#darnell just wants him to be happy :]
darnellthefirestarter · 7 months
Something for a fic I'm working on
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He's wearing Nene's headband :]
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reinabeestudio · 4 months
If I'm gonna compare how I'm doing with the atonals, might as well do it properly and use the same song lol
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papil0nglegs · 4 months
Friday night night funkin dating hcs!!
Warnings: Some nsfw stuff but nothing too far, boob grabbing, bra stealing, nudes but not rlly
A/n: I HAVE ANOTHER OBSESSION UGHHH, anyways!! I’m so happy the fandom is reviving bc of the new update ahh. Also I didn’t rlly know what to put for bc so apologies if you wanted more of him :(
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Keith (bf):
He’s such a flower sniffer istg
He’s like a rosy cheeked sweetheart who brings you heart chocolate every time he visits you
No but actually he’s wrapped around your fingers, it’s scary.
His fav dates are you and him alone at his house watching Godzilla movies and laying his head against your stomach while you play with his hair
Sometimes you’ll send a pic of you in his boxers that he left at your house just to tease him
But whenever he feels silly (which is all the time) he’ll send a picture of him in your bra for funsies
“I can do that too :D”
Keith is such a nerd, playing video games with him is your go to date
You guys would always match, like whenever you two play Mario kart he’d be toad and you’d be toadette
You hype him up sm, esp when playing Fortnite 😭
Y’all know that one Tik tok audio that goes
You do that, and it scares him.
His fav activity? Pot + cartoons.
You guys are the silliest couples ever. Laughing at SpongeBob with fog all over the room until your ribs start to hurt.
“Babes.. do you think that like-Starfires armpits are also pink?”
Now when pico first starting dating you he thought you were just another chick to stuff his wiener in.
But soon enough, you guys were both wrapped around each others finger.
He’d kill for you tbh
Pico canonically has abs, so he likes it whenever he’s chilling with you and you just poke/rub them. He thinks it’s the cutest AND hottest shit ever
This man cannot get enough of your boobies, whenever he’s on his phone he’d have his arm around you and casually use your boob as a stress ball.
Sometimes he’ll just steal your bras whenever you’re showering or changing, just so that he can get a fresh look at ‘his girls’ (that’s what he calls them)
“Pico!! Have you seen my bra?”
“Hm? Na babe, I’m js here.”
This sly fuckin ginger
Most of his dates consist of going to his fav burger joint or sleeping over at each others houses
He esp loves the second one cuz he gets to makeout with you, prob his fav thing to do in this life.
Whenever you guys leave any function, like ever, he’ll yell out your ship name as he leaves the room 😭
“Pi-y/n, OUT”
“Babe you don’t have to do that every time we leave..”
Also his dad (Tankmen) loves embarrassing him in front of you.
(Tankmen) “Yeah so Pico kept pissing himself in the bed until 7th grade, shit had me concerned but turns out it was just normal puberty shit.”
“Dad I’m gonna kill you.”
Lmao he did eventually
Darnell has such a big ego on being a ‘cool tough guy’, but when it comes to you it entirely washes away
It embarrasses him whenever he’s around his friends and you come over and start smooching him all over his face, getting lipgloss/lipstick all over him
“Mwah mwah mwah!!”
“B-baby. Babe, you’re ruining my aura.”
But he loves showing you off, you’re like his biggest flex. Whenever he hangs with his friends he always shows pictures of you like you’re his newborn
“Yeah so this is when we went to the skate park the other week and-“
“Dude. This is like the 5th picture you’ve shown me of them.”
Once for Valentine’s Day, he surprised you by spray painting an entire wall of you smooching him. (But like in the style of the fnf stickers they sell)
You were in such awe, you almost cried.
He was so embarrassed to show you at first, but when he saw how much you loved it he was so relieved
You and Nene are such besties
Like, squealing while talking about boys besties
“HII Y/N!!! :33”
So when she found out you had a crush on Darnell, she was so excited
You guys became delusional abt him together, like
O and your weapon (cuz everyone in picos friendgroup has one) is a broken glass bottle of whatever your fav drink is
Sometimes you’ll throw in a burning rag in there to make a Molotov cocktail
Also I hc that Darnell has thick silver rings and you love how they feel against your neck whenever you guys are smooching.
He lets you wear them at times but they always slip off because our boy has some THICK fingers.
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rocksibblingsau · 5 months
Now you got me wondering, How would Funk Branch interact with the royal family, r&b, and lownote jones?
With Quincy and Essence there are some things that are spoilers for Rock Sibblings, but just know things are rocky at first! For outside reasons as well as the fact that Branch simply never really had parents for very long, let alone TWO parents (excluding temporary fosters). He was raised by his grandma. The two are just as patient as Thrash is, so they do eventually make progress with him and by the time of adulthood they're a close knit family.
Quincy and Essence encourage him to explore various interests and they are always great listeners. They love Branch a lot, but Branch doesn't replace what they lost.
As a kid, Darnell didn't initially get along well with Branch. Neither wanted the other as a brother. Branch for obvious reasons and Darnell because he wanted his brother, not a replacement. Over time they warm up to each other under the agreement they're just friends, but that eventually falls away and they're brothers. It's a learning curve for Branch to be a big brother, and he comes to find that he could never imagine leaving D the way his brothers left him. Even the thought of moving out of their parents house to next door feels like abandoning D. He also carries some guilt over the fact that this should be Cooper, but D is always quick to reassure him that he'd never trade Branch for Cooper. He'd love to have both his brothers, but if he can't then... well, he's happy with how things turned out.
Branch is the first one that D tells about his idea for Hip Hop. If anyone would be open to a subgenre, it's his adopted Pop-turned-Funk brother. Branch of course supports him, and even dabbles in Hip Hop himself, maybe even being Hip Hop as well.
When Cooper does reunite with D, that fear of abandonment is there again. The fear that Branch was just a replacement that D doesn't need anymore. D however grabs Branch's hand and pulls him over to Cooper and introduces them. Cooper's surprised on all fronts, but especially that Grey Branch was a good older brother to his twin. Hearing about how good of brother Branch was to D makes Cooper feel bad for how Branch was treated by Pop Village. Cooper was an odd one out, and if he had only tried, the two could have been friends. It's clear that Branch wasn't AGAINST caring about people like he'd thought.
