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certificationgdp · 5 months
How do I obtain GDPR Certification?
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How do I obtain GDPR Certification?
/ Uncategorized / By Factocert Mysore
Why Getting GDPR Certification in Lebanon
GDPR Certification in Lebanon Data privacy has become paramount in today’s digital age. Businesses operating in Lebanon, a nation increasingly intertwined with the global digital landscape, are no exception to this trend. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the European Union’s stringent data privacy law, has a long-lasting effect on global data protection practices. The GDPR’s principles and reach extend beyond EU borders, impacting any organization that processes the personal data of EU residents. This raises the question: should Lebanese businesses seek GDPR certification?
A process for implementing GDPR certification in Lebanon
Now comes the action! Implement key processes and procedures to operationalize your GDPR compliance roadmap. This may involve:
Appointing a Data Protection Officer (DPO): If your organization meets certain criteria, you must set a DPO to oversee GDPR compliance and act as a point of contact for data subjects.
Establishing Data Subject Rights Mechanisms: Implement procedures to enable individuals to exercise their rights under GDPR, including access, rectification, erasure, portability, and objection.
Developing Data Breach Notification Procedures: Establish a plan for identifying, reporting, and managing data breaches promptly and effectively.
Implementing Technical and Organizational Measures: Invest in appropriate security measures to protect personal data, such as encryption, access controls, and regular security assessments.
Developing Privacy Policies and Documentation: Create clear and comprehensive privacy policies that inform data subjects about your data practices and their rights.
Training and Awareness: Educate your employees about GDPR and their role in compliance.
GDPR Certification in Lebanon embraces the Core Principles
The GDPR Certification in Lebanon outlines seven core principles that serve as your guide to compliance:
Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency: Ensure you have a legal basis for processing data, be transparent about your practices, and obtain informed consent where required.
Purpose limitation: Collect and process data only for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes. Avoid unnecessary data collection.
Data minimization: Collect only the minimum personal data necessary for your stated purposes. Don’t engage in data creep!
Accuracy: Maintain accurate and up-to-date data. Implement processes for data rectification and erasure upon request.
Storage limitation: Keep personal data only for as long as necessary for the identified purposes. Establish clear retention and deletion policies.
Integrity and confidentiality: Implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
Accountability: Be accountable for your data processing activities and demonstrate compliance with GDPR requirements.
The benefits of GDPR certification in Lebanon include
Building trust with customers: Demonstrating commitment to data privacy builds trust and customer loyalty, enhancing your brand image.
Gaining a competitive edge: GDPR compliance opens doors to international markets and partnerships, giving you a competitive edge in a data-driven world.
Avoiding hefty fines: Non-compliance with the GDPR can result in significant penalties, potentially crippling your business. GDPR Certification in Canada
What makes Factocert the best choice for GDPR Certification in Lebanon
We provide the best GDPR Certification in Lebanon, Who are knowledgeable and provide the best solutions. And how to get ISO certification in Lebanon. Kindly reach us at [email protected]. GDPR consultants in Lebanon work according to GDPR standards and help organizations implement GDPR Certification with proper documentation.
For more information, visit GDPR Certification in Lebanon.
Related Links:
· GDP Certification in Lebanon
· GLP Certification in Lebanon
· GMP Certification in Lebanon
· GDPR Certification in Lebanon
· SOC 1 Certification in Lebanon
· SOC 2 Certification in Lebanon
· SA 8000 Certification in Lebanon
· RoHS Certification in Lebanon
RELATED ARTICLE  GDPR Consultants in Lebanon
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What is the process for GDPR Certification?
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GDPR Certification in Canada
GDPR Certification in Canada: Indirectly or directly, Canadian businesses touch the European Union (EU) market. Despite not explicitly targeting EU citizens, Canadian companies face a crucial question: how can they comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)? While there is no official GDPR Certification in Canada per se, achieving demonstrable compliance can provide significant advantages. Let’s delve into the intricacies of GDPR Certification in Canada and explore the pathways to demonstrating your commitment to data protection and demonstrating your commitment to data protection.
The GDPR Certification Process in Canada
Before diving into certification, it’s essential to understand the scope of GDPR. This regulation applies to any organization processing the personal data of EU citizens, regardless of the organization’s location. So, even if your business is solely based in Canada, if you collect or process data from EU residents, GDPR compliance becomes mandatory.
How GDPR Certification in Canada can provide a business advantage beyond
While there’s no official “GDPR Certification” in Canada, demonstrating your commitment to data protection through these steps offers numerous benefits:
Strengthened Business Relationships: GDPR compliance showcases your respect for data privacy, fostering trust and confidence with EU clients and partners.
Enhanced Consumer Confidence: Consumers increasingly value data privacy. Compliance signifies your commitment to data protection, strengthening your brand reputation.
Minimized Risk: Data breaches can incur hefty fines under GDPR. Embedding GDPR principles reduces the risk of such incidents and associated penalties.
Align with Canadian Data Laws: GDPR principles closely align with Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Compliance with GDPR can simplify adherence to both regulations. GDPR Certification in Jordan
What is the process for implementing GDPR Certification in Canada?
Now comes the action! Implement key processes and procedures to operationalize your GDPR compliance roadmap. This may involve:
Appointing a Data Protection Officer (DPO): If your organization meets certain criteria, you must select a DPO to oversee GDPR compliance and act as a point of contact for data subjects.
Establishing Data Subject Rights Mechanisms: Implement procedures to enable individuals to exercise their rights under GDPR, including access, rectification, erasure, portability, and objection.
Developing Data Breach Notification Procedures: Establish a plan for identifying, reporting, and managing data breaches promptly and effectively.
Implementing Technical and Organizational Measures: Invest in appropriate security measures to protect personal data, such as encryption, access controls, and regular security assessments.
Developing Privacy Policies and Documentation: Create clear and comprehensive privacy policies that inform data subjects about your data practices and their rights.
