#darkstache fanfic
Darkstache and Bactor Double Date - Requested by @justnyat
Wilford and Dark had been dating for quite a while, they were actually happily married with four kids now. They hadn't had a date in years. So, Wilford thought of a great idea, a double date. But with who? Benjamin and Actor, even though they weren't dating. But, hopefully this double date would get their relationship closer. So they headed out to the bar that they were going to meet Actor and Benjamin at, their four kids were being babysat by Dark’s mother.
They finally arrived and sat at the table next to Actor and Benjamin, the two not noticing them yet.
“Did you buy a new suit just for this master?” Benjamin asked, smiling. Actor showed off his new crimson suit. “Of course, my dear, you deserve the best for this outing! Well, so do I, but I thought of being generous.” Actor stated. Benjamin let out a little chuckle until he noticed Wilford and Dark watching them. “Ahem, yes, yes. You would want to impress others wouldn't you?” Ben did not like when the two caught him and Actor flirting.
“Already started getting horny without us eh?” Wilford smirked. Benjamin blushed. “SIR WARFSTACHE, THAT'S NOT WHAT THIS IS-!” Wilford chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Wilford, leave the poor butler alone. Actor is nothing but bad news anyway.” Dark looked at Actor with a glare of hatred, as usual. “Alright, my dear lamb~” Wilford teased. “Shut up.” Dark said as he sat down at the table.
The night went on with the four drinking and talking to their partners. And, of course, Actor and Wilford were the drunkest by the end of the night.
I hope I delivered well >:3
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Egotober Day 17: Flower
Ever since Damien could remember he’d had powers, they were just more subtle than his sisters. A silver tongue, a charm that helped people let their guard down around him. A way of understanding lies that came on instinct rather than experience, the ability to pick apart words and find every little hidden message and emotion. He had gotten his position as Mayor honestly, but well…if no one knew about it then it wasn’t cheating was it? He was just using what was at his disposal like everyone else.
But after William had returned from the war…he’d found out that this came with a price. He had felt this aching burn in his chest, this longing and desire so strong it almost took his breath away. Like it had been there and festered until it burst. He coughed and gagged, retched into the sink. Petals crawled up his throat instead of bile….Sweet Williams, Red Carnation, Pink Camellia, Thyme and Gladiolus plopped into the sink.
Gallantry. My heart aches for you. Longing for you. Courage, Strength. The Flower of the Gladiators, Integrity, Strength, Victory.
Damien just stared at the bundle of flowers for a moment as he got his breath back, half in shock and half fearful numbness that swirled in his head. He knew what this meant, he’d heard of Hanahaki from when he borrowed Celine’s books. It was very, very rare because magic itself was rare in humans, but it did happen. He knew that it should’ve been only petals in the initial stage….unless he’d so repressed his feelings as a teenager it had been impossible for them to come out?
He buried his head in his hands, now that it had happened he felt the way the vines curled in his chest, the scent of the flowers beautiful but almost cloying in how intense it was in his lungs. The squeeze around his heart that made every beat just that bit harder. He couldn’t tell him, he couldn’t…for one it would be too dangerous for them both if anyone found out and more importantly….he saw how William and Celine looked at each other. He wouldn’t break their happiness…Damien could deal with it. It wouldn’t be that bad…..
Dark’s head swam with the memory as he tried to push it back. He was hunched over the sink, panting hard as he looked down at the large bouquet that had fallen from his lips. There was a mix of pained longing, guilt and regret that rolled in his stomach. Damien’s flowers were still there, but there had been new ones added to the mixture after Dark’s creation.
From Celine, there was Witch Hazel, Red Orchid, White Acacia, Striped Carnation and Purple Hyacinth.
A Magic Spell. Fire, Romance, Desire, Passion. Secret Love. Wish I Could Be With You. Please Forgive Me, Sorrow.
Celine had indeed loved William, even if she might not have told him directly. She had used a spell, a subtle one in her perfume that night she’d decided to try to get her heart to stop hurting over Mark. It hadn’t been such a twisted thing as a love potion ti take his mind, it had merely dropped his inhibitions a little to let him act on his desires. It had meant that their relationship had been very much focused on desire and passion and romance. A relationship that caught quick and burned them both in the flames but that they didn’t care….until it had been too late. She had wished for the ability to be with him but she hadn’t had the chance and she felt horrible for all that she’d done to him.
From Dark himself there was Astragalus, Forget Me Not, Purple Hydrangea, Clematis and Red Rose.
Your Presence Softens My Pain. Don’t Forget Me. I Want To Understand You. Mental Beauty. I Love You.
Dark did love William-Wilford as his own person. As much as he felt guilt for how he’d caused his mental fracturing, the fact that he had looked for Dark after a point. That he’d been willing to come with him despite being effective strangers to each other, how they’d had to learn each other all over again…it had just happened. And the shadow hadn’t been able to stop it. Will had this warmth to his presence that never failed to make Dark feel better. Even on the worst pain days where he just wanted ti curl in bed and pass out, when Will eventually found him, he always helped the pain.
