yukippetodo · 5 years
Exams Headcanons ft. Dateko
Because exams are in two days and I’ve been procrastinating lol
- Futakuchi is dead set on getting everyone to pass exams
- Obara tutors Aone and Fukiage in science
- Sakunami and Koganegawa help each other with their weakest subjects
- The third years drop in to help the underclassmen study
- Nametsu makes Futakuchi pay money if he wants to be tutored
- Onagawa procrastinates and still passes all his exams with flying colors
- Koganegawa fails his maths exams, despite all the studying he does
- Futakuchi barely passes half his exams
- Moniwa has to convince Futakuchi to let Koganegawa into practice the day after exams
- Aone got a perfect score on one exam and then got average scores for the rest of them
- Sakunami and Onagawa have to take one more exam than the rest of the team, since they are taking an extra class
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