Sonic AU Stuff 4, because yes, there's still more
Amy and her parents live in Station Square, though both Secea and Murve are less than happy with their daughter's habits of chasing a boy and getting into trouble. Her uncle Bramble thinks she's got a better head on her shoulders than her parents over these actions
Cream has 9 sisters(Waffle, Margarine, Frittata, Muffin, Éclair, Scone, and Biscuit, who are all older. Coffee, who's Cream's older twin, and Pancake), though they all live with her dad, whom Vanilla divorced(because Cone specifically singled out Cream and neglected/physically abused her).
After the Metal Virus is cured, Team Chaotix heads off quickly to visit Vector's folks. Vector worries his parents are going to tell him off for sometimes hiding the bills from the IRS with help from Rouge
After the events of Chaotix, Mighty and Ray ended up making a team with up-and-coming fashion designer, Honey. After Neo Metal is stopped and Sonic mentions team names to his old friends, due to coloration, the armadillo, flying squirrel, and cat decide to name themselves "Team Amber"
Super Sonic's quills are a mix of the "standing straight up" and Shadow's. The top three float, the bottom three bend upwards
After the two Storybook games, both Super states(positive and negative) are affected. "Regular" Super Sonic gains the pointed shoes and red forehead gem/possible bindi(like Blaze) of Excalibur Sonic, whereas Dark Super Sonic(which doesn't happen until after Darkspine happens) gains a small lick of fire on the chest(signalling how close the Flame of Judgement was to burning out) and gaining a ring pattern on the upper middle quill and lower side quills. Top has purple, left has red, and right has green, all glowing to contrast again the dark blue, near midnight color the rest of his fur turns
Since she's originally from the Chaos Dimension, Blaze has a Super State outside of Burning Blaze. In reverse, the Sol Emeralds(or how they're going to be called in this AU, the Elemental Citrines) would not work for Sonic
During the Black Arm invasion, Shadow ended up giving some of his blood to Rouge, Amy, Cream, and Big, which gives them minor immunity to the neurotoxin on the Black Comet
Due to being a hive mind of sorts, Black Arms don't have blood types, hence why their blood is much more acidic than Earth blood. Shadow's original donor on the other hand had A- blood. Due to these two factors, Shadow essentially has O- blood
Solaris was killed by Sonic, Shadow, and Silver, rather than Elise. They also when back 25 years rather than just 10. With Solaris' candelabra, Shadow blew out the left arm, Silver the right, and Sonic the final, full Flame. Silver wished them good well before all 3 return to their times
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