#darnarian branwen-ebi
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Another two-fer! Alutori and Darnarian are half-siblings (via Qrow) with Alutori being an Ironqrow child and Darnarian being a Fair Game child.
Their inboxes are OPEN for questions!
(Bios are under the cut:)
Alutori Ironwood (Ironwood formally, Branwen informally, Ebi on mission) (Based on King Arthur Pendragon)
Name Inspiration: ‘Alu’ from aluminium, ‘tori’ means bird in Japanese
Nickname(s): ‘Alu’ and ‘Tori’ by anyone, ‘Feathers’ by Qrow
Iolite-isms: Bird Sword, Metalbrain, Tinman, Whiplash
Languages: Atlesian, Valean, Mantlan, South Mistrali
Gender: Female
Species: Human (with a cybernetic shoulder and part-of-abdomen)
Aura Colour: Red
Schools and Team: Signal Academy (combat school), Beacon Academy (Academy)/Past Member of Team TCVA (Thistle)
Bestie Better Than The Restie: None
Homeplace: Atlas
Orientation: Graysexual Biromantic
Semblance: Trigger, a semblance that allows Alutori to produce iron or steel-like feathers from her arms and legs. These feathers can be used as projectiles or as blades. By regrowing too many feathers at once or reproducing them too rapidly, she runs the risk of severely injuring her arms, which she sometimes has issues controlling so she has a first aid kit of her person at all times. She also has control over the density of the feathers, able to bend without breaking them and mould them in order to form scythes, swords, etc. Overly large feathers are trouble though, as the largest she can produce is around a metre long give or take a centimetre. 
Weapon: Her Semblance.
Voiced by: Barbara Dunkelman
Growing up as the child of two Huntsmen and teachers, Alutori spent most of her young childhood in Beacon, Atlas, or generally around the Atlesian military. Everything was a toy in her eyes or a playground to run around with Bardleby and she made friends with soldiers and students alike. Mimicking the Ace Ops while they trained, she’d memorise different techniques to the best of her abilities, especially Clover.
Her cybernetic parts came from a mission in her second year at Beacon. After running away from her team in a mindless pursuit of a pack of Beowolves, the two Alphas and five smaller Grimm got the better of her and broke her Aura much easier than she thought them to be able to. She blacked out, and when she woke up, Winverna was asleep at her beside in a hospital while her fathers were being briefed on her condition and new attachments. Sure enough, she’d lost her right shoulder and the most part of the right of her torso. She’s never been too bothered by the robotics though. 
She has known Winvera since they were young and met via one of James’ briefing with Winter and Endor. They trained together, played together, were practically each other’s first friends. Everything about the lovely Schnee princess made Alutori fall head over heels for her.
Since the incident with the Beowolves, Alutori has a well-hidden yet passionate hatred for hunting them and refuses to allow any human recruits to go after them.
Alutori is already a Lieutenant General in the Atlas military. Being the daughter of the General meant she technically already had the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, but she worked the rest of her way up. She very much hopes to be General and Atlas Headmaster at some point.
Being fourteen years older than Jade and sixteen years older than Darnarian, Alutori was basically a fourth parent rather than a sister.
She considers the Ace Naxas her little siblings (spare Jade who is her sister).
She likes to think that she played a significant part in helping Clover and Jade join her family and get together with her dads. Since she was already very close to Clover with a friendship that no-one really understood, she had very little trouble accustoming to having him and Jade in her home all the time and calling him “Dad” too.
Alutori loves her wife more than life itself and keeps living for her.
Darnarian Branwen-Ebi (Ironwood formally but rarely, Branwen in public and informally, Ebi in public and on missions) (Based on Feirefiz of the Round Table)
Name Inspiration: ‘Darn arian’ means coin in Welsh
Nickname(s): ‘Ari’ by anyone, ‘Dare’ by Alutori and Veloheria, ‘Rye’ by Clover
Iolite-isms: Second Bird, Liar Liar, Pure Psychopathy, Crow, Chicklet
Languages: Atlesian, Valean, Mantlan
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Aura Colour: Black
Schools and Team: Eiskappe Academy (combat school), Atlas Academy (Academy)/Future Member of Team PRDT (Peridot)
Bestie Better Than The Restie: None
Homeplace: Atlas
Orientation: Homosexual Homoromantic
Semblance: Watch Your Tongue, a constantly active Semblance that alternates Darnarian’s opponent’s luck in accordance with how much they lie in his presence. This gives Darnarian himself an edge in battle so long as he himself doesn’t lie. However, if he does lie himself, he’ll get a stomach ache and migranes until he refutes the lie and tells the truth; as such, he’s a very honest person, perhaps too much.