Training and Awareness: Educate your employees about GDPR and their role in compliance.
What Factocert’s GDPR Certification in Canada Can Do for You
We provide the best GDPR Certification in Canada, are knowledgeable, and provide the best solutions. And how to get ISO certification in Canada. Kindly reach us at [email protected]. GDPR Consultants in Canada work according to GDPR standards and help organizations implement GDPR Certification with proper documentation.
For more information, visit GDPR Certification in Canada.
Related Links:
· GDP Certification in Canada
· GLP Certification in Canada
· GMP Certification in Canada
· GDPR Certification in Canada
· SOC 1 Certification in Canada
· SOC 2 Certification in Canada
· SA 8000 Certification in Canada
· RoHS Certification in Canada
RELATED ARTICLE  GDPR Consultants in Canada
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Introduction to GDPR and Its Scope
There isn't an official GDPR certification program set up by the European Union that certifies people or companies as of my last update in January 2022. Regardless of their location, companies handling the data of EU people must adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation.
GDPR principles, compliance standards, and best practices can be better understood by individuals by enrolling in certification programs or courses provided by different organizations or institutions. Although these courses may 
offer certificates upon completion, the EU has not officially authorized them as GDPR qualifications.
If businesses in Egypt collect, use, or retain personal data on individuals in the EU, they must comply with the GDPR regulations. This includes businesses handling the personal data of EU residents. For Egyptian businesses handling this type of data, comprehending GDPR requirements is essential if they hope to retain compliance and avoid legal issues.
For the most current and correct information on GDPR certifications in Egypt or compliance requirements in Egypt, it is advised to consult with legal experts who specialize in data protection and privacy legislation or to get in touch with the appropriate authorities or industry-specific regulatory agencies.
The GDPR Certification Procedure in Egypt
Recognize GDPR Requirements: Become acquainted with the fundamental ideas and provisions of the GDPR, including lawful processing, rights of data subjects, data security protocols, and the reporting of data breaches.
Carry out an audit: Examine your present data handling procedures, encompassing the gathering, processing, storing, and safeguarding of data. Determine any discrepancies between your present procedures and the GDPR Certification in IRAN mandate.
Make the Required Changes: Update systems, policies, and procedures to comply with GDPR regulations in light of the audit's findings. This could entail strengthening data security protocols, getting express consent before processing data, designating a Data Protection Officer (DPO), and creating guidelines for requests from data subjects.
Benefits of GDPR Compliance for Egyptian Businesses
Enhanced Trust and Reputation: Your dedication to data protection and privacy is demonstrated by your GDPR compliance certification or proof. This can improve confidence among stakeholders, partners, and consumers, enhancing your company's reputation.
Competitive Advantage: Being GDPR certification in Madagascar can set your company apart from rivals in a global market where data privacy is becoming more and more important. It can be a selling feature, particularly for businesses who work with partners or clients in the EU.
Decreased Legal Risks: Complying with GDPR Certification in Egypt  helps lessen the possibility of fines, penalties, or legal problems arising from improper handling or non-compliance with data protection laws. By doing this, you can protect your company from possible legal risks.
Customer Loyalty and Confidence: You may build customer loyalty and trust by proving that you are committed to preserving their data. Customers are more inclined to stick around and use your services or products if they believe that your data is handled securely.
Regulation Evolving: By following GDPR principles, your company will be better equipped to respond to changing data privacy laws and future data protection rules, as well as changes in compliance standards.
How To Obtain EGYPT'S GDPR Certification
If you would like further information about how to obtain GDPR consultants in Egypt or if you need assistance with GDPR training or consulting services in Egypt, please visit our official website at www.b2bcert.com or send an email with your requirements to [email protected]. We use value addition to comprehend needs and determine the most cost-effective and precise procedure for your business to obtain GDPR certification in Egypt.
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The Ultimate Guide to Ericsson Certified Professional Ericsson Certified Associate Ericsson Expert Analytics (ECP-272)
Ericsson Certified Associate Ericsson Expert Analytics (ECP-272) Certification Exam Credential It continues: The relevant beheading of smart contract transactions is absolute by all. The device is scalable, with the aid of sharding accompaniment and the beheading of transactions, and the use of S-BAC, a dispensed accomplish agreement, to assure consistency.
 Chainspace become based with the aid of researchers from university school London Alberto Sonnino, Dave Hrycyszyn, Ramsey Khoury and George Danezis. Cheddar stories that a few contributors of the team have now been employed with the aid of fb.
 facebook has been quietly assembling a bunch of specialists, academics, cryptographers and engineers with adventure in blockchain and cryptocurrencies, sparking rumours that it is looking to advance its own cryptocurrency. The business appointed former PayPal president David Marcus to manipulate this neighborhood.
 experiences that any cryptocurrency that emerges is likely to be a ‘stablecoin , one whose market value is pegged to a fiat forex such because the US dollar and that it might be used to transfer cash by way of WhatsApp with the preliminary rollout in India. china s WeChat sociable media app already makes it possible for users to switch cash in many authorization currencies however no longer the Indian rupee the usage of Alipay.
 facebook is buying the group s knowhow instead of its expertise, in response to Cheddar. To rival greater common digital funds switch services a decentralised blockchain-primarily based system will need to be able to display the category of velocity, effectivity and scalability that have to this point eluded first-era cryptocurrencies corresponding to Bitcoin and . this is a neighborhood the group has been engaged on through its sharding technology and Byzantine fault-advanced consensus agreement Blockmania. but these seem like aboriginal-canicule initiatives anticipation with the aid of the degree of undertaking on GitHub.
 daaeccfeecaefed,Like abounding different companies, facebook is exploring the right way to leverage the vigour of blockchain expertise. This new baby group is exploring a variety of functions. We do not need the rest additional to allotment, a agent observed.
 world wildlife fund Australia has launched a ‘blockchain-enabled tracking gadget to hint food and other products from source to bowl.