The three become a little trio, with Cooper happy to go from 0 brothers to 2 in the span of a day.
Lownote Jones is used to everyone adoring him, normally just from his voice alone or his charms. While Branch can certainly notice both of those, he doesn't act like other people around Lownote, which he really likes. Branch actually becomes interested in Lownote due to Lownote's reputation as a scientist and pilot. Lownote isn't aware of this at first, and is kind of disappointed by the change, but in a 'oh well, it was nice while it lasted' kind of way before he realizes Branch is actually just more interested in the things he says rather than the "smooth cadence of his voice". The two are VERY good friends and Branch is introduced to Funk science by Lownote. Branch gives a very interesting outside perspective...
Which ties into how he interacts with R and B! He reins them in when they get too ahead of themselves and reminds them of the basics. He doesn't always get along with them, often finding some of their stuff too over the top. ("Why does the machine that opens a bottle have to be this big? Can't it be bottle opener sizes?" "How else will it fit the boombox?" "Why does a bottle opener need a BOOMBOX?" "Why not?") Though he can get wrapped up in it as well (See Holiday in Harmony and his gift to Poppy) sometimes.
Lownote shakes his head in disappoint at BroZone, meanwhile R and B contemplate the ethics of a machine that either 'removes jerkness' or 'squashes washed-up boy band members into ball shape and knocks them into space with a mallet'.
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octuscle · 8 months
This might sound a bit unusual, there are many settings to become hotter, stronger, manlier, yet, I think I might want something a little different. With this many settings it's getting quite confusing, is there any way to become just more chill and friendly ?
His LinkedIn profile actually said "dancer". Ernest had long forgotten that. Just as he had almost forgotten his own name. His "stage name" was Darnell, he hadn't used his real name for ages. And stripper was somehow similar to a dancer.
"Dear Ernest, I would like to use your services at short notice for tomorrow afternoon. Are you still available?" He had never received a message like this before… Whatever that meant. He thought for a moment. The address was in a rather stuffy suburb. There were perverts everywhere. In any case, he had time tomorrow afternoon. So why not… But now he had to get ready for the show tonight. It was a trade fair in the city, so there were usually lots of uptight business travelers in the club to let their hair down.
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Shit, this was a fucking kindergarten. Darnell was used to a lot. Last night he'd done things for a lot of money… But something with kids? He wasn't doing anything illegal. There was an end somewhere. Anyway, he went in and looked around. An older woman in very healthy-looking clothes came up to him and shook his hand. "You must be Ernest. Honestly, I would have imagined a dance teacher differently." Before Darnell could say anything, the lady was already ushering him into a room labeled "Bunny Group". Inside, twelve children were sitting in a semi-circle, looking at him expectantly. "Say hello to Ernest, he's going to dance with you today," said the kindergarten teacher. "Good day, Ernest!" sang the children in chorus. Thirteen pairs of eyes were fixed on him expectantly. Darnell felt much more comfortable in a dimly lit cave full of drooling suitors. Okay, they wanted a show. He turned on his boombox, took off his shirt and started the music. The expected hip hop wasn't blaring from the speakers. Instead, it was "If You're Happy and You Know It". While the kindergarten teacher stared somewhat paralyzed at Ernest's six-pack, the children sang and clapped along enthusiastically.
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As the afternoon turned into evening, everyone sat together again in a circle of chairs. Ernest was singing "Five Little Ducks" with the children when the kindergarten teacher poked her head into the room. "Children, time to get ready. Your parents will be here soon." The children expressed their disappointment with loud moans and wails. "Just one more song!". Ernest grinned and sang "The Wheels on the Bus". Then everyone clapped together enthusiastically and the group dispersed. One girl tugged on Ernest's pants. "Aunt Ernie, will you go to the toilet with me". A few hours ago, the child would have been punched in the face for such a statement. Now Ernie brushed one of his blond curls out of his face, smiled and took the girl by the hand.
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There weren't very many male kindergarten teachers. But Ernie was a star in the suburb. The children loved him because he was great to play, sing and dance with. The other kindergarten teachers loved him because he was always punctual and reliable and took on every extra shift without complaining. The mothers loved him because they could tell Ernie all their worries, because he had none of the macho attitudes of their husbands and because he liked to take his shirt off in the summer while singing and dancing, revealing a breathtaking six-pack. And the fathers loved him because he kept the mothers, children and kindergarten teachers, who all flocked around the star of the kindergarten, away from them at the kindergarten parties and they could enjoy the barbecue and talk about soccer in peace.
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You couldn't be more chilled and friendly than Ernie!
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valsnonsense · 5 months
The Darnell/Diamond Family
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I fucked up on D's hair please forgive me sir
My most cracky of crack ships given life!! I really had fun with this one, especially designing an older Tiny Diamond (or TD as he's called in the future)
Short story for this family. Guy and D met at the big gift exchange party held during the holidays and struck up a conversation. D was impressed by Tiny's rhymes and wanted to give compliments to him and his dad. Guy was immediately taken by the funk Prince, he was just so suave and charming!!
Tiny was not as enthused. How dare this guy swoop in and steal HIS daddy?! Who does he think he is?!
There was a very one-sided war between Tiny and D, as in Tiny was trying to "compete" for Guy's affections, while D was oblivious to it all. Eventually, after realizing Tiny did feel threatened by his presence, D did talk to the young kit, saying he wasnt there to steal his dad from him. In fact, he needed some help to figure out what to give Guy in his hatchday! Tiny knew him best, after all.
Little Tiny decided to bury the hatchet and "allowed" D to date his dad (Guy was a bit embarrassed that TD made such a bit deal but D just waved it off, I mean it's normal for kids if single parents to feel a little threatened by a boyfriend/girlfriend)
Eventually, once D becomes King of Funk, he pops the question to Guy (with Tiny's blessing) and the two get hitched. A few years later, the two have Blaise.