Weapon: None yet.
Voiced by: Yuri Lowenthal
Darnarian’s earliest memory is his older sister Alutori teaching him how to curse, which ended up exactly how she wanted in the long run. He’s a prolific swearer and doesn’t go a sentence without a curse.
Semblance developing at age six, he very quickly learned that for anyone around him, lying would be a literal bad omen and thus he uses this as a blackmailing system.
He is petrified of the dark. 
If he left his hair to grow out a bit more, his hair would fluff out a lot more, like a bird’s. It is exactly this reason that he keeps it reasonably short and tufted like his dad’s.
Clover is where Ari got his humour. He laughs quite a lot and would rather have people take compliments rather than deflect them, but that is limited to other people solely. He is insanely cynical when it comes to himself and takes jabs at his expense almost to the extent that Jade does.
Ari is a major sword and balde enthusiast. He has stolen Harbinger from Qrow multiple times just to practice or admire it, and Alutori has trained him personally in bladed combat. It was somewhat regrettable when he accidentally stabbed her in the back when he was 9.
He’s extrodinarily friendly and is friends with a lot of kids over in Mantle.
Due to the lie detector aspect of his Semblance, his eyes change from teal to red if someone lies around him. While with this change, he is likened to be a minature clone of Qrow.
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He’s not much of a singer, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like his music.
Ari makes playlists for his friends and family, often with songs they like or he thinks they would like, but ‘Beat by Ari’ is his own personal album made with the help of Carolina Robin, Kade Chrysolite, and Neon.
Ask box is OPEN for questions to the admins, RWBabies, and RMEN crew!
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Welcome to the stage the next pair! Sorrel and Jade are romantic partners as well as teammates in the Ace Naxa program.
Their inboxes are OPEN for questions!
(Bios under the cut:)
Jade Ebi (Ironwood formally, Branwen informally, Ebi in public or on missions) (Based on Lancelot of the Round Table)
Name Inspiration: Jade trees or Jade Green
Nickname(s): ‘Jay’ by family, ‘Lucky’ and ‘Unlucky’ by the Ace Naxas and Ace Ops
Iolite-isms: Flux, Captain Atlas, Striker, Batter
Languages: Atlesian, Mantlan, Valean
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Aura Colour: Bright Green
Schools and Team: Eiskappe Academy (combat school), Atlas Academy (Academy)/Leader of the Ace Naxas, Future Leader of Team TSSV (Jasper)
Bestie Better Than The Restie: None
Homeplace: Atlas
Orientation: Heterosexual Heteromantic
Semblance: Lucky Charms, a Semblance that is constantly active in coordinance with the status of Jade’s Aura levels and fluxates her luck constantly. She is unable to control this at all, so she has to consistently transition her fighting style in accordance to the luck her Semblance grants her, that being a sliding scale between good luck like her Dad or bad luck like her other Dad even though it tends to lean towards the latter in her everyday life. 
Weapon: Strike Out, a baseball bat constructed from elm bark, elm wood, and hardened copper for a ring shell. It can extend out from the copper ring shell in order to hit harder or reach further, and the shell also doubles as a compartment to store chunks of Dust crystals in missions. 
Voiced by: Jill Harris
Jade, right off the bat, has always had trouble controlling and regulating her Semblance’s fluxuations since she was born with it. Anything bad, regardless of whether it was her fault or not, can and will be blamed on herself while anything fortunate resultant of her Semblance will be brushed off or ignored. Self-deprication and self-hatred are commonplace in her words and mannerisms.
Sorrel is her safe zone. With him, the fluxuations seem to stop.