He wanted to understand Will, to know how his beautiful mind worked so he could appreciate the world the same way. He wanted to be something someone Will would remember, even during the worst of it. During the days when his mind wasn’t kind to him and he felt lost and confused, when he needed someone more than ever…Dark wanted to be there as a comfort.
Dark rubbed his throat as he finally got his air back and grimaced at the ache there. He picked up the bouquet to throw it away when the worst thing happened.
There was a poof of cotton candy pink, the sweet scent of sugar instead of flowers. And Wilford was right there, in front of him. Dark felt like his heart, constricted by vines as it was, skip a beat as mental panic began to set in. What would he say, would he even know what it meant that Dark had been in the bathroom and there wasn’t any way for him to have gotten flowers besides coughing them up? Would he realize they were for him, had always been? Outwardly the shadow cleared his throat.
“Wilford, I can explain-”
There was this confused, sort of shocked look on Will’s face then he tilted his head and blinked as so many things flashed in his expression. And the soft, so sweet smile that covered his face made Dark melt and his breath caught even worse. Will leaned in close enough for their noses to touch, one hand gently took Dark’s free one.
“I think…this would be a better explanation over coffee, not a bathroom Darkling. I have a recipe for espresso chocolate caramel brownies I think would be a good treat for us too. Would you like that?”
Dark felt hope-twisted, fragile, sweet, aching- hope flutter in his chest and he couldn’t properly focus for a few seconds as he tried to get hold of himself. Then he smiled too and curled his fingers around Will’s, they fit together like pieces of a puzzle. The weight of the flowers in his chest began to ease a little, a step in the right direction.
“Yes…yes I’d like that very much.”
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years
Sleeping Beauty
Darkiplier x Wilford Warfstache
@grey-b0y ty for the request!(im sorry it took so long lol)
A/N: ight so. first time doin a ship. literally the best thing ive ever written. may like to do more. uhhhh Dark being an overworked bastard. Wilford being the caring boyf that he would be. Disney movies. If you couldn't already tell. Uhhhhh finished this in an hour, re-read it, may actually be the best thing I've ever made I'm ngl. Dark may be a bit OOC, but that's just cause he's a lil bit tired. uhhhhh yeah. Enjoy!
Requests are open
Dark let out a quiet sigh as he opened the door to his and Wilford’s house. He threw his suit jacket to the side with absolutely no fucks to give about where it landed. He stumbled through the house until he eventually landed in his office, plopping down in his chair and leaning back with a groan.
He had so much work he still had left to do, and it was already 9:00. He was so, so, so very tired. The egos had been especially annoying that week, all having the stupidest comments during meetings and refusing to shut up once they got started. Dark had noticed Wilford gave him a “look” whenever he saw the entity annoyed or angry. He didn’t want Wilford to worry, so he always brushed it off. In hindsight, it might have been a good idea to let Wil help him. They were in a relationship, after all. People are supposed to help those that they love. Dark never gave Wil much of a chance to do that. He felt bad for it at times.
Dark rubbed the bridge of his nose and yawned. He shook his head and cracked his neck and flexed his hands, trying to make himself more awake. “Trying” being the keyword here. He reached into his messenger bag and pulled out his laptop and computer mouse. He opened the laptop and opened a document of everything he was supposed to schedule, approve, and deny. He went through everything, the blue light illuminating his pale face, the bags under his eyes looking very prominent. Any person with eyesight and half a brain could see he was sleep-deprived and overworked.
He heard a noise come from somewhere in the house. He stopped clicking and raised his head a bit, trying to listen. Nothing else came. He shrugged lightly. He was probably just imagining things…
Another noise. A THUMP. Louder this time. He took his hand away from the mouse and leaned back in his chair, watching the closed door of the office. He stared at it, waiting for another noise to show up.
The sound of shattered glass and Wilford cursing caused Dark to jump up out of his chair. He threw the door open and ran to the source of the noise.
“Wil!” He called as he stopped in the living room. The panicked look on his face died down into indifference and mild annoyance.
Wilford was laying on his back in the middle of the room, margarita glass in hand, with the window shattered and shards of glass surrounding him. He turned to Dark and smiled.
“Good evening, pumpkin!” He greeted joyfully. Dark exhaled deeply and walked over to Wilford. He had no problem with the glass because his shoes were still on. Wilford, apparently having some sort of supervision when it came to Dark, noticed this small fact. “Why do you have your shoes on? When did you get home?” Dark, ignoring the question, pulled Wilford to his feet.
“Where’s your key?” He asked, exasperated.
“Now, hold on. I asked you first. It’s not fair that I have to answer questions when you haven’t answered mine!” The reporter pouted. Dark rolled his eyes.
“Stuck in a meeting. Stuck in traffic. Got home a couple of minutes ago,” He sighed, “Where is your key, Wil?” Wilford looked around for a moment before his eyes landed on a clock. He let out an exaggerated gasp.
“Dark! It’s so late! You must be exhausted!” He said, cupping Dark’s face in his hands. He can’t help from melting into the touch of his favorite person.
