#dave nada
every day i wake up and have to contend with the fact that i might never find that one dave foley show with an episode where the rest of the kids in the hall show up as his high school goth bandmates
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When I queue something
does the OP get notified right when I hit «queue» or when the post actually get posted on my blog, wich could be several days/weeks later?
When can they see the tags/additions?
Couldn’t find any answer to this anywhere so here I am asking.
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Now do not get me wrong I am Satine Kryze ambivalent on the best of days and an outright hater on the worst ones but honestly BIZARRE writing decision to have essentially a whole season of television focus on the weapon that killed her and her own sister’s desire to wield it and the power and responsibility that wielding it represents (something that Satine herself never had despite being ruler, and that bo-katan once considered her illegitimate for) in combination with Bo-Katan’s own past with the weapon as the right hand to the man whose scheming to OVERTHROW SATINE directly led to her dying on the Darksaber’s blade. And. She doesn’t even get a passing mention. SHE DOESNT EVEN GET A PASSING MENTION.
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pocketramblr · 10 months
AU with bio dad all might where Inko dies during child birth and because of how busy he is in hunting down AFO, along with the safety concerns. All Might gives temporary custody of Izuku to Gran.
1- Toshinori is crushed. He might have been able to suggest Inko take Izuku and hide, but he can't stand to send their baby away alone with nothing, no way of knowing if it's actually safer, nada. Gran thought he might, but when he enters the room and sees how Toshinori is holding the newborn, he knows he won't. Toshinori kisses Izuku's forehead and says he's going to be staying with his grandfather for a bit, but his dad will be back as soon as he can.
2- Toshinori doesn't visit. He didn't go to Gran's house before, not since the day after graduation when he left for the airport, and he won't do it now that AfO could be watching. But he does call. Izuku knows the sound of his father's voice over the phone, knows Gran calls him 'Toshinori', knows there is something he has to do before he can return. When he's little, he imagines a hero, then an astronaut, then a vigilante, then an important businessman, then a researcher. His dad doesn't talk much about his job, always sounds so tired by it, always so eager to hear about his days instead, or maybe tell him about his mom.
3- After the potato smashing, Gran leaves Izuku in the care of a neighbor (she delivers groceries when he's too tired to walk and get some, and her son's a hero Izuku adores, he'll be safe with both of them for a couple hours) and goes to the hospital as Sir and Toshi argue about retirement. He reminds Toshinori that the custody was supposed to be temporary. Sir asks what he's talking about and gets kicked out of the ward. "You weren't arguing back about it as strongly as I thought you would. You lose your stubbornness too?" Gran asks. Toshi sighs, leans his head against the wall, and admits that he wants so badly to go to Gran's, grab Izuku, and vanish for a decade, make up for lost time. But he can't give up on saving people. But he wants so badly to have his family, its all that's been pushing him through years of twenty hour workdays. But people could die, would die, if he did that.
Gran hums, and says Izuku'll be so thrilled to finally see his dad in person. Almost as excited as he'll be to find out his dad is All Might.
Then he hands Toshinori two tickets to I-island, and leaves for his own vacation. (being a single parent is hard)
4- Toshi meets Izuku, and explains on the plane who he is and why he was gone for years- a very brief overview of it, anyway. Izuku keeps pinching himself. Toshi cries in David's arms for a while. Izuku and Melissa hit it off. Izuku asks if he can be a quirkless hero, and Toshi, getting David's pointed looks, says maybe, but he'll have to practice a lot. It really is like a dream, and when its time to go back, Izuku almost asks if they can stay- instead he says 'come back' and Toshi agrees they'll visit, wonders if Izuku will want to attend the academy there for high school, but Izuku wants to be a hero. On their return, Toshi, Gran, and Izuku have to resettle awkwardly around each other, but manage. Toshi brought back support equipment Dave made him, similar to what helped him in college manage his power. He cuts back on hours too, and the HPSC assumes its all because of his injuries.
5- While the rule has been changed to allow it for a couple of years, Izuku is the first quirkless student admitted to the UA Hero Course. No one else from his middle school got in, so its all alone and making new friends, but he manages. He's exited. His dad and grandpa are exited.
Then, during lunch a few days into the school year, Izuku gets a call. It's weird in the middle of the day, but he picks up- "Hey dad, what's up?"
It is not his father's voice that responds. "Huh, 'dad'?"
Izuku freezes, unsure who this scratchy, younger voice could be. Uraraka asks him if he's ok. He hangs up, breathing faster, and calls Gran. - "Someone got dad's phone and i answered and-" / "Hold on kid, let me see if he just forgot it at his desk and- shit there's been a break in at the tower. Izuku, go to Nedzu's office right now and stay there. One of us will call him, don't answer your phone to anyone. Go."
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blogencenamais · 23 days
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Fan poster Alien: Romulus (2024), art by Giate; Conor Fenner-Toora; Dave O’Flanagan; Doaly; justbychris; Nada Maktari; rising67; Ruiz Burgos; Sam Dunn and Vitaliy Chepelnikov
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bluesest · 16 days
Oye, me gusto la temática de tu última historia sobre el chico que autodescubre sus "gustos culposos" en el campamento de verano. Podrías escribir una historia en donde un niñero sufre de "misteriosos ataques de diarrea (laxantes)" luego de cuidar a un chico.
Podrías hacer diferentes escenarios para el niñero, en uno se podría ver obligado a cagar en la casa del chico al que cuida, otro podría ser que luego de cuidar al chico tenga una salida con amigos al cine y le de diarrea, y otro en donde después de cuidar al chico tenga un evento importante de la prepa (fotos para el anuario, baile escolar, partido de fútbol americano, etc) y tenga que usar el baño de la preparatoria, pasando un momento muy vergonzoso.
Un Niñero (Spanish version of "A Babisitter")
James era un joven muchacho que pasaba por una situación económica no muy buena, necesitaba el dinero para salir con sus amigos asi que decidió tomar el trabajo de niñero.
No muchas personas querían un niñero masculino asi que fue difícil para el conseguir trabajo y casi se retira de esto, sin embargo, le llego una solicitud para ser niñero de un niño el cual recientemente hizo que su anterior niñero huyera de él.
Esto desde un principio lo preocupo, pero realmente necesitaba el dinero asi que era tomar el trabajo o dejarlo y negarse a las siguientes salidas con sus amigos, se dijo asi mismo: “¿Que tan difícil puede ser?”
Toco la puerta de una gran casa con varias decoraciones lujosas, abrió una pareja vestida de manera elegante, se dieron la mano y pusieron las siguientes reglas:
1. Debe cuidar de nuestro hijo, su nombre es Dave
2. No tocar nada que no sea para cuidar a Dave y no entrar a las habitaciones.
3. Hay ingredientes en el refrigerador para que cocine la cena para Dave.
4. Debe estar dormido para media noche y esperar a que ellos regresen.
Por un momento se preguntó: “Es un poco mayor para tener un niñero, pero eso significa que no será de los típicos niños que debo calmar cada berrinche que haga”
Detrás de la pareja se encontraba el joven, tenia una cara molesta y desinteresada, finalmente ambos padres se retiraron y los dejaron solos.
No había tanta diferencia de edad entre ambos asi que James intento empezar una conversación amistosa con Dave:
James: “¿Entonces, como vas en la preparatoria?”
Dave: “solo cocina algo por favor”
James: “oh vamos, sé que apesta que tus padres a esta edad te contraten un niñero, pero solo estoy haciendo mi trabajo”
Dave: “Mejor me voy a jugar videojuegos…”
James: “También me gustan bastante! ¿Necesitas un segundo jugador o algo?”
Dave se impresiono bastante, ninguna de sus niñeras anteriores que lo cuidaron se interesaron realmente en él, tampoco tenía algún amigo que quisiera jugar algunas partidas y aparentando desinterés acepto la propuesta de James.
Ambos pasaron bastante tiempo dentro del cuarto de Dave, el intentaba mostrar que no le importaba e incluso que le molestaba el hecho de que James estaba allí, pero simplemente no lo pudo ocultar y pasaron una noche muy divertida.