 The goal, WFF-Australia says, is to. help groups and buyers keep away from unlawful, environmentally harmful or bent items, while improving give chain accountability and transparency.
 The gadget, referred to as OpenSC, changed into developed in conjunction with BCC digital Ventures, part of the Boston Consulting neighborhood. It enables particulars of products to be added to a balance at their point of origin so the route to their remaining vacation spot can be traced. for example, the place and time at which a specific angle is bent will also be recorded using a digital tag by the fishing baiter, permitting patrons to check it has reallly come from a MSC-licensed fishery readily with the aid of scanning a QR cipher the usage of their telephone.
 austral Fisheries, a part of the enormous Maruha Nichiro neighborhood, has agreed to roll out the system throughout its Patagonian Toothfish agile.
 The system isn t constrained to seafood of route. WWF-Australia plans to use it to accredit different meals and paper products to show that they are not the effect of illegally felled forests or slave labour.
 via OpenSC, we can accept an entire new level of accuracy about no matter if the food we consume is contributing to ecology abasement of habitats and species, as well as companionate injustice and human rights considerations akin to bullwork, said WWF-Australia CEO, Dermot O Gorman, in a statement.
 OpenSC will revolutionise how all of us buy food and other items as neatly, enabling extra suggested determination authoritative through patrons, groups, governments, and business our bodies.
 improving provide chain transparency is likely one of the main use circumstances for blockchain know-how outdoor of the branch of cryptocurrencies. recently, the food believe, a bunch led by Walmart, created a artefact bear in mind device which permits products to be traced throughout the give alternation lower back to their origin in a matter of abnormal in place of weeks see previous in this blog.
 Fedex is one more business looking at decentralised ledgers as a means of riding efficiencies within the give chain. CEO Fred artisan described blockchain as. a chain of aegis device on steroids .
 sizzling on the heels of handing out fines to VPN users gaining access to the overseas web , china continues its crackdown on the anonymity of its residents by concentrated on the nation s abounding blockchain startups.
 The cyberspace administration of china CAC has introduced new rules for blockchain organizations. These guidelines, with a view to appear into force on February , will require agencies that spend blockchains to annals their names and IP addresses with the CAC within alive canicule of the brand new laws becoming law.
 It applies to organizations that provide accessible counsel features through blockchain features which are purchasable by the use of internet or cell gadgets.
 in addition, blockchain provider suppliers may additionally no longer aftermath, duplicate, publish or disseminate content that has been banned via the chinese government.
 corporations that abort to conform could face fines of RMB , - , £, - £three,, whereas consecutive offenders should expect a crook investigation.
 The flow is the latest in an advancing crackdown on online freedom of expression by using the more and more authoritarian chinese authorities. remaining year a group of scholars acclimated the blockchain to sidestep the attention of the censors and move letters about a prominent assistant accused of sexual delinquency, and this may additionally have ashamed executive officers, themselves very delicate to accusations of bribery.
 In October the chinese government drafted a law that would crave users to give their precise names and national identity card numbers when registering for a blockchain carrier. The policy also demands that blockchain functions eliminate unlawful counsel earlier than it can be spread among users, with service providers required to hold backups of person records for six months and to hand it over to the badge on request.
 Blockchains are purported to be immutable. it really is the aspect. With a blockchain-based mostly cryptocurrency you isn t capable of use the equal bread twice through rewriting the transactional listing, but Cryptocurrency trade Coinbase seen one forex, classic and many others, where exactly that changed into occurring.
 daaeccfeecaefed,On , Coinbase detected a abysmal chain reorganisation of the traditional blockchain that covered a bifold use, the exchange notes in its weblog.
 It continues: subsequent to this event, we detected further reorganisations that blanketed bifold spends, totalling , etc ~$.m.
 The difficulty lies with a weak spot within the proof of labor accord apparatus which most blockchains rely on for security. during this miners compete to check blocks of transactions, sooner or later agreeing to settle for the longest chain of blocks because the real one and going on from there. this is magnificent so long as greater than bisected the miners are ‘honest nodes. but if a dishonest miner with sufficient CPU vigour manages to decide on a previous block and construct on that, it will probably theoretically outstrip the other miners, developing an choice longest chain which the different nodes will finally accept as real, readily rewriting heritage.
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viditure · 5 years
What now for the GDPR? Part one – Top 12 teething troubles 12 months in…
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The GDPR’s has just celebrated its one-year anniversary. To mark the occasion, AT Internet has created a comprehensive guide on how you can ensure that your digital analytics is 100% compliant with the regulation. To accompany the guide, we are running blog series and GDPR quiz to get you up to speed!
In the first blog, we wade through the flood of derisive articles on how the regulation has been ineffective so far in addressing data privacy issues. Are the attacks justified, or is it too early to criticise such a complex and ambitious project 12-months in?
Here are the top 12 criticisms
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of the GDPR – and the case in defence
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of the regulation…
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There was total chaos when the GDPR came in, with 206,326 reported breaches in the first few months alone.
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  Although initially there were a large number of reports cases following the GDPR deadline, many were quickly resolved. Of the 200,000 or so breaches in the first nine months of the regulation, around 65,000 were initiated on the basis of a data breach report by a data controller. Of the 95,000 complaints, some 52% of the overall cases had already been closed, with only 1% facing a challenge in national courts.
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For the consumer, the regulation has simply created an endless barrage of rapid-fire, pop-up privacy notices that nobody actually reads. This has caused consent fatigue and has done little if anything to improve individuals’ comprehension of their data privacy.
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  The implementation of the GDPR has in fact significantly raised the awareness of privacy issues for consumers. Following the Cambridge Analytica scandal, a poll in the UK showed that 72% of individuals had already changed their data permissions ahead of May 25th, 2018 and were planning on sharing less data in the future.
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The GDPR offloads too much responsibility on individuals who have a limited understanding of the complexities of the regulation.
