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What Is🌟 VARGOTTAMA PLANET🌟 in Vedic Astrology✨
Vargottama Planet Means A Planet Which Is In Same Position In Most Of The Main Main 4 Charts. (Lagna Chart D-1, Navamsa Chart D-9, Dashamsha Chart D-10 And Saptamsha Chart D-7).
For Example: If Jupiter Is Exalted In Cancer In Lagna Chart D-1 but it is in any other sign than Cancer In Navamsa Chart D-9, Dashamsha Chart D-10 And Saptamsha Chart D-7, then it won't be Consider As Vargottama Planet.
Again If Moon Is Exalted In Taurus In Lagna Chart D-1 And Than It Is Also Exalted in Navamsa Chart D-9, Dashamsha Chart D-10 And Saptamsha Chart D-7 Than It will Be Consider As Vargottama Planet.
When A Planet Is In House Of Vargottama, it helps to acquire the benefit Result According To Signification Of The Vargas Example: If Planet Is In Bhava Vargottama in D-1 / D-9, It May Help In Marriage.
In Case Of D-1 / D-10 Chart Rise In Professional Status, In D-24 Success In Education and So On.
Now What This Important Houses Mention For Vargottama Planet Represents In Vedic Astrology
D-1 : Main Sign(Birth) Chart This is the basic chart. Each Sign Is Synonym To A Bhava (house). This Chart Indicates Physical Body And Its Related Activities. The Other Divisional Charts Are Sub-divisions Of This Chart.
D-9 (Navamsa-Dharmamsa) : This Chart Is Most Important In Predictive Astrology. If Main Sign Chart (D-1) Is Considered As Body, Then This Chart Will Be Synonym To Heart ❤. The Basic Prime- Mover. This Chart Indicates Spouse, Partners And Skills Of The Native.
D-7 (Saptamsha) : This Chart Indicates Progeny And Cosmic Creative Ability to Maintain Cosmic Order. Thus, this Chart Is Indicative Of God Gifted Creative Imagination Or Destructive Illusion.
D-10 ( Dasama - Swargamsa) : This Chart Indicates " Mahat Phalam" ( The Result Which Indicates The Standing And Status Of The Native In Society On Account Of The Interaction Of Fate And Action).
Hello My Dears🙋‍♀️,
Calculate Your Vargottama planets and share if you want😊
I am not professional just learning.🙏
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shipping-stuck · 2 years ago
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A p3tit3 and shy girl and z3r tough girlfri3nd
(Th3s3 ar3 my own fantrolls, Dasama (sagiga) and Consano (camino). I just really n33d3d to shar3 this drawing and th3ir r3lationship somewhere so why not th3 shipping blog.)
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risnawati-nurlatifah03 · 2 years ago
Petugas Puskesmas Pakisjaya Adakan Kegiatan Sosialisasi P4K di Saung Ilmu Desa Energi
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Petugas Puskesmas Pakisjaya Adakan Kegiatan Sosialisasi P4K di Saung Ilmu Desa Energi
Petugas Puskesmas Pakisjaya menggalakkan kegiatan sosialisasi P4K (Program Perencanaan Persalinan dan Pencegahan Komplikasi) dengan tujuan penguatan program yang diadakan di Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat dengan memanfaatkan Saung Ilmu Desa Energi Pakisjaya, Sabtu (10/12).
Adapun sasaran dalam kegiatan ini adalah kader Posyandu sewilayah kerja Puskesmas Pakisjaya. Acara sosialisasi P4K ini juga dihadiri oleh setiap perwakilan kader posyandu yang ada di Kecamatan Pakisjaya dengan masing-masing perwakilan 4 orang per desa, dengan total anggota yang hadir sebanyak 32 orang. 