Dave: “Realmente apestas en este juego”
James: “Bueno dejemos esto por ahora, debo cocinar la merienda”
Dave: “Por qué no pides pizza? Mis padres no se enterarán”
James: “No me quiero meter en problemas con ellos, realmente necesito este trabajo, además el queso me da gases, ¡como este!”
Dave se sorprendió, no por el hecho de ver a un hombre de su misma edad tirarse un pedo asi, él ya había escuchado y olido algunos de los pedos de sus compañeros, sin embargo, en esta situación se sintió diferente, talvez sea la intimidad del momento o que de verdad empezó a apreciar a uno de sus niñeros por primera vez, lo que sea que paso provoco una ligera erección que tuvo que ocultar.
James se retiró de la habitación con el olor desagradable y Dave pensó en lo que paso y en cómo se sintió “Talvez sea amor?... me gustan los hombres? … me gusto lo que hizo?”, el estaba en negación de sus sentimientos, simplemente estuvo en un momento intimo algo que nunca en la vida experimento, el estaba seguro de que si fuera con una mujer y sin… los olores le provocarían exactamente los mismos sentimientos e incluso más fuertes.
Esto pensaba hasta que minutos más tarde vio a su ahora amigo cocinando para el sin camisa, era un cuerpo bastante musculoso y fornido para provocar las miradas indeseadas de muchas personas incluido Dave quien no podía parar de pensar en lo increíble que se vería James en su baño lujoso… espera un momento… esta fantasía esta bastante cerca de hacerse realidad.
Dave recordó que en la habitación de sus padres había bastantes medicamentos para cualquier emergencia, rápidamente se escabullo y busco desesperadamente en los cajones repletos de pastillas y jarabes hasta que… “BINGO! ¡Aquí esta!”, debajo de algunos vendajes se encontraba un pequeño frasco sellado de un poderoso laxante “Acción en 1 hora”
Se puso manos a la obra, fue a la cocina junto con James y empezó a preparar un jugo de naranja para su niñero con la excusa de que quería ayudarlo para seguir jugando videojuegos y cuando volteo vertió al menos 3 cucharadas del laxante al vaso destinado a Dave, lo tomo y alzo diciendo “Te aseguro que tiene un sabor explosivo”
La cena era algo sencilla y no tan elegante: ensalada de aguacate y pollo apanado, nada mal para alguien que se acostumbra a comer hamburguesas de 1 dólar. Esto era perfecto para Dave que no podía esperar el resultado de la combinación del laxante y el aguacate y como esto dejaría su limpio baño.
Terminaron la cena en tiempo récord, Dave agradeció a James y casi que lo obligo a ir a su habitación, una vez dentro se encargo de cerrar toda puerta y ventana para evitar que cualquier olor o sonido se escapen y luego de 10 minutos empezó la magia.
James: “Aghhh”
Dave: “Qué sucede?”
James: “El aguacate está haciendo efecto”
Dave: “Eso significa que?”
James: “Creo que pronto tendré que ir al baño”
Dave: “Oh! Si quieres puedes usar el baño de mi habitación, de hecho, es el único que puedes usar realmente”
James: “Oh vamos! No quiero apestar este sitio, ¿seguro que no hay otro baño?”
Dave: “Si, pero mis padres se molestarían bastante, si utilizas este no diré nada y ellos nunca entran en mi habitación asi que no se darían cuenta”
James: “Naaahh creo que me aguantare hasta que ellos lleguen y pueda irme a mi casa”
Dave: “Estas seguro de eso?”
Sin previo aviso Dave cerro su puño y pego con la suficiente fuerza al estomago de James mientras que el solo miraba como el molesto y tímido chico que no necesitaba de ningún niñero lo golpeaba sin preocupación y con una mirada alegre y juguetona.
James: “Ha! Buen intento, pero necesitaras más fuerza que eso para-”
James: “Olvídalo… tú lo pediste amigo”
Se levanto de la cama y con otro pedo ruidoso camino lentamente hacia el limpio baño de Dave, dio una última advertencia: “Si no quieres morir, mejor vete de este cuarto porque siento que va a ser una cagada monstruosa” y cerró la puerta.
Dave fue rápidamente y puso su ojo en la cerradura donde vio la siguiente escena:
James empezó a quitarse su camisa que ya se encontraba sudada de tanto jugar los videojuegos competitivos del chico, antes de sentarse en el inodoro dijo en voz baja: “Esta será una grande” para después volverse a levantar y empezar a desnudarse completamente, James al parecer era uno de esos cagadores desnudos.
A pesar de que la cerradura era algo incomoda para ver lo que estaba pasando detrás de la puerta, Dave pudo notar el gran pene de James que estaba colgando suavemente mientras se sacaba sus últimas prendas de ropa y con un “perfecto!” se sentó en el inodoro.
Fue lo primero que se escuchó, al parecer alguien estaba teniendo problemas para evacuar estos últimos días.
Un pedo semihúmedo advirtió que no seria una cagada normal mientras que poco a poco el olor empezaba a filtrarse por los pequeños agujeros de la puerta del baño.
Varios pedazos solidos cayeron algo similar a las heces de una cobaya, cada una haciendo un *SPLASH* y *PLOP* al caer al fondo del inodoro.
El sonido de un gran tronco seco saliendo del ano de James puso fin a la parte fácil de su visita al baño.
Al parecer aquel tronco impedía que toda la mierda liquida saliera como si fuera la tapa de una botella de agua, la cual todo su liquido es expulsado violentamente si se le saca la tapa y la pones bocabajo.
Con un suspiro, el finalmente se levanto del inodoro, tomo un par de pedazos de papel higiénico y empezó a limpiarse parado, a Dave le pareció rara esa pose sin embargo solo significaba que tenia más que ver del culo desnudo de su niñero.
Dio movimientos suaves y firmes pasando entre sus nalgas el fino y suave papel en donde sus manchas revelaban que fue una mierda violenta la que salió de su estómago. Mientras se limpiaba se detuvo por un momento y sin sacar su mano del culo se tiro un sonoro y largo pedo *PFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTT*, gimió luego voto todo el papel hacia el inodoro y finalmente mando a la basura cualquier evidencia de lo que paso en esa pequeña habitación.
Mientras James volvía a vestirse, Dave aparto su vista de la cerradura y actuó como si nada hubiera pasado, finalmente James sale del baño:
James: “Ufffff no entres allí en al menos 1 hora”
Dave estaba realmente caliente, pero eso no le quitaba su timidez, aun asi tomo fuerza y decidió comentar acerca de lo que paso allí adentro:
Dave: “Wow eso fue algo violento, no lo crees?”
Hubo un pequeño momento de silencio después de aquella oración, él pensó que la había cagado con decirle algo tan directo a alguien que apenas conoce un par de horas, pero su reacción no era de esperarse:
James: “HAHAHAHA y esa no fue una de mis más grandes cagadas en mi vida!”
Dave: “HAHA parece que te hayas comido algo podrido, realmente has apestado mi habitación”
James: “Perdón por eso, pero cuando este bebe *Palmea su estómago* quiere algo debo obedecerlo sin rechistar”
Dave: “Qué bueno que no pedimos pizza”
Luego de esa conversación sincera pasaron horas jugando videojuegos con algún ocasional pedo de ambas partes hasta que llego la hora de que Dave se vaya.
Luego de dos semanas fue convocado de nuevo por la familia en donde Dave aplico el mismo truco: ponerle laxante a su bebida, sin embargo, algo diferente paso en esta ocasión, los padres de Dave llegaron mucho antes de lo esperado y James tuvo que irse sin siquiera usar el baño de la casa.
Ahora con la paga tenia el suficiente dinero para salir con sus amigos a ver una película en el cine local, fue acompañado por dos de ellos y compraron sus boletos.
