#daryl Dixon looked at Carol and said I love you with his chest all sappy
riosnecktattoo · 2 years
okay I know I was being salty but I didn't realise Carol and Daryl said I Love You to eachother in the finale like I have gone back in time 7 years and I'm WEEPING
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callmeoops · 2 years
Light in the Dark - Chapter Sixteen
Warnings: None! :)
Last chapter in season 2! And more sappy Daryl so...sorry?
Their midday fun had to come to an end when duty called. It was afternoon hours and Daryl and Rick had yet to drop Randall off into the woods. Instead of killing him, it was decided that they would dump him away from the farm again and let him go.
T went to go collect Randall while Rick got the truck.
Olivia and Daryl stood on the porch watching the landscape. Daryl still had one thing for her, and his heart was beating stupidly quick. He knew she would love it.
He heard the truck’s engine start and he took a deep breath. It was now or never. “Got somethin’ for ya.”
She twisted in his embrace to quirk a brow, “Daryl….”
“Yeah, yeah. S’yer birthday.” He pulled a golden necklace out of his pocket and showed it to her.
“Oh Daryl.” Olivia breathed. It was beautiful. A simple golden chain, but on the end was a decorative sphere that could be clasped and unclasped together. The cage wasn’t fully metal, instead an intricate design of swirls that let her see something yellow inside. She looked up at him, silently asking if she could open it. Daryl nodded.
Her little fingers were much better at undoing the latch than Daryl’s thick ones. She had it open in an instant gasping at the little thing inside. “Daryl!” She looked up at him, the sun shining just right to put a beautiful twinkle in her eyes.
Inside the cage was a little duck. It had a hoop on top of its head as if it had come off of another necklace or earring in a past life. She noticed a couple small little lines next to its wing. “Daryl Dixon, did you draw a hatchet on this duck?”
His face lit up bright red then and he let out a nervous chuckle, “S’yer bodyguard duck. Ya got a birthday duck in yer bag already. This one’ll protect ya when I gotta be gone.”
Olivia pressed her lips together to try and stop herself from crying.
“Got one too.” He continued, pulling a little thing of string from his pocket to reveal an exact replica of the duck in her necklace. That one had a hatchet drawn on it as well, in a slightly different spot from Daryl no doubt trying to eyeball it.
She couldn’t help herself then. Her hand enclosed the necklace, so it didn’t fall, while she threw her arms around him. Words could never express how grateful she was to have him in her life, so she tried to pour all of the emotion into a searing kiss.
For once Daryl didn’t even care that the truck was approaching and that there could be the group watching them through the windows. Completely lost in the moment of her lips moving against his, his brain was short-circuiting. She was kissing him with so much emotion that he was drowning in it. He was certain she used a magic on him, allowed him to feel everything she felt at that moment by a single kiss-connection. It was raw and powerful and yet soft and sincere, just as she had always been for him.
There was no doubt in his mind about what this was. She loved him, had said so the night before and was now smothering him in it again with a single action. His heart was hammering in his chest for a completely different reason than it had been mere minutes ago. The need to breathe left as quickly as it came. He didn’t care about oxygen. He would gladly die a happy man right now. Would rather that than break this moment.
But damn the world they lived in. Because it had other plans for him as T-Dog came running back up the yard shouting that Randall was gone.
Olivia did not feel good about the four guys going out after Randall. Something about it just felt wrong. She knew why they couldn’t let the guy go as Carol suggested. But it sure was tempting.
They waited for hours for someone to come back with news. Just as Andrea was about to go off looking, Daryl and Glenn came back.
She jumped up, trying to the control the urge to envelope Daryl in a hug. She already kissed him in front of Rick. No need to push her luck.
They found that no one had heard from Rick or Shane, yet they’d all heard the gunshot. Lori asked Daryl to go find them, but Olivia wasn’t letting him go alone. She trailed after him, along with most of the others.
“Oh God.” Her voice was barely a whisper. In the horizon was hundreds of walkers. They must have heard the shot too because they were headed right for the farm.
Olivia thought Hershel was insane for trying to defend the farm. There was no way they’d make it alive.
Daryl seemed to have the same line of thinking, “Look we can try an’ draw ‘em away, but they got the numbers.”
“No. This is my farm. I’ll die here.” Hershel insisted, cocking his shotgun.
Daryl led Olivia to his motorcycle. “Get on the back. We’ll try and draw ‘em but if shit gets bad we’re bailin’.” He cupped her face in his hands, “Listen ta me. We ain’t gunna, but if we get separated-“
“Daryl, no. Daryl don’t.” She couldn’t think about that. Not today. Not ever.
“Listen to me!” His voice got forceful, “If we get separated, go back to the highway. I know how ta get there. I’ll find ya. Dun leave there unless ya gotta. I’ll find ya, alrigh’. I’ll always find ya, Sunshine.”
Her fingers trembled against the backs of his hands as she nodded. “O-okay.”
“Get on the back. Shoot as many as ya can. We’ll figure out the rest as we go.”
And that’s exactly what they did. Daryl drove them around while Olivia shot them as best she could with her pistol. Everywhere she looked there were more and more of them, never thinning out, never letting up.
His eyes followed her fingers, not that it was hard to miss. The barn went up in bright orange flames, drawing some of the walkers away. He kicked the bike back in gear and went up to the RV to tell Jimmy to drive up there and save Rick or Shane.
After the RV left, Daryl drove back up to Olivia’s Jeep. Dread filled her stomach. No.
“No. No. No. No.” She shook her head, already sobbing at the thought of what he was going to say. “No Daryl, please.”
He turned in his seat, gripping her hands, “Livia, please. I need ya to be safe-“
“I need you safe.” Tears fell down her cheeks in continuous streaks, wiping away the dirt and blood.
“I will be. Livia,” He looked around at the walkers closing in, “I promise ya. Okay, I promised ya. Get to the highway an’ stay as long as it’s safe. I’ll follow ya. We need that car, Livia. Got supplies in it.”
“My bag.” She looked to the house weakly.
Hershel was still up by the farm firing away. “Go get it. An’ get to the highway, ya hear?”
Despite her entire being telling her to say no, she nodded. He placed a final kiss to her lips. “Be safe. Please. I love ya, Sunshine. I love ya so much.”
“I love you, Daryl Dixon.”
He pressed his forehead to hers one last time before releasing her with an encouraging nod.
One shaky breath later and she was running towards the house. In case Hershel mistook her for dead, she went around the field and towards his rear. As she got closer she could hear the other girls screaming for Hershel to leave the farm, but he wasn’t listening.
“Olivia! Olivia we gotta go!” Carol screamed as the girl approach.
Panting, Olivia nodded, “I-I need my bag! Go! I’ll follow in the Jeep!”
She brushed past Carol so she could get back into the house. It was completely dark, and she fumbled around before finding what she was looking for. By the time she made it out of the house, the walkers had clustered slightly to feed on a fallen person. Her heart sunk and the urge to puke became prominent. But she couldn’t. She had to be strong.
Her legs carried her on autopilot to the jeep. Firing shots to clear the stray walkers, she fumbled with the door using shaking fingers. She was alone. No one to save her. She had to do this.
The car started right up, it always did. But now how the hell did she get off the damn farm without being trapped in. Walkers were drawn to the sound of the engine, turning to stumble towards her. She threw the thing in drive and floored it, kicking up dust and dirt as she went.
Daryl watched from a distance as the familiar taillights headed down the road. A sigh of relief left his lips. At least the most important part of him would be safe.