TD fell in love with Blaise almost instantly. He was so fuckin stoked to be a big brother!! TD was always checking on Blaise, making sure he was always smiling, he never left the kits side.
The whole family still lives in Vibe City, with TD working as professional Radio DJ. Guy is super proud of both his babies and tries over them often. D is so happy for both his kids to be pursueing their dreams, and never fails to show up at gigs or races for either of his son's.
And that's the Darnell/Diamond fam! I loved working on this one and diving into how TD saw D at first. Once again D I fucked up ur hair I'm so sorry ndbdjdj
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
You guys are so weird about Darnell. Like, that is Zendaya's brother, lol. He was an actor before he became her assistant. Also, if he is doing gq interviews, so what??? He was one of the, if not the most memorable, parts of Challengers. I don't know Z personally, but what I can infer, family and loyalty very big with her, like she's been with Law since she was a tween and Darnell when she was on KC undercover. When you are that famous, it's hard to find your tribe or ppl who are there for you without any agenda. Law and Darnell are 100% there for Z, but they are allowed to have dreams and lives outside of Z.
It's like when Law retired and certain fans were angry with him for talking openly about his own personal ambitions outside of being a stylist. Ppl don't understand how taxing it can be in life to be of service to a job when you too have your own dreams. We are all humans, and I think Law is a much better collaborator now that he takes time for himself outside of serving others.
Darnell is doing that for himself. Just because he's close to 40 doesn't mean his life is over. You guys are very judgemental, and I hope you take time to look within before spewing hate towards ppl you don't know! No one is perfect.
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I couldn't have said this better Anon. 👏🏾
People are very weird about Darnell in the fandom. Instead of being HAPPY and comfortable that Z has someone close to her who she considers FAMILY, who we all know is sweet to her, and she can trust him, etc.... Some of you all are instead annoyed that he's her assistant. 😒
That's just so weird to me.
You definitely don't want another Selena situation on our hands😵‍💫, so I'm actually GLAD when celebrities (Z especially) have assistants that they can actually TRUST, and who are like family to them. 🥺
Darnell is doing that for himself. Just because he's close to 40 doesn't mean his life is over. You guys are very judgemental, and I hope you take time to look within before spewing hate towards ppl you don't know! No one is perfect.
Girl you PREACHED with this part right here. 👏🏾
Idk if it's the former pandemic or WHAT, but the amount of judgemental attitudes that are out here these days is just wild 🤪
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cleverchildblizzard · 2 months
Destiny's birthdayyyyy @myvirtuallove silly gals
Was bored and since Destiny's birthday would be soon (5th of August) I decided to do sum birthday headcanons! Wanted her bday to be in September like mine but whatevzzz
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(This gif is prettay I like it :])
First of all.
Destiny would forget it's her own mf birthday cause she couldn't give less of a shit.If it's someone else's birthday then he'll yeah she'll make sure they have fun but she ain't expecting ANYONE (not even koko or jay) to care either.
It's just another day to her (she doesn't rlly like attention in big ass parties) but Jay likes to at least take her to eat at her favourite place or get her some gifts as well (Destiny didn't want him to but loves them anyway 😋)
If a party was to be held for her I'd imagine it would only be a small group of her friends and family (Koko,Jay,Pico,Nene,Darnell,and JD) or a bit more people she knows but overall not to much or she's gonna start getting anxious.
She would get whiplash if she walked in her home,only to get surprised by the whole gang throwing a birthday for her (especially if she had a bad day) she ain't a person to cry but she might tear up (just standing like 🧍🏾‍♀️ with a tear rolling down her cheek)
She would deadass be coming home from a mission (which usually takes about a few weeks) and BAM all her friends and family are there screaming happy birthday and she's like "😐...😑...🤨??" Untill she checks the date and then is like "Oh."
She likes carrot or chocolate cake so she would be gobbling the cake UP (she's hungry give the girlie a break lol) She would also be shocked if ppl got her presents (Nene probably got the woman a sniper 😭) and would get minda happy if she saw the presents (she don't care what the presents are she'll keep it for LIFE)
She would thank Koko for it (would try to buy Koko sumthin later cause she can) and just chill with her the whole party.
At the end Jay knows she's already drained of energy from the party so he'll just take her home and let her sleep.He would probably be on the phone wit Koko (who called to check up on Destiny....bonding time for the two????? Hmmm????)
Overall she doesn't gaf but is grateful for koko and the gang making it special for her (she don't have a b day fit man just casual clothes cause she don't think it's that important 😭)
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luminarystarfall · 2 months
HI HI HI LUMI!!! What is Sunny's relationship with Nene and Darnell??🤔
Sunny, Nene and Darnell are moreso like frenemies. They are the best of friends one day but can turn on each other another day (especially when it comes to Pico!)
For example, Sunny did NOT like at all what Nene and Darnell did in Weekend 1 (even though she understood completely why they'd be angry... But BF was her friend too and she didn't want them to kill him either!)
Since Sunny doesn't murk others for money (she's a goodie two shoes and doesn't need the money), she already doesn't approve of their way of making ends meet. She's offered help but assuming they like what they do + don't want hand me downs from the better off blonde chick, they refuse and do what they want to do. (They still take money sometimes but they hate doing it).
Sunny isn't rich but she's a lot better off since she still lives with her pops and has her own little flower shop.
