@darkwinged-keyblader liked for a starter
Enya’s feet led her to the weald that was once her sanctuary as she walked down the path that was lit by faints shafts passing through the winding branches. She looked up with remorse to the gnarled oaks that rose high like cathedral colums, their barks pristine, preserved from the destruction she wrought in Haunze when she had been a Nobody. Only now was she able to sense the faint traces of protection magic of past keyblade wielders in its fullest. Greys like her...But she was undeservering to be called one of them. Her heart was weighed down by the atrocities committed during the Red Night and the Black Dawn that surely ashamed the ancient Haunzian keybearers. Her expression became pained with disgrace, self-imposed exile was the best for Haunze, but Enya believed her punishment for her blood-soaked penalties deserved to be far more severe. Leaves crunched under Valio’s feet as he stepped towards her.
“It's not your fault,” Valio spoke. “A part of you did this, and a part of you wanted this, but the only reason any of this happened was because of Xigbar. I know you would never do something like this.”
Enya turned to look into his blue-green eyes, "but I still did it, Valio," she said softly, regret heavy in her voice. "When I was Iryna I felt... nothing but logic. Like I was a living machine. To Iryna Haunze needed to be restarted," a shudder runs down her shoulders. “To her the people weren't... humans.”
Valio's stomach was cold at her words. “But the only reason she came to be was because of Xigbar! She's a part of you, but that doesn't mean that you're responsible for what brought her out!”
“But her actions are my own, that won’t ever change,” she swallowed, and her throat was so dry and constricted it was painful. Enya bowed her head, wind stirring gently the short strands of her dark hair, but its faint chill could not soothe the wound in her heart and soul. She had killed people. She had not meant to, and would give most anything to undo it, but it was done, and it was irrevocable. Decimated a city to reset its system, wrought destruction based on hypocritical justification. It was unforgivable. And she didn’t want to be forgiven.
Valio sighed, together they walked through the growing dusk, some feathers were strewn across the floor of the forest. The further they walked on, the more they saw more black feathers scattered around. Valio frowned and picked one up by its quill. “Wow, must have gotten into a really rough fight,” he angled it. “Think it's from an eagle?”
Enya shook her head, the only largest birds of prey she had often spotted were buzzards, and this primary wing feather was much larger than average so it couldn't belong to a raven either. A sudden long, low bay rent the air all around, Enya's breath caught, her skin horripilated, the Wraiths were on the hunt. She rushed forward, Valio picked up the pace and followed on her heels, they followed the spoor of black feathers.
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@darkwinged-keyblader​ (Xia starter for you!)
Laying on a giant black rose in the middle of a garden with just as big other colors roses was a woman with long pink hair wearing a shimmering black dress. Her plants wiggled a little, signaling someone was approaching.
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She flipped to her side and peered out between petals. “Well well, what do we have here? A keyblade wielder? What brings you to my garden?”
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a-adventurer · 4 years
(darkwinged-keyblader) There were reports from the leader about a girl attacking a world. A girl with black wings. Investigate with a member?
Scarlett who's nobody name was Lycersax, teleported to the world in question with Axel and also Demyx who was confused why the higher ups weren't dealing with this. Scarlett looked around. "Where could she be?" she asked.
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thegeasswriter · 4 years
You say in your bio that this is your main blog. What others do you run?
Hoo boy. I got lots of rp blogs. Some I pay more attention to, some I hadn't used in a while.
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@mayorgamer (not really a rp blog, but where I used to post Animal Crossing stuff)
Yes, I got a lot of blogs. Seriously. Check them out sometime. 😅👍🏻👌🏻
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