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master-of-dream · 7 months ago
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A little something I threw together for my favorite Rookie/Child Digimon - Bakumon (aka Tapirmon)! A Digivolution with three paths with distinct themes that also feel like they could easily cross over into one another, plus one Dark Digivolution for tradition's sake. I was definitely going off vibes and story potential when I made this.
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epicninjedi · 8 years ago
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#Megidramon #DarkDigivolution
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j2miner · 2 years ago
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(Everyone's getting spooky and drawing cows, *Shrugs*)
Fields: Nature Spirts, Nightmare Soldiers. Level:  Prefect/Ultimate. Attribute: Data. Type: Beast Man. Description: An unusual Digimon thought to be a Special version of Minitorusmon, lending to its unusual appearance scientist to theorize that Dragon's Roar Field Data caused the mutation. A joyful Mon who's willing to give anyone a taste of there sizzling Pari Pari club in or out of battle. (There name comes from the Japanese onomatopoeia "Jyuu" which is food Sizzling in a pan while "Pari Pari" is the crunching of food. If they look familiar they are based of of the mascot Beefuru of ProtonJon, PRimeExsplorer, Bmaster4114 & other of the Eggpack comunity over on Twitch & Discord.)
 Fields: Nature Spirts, Wind Guardians, Virus Busters. Level: Prefect /Ultimate. Attribute: Vaccine. Type: Holy Beast. Description: A Holy Beast Digimon said to be apart of a group of powerful Digimon along with Anubusmon and Mummymon who help souls pass to the afterlife. While an unusual week Prefect Level they are considered a powerful ally to any Angle-type Digimon, Her companion's devastating Menes Melter can melt threw even chrome-digizoid. (Her name comes from Hathor, Egyptian Goddess of Fertility, she is mother to Ra and was the previous head God.)
Fields: Dark Area, Metal Empire. Level: Prefect/Ultimate. Attribute: Virus. Type: Demon Beast. Description: An anchet Digimon rumored to serve a High-Angle until thy were defeated by one of the first Humanoid Digimon. Taken and recreated by those Digimon of the Dark Area as a weapon agenst any Virus Busters who seek to stop them, it tramples any who appose it underfoot with its "Authority:Crunch" attack to send them straight to the underworld. (Name comes from Mesopotamian Mythology, Yes they are heavily inspired by the Gugalanna of the Type:Moon/Fate series. The DarkDigivolution of the Three cow-mons I've posted, that is meant to be storm clouds concealing its upper body, I know it looks weird and I should have added some lightening to clear that up.)
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schnickledooger · 4 years ago
schnick the new digimon episode still has me yelling like if '99 taichi had any nightmares about skullgreymon then '20 taichi is about to go Through Some Days
See, I think its a little different in this case. I don't think Tai is gonna remember much. Technically, it wasn't really his fault that his partner went ballistic. I find that fascinating. In 01, it was completely Tai's fault,he kept pushing Agumon and when he finally digivolved it wasnt bc of his Crest, it was due to all Tai's negative and aggressive emotions.
In this case, Tai got hit by miasama, which yes made him lose himself to the anger of seeing TK just devasted by Matt being hurt and he was frustrated as well, we got those red eyes and angry yelling, and Devimon Mega (keep forgetting his name) probably ate him bc he wanted all that negative energy Tai was emitting.
MetalGreymon was echoing his partner's anger at first bc he was probably frustrated as well they couldn't stop this guy, but when he darkdigivolved, I believe that was solely his decision.
Notice when he digivolved, he was smacking him around like a cat with a toy mouse. Like, he didn't want to straight up destroy him, he wanted to TORTURE him.
Like, I am just really intrigued by this development. Bc we always blame the kids for their partners being hurt by their own mistakes: Tai, Takato, Ken, Kari in Tri even.
But here, we get to see the Digimon just make their own decision to cause the enemy pain no matter what, even if they lose themself because of how overwhelmed they are by their emotions. It's sorta a human trait, that possessive nature. The only Digimon you see it manifest in really are the Virus types.
I love Toei is taking a new direction on the whole darkdigivolution. You can say MetalGreymon going beserk was caused partially due to the miasma, but a good chunk of it was losing Tai right in front of his eyes and just going "YOU KILLED HIM, IM GONNA EFF YOU UP AND I DONT CARE HOW I DO IT, YOURE GOING TO PAY!!"
Angemon had to tell him not to let his anger overtake his senses, so even he could tell this was MetalGreymon's own bad decision making.
sorry this was so long, but thats how I interpreted that episode.
And honestly, Tai is unconscious so I doubt he will remember what happened so the trauma for him was just being devoured alive, haha.
Now when Kari joins the gang later on and gets into danger, oh yeah, I can see him making some rash decisions to make sure she's safe. Don't worry, the Tai Angst train is far from over :)
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