She doesn't like what they do but understands the hustle. Sometimes Darnell and Nene can just be rascals causing havoc to which she just acts like she doesn't know them at all LOL
(They also took a job from DD, one of her dad's biggest opps, to kill BF, her best friends' man and Pico's chill ex, she was not happy with that at all! But she did like Pico going to apologize to Nene... despite the outcome 😭)
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meltsyoutodeath · 4 months
Friday night funkin' x bnha crossover au where the fnf people were like born there and everything and. ok this post works better as a bullet list hang on:
(NOTE: anything I get fundamentally wrong is because I didn't actually get past, like, the training camp arc thing in bnha. I'm just going off the copious amounts of bnha crossovers I've been reading)
Bf's quirk is that he can pull anyone into a rap/singing battle that deals real physical damage if the opponent can't keep up. of course, the harder the song, the hardest it is for Bf himself to keep it up
Bf's quirk doesn't make a battle stop just because a rap battle began. you have to imagine a guy simultaneously fighting for their life and trying to hit the right notes to a song that started playing out of nowhere
Gf's main thing is that she starts looking like a demon whenever she feels something too strongly. That emotion can be happiness, anger, hate, love, whatever. BUT Gf can also enhance other people's quirks just by touching them
(more under the cut because it gets long)
Gf and Bf both go to UA! this is not because either of them want to be a hero. neither of them are interested whatsoever in all that. but Daddy Dearest insisted that Gf could ONLY go there because it's a prestigious school and he wants the best education for his daughter etc etc (it was totally not because it's hard getting in UA and DD thought Bf wouldn't be able to follow her there so they'd FINALLY break up)
Bf, of course, is THE boyfriend of all time, so he sweats his way through UA's entrance exams just to prove he'd do anything to be with Gf. and also as a fuck you to Daddy Dearest
They join the hero course because someone said Gf could never be a hero with such a villanous quirk and they took that as a challenge
moving on to OTHER characters: Pico is the quirkiest quirkless guy on earth. man was wanted for a school shooting at age 14 (yes I know canonically he was older during Pico's School but let me cook ok). he wasn't even responsible for the school shooting in question, but everybody just kinda decided he was because he was the one of the only survivors, so.
these days Pico works as a mercenary, but he's done enough to be seen as a villain. some even consider him a Big villain (because, you know. massive school shooting)
there are conspiracy sites that discuss what Pico's quirk is, btw. one day he made a burner account and said "I think he's quirkless" in one of those and he got banned from the website
Darnell's quirk lets him enhance pre-existing flames. So while he can't shoot fire out of his hands or anything, giving him a lighter is the same thing as giving him a flamethrower
Nene's quirk lets her copy any object she's holding, as long as she knows its composition. It's basically Yaoyorozu's but nerfed
That's how she gets her endless knives supply, and also how Pico never runs out of ammo. she makes, like, 20 magazines for him per fight
Darnell, Nene and Pico are a group who are mostly seen working together. they only try to kill each other sometimes
Fun fact abt them is that they have a combo attack where Darnell uses a spray can that's actually a bomb to distract enemies and then Nene launches a bucnh of knives that Pico redurects with gunshots as needed. this isn't easy or effective but they find it fun AND it looks really cool
One day Darnell is watching the news and something about some place being burnt down because of a villain comes up and he goes "something big burnt down,,, and not because of ME???" and at the same time Nene walks in all sad and goes "there's this new girl with some evil league or something who's stealing my knives brand :((("
so naturally they decide they HAVE to bring down the leauge of villains now. not because of the crimes or whatever but because they're stealing their brands
Pico joins them because why not. they become the team rocket of bnha
during the... training camp arc? is that what that's called? those 3 trail the League because a big open area sounds like a perfect opportunity to catch one of them alone and, thus, very killable
Pico ends up running into Bf and Gf locked in a battle against an unspecified villain and he looks like he's having trouble so Pico's like.... omg is that my ex?? I forgor he goes here. he's still kinda hot... who said that. I should totally help him out
so Pico gravely injures his enemy but gets so caught up in the friendly rap battle Bf pulls him into that he forgets to finish him off
and then Weekend 1 happens as normal except avoiding Nene and Darnell is a lot harder because they're, you know, roommates
anyway after that he starts hanging out with Bf again more. eventually Gf starts coming too and then I reveal this was SECRETLY GF X BF X PICO PROPAGANDA ALL ALONG
one day Midoryia sees them hanging out and near instantly clocks who Pico is so he runs away very comically (after Bf tells him he can't kill his classmates)
later on Midoryia can't help but ask wyat Pico's quirk is and promptly stops working when they tell him he doesn't have one
and that's all I have for now but you get my point right
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whataburgerlover · 8 months
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A moment - PMD Comic
This takes place in Frosty Grotto and way before Darnell gifted Treecko the special twig.
Darnell was accused of being the human who abandoned Gardevoir from the Ninetails legend, but both Darnell and Treecko knew it wasn't true, because he was never a human to begin with. With the whole square against them, they had no choice but to make a run for it. By the time they reach Frosty Grotto, things take a bit of a sharp turn, as Darnell and Treecko struggle against a group of Metangs. Due to Treecko's arrogance, she ended up taking the most damage. However, thanks to Darnell and his Mud Bomb, the battle had barely come to a stopping point, giving him the opportuinity to carry Treecko to safety. After going from floor to floor, Darnell found shelter. He then, took out the bag to see if there was anything that could help Treecko with her injuries--only one oran berry remained in the bag; Darnell was lucky enough to have just a single oran berry leftover. Just when he was about to give Treecko the oran berry, she wakes up, ready to fight once more. Darnell was shocked, considering her injuries--he wanted her to rest, but Treecko insisted they keep moving, despite what had happened.
Darnell couldn't understand why Treecko acts this way, but at the same time, it makes him happy to see her that way. Seeing Treecko have such a high spirit makes him wish he could be just as courageous.
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thefleetsfinest · 1 year
✧˖° → The McCoys
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Leonard had been a Junior (11th grade/16 years old) in high-school when he started dating Jocelyn Darnell. They lived in one of those small towns where everyone knew everyone, but he had been the shy nerd in school and she had been a popular cheerleader. It was by the average clique standards that the two of them never really crossed paths, that was until Jocelyn had decided to make her ex-boyfriend jealous by picking Leonard out at a high school party (the kind the whole school practically went to.) and dragged him into a dance.
Of course her ex boyfriend Clay Treadway didn’t like that Leonard was ‘trying to steal his girl’ and the next day at school tried to start a fight. Much to everyone’s surprise it had been a fight that Leonard managed to win, and from that moment on Leonard and Jocelyn were considered to be going steady. All that summer, and through their senior year of high school the two were inseparable.