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Angga, Dasamas LAZ Al Azhar di Desa Pakisjaya mengungkapkan hadirnya Saung Ilmu di tengah masyarakat dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pusat interaksi masyarakat dan berbagai kegiatan sosialisasi di bidang kesehatan. Pengurus Saung Ilmu dan petugas Puskesmas bersinergi memberikan fasilitas pengetahuan kepada warga mengenai pentingnya memperhatikan berbagai bahaya kehamilan yang beresiko. 
“Sebagai wujud kepedulian terhadap kondisi kesehatan warga terutama ibu hamil dan keluarga berencana, kami terus mengajak warga untuk terus meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang perencanaan persalinan agar bayi dan ibu sehat,” ujarnya.
Program P4K sendiri yaitu pemeriksaan kehamilan yang dilakukan oleh bidan sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu hamil, suami dan keluarga tentang kehamilan yang berisiko, bahaya apa saja yang bisa terjadi di kehamilan, ajakan pada ibu, suami dan keluarga untuk merencanakan persalinan.
 Hal ini ditujukan antara suami, keluarga, dan masyarakat agar paham tentang bahaya persalinan, adanya rencana persalinan yang aman, adanya rencana kontrasepsi yang akan dipakai, adanya dukungan masyarakat, tokoh masyarakat, kader, dukungan untuk ikut program KB pasca persalinan, hadirnya dukungan sukarela dalam persiapan biaya, transportasi, dan donor darah, juga memperkuat kerjasama antara bidan, dukun bayi, dan kader.
 Dalam sosialisasi tersebut juga diberikan 3 pesan kunci MPS (Make Pregnancy Serving) yaitu setiap persalinan ditolong tenaga kesehatan terampil, setiap komplikasi obstetri dan neonatal ditangani secara adekuat, dan setiap wanita usia subur mempunyai akses terhadap pencegahan kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan dan penanggulangan komplikasi keguguran tidak aman. 
Semoga kegiatan kolaborasi ini dapat terus terjalin dengan baik. Sehingga warga sekitar dapat merasakan manfaat nyata dari program pemberdayaan Desa Energi yang dilakukan oleh LAZ Al Azhar dengan Bazma Pertamina.
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whenerosmetpsyche · 5 years ago
Vedic Harmonic Charts
Harmonic charts are commonly used in Jyotish (Vedic) astrology to gain insight into specific areas of life. You can see these charts by going to astro.com and choosing harmonic charts and then entering the number of the chart into the date field. Here are the first 8 along with the harmonic ruler (not to be confused with the chart ruler determined by the lagna, or ascendant’s ruler): #D1 Rasi -- Sun Health. Commonly referred to as your natal birth chart. This is your life. #D2 Hora -- Moon Wealth and peace. Our things and our relationship to them. #D3 Drekkana -- Mars Siblings, rivalry. Curiosity, interests, and drive. #D4 Chaturtamsa -- Mercury Property and survival. Tangible items, housing, nourishment. #D7 Saptamsa -- Jupiter Children and joy. Creativity, meaning, and what gets us up in the morning. #D9 Navamsa -- Venus Relations, values, and success. Our connections to others and life focus. #D10 Dasama -- Saturn Duty, accomplishment. Our career and standing in life. #D12 Dwadasamsha -- Rahu (north node) Relatives, legacy. Grandparents and family history.