Al entrar en la sala de cine James volvió a sentirse mal del estómago, la misma sensación que tuvo hace dos semanas con aquel chico que estaba cuidando, “¿Tal vez sea el nerviosismo por estar fuera de casa por bastante tiempo que me provoca malestar en el estómago? naahh”
Empezó los primeros 10 minutos de la película y James podía sentir varios gorgoteos estomacales *GRRRRRRRRRR* “ugh creo que me cagare en los pantalones… liberare un poco de presión” alzo un poco su trasero y… *PFFFTTTT* fue un pedo corto y algo silencio, James tenia miedo de que sus amigos lo olieran ya que estaba justo sentado entre los dos, pero al parecer no se dieron cuenta de nada.
A los 30 minutos otro gorgoteo ocurrió, esta vez él podía sentir como iba a ser un pedo gigante asi que espero una escena de acción y empezó a toser fuertemente:
Un pedo algo ruidoso pero el ruido de la sala y de su tos lo camuflo realmente bien, pero hay algo que no puede ocultar y es el olor:
-“Está empezando a oler realmente mal aquí”
-“Si! Como si abrieran una tubería o algo asi”
James: “No se preocupen por eso, debe ser las palomitas con mantequilla que ya se enfriaron”
Casi lo descubren, pero no paso a mayores. Al pasar ya una hora de película sus intestinos estaban ardiendo ferozmente, uso la misma técnica y…
Fue un pedo insonoro, pero esto se debió a que James se cago en sus pantalones.
-“El olor reapareció y volvió peor”
-“Huele como a…”
James: “Mierda!”
El se levanto de su asiento y corrió fuera de la sala dejando a sus amigos confundidos y desconcertados de lo que paso.
Corrió lo más rápido que pudo, abrió la puerta del baño público del cine, se sentó en el primer cubículo del lugar, con desesperación se saco sus jeans ajustados y su calzoncillo manchado con mierda espesa y se agacho mostrando su trasero al aire para no tocar el sucio inodoro.
Empezó con pequeños pedazos sólidos, pero esto solo era una advertencia para lo que se avecinaba:
Empezó a gemir del dolor y pensando en lo peor: que sus amigos entren a buscarlo al baño, sin embargo, otro dolor estomacal lo interrumpió:
Finalmente, el dolor desapareció, pero hubo un nuevo problema: no había papel higiénico. Intento llamar por ayuda en los cubículos vecinos, pero nadie respondía, al parecer su deseo de que no haya nadie en el baño que lo pudiera escuchar se convirtió en una pesadilla.
Con el culo manchado se levanto de su asiento y con pequeños pasos camino por todo el baño revisando cada cubículo a ver si encontraba algún rollo sin suerte, asi que James siendo la persona valiente que era volvió a su cubículo y sacrifico ambos calcetines para limpiarse.
Al pasar el primer calcetín por sus nalgas siento mucho dolor debido a lo rasposo que era y el asco que le producía ya que para limpiar todo el desastre en su trasero tenia que darle varias vueltas para utilizar todos los lados limpios que un calcetín puede ofrecer y luego de unos extensos 10 minutos voto ambos calcetines al inodoro y jalo la cadena.
Regreso a la sala de cine viendo que la película estaba a punto de terminar sus amigos le preguntaron porque había salido corriendo y avergonzado James decidió mentirles diciendo: “Los padres del chico que estoy cuidando me llamaron y necesitaba responderles rápido”, algo que sus dos amigos les costó mucho creer, pero al final aceptaron su versión.
Paso una semana desde entonces y James no podía quitarse de la cabeza aquella situación tan vergonzosa, es decir, casi se caga en el cine y eso perturba a cualquiera, pero no hay tiempo para eso ya que otra vez fue convocado por los padres de Dave.
El ya no estaba obligado a seguir con este trabajo, pero no podía renunciar a esto ya que era una buena fuente de ingresos y sobre todo Dave era alguien agradable con el quien conversar y obviamente se podía cuidar solo, prácticamente era dinero fácil.
Todo ocurrió con normalidad, jugaron videojuegos, hicieron la cena juntos pero esta vez Dave decidió que era una buena idea cuadruplicar la dosis de laxante que le daría a James, los efectos como era de esperarse fueron el doble de rápidos y el doble de “sorpresivos”
Mientras jugaban un rugido estomacal se hizo presente *GRRRRRRRRR*, el sonido generado por este fue lo suficientemente grande como para que ambos se dieran cuenta y empezaran a hablar de ello:
Dave: “La cena te hizo mal?”
James: “Un poco, pero nada que un pedo no pueda resolver”
James se inclino un poco mientras que cierta parte del cuerpo de Dave se levantaba… *PFTTFTFFFFFFTTFTF* *PRRRRRRRRRRRRR*
Fue un sonido bastante extraño como si el pedo que salió vino con algo más que aire, James se congelo en ese instante mientras que Dave empezó a sonrojarse de manera bastante obvia, luego, James empezó a correr hacia el baño y Dave hizo lo mismo hasta llegar a la puerta y poner su ojo en la cerradura como la primera vez.
Esta vez vio a un James bastante alarmado tratando de arrancarse sus pantalones de una manera violenta y cuando se quedo desnudo de las caderas para abajo, Dave pudo presenciar como el hermoso trasero desnudo estaba manchado con un líquido marrón bastante desastroso.
Sin siquiera sacarse su camisa como siempre lo solía hacer se sentó en el inodoro, alzo a una gran altura sus piernas y su ano se relajó:
Esta vez no había nada sólido, solo una catarata marrón gigante que solo se puede comparar con el Niagara.
En la segunda ráfaga hubo tormentas de pedos húmedos en donde gotas y gotas de diarrea se esparcían y chocaban contra las paredes del inodoro, cada gemido que James daba era uno de sufrimiento en donde sentía que cada pedo le destrozaba el ano para hacer paso a la carga que tenia que salir de alguna manera.
Volvió la catarata aun más fuerte que nunca, esta vez su estómago empezó a temblar mientras intentaba sacar aún más pedos:
Hacia un gran calor en la pequeña habitación, James retomo la compostura y finalmente se saco la camisa para refrescar su cuerpo mientras más mierda salía, puso su mano en su estomago y se preparo para otra explosión violenta hasta que tocaron la puerta:
Dave: “Todo bien allí adentro amigo?”
Dave se “preocupo” por su amigo asi que decidió tocar la puerta (mientras que él estaba desnudo tocándose su entrepierna)
James: “Haha creo que tenías razón, la cena me cayó muy mal a mi estómago…” *PFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTT*
Dave empezó a sonrojarse aun más mientras agarraba con un poco de fuerza su pene, pero decidió resistir un poco más para seguir hablando con su nuevo amor.
Dave: “Allí dentro suena como un campo de guerra amigo”
James: “¡No seas exagerado, esto es una diarrea de verdad de un hombre de verdad! ¿Nunca has tenido diarrea tú también? Hahahaha... ooow” *SQHHSHQSHQSHQS* *TRTRTRTRTRTRTRR* *SQHQSHQSHSQHSHQHS*
Dave: “Pero no una diarrea tan enorme como la tuya”
James: “Pues deveras acostumbrarte si quieres ser mi amigo! Oh no puede ser, Dave ¿puedes pasarme un poco de papel?”
En ese momento, además de casi caer al suelo cuando dijo “ser mi amigo”, Dave recordó que había quitado el papel higiénico del baño intencionalmente, y con un “No te preocupes” tomo el papel escondido en su habitación y toco la puerta:
Dave: “Tendré que entrar para dártelo”
James: “Esta bien, pero entra bajo tu propio riesgo”
Cuando entró una nube mal oliente lo choco con una gran brutalidad que casi lo hizo desmayarse y con lagrimas en los ojos vio a un adolorido pero sonriente James que intentaba esconder su vergüenza con un poco de comedia.
James: “Te lo advertí bro”
Dave: “Parece que alguien detono una bomba de gas pimienta aquí adentro!”
James: “Es solo el olor de un deportista como yo! *GRRRRRRR* owww aquí viene el round dos! Deberías irte”
Dave: “Quiero ver lo desastroso que tu trasero puede ser!”
James: “¡Esta bien, tú lo pediste!”
