#darkwants: billie ft ezra 13
fcundaticnsofdecay · 1 year
status: closed
pairing: billie & ezra
with: @darkwants
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at first she thought she had heard the doctor wrong.
she had asked him to repeat himself at least three times. even leaving the clinic the words had echoed in her head. she was actually pregnant and she had thought it was impossible. she had never told ezra that even with the breeding fantasy that she had. yet she knew that her cycle had never been regular and stress was likely the biggest factor. yet she knew that since the move and ezra finally being there with her all the time, things had settled. her body no longer seemed to be completely out of wack. however for the past few days she had felt sick but she had told ezra is probably a stomach thing. he had been the one to tell her she might want to get checked out if it didn't go away on it's own.
she found herself sitting in her car in the parking lot of the walk in clinic. the papers showing the results were in her lap. she had yet to even put the key in the ignition. one of her hands was resting on the wheel and the other on her flat stomach. her phone was in the cup holder and she could see the text from ezra. he was probably checking in with her to see if he had gone to the walk in or if she was feeling better. she groaned before she was going to move only to set the paper in the passenger seat. even though she had been given a blood test she still was struggling to wrap her mind around it. that was why when she finally did start the car up she was heading to the nearest pharmacy. after buying herself a bottle of water and a test, she went to the bathroom to take it.
by that point she had more then a few messages from ezra and a missed call. she knew that she was likely worrying him and he didn't need to be leaving the garage. he was still getting his new business off the ground. that was why she forced herself to head there next instead of home. the results from the doctor and the at home test were shoved into her purse before she made her way inside. she walked through the reception area, ignoring the younger looking guy behind the desk. instead she made her way through since she knew if she didn't tell ezra she felt like she was going to explode.
she could see ezra was talking with one of his employees. billie forced herself to take a deep breath before she was walking over only to tug on the sleeve of his shirt," um, can we talk? in your office?"
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