She lives with her three fathers (Clover, Qrow, and James) and little brother Darnarian with her older sister Alutori living with her wife. For the first four years of her life, Clover and Elm raised her as a married couple, but they divorced on mutual terms, and Clover and Jade joined the Branwen-Ironwood family. Jade still doesn’t completely understand the whole procress or history, but so long as her father is happy and she sees her mother, everything is fine in her mind.
Her favoruite food would have to be a winter crunch salad. She is not big on sweets.
If she draws -- which she rarely does since joining the Ace Naxa program -- she uses charcoal sticks. According to her, they give the work a “clouded and crowded sense that can only be captured with the dust of darkness”. Darnarian calls her an edgelord for this.
Jade and Carolina Robin do not get along in the slighest. They run into each other at least every week with one of Carolina Robin’s hare-brained schemes that Jade has to clean up.
There’s no greater pleasure she takes than in caring for the lucky charm badge Clover gave her when she was 12.
Sorrel Chamaero
Name Inspiration: Sorrel is a green plant
Nickname(s): ‘Sorr’ by the Ace Naxas and Ace Ops
Iolite-isms: Sail Away, Fly Trap, Hawkeye, Haystack
Languages: Valean, Atlesian, Mantlan
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Aura Colour: Dark Green
Schools and Team: Eiskappe Academy (combat school), Atlas Academy (Academy)/Member of the Ace Naxas, Future Member of Team JSSV (Jasper)
Bestie Better Than The Restie: Veloheria Amin-Bree
Homeplace: Eastern Solitas, now Atlas
Orientation: Heterosexual Heteromantic
Semblance:  Carnivore, a Semblance that allows Sorrel to produce carnivorous plants that can surge and be controlled from his hand and foot movements. These plants cannot be detached from the source of where they are being produced – ie anywhere on his body – unless Sorrel detaches them himself, wherein he can still control them accordingly, but if not they will wither and collapse into dust within seconds. 
Weapon: He’s his own weapon.
Voiced by: Ian Sinclair
He used to live in a small rural area in the East of Solitas, where more afforable technology and varied Dust applications allowed people to create a few settlements to explore the areas. Sorrel is -- or was -- the son of two of those explorers, Lucius Chamaero and Ivy (nee Zeki) Chamaero. Unfortunately for the settlement the Chamaero family called home, they wouldn’t stay safe for long. When Sorrel was 9, a large pack of Solitas Beowolves ravaged the area and all the panic attracted Goliaths, with the two breeds of Grimm together thoroughly destroyed the infrastructure and murdered the populace. Sorrel was the only survivor.
Since being recovered by Elm and Vine two days after the incident, he has resided with his uncle Vine in Atlas. He is acutely aware of his uncle’s struggle to raise him even without Sorrel’s trauma and understandable angst, but finds that any attempts to elevate the pressure would only make things worse for those around him.
Jade is a safe zone. She makes him feels safe and will gladly hold him or listen to him if he needs it.
Sorrel has been told many times by Kade Chrysolite that he should consider rapping sometime. According to the raver, Sorrel has “that rockin’ voice that grabs people by the throat and makes them listen”.
He finds Veloheria tolerable and thus very much worthy of his friendship. Even at the times that she can be annoying, he tolerates it to the most extreme extent with the patience of his mother and uncle.
Favourite foods are something mundane he doesn’t care about. If eating, he’ll eat whatever Jade has. He trusts her with his life and knows she would never harm him.
The two most prominent features of Sorrel are his large scar extending from his neck to cover almost the right half of his face and the winding vines around his body. The vines are a result of his Semblance manifesting to protect him in the Grimm incident in his old home, though he has found no way of making them leave for more than a moment. The scar is from a mission from the second year of the Ace Naxa program being in full swing; Jade had lost her lucky charm badge and had resorted to panic, which only made the bad luck fluxuation worse. Sorrel managed to reach her and hold her until she calmed down enough for everyone else to get out, but a falling building had other plans for his face. When he woke up, Jade was at his bedside furiously apologising and blaming herself for how damaged the accident made him until he told her to stop and never blame herself for what he chose to do.
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