#dark cream twins
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 2 years ago
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In recovery.
One of the things that really keeps him going on the really painful days .
Original shattered dream belongs to galacii
Original Dream by jokublog
Based off dark cream @zu-is-here
Thank you guys for all youe support for the final part of the twins story!!
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zu-is-here · 3 years ago
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☆ Happy birthday to Celestial Star and Luna Light! ☆
Dark Cream twins and their alternate Cream version by @help-im-a-gay-fish
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psychomeows · 3 years ago
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Happy Birthday to the Dark Cream Twins!
Ngl I had some major art block with this one. I knew I wanted to draw them but I just couldn't think of a pose or any idea at all. I feel like I could've come up with something more interesting but eh, I do like what I did but, yeah...
I do love drawing them. Not that often I get to draw girls haha. Even though I might be drawing girls more since I have another idea for a ship kid, don't know when I'm gonna make her but I'll get around to it.
Anyway, got off track a little there. Happy Birthday again to these two!
Dark Cream Twins belong to @help-im-a-gay-fish
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orange-dreamzer · 4 years ago
I'm late for their birthday, but I still wanted to do at least something, you know
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Happy Birthday Luna Light and Celestial Star!
The DC(Dark Cream) Twins by @help-im-a-gay-fish
Dark Cream by @zu-is-here
Othr versions under the cut
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Only Luna and Celest
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Only the cake
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Colourless version
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psychomeows · 4 years ago
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The Twins: *Stand there*
Cross and Shattered Dream: *Screaming*
I couldn't decided between owls or cows so I did both. Anyway happy birthday to the twins (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
The Dark Cream Twins belong to @help-im-a-gay-fish
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zu-is-here · 4 years ago
You know I was thinking about the Aim situation again and I just have to say how interesting it really is.
Like you and me for example went in completely different directions but similar themes. Like child carrying and birth not always being such a happy event for everyone. Like for me its shattered and for you it's Cross. Both the similarlys and differences are really interesting.
Like in both it was a 'cruel trick of fate' with Cross ending up being the one who carried and Shattered spawning twins.
But I'm not here to talk about me, I wanna talk about your ideas here.
What strikes me is that this whole things wasn't just due to the physical pregnancy making him feel weak, I think that the shock level would have been a factor here.
Pretty much everyone assumed that Dream would be the biological 'mother' in this situation. They probably went into this believing that, and for a small time afterwards believing that.
So they would have spent alot of time probably getting Dream ready for that reality, they had taken time to prepare for it and get comfortable with the idea.
But then after all that, the magic latched to Cross' soul. I'm pretty sure no one saw that coming.
And consider that perhaps two male skeletons having a child is more something that mostly only happens in the MV and we have this situation.
Cross who was not originally from the multiverse and probably grew up believing that he could only ever father a child.
Then may years and alot of angst later, he's married and him and his love are going to try and make a baby.
Both prepared for Dream to get pregnant, thinking that either Dream was more feminine and there for more likely, or thinking perhaps that they could choose who would carry it?
But after all there trying Dream doesn't get pregnant. Maybe there was a small window of time where they just thought it hadn't worked.
But then Aim is discovered.
It's got to be a huge shock.
Imagen you just wake up one day and realise you are pregnant. And add to that the fact you may not have believed it possible and bingo, it's got to be horrible.
And then the other things sink in.
Because going purely of old fashioned values, which are outdated but still present. The mother is ment to be cared for and protected by the father.
In our modern day that's not true anymore, but it could probably be easy to think about those kind of thing when you are in so much shock and confusion.
Cross, who has always been the protector of the people he cares for in now in the 'weaker' roll.
So instead of the happiness he should feel he's stuck spiralling down with the wrong, but subconscious notion that he's now the weak one. It takes his own strength away and we'll, that's the start of the problem.
I just find this idea to be very interesting. Because it adds a layer to Cross' character.
In my version Cross does have some similar feelings at a lesser extent. Because he becomes the primary care giver to the twins.
But for him its also due to the fact that the twins sickness is something he can't protect them from. That gives him feelings of pre- failure.
In both Dream has got to be left in a tricky position. Because in both he finds it hard to understand everything that is going on.