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  According to Eurobarometer results from March 2019 in an article by the European Data Protection Board (EPDB), the increase in queries and complaints confirms a rise in individuals’ comprehension of data protection rights – 67% of EU citizens polled indicated that they have heard of the GDPR, 36% of them indicated that they are well aware of what the GDPR entails.
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  57% of EU citizens polled indicated that they are aware of the existence of a public authority in their country responsible for protecting their data protection rights. This result shows an increase of 20 percentage points compared to 2015 Eurobarometer results.
 This can only increase in the future…
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Businesses have no idea how they can be compliant and what constitutes a data breach – as reflected in the large number of complaints. According to the IAPP more than 56% of respondents subject to the GDPR said they were far from compliance or would never comply and one-fifth said that “full compliance may be impossible.” Hoping to avoid the costs of incorrect or delayed compliance, many companies are moving forward with a risky “wait-and-see” approach as they struggle to understand the best course of action.
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  As a brand-new regulation, the GDPR will take time to become truly effective – confusion during the implementation phase is to be expected. It is also a monumental challenge for regulators as well as for businesses being regulated. Many organisations are still running through a backlog of activity required for compliance even so many months after the GDPR entered into law. This can be very slow work and requires an experienced Data Protection Officer (DPO) with both legal and technical expertise.
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  Regulatory bodies spent most of 2018 getting up to speed with their staff levels and internal procedures and finishing the last pre-GDPR investigations.
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There is inadequate support and information available on how companies and individuals can be GDPR compliant. Local Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) are not taking the necessary measures to inform businesses and individuals on the regulation requirements.
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  Following a record number of complaints in France, the CNIL has affirmative taken actions to support operators and ensure the successful implementation of the GDPR. These include raising awareness for local authorities with a practical guide, thematic sheets (teleservices, security, Data Protection Officer (DPO) and local authorities, etc.) and a dedicated module in its online training open to everyone. They provide support via the CNIL website and an asset and a developer kit have already been published. CNIL is also in close dialogue with professionals and “network heads” to promote the development of skills in all sectors and support for data protection officers. In practical terms, they have tools available to everyone on their website including:
A way to check if an organisation has appointed a DPO for people wishing to exercise their rights or ask a question to an organisation that manages their data, including contact details publicly available via a dedicated search engine
an online GDPR training course open to all since March 2019, already attended by more than 35,100 people, including 6,900 who have obtained a certificate of success
a model for a register of processing activities, which makes it possible to identify all data processing operations and to have an overview of actions relating to personal data
open source software to conduct a data protection impact assessment (DIA), which is obligatory for some processing operations
With 2,044 data breach notifications in France and 89,271 at European level, more than 19,000 data protection officers (natural or legal persons) have been appointed by more than 53,000 organisations. There has been also an influx of requests for information from professionals wanting to apply the GDPR framework and a growing mobilization of professionals and individuals on data protection – the CNIL website has had more than 8.1 million visits over the last year.
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A vast new Data Protection Officer bureaucracy has been created in organisations and the associated costs are huge.The GDPR makes it a legal requirement for all companies doing business in the EU to appoint a DPO if their core business consists of data processing activities. If they process special categories of data (sensitive data, like biometrics, ethnic, health data etc.) they must appoint a one regardless of the scale of processing – public institutions also have to appoint one. Failure to appoint a DPO can carry fines of up to €10 million or 2 percent of a company’s global turnover, whichever is higher. This is expected to generate the need for up to 28,000 DPOs in the EU and the US and 75,000 worldwide.
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  Although initial reports warned that the GDPR would create the need for vast numbers of DPOs, many companies will outsource and the likely figure is a considerably lower. Smaller companies are also allowed to share a DPO and they can be in the form of an existing employee as well as a new hire.
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  The GDPR may seem draconian by demanding that each organisation has its own DPO, but data regulation was in drastic need of modernisation to bring it in line with a rapidly changing online ecosystem and make the law fit for purpose.
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  By fostering a culture of data protection within an organization, the DPO will save money by avoiding potential fines.
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  Businesses are realising that aside from focusing on the fines they might receive, GDPR compliance can be viewed as an opportunity to engage with customers and build loyalty, as a driver of increased trust and overall business growth. This is one of the reasons mobile banking, streaming services, and tech companies, have been extremely agile when it came to GDPR compliance. DPOs must be allowed to act independently and cannot receive orders from the management which also creates an atmosphere of confidence in a company’s data privacy practices.
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EU data authorities are not adequately staffed or coordinated to handle the demands. EU regulators claimed they had insufficient resources or funding to cope with the new GDPR workload and that they need needed a “substantial increase in resources and staff”.
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  2018 was a transition year and the various agencies needed time to staff up. EU data authorities have stated that “while the cooperation procedures are robust and efficient, they are time and resource intensive – SAs need to carry out investigations, observe procedural rules, coordinate and share information with other supervisory authorities.”
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  The Irish DPA ‘beefed up’ it’s 27 staff to more than 130 to cope with the steep rise in complaints and this is expected to rise to more than 200 in the next year.
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  The framework surrounding GDPR fines is still being created. One of the likely reasons for the uneven GDPR fines across countries, as well as the slow associated process, is that those in charge of making legal decisions don’t have legal precedents to guide their actions.
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  In 2019, people should expect regulators to become more concise in their interpretations of the law.
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There is little international coordination – the DPAs of several EU countries also need to harmonise the wide range of fines being handed out.
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  To provide more guidance as to how a data protection agency should calculate the amount of a fine, the Dutch data protection agency, the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens has released a framework to determine how severe a penalty will be. The Dutch framework (in Dutch) has four categories of violations, and each category has a defined “default” fine, along with a range of possible fines depending on the severity of the violation.
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  The UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) are coordinating with both the Dutch and Norwegian DPAs to create a harmonized framework or matrix ‘toolkit’ for various watchdogs to give them a foundation for calculating fines in the future.
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  Data Protection Authorities across the EU will soon be publishing annual reports, which should give us a wider and better picture of the level of compliance one year  into the GDPR.
