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just-a-sicko · 1 year
Maybe..we can hold hands.. ?👉👈
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asavt · 2 years
Daroach x DmK
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Who is a night owl: Dark Meta more than Daro.
Who is a morning person: Daroach.
Are they cuddlers: I think they mostly just lay side by side, but sometimes, yeah. (I'll be honest I'm too weak I make most of my fave ships be cuddlers I'm sorry).
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon: Dark Meta (Daroach enjoys it when he decides to use his wings to hug him).
What is their favourite sleeping position:
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Who steals all the blankets: Daro.
What they wear to bed: Gijinka-verse? Dark Meta only wears his briefs and Daro just a pair of pants.
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: This is weird to think about if you don't think in gijinkas. Probably Dark Meta...
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: hmm.... Daro.
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: Dark Meta.
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: They both have been punched, pushed off the bed and kicked in their sleep.
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ceoofmetagala · 3 years
Also family :)
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(I coudnt add halbred crew and the netire suqke suad in qhoopd 💔💔)
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My favorite ship and a chibi MILF! :3
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firaknight · 3 years
Opinions about Dameta x Daroach (also known as Darkroach or Darodame)?
I’m fairly neutral on it! It’s not something I personally ship (I prefer mirror metadede because wholesome family dynamics are what keep me alive) but I think it’s fine! It definitely has potential to be a very good ship!!!
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just-a-sicko · 2 years
A thing who i did in the math hour bc i was bored lol
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just-a-sicko · 2 years
Random Darkroach S*it i did on yt
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Also, i improved My style.. AND I LOVE IT!
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asavt · 3 years
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shall we dance~?
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just-a-sicko · 3 years
(warning : my laugh :>)
Prof : explain boring things.
My mind:
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asavt · 4 years
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Darkroach again? yeah or more likely doodles of these two, as I said before, I was left starving for more content of these two Hope you enjoy uwu
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ceoofmetagala · 3 years
The fuckin shitpost status
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Bouns darkroach-
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This is really effortless but still funny
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just-a-sicko · 3 years
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All do it with the markers I dunno how work on paper :)
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just-a-sicko · 2 years
how i started to like Darkroach so much? Well e-z!
Star allies. The end. What? DID ya really THINK i have a backstory with this? Naaah thats is not me. the concept is really easy. for the first time i discoverd this ship tnx my sibling @gala-mari why they say "is really a cute ship" and shit's like this and i Immediately Fall in love with this ship, this is all.
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ceoofmetagala · 3 years
Fuckity fuckckfkdkd9jss
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Dies cutely in keybaord smash
Anyways if you couldnt tell alreayd I love them
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And a metagal shitposts I mad ebecausr I was looking to annoy my poor friends with The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. Ding A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. Ding Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, ding
No idea hwta conples me to shit post so hard yet so beutifully
Its coppibg mechnosusm tahstvwhy lol (cries)
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Oh and have this marker thing
Darkroach is veyr good too
I woukd rraw jt more if zi cared for dark meta at all
Anwyays I ahev an entire metagala almbum saved it has 466 pictrues of prur metagala (incudking my own driwnegs) si yea
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asavt · 4 years
Okay! For your Darkoach! Or whatever the ship name for Dark Meta Knight X Daroach is called... Since their victory picture in star Allies consists of them drawing on a large sheet of paper along side Adeleine and Ribbon, I need to ask... What is Daroach and Dark Meta Knight's relationship with the artist and her fairy friend? Do they act like father figures to them? Or like the cool uncles?
Either darkroach (how I’ve seen people tag it as) or darodame (in my case lol) works~
I like to think they are the cool gay uncles that commit thievery every once and then.
Like, Adeleine wants some pricey art supplies?  Ribbon needs help with some bad people back at ripple star?? Leave it up to the gay ratman and mirrorman to handle (though I’m pretty sure she would tell them to give it back even if she appriciates it lol). Daroach would be a little more talkative to them than Darme (dark meta), he still has a few trust issues but he is getting there <3
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