James volvió a inclinarse del inodoro y libero lo poco que tenia de una manera violenta:
Una risa avergonzada y sincera salió de la boca de James mientras que Dave alabo el potencial flatulento de su estómago.
James se levanto de su asiento aun estando desnudo enfrente de Dave luego empezó a limpiarse y dio una última frase: “Seguimos jugando?”
A la mañana siguiente tenia una nueva actividad en su preparatoria la cual era una sesión de fotos para el anuario, todo iba bien mientras que el esperaba en la fila hasta que su estómago de nuevo empezó a rugir: *GRRRRRRRRRR*
“No, no otra vez”
Empezó a masajear su estomago para amortiguar el dolor, pero fue en vano, incluso hizo las cosas peores ya que agilizo el escape de sus diarreicos y apestosos pedos algo que se volvió obvio para los estudiantes a su alrededor.
Luego de 15 minutos finalmente le toco el turno al mareado James quien se sentó en la silla esperando al fotógrafo.
“Otro pedo no hará daño…”
“Maldita sea!”
-“Señor acomódese para la foto”
“Eh? perdone”
Todo paso tan rápido, el olor a heces en descomposición lleno la pequeña sala en cuestión de segundos, y sus propias heces empezaron a llenar también sus pobres bóxers maltratados con tanto sudor y gotas diarreicas que salieron con sus anteriores pedos húmedos.
Finalmente, la cámara disparo, el rostro en la foto se veía bastante nerviosa e incluso se podía ver un par de gotas de sudor, pero James no se preocuparía por un segundo intento de foto.
-“Muy bien joven, puede irse”
Con esas palabras, James salió disparado directamente al baño intentando ignorar las miradas confundidas y asqueadas de las personas que le seguían con los ojos, llego al baño de hombres más cercano, cerro la puerta principal y mientras más pedos húmedos salían de su cuerpo empezó a desnudarse sin siquiera haber entrado al cubículo todavía.
Con una sola patada derribo la puerta y después de tanto sufrimiento su trasero beso la porcelana:
Fue una diarrea emergente sin precedentes y aunque más que lo intenta, James no podía siquiera suavizar el ruido.
Pequeños troncos solidos empezaron a salir como muestra que su sistema digestivo sigue trabando arduamente para darle una cagada normal a James después de tantos días con explosiones recurrentes.
Con esta explosión escucho la puerta del cubículo de al lado, un chico toco la puerta de James y dijo: “Realmente necesitabas ir, ¿eh?”, James lo ignoro y siguió su trabajo.
Él no se sintió satisfecho, pero ni loco seguiría cagando en la preparatoria, se limpio con el poco papel que tenia y desecho sus boxers a la basura andando así todo el día solo con pantalones en sus piernas.
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grimxark · 1 year
Its sooo upsetting that jade never got her happy ending, she never got her chance to heal. Not where we could see, anyway.
Disregarding the game over timeline, disregarding 3 years of her being in a ship with John and Davesprite and Nana and Jasper— disregarding that and moving to the ending timeline, the one that made it to the end, Jade Harley starts the game, because it’ll make her friends happy. Jade wasn’t going to play SBURB. It wasn’t something she had set her mind to. She wanted her friends to play, because Rose would see her dead cat which she loved, John would have fun, and Dave… well, he’d be with John and Rose. She didn’t really get all that much information from the clouds of Skaia.
She starts being bullied by the trolls much earlier than the other kids, and Karkat is much more ruthless. He’s mean. She plays the game, and she’s excited to see her brother wake up, and then she dies before she sees that happen. And she wakes up with the worst migraine of her life, and Feferi terrifies her, and everything’s happening all at once and she’s being blamed for a thousand things she simply didn’t have a say in. And her grandpas dead, her dog is gone, and she has doomed her friends.
She tells Rose her mom is dead. Would she blame herself for her turning grimdark? For being the reason her friend found her cat, but lost her mom?
She meets Dave— the first person she sees since she was small, and she kills him. And her dog, a part of him anyway, makes her do it. And this is after she learns that she is the reason her grandpa is dead, too. She killed him.
I know Jade doesn’t need a weapon because of how powerful she is. But I think, also, she wouldn’t have wanted to use her gun again.
Then she’s almost at her happy ending and her brother and her best friend (another version of him, but Dave nonetheless) die while on her watch. And for three years she blames herself. 3 years that she spends alone, again, in an isolation she thinks was created by herself. Again.
Then she gets to see people again, and she’s mind controles to hurt those people, and then she falls asleep and when she wakes up she is incredibly uselessly alone and there’s just a letter and another mission. And she goes to that mission, and she has to see her dog again, the reason she killed Dave, the guy who Doomed her timeline, who took her guardian away, who took Rose’s and Dave’s and John’s guardians away, her dog. There’s a nostalgia and an request from deep within her for some sort of reminder that her dog exists, or existed, within these creatures, a request to play again. And one of them hits her, and she falls, and she’s knocked out again.
Then… she gets a hug? She sees her brother again? What’s that matter with no dialogue? There is no real heaviness to her reunion as there was with Dave and dirk, or rose and Roxy, or John and Jane and Jake (and arguably, those three weren’t as heavy or as emotional or as meaningful as the strilondes). But Jade gets nothing. Nada.
She begins as a character foil, as the key, and ends as the character foil, discarded.
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 1 year
Plex Gossip
I just found it on my disc. I wrote a fanfiction for Solar Lunacy by @bamsara and forgot?! I decided it's boring and never showed it to anybody but now i reread and it's not so bad?
It's just a short crack fic set somewhere in one of the ealier chapters.
It is a group chat session of five staff members of Megapizzaplex
And they are gossiping about the Reader
I initially thought I am going to wite those on the ENTIRETY of SL but in later chapters everybody got fired so...
yall remember that newbe that got hired recenly?!
you know 
the one that always looks like they're gonna pass out or start yelling? 
that one?
we all look like that 
some of us more often than others
often seen chasing steffs around
trying to get off the socks stuck on them?
socks with magnets
steffs rest in pieces XD
is this the one that always gets their cleaning cart stuck in places? :/
Always? I only saw that happen once.
i twice
they are on a warpath with that cart :D
Yeah! thats them!
Does anybody know their name?
I don’t think I've ever seen them talk to anybody, actually.
Do they know about the group chat?
I don’t think so? 
somebody would have to tell them first, no?
what about thm 
Have you noticed they are spending a lot of time in the daycare?
dude why are you stalking some kid XD
im not!!!
i just noticed thatss all
why do you think they are spending too much time in the daycare?
that damn banners in DC are always getting busted somehow
wh do u think they r spending too much time in the dc
one of them begin to flicker 
at least once per week
who do yall think has to fix it?
would you just answer
ME! thats who
im heading there right after closing
to fix yet another damn banner
so karens would stop being hysterical 
dude XD
about epilepsy hazard
and newbie is always there 
get it?
Epilepsy is real, Dave. >:(
so dude likes to take a break in a place
that is quiet and covered in pillow mats
so what
but is it really about mats?
daycare attendant is always around them somewhere
jumping around like crazy
isn’t he always like this?
not really?
it is jumpy true
but it hates employees usually
especially techs
if u think it hates techs u should see what it does to daycare assistants
Is there a position like that?
not anymore
im telling you something is up with them
they only spend time with DA
well i saw them talking to monty the other day
Who is hanging out with Monty these days?
that bot is crazy!
hmh always trashing his room 
or himself
do you know he did that again?
Is it the Big Bucket time already?
no it was an elevator this time
i know bc i had to put him together
took us all day
he was a salt mine all the way through
LOL an alligator vs the elevator
i swear
it’s even better than the BB time
better for WHO
hey! Monty is a cool dude.
stop that >:(
u only says that bc u don have to work near him
i was relieved to have a day long break from his mood swings
he and the newbie got into some serious fight i heard
Mont said something about trashing them into a garbage chute
i think
He did what?!
well he didn’t ACTUALLY trash them
he just threatened
I did not know they are allowed to say things like that?
you have no idea
you are working with mr. goody two shoes Fredbear
dad friend to end all dad friends
the ultimate cinamonroll
I DARE to disagree
DJ is the ultimate cinamonroll
i miss him
David, be honest with us.