The two of them started out great, they had enough in common and matching tempers that they seemed like a well enough mix. Leonard of course had fallen hard, and would do anything to make Jocelyn smile, he was happy and relatively carefree.
When it came time for them to choose a college, the both of them had agreed to go to the university of Mississippi together. Everything was going great, they were young and in love. Of course the couple wasn’t perfect and they would occasionally get into fights. The two both had a way with words, and knew how to cut the other deep. They always reconciled within a few days, and to this day Leonard claims that makeup sex is the best thing ever invented.
The month before Leonard graduated from Medical School, Jocelyn found out that she was pregnant. It came as a relative surprise since the two of them had always been so careful about birth control, but there had been one night where they had been particularly drunk and one thing led to another...
Once Leonard graduated from medical school, the two moved back to Georgia, moving into a relatively nice home in the suburbs of Atlanta. The two got married in a relatively small ceremony after Leonard finally proposed.
Everything seemed like it was going to be okay, despite the stress that came with Leonard’s long hours of working at a hospital. There were unfortunately no shortcuts in the medical field, and he was more than willing to work hard for what he wanted. It didn’t help that he had his father’s reputation as a DAMN GOOD DOCTOR to live up to.
Despite all that life through at them, the McCoys were still a relatively happy family. Even still the little things always had a way of adding up and eventually things had to come crumbling down. One of the biggest flaws Leonard had was his inability to manage a GOOD work/life balance. If he wasn't working long hours at the hospital, he was trying to catch up on chores around the house, or get some quality time in with Jojo, all of which left not nearly enough quality time for their relationship.
The marriage didn’t take a HARD downward spiral until Leonard’s father got terminally ill. Leonard who had always been very close with his dad, became obsessed with finding a cure. All he could think about was trying to keep his father alive long enough for him to find some cure for him. However no matter how much time he threw into research, and how close he managed to get.. He just couldn’t find that last MISSING PIECE he needed to save his father.
October 10th, 2252 David McCoy passes away and as far as anyone is concerned he had finally just succumbed to his illness. [ The truth is here, though there is a HEAVY TRIGGER for assisted s*ic*de ]
His dad's death took it’s toll on Leonard, he took up going to the bar after work a bit more and became incredibly distant from Jocelyn, and anyone other than Jojo. He was filled with so much guilt and grief that it became incredibly hard to cope.
Leonard becoming distant from Jocelyn seemed to be the breaking point for their marriage. She felt extremely neglected that her husband wouldn’t even so much as give her the time of day, or let her in on what has been troubling him. She could tell that it was more than just his father passing away, she knew he was hiding something but she could never get Leonard to talk about it, no matter how hard she tried. This led to fight after fight, and though they always did the best to wait until after Joanna went to bed, never liking to fight in front of her.
Eventually it all became too much, and Leonard had pushed her so far away, that he ended up pushing her right back into the arms of Clay Treadway. A year after his father died, Jocelyn finally had enough and filed for divorce, which came as a slap in the face to Leonard, who despite having been distant still had the (WILDLY NAIVE) hopes that they could make it work because he did love her very much. With the filing for divorce came the long drawn out custody battles over Joanna. Leonard wanted to have the right to see his daughter as much as he wanted, because that little girl still was his world and he refused to let her go. The whole thing was drawn out over a span of about a year, the two only ever seeing each other at meetings with their lawyers.. Except for once instance, that being May 9th, their anniversary and though despite everything that was happening Leonard had gotten himself relatively drunk and found himself calling her up.
The two spent one last drunken night together, reliving what use to be, just one more one last time. Though it had felt so right in the moment, the two had been together for thirteen years and in a moment of weakness shared one last night together. However when the morning came, so came the feeling of regret over what they had done. Especially since Jocelyn was technically in a relationship with Clay.
Finally in Febuary of 2255 the divorce was finalized, with primary custody of Joanna being awarded to Jocelyn. However Leonard was still given full visitation rights to his daughter. Leonard was incredibly bitter and hurt over the divorce, still unable to fully let Jocelyn go, and had decided being forced to watch Jocelyn start her new life was too much and the rash decision to join Starfleet happened.
It had been his need to get as far as he could from having to see Jocelyn be happy, his guilt over his father’s death ( A guilt that tripled when a cure was found for the illness was discovered), and the death of a young girl, a patient of his who had the dream of one day becoming a Starfleet Captain had been the final push for him to say ‘Fuck it’ and sign up for Starfleet. That was how one Leonard Horatio McCoy ended up on that shuttle in Riverside, Iowa.
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rocksibblingsau · 17 days
Reading Dire Dire Docks and the evil techno au had me questioning. What would Trollstice and World Tour go for the other tribes? And what are the reasons for the other tribes to start the "world tour"?
@dialga64bitz and I have actually discussed multiple Trollstice AUs. Namely, Rock and Funk. Classical I've mentioned here.
Dialga thinks they'd keep Classical Trolls like bees.
Rock they'd have them in almost like an ant farm. Some of the tunnels are exposed to the glass so you can watch them run around. The Bergens in this AU are a LOT scarier as they adapted to better eat Rock Trolls, so their teeth are sharper and their jaws can bite with a lot more force.
I like to think in this AU they give Bridget a 'glam rock' kind of makeover.
For Funk they aren't as futuristic. Since a lot of Funk's aesthetics are based on the 70s, to show how stunted they are, these Funk Trolls are more 50s themed (Think atompunk or raygun gothic almost for their technology). I like to think that to play into the futurism, Funk Trolls weren't eaten but rather similar to Floyd their essence was used. You know how in some depictions of what the future would have there were food pills or the like? Yeah the future is NOW with Essence of Happiness! One spritz is all it takes, but you'll be reaching for more!
I also like to think Cooper's egg still got stolen, but this time one of their parents died when trying to save him (escaped the enclosure and got caught.) Darnell doesn't go grey since he didn't see it happen but he's noticeably dimmer as he grows up once he learns about his twin. He builds his own bunker, with the vibe being a fallout shelter.
