aleszapletal · 5 years
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Here’s a peak into what is happening. This is part of a larger installation I’m currently working on over the best few weeks. The entire installation is titled “Forest Floor with Spontaneous Combustion and Cyclamen Toads (after Otto Marseus van Shriek)” so there’s more insight. Stay tuned. ... Mixed media with remnants of an many acre arson fire here in Michigan. ... #laurenlevatocoyne #painting #drawing #installationart #cryptobotany #necropastoral #darkecology (at Cranbrook Academy of Art) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5GeKfUl5S0/?igshid=8460ats2yytw
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pbonnard · 5 years
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« D'autres hauts sur pattes comme des faucheux avec de petits yeux d'épingle, rouges comme ceux des souris albinos, véritables braises montées sur tiges, ayant une expression d'indicible affolement ; d'autres avec une tête d'ivoire, surprenantes calvities dont on se sentait tout à coup si frères, si près, dont les pattes partaient en avant comme des bielles qui zigzaguaient en l'air. » Henri MICHAUX #insectes - Théo Massoulier, « Anthropic Combinations of Entropic Elements » @iacvilleurbanne @biennaledelyon #instaart #instalyon #igerslyon #contemporaryart @theomassoulier #species #rebirth #postnature #gaia #postanthropocene #chaos #plastic #metamorphosis #darkecology #michaux #quotes #poesie #henrimichaux (à Institut d'art contemporain - Villeurbanne/Rhône-Alpes) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6oDnIwocv2/?igshid=1o1gg7cc8rstd
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saltsaltism · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9YHmQ6tMPM)
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hardnekkig · 3 years
Dark Ecology
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lepsinezzivot · 7 years
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12goldenberries · 7 years
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New blog post is up over on the of sedge and salt blog: "I still slept in my camper with the windows open. The night air could shift just like that, a ghost moving over the land the smoke would wake me up sometimes spilling gray ash on my blankets and face through the camper windows. Opening the camper door, my Chaco's-- Sugi's old pair I have re-glued together five times this summer at an attempt at making a good thing last-- are covered in soot and fragile ash. Whole burnt leaves drift by. This lasts for days." -Link in profile- Photo credit: Ryan Pierce @tarp_tarmac Or Kerri Rosenstein @relevanthoney (Can't remember which of you took it) #summeroffire #darkecology #fire #naturewriting #writing #hiking #adventureculture #sheexplores #herbalmedicine #philosophy
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autopol · 2 years
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artwort · 4 years
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Darkecological Skin, a womb singing: la drone performance di g. olmo stuppia in Villa Caprera
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caminodelasmonarcas · 6 years
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Can we be environmentalists, and environmentalist writers, without a hemorrhage of irony, sense of humor, and sensitivity to the illusory play of language?  As long as there is environmental passion, there also lives more faith in honest doubt about the environment, and environmental art and aesthetics, than in the outworn creeds of nature.
-Timothy Morton, Ecology Without Nature
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aleszapletal · 5 years
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More from my thesis: Merriam-Webster defines the natural world as “all of the animals, plants, and other things existing in nature and not made or caused by people.” By that commonly accepted definition, there is no more nature. That’s an alarming thought. But what is nature, or the natural world, now that we have made the entirety of it anthropogenic? With the continued synthesizing of what we recognize or regard as the natural and the artificial how will flora and fauna continue to adapt and change? How will we? Or maybe a better question is how have we historically mutated the living world, including ourselves, and into what are we transforming? As a potential answer to that question I am looking toward chimerism. The chimeric body is a single organism that contains cells from two or more separate individuals. This could sound like Victorian monstrosity redux but I’m talking about shared ecology, the ecology of cells and bodies. I challenge Enlightenment-era binary concepts of nature and culture by working in the expanded fields of painting, sculpture, and material studies. In my practice, nature and culture are the same just as human or beetle or cat or cow are the same. Materially then a painting is the same as a sculpture is the same as performative installation, all of which are components that make up my work. “Self Portrait as Cryptic Camouflage” concrete, fly fishing feathers, apoxy, reclaimed rabbit furs, synthetic flowers 21"x14"x12" April 2020 Plus: “Future Flower II” Colored pencil and acrylic on paper 12”x9” 2019 . . #grad2020 #laurenlevatocoyne #expandedfield #ooo #darkecology #queerart (at Ferndale, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_hy4rklbFn/?igshid=1p1j21rrm8izr
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dunagroup · 7 years
Dont Panic!
Dont Panic! Nepanikařte! Zdá se, že lidstvo si začíná uvědomovat důsledky vlastního chování, ale místo toho aby se dostavila katarze, přichází nové spotřební řešení. Vždycky si můžete koupit něco nového, nové auto, nový dům, nový život. Stará věc se přeci může vyhodit, nebo řekneme-li to korektně "zrecyklovat". Nelíbí se vám už život na Zemi? Můžete zemřít na Marsu. Samozřejmě, pokud na to máte prostředky.
Dílo skupiny Duna, Beauty is how objects end se propojuje s kamapaní Dont Panic!, která probíhá souběžně na Billboart Gallery v Ústí nad Labem. Série vytváří, skrze reklamní estetiku a brand černého loga recyklace, kampaň "tajemné" společnosti, která vede futuristickou neopropagandu a slibuje nový život na Marsu. Společnost buduje naivní představu kolonizace Marsu a přivlastnění si kosmického prostoru. Claim: "Cesta na Mars by měla stát tolik, co váš rodinný dům", je doslovný, protože cesta pozemšťanů na rudou planetu, stála Zemi poslední zdroje surovin.
Don’t panic! It seems that mankind is starting to realize the consequences of their own actions, but instead of catharsis, a new consumer solution arose.  You can always buy something new: a new car, new house, new life.  Old things can be thrown away, or better yet recycled. You don’t like life on Earth anymore?  You can die on Mars.  If you have the resources for it.
Duna Group’s new work: “Beauty is how objects end” is connected to the campaign “Don’t panic” and is being exhibited simultaneously at Billboart Gallery in Ústí and Labem.  This series creates (with the help of advertisement aesthetics) a campaign of a “Dark” society, leading its futuristic neopropaganda; promising new life on Mars.  This society is building a naive idea of the colonization of Mars and appropriation of cosmic space.  The claim, “The way to Mars should cost as much as your family home” can/should be taken literally, because the terrestrial’s way to the “red planet” has/will cost Earth its very last natural resources.
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jamestfarley · 7 years
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Working Within is showing at @wpccdubbo until mid April. These huge lumen prints are created in collaboration with living environments as a means of thinking ecologically through photography. . . . . .#workingwithin #lumenprint #dubbo #regionalarts #cameralessphotography #contemporaryphotography #ecological #ecologicalthinking #ecoart #darkecology #environmentalart #illford #silvergelatin #exhibition #wpcc (at Western Plains Cultural Centre)
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fieldarts · 7 years
Timothy Morton - Human Thought at Earth Magnitude - Dark Ecology 2014
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