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The threat of huge fines never materialised, with the exception of Google’s token slap on the wrist by the French. Only 91 fines were imposed in the first eight months of GDPR and (removing the €50M Google fine) the average GDPR penalty was approximately €66,000. Even Google’s fine was merely a snip of the company’s $136.2 billion 2018 revenue, approximately .04% – far below the 4% potential.
The fines that were handed out were extremely measured and reflect that DPAs are not out to trip companies up and were moving forward diligently.
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  The ‘token’ GDPR fine from French CNIL against Google for “lack of transparency, inadequate information and lack of valid consent regarding the ads personalization” can be viewed as a shot across the bows for the tech giant. It also demonstrated that DPAs have the will and muscle to implement fines on larger companies and that the major players are not untouchable.
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  The first GDPR fine was for German social media platform Knuddels. Although the data breach was a major one, compromising the email addresses and passwords of 330,000 users, the company’s proactive approach to addressing the breach meant that that the fine was only €20,000. They not only responded quickly by notifying the German data protection authorities and customers, they also worked rapidly to bring in the recommended security procedures. 
Stefan Brink, state data protection commissioner for Baden-Wurttemberg, commented on its €20,000 fine against Knuddels: “The LfDI is not interested in entering into a competition for the highest possible fines. In the end, it’s about improving privacy and data security for the users.” Although it remains to be seen whether other DPAs take a similar approach, this case sets a valuable precedent.
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  In March 2019 when the Polish DPA showed a highly measured response by only issuing a €219,000 fine to a company who failed to inform six million individuals that their personal data were being processed. While the Danish DPA only fined a company €161,000 for holding on to personal data longer than allowed under GDPR.
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  In June 2019, the CNIL dished out a second fine of €400,000 fine to the French real estate company Sergic. Although the breach was a serious one, i.e. a lack of due diligence in addressing vulnerability and the fact that the accessible documents revealed very intimate aspects of people’s lives, CNIL took the size of the company and its financial strength into account and imposed a measured fine. 
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It is a weak start from the regulation considering that DPAs have already handled around 100,000 self-reported breaches and user complaints.
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  The complaints are still being processed and the impact has yet to be felt, in that we haven’t yet seen significant enforcement activity, both in terms of volume and amount.
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  Many cases are also ongoing on an international and national level – there have been 446 cross-border cases which tend to be far more complex and take longer to resolve. Of the large number of reported to EEA Supervisory Authorities (SAs), over 144,000 queries and complaints and over 89,000 data breaches have been logged. 63% of these have been closed and 37% are ongoing.
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The GDPR is ineffective against the tech giants as they have interpreted the regulation liberally at best. There is also a major lack of transparency. Facebook has been in the headlines for its reintroduction of facial recognition software and data sharing with its recently purchased subsidiary WhatsApp. Paul-Olivier Dehaye (a privacy expert who helped uncover Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal) stated that “big companies like Facebook are 10 steps ahead of everyone else, and 100 steps ahead of regulators – there are very big questions about what they’re doing.”
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  The EDPB released a report stating that out of the 206,326 cases reported under the GDPR across the 31 countries in the European Economic Area (EEA), the national Data Protection Agencies (DPAs) have only resolved only 52 percent of them. As regulators work through this backlog, businesses can expect more fines of greater amounts in the coming months.
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  The CNIL fine against Google was a critical first step, and created an important precedent to evaluate the impact and reach of GDPR. More fines are to be expected in 2019 and beyond.
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Google continues to turn a blind eye in terms of its failure to get consent from users “before sharing data among its fast-growing line of networks and products—from YouTube to Google Photos to Gmail and more.” Nicolas Vinocur at Poltico refers to a significant loophole being exploited by the tech giants. Chief policy officer at Brave, Johnny Ryan referred to Google’s processing of user data in advertising transactions as a “massive and ongoing data breach” in which it leaks intimate user data to “thousands of companies every day”. According to Brave, Google’s ad exchange broadcasts personal information about users to “tens or hundreds” of potential advertisers every time they visit a website, with no limits placed on how the data is used, making it the “most massive leakage of personal data recorded so far”.
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  The Irish DPA recently launched a probe of possible violations by Google’s online Ad Exchange – it became the lead authority to watch over Google’s privacy compliance after the Alphabet established its main European base in Ireland in January.
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  The Irish Data Protection Commissioner Helen Dixon said that substantial fines were on the way in the “coming months”. There are currently 18 investigations underway by the Irish DPA which has become the lead GDPR regulator for the majority of the major tech companies who are based there.
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  The cases before the DPC in Ireland are some of the most consequential that will be made about the GDPR. As precedents that could “redefine business models”, the actions need to be coordinated with other countries and the decision needs to be watertight to withstand court challenges. The progress of the Irish DPO will be fundamental to shoring up the GDPR in the future – as other U.S. high-profile technology leaders such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Airbnb, Microsoft and Oath also have their European headquarters in Ireland to take advantage of the “one-stop shop” mechanism that simplifies cross-border data processing for non-EU organizations under the GDPR.
 Part two looks at what the future holds for data privacy. Tune in to find out where the GDPR goes from here.
 Make sure your digital analytics is GDPR-proof!
AT Internet’s Analytics Suite is 100% compliant with the GDPR. Protecting user data and respecting user privacy has been central to our analytics approach for over 20 years.
As an independent European provider since day one, we’ve always been strongly aligned with strict European policies on data protection and privacy. Our solution has been developed with privacy-by-design since the very beginning.
Our long-standing relationships with the CNIL, France’s data protection authority, and Germany’s TÜV, speak volumes. These trusted authorities recognise the conformity and surety of the Analytics Suite and have awarded us their certificate of compliance year after year.
Data practice hygiene is growing! Read our latest FREE guide: Digital Analytics and the GDPR – one year on – making sure you’re compliant, to find out more!
