#darmas polleran
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burnouts3s3 · 1 month ago
#SWTOR: In Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO, Female Smugglers can have numerous romances with Planetary NPCs. When a romanced Corso Riggs is present, he will often disagree with these decisions but will mainly just walk offscreen and allow the female Smuggler to finish business
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darknessfactor · 6 years ago
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Seriously though, I’m having way too much fun with this class story - why have I never played through it before?
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thecipherlegacy · 4 years ago
Lecebi backstory Lecebi backstory Lecebi backstory Lec
Some spoilers about from the Smuggler storyline below!
Here we go!
So Lecebi is from the small Twi'lek refugee village on the Jedi training planet, Tython. The Jedi actively avoid the village and refuse to help them regardless of the problems they suffer because they aren't there legally. Because of their refusal to aid the village, Lecebi and her family suffered an attack from the local violent race called flesh raiders. She lost her family that day and survived with a scar. This started a deep ingrained hatred for the Jedi and the entire Republic.
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Lecebi stowed away on a ship and left her home in hopes to find a new life among the stars and to be as far away from Tython and Republic space as possible.
After leaving, she found her true calling as a con-artist and a smuggler. She stole her first ship and used it to sell illegal or counterfeit goods to Republic buyers. She got in trouble often, but was always able to talk or shoot her way out of it.
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This is where she met Darman Polleran. A man equally as shifty as her who works for the Imperial intelligence. They became a team rather quickly and wound up having a fling that blossomed a real romantic relationship over time.
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This is where it starts to fall in line with the smuggler storyline. He gets word of a plan he has to set in motion. The ultimate con against the Republic. Lecebi joins in on this without hesitation and fakes being a good Republic spacer to get into a program that would help her get into and out of secured Republic bases, where she could get resources and plans to sell to the Imperials. This works for a while before Darmas gets caught alongside the corrupt Republic senator he had bribed. Lecebi managed to get away with her part in it, only to see her lover hauled off to a high security prison cell before his trial.
Our smuggler gets herself on board that station by sweet talking and stowing away on different ships with a plot to break Darmas out.
This is just the spark notes of her story but I thought about this all while playing as her and I love her already 💛
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thegingerwithcurlyfries · 8 years ago
🐶🎭 or 👊 for the muse thing?
Holy balls. I wasn't a actually expecting anyone to ask me anything in response to that. So congratulations you made my week, I love you. Also got excited and answer all three even though you said 'or' so sorry 😬.🐶 - A Pet🎭 - A Former Friend👊 - A Best Friend🐶 - Sara Ryder's first pet was a dog. It was a golden retriever that Alec and Emma adopted less than a year after the twins were born. For some reason the dog preferred Sara over Scott, perhaps due to her calmer nature as a child, but out of each member of he family it was definitely her dog. The dog passed away long before Andromeda even became an option. It lived thirteen long and happy years, mostly by Sara's side. 🎭 - Now making friends wasn't always easy for Ophie Konno - maybe it was her stand offish nature or the fact that she could take apart and put back together a hunting rifle before her tenth birthday - but for some reason she could never really shake Dana. Dana didn't have a last name she just rolled into New Reno at the age of fourteen with one of the caravans, her tightly coiled hair bouncing as she skipped next to and talked the ears off one of the mercs. Whilst trade deals were negotiated Dana sat down next to a thirteen year old Ophie Konno and continued charting. The caravan had picked her up in some nameless town with a bunch of nameless people. Dana said she was and orphan - not that it was really uncommon in the wasteland. She wore her hair pulled back in a pony tail so coiled it was almost a bun. If Ophie had trouble making friends then Dana was her complete opposite. A person didn't have a say in whether you were Dana's friend or not, that was Dana's decision. If she chose you she would not leave you. And for some reason she chose the scrawny thirteen year old with oiled covered fingers fiddling with a shotgun in the trading hub. Dana died not long after Ophie's seventeenth birthday - Dana didn't actually know her own so even her age was a guess by the nameless townies from the nameless town. She was shot by one of the gangs in New Reno, with a weapon Ophie had repaired that week. Dana's death is the reason she's a 'former friend' because you can bet that if she was alive she'd be running New Vegas with Ophie.👊 - Waz'iasha has a couple close friends (Risha and Bowie to name but two) but her closest is a fellow Twi'lek that gets called El. She and El met on the first ship that Wazi ever served on - the one that got her sixteen year old ass off Nar Shadda. But when the captain retired a few years later neither one wanted to wait for the rest of the crew. So they may have stolen a freighter from a Rishi shipyard - because of stolen s ships are good enough for Mandos they're good enough for two Twi'leks who are far too young and far too drunk to have thought this through. Wazi likes to think of El as her platonic soulmate - platonic because she doesn't have the parts he wants and she just doesn't have time for romance. They are very similar in their outlooks on life. That outlook being "Who has time be serious when there are people that look like talking fish". However El knows when that attitude isn't appropriate - Wazi doesn't, she's working on it. El is also one of very few people who can reel Wazi back in when she is about to make a dumb decision. For example perhaps if El had been there she wouldn't have taken everything Darmas Polleran said at face value.Though El left her crew before the events of the smuggler storyline on swtor began the two are in regular contact throughout because him starting a family and her somehow becoming a hero of the republic can't break their friendship. (i am so cheesy) (deal with it)((I feel like those answers sucked or were not what i supposed to do so sorry))
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darknessfactor · 6 years ago
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I mean, I don’t love ALL these characters... but they’re the best cast of a class story I’ve seen in a while.
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darknessfactor · 6 years ago
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That’s the last of the more general ones - screenshots featuring NPCs will be next (not companions, just Smuggler NPCs).
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