Is this going to be another crazy conspiracy theory of yours?
and what do you mean by another?!
Another like the one about a previous arcade assistant 
who got crazy because of the arcades?
but he did! 
that is a fact!
he stopped leaving the building for the nights
and he was spitting gibberish about needing to rescue a princess!
it only proves that he was unstable
he was probably not taking his medications or smth
some of the machines ARE getting weird sometimes
but you also said that the plex is on the ruins of some old pizzeria
like, underground pizza? come on! ;D
If the newbe is always in the Daycare right after the closing, 
they probably have tasks to do there, just like you.
Why is this even so important?
what tasks? cleaning?! 
that bot can clean the whole playground it a second
the only reason they would give that task to a newbie 
would be if the weirdo was slacking off on purpose
or sent the request
they can do that
sometimes I wonder why can’t we
we can
they’re just gonna ignore us
the poor coffee machine will never come back to life ;(
but it will stay in our hearts U_U
but i am just saying
the daycare is pretty self sufficient, yes?
it only needs for someone to get the trash and laundry out
and the fresh supplies in
thats it
you don’t need to sit there for hours
unless you wanna
Okay, let’s be over with it.
What are you saying they are doing there?
you can’t be serious
Well, there are many people who are into animatronic really.
Especially the Glamrocks.
poor Roxy
she gets a ton of weird fanart
I am 1000% serious
telling you, they are totally into bots
or are u projecting
fuck you man
stop stalking Dave!
I agree. You are being creepy.
you are jealous because Roxy rejected you that one time
okay y’all can fuck off
People of the drama:
General tech, gossiper, conspiracist
Text style: frantic
DCA used pronouns: it/its
Arcade assistant, chill guy
Text style: funny
DCA used pronouns: he/his
Monty’s handler, confused, jokester
Text style: lazy
DCA used pronouns: it/its
Animatronic tech, experienced, bitter
Text style: tired
DCA used pronouns: it/its
Freddy’s handler, fairly new, good girl, polite
Text style: tidy
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls- Season 2, Episode 22 (Last Episode of the Season). "I Can't Get Started" Part 1
This episode may just be the ultimate game of memory roulette, because I remember nothing. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Zippo. except these two things:
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I am told this episode involves a Lorelai-Crusty hookup and I have no recollection of that whatsoever. The mind has a way of bleaching itself sometimes. Can't wait to be retraumatized! The episode begins with Sookie playing wedding music choices for her coworkers and everyone falls asleep listening to the depressing songs she picked. Leave my girl Sookie and her emo music alone. She lives in Stars Hollow, of course she can relate to songs about pain, depression and misery.
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Emily the Strange, seen on Rory's cast.
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My conflicting emotions as I think about how Season 3 brings Jess to the forefront (that's good) but he rarely knows a moment's peace (that's bad) and in the blink of an eye we lose him to the California Wormhole (that's bad) but it also temporarily sidelines Dean (that's good) but it brings Crusty back (that's bad) but there's the debut of Dave Rygalski (that's good) but in the blink of an eye we also lose Dave Rygalski to the California Wormhole (that's bad) then we meet Alex who is cool and also hot (that's good) but then he disappears forever (wormhole?) and Max briefly returns from the California Wormhole (meh?) When Michel complains about the drudgery of wedding preparations, Lorelai reminds him she's in Sookie's wedding party so he has to oversee the entire wedding by himself, which is something he's never done before. Excuse me? Why don't you hire some more staff Lorelai, you fucking cheapskate. (We also learn later on that Sookie's catering her own wedding. WHAT? I know Sookie is a perfectionist when it comes to food but that's fucking bonkers). Rory offers to brainstorm with Lane to come up with wedding songs for Sookie and she agrees to let them do it because letting teenagers pick the music for the most important day of your life is a smart idea. This is where I realized I have no idea what kind of music Rory is actually into except that she has expressed she doesn't like the pop music/boybands of the day, which is fine. I just hope Rory wasn't one of those super annoying kids in school who were always coming up to me saying things like "You know, the Backstreet Boys don't play their own instruments." I was well aware. Anyway, Lane was definitely one of those types, as we see it happen on the show frequently, but as for Rory, that one is maybe up for debate.
Sookie asks Lorelai if she wants to invite Emily and Richard to the wedding. Uhh, may I ask why? Just 5 episodes ago, Emily was meddling in the wedding planning and blew up Sookie's budget and Lorelai had to intervene so she wouldn't go bankrupt. That's about the extent of any significant interaction between the Gilmore Grands and Sookie. After that mess, why would Sookie want her there? Sookie's all "Ah, that ol "almost bankrupted me" thing. She was so thoughtful to help me with the planning! Even though it was nothing more than a passive aggressive scheme to stick it to you for never getting married. She made me realize I love the color pink!" And then she giggles away the deep seated pain that anyone so relentlessly cheerful and forgiving has to be holding deep inside. Something historic just happened: I watched the Intro, instead of skipping it, which is something I haven't done in years. Let it be known I have nothing against the intro nor the song, and they're very nice and heartwarming, but I'm just not an intro girl. But I've been pretty down in the dumps and the theme song is like a warm cup of cocoa. It might behoove me to watch the opening credits once in a while so I know when to expect Dean, Crusty and other creatures from the deep.
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More fine work from the Gilmore Girls fake food designer. Looks delish. She's still wearing that fucking quarter on a string, god damn. Rory is pestering Butthead to trade his pancakes for her fruit and egg platter.
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You know, sometimes I start writing a joke, then realize it was funny, but it didn't make any sense and I have to scrap it, which makes me sad. Sometimes I don't even notice it after I've already posted and have to do a quick deletion (it just happened with LGD, in fact). Today, you're in for a treat because I'm going to give you one of my bloopers. Rory is incessantly asking Dean for his opinion on the pancakes. I decided she had poisoned them and she was monitoring his reactions, like when his breathing would start to become labored, or if he started to foam at the mouth, or if he would say something like that "huh, these pancakes taste kinda metallic." and then he would keel over. But then I remember they are at Luke's and she didn't cook the pancakes. But she could have sprinkled some rat poison on top of it when he had his back turned. I'm 100% convinced Lindsay had tried unsuccessfully to poison his meatloaf.
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Oh no, they traded breakfasts. Eat AROUND the poison sprinkles, Rory. Rory and Buttzilla are observing someone who is repeatedly walking back and forth in front of the diner without coming in. *Sniffs the air* I smell unhealthy boundaries. It must be Lorelai.
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I actually forgot that Luke and Lorelai were still "fighting". In fact, I just realized there was no Luke whatsoever in the previous episode. Okay, okay! I plum forgot about Luke completely! Anyway, can we please resolve this nonsense before season 3? How is Lorelai hooking up with Crusty going to end this stalemate?
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Ya'll, she really blurted out "Dean don't leave me", not "Don't leave me, guys" or "Rory don't leave me." I CAN’T! I'm dying! Poor Rory, shows where she really ranks on the list of her mother's priorities. Anyways, sucks to suck Lorelai, good luck with solving this fucking mess completely of your own making.
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That's a wild under-exaggeration for how you acted after that car crash. Just wild.
There is no quicker way to get Lorelai’s goat than to act Pleasant Neutral towards her and not entertain her quirkiness! it is aggravating her to no end that Luke isn’t entertaining her stupid doughnut jokes! Hahahahaha! He isn’t groveling at her feet over her half baked fake bullshit apologies either. Sucks to suck Lore! Luke being so indifferent to Lorelai's bullshit is glorious, no one has ever deserved it more.