For me, the best reason for any world tour is 'unity'. Whatever tribe you want to pick believing that THEIR way of life is the best way and all the other tribes are misguided and dare I even say suffering? If a Villain!Funk AU, they see all the other tribes lack their technology. They see Country especially as the equivalent of a "Third world country", thinking that their lives are just suffering and they need the kind and intelligent Funk Trolls to help them.
Pop or Techno thinking the other tribes are all so upset and miserable. Music should make them happy! Not mad or sad!
If you really want it to be a 'World Tour but x tribe' you have to keep the fact that Barb's whole reason was to unite the trolls.
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keeloves · 2 years
Rewatching Girlfriends
I am rewatching Girlfriends with my boyfriend because he has never seen it. Honestly I am having a hard time getting through it because it's full of toxicity, mean spiritedness and black women/biracial women suffering in some way shape or form and any time they come close to catching Wins the rug gets yanked out from under them. The love interests on this show are trash in someway shape or form. Some are okay but man they were just blah. Oh and all four girls are toxic. Let's start with Lynn Lynn Ann Searcy, the woman with five degrees, the most educated out of the four Girlfriend. All those degrees and she didn't want to find a job or those degrees to good use. She instead spent eight years being a bum, living off of Joan for the most part, then she lived out of Maya's mom garage with her bum boyfriend from Jamacia then lived at the house William bought and didn't get a job until she was absoutely forced too. She was a bum and slept around becasue she viewed as freedom. All of Lynn's love interests were annoying or just seemed pompus. You had Basco the bum from Jamacia, who was happy living out of Maya's mom's garage, William who agreed to be her sex partner for a little a while which he apparently was very bad at sex because Lynn rated him a four out ten. YIKES. Then there was Sivad who was celibate for five years. Fun fact the actor who played Sivad was married to Persia White aka the actress who played Lynn. Now let's talk about the way Lynn comes close to catching wins but ends up suffering. She meets her birth mom who is white, they plan to make a documentary together. Things are going well for Lynn she finally meets her birth mom they have big plans to make a documentary together then boom her mom bails and doesn't have the funds. It turns out her mom has bipolar disorder, and her white bio grandparents are racist. She finds all this out when she tracks down where her mom is.Anyway Lynn ends up making a successful documentary on the epidemic of AIDS in the black community. She could have been really great at that and worked in the film industry. No she just up and quit that, then she had music. She struggles in that as well. She had several degrees, great at music and film and she just flopped super hard. By the time she does get successful its in season 8 and it's cancelled. Lynn also was very bad at being a bus girl too and that's not a hard job at all. Now let's move on to Maya. Maya Denise Wilks, teen mom at the age of 17, and has been with her baby daddy since then. He technically cheated on her by letting a woman named Cecily feed him strawberries. Now don't go saying that it was an innocent lunch because no innocent lunch consists of a woman who is not your wife feeding you strawberries so yes Darnell cheated first. Maya ends up cheating on Darnell but before I get into that let's talk about Maya and how she was toxic. This woman barely did her job, she was either always late, because she was getting her hair done or just gossipping. Even when she was at work she spent a majority of her time gossipping or being up in Joan and William's business or she was sharing someone else's business. Joan let her get away with this crap. Now let's talk about Maya's Stalker Stan. Now I can understand why she cheated with Stan, Darnell was struggling to make ends meet, he is super insecure, he feels emasuculated by his wife and he kept holding her back.I mean Darnel yelled at Joan for buying her a watch when it was Stan and he completely acted a fool however he didn't know it was Stan who bought the watch but still that was not the time and place to do that. It just showed me how insecure he was and I completely understand why she cheated. Now let's talk about Maya's multiple love interests, starting off with Stalker Stan. He was handsome, had a great job with money and served as great emotional support. He validated her feelings, and she felt appreiciated. I can completely understand why she cheated on Darnel with Stan. No she didn't sleep with him but she made out with him. I really wish she would have confessed, and stop seeing Stan and owned her mistake but no, he is got come and stak her, be up in her house eating her food and hanging out with her husband. On top of that she gets caught by leaving an accidental message and Darnel kicking her out. He got to get away with cheating while Maya suffered hard for it. Then she had Toni's twin brother as an option, the first version of Antwone, had a promising career, he was going to med school and he was so great. Then he comes back played by Darius McCrary, and he locks himself in Maya's bathroom and sings. She also had that hot handsome baseball player. That man spoiled her, pampered her and showed her how she should be treated. Of course he wouldn't let her into this one party. Eventually her and Darnell get back together, they move into a nice new house and he gets his dream job at a Pit Crew for NASCAR. No it's not local to their new home, it's in Florida. He is getting paid well and could we leave it at that have him be happy? Nope he hates the long distance, he hates his new job and he his miserable. They try to have another which Darnel wants but he lies and says he doesn't because it's easier for him to quit the pitcrew. He confesses and when they finally get successful at being pregnant Maya has a miscarriage and takes almost a whole bottle of pills. It's like one struggle one after another. Anitonette Marie Childs Garret aks Toni Childs" poor country girl from Fresno, who had a twin brother and two sisters. She grew up with an alcholic mother and didn't come from much. She is also childhood friends with Joan until the last epiosode of season 6. Anyways, Toni studied hard, made it out of Fresno and refused to be poor. She started her own realistate business and had a "Never Going Back to Fresno Fund". Toni is smart, beautiful, driven and knows what she wants. Just to clear somethings up, I don't thnk Toni is a gold digger, she is a woman who wants financial security but of course she has like the rest of the girlfriends to struggle. She is also very stuck up, full of herself and really acted like a victim when she was in the wrong. She had Greg her poor artist boyfriend, who she loved and who loved her but it wouldn't quite work because of his life style vs her's then there was Clay the rich doctor with assets, he was handsome rich and perfect for Toni. Oh turns out that rich doctor gave her chlamydia. She gaslit Greg into thinking he had it and he didn't. Joan accidentally spilled the beans about her cheating and then she slaps Joan and tries to seduce Shawn the sex addict. Greg gets back at her by faking having sex in her appartment. Yeesh that was harsh. Then everytime Toni had a man with money something went wrong, first she meets a beautiful rich black man he has everything she wants, assets money and a good business but he is too dark for her taste. Her reasoning is that if she had a daughter with him, she would hear "You're pretty for a dark skin girl". That makes sense but its so sad. Then we hear about the time Joan called Toni a Tar Baby when they were children. Then she dates a little bit. She meets Todd and oh lord she was not good to him but they had cute bantar. He flat out lied to her about his fiances and kept the fact Greg called a seceret before the wedding because he wanted her to himself. They have a daughter Morgan. However even her pregnancy was drama Todd didn't beleive her and she acted like Joan which was desperate and begging for a man back. She couldn't even have a nice wedding because Joan was busy picking a fight with Ellis. The custody