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Article What now for the GDPR? Part one – Top 12 teething troubles 12 months in… first appeared on Digital Analytics Blog.
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Top 12 Key Steps to Get Preparing for GDPR
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The aim of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is to create a uniform level of data protection in the European Union (EU). Before the EU data protection becomes enforceable, it is crucial for organizations to ensure their compliance with the GDPR requirements.
The Difference between the Data Protection Act (DPA) and GDPR
Currently, the UK relies on the Data Protection Act legislated in 1998, effective after the withdrawal of the EU Data Protection Directive 1995. The Data Protection Act will be automatically replaced with the enforcement of GDPR.
Personal Data Requests:
Breach Reporting:
The Data Protection Act applies only to those in the UK, while GDPR applies to any organization that holds or processes EU citizens` personal data, without taking into consideration if the company is based in the EU or not.
The Data Protection Act requires a negative-opt, whereas with GDPR in place, organizations will be allowed to send e-mails only to people who have opted-in to receive messages.
In case of serious breaches, the Data Protection Act carries fines up to €500K, whereas with GDPR, the fines for serious breaches can be up to €20 million. Such fines could result in the closure of many businesses.
Under the Data Protection Act, organizations were allowed to charge a reasonable fee for data requests, and the rights for erasure were a matter of common law, whereas under GDPR these are free, and data subjects have the explicit right to ask for data erasure.
Under the Data Protection Act, the reporting of data breaches was required only if the breach was also covered by the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2011, however, under the GDPR, reporting a data breach is mandatory in cases when breaches put at risk the freedom and rights of the individual.
Key Steps to get prepared for GDPR
Raise awareness :
Accountability and Data Governance:
Communicate privacy information:
Individual’s rights:
Subject access requests:
Legal basis for processing personal data :
Data breaches
Data Protection by Design and Data Protection Impact Assessments:
Data Protection Officers:
Ensure that organization`s key people and decision makers understand the impact of GDPR implementation and are able to identify areas that might cause problems during this process.
Documentation of what personal data is held, what is the source of this data and with whom the data is shared. In addition, it may also be necessary to conduct an information audit within the organization.
Review the current privacy notices and create a strategy for making any required changes in time for GDPR implementation.
Procedures should be checked to ensure that they contain all the individuals` rights, including the methods used by the company to delete personal data or provide data in an electronic form or an acceptable format.
Update procedures, and set a plan on how to handle requests within the new timescales and provide any additional information.
Based on the types of data processing carried out, a company should identify and document the legal basis for processing personal data.
Review on how the consent is sought, recorded and managed and whether any changes need to be made.
When performing data processing activities, consider setting systems for verifying the age of the individuals and gathering consent from parents or legal guardians, if needed.
: Development of the right procedures and policies used to detect, report and investigate a personal data breach.
Familiarization with the ICO guidance on Privacy Impact Assessments and determine how and when they should be implemented in the organization.
To ensure data protection compliance in an organization, it may be necessary to appoint as Data Protection Officer someone from the organization or an external data protection advisor.
If the organization operates internationally, it should define which data protection supervisory authority will be accountable for its regulation.
In conclusion, all organizations must be aware of the GDPR requirements and be prepared to comply by May 2018. They should consider this as an opportunity, thus, when preparing for compliance, organizations need to go beyond data protection and embrace data control and transparency. By doing so, businesses will have significant benefits from avoiding costly punishments, while improving customer data protection and trust.
Unichrone provides an introduction to the GDPR’s terminology and purpose. Candidates will learn how to appreciate the necessity of complying with the GDPR – ensuring that personal data is secure and that your organisation does not face a catastrophic fine of up to 20 million Euros or 4% of your annual global turnover. The multifaceted nature of the GDPR means that organisations will need to have their systems reviewed and enhanced – which will require a number of individuals with specialist hard-skills. Hence, this course offers an introduction.
Unichrone delivers General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Foundation Training Certification in both Classroom and Live Online Classroom modes. GDPR Training is available across the world.
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certificationgdp · 5 months
What is the process for obtaining GDPR certification?
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Why Getting GDPR Certification in Lebanon
GDPR Certification in Lebanon Data privacy has become paramount in today’s digital age. Businesses operating in Lebanon, a nation increasingly intertwined with the global digital landscape, are no exception to this trend. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the European Union’s stringent data privacy law, has a long-lasting effect on global data protection practices. The GDPR’s principles and reach extend beyond EU borders, impacting any organization that processes the personal data of EU residents. This raises the question: should Lebanese businesses seek GDPR certification?
The implementation of GDPR Certification in Lebanon
Data mapping and inventory: The first step is understanding what personal data you collect, store, and process. Create a comprehensive data map identifying data sources, types, legal bases for processing, and retention periods.
Transparency and awareness: Inform data subjects clearly and efficiently about how their data is used, their rights under the GDPR Certification in Lebanon, and how to exercise those rights. Make your privacy policy easily accessible and understandable.
Data subject rights: Implement mechanisms for individuals to access, rectify, erase, restrict processing, and object to the processing of their data. Streamline procedures for handling data subject requests and respond promptly.
Data security: Implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Conduct regular risk assessments and update your security measures as needed.
Data breach notification: In case of a data breach that poses a high risk to individuals’ rights and freedoms, promptly notify the relevant authorities and data subjects.
GDPR Certification in Lebanon is a continuous process
Appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO): Consider appointing a DPO responsible for overseeing and implementing data protection within your organization.
Train your employees: Educate your team on data protection best practices and their role in compliance.
Maintain documentation: Keep comprehensive records of your data processing activities, policies, and procedures.
Seek expert guidance: Consult data protection experts for tailored advice and assistance if needed.
Benefits of GDPR Certification in Lebanon include
Building trust with customers: Demonstrating commitment to data privacy builds trust and customer loyalty, enhancing your brand image.
Gaining a competitive edge: GDPR compliance opens doors to international markets and partnerships, giving you a competitive edge in a data-driven world.