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daily-current-affairs · 2 years ago
Natyarangam revives a rare opera on Krishna
Natyarangam revives a rare opera on Krishna
Anantha Bharathi’s Sri Bhagavatha Keerthanai — Dasama Skandam will be presented as a Bharatanatyam performance Anantha Bharathi’s Sri Bhagavatha Keerthanai — Dasama Skandam will be presented as a Bharatanatyam performance It was in the early 90s when Kalyanapuram Aravamudachariar was rendering Srimad Bhagavatam Dasama Skandam that I heard the name of Anantha Bharathi and his keertanais on…
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sweetestnoise · 3 years ago
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Usha’s Dream, Raja Ravi Varma (circa 1898)
“This scene depicts an incident in the Bhagavata, Dasama Skanda. The central figure is Usha, the daughter of Banasura who dreams of a prince, Aniruddha, the grandson of Krishna. Aniruddha is the son of Pradyumna born to Sri Krishna and Rukmini. Usha is unable to identify the person in her dream when her companion Chitralekha (see print “Chitralekha’) paints pictures of all the princes known to her. Finally, she paints Aniruddha and Usha is elated when she views Aniruddha’s painting and is able to identify the person in her dream.” From Google Arts and Culture
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znewstech · 2 years ago
Natyarangam revives a rare opera on Krishna
Natyarangam revives a rare opera on Krishna
Anantha Bharathi’s Sri Bhagavatha Keerthanai — Dasama Skandam will be presented as a Bharatanatyam performance Anantha Bharathi’s Sri Bhagavatha Keerthanai — Dasama Skandam will be presented as a Bharatanatyam performance It was in the early 90s when Kalyanapuram Aravamudachariar was rendering Srimad Bhagavatam Dasama Skandam that I heard the name of Anantha Bharathi and his keertanais on…
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drsohinisastri · 3 years ago
How Is Birth Time Rectification Performed?
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 What is Birth Time Rectification?
Many of us have faced this problem - "I don't know my exact time of birth, so how do I know my future?" That’s because an accurate 'time of birth' is as vital to Vedic Astrology as is the date of birth. Without the correct time of birth the reading will not be reliable and may not give you the actual picture of things to unfold in future. But we can certainly help you if you are facing the problem of an 'unknown birth time' for yourself or for any of your loved ones. This is known as the 'Birth Time Rectification' service and this is done by the best astrologer in India.
 How is it done by the best astrologer in India?
Under this service, we ask for your key 'Life Events'. A minimum of 5 events which have had a profound effect on your life should be listed out by you.
These events could pertain to your early years and subsequent years. Like a major happening - an injury or an ailment, time of your marriage, starting your career/ job, birth of a child, education milestones etc.
Below are some of these events as a :
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 How can Birth Time Rectification be done?
The best astrologer in Kolkata calculated the date of occurrence of some specific events in your life. The sub divisional charts like D9 or ‘Navamsa’ hold clues to life partner & general events; ‘Dasama' or D10 chart tells about Career & Business; ‘Chaturthamsa’ chart reveals the destiny & level of luck & ‘Shastiamsa’ chart holds clues to other general events. These are all the sub divisional charts and are as sensitive as 5 seconds. You will also need to tell us the time band during which you could have been born. Like 1 pm to 6 pm.
 As you can see, the 'Unknown Birth Time' calculation is a task only experienced and best astrologer in Kolkata can accomplish.
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foxlights493 · 3 years ago
Gajendra Moksham Telugu Padyalu Pdf
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Pothana telugu bhagavatham by v sambasiva rao is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 2.5 India License. వీక్షణలు బ్లాగిల్లు. Potana bhagavatam pdf books telugu, srimad bhagavatam in telugu pdf, devi bhagavatam telugu pdf free download, potana bhagavatam in english, pothana bhagavatam gajendra moksham, bhagavatam padyalu mp3, bhagavatam telugu audio, srimad bhagavatam in tamil pdf with meaning free download, sapthagiri book pdf, Potana Bhagavatam Vol 4.pdf, Telugu Bhagavatam Book PDF Free Download Telugu, Potanna.
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Gajendra Moksham Telugu Padyalu By Munnangi .. - YouTube
3 అక్టో 2018 .. Gajendra Moksham Telugu Padyalu By Munnangi Lalithakala || గజేంద్రమోక్షం - తెలుగు పద్యాలు. Daiva Bhakthi. Loading.
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Gajendra Moksham(గజేంద్ర మోక్షం) by .. - YouTube
15 జూలై 2016 .. Gajendra Moksham(గజేంద్ర మోక్షం) by Chaganti .. and TTD and is quite popular among the Telugu speaking people all over the world.