battle was a mess and it totally started because Toni missed Morgan's first check up. Some believe Toni had post partum and I agree with that assessment. During the custody battle she does a pannel for successful black women, and she meets a new woman named Tammy. Things are going great until Tammy sets her up to be car jacked and Toni gets rightfully angry, and punches that bitch. Then Toni winds up in jail which puts her in jeapordy. This is what leads to peremanantly end the friendship between Joan and Toni if you can even call it that. Yes Joan has a lot of things against her but let's recap all the things Toni did to Joan, the very first episode Toni brought Joan's ex boyfriend as her date to Joan's birthday party, she slapped Joan in Jamacia after she accidentally spilled the beans about Toni's engagement to Clay. Was the bitch slap enough nope Joan then walks in on Toni trying to seduce Shawn the sex addict. Toni told Joan's boss her business and when Joan finally cuts her off Toni tries to manipulate Joan back into friendship. Toni was given a free pass to be a bitch and I didn't care for that at all. Yet the same grace wasn't really given to Joan. However we will get to Joan later because whew lord I have a lot to say about her. Toni does get better over the seasons especially when she becomes a mom to Morgan. However, no matter how you look at it Joan's and Toni's friendship was toxic from both ends. Now let's talk about Joan. Joan Carol Clayton also small town girl from Fresno, childhood friends with Toni Childs. Joan was a successful lawyer and at a high end law firm, was the only one who had assets, as in a house a good job. She was the "mom' friend of the group, she let her friends stay at her house, such as Lynn who stayed with her for 8 years, then she let Maya stay with her when she was kicked out after she cheated on Darnell and then again when Maya and Darnell's new house was being rentovated. She loved hosting parites, having game nights at her house. She eventually decides to quit being a lawyer and open up a resturant. I have mixed emotions about it on one hand I was sad becuase she could have made a great lawyer and it just felt they wanted to give her an out. On the other hand it's understandable because you think you're doing a job you love and maybe you realize you did the job to please someone and Joan loves to throw parties so her opening up a restruant makes sense. Joan has a lot going for her but honestly she is passive aggressive, she is jealous and I think she actually gets off on being needed and having to comfort someone. She can't stand when others are happy. First she acted like an agregious classist ass snob over Maya's taste and called it ghetto. Joan then makes it right by wearing the dress. Then when things are going great for Toni and Toni's about to get married Joan becomes a mess, she leaves in the middle of the engagment speech, she picks a fight with Ellis during Toni's engagment and wedding. She can't handle the fact that Toni is getting her dream wedding. Toni gets so damn pissed that she cuts up Joans dress. Joan couldn't even tell Toni she looked great whike she was trying on wedding dresses. Joan also has a tendency to make jabs at others when things aren't her way, like when she kept throwing shade at Maya's new house or when she kept throwing shade at her party. These antics on why she can't keep a man. First she had toe sucking Charles who didn't work out because she kept pushing the man for kids and marriage. Then a year later he is ready for those things and she got mad at him. Then there was Marcus but they didn't work becuase he had girly hips which was something Joan couldn't get past, then there was sex addict Shawn, who kept giving her ulimatum of being together or moving to New York. He then comes back and says he is engaged but turns out he was not he just didn't want to be in a relationship with Joan. During this time Joan started dating Chris but he is younger, and it makes her feel self concious. While dating him Joan accidentally too ecasty thinking it was a mint. She treats Chris like crap becasue she is still hung up on Shawn. Joan was a sheer distaster in the love area, she got with a 72 year old man which probably was her best sex, she had Derek who I thouhgnt was good for her but she had the basketball player and that other dude who was a dweeb. Yet she dumps Derek and that Dweeb for the star Basketball player. She then gets shut down by the basket ball player. She treated Derek like trash, she said she loved him when she didn't and slept with him to get her promotion. Then she acted shocked when he wanted nothing to do with her and he dragged her for filth. She cheated on Ellis with his manager. He was perfect but he didn't want kids which was a deal breaker for her. Then he comes back when she breaks up with Aarron momentarily. Now let's talk about Aarron, he is handsome he is a teacher but he lives in a small worn down apartment with one bathroom. I was so disappointed in the fact Aarron was poor. The first episode of season 8 was Joan even throwing it in his face that he doesn't make as she puts "Head of the household money" but Joan can't just can't let things go. Joan is so used to walking all over the men she dates and Aarron is the one man who refuses to let Joan walk all over him. Joan is probably equally as toxic as Toni in comparison hell season 6 she got so full of herself that she kept blowing off her friends in their time of need which given what we have seen prior seasons I can understand why. However, her missing Toni's hearing becasue she was busy getting wasted was inexusable but the things Toni has done to Joan I can understand why Joan would miss it but still ouch. The custody hearing was the thing that broke the cammel's back. Even the black women who were reccuring or one off characters have to suffer in some way. Yvonne, gorgeous cop woman, motivated driven and smart, her entire relationship with William was her suffering and losing herself. She got shot, William then pressures her to quit her job. He hulimates her with his mom and to make matters worse he hires Mrs. Dabney (Don't know the actresses name) to be his pretend mom. They wanted us to believe that light bright mixed looking woman gave birth to that full on black man? Yvonne was right to leave William's ass at the alter. Then there was Monica, starts off a snobby rich woman, her mom is a total bitch, cuts her off financially and her dad has late stages of dementia. Alicia and Ray the black couple that Maya and Darnel meet at Chile's and Maya suspects Alicia is being abused. People don't believe her until they hear for themselves. Turns out Alicia was being abused by her husband Ray. Now let's talk about William. Prior to Alisha, and Monica there was Kimberly Elise's character who was Joan's college friend. She screwed around with Joan's boyfriends and contracted AIDS she showed up for two episodes and was in Lynn's documentary and then she died from the complication from AIDs shortly after. William is considered the fifth girlfriend of the group and a fan favorite of many. He is a succesful lawyer at a high end law firm, has great assets and has the set up to be a good husband. However, his humor is dated, and he has "Nice Guy Syndrome" he thinks he is entitled to sex just because he has been nice to the girls which is why he had no problem having sex with Lynn. He treated Yvonne like trash, he wouldn't introduce her to his mother, he refused to set a date for the wedding,he didn't consult her about buying the house, yes she wanted it but I know women personally who didn't like a house their husband bought prior to them being engaged just simply because they didn't have a say in the house. He forced her to quit her job. When he does introduce her to his mom that woman is an actress he hired to play his mom. WTF. He treated Monica like crap too now granted it Monica was a bit manipulative but he broke her heart twice and did anything to win her back and he still treated her like trash. I mean his speech at his and Monica's wedding I probably would have left his ass too. William is an okay character to me but my boyfriend hates him. I didn't like Darnell but I did after him and Maya got back together. Overall that is my think piece on Girlfriends and I think a few changes could be made or maybe a reboot that is simular but take out the awful humor or more so dated humor.