“No, no, I’m fine, really,” Dark mumbled, obviously lying. Wilford frowned.
“Come along now, darling, you know you can’t lie to me,” He said, stepping a bit closer to him. He looked into Dark’s eyes while the entity avoided eye contact. Wilford huffed before his eyebrows raised and a smile formed on his lips. Dark noticed and furrowed his eyebrows
“What?” He asked, slightly worried. Wilford grabbed his hand and led him to their bedroom. Dark sighed.
“Wil, I don’t-” He was cut off by a T-shirt being thrown at his face. Dark, being extremely tired, didn’t process what had happened until he looked down and saw the shirt. He looked back up at Wilford, squinting a bit. Wilford had somehow already changed. He was wearing pink shorts and a white shirt with a rainbow on the front. Dark glanced down at the shirt and raised an eyebrow. Wilford cleared his throat.
“My eyes are up here, Darky-poo,” He teased. Dark would have blushed if he were less proud. Would have.
Dark rolled his eyes and picked up the shirt, ushering Wilford out. God knows how long into their relationship and Dark still refused to change in front of his boyfriend. Wilford shook his head and chuckled, heading into the kitchen.
He made two bowls of popcorn, knowing for a fact he would scarf down his in a matter of minutes. He walked into the living room. He heard creaking and looked back to see Dark walk in after him. The pale entity wore black boxers and the grey shirt that was thrown at him. Wilford smiled.
“What took so long, darling?” He asked sweetly. Dark scoffed at the third pet name that night.
“Resting my eyes,” he claimed. Wilford hummed, knowing it was a lie. He wouldn’t push it, though. Dark sighed. “What are we doing, Wil?”
“Watching Disney movies. Only the musicals, though,” Dark groaned.
“Listen,” Wilford said, suddenly sounding serious. Dark closed his mouth. “I know you won’t listen to me when I tell you to rest. So, if you’re gonna stay awake, you might as well do something vaguely fun, right?” Dark smiled softly.
This person. This person loved him. This person cared about him more than anyone else did. And this person that cared about him was trying to help. Dark sighed, but not in an exasperated way. In an “I really can’t argue because a) I have nothing to argue and b) I kinda sorta really don’t wanna argue but I still wanna act like I do” kinda way. He shuffled his way over to the couch and plopped down next to Wilford, scooting as close to him as possible. Wilford grinned and settled himself.
“But do we have to do all of them?” Dark complained. Wilford stroked his mustache a bit.
“Well, no, but we gotta start somewhere.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means you get to tell me which year to start from.”
“Last year.” That earned a small glare from Wilford. “Fine, fine… uh… 19...8...9?”
“The Little Mermaid it is!” Wilford said excitedly.
“Wait, you know all the years?”
“Of course I do! What do you think I am? Some sort of commoner?!” Dark slowly blinked at that wreck of a sentence and turned back to the TV screen. Wilford put an arm around Dark, who snuggled into the touch. Then, Wilford hit the play button on his remote.
Two movies later, Dark was out cold. They’d barely gotten through a third of “Newsies” before Wilford looked over and saw the entity sleeping. Wilford had been mindful enough to keep his singing voice to a minimum, and so Dark hadn’t woken up. Wilford wasn’t even sure how long he’d been asleep. When did he last look? Halfway through “Beauty and the Beast?” Aw, too bad. 30 more minutes and they would’ve started on “Aladdin”! Wilford shrugged and paused the film.
He gently shifted in his spot and lifted Dark into his arms. He slowly carried the “Sleeping Beauty”(shut up I’m funny) to their room. He gently laid Dark down on the bed, covering him with the blankets. Dark almost instantly cuddled into them. Wilford bit his lip as he stared down at his lover. Well, since they didn’t watch Sleeping Beauty…
Wilford gently leaned down and brushed a small curl out of Dark’s face. He gazed at his sleeping figure in admiration before leaning down further to connect their lips in a small kiss. Very small, more of a peck than a “kiss” kiss, but still. Dark slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times as Wilford pulled away.
“Aw, Dark,” Wilford whispered, “I woke you with true love’s kiss!”
“You woke me, period,” Dark grumbled but stretched out his arms, tempting Wilford to go to bed.
Wilford climbed in next to Dark, spooning him. He held his arms tight around his partner’s torso, burying his nose into the entity’s hair and inhaling deeply.
“What are you doing?” Dark almost chuckled. Wilford smiled.
“I like your smell…”
“Oh?” Dark twisted around to look at Wilford. “And what do I smell like?”
“Home…” Wilford answered with a lovestruck look on his face. He could’ve sworn he saw a blush before getting hit in the face with a pillow. He laughed as Dark turned back around.
“You are the cheesiest person in the galaxy,” Dark said. Wilford’s lips curled into a grin as he snuggled up behind Dark again.
“Maybe…” He answered. Both of them sighed contently. “I love you…”
“I love you too...” Dark mumbled, still very tired, “Goodnight, Wil.” Wilford smiled as he tightened his grip ever-so-slightly.
