#darkling i listen
what does it mean when the ghost of your ex-neighbor's murdered muppet plushie spends all night crawling up the walls before hanging upside down from a light fitting for six hours at a time, his spectral body sometimes flickering in and out of visibility apart from the wide staring eyes which seem to always be fixed in your direction?
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aleksanderscult · 4 months
The post today is Aleksander Morozova and his efforts to provide advice to others:
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Aleksander seems to be the "reality check" of these novels. When the protagonists have dreams and wishes, Aleksander comes in and reminds them the reality of things.
When Ulla had hopes that this unique fire will make her people accept and love her, her brother remarked how her own uniqueness will never make the sildroher acknowledge her as one of their own. Aleksander himself knew that from personal experience. She was a rarity. A freak.
When Alina wished to be with Mal, Aleksander reminded her of the situation: Mal is a mortal and Alina a near-immortal Grisha whose dreams of an ordinary life are as good as impossible.
Her potential marriage with Nikolai would start promisingly but age and superstitions would come to create another upheaval and love towards Alina would be turned into fear and hate.
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
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And when we get Kaz smashing in heads with his cane and ripping out eyeballs and throwing asshole law clerks into the harbor while saying "there are no good men in Ketterdam" I will cheer
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kyliebrightsun · 8 months
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@paracosmicessence one of your posts on Twitter inspired this, so uhhhh sorry to tag you but it felt right to do 😅
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payidaresque · 1 year
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@taylorswifff asked: shadow and bone + 14 — favorite darklina moment 1.05
send me a number and a fandom and i’ll make a gifset! ✨
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girls-againstgod · 3 months
...why the fuck do i keep getting darkling apologists on my dash
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romanticatheartt · 3 months
Now that I'm free from university (not completely free... but yeah)
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callixton · 4 months
anaïs mitchell fucking SAVE ME
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tetsuskitten · 2 years
listen, alina should have stayed by aleksander's side, hear me out
All Aleksander ever wanted was to be safe, to build a safe place for his kind. He has been alive for so long and for all that time there has always been hate towards Grisha. How impossible do you think it might be to see hope in human kind when all they've shown you is how ugly they are, how they will hurt you any chance they get?
Aleksander didn't create the Fold out of malice, he created it out of pain and desperation, he didn't know what he was doing, but then he did something, and it was better to have tried than standing by and letting himself be killed.
When Baghra told Alina who Aleksander was and his intentions she should have stayed. She told him "I'll be waiting." and then she left and it must have hurt him not to see her there when he came back because she is the true one, his match, the one who could finally change his world. And she left on the word of someone else after sharing intimacy with him, not even staying to ask him for his version of the story, what he envisioned for the future... She could have stayed to help shape it, to help him, and he wouldn't be alone anymore. They could make the world safer for Grisha together.
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imruination · 1 year
My favorite thing about the Shadow and Bone original trilogy is that there are 3 love interests for Alina, and we all just kind of decided that all 3 men are kind of uncomfortably attracted to each other??? Like what happened to the original plot of the movie???? It’s so valid though, the subtext is there and screaming.
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totaleclipse573 · 4 days
Eclipse the Darkling chaos energy weapons send post
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chronicallychthonic · 20 days
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poppet for new moon banishing ritual. I did wonder if there was any point going ahead given my new discoveries but.... I'm still here for now and still want to feel safe from the negative influences.
Robert: what energy and action you put in the world shall be returned threefold. I curse you not but reflect unto you all that you give out- by the power of three.
so mote it be. 👆👇
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rhaenyratargayen · 1 year
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that old familiar body ache
the snaps from the same little breaks in my soul
I know when it’s time to go.
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fosermi · 2 months
There was something so visceral about seeing one's younger self. Especially for Eclipse and when it was himself was in so much pain.
He had never been the most stable of people. Black Doom had seen to that, especially after they had been destroyed. For a long time, he thought Shadow had wanted him dead, so he had thought to protect the Dark arms, he would need kill Shadow first.
The two of them had fought for a long time, gone at each other over and over. It had taken a long time, but they had finally made up. And then grown closer together, learning how to be brothers, how to truly care for each other.
It had taken lots of years, but Eclipse and Shadow were finally at a good point. They knew how to protect each other, how to tease without hurting the others. Most importantly, they were friends as well as close brothers.
But their younger selves were not. They still quarreled, still didn't know how to act like good brothers.
It was difficult for Eclipse to see, because he knew part of the reason was Clippy and his attitude.
The younger Eclipse, Clippy was young and brash. He said whatever popped into his mind, he didn't know boundaries or limits yet. He would push and poke at others around him, not realizing when he was going to far.
And then suffered the consequences when he did.
Such after hours of annoying Silver and Silver told him that he wished he was gone. That had hurt Clippy a lot, first sending him into a rage. If Eclipse hadn't been there, he might have hurt someone.
And then ending in tears. So many tears.
Eclipse remembered what it was like, trying to adjust to a new role in life. Feeling intense amounts of self loathing. Eclipse had always been his own self-serving prophecy. Drive others away before they could tell you to leave.
He wanted to be loved, he wanted it so badly. But he also was full of bad habits that got in his own way. Sometimes it was almost amusing how much Eclipse's own worst enemy was always himself.
It was practically a part of who he was at this. For the longest time, Eclipse had worried that people, especially his brother secretly hated him and wanted him to leave. It took years of reassurance until those fears had left.
Clippy had not had that, he was young and literal and afraid of losing the fragile life he had.
Eclipse had spent years unlearning those habits. And now, he was being forced to look at them once again. Life was funny that way. Just when he thought he was over something, it was time to watch his much younger self wrestle with the same lessons he had dealt with.
Most importantly, Eclipse was a dad, it was almost impossible for him not to jump back into parent mode to try and help. Especially when it came to his younger self and how much this child was hurting. Life had dealt him some hard cards.
He would help, the best he could. But in the end, this was the lesson that Clippy had to learn all on his own. No one else could do it for him.
And more importantly, Clippy would have to decide if he would take the lesson to heart or not. Eclipse had always been quite stubborn, sometimes he had to wrestle with a painful lesson a few times before it stuck.
Eclipse just clutched the crying child to his chest and rocked him. There would be a lot of conflict resolution in both his and Silver's future about this.
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
How bad writing affects the rest of a show...
I like soundtrack for first season of Shadow and Bone.
It's epic and tender, heartfelt and hopeful, simply beautiful. I diliked Joseph Trapanese's work on The Witcher, it doesn't fit together, but for this, his music is perfect.
I cannot listen to it.
I had hard time doing so after the end of first season. Alina's stubborn myopia made Hope for the Future sound like a joke. Her and Aleksander's themes intertwining paint a picture that’s no longer present on the screen. It felt like a heartbreaking deception. And not one the writers are trying to force down my throat.
After this season, after what the writers did with Aleksander's character, his- in books both sided- relationship with Alina, or their inhuman, stupid, better-than-anyone Saint... I cannot listen to a single track. It sounds like a cruel lie I cannot handle.
Even True North sounds horrible in context of Malina’s attraction being only about Malyen's amplification and their ensuing rape-y sexual relationship.
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mihrsuri · 3 months
For @cleoselene (this is such a great fanvid)
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