It was morning when she found herself back on the highway. She couldn’t remember how far down they had been when they got stuck. Hell, she didn’t even know if she was going the right way on the highway. At some point during the night, she’d plugged her phone in to maintain the battery life, but that was the only real brain power she’d used since leaving the farm.
Into the morning she found a single stroke of luck. One thing that let her have hope that the others made it out alive.
Rick pulled her in tightly, squeezing her head and resting his chin on it. Carl attached himself to her legs, crying as he did so. She reached a hand down to rub his back.
“Lori.” Rick’s desperate voice paused her tears, “Lori, did you see Lori?”
Olivia nodded, “S-she was at the house, she left with the girls. I-I didn’t see where they went though.”
“My girls?” Hershel asked.
“Were with Lori.” Olivia wiped at her eyes.
“Where’s Daryl?” Risk whispered. He didn’t want to upset her, but he had to know.
Olivia broke down in sobs then, folding in on herself.
“Oh God.” Rick wiped his face. He crouched down and wrapped his arms around her.
She tried to get words out, but as soon as she’d start one she’d be broken up with sobs. Eventually Rick shushed her, rubbing the side of her face to offer her some comfort. He knew what she was trying to say. He knew. That was just the kind of man Daryl was.
The tears ran out eventually, reduced to the familiar numb feeling that spread throughout her body. Her emotions were drained dry.
Olivia sat on the ground next to the Jeep with Carl while Rick and Hershel talked.
Carl sat leaning against her, letting her stroke his hair. Rick’s sheriffs hat sat on his lap so he could play with the tassels. While she rubbed his head, she sang him a little song to hopefully help him relax. The same one that she’d sung with Daryl in the woods. “When it’s all said and done you can walk instead a run cause no matter what you’ll never be alone. Never be alone.”
That much was true. Carl would never be alone when he had Rick and Olivia.
“Forgot directions on your way. Don’t close your eyes, don’t be afraid. We might be crazy late at night, I can’t wait ‘til you arrive. Follow stars you’ll be alright.”
“Daryl will come back, Olivia.” Carl’s voice broke through her song. “He’s good at following the stars and the sun. He’s a tracker. He’ll find us.”
The air left her lungs entirely, leaving her breathless and empty. Her lungs clawed at her chest to will her body back into breathing, but she couldn’t. It felt as though her throat had completely closed up on her; stuck together from the dryness or dehydration – like her body used all the water to produce tears.
Carl shifting brought her back, a deep breath taken instinctively. Then one more. And one more.
“We’re really not that far apart. So let your heart, sweetheart, be your compass when your lost and you should follow it wherever it may go. When it’s all said and done you can walk instead of run cause no matter what you’ll never be alone….”
Olivia wasn’t sure how long she sat singing the same song to Carl. The only way she knew she’d been stuck on repeat was because Carl had tapped her on the arm and asked if she knew any other songs.
She was about to start on her third new song when she felt a rumble on the road. Carl looked up at her, a slight fear in his eyes. Olivia glanced back at Rick and Hershel, but they were already on it, scanning the area for the noise. Out of habit, she pulled Carl’s head closer, wrapping both of her arms around it so she could protect his brain from damage. Rick and Hershel could cover them with the weapons. She just needed to keep Carl safe.
Just like she had done so many nights back home, she sang again to drown out the danger. Back home it had been the screams and cries of her father and his victim. Now, it was potential gunshots and the living.
Perhaps it was habit then as well, that picked her next song for her, “You got someone here who wants to make it alright. Someone that loves you more than life, right here. You got willin’ arms that’ll hold ya tight. A hand to lead you on through the night, right here.”
The boy jumped from Olivia’s grasp, running towards his mother to embrace her. She smiled at the sight. Those days were the best and the worst. Her boys had a woman who they should’ve run to. Instead, they had to run to Olivia.
Tearing her eyes away from Lori, Rick, and Carl, she caught sight of an oh-so familiar bike.
Olivia scrambled to get off the ground, pushing herself up clumsily to throw herself at the one person she wanted to see more than anyone. “D-Daryl!”
He shushed her gently, rubbing his face against hers. The scratch of his beard was not unwelcomed though. To Olivia, it just proved even further that he was here with her.
“Righ’ here, girl. Told ya I wasn’t goin’ nowhere.” Daryl pushed her face back just enough to connect his lips to hers. He let them move against her own for a few moments before he cupped her face and kissed along her jawline to her neck. His stubbled tickled the spot where her neck and shoulders connected, making her giggle breathlessly and pull her shoulders up.
“Is this everyone so far?” Carol asked, breaking the various groups apart.
“We’re the only ones who made it back so far.” Rick explained.
Different members asked about the others: Shane, Andrea, Patricia, Jimmy…all lost to the walkers.
Olivia clung to Daryl, gripping his hand so hard her knuckles hurt.
“I say we head east.” T offered.
So they did. Daryl ditched the bike, him and Carol taking Olivia’s jeep with her. They ditched the truck as well, so they were down to three vehicles. Then they drove until Rick ran out of fuel.
Olivia wasn’t sure what was going on with Rick. It could’ve been the lack of sleep, the fight with Shane that went bad, or just life in general. But when he offered an out to the group, no one took it.
Daryl had been right when he said that Rick had done alright by them. He’d done alright by Olivia too. Their chances were better together, and they all knew it. Whatever Rick was going through would pass and he’d be the good leader Olivia knew he could be.
Just in case she doubted it though or worried about their current predicament, as her and Daryl laid next to each other by the fire that night, he repeated his promise:
“Ain’t gonna let nothin’ happen ta ya, Sunshine.”
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In this hell Daryl Dixon X Reader part 9/??
Hey guys! 
Its finally time for part 9, I really hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! It turned out a little bit longer than I anticipated! I hope everyone is safe, and healthy and I just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Seasons Greetings! Thank you for being patient and so lovely!
Warnings- Slow burn, General Walking Dead stuff, Blood, Gore, Swearing, Shane descending further into insanity, walkers, Sophia.
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I looked to my left, spotting Dale looking at me worriedly.
I place a hand on my chest, wiping my fore head with my free hand.
“I-I uh, I heard most of it.. if not all of it.” “I’m sorry.” Dale shook his head. “No, Dont be.. I should thank you..”
“Thank me?” “For showing me that, that is who my brother is now.” “(Y/n), if I’d known you were there I wouldn’t have said anything.” “I heard him threaten you Dale. I’ve noticed the change in Shane since Atlanta, You don’t have to try to cushion this.”
“I didn’t mean for you to find out this way.”
I sighed, walking over to Dale, hugging the older man.
“It’s not your fault Dale… It’s his own.” I softly spoke.
Dale had started to relax, softly patting my shoulder.
We both pulled back from the hug and shared a soft smile.
“I’ve got to go, Sorry Dale.”
“No, you go on.” He nodded. 
I turned away and made my way to the house.
I searched for my brother on the way back to see the others, sighing with relief as I don’t see him anywhere.
A strong scent drifted throughout the house, the source coming from the kitchen.
The stairs softly creaked as I made my way up to the second floor, Carol smiling at me as she noticed me.
“Ill take that for you.” She rubbed my shoulder, taking the towel from my hands.
“Thank you.” “I need to keep myself occupied, im starting to go stir crazy.” She softly chuckled, retreating back towards the bathroom.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the door to the guest room open, Daryl emerging.
“Hey you.” I smiled as I turned around.
“Hey.” He nodded, his head motioning to follow him to the room.
I sat on the bed as I watched Daryl pull his vest on over his tank.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Spoke to Hershel.” “Oh… what did he say?” 
“He don’t like me in ‘ere. Said I can go back with ya.” “Oh, is that so?” I smirked, getting up making my way over to him.