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Gajendra Moksham in Telugu - YouTube
18 Apr 2013 .. Gajendra Moksham in Telugu.
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Gajendramoksham,గజేంద్ర���ోక్షం,Degree First year ..
29 ఫిబ్ర 2016 .. .. on Feb 29, 2016. Bammera pothana andhra mahabhagavatham astamaskandham gajendra moksham telugu padyalu by kondalreddy ..
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Gajendra Moksham Telugu Padyalu Pdf Download
గజేంద్రమోక్షం: Gajendra Moksha (Telugu) - Exotic India
గజేంద్రమోక్షం: Gajendra Moksha (Telugu). Item Code: GPB123. Cover: Paperback. Edition: 2017. Publisher: Gita Press, Gorakhpur. Language: Telugu.
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Telugu Stotras - Agastya - Sri .. - Prapatti
STOTRAS FROM THE BHAGAVATAM IN TELUGU. All of these stotras or prayers have been compiled into Telugu PDF format. .. Gajendramoksha Stotram.
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When Sri Vishnu hears his devotee Gajendra calling him, he runs to save him. This poem describes how he rushed to the aid of Gajendra. This poem is from Gajendra Moksham in Bhagavatam by Potana. Vishnu, in his eagerness to save the life of Gaja, does not tell his wife(siri), does not take his sankham and chakram, does not call any of his servents, does not listen to garuda, does not leave the saree of lakshmi that is in his hands. #sirikiM jeppaDu SaMKa cakra yugamuM cEdOyi saMdhiMpa DE# #parivAraMbunu jIra DaBragapatin manniMpaDA karNikAM# #tara dhammillamu cakkanottaDu vivAda prOddhita SrI kucO#
Gajendra Moksham Telugu Pdf
Gajendra Moksham Lyrics
#pari cElAMcalamaina vIDaDu hari gajaprANA vanOtsAhi yai #
Potana Gajendra Moksham
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roshendalal · 4 years ago
Bhakti poets--1
Bhakti poets–1
Medieval regional literature is a vast storehouse of beautiful poetry. Here is a poem on Yashoda composed in Gujarati by Premananda [1636-1734] . His most popular Akhyanas are based on the Dasama Skandha of the Bhagavata.  In the Nagadamana episode he graphically depicts the fear of Yashoda, when the young Krishna jumps into the Yamuna to retrieve a ball.  Yashoda fears that he has lost his life.…
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theravadavn · 5 years ago
[34] DASAMAṂ BOJJHAṄGA PARITTAṂ TỤNG CẦU AN CHO BỆNH NHÂN Bojjhaṅgo satisaṅkhāto, Dhammānaṃ vicayo tathā, Viriyaṃ pīti passaddhi, Bojjhaṅgā ca from Theravada – Dhamma Bậc Giác Ngộ Chỉ Dạy Được Các Bậc Trưởng Lão Gìn Giữ & Lưu Truyền https://theravada.vn/dasama%e1%b9%83-bojjha%e1%b9%85ga-paritta%e1%b9%83-tung-cau-an-cho-benh-nhan/
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rtharinduudrane · 6 years ago
දෑසම රිද්දන | Dasama Riddana by Sanuka Wickramasinghe x Windy Goonathilaka [2019]
දෑසම රිද්දන | Dasama Riddana by Sanuka Wickramasinghe x Windy Goonathilaka [2019]
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lovebackspell · 8 years ago
Marriage Matching by Date of Birth
Marriage Matching by Date of Birth
Marriage Matching by Date of Birth
Marriage Matching by Date of Birth
Marriage Matching is a complex matter. Indian Astrology has prescribed several parameters to ensure whether the horoscopes of the Girl and the Boy are matching with each other.
The number of compatibility factors are generally called as 10, called Dasama Poruthams.
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lovebackspell · 8 years ago
Marriage Matching by Date of Birth
Marriage Matching by Date of Birth
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