukeran kontak nickname!! lucu lucuu bangett
8. @wiunter ( Gracelle J. )
A. aku biasanya nonton atau tidur buat istirahat gitu:"
B. adaaaa. tongtong atau nongnao. sebenernya banyak sihh..
C. KWETIAU 😭😭😭. enak sekali kwetiau
D. aku lagi suka dengerin bahama aespa, sama it's you nya dew jirawat. tapi it's you belum ada di spotify dehhh
E. aku paling suka yang dibuatin nickname 🥺.. soalnya lucu² bangett
9. @younjungl ( Neena Evanthe )
A. aku suka tidur wkwk suka rebahan, nonton film jugaa. kalo produktif aku suka bikin kue, latihan gambar, terus jalan-jalan ke art exhibition
B. temen-temen deketku sering panggil aku pake Ggonjung, itu Go-Younjung disingkat atauu Go! doang saking magernya mereka manggil nama Younjung ㅠㅠ. nah kalo as writer aku dipanggilnya Nina gitu sih biasanya, itu dari nama OCku Neena Evanthe
C. WOW, kebetulan ada makanan yang aku makanin terus. aku sukaaa banget sama Jelly. bener, jelly tuh bisa aku makanin terus dalam porsi yang banyak. hotteok sama bungeoppang juga!
D. ini bukan pamer karena yang nanyain Rei ya kkk ini beneran aku suka lagunya Heya dari IVE 🤍 lagunya aespa yang Live My Life aku juga suka. kalo lagu Heya itu berasa masuk ke dunia lain, kalo lagu Live My Life itu berasa sejuk aja gitu dengernya
E. semua mission aku sukaa. paling suka dan berkesan itu pas manito. Cakra baik banget sampe ngebantu aku yang clueless pas itu. di hari itu Cakra really made my day pokoknya! 🥺
10. @Pailiiu ( Leora )
A. Aku lagi suka nulis diary akhir-akhir ini hehe menyenangkan.
B. Punyaaa! Paipai, bamboo, apalagi yaaa. 🤔
C. Eumm... cookies? Cake? Kalo porsinya banyak dan terus menerus aku tetep bakalan bosen sih. 😣
D. Lagi suka dengerin Armageddon! Semua orang juga gitu gak sih? >__<
E. Aku paling sukaa waktu jadi manitomuuu hehe ;p
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oldcountrybear1955 · 3 years
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Reflex Homme November 2016 - Francisco Lachowski photographed by DaVian Lain
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black-is-no-colour · 3 years
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Elizabeth Wood, photographed by Enrique Vega and styled by DaVian Lain for Vogue Portugal June 2021
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neechypoo · 5 years
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pradaiso · 6 years
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Harper's Bazaar Kazakhstan photographer JD Barnes stylist DaVian Lain model Alexandra Elizabeth Ljadov
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soultobeloved · 7 years
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Peyton Knight by Pedro Quintana styled by Davian Lain for Harper’s Bazaar Chile December 2017
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fashionarmies · 7 years
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Bregje Heinen for Vogue Taiwan — August 2017
Ph: Caleb & Gladys
Stylist: Melina Chen
HairStylist: Benoit Moeyaert
Mua: Mia Yang
Manicurist: Naoko Saita
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fashion-boots · 7 years
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Greta Varlese by Fedor Bitkov, Harper's Bazaar Kazakhstan, May 2017 Fedor Bitkov - Photographer Carine Utegenova - Fashion Editor/Stylist DaVian Lain - Casting Director Boots by Louis Vuitton
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womenmanagement · 7 years
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Rianne Ten Haken with 3 covers for L'Officiel Australia, F/W 2017 Photography: Daniel Matallana Stylist: DaVian Lain Hair: Helen Reavey Makeup: Miguel Lledo
Follow WOMEN: https://www.instagram.com/womenmanagementny/
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bestfashionphoto · 8 years
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Martina Dimitrova in ELLE Bulgaria January 2017
Ph: Matallana Style: Davian Lain Hair: Gianluca Mandelli  MUA: Jamie Dorman  Manicurist: Jessica Tong 
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dolerme · 2 years
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steven yeun photographed by hyea w. kang and styled by davian lain for gq korea july 22
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black-is-no-colour · 3 years
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Elizabeth Wood, photographed by Enrique Vega and styled by DaVian Lain for Vogue Portugal June 2021
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whumpwillow · 2 years
Whumpmas in July Day 12
Share a sneak peek of something you’re working on
from the next Hazeshift chapter: 
Davian looked down at the villain in his lap, heart thumping so hard against his ribcage he thought it might break it. The sting of his fist from punching Lisle was negligible, incomparable to the hot blood that slicked over his fingers as he touched Haze. He reached out slowly at first, disbelieving that the battered figure that lay on the floor in front of him was the man who had lain in his bed just yesterday.
The Haze now was practically unrecognizable from that man. He lay near-motionless on the ground, covered in blood, his arms out at his sides and one of them bent at an unnatural angle. His hair was mussed and matted, wet with blood, and his eyes were glazed over and stared right through him. What scared him the most was the smile—sharp and bitter, like nothing he’d ever seen before, it was plastered over Haze’s face with blood-stained teeth and malice. So much malice.
Davian would’ve thought the man dead if it weren’t for the subtle rise and fall of his chest, the unstable rhythm of his hitching breaths.
He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream.
Why did this have to happen? He’d told Haze that he was safe. That he’d be safe here. He was supposed to be safe.
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pradaiso · 7 years
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Marie Claire Mexico photographer Rayan Ayash stylist DaVian Lain model Maria Borges  
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soultobeloved · 7 years
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Peyton Knight by Pedro Quintana styled by Davian Lain for Harper’s Bazaar Chile December 2017
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