His eyes were locked on me, as if he were a hawk zoning in on its prey.
I softly placed my hands onto the front of his vest, straightening it out. I glanced up to find his eyes already fixed onto me. “What?” “Nothing.” He shook his head. I smiled as I dropped my hands from his chest, only to have Daryl’s hands reach down to get a hold of mine. I looked down, watching as my fingers intertwined with his.
“Look at me.” Daryl muttered. I glanced up and smiled once again, watching his face intently.
“What are ya’ smiling at?” “You, Im just glad that you’re okay.” “It’ll take a lot more than a dumb horse to keep me down.” He mumbled. “You’re only human Daryl.” “Nothing gets by ya’ does it?” He joked lightly.
I chuckled and playfully shoved his chest, moving toward the door.
Daryl’s hands grabbed my waist, pulling me back into his embrace as he playfully ran his hands along my sides, a squeal leaving my throat as he took advantage of his surprise assault, setting me on the bed to continue his attack.
“Daryl, Da-“ I cut myself off with a string of laughter, his fingers digging further into my side.
“No, No stop-“ I continued to laugh. After a few moments, his hands stopped as he moved them both up to cradle my face, pressing a soft kiss against my lips. I pulled back, a smirk evident. “You sure got some nerve Dixon.” I shook my head, smile tugging on my lips. He tilted his head as he looked at me. “Thinking you can kiss a lady after putting your hands on her like that.” I smirked. “Lady? I ain’t seen no lady.” He smirked back. “Oh you shit!” I laughed as I lightly smacked his shoulder, causing him to laugh the slightest bit more.
My heart swelled as I watched him laugh, truly carefree in this moment. I can’t help but think about how beautiful he is, the way his eyes slightly sparkle, and how his nose scrunches up, accenting the way his skin slightly crinkles by his eyes, and with each rumble of laughter that emits from his chest his teeth become that little bit more visible. The more I stare at him, the deeper my love for him grows.
I reached my hand up and gently brushed the hair out of his eyes. “Dont be gettin’ all sappy on me now.” Daryl teased. “It’s hard not to sometimes.” I smiled.
He rolled his eyes as he leant in for another kiss. Before his lips connected with mine, there was a cough coming from the doorway. My attention moved to the door, where I saw Hershel standing, annoyance clear to read on his features. Daryl sighed, dropping his head to rest against my shoulder briefly, before pushing himself up. “Hershel, hi.” I softly smiled. “I think it’s for the best if the two of you left now.” He nodded towards Daryl and I. “Oh, Of co-“ “Don’t worry, we’re leaving old man.” Daryl cut me off before I had a chance to say anything else, grabbing the little amount of belongings that he’d had with him in the room, pushing past Hershel.
I looked over to Hershel and stood from the bed. “I’m sorry Hershel, he-“ “I have rules in this house. Rules of which I expect the people that live under this roof, ‘guests’ included to follow.” He stated, shaking his head head as he left. I glanced down, only to see one of Daryls discarded shirts on the floor at the end of the bed. I bent down, collecting the stray shirt and left the now vacant room.
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The rest of the after noon had flown by, we were all seated by the small campfire, in the middle of our tents and vehicles, eating beans and rice, courtesy of Maggies gift basket to Glenn, who still seems to be feeling bad about whatever it was that the gift pack was given to him for.
I looked over to see Lori sitting with her little family, her eyes made short contact with my own as she did a small nod.
I subtly watched Rick, noticing that he kept stealing little glances at his wife abdomen, lifting her hand to press a soft kiss against the skin there, giving her a soft smile when she looked over to him.
Daryl was sitting on top of the RV, after deciding that we needed a watch while we had the fire lit, preferring a little bit of alone time too. Glenn was sitting with Dale and T-dog, all talking about the differences in the wiring and production of Dales RV compared to others. Andrea and Carol were quietly chatting, in between myself and Shane, the latter sat beside Andrea, the most sour look on his face. I followed his gaze, only to realise that it’s his ‘Best friend’ on the receiving end of his glare. I lightly sighed as I stood, picking up my plate, collecting everyone else’s that had finished and taking it to the tub. 
“You alright there baby sis?” Shane spoke up from behind me. I continued to wash the dishes, I turned to grab his, only for Shane to pull them out of my reach. “Yeah, im fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” “Just checking up on you is all.” He smiled. “We haven’t seen much of each other.” He finished. “What are you talking about? We went on a run together this morning.” “It doesn’t matter.” He laughed.
“Okay, can you give me your dishes now?” I asked as I rolled my eyes. “No I can’t, now just listen to me, you can do the dishes later.” He chuckled passing me the dish towel to dry my hands and placing his dishes in the sink. I took the dish towel from him and wiped my hands, hanging it back over the makeshift rail we have. “What do you want Shane? Im tired and I want to finish my job and goto bed.” I sighed.
“Right, well, I uh- I found this when Andrea and I went out earlier.” He mumbled, pulling a decently sized book from behind his back. I took a step towards Shane, eyeing him and the book suspiciously. “Shane, you didn’t-“ “Shut up, take the damn book.” he waved the book up and down in front of me.
I reached out and took the book from his hands, examining the book.
The book had a thin layer of dust covering it, other than the fingerprints where Shane had previously held it. The top right corner of the book was slightly bent, the edges lightly deteriorated, the pages now a slight cream colour instead of the pristine white they once would’ve been. I blew the dust off of the cover, softly wiping it. “Your pregnancy: Week by week.” I read aloud. “Yeah, I read a little bit of the about author section, the guy who wrote it is a baby doctor.” “An OB/GYN?” I asked. “Yeah that, seems to know his stuff.” He nodded as I turned the book over to have a skim through the blurb. “Thank you.” I smiled softly, giving him a small side hug. “Dont mention it.” He replied patting my back. I pulled back and looked at him, only for Shane to now look at my abdomen. “What?” “How far along are you now?” He asked.
I thought for a moment before looking back to Shane. “How long has it been since the CDC?” “Four weeks, three days.” He nodded, his gaze moving toward the campfire. “Then that makes me-“ I paused, calculating in my head.
“Nine weeks and three days.” I finished. “Give or take a few days.” I added. “Well shit.” He chuckled. “Yeah, little bean is growing quickly, still seems like it was only yesterday I was peeing on a stick at the quarry.” I joked. Shane said quiet for a second, deep in his mind. “It was a lot different back then, I wish it was like that again.” I watched as he shot daggers at Rick. “Do you mean back when Rick wasn’t in the picture?” I asked. I heard a sharp inhale and watched as Shane’s whole demeanour changed. “No. How could you even say that?” His eyes bore into me. “Im sorry, you’ve just been acting different.” I sighed, placing the book down on the chair, turning and moving towards the tub once more. His rough hand grabbed onto my upper arm, his grip harsh as he spun me to face him. “Shane-“ “You don’t know anything.” He cut me off. “Rick is my best friend.” He sneered, his grip on my arm tightening. “Shane, let me g-“ I tried to talk. “You have no business asking this.” He looked me up and down, disgusted. “Shane.” I warned, looking around us. “You think im not happy my best friend is alive?” his grip was now tighter than it was previously, I could feel my arm starting to throb under his hold. “Shane, you need to let me go.” I stated sternly. “I’ll let you go when you let go of this stupid idea you go stuck in your little head.” He pulled me closer, speaking down to me. “Let me go Shane.” “You’ve been spending too much time with Dale.” He paused. “He is filling your head with this Horse shit!” He sneered, throwing my arm away from his grip, storming off. I watched my brother storm off, kicking the ground as he neared his tent, barging through the material. I shook my head, glancing at the book before going back to finishing the dishes. As soon as I finished washing and drying the dishes, I wiped my hands once more and moved to pick up the book, making my way back over to the small group, absentmindedly rubbing my arm. “Hey guys, im going to head to bed.” I smiled softly. I heard a chorus of goodnights, and looked over to Lori, who had looked over to me and smiled. “Goodnight sweetie.” She looked over to my arm and sent me a questioning glare. I softly shook my head, causing her to sternly look at me. I turned and made my way towards the RV. Daryls attention instantly landed on me, brow raised.
