#darth gean
webtrinsic1122 · 3 years
Darth Gean a practically half cyborg Twi’lek sith is amazing, also I like how we have three Red Twi’lek Sith
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starwarsfangirl · 5 years
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Darth Gean (Credit https://www.deviantart.com/automatan)
"Do you think Gravid's young apprentice was hindered by the prosthesis she was forced to wear after fighting him?" ―Darth Plagueis, to Darth Sidious, regarding Darth Gean
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willorcs · 7 years
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Star Wars Legends: Notable members of the Order of the Sith Lords (1000 BBY - 4 ABY)
“We are the select few who refuse to be carried by the Force, and who carry it instead. Thirty in a millennium, rather than the tens of thousands fit to be Jedi."
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canniballistix · 4 years
ok im on board for dean/garth but wtf would it be called? deangarth? garthdean? gean? darth? fuvxin,, fitzchester?
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jedifest · 6 years
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Alien April - Muun
The Muun were a tall and thin humanoid species from the Outer Rim. They were easily recognisable by their pallid skin and elongated heads. Unusually, the Muun had three hearts, two of which they could consciously control.
They had colonies on Muunilinst & Scipio as well as several lesser planets, and were renowned throughout the Galaxy for their financial and mathematical skills. 
The Muun society was largely built on finance and mathemathics, and intelligence was a highly valued trait in all aspects of their culture. 
They were the founders of the InterGalactic Banking Clan and gained immense power during the times of the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire, so much so that the Battle of Muunilinst left the Galaxy dangerously close to financial ruin. 
Notable members:
Darth Plagueis 
San Hill
Admiral Tonith
Prompts of the Day  ‖ Prompt Sheet
Yoda, Darth Maul, Hera Syndulla, Thrawn, C-3PO, Admiral Ackbar, Maz Kanata, Supreme Leader Snoke, Neimoidians, Ewoks, Darth Plagueis - Something... dramatic or distressful to them, lots of emotion.
DNWs:   no pairings
Plagueis's mother (please name her) decides that she'd rather him not be either a Sith or a Jedi, so runs off with him and trains him herself!  Fun family time with lightsabers ensues! With guest appearance by disappointed Tenebrous!
DNWs:  *I don't like the characters Kylo Ren or Hux, so don't want to have to write about them in more than passing mentions. This includes all interactions they may have, romantic or otherwise. *Nothing earlier than the events in the Darth Plagueis novel (unless Plagueis's mother, Darth Tenebrous, or Darth Gean is involved).  If the story is not about any of these characters, than nothing before Episode I. *Nothing later than the sequel trilogy (eps 7-9), or after the lives of Jacen and Jaina (if Legends continuity). *No sad endings. *No main character death. *No killing off characters I like. *No requirement that events in the story be consistent with canon outcomes. *No romances with any of the following: large age gaps or Master/Apprentice relationships (regardless of age difference) *No time travel.   *No college/high school/coffeeshop AU's *No Plagueis=Snoke *No non-sapient protagonists *No incest *no minor/adult romances *No rape or mentions of rape *No romances or mentions of romantic interests for Maz Kanata *No 'Empire/First Order are the good guys' narratives
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