“Good night, Sleeping Beauty…”
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Would Ya'll want to read my crappy fanfics I write?? like should I post them to here?
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faeriescorpio · 4 years
Inspired by the 8 billion tumblr posts I’m seeing because of WAIA
Dark and Wilford have a talk.
The man in question spun around, grinning at the sight of the other ego.
“Darky!” He greeted, arms out. “How are you?”
Dark didn’t reply, only staring at Wilford, looking upset. There was a ringing building up in Wiflord’s ears, in a way that Wilford knew meant that Dark was more upset then he was letting on. But what had upset Dark so? The last time Wilford saw him, he had sent him off to go look at…
“The WAIA!” Wilford exclaimed excitedly. “How is it? Was it like a chip off the ol’ block?” He gestured at himself.
“You said it was a copy of your brain.” Dark said. “It has all your memories.”
“That’s right!” Wilford agreed. “As confusing as they are!”
There was a moment of silence. Wilford opened his mouth to keep talking, but Dark spoke.
“I forgive you.”
Wilford paused. Something about that seemed to echo into the depths of his soul in a way Wilford didn’t understand. And yet…
“Forgive me for what?” He tilted his head. “Did I do something wrong?” He thought about the past couple of days. He hadn’t killed anyone…
“You know what.” Dark said, frowning. He took a step forward. The ringing in Wilford’s ears intensified but he wasn’t sure if it was Dark or himself. “You didn’t know the gun was loaded. I  bet you thought that firing an empty gun at each other would clear away all the tension. You didn’t know what would happen.”
Wilford staggered a step back. “What?” He asked, voice quiet. He knew what Dark was talking about it, he knew… except…
He shook his head.
“What are you talking about?” He asked.
“The WAIA told me.” Another step forward.
“Told you what?” Wilford demanded. “How can the WAIA know something I don’t remember?”
Dark frowned. “I think you do remember.” He paused. “William.”
Wilford couldn’t breathe. His head was beginning to pound. “That’s not my name,” he gasped out. The ringing was so loud. He didn’t understand. He grabbed his hair and stepped back.
“That’s not my name!” He shouted. Why was he shouting? He turned to the mirror in his room, a small thing on the wall, and paused.
His mustache was pink. It was always pink. Why did he feel so startled that his mustache was pink? He touched his mustache. It had always been pink. He huffed in confused amusement. He looked at the mirror again and saw Dark’s reflection behind him. He turned around.
“Dark!” He said. “How was WAIA?”
Dark frowned. “Wil-” He cut himself off hesitantly. “...Wilford?”
“Yeah?” Wilford tilted his head. “What’s wrong? Was the WAIA not working right?”
Dark stared at him in silence.
“Dark? Are you okay?”
Dark met his eyes. He seemed to be searching for something, but whatever it was, he didn’t seem to be finding it.
“It’s nothing,” Dark said at last. “The WAIA is working fine.”
“That’s great!” Wilford said, smiling. “Let’s get some volunteers to try it out then!”
“Alright.” Dark turned to leave, then paused.
“Wilford. I forgive you.”
“Huh?” Wilford said, frowning. “Forgive me for what?”
A pause.
“Everything.” Dark said softly. “I forgive you for everything.” He sighed and left the room.
“How strange,” Wilford remarked, and went back to work.
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wispy-fox · 3 years
Darkstache Week: Day One - Decorating/Pumpkin Carving
𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘
It was that time of year again where screams filled the air, creepy decorations were displayed, and children got hyper for the sweets that were to come. There were still a few days before that special day, but that only meant excitement for it could fester and grow. Especially for a certain candy-loving man who had a passion for holidays and going all out on them. In fact, his boyfriend had been decorating the mansion for a couple weeks now. Even his office has been transformed to match the theme of the month.
Bats and spiders hung from the ceiling with cobwebs in the corners. Lights in the shape of pumpkins were stringed along where the walls and ceiling met. Speaking of pumpkins, a tiny one- the one everyone seemed to adore- sat upon his desk. A "scary" face drawn on it by the one and only Warfstache. It was unprofessional, in his opinion, for an office to appear so… childish. But when it came to harmless activities such as these, the guy could hardly tell the man-child 'no'. Especially when the allowance of decorating earned him such a beautiful smile.
The other egos helped out when they could, but Wil didn't mind making the place "spook-tastic" by himself. Dark of course offered assistance as well when he had the time, but was usually told to return to work or relax. The latter was mostly encouraged, though, since the eccentric didn't want the entity to overwork himself. Though, someone had to take care of the business around here, and Google and the Host were busy with their own assignments. So that was what he was doing at the moment, looking over papers and signing them. It-
His head snapped up at an abrupt scream. Those were typical to hear during this month, for the egos took fun in scaring each other. However, this yell was all too familiar and was followed by a loud thud. It wasn't from inside the building, though. No, it was right outside of it, near his office. Without much hesitation, Dark abandoned the bills to investigate, heading for the balcony. 