“What do ya’ want?” “I was just coming to say night.” I smiled up at him. “Ok.” “Ill see you later?” I asked, in which he only responded with a short nod. I made my way back to my tent, as I entered it I placed the book down on my bed, turning to get dressed. “Oh Jesus Christ.” I gasped, my hand making its way to my chest as I saw Lori, sitting on the small chair near my back pack of clothes, a worried expression on her face. “What?” I asked, noticing her gaze looking me up and down, before fixating onto my arm. “What happened?” She asked, standing up and making her way over to me. “Nothing, im okay Lori.” “Did Daryl do this?” “Oh my god no!” I laughed, quickly changing my tone to serious when I notice she wasn’t messing around. “No, Lori, No. Daryl didn’t do this.” “Who did?” She asked, coming closer to examine my arm.
I followed her hands as they reached out and grabbed my arm, seeing the red print on my arm, a purple shade already developing on the irritated skin.
“Are you going to tell me what happened?” “Shane happened, it doesn’t hurt though.” I smiled. She lightly pressed her index finger against the skin, causing me to flinch. “It doesn’t hurt though.” She mocked, a small smile evident on her face. “What happened (Y/n)?” “We were just roughhousing.” I lied, not wanting her to get involved, well anymore than what she already is. She nodded her head, a little suspicious, but not pressing the conversation further. I took a seat on the bed and picked up the book, looking up at Lori. “He got me this.” “Shane?”
“Yeah, said he found it on a run.” “Thats surprising.” “I’d say, considering he has the ‘If it’s not essential, it’s not worth bringing back.’ Rule.” I laughed. Lori laughed along with me. “Alright Honey, if you need anything, come get me.” She hugged me. “Night Lori.” I smiled hugging her back. Once she had left, I flipped the book open, flicking through the first few weeks which were neatly typed onto separate pages, in their own chapters. It didn’t take long to find Chapter/Week Nine.
At the top of the page it had a small chart with the baby’s information, and in big bold lettering I read: 9 Weeks Pregnant; Your baby is as big as a green olive.
I stayed up and continued to read.
This is the week that your baby develops out of their embryonic stage and officially enters the foetal period.
The baby’s liver, the spleen and the gallbladder are all under construction now, as well as the baby’s tiny muscles are forming.
I absentmindedly started to caress my abdomen as I continued to read. 
While it's too early to feel any kicks yet, it's not too early to hear something, your baby's heartbeat might be audible on a doppler machine! “Yeah as if id have access to that.” I scoffed.
The spinal cord "tail" at your baby-to-be's rump has all but disappeared! Your baby is looking more and more like a tiny human.
I continue reading the next few pages, taking in all of the information about Bean, not even noticing Daryls presence until I feel an arm slide over my stomach.
I put the book down, making sure to save the page im on.
“Hey.” He mumbled into my ear, as a turned to face him.
“Hey.” “I thought ya’ were going to bed..” “I did, but I got caught up reading.” “Oh yeah? What?” “Just some baby stuff.” He nodded. “Baby Dixon is the size of an Olive.” I yawned, Daryl yawning after me. “Ain’t that big.” He said, laying on his back, moving his arm behind his head, his other arm pulling me into him, closing his eyes. I looked up to respond but heard his light snores, signalling he fell into an instant sleep. I leant over his chest and turned the dim lantern off, snuggling back into Daryl.
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The next morning I woke up, seeing Daryl in a deep sleep beside me. I carefully climbed over him, checking to see if he was disrupted once both feet were on the ground, watching as he grumbled and rolled over, facing my side. I quickly dressed, pulling on some shoes, exiting the tent. I made my way to the supply tent, running into Lori who had just walked out, a toilet roll in hands. “Morning.” She smiled. “Morning.” “You need to use this too?” She asked, lifting the Toilet paper. “You know I do.” I chuckled.
We both walked away, towards the second field near the stables, tucked away in an area with a little more privacy.
“I didn’t think you’d be awake this early.” She smirked, turning around as I squatted.
“Oh really? Why is that?” I asked, as she handed me the roll, taking what I needed. “Well, your first night back with Daryl.” She suggested. Even looking at the back of her head I could sense her grin. “Nothing like that happened.” I shook my head smiling at her antics, finishing my business, standing up. I walked over to where she stood, switching positions. “So, nothing happened?” She asked. “No, we just had a little bit of small talk, and fell asleep.” “So, did you end up reading any of that book last night?” “Yeah, I read the complete chapter covering the ninth week.” 
“Anything interesting?” She asked.
“Just some key developmental points, Bean is the size of an olive though.” “He won’t stay that size for long.” She chuckled. “Trust me, it won’t be long until he is the size of an orange, then the size of a coconut and then the size of a watermelon.” She spoke. “I don’t even want to think about how much bigger bean will get.” “You know you can’t keep calling the baby bean right?” She asked as she walked over. “You need to have a name for them.” She continued. “I know. But I feel as though im going to know his or her name when I look at them.” I paused. “So for now, it’s bean.” I smiled as we walked back to camp.
We made it back to the communal tent, using a few drops of the sanitiser that Glenn had brung back from a run before leaving. As we left the tent, a stick had snapped to the right, Lori and I both looked over to see Carol coming to us, a smile on her face. “Morning Carol.” I smiled. “Morning ladies.” She responded, her basket being transferred to her other hand. “Morning.” “How do eggs sound for breakfast?” She asked, a small smile on her face as she held up the basket containing a dozen or so eggs. “Sounds good.” Lori responded as I smiled. “Need any help?” I asked. Carol shook her head. “No honey, I will manage.” She smiled, lighting the fire, setting up the rack and pan, instantly cracking the eggs and scrambling them. The door to the RV opened, Dale stepping out, his favourite mug rested between both hands as he breathed in the morning air, a smile on his features. Andrea was next to exit the RV, stretching and making her way over. Andrea walked right past Lori and I, barley acknowledging us as she made her way to Shanes tent.
I shook my head and sat down on one of the seats. “Okay guys, breakfast is getting served.” Carol called out, serving some egg on the plates. “Thank you.”  Lori smiled, grabbing three plates, sitting them on her chair. “I’ll be back.” Lori stated, walking to her tent. I grabbed two plates and smiled at Carol. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome sweetie.” Daryl was the next person to emerge, looking around grumbling and walking over, sitting on the ground in front of the seat I was in, leaning his back against the front of my chair, positioning himself between my legs. “Here.” I handed him his plate and fork. Daryl nodded in response and took his plate from me, starting to devour his meal. Carl shot out of the tent, followed by Lori, and lastly Rick, who had all taken a seat, Carl yawned as he rested his elbows onto his knees, then propping his head up on his hands, softly tracing in the dirt with his shoes. “Carl, honey don’t do that.” Lori spoke sweetly, handing Carl his breakfast, then Rick his. “Leave him be Lori.” Rick sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. “Morning all.” Shane called out, walking toward us all, sporting his police cap, bending down to grab the last plate Andrea following, her face as hard as stone almost, grabbing a sharpening block and her knife, taking a seat on the small log by the fire, sharpening said knife. I looked over to my right and watched as Glenn took a seat at the base of one of the trees closer to the house, and T-dog was crouched down by the fire, warming his hands.