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samanthaandlife · 6 months
Life with Aiden: As I have mentioned below, I was in bliss and I think he was too! Unfortunately for me, I couldn’t see the brainwashing, gaslighting, manipulation taking place. Yes, we had a beautiful time the Christmas we spent in Paris and yes, he took me to London for an early birthday present. And I surly was a willing participant I just wished I had known he didn’t want my heart he demanded obedience. For all of my more recent criticisms towards submission of women to men, I had never felt more feminine than I had being a kept woman. I didn’t once mind doing things that made him happy, no matter how degrading some of the acts were. I kinda liked it, submitting to him and letting him make the decisions for the two of us. I trusted him so much, I give him ownership over myself and almost legally, but I didn’t fully trust him by that point. It was Sally that finally pointed out how isolated he was keeping me. We weren’t welcome as a couple to the group but Aiden was always welcome without me! That second year, while I was doing my student teaching and all of my focus and energy was devoted to that, he returned to the group as a regular! He never allowed me to out with my colleagues for drinks after work, even when we finished, but he was out all night, sometimes, fucking other women!!! I wanted to believe his lies but Sally got my head back on and we formed a plan, like she had!
Graduation was near and all the talk was what’s next? Aiden had been given a position within his father’s business. All he had had to do was graduate and he was destined to become very wealthy! All I had to do was to marry him, sign a prenup and sign a document of submission and I too would be wealthy by proxy. The position was in Cairo Egypt so naturally I was also going to have to wear a Hijab publicly. If this had happened a year earlier, this girl would be journaling from under the pyramids! I feel so lucky to have escaped, and reasonably in tact! I decided the easiest thing to do was to follow Sally’s advice and get caught sleeping with Darnell, or someone else of my choosing. Darnell was a good choice because I really didn’t like him, he was attractive but we just never got along. He was respectful but rarely spoke to me. I would catch him looking at me was want in his eyes, I knew all I had to do was spread my legs and he would forget all about his friendship. Darnell is a pig, he is a player, so convincing him to sleep with me was easy.
Once student teaching was over, I not only had I got my time back but I could also be in the apartment in the middle of the morning. Aiden comes home at 10, following his workout and goes immediately into the bathroom. Once he’s finished with his shower he goes downstairs for something to eat. Darnell typically leaves his door partially open, if not open, most of the time. He likes being caught in the act, far too many times to remember seeing him fucking someone on his bed. Entering or leaving Aiden’s bedroom you have to walk past Darnell’s room so all I had to do was wait. I was in the kitchen when Aiden came home, I waited until I heard the water before going upstairs. I had on nothing but a sheer robe when I entered his bedroom, he was playing a video game with his headphones on, so he never heard or saw me. Leaving the door fully open, I crawled along the floor until I got next to him. He was wearing nothing but shorts so when I reached for him the shock and surprise was fun to watch but when I grabbed his cock and started to play with it his face filled with a new expression of lust and desire. He sat up and helped me pull down his shorts before sitting back down and allowing me to take him in my mouth. I have tried to put the rest of what happened out of my mind, so I don’t need to relive it now, but my plan worked! Aiden caught him deep into me when the yelling and fighting started. I hadn’t anticipated that an actual fight would happen but it did! I was so scared, tying to get out of the room without getting hit myself. I remember screaming and crying while sitting naked on the floor out in the hallway begging them to stop. Darnell’s room was trashed when Aiden came out of the room, bloody nose and his eyes both looked swollen, he spit blood out at me and called me a whore and he never wanted to see me again! When I heard the front door close and his car start, I check on Darnell. He had a big puffy lower lip, some bruising on his chest but otherwise not bleeding.
I apologized to Darnell for involving him in my plan and not asking or telling him first. Such a guy, he found it to be a great story and he got to have sex, so he was all good! Men!! Pigs!!
Okay, I got through it!! Now, let the healing begin!
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
The same anons can't stand Darnell being around Z and always claim he doesn't have his own life. But them here they come using him as some Z GPS locator because they want Z away from Tom. Hence, they scream breakup every 3-5 days. They hate that those two are happy and thriving. That's why every time we get pap pictures, they scream that they look unhappy. Truth is, they hate Z or Tom and want the other away from the other. Sad life they live
SUPER sad life indeed... 😔
You just have to have pity on fans like that and keep it moving.
And Tom and Zendaya "unhappy" where exactly??? 🥴 Those two are one of the HAPPIEST looking couples in Hollywood that I've seen actually rofl 🤣 😆 They actually look like they ENJOY being together with each other. You can't say that about every couple out here lol 😆
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