As the male stood out on the ledge, searching for the source of the shout, he wondered what his lover did now. It could be absolutely anything, especially if it warranted a scream. Though, the real question was- where the hell was he? The guy couldn't find the lovable fool anywhere on the ground below. Perhaps he thought wrong about where the yell cam-
"Oh! Hi Darky!" A rather chipper voice suddenly came from above, cutting through his thoughts.
He blinked, shifting his attention upward. "Wil-" His brows shot up, registering the sight with wide eyes. The obsidian orbs darted around, assessing the situation before narrowing. "How the hell did you manage this?!" He gritted out through clenched teeth, trying to figure out how to undo this without any injuries. One mishap and Wilford could end up concussed or breaking something. After all, he was hanging upside down, a perfect position to break one's neck if they plummeted.
"There's no need to take that tone with me, mister." The colorful man huffed, as if he had any ground to stand on. "But if you must know, I was simply setting up the lights when my ankle got tangled up in them. I attempted to shake them off, but one second I was on the roof, and the next I'm suddenly hanging like a bat!" The mustached fella explained, smiling from coming up with that last bit. "Ooo! Mayhaps I should dress myself as one and hang here for Halloween! That would surely asto-"
"Absolutely not! Do you have any idea how dangerous this is?!" He snapped, and while he appeared quite exasperated, Dark was deeply worried. Any good partner wouldn't desire true harm on their lover. Not even the "cold-hearted" ego.
"Oh, danger smanger!" Wil said, making a dismissive motion with his hand. It resulted in him swinging a bit, something that did not ease Dark's nerves at all. "Let me be a part of the decorations!"
A low growl escaped. This idiot would give him a heart attack if the organ still functioned. "Will you quit moving around?!" He snapped, his form glitching before appearing on top of the flat rooftop. Right where a cord of lights spilled over the side, attached to the interviewer's ankle. "It might loosen the cord and you'll fall, ending up hurt. Plus, it will hinder the process of getting you out of this mess."
"Oh poppycock!" Yet, despite wanting to be stubborn and prove he was safe, that he was not hindering anything, he stilled. Simply tilting his head in order to see his boyfriend peering over the edge, testing to see if he was in arm reach. 
"Alright," the grey being began, satisfied with at least something. "I'm going to pull you up by your feet, and if you dare kick or anything and cause either of us to fall, I will not hesitate to make you sleep in your own bedroom tonight. Understood?"
Exclamations of indignation were sputtered out, protesting he wasn't that careless while waving his arms around. "Wilford." He warned, tight-lipped as the other swayed again. Once they quieted to mumbling and crossed their arms, a brow raised at the behavior yet accepted it anyway. "Better. I'm going to pull you up now."
After a few tense minutes and a close call, Dark stumbled back, falling onto his back with a grunt. His lover falling on top of him didn't help as it knocked the air out of him. Not that he had much to lose anyway… As they both laid there, catching their breaths, the pink-haired fella squeezed him tightly. "My knight in shining armor! You shall be rewarded handsomely tonight if you don't kick me out." 
Alright. That sort of earned a soft huff of amusement. Though, there were still going to be repercussions. Ones that needed to get through his lover's reckless head. "You are no longer permitted to decorate alone. So as long as you can follow that rule, we can continue sharing a room. Understood?"
That got him a whine of protest. "But Daarrrk- I am not some child that needs supervising!" 
Oh, how he wanted to argue that, but the guy decided it’d be a waste of time. "Perhaps not, but you are my partner and I’d rather not have you risk yourself like that without someone around to prevent it, or at least aid you afterwards.” He paused, observing while letting that sink in. It was clear by how Wil’s face became less pouty that he was finally realizing why Dark’s feathers were ruffled. “Now do you understand?"
With a nod, Wil pressed a sweet and reassuring kiss to their cheek. “Yeppers! I do indeed, my beautiful raven.” Then, without further ado, nuzzled his neck. "My apologies for the scare I might've caused." 
Between that and the affection, it was enough to draw out a little smile, more at ease now. Enough so to plant his lips on their head for a few seconds, simply expressing his relief and love. With a satisfied hum, Dark pulled away, still holding onto him. "It's alright, Wil. You didn't mean to frighten me this time. However-" A look of seriousness popped up, but soon faded away to a smirk as he finished speaking. "If you try jumpscaring or pranking me on Halloween after this incident, I might not be so forgiving~"
"I'll keep that in mind, Darkling~" The eccentric giggled out, wearing a lopsided grin as his eyes sparkled.
"Good." Another pause. This time glancing over the other male's body before meeting his gaze again. "Now, how about we get you untangled and finish setting up the lights, my vexatious bat?" 
"I think you meant 'My precious bat', love~" 
With a quiet chuckle and shake of the head, Wil was freed from the cord before they finished up with the lights, managing to do so without any more accidents. And when night came, the manor was indeed more terrifying thanks to the ominous glow and outdoor horrors, truly looking like a haunted house where strange beings lived.
Please don't steal my story.