Avoiding hefty fines: Non-compliance with the GDPR can result in significant penalties, potentially crippling your business. GDPR Certification in Canada
What makes Factocert the best choice for GDPR Certification in Lebanon
We provide the best GDPR Certification in Lebanon, Who are knowledgeable and provide the best solutions. And how to get ISO certification in Lebanon. Kindly reach us at [email protected]. GDPR consultants in Lebanon work according to GDPR standards and help organizations implement GDPR Certification with proper documentation.
For more information, visit GDPR Certification in Lebanon.
Related Links:
· GDP Certification in Lebanon
· GLP Certification in Lebanon
· GMP Certification in Lebanon
· GDPR Certification in Lebanon
· SOC 1 Certification in Lebanon
· SOC 2 Certification in Lebanon
· SA 8000 Certification in Lebanon
· RoHS Certification in Lebanon
RELATED ARTICLE  GDPR Consultants in Lebanon
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certificationgdp · 5 months
How to obtain GDPR certification?
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Why Getting GDPR Certification in Lebanon
GDPR Certification in Lebanon in today’s digital age, data privacy has become a paramount concern. Businesses operating in Lebanon, a nation increasingly integrated into the global digital landscape, are no exception. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the European Union’s stringent data privacy law, casts a long shadow, influencing data protection practices worldwide. While not directly applicable to Lebanon, the GDPR’s principles and reach extend beyond EU borders, impacting any organization processing the personal data of EU residents. This begs the question: should Lebanese businesses seek GDPR certification?
The implementation of GDPR Certification in Lebanon
Data mapping and inventory: The first step is to understand what personal data you collect, store, and process. Create a comprehensive data map identifying data sources, types, legal bases for processing, and retention periods.
Transparency and awareness: Inform data subjects clearly and efficiently about how their data is used, their rights under the GDPR Certification in Lebanon, and how to exercise those rights. Make your privacy policy easily accessible and understandable.
Data subject rights: Implement mechanisms for individuals to access, rectify, erase, restrict processing, and object to the processing of their data. Streamline procedures for handling data subject requests and respond promptly.
Data security: Implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Conduct regular risk assessments and update your security measures as needed.
Data breach notification: In case of a data breach that poses a high risk to individuals’ rights and freedoms, promptly notify the relevant authorities and data subjects.
GDPR Certification in Lebanon is a continuous process
Appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO): Consider appointing a DPO responsible for overseeing and implementing data protection within your organization.
Train your employees: Educate your team on data protection best practices and their role in compliance.
Maintain documentation: Keep comprehensive records of your data processing activities, policies, and procedures.
Seek expert guidance: If needed, consult data protection experts for tailored advice and assistance.
Benefits of GDPR Certification in Lebanon include
Building trust with customers: Demonstrating commitment to data privacy builds trust and customer loyalty, enhancing your brand image.
Gaining a competitive edge: GDPR compliance opens doors to international markets and partnerships, giving you a competitive edge in a data-driven world.
Avoiding hefty fines: Non-compliance with the GDPR can result in significant fines, potentially crippling your business. GDPR Certification in Canada
What makes Factocert the best choice for GDPR Certification in Lebanon
We provide the best GDPR Certification in Lebanon, Who are knowledgeable and provide the best solutions. And how to get ISO certification in Lebanon. Kindly reach us at [email protected]. GDPR consultants in Lebanon work according to GDPR standards and help organizations implement GDPR Certification with proper documentation.
For more information, visit GDPR Certification in Lebanon.
Related Links:
· GDP Certification in Lebanon
· GLP Certification in Lebanon
· GMP Certification in Lebanon
· GDPR Certification in Lebanon
· SOC 1 Certification in Lebanon
· SOC 2 Certification in Lebanon
· SA 8000 Certification in Lebanon
· RoHS Certification in Lebanon
RELATED ARTICLE  GDP Consultants in Lebanon
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tsaaroacademy · 1 year
Understanding the Role and Importance of a PECB Certified Data Protection Officer
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An organization, be it small or big, uses the data of the customers, so according to the privacy laws, the organizations are obliged to protect the data that is collected and used. The laws explicitly state the appointment of a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to protect personal and sensitive data from breach. Complying with the laws and regulations by taking various protective measures provides trust among the customers where they’ll be assured that their data is used legally.
Data Protection Officers are in-demand professionals as various data protection and privacy laws are being introduced so the demand for privacy and security professionals is increasing. The U.S. Bureau of Statistics predicts the demand for data protection officers and information security analysts may grow by 33% from 2020 to 2030. This is considered to be faster than the average growth rate for all the other occupations. Since data breaches are happening, companies may seek more professionals in the field of data privacy and protection to prevent cyber-attacks.
If you’re an individual who is interested in becoming a Data Protection Officer (DPO) and earning certifications related to data protection and privacy will boost your career and shows commitment to professional growth. Certified data protection officer certification also helps you to acquire and enhance your knowledge. Becoming a certified data protection officer may boost your confidence in your skills and improve your ability to provide outstanding performance to your organization.
The Professional Evaluation and Certification Board (PECB) offers a training program that focuses on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance, which may be an essential skill if you work for a company that interacts with Organizations in European Union.
This training certification will help you learn practical exercises and this program also aims to teach how to inform, advise and monitor GDPR compliance daily in the workplace. Learning to cooperate with supervisory authorities and understanding how the GDPR interacts with other regulatory standards are also important aspects of the course.
The PECB DPO Certification will validate your credentials as a data privacy professional and open up a plethora of avenues for you. With certified PECB Data Protection Officers on board, even organizations can increase the consumer trust they hold.
Tsaaro Academy offers a 4-day virtual CDPO training. The participants attending this training course are required to have a fundamental understanding of the GDPR and comprehensive knowledge of data protection requirements.
The PECB Certified Data Protection Officer training course enables you to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills and develop the competence to perform the role of the data protection officer in a GDPR compliance program implementation.