Meanwhile, Paris is running for student council president. Her campaign promises include mandatory recycling, clearly gendered bathrooms and gluten free options in the cafeteria (hey, as long as Rory can still order her favorite Chilton lunch, The Prison Special, two slices of white bread with nothing in the middle). After Madeline and Louise poll 150 students in the span of about 1 minute, the results are in: While the People think she would make a competent politican, nobody actually likes her. So she strong arms a very reluctant Rory into becoming her running mate. Paris feels Rory's nice girl image will soften her own. She puts the fear of God into Rory that she will end up going to Connecticut State instead of Harvard if she doesn't take this opportunity to pad her college resume with school politics. I mean, she's not wrong. Rory is still pitifully lacking in extra cirricular activities. Until they showed Rory writing in the audience, I had completely forgotten she was already on the school newspaper because it hasn't been mentioned in ages. And now I just remembered that horrid school newspaper storyline in s3 is approaching. The one with the redheaded mean girl, Francie. Ugh! S3 is going to be such a rollercoaster. Wait, isn't Connecticut State where Dean was considering going to school? Heheh.
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Out of context Gilmore Girls.
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You know who else AmyShermanPalladino said this about?
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AmyShermanPalladino wrote Paris to adore Rory as much she adores Milo, I'm just saying. Rory is getting her cast off.
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Emily Strange again...
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SECURITY!!!! No, but what kind of medical office is this where anyone can just barge in to a child’s appointment and be like "it's okay I'm the Dad" and the Dr is like “sure I believe you have a seat”. Not like Crusty is ever around that the doctor would recognize him. He drove down all the way from Boston to watch Rory have her cast cut off but can't be present for anything important? Alright. Anything to get into Lore’s pants I guess.
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Yeah. Love is in the air at their child’s medical appointment.
Their nauseating attraction clouded their minds enough that they both resisted the urge to get in one last jab about Jess being the cause of Rory's injury. Miraculous.
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Hur hur hur! You're so funny! Drink drain cleaner.
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Honestly? They deserve each other. R: “If I become vice president, I'll have to spend my summer at some junior leadership program in Washington."
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Oh, you would HATE That.
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whisky-soul · 2 years
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Starting the Mando season 3 press thread with this. Future articles and interviews will be added to this post. 😊
The Mandalorian Season 3 'Opens Up The World of Mandalore And The Mandalorians', Says Pedro Pascal - Empire
Pedro Pascal 'Can't See Shit In Mandalorian Armour' - Empire
The Mandalorian Season 3 Official Clip - Youtube
Real Steel - Season 3 Feature - Empire
Season 3 Stills - Empire
Baby Steps: An Oral History of Grogu - Empire
Theirs is the Way: Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni Interview - Empire
Father and Son: The Mandalorian Season 3 Feature - SFX Magazine
Pedro Pascal Talks Being Called the ‘Daddy’ of the Internet - Good Morning Britain
Pedro Pascal Is Creeped Out When Fans Ask Him to Use ‘Mandalorian’ Voice on Children: ‘It Sounds Inappropriate’ - Variety
Pedro Pascal Plays “Is It The Way?” - MTV News
Pedro Pascal Reacts To Becoming "Internet Daddy" - The Graham Norton Show
Pedro Pascal Forgot He Was Cast In The Last Of Us - The Graham Norton Show
Pedro Pascal Swerves A Kiss From Dame Helen Mirren - The Graham Norton Show
Pedro Pascal on The Mandalorian S3, a scene-stealing Grogu & knowing how much the world loves him - Joe.ie
Jon Favreau Is Watching The Last Of Us Too: ‘Pedro Pascal’s Really Cornered The Market On This Protective Father Archetype’ - Empire
The Mandalorian's Pedro Pascal teases an 'epic' season 3 - Digital Spy
Pedro Pascal über Mandalorian und andere rollen - Brisant (VPN may be required)
***NEW FEB 28th***
Mandalorian Season 3: Star Wars' Pedro Pascal Answers Kid Questions - BBC Newsround
Pedro Pascal plays The Reverse Words game - The Chris Moyles Show
Pedro Pascal has fully embraced all things ‘daddy.’ - Entertainment Tonight
‘The Mandalorian’: Pedro Pascal on Din Djarin & Grogu’s Relationship in SEASON 3 - Extra TV
Pedro Pascal RESPONDS To Being Dubbed The 'Internet's Daddy' - Access Hollywood
Pedro Pascal Talks Possible Boba Fett And Ahsoka Crossovers In The Mandalorian Season 3 - Cinema Blend
Pedro Pascal no cierra la puerta a nada con 'The Mandalorian': "Me encantaría ver una película" - Sensacine
Zoe Ball Meets Pedro Pascal - The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show
Pedro Pascal Remembers Working w/ Sarah Michelle On ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer’ - Access Hollywood
Pedro Pascal on ´The Mandalorian’ Season 3, Grogu nicknames, and More - Entertainment Tonight
Pedro Pascal "The Mandalorian" - FabTV
See Pedro Pascal Get Nostalgic Over 'Buffy' Memories With ‘Incredibly Kind’ Sarah Michelle Gellar - Entertainment Tonight
Pedro Pascal on Season 3 - GamesRadar
**NEW March 1***
Pedro Pascal & Jon Favreau Compare American and Chilean Snacks - LADBible
‘The Mandalorian’: Pedro Pascal Wants to Go from ‘DADDY Din’ to ‘BABY D’ - ExtraTV
Pedro Pascal Talks The Mandalorian Season 3 & How It's Surprising What the Surprises Are - Collider
Pedro Pascal Praised By Sarah Paulson For Becoming 'Enormous' Star In 2016 Interview - Access Hollywood
How Pedro Pascal Feels About A Big Part Of ‘The Mandalorian’ Arc Taking Place In ‘Boba Fett' - CinemaBlend
“The Mandalorian” star Pedro Pascal teases what fans can expect from season 3. - Associated Press
Pedro Pascal is grateful for The Last Of Us and The Mandalorian - Irish Mirror
'The Mandalorian' Lead Pedro Pascal On What To Expect From Season 3 - NDTV
Pedro Pascal on Season 3 - Despierta América
FAJN RADIO I Marthy Duffek & The Mandolorian interview w/ Pedro Pascal - Fajn Radio
The Mandalorian: Season 3 | Launch Event - Pedro Pascal, Katie Sackhoff - VRAI Magazine
Pedro on KissFM UK Part 1
Pedro on KissFM UK Part 2
Pedro Pascal Looks Back At His Early Acting Days On 'Buffy' - ET Canada
Pedro Pascal on being 'faceless' in the Mandalorian suit - ABC News Australia
Pedro Pascal, 'Mandalorian' castmates promise more fun, drama, surprises, Grogu in season 3 - ABC 7
**NEW March 2nd**
Pedro Pascal On Being The Internet's Daddy - Capital FM
Pedro Pascal Explains Rehearsal Behind Hilarious SNL Table Sketch - E News
Pedro Pascal jokes about ‘The Mandalorian’ outlasting ‘The Simpson’s’ - Yahoo Entertainment
Pedro Pascal Meets Young Fans at The Mandalorian Season 3 Premiere - jenmarkham
***NEW March 3rd***
Pedro Pascal talks 'Mandalorian' Season 3, 'Last of Us' comparisons and 'Saturday Night Live' - Yahoo Entertainment
The Mandalorian Season 3 Launch Event - Star Wars
"I like my own burps!" Pedro Pascal on playing The Mandalorian and meeting "The Ultimate Daddy" - BBC Radio 1
The Sudden Fashion-Daddy Arrival of Pedro Pascal - GQ
Ciné Télé Revue Interview
Radio Corazón
***NEW March 7th***
One on One Interview with Pedro Pascal for 'The Mandalorian' - MJ Felipe
Melanie Lynskey calls Pedro Pascal a 'dreamboat' - Etalk (this has nothing to do with Mando; I just like it)
Pedro Pascal on Mandalorian S3, Melanie Lynskey, Tem Morrison and Taika - NewsHub
***NEW March 9th***
Pedro Pascal Cries From His Head While Eating Spicy Wings - Hot Ones
***NEW March 18th***
Pedro on the Dagobah Dispatch Podcast - EW
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carolinahope · 1 year
10 ships and lyrics you associate with them
I borrowed this from @disasterpenguin
Buck + Eddie
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Maddie & Tae - Strangers
How were we ever strangers? Seems crazy to me now Haven't I known you forever? 'Cause the thought of the days without You and all your love Have all but disappeared I'll never be convinced, baby, that you weren't always here How were we ever strangers?