Have a wonderful day/night! :D
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starlight-starnight · 2 years
A jse ego fanfic that I might give up on or continue
"Is-is he going to be okay" Dark asked he had a worried look on his face. "Vell Wilford left in zhe snow after injuring him real bad. But he vell live." Henrik said. Dark let out a sigh of relief knowing that Anti was alive. " I'm so so sorry that this happened. I didn't think he would be so protective" " Vell dragons hybrids can be really protective with there lovers. Zo it makes sense if you want you can go see him" " I think I'll go have a talk with Wilford about this" "Alvight"
Dark vanished back to his lover while Henrik went into his clinic where the naga layed on the table with bandages on his tail, right arm, stomach, and neck. All the injures were caused by getting Wilford mad at him. Henrik lifted Anti up it was easy to pick him up with him being light but that just worried the bird doctor.
(3 hours later. Jackie's pov)
I got back after dealing with a thief I was tired since he put up a fight. " Welcome back Jackie" Chase said " Hey Chase" I said "Wanna play some games" "Nah i'm good" " What ever you say" I walked upstairs towards my room but stopped at in front of Anti's door
Should I continue???
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calcifiedcrawler · 2 years
Second post in the series dropped
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macbleu · 3 years
Just random idea I can up with
Dark: hey wilford…
Wilford: hey darkie! Wow you ok?
Dark: oh ya I’m fine. Just got stabbed by anti *hold his side and smiles*
Wilford: oh my god *run to him* your losing a lot of blood
Dark: im fine! Nothing I can’t handle *glitches badly and fall into his arms*
Wilford: dark we need to get you to the hospital
Dark: I just got stabbed! It not a big deal
Wilford: im not argued with you right now
(Hours later)
Anti: and then I stabbed him *laugh* you should have seen his face
Wilford: *has gun point at the back anti head* you hurt my boyfriend! I hurt you
Anti: sh!t
I don’t know why but I found that really funny! Dark just seem causal when he say he got stabbed. It like really funny to me. This man has been through a lot and him getting stabbed is like a slight inconvenience for him in which play it off cool! Like this dude is bleeding badly and he like ya it not begging. God to funny
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wozw4ld · 4 years
“If you keep doing that, I’m going to scream— stop smiling, I mean it!” darkstach?
Darkstache Fanfic
Dark was sitting in his office, working with the left over and extra paperwork he had, because of- You guessed it- Wilford, he sighed in frustration and kept on working, only God knew how many cup of coffees and how much paper he had worked through, but he was finishing it up at least-
There was a knock on the door and soon enough, googleiplier entered the room, or this was good news, or ABSOLUTELY horrible news
"Dark, your boyfriend, Wilford, unfortunately has made a mess in the kitchen, please, I require your assistance since The other egos aren't very useful and two, aren't available at this time", great, just absolutely wonderful, Dark sighed and nodded, telling Google to leave the room, in which they did
Dark stretched his back and even popped his back a bit by doing so as he left the room, he slowly started walking up to their kitchen, in which, where it should be loud noises, Wilford screaming, angry robotic noises, there was a deafening silence... He shrugged it off and continued on his path, arriving in the kitchen
"SURPRISE!!" Wilford yelled at Dark's face, the moment he arrived, almost giving him a heart attack, a smug Google on the corner and a happy Yandere holding a cake, made perfectly just for them, "AS it is our 3 YEAR of us taking together, I DECIDED, to celebrate our anniversary!!! So whaddya think?"
The room was a mess, something that Google said which was definitely true, but he knew he robot only went there to call him, Yandere seemed ABSOLUTELY ECSTATIC to have helped him, and a flour covered Wilford, his lover, his silly little lover, was right in front of him, he did these things with their help, he did it with all his love, and Dark could tell!
And he laughed, he laughed of how silly they looked, he laughed of how he just fell right into their hands, and he laughed of pure joy, knowing that Wilford really loved him
"If you keep doing that, I'm going to scream- Stop smiling, I mean it!" Yandere yelled in pure shock and awe, seeing Dark happy like this wasn't common- Hell!- it wasn't normal! She put down the cake on the very messy table and started recording the scene to show it to the other egos later, Wilford's reaction? Worry but Happiness, and Google? Pure shock
"You could've just bought me a cake from a dollar shop and I would've taken it, but the absolute love you put to this,,, The effort,,, Makes me so happy... Thank you Wilford" He smiled and pulled Wilford close
"Now, let's enjoy our anniversary, shall we?"
I am in class send help dkdkdkkf also this is SHIT I'm good at angst not whatever this is
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mosonyusz · 4 years
Everything's alright
I had a horrible day today and I may or may not have been in a similar position as this, so have this vent fanfic I wrote about Wilford not being able to handle his emotions, by yours truly. This is a vent writing so yeah, look out for the angst. But Dark will comfort him I swear.