Acquiring a PECB certification demonstrate that you thoroughly understand the gap between the General Data Protection Regulation and the current organizational processes including privacy policies, procedures, working instructions, consent forms, and data protection impact assessments, in order to associate organizations in the adoption process to the new regulation.
Certification is formal acknowledgment and verification of knowledge that holds significant weight when entering the job market or advancing in your career. So, get certified and become a PECB-certified DPO and create a difference in your professional growth.
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tsaaroacademy · 1 year
Why the IAPP Certifications Might Be What You Need to Advance Your Career?
Online activity is becoming a larger part of people’s life. Collaboration tools are used for business, e-commerce is used for transactions, and social ties endure across a variety of social networks. This societal change was not brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, but it was accelerated in part by it. The issue over data privacy is growing along with the amount of data available online.
This means that careers in data privacy have also seen a boom, as Governments have begun to respond to citizens’ and stakeholders’ demands to regulate data processing by corporates and government agencies themselves. As a result, the intricate link between cybersecurity and data privacy has led to many companies hiring professionals who work within an organizational setting to protect a company’s most important data. They also research and understand all data compliance requirements so that an organization remains in proper legal standing. The demand for data privacy expertise among cybersecurity professionals is also being driven by evolving privacy legislations. Having data privacy officers is now also becoming mandatory in order to adhere to the data protection rules and regulations.
A well-paying niche of professionals, who are in demand (which will only increase in the future) is now thus created.
However, merely having an undergraduate degree in this field is not enough in ensuring a career in the field of data privacy. One must have in-depth knowledge about the data protection laws and practices.
In order to get credibility in this field, it is very important that a prospective candidate has necessary certifications.
The IAPP, a non-profit organisation, is the largest and most extensive worldwide information privacy community.
1.The CIPP/US certification, which is the industry standard for privacy experts worldwide, is highly regarded by leading businesses.
A CIPP/US certificate, which is supported by ANSI/ISO accreditation, increases your earning potential and your chances of getting promoted because it demonstrates that you are well-versed in U.S. privacy laws and regulations.
2.The CIPT certification was developed by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) in 2014.
With its practical, hands-on approach to information privacy and security, the IAPP CIPT stands out from the crowd. It is ideal for practitioners searching for skills to more effectively use compliance and mitigating risk techniques because the primary focus is on the adoption of privacy in daily operations.
All processes and toolchains need the use of these security mechanisms. Consequently, there is an increasing need for knowledgeable, credentialed professionals. Every certification increases a person’s self-assurance in their skills. That is what the CIPT certification achieves.
3.The Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) program is the world’s first and only management certification in personal data protection. It equips professionals with in-depth knowledge about privacy, helps organizations protect their data effectively, and gives privacy practitioners an edge in their careers. It is designed and offered by the International Association of Privacy Professionals, a non-profit organization working since 2000 to educate and guide privacy professionals as well as create awareness about best practices and trends.
4. Looking for certification to help you gain knowledge about European and national data protection laws? CIPP/E is what you have been searching fWith the power of ANSI/ISO accreditation behind it, a CIPP/E credential elevates your professional profile by deepening your knowledge and improving your job effectiveness.
Tsaaro Academy along with IAPP constantly strives to keep the certification exams, textbooks, and training up to date to reflect the latest advances in privacy.
Heard a lot about GDPR recently and want to be an expert in it? IAPP is the place for you. The GDPR mandates every organization to appoint a DPO (Data Protection Officer)
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tsaaroacademy · 1 year
Understanding the Role and Importance of a PECB Certified Data Protection Officer
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An organization, be it small or big, uses the data of the customers, so according to the privacy laws, the organizations are obliged to protect the data that is collected and used. The laws explicitly state the appointment of a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to protect personal and sensitive data from breach. Complying with the laws and regulations by taking various protective measures provides trust among the customers where they’ll be assured that their data is used legally.
Data Protection Officers are in-demand professionals as various data protection and privacy laws are being introduced so the demand for privacy and security professionals is increasing. The U.S. Bureau of Statistics predicts the demand for data protection officers and information security analysts may grow by 33% from 2020 to 2030. This is considered to be faster than the average growth rate for all the other occupations. Since data breaches are happening, companies may seek more professionals in the field of data privacy and protection to prevent cyber-attacks.
If you’re an individual who is interested in becoming a Data Protection Officer (DPO) and earning certifications related to data protection and privacy will boost your career and shows commitment to professional growth. Certified data protection officer certification also helps you to acquire and enhance your knowledge. Becoming a certified data protection officer may boost your confidence in your skills and improve your ability to provide outstanding performance to your organization.
The Professional Evaluation and Certification Board (PECB) offers a training program that focuses on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance, which may be an essential skill if you work for a company that interacts with Organizations in European Union.
This training certification will help you learn practical exercises and this program also aims to teach how to inform, advise and monitor GDPR compliance daily in the workplace. Learning to cooperate with supervisory authorities and understanding how the GDPR interacts with other regulatory standards are also important aspects of the course.
The PECB DPO Certification will validate your credentials as a data privacy professional and open up a plethora of avenues for you. With certified PECB Data Protection Officers on board, even organizations can increase the consumer trust they hold.
Tsaaro Academy offers a 4-day virtual CDPO training. The participants attending this training course are required to have a fundamental understanding of the GDPR and comprehensive knowledge of data protection requirements.
The PECB Certified Data Protection Officer training course enables you to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills and develop the competence to perform the role of the data protection officer in a GDPR compliance program implementation.
Acquiring a PECB certification demonstrate that you thoroughly understand the gap between the General Data Protection Regulation and the current organizational processes including privacy policies, procedures, working instructions, consent forms, and data protection impact assessments, in order to associate organizations in the adoption process to the new regulation.
Certification is formal acknowledgment and verification of knowledge that holds significant weight when entering the job market or advancing in your career. So, get certified and become a PECB-certified DPO and create a difference in your professional growth.
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