Stiles + Derek
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Reik- Creo en ti
Creo en ti Y en este amor Que me ha vuelto indestructible Que detuvo mi caída libre Creo en ti Y mi dolor se quedo kilómetros atrás Y mis fantasmas hoy por fin están en paz
Steve + Bucky
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Maddie & Tae - Madness
Come what may, babe, hell or high If those stars fall from that sky Let it all come crashin', I'll be runnin' to you the fastest If these streets go up in flames If everybody goes insane I'll reach for you, you'll keep me safe 'Cause, baby, whatever happens If the world goes mad If it all goes bad If the world goes mad I'll love you through the madness
Magnus + Alec
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Rascal Flatts - Love You Out Loud
You keep bringing out the free in me What you do to my heart just makes me melt And, I don't think I can resist But I've never been one to kiss and tell Our love this true, can't be subdued So I'm gonna let out a yell I'm gonna stand on a rooftop Climb up a mountaintop Baby, scream and shout
Kurt + Dave
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Jon McLaughlin - So Close
A life goes by, romantic dreams must die So I bid mine goodbye and never knew So close was waiting, waiting here with you And now forever I know All that I want is to hold you so close So close to reaching that famous happy ending Almost believing this one's not pretend Now you're beside me, and look how far we've come So far we are so close
Danny + Steve
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Ricky Martin - Tiburones
Vamos a cambiar de casa Vamos un mes de viaje Hablemos otro idioma Bésame aquí en la calle Por ti cruzo la tierra Lucho con mil leones Por ti hago lo que sea Nado con tiburones
Dean + Castiel
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DVicio - Te debo
Tú sumándole a lo que yo tengo, aunque ya no estás Yo tratando de restar el tiempo y darte un poco más Te debo más noches frente el mar Te debo la foto en Central Park Prefiero dormir y sentir que te tengo más cerca Te debo reírnos sin parar Te debo bailar en cualquier bar Te debo decir que no hay nadie que llene tu ausencia Y aún sigo en deuda
Ian + Mickey
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Dolly Parton - Never Not Love You
I will never not Light up when I see you I will never not Feel you through and through There are many things I may or may not do But I will never, never not love you
Mili + Ivo
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Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting
Wherever you go, whatever you do I will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks I will be right here waiting for you
Henry + Alex
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Ha*Ash - Quédate Conmigo
Quedate conmigo, en tus ojos me quiero encontrar, Llenarte de felicidad y junto a ti ganar. Quedate conmigo, vamos de la mano a caminar, Yo no te soltare jamas, volvamos a empezar. No es facil hoy dejar el miedo atras, Sentir nuestro amor, arriesgarnos de verdad, Mucho tiempo nos tomo llegar aqui, pero amarte es todo para mi. Y si me extrañas, abrazame mas fuerte, no digas nada, Tan solo ven y entregate, despiertame de esta locura.
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tengo muchas preguntitas q hacer jjjj
1.- Dave de mre causalidad de la vida tienes un dildo de Jack o ño?
2.- Jack, tu mamá está soltera?
3.- Steven q se siente saber q eres tremendo homosexual y más encima más solo que un piojo en la cabeza de un calvo?
I have so much questions to do jjj
1. Dave just for things of life, you don't have a dildo from Jack don't you?
2. Jack is your mom single?
3. Steven, how it feels to know that you're so homosexual and that you're only a louse in a bald's head?
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I dindo nuffin! Why I would even have that?
¡No hize nada! ¿Por qué razón tendría eso?
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Why would you want to know that? Anyway, no, last time I saw her she was with dad.
I wonder where they're now....
¿Por qué querrías saber eso? De todas maneras, no, la última vez que la ví estaba con papá.
Me preguntó dónde estarán ahora...
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For not giving so much details... It feels horrible, but it's bearable... I guess.
You can heard a loud distant screaming that says "I'M NOT BALD" (he is wearing a wig)
Para no dar muchos detalles... Se siente horrible, pero puede sobrevivir... Eso creo.
Se puede oír un grito distante que dice "NO ESTOY CALVO" (está usando una peluca)
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contosmnemonicos · 9 months
Por que você deveria (ou não) ler HOMESTUCK?
Esse post fiz para você que quer muito convencer alguém a ler a famosa webcomic dos aliens cinza de sangue colorido, mas não consegue coonvencer ele ou ela por nada. Aqui, vou citar sobre o que se trata HOMESTUCK e porque você definitivamente não deveria perder seu tempo nessa porcaria literária (ou sim, deveria. Já adianto que isso depende exclusivamente de você, leitor).
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Todo mundo que já passou tempo o suficiente na internet já ouviu falar sobre HOMESTUCK, seja lendo a própria webcomic ou vendo alguma referência sobre ela em alguma outra mídia. Mas não é lá todo mundo que consegue se engajar numa leitura de mais de 8.000 páginas de uma obra que tem a contagem de palavras maior que a da bíblia sobre um garoto nerdola preso em seu quarto conversando com seus amigos virtuais, embora nós todos podemos nos relacionar com o protagonista, John Egbert, mesmo que minimamente, nesse caso.
Quem aí nunca reclamou dos pais quando eles simplesmente estavam tentando fazer algo que, para eles, era bom para você? Que os xingou mentalmente por se preocuparem demais? Sinceramente, para mim, isso aconteceu. E muito. Afinal, John Egbert é a essência e representação perfeita do que ele foi construído para ser: um garoto de treze anos, no início da adolescència, descobrindo os segredos do universo (pois, afinal, nosso microcosmo é mesmo lotado de segredos).
A verdade é que a maioria das pessoas passa por HOMESTUCK sem sequer saber sobre o que se trata: o enredo, a moral, os personagens. E resumindo: HOMESTUCK é uma história sobre envelhecer.
Desde representações mais diretas, como as relações dos primeiros personagens com seus guardiões (John reclamando do seu pai, Rose e sua relação de antagonismo com a mãe, Dave e seu irmão abusivo e Jade e seu falecido avô com uma vida que parece muito mais incrível que a dela), até metáforas mais bem elaboradas, como o próprio jogo do "fim do mundo", SBurb, e toda sua mecânica de ascensão.
A obra pode até parecer um tanto sombria quando se tem a síntese em uma pergunta: como seria largar tudo o que você conhece para trás para se tornar um deus?
Pode não parecer, mas tornar-se um deus é uma bela de uma metáfora para tornar-se um adulto. Afinal, para nosso eu infantil, nossos pais são sim como deuses: impassíveis de erros, sempre certos, os que nos guiam, etc. E não só isso, pois crescer também significa deixar tudo o que conhecemos para trás, inclusive nossos ideais e as pessoas que nós amamamos.
o SBurb é uma realidade cruel, isso foi sempre algo que eu disse, e sinto que isso não é lá muito explorado na obra em si. Um dos maiores erros de HOMESTUCK é esse: o autor, Andrew Hussie, desenvolve diversas nuances na obra que não são muito bem trabalhadas. Hussie é e sempre foi um escritor preguiçoso, e num geral, esse é o pecado original dele. E essa é a minhha principal crítica.
Eu diria que HOMESTUCK é uma obra para todo tipo de público: temos poderes e lutas, romances, metáforas envolvendo diversos tópicos, inimizade e competição, etc. Mas digo isso justamente porque essa tal porcaria literária envolve uma experiência universal a todos nós: crescer e se tornar um membro ��til (ou nem tanto) da sociedade.
Se quer uma opinião pessoal: sim, perca seu tempo na webcomic do garoto nerdola preso em casa. Você provavelmente não tem nada melhor para fazer, e na pior das hipóteses vai ter mais algo para seu coração cheio de ira e revolta descontar todo o seu ódio. A webcomic é uma experiência singular.
Cheque o link da tradução em português (https://mspfa.com/?s=3563&p=1) e se divirta.
Depois não diga que não avisei que era apenas lixo literário.