Everything's fine. No, really, everything's a-okay, a new kind of bubble gun just got announced and Wilford loves to try these bad boys out. So why not go to the store and steal, or if accompanied by Dark, buy one? Why can't he get up and just go? It wasn't a joke. Dark should be here any minute now, he has to leave if he truly wants to have fun. Everyone's dead. He really should get up from the couch. Or at least change the TV channel to something more fun than these stupid commercials. Yes, that should do it, let's just watch something fun! It's all my fault. Wrong channel. Everything's my fault. A cooking show without a kitchen in flames? Booooring! Why couldn't I die like the others. How many times can the same cartoon be played over and over again? Everything's because of me. I killed them. I am a monster. Maybe he shouldn't have thrown the TV remote so forcfully to the floor, but boring things repeated over and over and over again can be really fucking frustrating and Wilford takes no shit from nobody, especially not from a weird loud box. So TV is out, what now? I want them back so badly. He needs to find something fun. I shouldn't have done that. Quickly. Any of that. Why is his vision blurry? I'm so sorry.
— Wilford, what happened?
Wilford doesn't know when he got into fetal position on the couch, desperately grasping his head and sobbing uncontrollably. He also doesn't know when Dark got there, but he knows that they are concerned, as they always are at times like this.
— Come here. — Dark gently draws Wilford to themselves, hugging him tightly and gently caressing his back. Their voice is so much gentle now, echoing softly, and the static around them is strangely comforting.
— Are the memories back again? — to this at first only a hesitant nod is the response, then more silence between the loud and ugly sobs until Wilford is capable of talking again even if only for a short time.
— I... I couldn't distract myself... I tried... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... — Wilford tries to articulate something yet again but before he could force himself to talk again, Dark cuts him short.
— I know, but what happened, is in the past now. Know that I forgive you, I've forgiven you a long time ago. — Dark gently cups Wilford's face, forcing him to look at them and see their small but genuine smile — You are forgiven, Wilford.
A few hours pass until Wilford finally calms down and stops crying and Dark is with him through all of it, comforting him as best as they can, giving him the room to get out all these built up emotions. He must have been battling with these for days now, but he's finally free and hopefully by tomorrow he's gonna be his zany old self again.
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lamiasluck · 4 years
I wish you'd write a fic where dark and Wilford do a big gay
God I never know how to write Wilford I’m sorry for this fkhdskjf
@juju-on-that-yeet @theshysepticeye @emptynarration @alvie-ashgrove @ferociousfangirlofmanyfandoms (and not tagging you Verse since this is your question ifjajdjs)
It was a surprise. Everything with Wilford was a surprise. One moment, Dark was talking to Google about his findings, the next he saw a blur of pink and yellow as Wilford whisked him away somewhere. Honestly, he didn’t fight back against his boyfriend. Clearly, Wilford had some sort of plan in that wild brain of his. Didn’t mean Dark couldn’t bicker a bit.
“What is it now, Wilford?” he asked in a deadpanned voice.
Wilford giggled. “You’ve been working quite hard, my dear~” He lead Dark to his office. “It’s not good to work your butt off like that, you know?”
Walking into his office, Dark noticed some things were different. Namely, the elaborate set up in the middle of the room. There was a new dining table with all the fixings; candles, a fancy tabling cloth, and two chairs. Dark had no clue when Wilford had the time to do this, but he wasn’t complaining. There was no food, though. Maybe Wilford ordered something.
Dark looked at everything fondly. “What’s all this?”
‘What’s all this?” Wilford mimicked. “This is how you’re going to relax for once!” Like the gentleman he was, he pulled Dark’s chair over and sat him down. He sat across from his boyfriend and smiled lovingly at him.
Once they were comfy, Wilford snapped his fingers, and a large strawberry milkshake appeared in front of them. He got two straws and put them in the drink. “Bon appetit!”
“So, for dinner we’re having a milkshake?” Dark asked with a small smile. “Not exactly a fulfilling meal.”
“Don’t worry, gumdrop. I have something planned, I just want dessert first... and after.” Wilford giggled again and went to sip on the drink. 
Dark watched fondly and sighed. “Very well, then.” He leaned forward and began sipping away. “Save some for me, dear.”
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gerardwayslips · 4 years
Autumn Days
 I haven't written in a ...very long time, so go easy on me if its trash
Ship- Darkstache
Prompt- Leaves
Word count-2077
To say Dark was satisfied would be an understatement, he'd spent all day gathering the leaves around the manor into giant piles. He knew it was worth it once the other egos began pouring out of the house to jump head first into them, Dark laughed and shook his head looking around for his pesky husband, the entire reason for all this effort in the first place. He spotted the taller ego on the roof and sighed deeply, knowing exactly what he was about to do.
Wilford waved at Dark and took a step back before running and launching himself off the roof, some of the younger egos yelling their encouragement. Wilfords form flickered for a moment, only dark catching it, before he landed in the pile of leaves under him, seeming to sink deeper than the ground would allow. He was always somewhat awed by his husband's abilities, abilities he didn't even know he had. Dark learned not to think about them too much.. It gave him a headache.
He turned his attention back to the pile of leaves as Wilfords head popped up, grinning like a fool, Dark offered a rare genuine smile, one he only gave to his husband. “You know, you could have gotten hurt” he called half heartedly.