We all ate in silence, Carol walking around with the pan offering leftovers to whoever wanted any. “Daryl?” She asked. “Thanks.” He nodded and held his plate out. I looked over to Glenn once again and followed his gaze to Dale, who had nodded at him. I looked back to Glenn and watched as he walked toward us all, his hands in his front pockets. “Um, guys.” He started, rubbing his face with one hand, grabbing everyones attention. “So... the barn is full of walkers.” He finished. Simultaneously, everyone had stopped what they were doing. I had stopped running my fingers through Daryl’s hair, and Daryl had looked up from his food. Andrea had stopped sharpening her knife and Carols eggs started to slowly burn. I looked over to Lori who was worriedly looking at her husband, whose expression was unreadable. Rick then stood up, Shane stepped forward. “Lets check this out.” My brother spoke loud, as he headed for the barn in question. We all followed Shane, desperate to see if what Glenn was saying was the truth. Shane was the first to make it to the barn, slowly and cautiously walking to the doors. The group stopped a few metres back and waited as Shane looked through the gap of the wooden planks. After a moment he turned around, storming towards us, scoffing.
“You cannot tell me you're all right with this.” He pushed past Rick.
“No I'm not, but we're guests here. This Isn't our land.” Rick responded. “This is our lives man!” Shane snapped, turning back to face Rick.
“Lower your voice.” Glenn spoke up, trying to not draw attention to us.
“We can't just sweep this under the rug.” Andrea said to Rick.
“It ain't right. Not remotely.” Shane paused, pacing. “Okay, we've either got to go in there, we've got to make things right or we've just got to go. Now we have been talking about Fort Benning for a long time.” He finished.
“We can't go.” Rick answered.
“Why, Rick? Why?” Shane asked.
“Because my daughter is still out there.” Carols answered. I stood forward and put my hand on her arm, squeezing gently as her hand rested on top of my own. “Okay.” Shane paused, scoffing, covering his mouth with his hands. “Okay, I think It's time that we all start to just consider the other possibility.” He nodded towards Carol. I pulled Carol closer to me, and holding her hand.
“We're not leaving Sophia behind.” Rick shook his head. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as Daryl takes a step forward, annoyance written on his face.
“I’m close to finding this girl. I just found her damn doll two days ago.” He pointed in the direction of the creek.
“You found her doll, Daryl. That's what you did. You found a doll.” Shane spoke down to him.
“You don't know what the hell you're talking about.” Daryl walked forward, chest out.
“I’m just saying what needs to be said. You get a good lead, it's in the first 48 hours.” Shane started to yell.
“Shane, stop.” Rick tried to reason, matching his volume. I moved Carol behind me and took a step forward, softly grabbing Daryls arm,  instantly knowing that with whatever Shane is about to say a brawl will most likely be the end result. “Daryl, don’t.” I whispered to him to have him shake me off. “Let me tell you something else, man. If she was alive out there and saw you coming all methed out with your buck knife and geek ears around your neck, she would run in the other direction!” Shane yelled at Daryl.
Daryl started shouting and trying to get past Rick, as was Shane. “Daryl, he’s not worth it.” I tried, grabbing his arm and pulling him back, Glenn and Rick pushing Shane away.
“Back off!” Rick called out, pushing Shane back. Lori placed her hand on his arm and went to speak.
“Keep your hands off me.” He glared at her, walking away. Rick took a moment, regaining his breath.
“Now just let me talk to Hershel.” He paused. “Let me figure it out.”
“What are you gonna figure out?!” Shane screamed walking towards Rick. “Enough!” Lori was quick to defend her husband, placing her left hand on Shanes chest and pushing him back.
“If we're gonna stay, if we're gonna clear this barn, I have to talk him into it. This is his land.” Rick spoke, his voice firm.
Dale took a step forward, looking at Rick. “Hershel sees those things in there as people.” He begins. “Sick people, his wife, his stepson.” He gestured to the barn.
“You knew?” Rick asked.
“Yesterday I talked to Hershel.” He nodded.
“And you waited the night?” Shane asked, Jaw tight. “I thought we could survive one more night. We did. I was waiting till this morning to say something. But Glenn wanted to be the one.” He defended himself.
“The man is crazy, Rick, if Hershel thinks those things are alive or no-“ Shane started to raise his voice once more, but was cut off.
I slightly jumped back as the chained doors to the barn started swaying, Loud growls and snarls coming from behind it. Daryl was quick to push me behind him, making sure to keep one of his hands connected to me so he knows I was still there. Lori ran to Carl and held him, making sure that we was okay, as Shane and Rick stared at the Doors. “Screw this.” Shane mumbled. “What? What are you going to do now? I think you’ve done enough.” I spoke up “I’m dong a perimeter check on the barn. Some one has to make sure that WE are SAFE.” He emphasised, storming off to inspect the barn.
We all made our way back to the small camp, all of us except Shane. Daryl had made sure that he had eyes on me the entire walk back, stealing glances at the barn as well as making sure I was in front of him. “Daryl, im okay, im back at the camp.” “We need ta’ talk.” He nodded toward the tent. “We can talk here.”
He shook his head and I sighed, walking to our shared tent. Upon entering Daryl had pulled me into a hug.
“Daryl, what’s going on?” I asked as I softly ran my hands along his back. “Don’t go near that barn, ya’ hear me?” He grumbled. “What-“ “Ya’ hear me?” He repeated the question. “Yes Daryl, I hear you, But wh-“ “I’m going ta’ prove that son of a bitch wrong.” He drawled out. “I don’t want you going out there!” I tried to reason with him. “I have ta’ go out there.” “No you don’t, give yourself a lit-“ “The longer I stay ‘ere, the longer that girl is out there.”  “Daryl, you still aren’t healed properly.” “Im healed enough.” He argued.
“You’re a stubborn asshole Dixon.” I paused, shaking my head. “There’s no point in trying to talk you out of this. Just please, come back to me, come back to us.” I pleaded. “Ya’ know I will.” He responded, before roughly kissing me. He took a step back and left. 
I took my jacket off and placed it on the end of the bed, leaving the tent once more and looking around. Dale was on watch, and Lori was sitting at the bench table with Carl, home schooling him.
I spotted Glenn pacing by the now put out fire. “Hey Glenn.” I called out, making my way toward him. He looked up from his feet, a worried expression painted on his face as he looked at me. “Glenn, what’s happening?” I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Maggie.” “What about Maggie?” I asked. “She most likely hates me now. I told you guys about the Barn, She asked me not to.” He continued to ramble.
I looked over towards the Greene’s home, to see Maggie walking toward the chicken coop. “Glenn.” I tried to stop his rambling. “She asked me to not say anything-“ “Glenn.” “And instead of doing what she asked me to do, I completely ignored her.” “Glenn.” I smiled. He finally stopped rambling and looked at me. “I have three things im going to tell you.” “What?” He asked. “One: Maggie likes you, she wouldn’t have reacted the way she did yesterday if she didn’t.” I smiled. “Two: You told us something that you felt we needed to know. You’re an honest guy Glenn and that is one of your best qualities, if she doesn’t like you, that’s her loss.”                                              “That was only two.” “Im getting there.” I chuckled. “Three: Go to Maggie Glenn, Talk to her.” I smiled. He slowly nodded his head and took a breath. “Okay.” He whispered, hyping himself up. “Im going to go and talk to her.” He nodded, walking toward the house. “Chicken coop!” I called out after him, watching as he turned and ran after Maggie. Glenn was out of sight in no time, eager to talk to Maggie. I looked to my left, watching as Shane did yet another walk around the barn, stopping every few seconds, looking around and occasionally rubbing his face. I don’t know who he is anymore. My brother is changing, not the man I once knew, not the kid I spent the first half of my childhood with. He looks like an addict, wanting his fix of his addiction, instead of drugs or alcohol, its Lori.