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musicshooterspt · 2 months
Reportagem Evil Live - Dia 2
O segundo dia do Evil Live trouxe diferenças significativas a nível do público presente, como foi possível observar pela maior quantidade de pessoas do lado de fora da MEO Arena à espera que as portas abrissem.
Era um domingo agitado em Lisboa e o último dia da edição de 2024 do festival não fugiu a isso, com o recinto a ficar bem repleto de fãs das bandas que se iriam apresentar praticamente desde o início.
Começou o dia com um concerto em jeito de despedida. Os portugueses W.A.K.O. (We Are Killing Ourselves) aproveitaram o palco da maior arena de espetáculos do país para uma última aparição ao vivo, perante imensas pessoas que assistiram com entusiasmo (e muito mosh à mistura) à sua despedida emotiva mas frenética, depois de 20 anos no ativo, durante os quais se destacaram no panorama do metal nacional.
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Não só foi o começo perfeito do dia como, de certeza, o final ideal para a banda composta por Nuno Rodrigues, Marcelo Aires, André Sobral e João Corceiro.
De seguida, o palco ficou entregue a Empire State Bastard, projecto paralelo de Simon Neil (Biffy Clyro) que se apresentou ao público português com o seu som mais cru e caótico, num concerto que foi cativando quem o acompanhou e serviu também para apresentar o seu álbum de estreia lançado em 2023, "Rivers of Heresy". A acompanhar o frontman mencionado anteriormente estiveram também Naomi Mac no baixo, Tom Rice na bateria e Mike Vennart na guitarra.
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Os Electric Callboy trouxeram a primeira grande demonstração visual da noite, num set que contou desde cedo com explosões de confettis, chamas por todo o lado e, no geral, toda uma componente que, a juntar à mistura entre música metal e eurodance, ajudaram a entreter e animar ainda mais o público que, por esta hora, já enchia grande parte do pavilhão. No material que trouxeram consigo constava, além de músicas do álbum "Tekkno", de 2022, outras jóias como um cover do hit "Everytime We Touch" (Cascada) ou "RATATATA", fruto de uma colaboração com as BABYMETAL este ano.
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A energia em palco era contagiante e pode dizer-se que todos os presentes na plateia apanharam a mesma febre, num concerto que fica marcado como um dos pontos altos desta edição do festival.
Ainda no tema da energia duradoura, os Suicidal Tendencies deram seguimento à mesma, com mais um espectáculo eléctrico. Não só a banda e o público estavam em plena sintonia como ainda tiveram oportunidade de se juntar, literalmente, quando subiram ao palco vários fãs que ficaram deliciados e proporcionaram mais um momento marcante no dia.
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Desde a setlist icónica da banda, passando pela performance eletrizante do frontman Mike Muir ou pelo interesse na "nova contratação" para a bateria (Jay Weinberg, ex-Slipknot, que há um ano tocara também no Evil Live), tudo culminou em mais uma demonstração do quanto o punk está vivo e que tem lugar neste tipo de festivais.
"You Can't Bring Me Down" não só é o título da faixa que abriu o concerto como também uma frase que descreve na perfeição o espírito do mesmo.
"The Sick, the Dying... and the Dead!" abriu a 5ª atuação da noite mas nada disso pode ser usado para descrever o grupo liderado por Dave Mustaine. Os Megadeth apresentaram-se em Lisboa na plenitude das suas forças, para alegria de muitos fãs que marcaram presença logo na primeira fila, vestindo orgulhosamente merchandise da banda.
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Da plateia também vinham vários pedidos clássicos de palhetas e afins, que levaram o vocalista a apelar a que aproveitassem o concerto e deixassem isso para o fim. A noite seguiu com vários temas conhecidos do seu repertório, como "Angry Again" e "Hangar 18", num total de mais de uma dezena de faixas tocadas que mantiveram a toada animada e de êxtase presentes até ao momento.
A noite já ía longa mas o ponto alto ainda estaria por chegar. Após 11 anos de espera, milhares de portugueses praticamente encheram a MEO Arena para receber novamente os Avenged Sevenfold.
Na capital lusa a apresentar o mais recente álbum, "Life Is But a Dream...", a banda de M. Shadows teve um regresso triunfal, levado ao extremo da euforia com temas como "Afterlife", "Hail to the King", "Nightmare" ou "A Little Piece of Heaven".
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Além do carismático vocalista, os talentos na guitarra de Synyster Gates e Zacky Vengeance, o sólido baixista Johnny Christ e Brooks Wackerman na bateria encheram o palco e a alma dos milhares presentes num final de noite perfeito, fechando assim mais uma edição do Evil Live na nota mais alta possível.
"Life Is But a Dream" e este sonho de espectáculo ficará, sem dúvida, na memória de todos os que o viveram por muito tempo!
Fotos e Texto: Miguel Batista
Galeria Completa
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limoposeedor · 1 year
Y si te invito un trago?
Eso fue lo que me dijo el nerd del salón en la fiesta de disfraces, que infeliz no vino con disfraz a la fiesta eso me molesta pero quien soy yo para rechazarle un trago.
Lo segui el siempre sonriente aveces pienso que planea cosas raras pero siempre es haci es un pelirrojo muy raro creo que se llama David entonces le pregunto "David a donde vamos aqui son los baños" el me responde "me llamo Dave pero eso no importa es que no quiero que vean que meti esto sin permiso" el saco una extraña botella que parecía de vino caro no hice preguntas solo mire curioso como sirvio dos copas las cuales el vino parecia vino pero un poco mas opaco de lo normal.
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Me dispuse a beber pero el me detuvo y me dijo que lo hicieramos a la vez , buenos el invita porque no? ,Lo hicimos y ambos nos desmayamos estábamos despertando y en eso vi como mi propio cuerpo saca algo y me inyecta haciendo que me duerma. Al dia siguiente estaba confuso desperte en una casa que no era la mia me vesti sin mirarme al espejo y cuando llegue a la escuela vi que mis amigos se alejaban de mi en eso pude ver en un reflejo mi aspecto.
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(pero que rayos este no es mi cuerpo!) Unos minutos después me llego una foto.
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-mira mi cuerpo nuevo- me llego de mensaje y respondi -que me hiciste?!- el solo me puso -nada solo puse algo en las copas ahora yo sere el popular me puso mientras me mandaba una nueva foto-
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(Maldita sea! Porque se ve tan bien) me había calentado al verlo posando en mi propio cuerpo, me encerré en un baño en eso escuche que alguien entro era Dave en mi propio cuerpo el cual se burlaba alegremente de mi pero no termino al ver que al verlo se me formo un pequeño bulto el cual el sonrio y lo apretó haciendo me estremecer .
Dias an pasado y me eh acostumbrado a ser Dave y incluso descubri que el cuerpo me estaba gustando y que no era tan feo solo algo desarreglado y que paso con mi cuerpo pues ahora el nerd es mi actual pareja he he maldito me robo el cuerpo y el corazón bueno no es como que su cuerpo sea feo.
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pedropascalito · 2 years
Official Reasons I Would Fuck the Pedro Characters: 
Javi: the tight pants, smoking, whiskey, and swagger. and his entire scene with Helena.
Marcus: his sweetness and openness, and hand holding skills. I want those hands all over me. 
Ezra: the blond patch, tongue, and scruff. might get taken to another world. 
Din: his strut. also, maybe he’d let me stick around and play with Grogu. 
Oberyn: his jawline, sensuality, and Ellaria. 
Dave: his seriousness and that camo zipup jacket. I want to know I can distract and seduce him. and I want to wear the jacket. 
Max Phillips: his sense of humor. and those sweet sweet suits. I want to be naked on his suited lap while he slaps my ass and we giggle together. 
Jack: the white t-shirt and black leather jacket. and he wouldn’t care if I leave right after.
Max Lord: para nada
Francisco: his soft eyes and sweet disposition and carpenter clothes. 
Pero: the accent. the sword. and his grumpy wit. 
Steve (from Sisters): his tongue, in my mouth, and hand cradling my face. 
Zach: the flannel shirt. 
Javi G: the house, the drugs, and his soft hair
for all of them: THE VOICE
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