#das bo
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clownsuu · 6 months ago
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S h i n y
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reimecker · 1 year ago
Rap Snippet : Türlich Türlich (Das Bo)
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as-pessoas-sempre-se-vao · 3 months ago
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Uma Dose Diária de Sol
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femalescharacters · 11 months ago
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Daily Dose of Sunshine 정신병동에도 아침이 와요 (2023) dir. Lee Jae-gyoo
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public---mags · 3 months ago
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ad for snoop dogg's paid tha cost to be da bo$$
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gophergal · 2 years ago
If you're still doing art requests id love to see some Erron x Kabal or Raiden x Bo' Rai Cho (or any of those four individually if you dont feel like drawin ship art)! :3
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I've never considered this ship but gotta say! I like it!
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cayindibindekipiskevit · 29 days ago
bi de hastaliktan ve dis agrisindan geberdigim yetmezmis gibi bi de regl oldum o da tuzu biberi oldu doktorun verdigi iaclar da bi s**e yaramadi zaten
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throwmeintojapan · 3 months ago
arkadaslar. kaliteli. ve guzel duruslu. bot. nerden. alinir.
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ppeonppeonhan · 2 years ago
Korean GLs I'd Watch...
Let's try to manifest a world where some of the biggest Korean actresses were cast in major full-length GL kdramas.
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Esom (Because This Is My First Life) and Lee Da-hee (Search: WWW) play partners and besties, who both fall for their respective suspects for a crime spree against the patriarchy. (Think: Evening the pay gap at a major company; exposing scandals of sexist politicians; and chemically castrating sex offenders). Esom's love interest is Park Eun-bin (Extraordinary Attorney Woo), and Da-hee's love interest is Seo Yea-ji (It's Okay to Not Be Okay). It's a romantic crime thriller.
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Seol In-ah (Business Proposal) plays a new-money rich girl who hires a former old-money rich girl, played by Yoo In-na (Touch Your Heart), to be her personal assistant out of pity, but pretends she doesn't know her backstory. And Yoo helps Seol navigate rich society. Their conflict is that Seol's family bankrupted Yoo's family, and is getting the life Yoo was supposed to have, including the fiancee, the job, and the house. It's a sweet romantic comedy.
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Kim Ji-won (Fight My Way) starts a job at a family law firm and works hard to get one of the partners, played by Son Ye-jin (Crash Landing on You), to be her mentor, but only because she wants her job. She starts off as a frenemie before Ye-Jin's hard edges rub off, and Ji-won develops a crush. Their obstacles are that Ye-Jin is married and in the closet, and Ji-won might be too ambitious to let go of her goals. It's a slow-burn romantic legal drama.
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Park Shin-hye (Heirs & Pinocchio) plays a cold fashion house designer who hires an unlikely candidate to be her muse, played by Moon Ga-young (True Beauty). And what starts off as a toxic relationship blooms into a supportive one. Park Bo-young (Strong Girl Bong-soon) plays her head of design, who befriends Ga-young's bestie-turned-manager, played by Kim Seul-gi (Oh My Ghostess). They're the softer side couple. It's a romantic workplace dramedy.
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Seo Hyun-jin (Why Her?) and Gong Hyo-jin (When the Camellia Blooms) were friends in college, but they had a falling out after a misunderstanding about a guy. They have a tense reunion as adults when Hyo-jin is setting up her nuptials at the wedding hall Hyun-jin manages. It's a slowburn romantic drama.
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Shin Min-a (Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha) plays the wife of a very powerful and abusive man and Hwang Jung-eum (She Was Pretty) plays the maid who is secretly in love with her and helps her escape. They go to Jung-eum's hometown where everyone assumes she's bringing her girlfriend home for the first time, because she didn't have the heart to tell them she got dumped after running away to be with her. Min-a decides to pretend to be the woman to pay her back, and they fall in love. The conflict being when Jung-eum's ex, played by Park Min-young (What's Wrong with Secretary Kim), returns to get her back.
💜 Your move Kdrama world! 💜
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void-imp-archived · 2 years ago
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he's blue
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averagez · 4 months ago
Ok fantje, danes uvedemo participe.
Niso težki sploh: slovenščina jih ima cel kup, ampak jih po večini znamo.
Deležje na -l (hodil, jedel, govoril). Uporablja se pri tvorbi preteklika, prihodnjika in tudi pogojnega naklona v sedanjiku. To vsi znamo. Ta se sklanja.
Deležje na -n (zlomljen, pretepen, dokazan). Uporablja se pri tvorbi trpnika, npr. "stol je zlomljen." Lahko ga uporabimo tudi v bolj nenavadnih kontekstih npr. "kapa je nošena od mene," sicer pa pogosto izgledajo kot pridevniki in je meja med njimi in dejanskimi pridevniki že precej zabrisana (zlomljen, prehojena (pot), zaželen...). Se sklanja.
Deležje na -č (hodeč, govoreč, noseč). Ta je na prehodu med pogosto uporabljanimi (<-pasiv) in arhaičnimi. Npr. "tudi tleča trska zaneti velik ogenj" (tale je prirejena po latinskem "parva scintilla magnam flamam excitat"). Tudi ta se sklanja.
Deležje na -je (smehljaje, premišljaje, poskakovaje). Ok, ta je že precej arhaičen. Uporablja se za sodobnost, torej ko se dve dejanji dogajati istočasno npr. "iskaje ključe mi je odsotno odgovoril." Mislim, da v to kategorijo spada tudi "glede na" in podobne, ampak za to bi morali vprašati jezikoslovce, kar jaz nisem. To deležje se ne sklanja.
Delež je na -ivši/-avši (poiskavši, pokazavši, bivši). Ja... Tale se redko uporablja. Edini res očiten primer standardne uporabe je besedica bivši (mimogrede, bivši in bodoči sta par, oba iz glagola biti, eden na -ivši, drug na -č). Sicer pa je super način, da brez predpreteklika izrazimo preddobnost. Primer bi bil "pogledavši na uro sem seveda vedel, da bodo gostje kmalu prispeli." ... ja... tale... potrudite se in se ga naučite uporabljati, dihajte in živite ga, ker je v resnici zelo koristen za izražanje preddobnosti! Se tudi sklanja.
To bo to glede participov. Nekateri se sklanjajo, drugi ne. Nekateri so pogosteje v rabi kot drugi. So pa vsi fantastični in tisti najbolj obskurni bodo nujno potrebni za prihajajočo (ptcp!) konstrukcijo.
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felixfeliccis · 1 year ago
Jeśli jacyś Polacy mnie obserwują to proszę o pomoc,
Jakiś czas temu dostałem zadanie zrobić coś typu słownik, z frazami/słowami itd. polskimi których nie da się tak pop prosty znaleźć w googlu, dla paru dzewczyn z ukrainy
Niestety absolutnie nie mam pojęcia co dać, jako iż zwykla gadam po angielsku w tych czasach xd jakbyście mieli jakieś dobre sugestie to wysyłajcie bo po prostu pojęcia ni mam tej
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defnekalbim96 · 4 months ago
Yurt yemekleri midemin icine ediyor
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movielosophy · 10 months ago
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Joy of Life 2 | Let me fix your hair.
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wizzlertheknarly · 3 months ago
WOAH i haven't posted here in a hot second im more active in my uh bsky i think her https://bsky.app/profile/wizzlertheknarly.bsky.social theres that
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besedar · 3 months ago
beseda dne: gorostasen (velikanski; nemogoč, neverjeten, strašen)
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