I softly shake my head and turn away, making my way to the RV, looking up at Dale. “Do you want me to take over for you?” I called out, blocking the harsh glare of the sun from my eyes. Dale looked down and smiled. “No, it’s alright, Glenn is meant to take shift next, just waiting on the boy.” He responded with a polite nod. “Okay, if I see him again, I’ll send him your way warden.” I joked, saluting him. “At ease.” He joked back, a small chuckle being heard.
I looked over to where Glenn was slowly making his way back to us, flicking his hands toward the ground, his cap carried in his left hand. “Hey, uh, she let me talk to her.” He stated as he came closer. I covered my mouth with my hand to hide my smile, stifling a laugh, trying to regain my composure. “Oh, how did that go?” I asked, still trying hard to not laugh. “She cracked an egg in my cap..” He held his cap out, showing me the broken yolk and fragments of shell. “I see.” I nodded. “Does, does this smell bad to you?” He asked, handing me his cap. “I am not smelling that.” I chuckled. “I will wash it out for you while you go and get cleaned up though.” I smiled. “Thank you.” He breathed out. “You’re welcome, just know that Dale is looking for you.” I smiled as he made his way to get cleaned up, his eyes widened as he looked back at me. “Its my shift.” He ran to get cleaned up. Dale looked over to us and shook his head as Glenn rushed around. I took his cap to our washing area and got to work, rinsing it under the tap, and picking out the eggshells, putting a little drop of detergent and scrubbing it gently, hanging it up once I finished.
I looked over to see Dale throwing Glenn his hat, having a small conversation with the young man, then entering his RV. “Hey, (Y/n).” I looked over to where Lori was, now walking toward me. “Hey, what’s up?” I asked, placing my hands in my pockets, meeting her halfway. “I know.” She paused. “I know, that this is a big ask, but would you mind sitting with Carl for me? Just for a little bit? I’m trying to make life a little bit more normal for him, im going to go look for some books, maybe ask Patricia if she has one she could lend me.” “Yeah, of course I can.” I nodded. “Thank you, so much.” She smiled, patting my shoulder as she headed toward the house. Carl had his nose buried in his book, writing down what his mother had told him before hand. “Hey Bud.” I smiled, taking Lori’s seat. “Oh, hey.” He smiled halfheartedly, looking up from his book. “Whats wrong? You don’t look too happy to see me.” I frowned. “Its not that, I just don’t need a babysitter.” He looked down. “A babysitter? Who? Me?” I asked, pausing. “No, im not a babysitter.” I shook my head, as I pointed at myself. “I think your mom, asked me to come over here so you could watch me.” He looked at me, a small smile appearing on his face. “We all know that I can get into quite a bit of trouble, and she must’ve thought that I needed someone to make sure I was being good.” “Yeah, I won’t let you get into any trouble.” He responded, shaking his head. “Exactly! So how about you show me what it is you’re writing down?” “Mom is just doing basic maths, you know, multiplications.” “Which ones?” “Nines today.” “Oh, well did she tell you about this nifty little trick?” I began. I grabbed his hands and held them out in front of him. “Say we are looking for 9 x 6, put your sixth finger down and you’ll get your answer by counting your fingers on each hand.” “What do you mean?” He asked, looking down at his hands, his sixth finger now down. “So, how many fingers are up in front of your sixth finger?” “Five.” “Okay good, and how many are after it?” “Four.” “Now, the fingers that are up before your sixth finger is what represents the tens in units, and after your sixth finger is the single units.” “So fifty-four four?” He asked, adding it in his head.
“Yeah, My grandma taught me that little trick because I struggled with Math, she called it the FMM” “Do you miss her?” “Everyday little man, im jus glad that her time was before this happened.” I smiled and messed his hair up. “Hey!” He grumbled laughing. Carl had ended up using the method that I had taught him, occasionally sign for help with the higher problems. “Ive finished my multiplications.” He smiled. “Oh, okay good.” I smiled, checking the page where he had written it all down. “Where did mom go anyway?” He asked. “She went to find some more books.” I smiled. Carl groaned and dramatically dropped his head against the table. “This is boring.” He tilted his head to look at me. “Okay, what is something you liked at school?” I asked, scanning his work.
Carl looked up, thinking about his response, when his eyes lit up. “Yeah?” “When I could talk to my friends. You know, like I talked to Sophia.” He nodded. I looked over to him as he mentioned Sophia’s name, having to find my breath again. “Mom says Shane is scared of the walkers in the barn.” He started. “But he thinks that Sophia is dead, he wants to leave.” Carl looked down. I placed his book on the table, lifting his chin up so he could look me in the eyes. “Shane is wrong. We are not leaving okay, we will find Sophia.” I started, Carl looking away. “Hey, Carl look at me sweetie.” I called, moving his chin once again to be face to face with him. “We will find Sophia, okay, I can feel it, we’re close.” I nodded, wiping the tear from the corner of his eye, pulling him into a hug. “Okay, how about we do some division before your mom comes back?” I asked as I rubbed his back. He softly nodded against my shoulder.
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Carl had flown through his divisions, proving that he was a really smart kid. “Hey you two, how are your math problems coming along baby?” Lori asked, kissing the top of Carls head. “Ew, mom stop.” He laughed trying to wriggle out of her hands.
“Did you do your nines?” She asked, taking a seat on the other side of Carl. “Yes mom, (Y/n) showed me this cool trick that her grandma showed her, its the FMM” “The what? I’m sorry.” “The Finger Multiplication Method, FMM is a better way to say it.” I answered. “I see.” She smiled, trying not to laugh. The door to the farm house had slammed shut, Rick making his way over to where Shane was leaning against the rusted tractor near the barn. The two men stood discussing, more like arguing over what our course of action would be. “Mom, can I go and help T-dog?” “Yeah honey, just don’t leave the camp.” She nodded, watching as he ran over to the RV. “What do you think they’re talking about?” Lori asked, gesturing to her husband and my brother. “Shane is probably trying to defend his wants.” “They need to agree on what to do, they need to make a decision already, it’s tearing the group apart.” She sighed. “What do you think we need to do?” I asked, now facing her. “I don’t think we should rush into anything. I don’t feel safe with those walkers in that barn.” “Lori, neither do I, but I am siding with Rick here.” I paused. “Shane wants to be right, and he is willing to get all of us kicked out of a safe place, a home.” I continued. Lori looked back towards the two men. “Lori, at the end of the day, you have to do what’s the best for you and your family.” “I know.” She nodded. I stood and went to walk away. “Wait, please.” She grabbed my hand. I looked at Lori confused, and sat back down, holding her hand with both of my own.
“Lori, what?” “I need to be honest with you.” “Whats going on?” “Before, at the quarry, before Rick-“ “I know.” I cut her off. “Shane and I-“ “I know.” I nodded my head, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. “How did you know?” She asked. “You and Shane weren’t really discreet.” I smiled. She shook her head, embarrassment covering her face. “It’s okay, I don’t care.” I shook my head, comforting her. Lori took a deep breath. “This baby, is Ricks baby.” “Even if it is Shanes baby, it will never be his baby.” She finished. “And that baby, will be loved, no matter what.” “This baby, will still have an aunt in me either way, Carl does too. You know that.” Lori nodded her head, reaching a hand up and wiping her tears as she hugged me. “Thank you.” She whispered. Lori stood up, and wiped her hands on her jeans. “I uh, I better go and get some vegetables for dinner.” She nodded, leaving to get vegetables.