It really is interesting who one character can have so many things different about them in different versions, but it's still the same character and it still works.
Sorry for rambling but I just had some thoughts that's all.
You just took it all off my tongue. ☆
Cross did get used to certain roles in their relationship and forgot about them being partners. In every way. But Dream knew it, even though he believed in Cross' plan, and he'd have been happy with this news if not for Cross' reaction. Cross himself waited for this more than anyone else, but he didn't expect it to happen this way. It's hard for him to explain, it's hard for Dream to understand, and here comes two parallels of the same characters ♡
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YES. "It's not what we expected but it's what we wanted".
Dream doesn't understand it cause he still doesn't know a lot indeed. In your story (the soul fusion part), it was like a step to a new level of their relationship, not what they both expected and wanted though. Here they both knew about it and deliberately prepared for it, Dream just didn't see anything terrible in such an outcome of events instead of Cross. Vice versa for your twins ;3;
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Oh my— you still remember these ones,,, (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)♡
Same here! I suppose it's more for Dream to "need a partner not a protector" (unless you torture Cross until he's that done? XD)
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 years ago
What if one day the twins meet Aim..?
Oh! That's an interesting one. So I'm not completely sure how aim would feel about it @zu-is-here what are your thoughts on it?
But from the twins point of view they would be very confused. See Celest and Luna are part energy being and therefore identify people's energy before they identify faces.
So to them aim would feel weird, because he would feel like Dada and Papa but not look like Dada and Papa.
Luna would be very curious about it and poke him with her tentical several times. Celest on the other hand would probably start crying if he tried to hold her, because the energy would confuse and scare her.
But I'm sure if they could get past that first meeting they could get along fine, they are technically siblings after all. Maybe Aim can show them his toy octopus (I swear he has one) and the octopus can meet owly and the cow army.
Yeah so that's what I think off the top of my head, I'm not sure how aim would feel.
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 years ago
Hey Frog I have a quick question if you don't mind me asking. (Sorry it is a weird ask to do)
When Shattered noticed he was pregnant, did he noticed he was expecting twins or he just discovered when he gave birth to them?
Hi! Of course I don't mind.
Well shattered never 100% knew he was soul pregnant.
He kind of felt that there was something going on with his soul, but was in denial about what it was. He didn't want to believe it and therefore convinced himself that he wasn't.
When he went into uh 'labor' he didn't know what was going on at first, it was about 3rds of the way through he realised.
He didn't notice that it was twins until cross brought the baby over to him much later, and saw the tiny little energy ball clinging to luna.
I feel like I should explain one thing, the reason it was twins is because after luna had taken form, there was so much excess energy in her that it split off from her and formed celest, which is why she was alittle ball of energy rather then a fully formed baby at first.
Hope that answers your question.
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orange-dreamzer · 4 years ago
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First one with Luna Light
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Second one with Celestial Star
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Boni; ↑
This is for @help-im-a-gay-fish
The Dark Cream twins belong to @help-im-a-gay-fish
Dark Cream belongs to @zu-is-here
Shattered Dream belongs to @galacii-gallery
Dream belongs to @jokublog
Cross belongs to @jakei95
I luv these twins.
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 years ago
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To be continued...... ;)
This is going to be an comic chain collab between me and @kotikaleo. It's based off of this comic that @kotikaleo made me where there oc As found the twins in his void. So this is Cross and Dream finding out the babys are gone. It will make more sense as it's continued.
Dark-Cream by @zu-is-here
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 years ago
Hi Gay fish, how are you ?
Quick question after seeing your post about the twins first words.
Did S!Dream taught "Mooo" on purpose cause he knows that's Cross is afraid of cows ? The same for the way he dressed Luna, did he do it on purpose ?
Have a nice day
Shattered almost definitely taught Luna the word Moo to mess with Cross abit. But it was probably also while playing with the twins and there cows.
The cow army started here
The cow costume came from this post
Though know that Shattered isn't trying to be cruel to his love, he just likes to be a tease.
And in all honesty, I make alot of jokes, but Cross doesn't really mind to much. The cows make his daughters happy so.... Its a sacrifice he's willing to make for them.