Wilford shrugged, “But I didn't!” He called happily, running over to Dark like an oversized puppy. He lifted the smaller ego into his arms and hugged him tighter than a human would be able to handle, “I missed you Darky, You always lock yourself away in your office” He pouted, planting a kiss on the demons nose.
Dark sighed and shrugged, “Work gets to pile up around here..someone has to do it.. Besides, i'm here now, you have me all day.” he said, easily kissing his husband gently and running a hand through his hair. 
This seemed to make Wilford feel better, as he yelled and launched them both into a pile of leaves, poor Eric barely moved out of the way on time, Dark couldn't hold in the laugh that bubbled from his lips. He sighed deeply and looked at all the leaves, now scattered all over again. He smiled and rested his head on wilfords chest, Definitely worth all the effort. He loved Autumn.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Video Blogging RPF Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: darkiplier/wilford, darkstache, Mark Fischbach/Mark Fischbach Characters: darkiplier, Wilford Warfstache | William J. Barnum | The Colonel, Mark Fischbach Summary:
Dark has been planning to propose for a while, he's bought the ring and everything. One day, he somehow loses the ring only for Wilford to unexpectedly find it. Wilford decides to propose instead. Here’s the first oneshot! I’m kind of proud of it to be honest, since I haven’t written in a while, but it actually turned out good!
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projectdarkstache · 4 years
Welcome to Darkstache Week 2020!
It's 10th of May for me in Australia, so I am officially announcing the beginning of Darkstache Week! (But feel free to do it to your own timezone, no pressure to start early)
Please tag us in your content or tag with the following hashtags so we can find it and reblog it easily: "darkstacheweek2020" and "projectdarkstache2020"
Remember to follow the prompt list!
Both Mod Cookie and I can't wait to see everything you all produce! Now go forth and create!
- Mod Sam
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wispy-fox · 3 years
Darkstache Week: Day 3 - Horror Movies/Autumn
"I told you to bring a jacket." Dark lightly chastised, glancing at his shivering lover, who hid their hands under their armpits in an attempt to keep warm. The two were taking a stroll through the nearby park, simply to enjoy the autumn scenery. It was quite the sight with the reds, yellows and oranges covering the ground, especially with the sun shining down upon them. Yet, unlike everyone else there, Wilford was the only one without a hoodie or jacket. Something the pink-haired fella was regretting at this point.
The only reason the entity wasn't in the same predicament was due to naturally having cold skin, so he wasn't really affected by the weather. Though, he still took a lightweight jacket to blend in more, and to avoid the possibility of catching a cold. He did try persuading the other to do the same before they left, but of course the fool was stubborn and insisted he'd be fine. That obviously wasn't the case after they were twenty minutes into their walk, but Wil was too proud to admit it.
"But I'm not cold! I'm just… giving myself a hug!" The man lied, earning a quirked brow since it hardly appeared like a self-hug. "Don't look at me like that, Mister! It's true! I'm just giving myself some well-needed affection since someone won't do it."
"Oh? Is that so? Well, perhaps someone should've listened to me earlier, otherwise they wouldn't need "affection" right now." Fingers raised and bent for that word, knowing that wasn't exactly what was needed at the moment.
Though, as the other grumbled in return and continued to tremble, Dark finally decided to show mercy. Besides, he couldn't have the man getting sick on him now. Not when Halloween was just around the corner. If the colorful male were to get sick, he'd be completely miserable and upset about not being able to participate on the holiday. Even though he already did so much for it by decorating the mansion all by himself. Well, up until the end at least.
So once his jacket was off, he caught up to Wilford who didn't notice he had stopped, and wrapped it around his lover's shoulders. He chuckled when a "Oh!" escaped the other at the action, watching as they looked over at him with wide eyes and a dusting of pink on their cheeks. "I hope this will suffice until we're back home." He said, and by the fond smile that bloomed across the eccentric's face, he knew it would. Though, he still listened nonetheless as the other spoke.
"Aw, you're such a gentleman! Thank you Darkling," he said. Truly appreciative of the gesture as he slipped his arms through the sleeves, zipping the front up. The warmth that almost instantly greeted him elicited a satisfied hum, more content than ever now. Especially since it was his boyfriend's jacket that he was wearing, making it all the more perfect.
However, before the dark entity could say a thing, an "Ooo!" suddenly came from the man beside him. Or at least, they were next to him. When the grey being shifted his gaze over, his boyfriend was running full speed ahead, immediately making his brows furrow. Why was he- Oh. Even before the yell cut through the air, drawing the attention of passerbys, he was already shaking his head in mild amusement. Not at all surprised at the male's antics.
"GERONIMOOO!!!" Shouted Wil as he jumped into a huge pile of crunchy leaves. Not caring at all how he must look to strangers for acting like a child. And honestly? Dark didn't mind either. While the man could be a handful half the time, Dark wouldn't have it any other way as long they were happy. Even if that meant his jacket getting dirty. 
Please don't steal my story.
Have a wonderful day/night! :D
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