I walked over to the RV, searching for Dale and Glenn, both of which were missing. “That’s odd.” I whispered to myself, climbing the ladder of the RV, picking up the rifle, pacing around the roof. Rick and Andrea had met at the cars, discussing their route. “Hey, be careful up there!” Glenn called out, running with a cup of water. “I am being careful.” I rolled my eyes. “Just hang on a second! I’ll be up.” Glenn called out, entering the RV, coming right back out and climbing u the ladder, taking the rifle from me. “What were you doing?” He asked after catching his breath. “I was covering your ass.” I paused, looking for Shane. “What happened?” I asked. 
“Andrea said something to Dale. He said he needed a minute and asked me to get him some water and that he would keep watch.” “Do you know where he is?” He shook his head. “Do you need help back down?” “No, Glenn. I can manage, thank you.” I smiled, descending the ladder. I looked over to where Andrea and Rick were talking, looking at the maps on the hood of Shane’s Hyundai. “Also shows she could be moving this way south. If Sophia kept in that direction, she might have gotten out of the forest and into the farmland.” Rick Paused, gesturing to the roads. “So we take 74 up to Ivy road, then push down south on foot through the forest till we hit Christopher, go east a couple of miles and then double back.” He finished. I watched as Hershel walked closer to Rick, pulling his sleeves up.
“Rick.” He greeted.
“Hershel. We just have our guns out because we're gonna go look for Sophia.”
“Before you do that, I could use your help with something.”
“Count me in.” Andrea nodded.
“Thank you. But I just need Rick.” Rick looked at Andrea, nodding.
“I’ll be down at the barn keeping watch until you're ready.” She nodded, tucking her gun into the back of her jeans, Rolling the map up. “(Y/n), You wanna join me at the barn?” She asked. “Oh, no. Thank you. I need to talk to Dale.” I smiled. “Okay, Im going to head to the barn. Can you put the mag in the RV?” She asked, holding the map out. “Sure.” I nodded, taking it from her. I took the map and placed it on the table, looking through the books Dale had sitting on one of the benches with a note that said ‘throw away’. I looked through the pile and noticed ‘the wind in the willows’. I smiled and grabbed it, making a mental note to tell Dale I borrowed it, not that he’d mind anyway. I looked around, looking for Carl, who was sitting on the log by the cooking pot, a stick in hand, drawing in the dirt. “Carl!” I called out, getting the young brunettes attention. He smiled as he saw me, standing up, tossing the stick aside. “Yeah?” He asked looking up. “I found this, figured it might help get you through the boredom of camp.” “What is it?” He asked taking the book from my hand. “Just a book I loved when I was your age.” I smiled. “Oh cool, thanks.” He beamed, moving back to his seat, opening the book. I took a seat near the pit and checked our medical supplies, seeing what we need and writing it down. It wasn’t very long until Shane was storming past us.
“Hey, Shane, Can I talk to you for a sec?” Carl called out, making Shane stop and turn as I looked up.
“You okay?” He asked moving towards the boy.
“Yeah. I know you think Sophia's dead. And that we should stop looking for her.” Carl paused. “Bu-But that's bullshit.” He finished.
“Hey, man, watch your mouth.” Shane started getting annoyed. I sat the small box beside me and stood up, ready to intervene.
“We're gonna stay here until we find her.” Carl told him.
“You think that's what we should do?”
“It's what I know we should do.” He confirmed.
“Then we stay. That means we got to do whatever we got to do to make that happen. Hmm?” Shane asked, an idea forming. An idea that wouldn’t be good.
“Like help out with chores?” Carl asked innocently.
“Mmm. Like help out with the chores.” Shane nodded. “Carl. Come here for a minute.” Lori called out, clearly uncomfortable.
“Why don't you go see what your mom wants? Hmm? Go on.” “Hey, Carl. Don't let me hear you talk like that again.” He called out after Carl had left. “He is just a kid Shane.” I spoke. “Yeah well he is a kid that needs to learn his place.” “That makes two of you then.” I crossed my arms. He shook his head and headed for the RV. “Shane!” I followed him. “What?” “What are you going to do?”
“Nothing!” He brushed me off. The closer he got to the RV, the faster he walked. “Sup?” Glenn called down, surrendering his hands as Shane looked at him. Shane walked into the RV and started banging around. “What’s up with him?” Glenn asked. I shrugged and waited for him to come out.
“Son of a bitch!” I heard him mumble, practically running out. He looked up at Glenn.
“You see where he went?” Shane asked. “Who?” Glenn asked. “Don't even try to shit me, okay?” He snapped. “Shane!” “What?” “Dale. Glenn. Did you see where Dale went?” He asked. “Yeah, he asked me to run and get him some water.” “He said he'd cover me on watch.” Glenn finished. “And he was gone when you got back, huh?” “Yeah. You think he's okay?” Glenn asked. “Oh, he's fine.” Shane nodded. “Why'd he bail then?” “So you wouldn't tell me which way he went.” “I don't get it.” Glenn looked at me. I shrugged. “No, man, you don’t.” He stormed off once again.
Glenn looked down at me once more, a questioning look on his face. “I honestly, don’t know.” I sighed. “Something doesn’t feel right though.” I continued as I held my hand in front of my eyes, blocking out the sun. “Isn’t that Daryl and Carol?” Glenn asked, looking over toward the tree line, headed into the forest. “Must be.” I nodded as I watched the two of their silhouettes disappear. “You alright (Y/n)?” Glenn called out. “Yeah, im fine.. Im just tired.” I nodded, taking a seat on Dales camping chair. “Are you sure?” He asked. “Im positive Glenn, Fatigue is a symptom that coincides with pregnancy.” “Oh, right.” He chuckled. I closed my eyes, leaning my head back to rest against the RV, taking five minutes to just try to relax. The sound of Glenn calling out to Maggie, quickly deciding to climb down from the RV. “(Y/n), can you cover me for a minute.” “Of course, go.” “Just don’t climb up there!” He called back, trying to catch up with Maggie. “Im pregnant, not missing a limb.” I called back, starting to climb the ladder. I bent down to pick up the rifle. As I stood back up, my head started spinning, I looked down and my hand had grabbed onto the blue camp chair. I lowered myself down and looked around my as the burred motion of my vision, slowly became more clear. I looked down to my hands, knuckles turning white as I gripped the chair, trying to centre myself. Maybe I should have listened to Glenn. As I turned to look, Glenn had taken and placed the smaller basket to the ground, gesturing around the two of them with his hands. Glenn had finished talking, moving to come back when Maggie had called out to him, walking over and bringing him in for a kiss. I smiled, looking away so I didn’t come across as a creep. Andrea was pacing in front of the barn, occasionally stopping, searching around for Shane, im assuming. “Hey, Thank you.” Glenn smiled as he climbed the ladder, joining me atop the RV. “You’re welcome.” I smiled, handing him the rifle as he held his hands out. “So, Maggie and Patricia have invited us all to the house, I asked Lori, she said we should be fine without someone on watch for a bit.” He smiled, placing the rifle down. “Oh, no, I- I can’t just stay up here.” I shook my head. “Why?” “No reason, I can stay.”
Glenn looked at me, a worried expression on his face.
“(Y/N), what’s going on?”