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 years ago
Does your S!Dream think that if Cross would have been there when the twins where summoned it would have been better?
Good question Anon.
Well tbh Dream probably wouldn't have a big opinion on it. Because he doesn't like to think about that day.
In some ways, it might have been. It would have definitely made Dream feel safer going through that pain with Cross by his side and it also ment that Cross would have been more aware of the bad state it left Dream in and would have made sure to care for him sooner.
But also you have to remember that neither of them would have known what was going on. So Cross would have most likely gone into some state of panic. Its a probability he might have thought Dream was dying, so as supportive as he would try to be, he wouldn't have been able to stop from feeling panic.
Dream would realised what was going on (because of his previous suspicious) about 2 3rds of the way through it. At that point he probably starts shouting maybe even screaming, trying to explain what is going on to Cross. But it would be really hard to while in so much pain.
Once Cross understands that they are having a baby (even if he is still very very confused about how) he's able to calm himself enough to help Dream with the last part.
The ordeal would have still been very traumatic for Dream and this time round probably Cross as well. So in that regard it mostly wouldn't have been that much easier.
'giving birth' or 'spawning' would never be something that was easy to go into without being prepared or knowing what was happening. The only way it could be better is if that had known Dream was 'pregnant' before hand.
It's definitely a hard thing
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 years ago
Well why didn't cross help him! That's a pretty sucky partner.
Now now now, don't have a go at Cross.
Firstly, Dream is very good at hiding his feelings. So despite how crap Dream felt, it wasn't immediately obvious.
Also look at it all from Cross' point of view. He'd always wanted to have children with his beloved, but he'd come to exsept that he never would. But he comes home and with no warning. Absolutely NO warning, he suddenly has two kids.
Cross goes into a state of slight shock, cuz who wouldn't?
Then after all that, be basically becomes a single father to two children with no time to prepare himself.
Because Dream doesn't help. In fact Shattered starts to act cold and snippy. He pulls away from Cross.
Now Cross knows something is wrong and he wants to help Dream. But he just found out that his two new born, who he has wanted for so many years, are very very sick.
So not only is he adjusting to becoming a new father, but he's also hit with the reality that his children might die, and die very soon at that.
So he has to prioritise them and this causes a rift between Dream and Cross. There relationship breaks down.
It's only after the events of Baby blues that Dream starts to help Cross. It's only after that point, that Cross has enough time and energy to think straight and talk to his lover about everything going on.
The whole thing is very hard for them both.
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 years ago
Traumatic birth?
Well that's an easy one anon. Let me set the scene.
Can you imagine not knowing you were pregnant, (maybe having a tiny suspicion, but not really believing it), can you imagine being in that state?
Now imagine going into labour and giving birth, not knowing you were pregnant in the first place? Especially doing all that while you are completely alone.
Spawning the twins hurt shattered, and it hurt him alot. Imagine going into a sudden and extreme pain out of what would feel like no where. Could you imagine what must have gone through his head.
Now imagine that after all that, you are stuck with two children that you don't want and your partner doesn't even notice how much of a bad state you are in at first, because he's two busy with the kids?
Image hearing about people having children saying that 'it's an instant love' or 'something strate from the start'. But you don't feel that love. You don't feel that feeling that everyone else supposedly feels.
Can you imagine all that anon? Well Shattered doesn't need to imagine it.
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 years ago
Why does shattered have post partum depression? He wasn't pregnant?
Carrying the twins in his soul is his equivalent of pregnancy. And he has some post partum depression because he had a traumatic birth.
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zu-is-here · 4 years ago
So I've been talking to @kotikaleo about that ask comic chain thing that we are gonna do. And I wanted to ask, what do you think cross and Shattered would do when they realise the twins have randomly disappeared? I wanna make sure that I can make it accurate.
You're free to generate their reactions at your own discretion! <3
I think Cross would panic, really, maybe even to the point of despair. (Just watch a video with parents' reaction to their children's disappearance ;-;)
While S!Dream most likely wouldn't be so much panicked as, let's say, worried and confused. (Does this happen after his attempt to ... them?) He has no parental instinct, he can only feel Cross' despair (and this, by the way, brings back some memories...)
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