“It’s fine, its nothing too big.” I sighed. “Im just feeling a little light-headed.” I finished. “What?! I told you to not climb up!” He scolded. “I was fine, until I wasn’t.” “Famous last words.” He shook his head. Glenn looked around, thinking to himself. “Ill go and get some help.” He started to descend the ladder. “Glenn! No! Look, I can get down.” I stated, getting up, moving to the ladder. Glenn was already down and looking up at me. I slowly turned and started to climb down. “See, I can do it. Just have to be slow.” I smiled as my left foot hit the ground. “No more climbing up there.” Glenn shook his head. “Glenn, if I need-“ “No, no more.” He stated, guiding me down to the house. “Okay, fine.” I surrendered. I smiled as I noticed Carl was sitting at the table, with Beth and Patricia. Lori came down and grabbed my hand, taking me a little bit further away from the others. “Rick told Shane.” “About-“ I looked down. “Yeah.” “He thinks Rick isn’t built for this world, doesn’t think that Rick will survive.” “Don’t worry yourself over Shane, Lori. He will get over it. Rick will survive, you know it, I know it, the group knows it.”
“Ill be back, Watch out for Carl?” “Of course.” I nodded, I looked over to see T-dog and Andrea walking over to the house. “Do you know what's going on?” T-dog asked hands by his sides.
“Where is everyone?” Andrea asked. I made my way back over to the group and stood on the step behind Maggie.
“You haven't seen Rick?” Glenn asked Andrea.
“He went off with Hershel.” “We were supposed to leave a couple hours ago.” She finished.
“Yeah you were. What the hell?” Daryl interrupted, joining us, Carol behind him.
“Rick told us he was going out.” Carol spoke out from behind Daryl.
“Damn it. Isn't anybody taking this seriously? We got us a damn trail.” Daryl stated annoyed, throwing his right arm towards the tree line.  “Oh, here we go.” He stated as Shane walked toward us. “What's all this?” He pointed at the bag.
“You with me, man?” Shane asked, bringing a pump action shotgun out of the bag.
“Yeah.” Daryl answered, grabbing it and pumping the shotgun, resting it up on his shoulder. “Shane, what do you think you’re doing?” I asked, taking a step down towards him. Shane looked at me, a scowl on his face, looking around at everyone else.
“Time to grow up.” He spoke. “You already got yours?” He looked to Andrea.
“Yeah. Where's Dale?.”
“He's on his way.”
“Thought we couldn't carry?” T-dog asked, taking the gun when Shane handed it to him.
“We can and we have to.” He started. “Look, it was one thing sitting around here picking daisies when we thought this place was supposed to be safe. But now we know it ain’t.”
“Shane, enough.” “How about you, man? You gonna protect yours?” He held out a gun to Glenn. ”That's it. Can you shoot?” He looked to Maggie.
“Can you stop? You do this, you hand out these guns, my dad will make you leave tonight.” She tried to reason.
“We have to stay, Shane.” Carl stepped forward. Lori rounded the corner and saw Shane and all of the guns.
“What is this?” She asked.
“We ain't going anywhere, okay?” Shane looked to Carl. “Now look, Hershel, he's just gotta understand. Okay? He--well, he's gonna have to.” He stood forward. “Now we need to find Sophia. Am I right? Huh?” Shane knelt in fronton Carl. “Now I want you to take this. You take it, Carl, and you keep your mother safe. You do whatever it takes. You know how. Go on, take the the gun and do it.” Shane nodded, holding the gun out for Carl.
I reached forward and grabbed the gun before Carl could and glared at Shane as Lori swooped in and pushed Carl behind her.
“Rick said no guns. This is not your call. This is not your decision to make.” She spoke firm.
“Oh shit.” T-dog got our attention. I moved forward to take a closer look into what we were witnessing. Along the fence line we watched as Jimmy, Rick and Hershel were leading walkers to the barn. “What is that? What is that?” Shane growled as he pushed past everyone running for the three men by the barn.
“Shane!” Lori and I both yelled, protesting.
The closer he got to Rick and Hershel the more the shouting had escalated. “What the hell are you doing?” My brother shouted.
“Shane, just back off!” Rick tried to talk Shane down.
“Why do your people have guns?” Hershel had asked.
“Are you kidding me? You see? You see what they're holding onto?” Shane had started pointing at the walkers.
“I see who I'm holding onto.” Hershel corrected him.
“No, man, you don’t.” Shane shook his head. I watched as Daryl held the gun up, ready to shoot, Shane
“Shane, just let us do this and then we can talk.” Rick had once again tried to talk Shane out of his rage.
“What you want to talk about, Rick?” “These things ain't sick. They're not people. They're dead. Ain't gonna feel nothing for them 'cause all they do, they kill! These things right here, they're the things that killed Amy. They killed Otis. They're gonna kill all of us.” Shane yelled
“Shane, shut up!” Rick yelled.
“Hey, Hershel man, let me ask you something.” Shane started. “Could a living breathing person, could they walk away from this?” He asked as he shot the female walker three times in the chest. “Shane stop!” I yelled moving forward.
Daryl stood infant of me and pushed me back with his body. “Stay outta this.” He growled. “Keep her here.” He looked at Carol, who had rested her hands on my shoulders, turning back and holding the gun to the walkers head. “No! Stop it!” Rick shouted once more.
“That's three rounds in the chest. Could someone who's alive, could they just take that?! Why is it still coming?” Shane asked Hershel, shooting it another two times. “That's its heart, its lungs. Why is it still coming?” He shouted, shooting it two more times. “Shane, enough!”
“Yeah, you're right, man. That is enough.” Shane agreed, walking up to it, shooting it in the head. Hershel dropped to his knees as the walker had fallen, just watching as it lied dead on the floor. “Enough risking our lives for a little girl who's gone!” He shouted. Carol gasped as Shane mentioned her daughter, hand moving from my shoulders to her mouth. “Enough living next to a barn full of things that are trying to kill us. Enough. Rick, it ain't like it was before! Now if y'all want to live, if you want to survive, you got to fight for it! I'm talking about fighting right here, right now.” Shane yelled as he ran to the barn. “Take the snare pole. Hershel, take the snare pole. Hershel, listen to me, man, please. Take it now. Hershel! Take it!” Rick shouted, trying to get Hershel to take the snare. Shane grabbed a short handled hoe, bashing against the lock on the barns door. “No, Shane. Do not do this, brother. Wait!” Rick tried to reason.
“Don't do it!” Glenn yelled. “Shane! Enough is enough! Stop it!” I screamed.
Shane had pried the lock off of the door, moving the plank securing it, leaving only the old chains. I looked around, Lori was moving Carl behind her, Maggie was on the ground with her father, her sister with jimmy. It was chaotic, everyone was shouting. The doors started opening, one by one walkers had started to pile out. Andrea and T-dog rushed forward to help Shane on the frontline, next was Daryl running to aide them. My heart ached for the Greene family, Maggie was crying and I watched as Glenn went to comfort her, she nodded and he moved forward joining in on the walker massacre, with regret on his face. Shane looked back, and shot the walker that Rick was still holding, Rick had turned around to check on Carl and his wife before looking back to the shit show in front of us. Gunshots continued to echo over the property as Daryl shot the last walker. Our group had lowered their weapons, looking over the damage they’d just done. The snarls of another walker could be heard and we all waited for it to emerge. My tears instantly fell as the little girl walked out of the barn, Carols cries, magnifying the shock. Carol had ran forward before I could do anything. “Sophia? Sophia! Sophia. Sophia. On no. Sophia. Sophia.” She tried running past Daryl, who had grabbed her and pulled her back, both of them dropping to their knees as she sobbed. “Sophia.” I moved my hand to cover my mouth, as I cried into it, watching as Rick walked forward, raising his gun. I closed my eyes as the last gun shot sounded. The sound of Carols sobs, being branded into my brain.
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